I CURED THE DISEASE | Subnautica - Part 14 (Full Release)

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*WAPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is Jacksecpticeye, and welcome back to Subnautica! Look at this thing! I, I, I drill down all the ion cubes that were in this because they said it was an ion fabricator So I want to see if it will build more I got three out of it and now it's actually just beaming down from above and creating new ion cubes That's sweet. I like that. Ummm We have to go out through one of these Oh God, which ? Oh, this is the problem. I went out through one of these warp gates and I can't remember which one and my like my beacon is in this side of the thing It's the other side so I don't know where my beacon actually is until I go out through it. Fwuuuuuck It's lwaaarge OK, well we'll just gamble on this one What's behind door number green blast ? I also need to, keep in mind of looking my health, my water, and my food they are almost all identical, I almost have triplets. Please be the one. Is this the one ? I need to get to the Mushroom Forest will be. Yeah, we made it. I was gonna go out here on my own. cause Lord knows Pepper is slow as molasses but I, I need to charge her up. I need to bring her back to Henry and charge her up. Hello little Beacon, little willy Beacon, Thank You. Thanks for guiding me. That's a lot of, That's a lot of Lithium right there. That's a lot of Drillithium Um, where's Henry ? Henry, my boy. I, It occurred to me as well that not everyone might know why I call him Henry. He's Henry like, Henry the hoover. You've ever seen the vacuums that have like the little faces on them ? They're called Henry They're like a really big deal over here. Um, but I, I realize that in other places there might not be as big a deal. So, that's why I call him that, cause he looks like that. and also God I didn't even realize in one of the previous episodes I think it's part 11 or something I had the crystalline Sulfur that I needed I had some in the back of Pepper and apparently I looked at it and everything and still didn't even realize I had it, so. I have the fluid. So, my bad. Sometimes I miss stuff. In the middle of like the rush of everything and just trying to progress and, keeping everything in mind So, some stuff just flies past my face flies past my face and I can't see it anymore because I don't have my eyeballs in. [ Jack Laughs : D ] I like you don't even say like nutrition or anything. It's just like " no you need calories ". God it's gonna take us fuckin' forever to get back here. Urrrrgh, Pepper you're so slooow Even if I had the jumpjet upgrade it wouldn't help all that much So... I'm probably gonna have to spend a little while back, here like just making some stuff, crafting some stuff gettin' some stuff in order I don't wanna bog this down with that though I don't wanna stay here for too long so I might just do a bunch of the farming myself 'cause I, I want the game to progress and I want to do all the cool shit and see the cool stuff like the Sea Emperor! I'm gonna do that in this episode t-that's the plan I won't finish what she wants me to do but i'll at least see her Oh, Hi! You wanna come near me? Come on, come on! Run into my face! Yeaah! Fuck you! I'll grind you'r teeth into nothing! Shithead Look at him goin' away like "Ow, ow, he hurt me." Yeah that's what it feels like Another thing people were telling me on Mass last time was to feed a Peeper to a Reaper While I love the sound of that and that's adorable They said that if you feed a Peeper to a Reaper, he kinda leaves you alone for a little bit But, why? Why would I even want to do that? T, To feed a Peeper to a Reaper means that I actively go after one Where I can just avoid them, why would I want to do that? Well Besides it just being a cool thing you can do, but I'm on a freakin' mission here man Uh-oh (Chuckle) So That's the kind of stuff that i'll do later on Like miscellaneous things that I'll, I'll try out afterwards Right now, No! I'm on a mission I'm here to see a freakin' Sea Emporero and get off this frickin' planet! Uhm Awh, my fucking vehicle bay isn't here have to build another one of those now cause i'ma dumb Uhmm (Whispers) Where were youuu Computer chip and copper wire Should be able to just get the stuff Together For that Oh Hey! It's a good idea I kept my farm here What am I full of? Shit Vital signs stabilizing Uh, plant you and, eat you Oh! I didn't mean to plant you Shit! Wrong one! Oh well, we'll have two of those trees now The fucking- They have a PMA!!! The sea emperor babies have their Positive Mental Attitude!!! Oh Yes! Okay what now? What do I do? Hi Is it going to secrete the enzyme or something? Do I have to wait for something else? I dont know Oh there they are! Oh! They weren't all born! Now they are! I hatched all your children! all- - five of them Can something happen now? *baby makes a noise* *Jack gasps* YES! awwwwwww Its so cute A-a any, thanks or anything? No! She's dying! Oh no she's gonna die! So she was just staying alive all this time to keep them ready to go That's so sad yeah- but about my enzyme though? a- about the enzyme? k, okay I'm not reading that right now Whoa, you're scary oh you're cool So your babies went through here? *gasp* What's this? Refined enzyme 42! I GOT IT!!! ew oh? I'm cured! I think? Optimal health I got an achievement! WE FUCKING DID IT HELL YEAH HOLY SHIT oh this enzyme 42's everywhere okay okay I'm going up to get Pepper and we're going through this warp gate together wait! Self scan. self scan FUCK YEAH FIRST TIME I'VE EVER DONE THAT FIRST TIME WE'VE ACTUALLY BEEN CURED arg that's awesome!!! Poor sea emperor though would- wouldn't she be a sea empress I dont know But I wanna follow her children I wanna see where they go And I also dont wanna go through it on my own Just incase I don't come back So- so I wanna bring Pepper with me Okay, Sea Emperor, don't be scared. This is my Pepper Hearing weird sounds It's my Pepper. She won't harm you Oh it's just the music kicking up We love you though I wonder, will she just stay like that until the end of the game? Like if I actually, finally leave I don't know it's sad She did all she could for her babies we respect you! okay lets head out Wonder if you can actually see them swimming around out there or are they just like... gone? They're heading for the shallows though Which is back where Henry is well it's the "safe shallows" yaaaaay!!! Oh they're right besides the alien facility And they just keep spittin out bits and pieces of it YAAAAAAAY!!!! WE DID IT! WE SAVED THE PLANET LITERALLY the enzyme now will spread there's 5 new emperors going around they're gonna keep spitting out the enzyme and its gonna spread and its gonna heal everything thats in the land We did it everybody!!! Look at Sally in here waiting for us okay we're not done yet I wanna see what happens When I heal myself aaaaah okay make it aw fuck really? really? okay. Go down to the bottom then this is the area where you can go down and stab yourself and then you can turn off the defenses oh my god, i've never done this This has never been a thing in the game until now well maybe some people broke the game and did it but I've never done it So excited!!!!! I dont wanna leave it till the next episode since we came out of the warp gate right there Here we go I'm clean euh ow *laughs* It powered down woah That's the sound it made when the Sunbeam was coming in and the gun was warming up to destroy shit ow What happened?! did I just shut the whole place down k, I'm gonna go out in Sally I missed ya Sal um I'm not gonna use Pepper again for a second Are these little dudes not swimming around anymore? Nooo! they vanished They just had enough enzymes When they come out here they just start spewing emzek- ENZYMES everywhere for the play to be like "oh i need to grab those. Okay" And then once you do it, and disable the defenses... They're just gone... So does, So does that mean the Warpers are gone now as well? Oh my gawd. PROGRESS!! NEW TERRITORY!! STUFF I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!! THIS IS CRAZY! IT POWERED THE WHOLE THING DOWN Its not even aiming up anymore! Woooaaaaahh That's BADASS AAW... After so many hours and hours and hours of playing this game... We finally get to see... What CURING yourself looks like! What finishing the Sea Emperor's quest feels like... MAN... We are NOT done yet though. I AM gonna leave this episode here I wanted to end on that, cause that was SO COOL! but we do have a ways to do yet because I do need to get the rest of my pieces for my rocket ship Right now i have the blueprint to be able to build the base but i dont actually have the materials and i dont have the blueprints to build the next section So, we're not done yet that is not the end of Subnautica just yet but that is basically the end of... Our struggle. Our struggle to survive and our struggle to cure the place and fix the planet is now done. And now the world here can go back to being itself again. The enzyme can spread The emperors can spread And the infection can be cured Awesome! Anyway Thank you guys, so much, for watching this episode If you liked it PUNCH THE LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIIIKE A BOSS and high fives all around *whapoosh* *whapoosh* but thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes in the next video!!! but now all my other stuff is down at the bottom of the lava zone
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,209,418
Rating: 4.9639878 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, Aurora, laser gun, cyclops, sea dragon, containment facility, sea emperor
Id: owrjf9L_kIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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