WAY TOO DEEP! | Subnautica - Part 9 (Full Release)

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Top of the morning to ya ladddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Subnauseous! Right, so its 2:25 a.m. right now. I went working out and exercising and everything at fucking 1:30 a.m. And now I thought I was sitting down on it. And after i did the run I sat down I read the comments on cause episode 6 of this just went up on the channel today that day and I like I'm way ahead- Oh hello Peeper! Aw, he wants in you want in come here come here Come here! There we go he just wants in he wants into the ship Can't fucking drop him can I drop him here? god dammit Fine there you go be free Did he come back? No. I was sitting down I was reading the comments on part 6 and some people are giving me some Fantastic info and some people give me some suggestions and everything and I feel bad Because when I read the suggestions, I'm like oh why didn't I do that yet, and then I'm like two episodes ahead So that's like all the other All the advice and all their feedback and all the tips and everything that people are giving me. I can't utilize them immediately And I'm sorry I know how frustrating it might be to watch some of these episodes and be like, "Jack I told you to do this then" so, the biggest thing that somebody told me that I had no idea even existed because this was never a thing This wasn't a thing before somebody said "Jack. There's a-" thanks, somebody say that there was an upgrade module for the Cyclops in they said it was a fabricator module in the Cyclops in the engine room and at first off I thought it was this and I was like. No that's just a thing this isn't the engine room it's like Oh, maybe they're talking about this where you can access the upgrades Oh no, no. Oh no, no. I'm just an idiot, and didn't realize there's a whole fabricator here for the Cyclops and inside that There is the docking bay repair module that I got a piece of like four episodes ago And never seem to cross my brain again. There's a sonar upgrade, a shield generator and energy efficiency module There's the depth module mark one And I was saying what the fuck do I get that all I have is mark two and mark three Where do we get the first one? Here's the fire suppression system thing that I got here's the decoy tube upgrade. Oh wait That's just an upgrade Cyclops thermal reactor module which I'm assuming is that it's a thermal reactor so the closer I get to heat the more energy I get back I Don't know maybe it still uses Parsons, but this this is what I want a depth module upgrade Hell yes, so I wrote down a little list of things to get the first thing I need to get is some Ruby as you saw in the depth module and some magnetite and Somebody did give me a piece of advice as well saying that magnetite is on God I have the itchiest nose there's like a little hair in here ehhhh stoppp Somebody said magnetite is on the alien base Island, and I did not see any but I think the icon for magnetite has changed. I think it's different From what I remember seeing so what I want to do first off what I want to do is Have you hop out of this Because I haven't named you yet. Oh, please make it. Please make it. Please make it. Please make it Aw no i'm right at the cusp That's the worst place to be When you're at the cusp you can't keep boosting, and you can't keep your footing so you have to fall off It's annoying as dicks. Okay, and just plunk you that Punk you in here. Can I? Okay, now Sally. I know you're all comfy-cozy, but it's time to wake up Sal Time to wake up and go to work Okay, you're going over here because I'm Ah Thanks, I'm bringing you out. We're going over to the island with you, but I haven't named my frickin prawn suit yet My prawn suit used to be called Pepper And you're not color-coordinated either everybody else is out there, and they all have their colors already But you don't have anything you are going to be called prawn suit- Pepper Yeah, because Pepper the prawn suit. You know I liked it Up we go and green, yes, your name is going to be white just so I can see it a bit better Why didn't your name change to white? Whatever interior Oooooh Wait I need I need to figure out where this stripe is I need to color coordinate okay? We're gonna make the interior blue as well Just sort of oh look at that That is fantastic also on my list is the cyclops upgrade one if I get magnetite then I'm able to make the seamoth upgrade two For the depth so I'd be able to go way deeper with the seamoth actually I think the seamoth only goes to like five hundred then which is still good, then I need to get the prawn suit grappling upgrade Which is here so I need An advanced wiring kit in titanium time five. I think I can actually make that now But I'm gonna wait a little bit because I'm not gonna be using- get off my Pepper! I'm not gonna be using the prawn suit just yet Name didn't change color whatever and then after that the seamoth storage upgrades So people are asked me isn't there storage in the seamoth But it's an upgrade module now. I think I think ages and ages ago. It was just a thing that was attached That you could access it anyway, and I could put a bunch of stuff in there But now I think it's just an upgrade module so I need oh yeah, I got stuff Okay, does anybody have titanium? Here we go- one, two, three Is that what I needed, I don't know aerogel you can go in there my little flask Can go over there as well and my benzene And now take care of my benzene my benzene is very good. I forgot I had the world's supply of lithium, diamonds and gold now because of my trip to the fucking Wonka Factory And there's more Jesus Christ. Oh, I have a salt deposit You can never have too many salt deposits, so I wanted to write these things down after taking advice from you guys Thank you. By the way. It's always nice hahahahaha Ha hahaha Oh the little frog legs sticking out- you look like Lucio! But now everythings color-coded I like it But I really appreciate everyone giving me tips because as much as I've played this game And as much as I'm going through it my brain is so focused on the tasks that I want to do at that time That some a lot of stuff classes over my head like I miss PDAs or some that I missed in the Aurora I was swimming across and I missed finding one on the ground because I'm just so Paranoid about my food and my health and all that kind of stuff so Apologies I may eat a nutrient block just so I don't have to deal with that garbage Do I have any water left? No, oh wait wait wait wait wait. I was getting ready to build something right here right now. I needed to build a storage module for Sally Wasn't here I needed lithium I knew that and I just forgot to pick it out Pick it out of your arse people always ask me as well why I give all the the ships names and Well first off if you've watched me for any length of time You know that I give everything names all the time in all my series, I call things by names rather than by the thing just because I love it I love calling things by names because it gives them a character it makes them a character in the game like the Sally feels like a character in the game now because I've called it Sally so much and not just seamoth and Maria is actually like a character And it feels like a small character in a big character and Pepper- Pepper still kind of a new character cause I didn't have the prawn suit as long I Still didn't even- oh I did do the thing what am I fucking doing? I'm so confused It's an actual thing that I have to install Didn't go in but it went in at the same time. What the fuck... It didn't go in cause I dropped it, equip, here we go It's this little thing in the side- right, so for now imma put this shit in here I really should have just disposed of this somewhere else But I want to free up space I want my my actual inventory to be completely full But doesn't it feel like they're characters now And it feels like to have a personality and plus it feels like I'm not just playing the game alone That we actually have Other characters that we can talk to in the game, and as their voices is talked back to me and I dunno it just rounds out the whole experience, it makes it more fun for me And that's what I aim to do in every game that I'm playing is to just make things more fun I can always knock a lot of fun even out of the shittiest a games just because, I don't know I like games I like dicking around. I like having fun by myself I was gonna say something I remember- oh god you guys are all infected even out here now So that's the se- disease, the disease. What was it called? The Kharaa infection or something? (*psst Kharaa Bacteria) We get to know more about that a little later on but I hear ya I hear ya.. so I really should look up what magnetite looks like now. I think this is like a big deposit of it. Oh wait maybe not Naw that's lead Or maybe it's in the caves? I don't know if it's actually on the outside of this Oh, another thing I want to write this down before I forget is a scanner room Cause somebody in the comments said the scanner room is much better in this version of the game I don't know how true that is. I- last time I use it, huh you're just a fucking crap- last time I used a scanner module. It was it was interesting but a lot of that stuff, just kind of wastes time It's the same somebody else gave me the advice after it said in the episode to tame an animal for a pet And I did that before I did it with a stalker, I fed it a bunch of fish And then, the stalker follows you around and it brings Items to your base, and it brings metal to your base everything That's all well and handy, but it just feels like it wastes time What are you? Silver ore- Oh fuck... Did he spawn in? I heard him, where did he spawn in? Not you. There he is Woohoo they make a lot more of a menacing sound now But all that stuff just feels like I can find titanium faster myself, it is a good source of enamel or teeth, to make an enamel glass So in that regard yeah, it might be worth it But otherwise it's like nah I can find that stuff myself a little easier And it's just a pain in the ass to get them because they don't stay tame for long All right, I don't know if magnetite is the thing I get in or out of water, but we should go back looking through the cave anyway Are you getting to night time again? don't do this to me again. Oh shit, there's only six percent in this Right here's what we're gonna do We're gonna unload that battery and then we're going to switch that one and then in the laser cutter, we are going to get this five percent It was six, now it's five cause I need this flashlight I also needed to be daytime, but we can't always get what we wanttt not finding any And I am being like super vigilant with where I look Don't know, I wonder, okay if I Ok, I don't have the materials right now But could I build, like a scanner room just somewhere random Around here and then have that do the work for me if I put like a solar panel on it outside Will that work? There's a diamond. I don't want more diamonds, normally yes, but right now. No, thanks Then the scanner room could just scan for For magnetite and scan for Ruby That'd be pretty fucking neat actually There we go there's some Okay sweet, so I just had to go really far down then beside the island to get some and also a little closer to GrabbyMc-Bitey-Face over here now, okay? He's actually further away than I thought he was All right neat!- ohhhhhhhhh The fucking Warped Tour is down there really One piece of magnetite you're gonna do me like this- aha! two piece magnetite which makes sense because it's on a thermal vent Magnetite magma Magnemite! Pokemon. That's what I'm all about Ok, I don't want lithium and all that shit okay, grin and bear it grin and bear it. Ouch! My bones! And my skin- fuck offff rear, warp, dick. I'm all confused I don't know how much magnetite I need, probably not as which is all this but I'm here I'm grabbing it. It's happening. I'm just happy that I'm finding it Should have known too- this is where I got it the last time isn't it? Shit ton of lithium down here as well. Let's go to- NO! Oh Jesus Christ. Okay that got me Fuck I am out. I am gone! No more of this SHIT Don't laugh at me. Don't laugh at me. It scared you as well don't lie Seek my dick Sorry Sally I don't mean to take it out on you, it's not your fault because I was wondering about the Reaper I was like how much closer am I to him am I am. I pretty close could he get me and there are sudden yeah Whoa be still my babby heart I'm fucking dying, man Yeah roar roar, boo! Righty righty! I think I have all the pieces Thanks I installed the locker and a fabricator here. Just in case I need to start well I want to keep items here that I need for this shit, so I have the plasteel ingots, the magnetite and the enameled glass I might need something else. Oh the actual depth module Okay, well I need to go get that out of Sally I don't think I can get it out of you while you're in the Cyclops so I'm gonna have to gonna have to plop you out for a sec Sally. You're fully charged anyway, so you should be fine Oh wait, I just popped her and then I didn't even take the thing okay No access upgrades, boom! Thanks At least that's one upgrade got It's not the best one because it's still like other things can go further than the seamoth already But it's still an upgrade for Sally, Sally's a big baby now Sally's a big girl. I think she can go to 500 meters Can you go to 20,000 meters now Sally? Is that is that what's happening? Well 500 meters okay, that's still good that means now she can go down as far as Maria can go Which is great cause then I if I can bring her around and then I could just pop her out and go around as well, but Maria might just be for taking out the prawn suit cuz Maria can go down to 500 and then you eject and get the prawn suit out so I'm almost close enough to be able to get the upgrades for the prawn suit the drill arm and the grappling the the two most vital ones basically Grappling I have the benzene, titanium 's easy, advanced wiring kit- ok that's stuff I can get Diamond and titanium, I can make this one right now I have the diamond and the titanium so all I need to get is some is an advanced wiring kit, which is What again? It's a computer chip. Gold and a wiring kit, so I need two silver ore, gold, Copper ore, I might actually have all these things just lying around Which would be fantastic ok I'm gonna keep these things in here. No not you Just for the sake of upgrades except you you're just Yeah, just stay in there It's always nice to have more storage, I knew hoarding all that gold and all that diamond and everything would come in so handy Cause now I didn't even have to go anywhere. I was just able to make all this stuff where I was That's fantastic, ok. Now we should have two upgrades for Pepper Grappling arm Hi diddly ho Aw five titanium, shit, I forgot the both of them needed titanium. I don't think I have that on me do I The most basic of resources and I really just don't have any of it laying around I mean of course I don't why would I? It's not it's not even worth storage to me, but that's what that logic is Usually just find metal salvage laying around the place. God, nighttime just comes in no time I don't like it I'd rather have none of that wait- do I have any titanium? No, which means I need to find two pieces of metal salvage, ok top screen can go way I hate the top screen on the sea glide There's piece anywhere you find those stalker bastards you'll find metal salvage anyway the screen that shows up on the top of the sea glide kind of showing you the topography of the area. I really don't like that display I don't find it useful, and I find it obscuring to my view because especially at nighttime, so it gets in the way of everything I wanna just see what's in front of me. Okay here we go, no, oh you don- OW! How did you bite me and pick it up gimme gimme mine! Haha, you're it! Tag! Don't don't chase me though you have the bite strength of the fucking, of a s-stalker that's gonna, I was gonna say a shark, but it's basically the same fucking thing Especially in this world. It's okay Pepper. I'm here. I have the upgrades that are needed. Now we're making decent progress This is really good getting that magnetite kinda changed everything Even though I could have made these prawn suit upgrades Last episode I guess Just to get it in my head that I have to make them all at once, otherwise they're all kind of useless even though That's stupid That's not how that works What am I doing? Oh, I need one lithium do I not have a lithium on me? Mother of God you both use lithium? It's so much fucking back and forth I also have just an assload of lithium And i'm not using it. Well I am now But it was all these little things that I could have built- wait what could I build in here? Hull reinforcement? I don't want that there's all these little things that I could build but I never did or never went near them because Because I can't do anything immediately Cause even having these is like well cool. I can't really go anywhere though I did not want to get into you But I guess we're fucking here now aren't we? I wanted to just access your upgrades There we go so boom and boom oh cool, they go in the arms, and they can have four other upgrades as well That's nice. Ah look at it So badass give it the one-two punch so the reason I don't use the torpedo arm is because Normally, I just get away from stuff If it's gonna attack me plus, getting the torpedoes means that you have to constantly restock the torpedoes you constantly have to find all the resources for our torpedoes and then put them into the Thing and then you can only carry so many of them, and it's just it's too tedious. I'd rather just run away from things It's much easier But drill arm lets me mine all those deposits, so I can get way more of what I need now I just need to find big chunks of them, so I happen to go everywhere and grappling hook arm is just the most Necessary because let's face it It's fucking amazing it gets you everywhere that's needed plus it helps you get into the Cyclops sometimes Which I'm gonna do I am actually gonna do this right now? My check just to see what I needed for Some other upgrades. I think I need Ruby, but that's the main thing and some of the areas where I can get Ruby I'm gonna need Pepper. Upgrade module two an upgrade module one Okay, I need nickel ore nickel ore is Where do I find nickel ore? Don't tell me that down- I know I find kyanite in the active lava zone or inactive lava zone I don't find nickel there as well do I? Either way I still need more Ruby so I need to go off and find out so Sally you hang tight for a hot minute, I'm gonna bring Sally or Maria down closer to you Thanks I sure fucking hope so, that's the way I left them, okay? Oh, yeah, I love that that's cool wait why do we only have fifty seven percent? Who's been using up all my- energy Okay, let's go forward Need you to line up with with the belly There you go, there you go, there you go Okay cool now. Just get into you and fly you up, but seriously. What's using up all my energy? Does my Power Cell tactic not work anymore? You're at 0% boom Okay wait, what's your energy at now? Is there any way of checking that what I having to go into the cockpit fuck Now your at 73 the hell is using up all my energy I guess I am Using a lot of shit all the time. I did use the fabricator a lot. That's probably a big one and charging this obviously uses some energy from the Cyclops, but you're hoping that it charges faster than it depletes the energy necessary so then when you put it back in you're always kind of at a surplus of energy But also this one was probably using up a lot of energy as well. This is a 38% jeepers Here we go So I might just make a second power cell eventually anyway, so that I always have two here I And just keep going, Oh wait? What did I need for? For this Okay, I need Ruby for that if I could just find a shit-ton Ruby, then I'd be able to upgrade the Cyclops a lot and the Cyclops already goes to 500 so upgrade modules for that will go a long way but Pepper It's your time to shine we are going to some very dangerous places Wait do you have storage? Oh you just have? You just have storage anyway, that's fantastic because we're going you need it I Feel like that got better I feel like the base boosting No, I'm not talking about your doctor beats dre bass boosting. I'm talking about the bass boost thing that's in the In the prawn suit by default now Feels like that's not how that works you're going backwards and what you should be doing It's not how you reverse Anyway whatever I feel like the regular boost in the base Model of the prawn suit like jumping and setting yourself into the air I feel like that's a lot better than it was before Just get some speed going I know you don't need to tell me every single time. Tell me once and then I'll figure it out Blood kelp yeah, we might have to go over into that area Okay when you when you say that then I'll slow it down when you're saying that it's overheating. I don't trust myself then anymore Blood kelp, how deep is the blood kelp? This is all stuff? I used to know but it's like random knowledge from the game. Oh, I like that when you go down. He actually pushes the thing forward and then going up. He pulls it back like a plane That's neat I never noticed that Can we find some reefies? I haven't seen reefbacks this entire episode so far. It's making me sad- HEYYY REEFIES! Somebody said when I say that sounds like hairy fees wait Do it Do it. There we go I think it's just coincidence man that that works See I've done it five times and one out of five it works, so I don't I don't know man How deeper we? 58 meters we're going down in here Speed it up for bit, I have no fucking patience for it This whole area down here is where we're going and I'm hoping there's some Ruby down there. There was blood oil and that's decent but I don't know You also kind of don't want to let your prawn suit out Over a hole because if it goes beyond 900 then you might not be able to pull yourself out of it and then that's fucking bad ok also beware of Reapers Oh woah woah woah there's a big fucking wall in front of us Ok we're at. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I know I know I know I'm very close to a lot of things Oh my god, there's two warpers Oh shit, okay fucking we're doing it pulls a steam, man You churched almost This ecological biome much is seven of the nine preconditions for stimulating terror in humans Thank You Cindy There's no what I want to hear okay? Wait how many how much water is one of these give me plus three? How much water is one of these give me? What's Okay won't pray for me I really just want to get down in here Geez that's a big giant piece of gold oh god no Don't we fucking go into hell oh Okay, I'm hoping my drill arm still acts as kind of fuck Still acts kind of like a semi weapon Okay, just go down. Just go down. Just go down thoughts those bastards. Oh Give me like my legs are fucking shaking I feel like you just need to keep bouncing my feet cuz I hate this Go down to these types of areas is the worst part of this game the best, but the worst part of this game I Love it, but I hate it if somebody had 400 meters good god Forgot how far down you could go Not seeing any Ruby though seeing a lot of you ran a knight is that what that is What are you right-clicking me for Sina can right-click this why they pull it off the wall It never hits it exactly though, whatever Lot of blood oil good off I need more of that Just getting out to collect it it seems like I can collect it Wit the prawn suit, but it's not really working the way it seems to So I'm just gonna fuckin gather. Whatever I can and leave Rosie Rosie I Like that they changed the sound of the warper because now when you hear it Before it just had a sound as a creature, but now when you actually hear that like word You're just all automatically on edge like worth of where the fuck. Where is he? Where is he where do I avoid? Is he here? Oh... Jesus, do I dare? Do I dare? Oh Go-d! Aw, he's right there! I don't like it! I don't like it! There's another one! oh Fuck fuck fuck fuck thiis! Oh, lava zone! What?! Whoa, we're here?! Okay, what the fuck is chasing me, go away. There's the big giant skull of like the really ancient creature I Get fucked piss off Dude I did not even know we were close to this area oh And I can come here oh man, so For any of you who are new to this series who are new to subnautica This is like one of the the later areas in the game This is a place that I'm supposed to be later on because a lot of stuff forward in that direction Is very very useful to us And it's kind of where we're going to have to be to get a lot of this stuff to end the game But this thing right here Is just fucking nuts look at that I'm not a crazy piece shit right there. I Really wish there was a creature that big in the game as big as some of the creatures are in the game I would just love one fucking colossal creature Like one, that's just unfathomable And if you notice these as well these are some of the pipes that we saw before oh There they are Whoo I said in the last of last episode episode 4. I can't remember. I said that there was a creature I hadn't seen yet that make my favorite noise in the game That's them that's them it's the crab squids go away go away go away go away go away go away go away Oh wait, wait wait okay? They make the cooler sound in the whole game, I know I kind of Okay, face through a wall. I know I can t scare them off, but they also send out EMPs that like cripples your electronics They don't need that right now. Oh Man I love this area This is like white fire one of the cooler areas in the game Can't believe we're here already Jesus. I Didn't think I could actually get down here in the piloncillo. You should have fucking do that last episode then Crap I didn't bring any purple tablets with me Could have gone in there got a lot of this technology But that's kind of stuff though. I want to get all at the same time I want to make sure that the upgrades I have I have a lot of them Oh Ruby nice Sweet dude, so I can get Ruby down here That was not my plan my plan was not to come here at all As I said I didn't even think I was this close to this area Because I normally go a different direction they go under the big giant island, and then there's a gap in the Grand reef that brings you into the deep grand reef And then you end up in this kind of area except you come in in an area down to the right down here Super cool fucking love this section of the game And yes, this is one of the later areas in the game towards completion we're still nowhere close to the end I I still have a lot of work left to do to get there But I am just so glad that I'm getting all this freaking Ruby I'm so glad. I have this rebreather as well So I should have brought some beacons with me God dang it We really could have put some stuff down and being like Oh warpgate, and then I'd know where I was going in general oh Yeah, baby look at all this Ruby So as soon as I'm able to build better Cyclops upgrades or prostitute upgrades I'll be able to go way further down because as deep as I am now I'm at 600 meters some of the later area gets to 1200 meters I think so double this and Again if you haven't seen the game Before you are about to see some shit, man. You're about to start seeing okay. This is all hiccupping You're about to start seeing like the coolest section of the whole game you thought the shit we were doing before was cool nah, dude This is where the real fun begins God I love this game Cuz I love these areas where you're on the planet you're on the surface You're swimming around and there's a few caves here and there you're like. Oh, this is cool I've kind of seen what the game has to offer now and then all of a sudden you find like these tiny gaps in the ground and You go into an your neck, huh? this is a bit deeper than I thought it was gonna be and then it just goes fucking deeper and deeper and deeper and then areas that were just underwater with the ground underneath you Now you have underwater with the ground above you with another ground below you and you have this entire Level of the game that's all just within another section of the game, it's fucking bonkers And I eat like anybody who gets to play this game for the very first time Because as of right now. It is 3:30 a.m. But it's technically the 23rd But 23rd is basically tomorrow's so the 23rd is when this game actually comes out fully public release the version I am playing right now goes live tomorrow for everybody to be able to play it's a full game now and Anybody who has never seen anything got to do with this game before and buys it on a whim I? Am so jealous that you get to experience all this shit for the first time See seeing a Reaper Leviathan for the first time Having that like well it happened to me this time having that telepathic message to show up out of nowhere the fact that I know what that is and What it leads to whatever you can see this is where I come in? Kinda ruins the surprise a small bit I was so shocked because I had never seen that before but Man just to see all that stuff for the first time and to see these kind of areas for the first time and to experience the lore and the Because I'm not gonna spoil it here, but there is like I'd say about 60% of the story of the game is in this area Because all the other stuff is kind of leading around and being like huh? I wonder why that is I wonder what was going on here When you get to the alien base, and you kind of figure out some stuff and Then this area has all the answers all the answers to all that stuff is down here Because there's there's more of the alien stuff going on and this is a remnant of that because as you'll notice. It's not just The school isn't just it didn't just die here. It didn't just collapse and fall down and like oh, this is where it lay As you can see there's all these like lights all around it. There's all these like mechanical parts all around it Investigating it Oh, is the crab squid back? Where is he? there he is! you hear that like gluk gluk gluk gluk gluk I wanna hear more of his sounds okay around this section is the first time I've experienced performance issues which I mean, is not that bad because the whole game before used to run kind of like this Okay, I want to get near that dude Where'd he even go? Is he glitching through the walls? Okay, those guys sound cool, too So i'ma head out oh There's another Ruby there shit How many did I get? Okay, I got a lot There he is! That whaaa gluk gluk Gluk gluk when I when I played it the first time and I heard them for the first time You can also look up if you look up subnautica crab squid sound If you look that up, you will come to a soundcloud page for the person who made Some of the sounds for the game and listen to that audio file Man, I just love audio and the audio in this game is really fucking good Sorry I'm going for like the last 10 minutes oh It's just so cool This is not where Maria is But it's the way I kind of know to get back out plus We come across more crab squids, and I kind of want to listen to them It all just kind of leads back to the same areas anyway And this this is why the grapple arm is Incredibly vital because if you don't have the boost jet upgrade then you'd fuckin' pissin' in the wind man you'll get nowhere in this area But this bad boy let's you go faster as well Superman Alright this area, terrifying, Oh balls That's the sound of a crab squid When I when I played it the first time I I likened their audio to the Muto's from Godzilla 2014 Was it 2014? Which by the way Godzilla 2014 not the best movie, but one of the best audio designs in a movie And believe me I fucking love audio so much good audio Is almost better to me than Any other part of a movie or a game if something has just really great audio? Then I can I can usually love something just for that alone So I don't I don't say that lightly Godzilla 2014 go watch it Somewhere in this area unable to confirm. Whether it originated on the Aurora A titanium mass? okay, there's a base over there... last time i went there though, it was covered in crab squids Gro go go go go, so awesome See if we can sit and listen for a second Come on do it make some sounds please Haha Oh there's one, do it again That's so cool. I I have a soft spot for stuff that has like deep bass in it So anything that has like a whooo woo woo whoo who Kind of sound to it, I just So good oh fuck you fuck you I think he might have spotted me Okay, I'm trying to aim for that hole. That's up there Shit, oh, shit. This is bad. This is bad This is bad Okay, they didn't get me they didn't get me they didn't get me that's good Okay, okay, okay, okay? We're gonna latch on here stay here for a sec. We still have boost recharging while we're stuck here. Oh That scared me Because I was afraid that I would start boosting they cut out my power and my thing would just fall and then the warper would Get me That would fucking suck Okay, okay, okay stick to something stick to something Okay, we're out of that area, but that's the Deep grand reef And this is the grand reef Leaves a sparse reef it gets very confusing to try and keep up with the fucking names in this game. I Just know the areas by what they look like and what's in them But we should be able to get back to Maria pretty easily from here well It'll take us some time because this thing is slow as molasses There's all the way over there Jesus That was one hell of an experience we're gonna do that plenty plenty more times in this game, but You never forget your first time Maria Maria I'm coming home. I'm coming home to Maria and I am coming home. Oh Finally back in safe arms. Oh, I like the little clothes strip on the top. That's very cute Maria did you get it upgrade while I was gone Thanks Maria we love you Uh Hawaii wait did that happen when I hit the horn. This is the music that played before isn't it? Yep, yep, yep, yep, that's like blood kelp music hear that like gurgling sound Okay Weird where's your hatch there? You go nice and easy from Clairol there we go Get pepper back up in this bitch, and we're heading home. Hey best friends. We're back Did you miss us we missed you a lot, it was terrifying out there we almost died Several times we're back, and we're loving life who is a message This is life. Pod, two coordinates attached. We're way past our safe depth and bleeding o2 we'll have to swim for the surface But it's 500 meters straight up We'll make for the rendezvous and keep you posted out signal location uploaded to PDA Oh Seeker fluid intake. Are you and your fucking fluid intake I feel like Feel like I've been at Life pod, too, I Say that for every life pot. I'm always that So with the Ruby as well now where did I put them here? Ruby is not only good for The the upgrades that I want to get ruby is also used to make aerogel and With some aerogel. I will hopefully be able to make a water filtration system So I need for it I Know I'm in desperate need of water right now. I'll get their water filtration machine copper wire and titanium. I only want aerogel fantastic Okay, but first I'm dying, so let's take care of that wait a minute My able to do this already Yeah Sally got her third upgrade No way Ida plasteel ingot leftover. I mean I still have to make more but Sally can now go that far Sally can go as far as we just were and further Than the prawns ooh Well, she ignored the same depth as the prawn see, but we only got to like 600 meters there I'm hoping to make some pretty substantial upgrades right now I firmed a lot enough for what should be three more upgrades for stuff Which a lot of upgrades ok we're going to dismantle her aquarium. I had to take my little dudes out I Couldn't I couldn't take them anymore Because I want to put something on the outside of this which is a scanner room Can I yes? Would you need a table coral sample to make a scanner room Oh get that okay? That's number one number two was Something else that I need to get in here for That hopefully I can build okay kitty you're gonna have to come down okay, my water filtration is coming in here. Oh Finally Yes, I forget what you put into this salt I Know I have to figure that out in a little bit So that's cool, and we have our scanner room here and also one last upgrade Which involves our girl Maria over here? And I should be able to give her the depth module mark one Which I'm hoping goes a long way. I don't have one of those do I Know that's the energy efficiency module. Okay, cool cool cool cool cool Yeah Jesus Christ, this is a lot of progress the amount of stuff. I've done in this episode is crazy Boom no she everything goes to 900 meters now Hallelujah Baba, Guiche Okay, and then what do I need for the rest of her then? Cyclops Doesn't say Why can't I see I want to go out back out here, but I free up a bunch of my inventory hey Yep, my inventory was full I'm gonna go out here into the moon pool for a second and see Can I build upgrades for the Cyclops here Okay, so I need nickel ore for that and then any kyanite for that one Kyanite, it's gonna be have to have to be gotten where we were but I'm gonna leave this episode here Jesus that was a lot of progress Thank God the last episode was a bit of a stop-start all over the place kind of session, and we got some upgrades But this one was just gangbusters nice back You want to get into getting a little buddy? So we got what did we do we got a bunch of upgrades all our stuff is way more upgraded now Which I'm very very happy about and it all started with that magnetite And you guys got to see they Was the ticket what's the name of that The Lost River Is that the name of that area we were? Before the lava zone is that the place with the Giants cool. You got to see that place? You got to see the deep grand reef. You got to see the crab squids which I love We put an upgrade in Sally we put some upgrades in Pepper We actually took pepper out for a run got very very far. We have some upgrades in Maria now as well Jesus hallelujah Things are about to start kicking off now again we can actually just go full force ahead again with more upgrades and Another part of my upgrade plan is to start moving this whole entire base to a different location so Ideally what I want to end up doing is having my base Down near that really deep area because but what I have to start doing then is making a thermal generator, which Do I not have it I Might not have it yet. I thought I'd eat Whatever would figure that out, I do need a thermal generator at some point and then you connect all the power nodes and The lavas on then we'll give the energy for that place that I need or I could just make a bioreactor Either way because if I have a farm and a bioreactor. I basically have endless power it's just nice here because you have the Solar panel I've talked enough this is long ass episode, but thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like like a boss! And high-fives all round But thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes.. in the next video! That made me happy that episode invigorated me it is now 4 a.m.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,279,856
Rating: 4.9571247 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, Aurora, laser gun, cyclops, maria, submarine, cyclops fragments, cyclops parts, reaper leviathan
Id: yx06O2L2OP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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