SCARED OUT OF MY MIND! | Subnautica - Part 13 (Full Release)

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*Whapoosh* Top o' the morning to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome back to SUBNAUTIOUS! We're in the deep down deep dark very deep down *thats what she said XD* and we're getting ready to make our little expedition, we're gonna get in Pepper- oh hi you just made salt, how close are you to water? 50 percent?! I don't have time for 50 percent, okay? I'm planting one of you and I'm eating some of you Okay, we're at- we're almost at full I'm just gonna make an expedition, okay? That's it- that's what's happening right now, we're going Oh, maybe I should take the stuff out of you first That would be a veeery good idea on my behalf- AW, if only I had another table coral sample :( If I had another one I could make a computer chip and then I can make a moonpool... Or no- I could make the moonpool but I can't make the vehicle upgrade bay that's IN the moonpool Without another table coral sample Which sucks! I wanna be able to make a moonpool a moonpool's not that hard See this I need a computer chip the copper wire and titanium, absolutely easy peasy to do But we can't get table coral samples down here But the moonpool just needs titanium ingots, lubricant, and lead, which I have *Click of Sadness* Man...that sucks Well you know what? No use cryin' over spilled milk Let's just head down Cause I wanted to get the jump jet upgrade for this and I also wanted to get the thermal upgrade but We don't NEED them? Unless there's some sort of like heat-resistive properties Could use some of that but I think we should be okay I think the prawn suit can actually handle the depth and the temperature Hopefully But for now all we have to do is get back to where we were So this time we are going to some-aw balls. I need to go back I need to bring some of my frickin' purple fra- purple artifacts with me Purple tablets And I also need to bring some..some of the crystals...the ion things God, I always do that! I make a trip and then I have to go back Startin' to get a little tingly in my feet Startin' to get a little scared now *laughs* Now we're in the really bad place So we're heading to the lava castle which should be on our left somewhere and I can't remember the entrance to it I think it's around back somewhere, we'll find it though! But we're probably gonna run into a lot of danger first but it's ok! Cause we LIVE for danger WE DON'T LIVE FOR THAT THOUGH OH NO OH NO OH NO Get me away get me away get me away get me away OH GOD NO That's actually scarier than anything else that's down here cause you can take me out of my suit *creature roars* Okay but you heard the- you heard the roar right? You heard the "RRUUAAGH" you heard- yep We should be running into fuckin- YUP Yup yup that's the sound alright. Okay here's the lava castle Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck What are you doing?! I'm fucking STUCK?! GO!!!!!! JESUS CHRIST I'm not panicking *yeah, riiiight* I'm fine don't even worry about me Okay I just wanna get a little looksie at him Ohhhhohohoho! Ohhhohohohoho! Biiig baby! Oooh scary big baby Did you see that? Did you see the tendrils and the tail? :) Oh you can just fuck right off it all Go away! Go away! And you!!! Are you serious?! Get off my shit!! Hey warpie Hey Hey how's it goin I just wanna get a look at our big baby star! I wanna get a look at the star of the show right now Hey big momma? But I also don't wanna get TOO close For like comfort and all that shit you know? Cause if we get too close then we're gonna die Ooh scary, scary, quite contrary. Oh, I'm basically seeking death OH FUCKIN' JESUS! I've basically seen what death looks like and went- Yeah let's get a little closer- there you are... You're still quite a ways away, you wanna swim a little closer so the people could see you? Yeah. You-you guys should see that, right? Yeah.. Yeah i can see it it means you can see it, um... We'll get a closer look later on, right now i have a lot to live for This 'aint no early access playthrough where i can just do whatever the fuck i want. No, this is serious real business now, If i die i have to go back and my pepper is gonna get stuck here Or my pepper could get destroyed and then I can't do anything and i'd have to go all the way back to fuckin' Henry to make a new one and i really- reallyyy don't- wanna do that That's like the thing that's least at the top of my list right now *inhale noise* *whispering* fuckin' warpers they're everywhere oh wait that's my way in isn't it? yup,yup,yup,yup,yup,yup Can you fuck offf? *clash in game* *creature's noise* Go away! Did he-did he teleport yet? No he fuckin' didn't Okay now he did- now he did, okay Rise and shine *creature noise* WHAT WAS THAT? *louder creature noise* What the-what the-what the- what the- WHAT THE WHY ARE YOU HERE!? WHY, WHAT THE FUCK!? *creature noise* Okay, he normally NEVER comes that close. He normally just stays over on his his own side and then does whatever the fuck he wants. OHH, that was creepy. *louder creature noise* Ohh god, that's really fuckin' loud. Wait this isn't actually getting to the... facility though, is it? This is just going down into the other place. Oh wait, now it is. The facility is in the middle of this castle area. *KABOOOM* YOU SPIT ROCKS!? Ohh, fuck this place to death. To hell and back. Now i need to get out and repair you Ahh, repair before you die. Go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go,go. I hate this place! Is there some sort of heat suit or something i can get that i'm unaware of? Okay, i got an achievement for thermal activity. Because I got to the thermal plant i'm assuming? I can't remember where the fuckin' door is on this place. Kay, oh there it is. Yess, my boy. Okay, where are you going? I'm not- my fuckin' prawn suit isn't even going in the directions i'm pulling. Okay Indoors we got- oh this is the place with the little robots. Hi fellars! They're cute, but also kinda scary and I don't wanna fuck with them. So then here we ion cubes, so i can actually drill this whole thing. Oh, hopefully this is where we can get the schematics for the ion power cells cause not only are ion cells good for maria- which is good for me, but they're good for pepper too which is also good for me and good for sally, let's not forget sally. Sally is still at home, press F pay respects. I am very low on water. That could be detrimental actually. I might not even have time to do all this shit. Doesn't matter, we're done. Okay, purple tablet, do your buiss. Give me that good shit. Ooh, white tablet- or blue tablet. Oooh I'd forgotten, there's orange ones too, right? *In game noise* "Come here, to me" OKAY... You know what, I know what you are, but if i didn't I would be horrified right now, also look at the way pepper sits! Aww *In game noise* "Welcome aboard captain" So cute So do I go this way or this way I don't even know This place i have no recollection of, I can't remember anything that happened in here. I got data though Fossil data recorded from the volcanic rock that was excavated to construct the alien power facility. It has been possible to extrapolate a number of key trends. Genetic Divergence The aliens recorded data on indigenous organic remains originating between 10,000 and 1,000 years ago. The lifeforms on record feature an unusually low overlap with those encountered so far on this planet. Soil samples from a thousand years ago contain 300% higher concentrations of organic remains than the soil average. Data supports a mass extinction event killing off a majority of species and forcing rapid adaptation amongst many of the survivors. Mmm. There we go, There we go. I'll take this. Okay This should be it because this is where they were constructing their power. So this should be where I get the information, right? To make my own power Fuckin' really annoyed about my health and water situation A power router in the thermal plant is distri- Yeah, okay. A power router in the thermal plant is distributing energy collected onsite to other facilities on the planet. Primary Containment Facility Location Updated, that's where we're going next Blue artifact, um, no fuckin' thank you. Because I'd have to go back out through there. I have very little health, I'm gonna die, it's very confusing to get back, and it'll take forever. Or we can go through these warp gates, and try and figure out where they lead, and maybe save myself a lot of hassle. I don't think Pepper's able to go through this. Or I could be a big fat liar and its perfectly fine. Now we're 300 meters. I don't think these are two-way. Which also fucks me up completely if not. Oh please, where are you bringing me? [excited gasp] Ohh yess But, how? Isn't this the one that brought me to the other island? Where am I right now? What island am I on? Oohhhh Not on a island at all! HI Awee, I was scared of you before but now you're a welcome site for sore eyes Everything else back there fuckin' sucked Awe, awesome! There's more warp gates in the game now Ah! Stop! Okay, so I wanna test out some of the other ones That's a good one. I need to make some beacons, once I get to a place that I like. That's near, that's actually quite near Henry, oh no it's not The bulb zone Umm Were there two bulb zones? Very unsure Oh yeah, my jump jets don't work in air [chuckles] I forgot about that Aw man! If only I had one piece of Kyanite If I had a single piece of Kyanite this would all be fine But I need to get it in the lava place If I could leave this facility Just go out and get a piece of Kyanite and come back and somehow dodge all those fuckers again I don't know but I really don't want to risk exploding...Pepper I could save it And chance it and then if push comes to shove I could actually just reload the game It would be a lot better that way Let's just see where this one goes to It's so weird 'cause nothing looks familiar when you come out through the warp gate until you get out into The actual ocean I'm very close to Henry Oh! I'm in the Mushroom Kingdom! WOAH!! The Mushroom Forest, The Mushroom Kingdom is from fuckin' Mario [chuckles] That's pretty cool! so when I played the game all those eons ago these warp gates weren't here these warp gates were actually a... some of them were there and I think I don't think they spit you out into these areas... like these constructs seem to be all new. At least to me they are I've never seen these before oh wait I want to do a thing, I have a beacon right? I wanna get out and I want to... drop a beacon and I wanna name it Uhh Mushroom Forest Warp Gate Nah I'll just call it Mushroom Forest Warp Nice so then we know what's up with that Cool! Aw I like this! I like that when you get to late game they actually give you options to get around the world a lot easier then If I had more beacons I could just put them down everywhere That's... that's really really handy 'cause that was one of the problems in the earlier versions of the game that when you got to these locations you were basically kinda fucked to get back, you had to go all the way back already so That... that gives me an escape plan at least if I do get messed up down here, if I do lose Pepper, if Pepper runs out of power or whatever which I'm closer than I'd like to be in that regard. If that ever happened I could just go out through one of these warp gates and go back to Henry okay very nice ummm I'm gonna save the game here and I'm gonna fuckin' chance this okay it's takin' a long time to save... don't break don't crash or anything God that's scary I just... I just wanna see what happens man there was Kyanite back out here I think I did see some Aw there's some right there I don't wanna go to that one though okay.... okay... okay... okay it's easy it's simple it's simple just don't think about it just don't think about what you're doing and everything is simple Kyanite, Kyanite, oooo Kya, Ky, Kya, Kyanite Ba doong doong doong as long as those fuckin' Warpers don't catch up on my ass YEEAAH BABY! I mean I still need to leave this location but at least now I don't have to go all the way back to my base ple...please give me some [Jack's angry face] any Kyanite at all from you would be very very nice c'mon are you fuckin' serious with this shit ARE YOU SERIOUS? OH JOY! all of one piece! please tell me there's more close by [groans] by more close by I didn't mean you god there are exponentially more Warpers in the game than there were before before they were kinda broken and they didn't really do a whole lot and they kinda just floated around and sometimes they would warp you this time they're actually legitimately a threat and that makes them waaay scarier than they were before uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, uh oh no, no, no no, no, look at this fuckin' swingin' around technique that was pretty bad ass okay I don't even know why I'm trying so hard all I needed was actually one piece of Kyanite why am I why am I makin' life more difficult for myself where did the dragon go? fuck oh fuck don't do it don't do it don't do it seriously where'd he go? okay use this to your advantage you better start pumpin' out some Kyanite like right away right away please im keepin' my peepers peepled c'mon just give me one more piece okay good good good good good not fuckin' gambling not gambling [sigh of relief] [sigh] Anyway! THANK you guys SO much for watching this episode! IF YOU LIKED IT... PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE... LIKE A BOSS!! AND... high fives all around... WHAPOOSH... WHAPOOSH... BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!! [Outro Song "I'm Everywhere" by Teknoaxe plays]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,072,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, Aurora, laser gun, cyclops, sea dragon, containment facility, sea emperor
Id: gB9DAL2wEE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 48sec (3348 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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