SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!! | Subnautica - Part 3 (Full Release)

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Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to Subnautious! Woah, that mountain looked - the thing over here looks WAAY closer when you go to the side. Jyeesus! I thought you were right beside me, but you're not! Erm, so first things first before we can go in our Sally, Uh, I do have to name you after a while, but don't I need the-- The moon pool thing to be able to do that? Can't remember, but I have some messages that I need, need to do and also I have some feet. Hey whats up! Come in! [Radio: Playing pre-recorded distress call...] Jack: Thanks. [Radio: This is officer Keen in life pod 19, the captain is gone. Radio: I have assumed command. The last thing the captain did was give me coordinates for dry land] Jack: Aha! [Radio: "We regroup at one and a half kilometers south-west of the crash-site.] [Radio: Stay together and good luck.] [Radio: This message will now repeat." ] Jack: Oh, please don't. [Cindy: "rendezvous coordinates corrupted transmission origin coordinates downloaded"] Jack: Okay, then I'll just- [Cindy: Signal location uploaded to PDA] Jack: Can you stop? Then I'll just go there. It's over... Wait isn't it over behind me? Yeah. Lifepod nineteen, cuz they're just talking about the, the landmass that's over there. The mountain that I already talked about. You know why? 'cause I'm th-the king of Subnautica, I'm the best! Not really. Umm I need to get some bladay fish (Bladderfish) before I can head off because I'm gonna die of thirst. That's a creepvine seed cluster that I left there, that'll come in handy later on when I don't care. Erm.. Wait, why would I use this fuckin' grav thing? Hold on a minute, go-go-gadget grav-ball! Bladder fish! I choose you! Uh, you didn't catch the bladder fish. You catch limestone deposits though, that's pretty fucking cool. I didn't know you did that, okay? I'mma just grab all you- I'm, I'mma gonna just grab all you. Hey, It's a new one, it's a Hoopfish! That's a fish that loves to play basketball. He gets mad ups. 'Kay, I got my bladder fish. Got A bladder fish. Okay. You guys can go, wait! Bladder fish! C'mere! I got him I got him everyone calm down. I got him. It's fine. I need to go make some water and some food because I'm a hungry baby boy And before I head off, I need to do this. Cuz when it comes to long journeys, you gotta be prepared you gotta get your water, you gotta get your food. You gotta get your nutrients, otherwise you're going out there in an empty belly belly. Now, that's not good for anybody If I cure you though... "Seek fluid intake" (Cindy) Seek? Seek my ASS. Okay? Did ya ever think about that? No you didn't. You guys reduce O2 *gasp* BUT THAt increases Did I just eat both of my fish? Ooh, what happened your hand? I just ate both my fish like a dumb. That was stupid. Oh well. Into da ocean I go. Sally! Jack: Hi, Sally! [Sally: Welcome aboard captain.] Welcome aboard me. All right, we're heading off. Go away farty boys! They're like far--they're like the party boys, but smelly. I wanna--I wanna to go over here and we have to get this thing It's good to just check out all the life pods anyway. Maybe THIS is the one that is near the wreck. I believe it this time. I think I'm right on this one. Last one? I was wrong, but it does get me towards that other place, over there, the cave system. Which, I'll be able to go down eventually... In my... seamoth- Wait, what's the maximum crushing depth for this? 200! Okay, It says it at the top. That's kind of cool It shows you where you are and the max Nice! Put a little smile-o on my face :) Okay, we'll hop out at this one, because there should be some schematics around 'Kay this is for the bioreactor, that's good. I need dis, dis I need dis me! Dis good. Yes! [Cindy: "New blueprint acquired"] Jack: Mmm, nothing, nothing! ooooOOOHOOOO-OO-HOO I hear ya baby! Erm.. Nothing... fuckin' NOTHING.. Are you- Oh Scanner room fragment, I needed one of those... *Weird face Jackaboy* Ah! crap, I need another one. Hey! Reefies! How ya doin'? Long time no smell. Yay! Here's the last one :D And... BADOINK! Okay, cool, got it. [Cindy: "New blueprint acquired"] Metal salvage? I can get you any fucking time, anywhere. Can I get any of this? No. Alright, we are deep down now! *Reefback noises echoing in distance* Ohhh, we're in the ocean now! *Jack mimicking Reefbacks' noises* Just talking to my dolphin buddies. Jack: (imitating Sally) "Welcome aboard captain" Yeah, y-you're missing that this time. Why-why there is no welcome aboard? S'fine I don't need it, :( It's cool. I wish I had a lot more beacons. That's a seamoth fragment, isn't it? Yeaah. That-wait wait wait wait wait, get out again. That's cool-lookin'! Sally in the front, the reefbacks in the back! *Smiley Jackaboi* Whooooooa. If ANY game could give erections... It would be this one. Actually-many games, there's lots of games I played that give me erections Shadow of the Colossus... Bloodborne... Dark Souls...DUUUDE, they're releasin--re-releasing Dark Souls, for the Switch! I'm so goddamn happy about that. I can poop and prepare to die at the same time! (What??) Prepare to poop! I'll make a series like that! Just p-play Dark Souls on the toilet and call it "Prepare to Poop". *Lolz* Oh, shit. You're deeper than my crushing distance aren't you... Okay, there's some stuff over here though as well. Dammit, man. A lot of shit over here. What are you for? *Boom* Vehicle upgrade console! Hell yeah! Thermal plant! Wait, thermal plant's pointless for me. I mean, it's good to have... later on, I'm gonna need it but... It's only around like the thermal vents that I'll be able to place it where I am... ...currently. And that's not that good. Okay, anything else...? Ooh! What are you? A second one! Dude, I am getting soooo many... fragments. *Gasp* yes!! Prawn suit parts! I don't get most of the prawn suit stuff, until I... go to the Aurora... so that's gonna be on our mission list as well. Keep that in mind, keep that in the back of the head-o. What are you, Thermal plant? Yeaaah. There's all the parts! Also, re-Oh wait! I had all the parts! ...nice! Also, Rebreather...v-very very handy. [Cindy: "Biodiversity in this region is unusually low. Cause: unknown."] Whaaat...? *Boom* ...oh HELLL YEAHH. [Cindy: "New blueprint acquired."] Do you have... ANY idea how long it took me to get these things when I played it before??... Whoa, wHoA, what's down here?? WHOA. Okay, Sally come here for a second. I need-I need air... Shit, I only have 12 percent left in this thing [Sally:"WARNING, maximum depth reached. HULL DAMAGE IMMINENT!"] Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay? Okay? I'm backing up. I'm backing up, I'M BACKING UP!!!! Wait, I got all the thermal plant parts. Where did I fucking see that thing?? Is it over here?...yeaah. whAT DIS??? What the hell?? Scan it... Alien vent! These are new. "These vents connect to an ancient piping network that extends beyond maximum scannable depth, the pumping system is still functional. The inflow vent is drawing water from the surrounding area and pumping it into the unknown location below the surface." *fFFFF* "Most creatures are avoiding the vents. Assesment: Further research required." Oooooh cool! Neato! Whoa, that's fucking scary, look at that! Are those the lights for my Sally? Duuuude, that's awesome. What are you? *Click* A RUBY?? ... What the hell do you use rubies for??? This is brand new information! I'mma collect a bunch of them! Oh wait, this is THAT area. Ohhhh, oh, I fucking HATE this area! I hate every area! They scare me. *Underwater bubbles* ...Okay. [Cindy: *boop boop* "Thirty seconds"] Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh crap, I've only 4% power left in this thing. I, NEED to get... More beacons cuz I need to start putting down. Oh shit. You're all the way over there. I need to start putting down beacons for where these places are. Shouldn't be that hard to find it again, right? Oh god, OH. "Warning maximum depth"-oh god.-"reached" yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah *BAM* AH! SHI- stop stop stop stop stop... Okay, we've got to go down into the ARSE end of nowhere. Imma shine some lights down so I have... Okay, this rebreather is the thing that's keeping me... Alive, right now. Because I wouldn't be able to make these trips... Without it. Cuz I'm so deep down... *sh-plonk* Okay, let's see if we can hear this. I'm not gonna talk so, Robin you can boost the audio so we can listen to this "CAPTAIN: Keen! This is Aurora, come in! KEEN: This is Keen, lifepod detached okay, planetfall in 30 seconds! CAPTAIN: The computer has identified a landmass at the attached coordinates! I want you to regroup the crew there! KEEN: Understood, but- CAPTAIN: They are your responsibility now, don't let them down! KEEN: Captain, you need to evacuate! CAPTAIN: Negative, you'll need the ship in one piece if you're going to contact HQ on the long range. I'm attempting...a controlled descent." "KEEN: CAPTAIN?!" Ooh, that sounded cool Damn Okay, so what did I get? I got a thing for-- advanced air supply or like an extra air supply-- thing. This is-- awesome, man! This game has come so many leaps and bounds! Uuuuh, Seamoth, seamoth depth module mark 3 and mark 2 Ultra high capacity air tank. Ah, I need lithium, fuck. Wait, I'm making-I'm making a trip to... I'm making a trip to the island...anyway, back from where Henry is. Oh my god where am I? Oh god, that was scary I could not see a thing. Oh, I'm getting that- Oh there it is! That's the-that's the island I'm getting that uneasy feeling again. Ah! There's uh- aw, I wanted to try to jump the reef back, cuz when I come out at the water, I can get some air Like that, that's not enough t-to go pass him. Hi, buddy! How's it going? Good, glad to hear it! Hoo, okay, uh. One second, I'm gonna repair Gonna repair Sally here real quick And get back in. Nice, woo. Those dark depths, no matter how often I played this game, are gonna terrify me because there's just so much unknown going on. It's so pretty It's also crazy that I still have so much like gusto for this game Even after playing it so often Do I have all these parts? I think I do yeah? Because it's like, it never ceases to amaze me the type of game that this is a game like this has never really been done before this either. Nobody's, nobody's done a game. That's all underwater Because most games that are, that have underwater seg-segments are a fucking nightmare. *Runs into fish* Oh, sorry little buddy Cuz underwater segments are just a pain in the ass to do because it takes up so many, uh, game resources Oh shit yeah, I don't have anything Oooh, I have all these I'm not scanning them cause all they're gonna give me is a shit ton of titanium. I don't wanna bog down my inventory with that. Alright, let's head back. What say we make a little trip over to an island, huh? Let's say we head over this direction and head over to our island buddy. Now, we need to be careful because we could end up getting trapped by a--or warper. *clears throat* Reaper is also a a factor, but that guy's dwelling like deep down... So, I have to go down further to get to him, so that shouldn't be THAT much of a problem But, the warper hangs around the area that I kind of need to go to... and... before he was never able to warp you...in the seamoth But I think that that was just a thing that wasn't implemented properly, so now he might be able to warp me and I don't want that to happen. I don't think he'd warped me that far, but just in case. Ooooh, I probably should have made a battery... For my Seaglide Shit. I hear you, shut up, go back to eat metal. 'Kay, we should be coming up on it soon Yep *lolz* "Should be coming up on it soon", THERE SHE BLOWS! Alright, I need to be careful because I don't know if anything else has been added... Oh, I hear the Reaper. I hear him already. Normally there's a warper around this side... Can you hear him? The Reaper, that is. (ok Yoda) See this is the thing, I know where everything is, I'm still scared. I just want to see him. Famous last words. Keep your peepers peepled (peeled?). Every fucking like, little movement, I think is him Reaper??? Ah! There he is! What a cute boy. God, he looks so small in the distance All right, we here. Hey, just stay down there shut up. All right, what are these things are you-- "Detecting massive energy signature in the region. Cannot identify." (Cindy) Yeah, I know what it is, it's a big fucking gun. Yeah, let's get out and explore the island...just a tad. Ah, oh you guys, can you like, uh! d'oh! Fuck! Jesus, I don't like you Stop it 'Kay, I'm not even gonna message him just leavin'. Hello island! Missed ya! Ah, there we go a purple tablet. That goes in down here, didn't it? Um, um ah-fuck. I'm not here to do all this stuff yet I'm here to-Can I scan this? Yeah. I'm here to just grab some, some diamonds and stuff. There you go. I mean we can go in the first door. "Scans indicate this structure is composed of a metal alloy with unprecedented integrity" Integrity "No matches found in database. Performing structural analysis." (Cindy) Okay, I myself scan myself again just to see..."Self scan complete, foreign bacterial count has reached statistically significant levels, no adverse effects detected, be vigilant for symptoms." (Cindy) Uh oh, I'm starting to get affected by it just by being on the planet and in the water. "Unknown language. Attempting translation." (Cindy) Yes, please Ah, discovered inside an alien facility it was not possible to translate any useful information. However, scans have returned some information on the device itself. It is likely a solid-state computer, although there is no clear way to interface with it, on approach it began producing a low-frequency radio wave containing complex, but recognizable data patterns. It is likely the alien species which designed this technology evolved or genetically selected sensory apparatus to hear and understand the information being broadcast by the device and to communicate back. The mental processing power required to perform this kind of telepathy would imply the designers were considerably more psychologically developed than the common human. Further research required. Yeah, and we know that they were able to harness that power and put it into like warpers and then warp technology and all this kinda shit. Cool, I got me-self a block. What was in this base? What was at the end of all this area I can't remember But hey! We're back and we're discovering stuff again! "Unknown language. Attempting translation." (Cindy) The fuck is going on in front of me? "Your best probability of Interfacing with this facility is achieved by accessing the control room in the lower section." (Cindy) Yah. Enforcement platform schematic. This data set appears to be a multi-dimensional schematic of some kind. By mapping the pattern to three-dimensional space it is possible to gather a basic understanding of this facility's inner workings. Yeah, that's how that works The facilities unknown construction material is identified as an ultra hard, non-reactive metal amalgam synthesized from off-world materials. There is no indication that it can be damaged or destroyed by available means. The schematic indicates the facility was to be powered by a separate, self sustaining power plant, located elsewhere on the planet. The location is not listed, but there is evidence the designers intended to harness the planet's natural thermal energy. So that's the one that, that all the ones that are deep down In the area that I went past t-the crab squids and you get into the active lava zone. That's, that's all this stuff. They're like, they have facilities there, that're just huge thermal plants. The facility consists of the upper engineering section where this schematic was found in the control room which is accessed via a security sealed elevator shaft or a separate underwater moon pool. The control room in the lower section houses the only known way to interface with the facility, however the schematic does not detail the operation procedure our installed security measures. Oh yeah, we go down in this. Wee! *shook noises* Man that make you vomit up your shit Ah hah! Yes indeedy Oh yeah, it just comes out there. Now I remember. What else you got? Show me what you got. Yes, more ion crystals. Need dem. Okay, we go here before we go up. Oh, I got messages Hmm, it would seem it time-a portal. What are you telling me I can scan? I walked past something and the scanner showed up. Oh wait, wrong one. Oh, just the whole thing, Jesus. This structures intended purpose is unclear. Theories on function: ceremonial or religious role...jus- we know what it does. It's a teleportation hole. It's not active right now, is it? No. But you're normally able to put ion cubes in these and travel somewhere, but...maybe this one is dysfunctional. Time to head up Ooo, oo, oooOO Whoa! An alien rifle?! Wasn't this in a much different area before? *old man jacksepticeye* wHOAaa That's badass! Strong resemblance to human weaponry inform this device must have been designed with a humanite user in mind Whether the aliens that built the structure with themselves humanoid or otherwise employed the use of humanoids is unclear. What is clear is that they consider defending this facility a necessary precaution. There's no obvious way to remove the rifle from the case Can we scan it and reverse-engineer it? Thought that's what you're gonna. Tell me that I was getting like a part of it, and then I could make it oh Oo! Thanks! Wow, another purple uh--tablet So this whole place as we know eventually-Oh God-eventually ends up shooting down our Sunbeam that's coming to save us. The fuck is this thing? Looks like a doomsday device that Professor Farnsworth has. iT IS A DOOMSDAY DEVICE *laughs* I was only fuckin' messin' Scans indicate this device contains enough potential energy to destroy the entire planet along with most of the solar system fortunately it has malfunctioned. That is not a thing you want to hear with a- a doomsday device. Oh my god that has to be some kind of fucking reference or something, that was too perfect. "Scans indicate the facility's control room, lies beyond this doorway." Wait, I wasn't able to get all those materials and tablets and all that stuff before, was I? Just by going through the area once? Maybe they restructured how everything works. Oh god what am I gonna do? AHh he's gonna stab me! He's gonna stab me, watch out! AAAAh "The control panel is broadcasting a message. Translation reads: warning infected individuals may not disable the weapon. This planet is under quarantine." (Cindy) I get it, so the only way to stop... Th-the gun shooting down the Aurora... "Translating background broadcast. Downloading summary to databank." (Cindy) Is there any way to stop it shooting down the- the Sunbeam from coming down is if I find the cure already, but I don't think you can actually do that first. Intercepted background data regarding further alien facilities elsewhere on the planet. Death 800 meters, blah blah blah. We know all these ones. The disease research facility. Cave system with extensive fossil record Because I've been to all of these, but I can't remember which ones were which? I know the prison, is the last one. The thermal plant I think is the one on the right when you go into that cave system. Then you go down further into the BIG lava zone where the fucking dragon is. The event of an outbreak quarantine procedures will be automatically enforced. Yeah, so the whole story for this game is that they were working on something... And an outbreak occurred and a disease spread, and they were trying to figure out how they stop it And then they had safety precautions. I think that put the planet into quarantine and all these facilities kind of shut down, and they either left or died. I was never really too keyed and what exactly happened, because everything was kind of just, intermittent information, passed down. But, they also had the-the the Sea Emperor The telepathic creature, that's down below in the very last facility. They had them and Were trying to figure out how to utilize their blood to fix everything, I think. They also had their babies And they weren't allowed let out all this kind of stuff So I need to get there and I need to synthesize a cure for myself from that facility And then I can come back here and do something and that's how you end up launching the rocket to leave the planet Is by figuring all that out and then you're able to just go. I'm heading out this way Okay, well. We explored way further into this than I expected to. I didn't intend on coming in here at all I just wanted to get to the island to get some diamonds and stuff, but I Liked the first time I discovered these areas, cause when the game came out I don't think the developers had all this stuff in mind, all this story element or maybe they did, But there was no indication of it ANYWHERE When the game very first came out cuz I-I was one of the the earlier youtubers to play the game when it came out in early access and then All it was was a game about being on a planet -that's cool- Being on a planet with alien creatures, and the whole planet was kind of water and stuff But there was no indication of any sort of story or any sort of way of Getting off the planet or any idea of why these creatures were here Or what the hell was going on nothing like that? It was just a game where you explored and then they started trickling in all this other stuff Which I think was such a good idea, and they they handled it so very very well Because it had a lot of cool intrigue to the game And plus, I just love aliens, I love technology, I love teleporting, I love all that kind of shit, So, I'm going out the other side 'cause I think that that's where I first- Well I'm going on the other side mainly to get away from him, also, I think that's where I got my most diamonds and shit before. and then, down there is the moon pool that I was just at If you've watched me play Subnautica before, this is all What was that? What was that? Oh the warper! He has a different sound, that was awesome. He sounded so mechanical Okay, I'm getting away from him. I really don't like him. Okay, I just want elements, please there we go "Remember that materials you gather are the property of the Alterra Corporation" (Cindy) sHUT UP "You will be liable to reimburse the full market price. Your current bill stands at 3 million credits." Fucks sake. *laughs* Not that you have a humor setting Um, but yeah, I was right the diamonds are all around this island. Really wish my seaglide had some batteries in it. What is this? What are you? *gASP* Yes! Cyclops fragments! OOOOO baby! Shit's gonna get real fun if I-if I'm able to build one of them. Blue Pom, Cave bush! Yeah, I don't want to scan every single little thing... ooh purple tablet.. Purple tablet, purple tablet, okay, I think that might lead to an area somewhere. I'm not here to do all that. I'm just here to get some diamonds. I think I only needed like two... Well silver ore still really good. I shouldn't--shouldn't--shouldn't owWW Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth is what I was gonna say Before I got violently bitten on the ass. Oh shit. There's a warper right there Ooo. Lithium, I needed that as well didn't I? Okay, he's not really teleporting anywhere. He's like a *werw* sound now. Oh jesus, oh jesus, oh jesus, what the fuck you got there quick. The hell was that about? Is he gone? I don't know where he goes, I don't know where his patterns are. You know if I could just get a little bit more lithium, a little bit more diamonds And I'll leave. I'll stop interrupting all your shit at least for like a day or two. Then we'll back to fuck everything up. That's what I do in this game. Also. Have you noticed, very few hiccups in performance Remember when I would travel to this area and the whole game had the potential to just crash and stop working. Now it's fine Fantastic! Now, stay away from the Reaper... That's a warper. That's a fuckin warper. Oh, he's right there Go away (x11) No (x8) Fuck off (x4) Shit NoOOOOO Okay, that's fine. That's fine if you wanna do that again. That's okay. Please leave me alone (x4) noOO, shit. I don't like him. That's some scary, bad juju. Aww, the sounds he makes is awesome, all the sounds in this game are awesome Okay, I keep finding silver and gold and all that stuff, but not enough diamonds again. I also need four lithium. Wow, look at all the stuff I have. I need four lithium to be able to make the ultra air-tank. That's what I needed it for. Maybe they're only on the other side. Little bit of a freeze up there, but nothing major. NOo, lithium and diamonds. Diamonds are-a jacks best friend. I told you this. Yes! Got 'em all, four lithium and I actually ended up getting three diamonds. But that's all I need right now now I can head back to Henry and start making some gooood- Start making that good shit. Start making that- aah fuck you little bite arse - Start making that like good, clean, uncut shit. You know? What was I making again? Oh, high-capacity air tank andddd I spent so long away from home that I forget what I'm making aaaandd *SMACK* The laser quarter, that's what I was making. Uh, I don't have a battery for you Shite Do I even have anything to make a battery? Oh, I've lots of copper ore that I just got out of that place. Oh, I need some acid mushrooms. Just get those acid mushrooms maaan and then you're-then you're sailing hiiigh mann, then you're making a fuckin' laser cutter duuuude Um, while you're doing that I will be getting some cave sulfur. Um, mah cave sulfur's not in there. Cave sulfur's in here. NoO I don't know how much I needed A Uraninite crystal? Don't need that. I mean, I will later, but right now, I don't I don't even have a fucking-- I don't even have a bay for all my stuff, like all my vehicles Laser cutter, cool. Now we'll be able to go around and check out all those wrecks, um- I got stuff for the propulsion cannon as well, so I need a wiring kit- "Seek fluid intake" (Cindy) That would be very wise uUUM Why do I keep forgetting what I'm making? Something up here... ultra high-capacity air tank! Okay, how do I-how do I make that? Pull you over into my thing... Okay, I gotta dispose! Boom, boo-no I need the foods, um, a bunch of these are no use to me. You in there... Should be able to make it-- Som- wait, what?! Is this one of those things that I need another Fabricator in like the base. There's like different fabricators, like a vehicle fabricator? Yes, it's not down here. Well, that's suck. Yeah, need a modification station for those. Okay, I don't even have the parts necessary yet to do that, so I was over there finding lithium for no reason, it's fine. It's all good. Jesus. It's weird when it gets dark so quick So, I need to deposit all of these... I don't have enough room. Could I make another one? Right, I need to answer some messages, and I need to Okay, I only need four titanium for this... That's not, that's not it, that's not how many I needed. Make a NEW locker Thanks. Yes, yes, yes, I know I have messages. But I also have to go and get water. Uh oh, I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm down to less than ten water. Oh fuck, bladder fish! Bladder fish, I NEED you! Where are you buddies?! Grav trap! Bladder fish, bladder fish, yes! I see you! I see you! I'm coming babies! I'm coming! Dad is coming! Here we go! Get these and we are good. Grab (x9). Okay, there's no one over here. We should find-Don't you eat him! I need him! That's my meal. Okay, c'mon (x4) (jack r u ok?) Massages? Play them to my ear holes. "Playing partially translated broadcast." (Cindy) "*distorted noises* Nine new biological subjects designated. Mode *distorted noises* hunting/analyzing. Sharing subject locations with other agents *distorted noises*" That was fUCKING cool Is that the warpers talking? Because the warpers were like, biological containment agents, their--their job was to go around and warp people to the locations where they could deal with them. Oh, that was awesome! Alright, so I think I'm gonna leave my episode here. I know it's gonna sad in a lot of you We-we at least got to go to the island and go through the alien base again. And see what was changed, not a whole lot was changed, but we actually got to go through the whole base so, now we can continue on doing our own stuff outside of that. Think I might head to this island next time and try and get some resources from there, what I need to start getting now is a modification station for my for my vehicles and I still need to start building a base and getting a moon pool and everything in that so I can start housing them and Then I need to start getting some-- See the problem is I need a lot of fragments for these things So I need to gather fragments for my battery recharge station as well because that's gonna come in really handy later on. Actually, it's gonna be come in really handy right now Cuz I don't even have any batteries right now for my seaglide so all of that stuff needs to happen But I'm-I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying it. I thought it would be a chore to go through all the stuff again, especially since I'm playing just Survival mode. So having to get food and water and having to find all the fragments again having to find all the materials again But I'm having a blast man. It feels like it's easier to find stuff, which is good because last time we was just so convoluted and it was also a fact of it was already accessed so stuff was kind of bugging out and stuff wasn't showing up in the areas that was supposed to, my saves were all broken and then I was I had to spawn some things in and then it broke other things so It's just so much more streamlined, and it's such a joy wait. Oh, actually next time we might make our way to the Aurora And I have my laser cutter now so I can start breaking into all these wrecks That's what we're doing, anyway, Thank you guys so much for watching this video - if you liked it punch that like button in the face! Like a boss! And high fives all around... *WAPOOSH* *WAPOOSH* Thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes in the next video! I'm gonna have to stay far away from those warpers. They suck. They're looking for me.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 6,435,855
Rating: 4.9593821 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, beta, subnautica full release, starting over, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, seamoth location, building seamoth, warper, reaper, reaper leviathan, warp, teleported, alien base, alien gun, alien base cure, alien island, secret island
Id: IQa1Un1uDsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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