What is something everyone can agree is a dirty trick?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet Reddit what is something everyone can agree as addy move proposing to your boy girlfriend while at a wedding this how are there still people who think that's okay I saw a YouTube video of a wedding where the bride obviously told everyone to let one of her bridesmaids catch the bouquet as soon as she threw the bouquet everyone but the unsuspecting bridesmaid jumped out of the way immediately after the unsuspecting bridesmaid caught it her boyfriend came up to her got down on one knee and proposed the bride was smiling like crazy and obviously so happy for them bouncing up and down with excitement and clapping cheering I think that is the only instance where it is okay edit here is another good example YouTube link if the bride's involved then go for it just as long as you don't slither in to steal the thunder of the newlywed couple which is usually what happens leaving a microscopic quantity of food in a container just so you are not the person that has to clean it leaving just a bit of juice milk whatever in the jug so you don't have to get more I didn't drink it all no but I'm eating a big piece of chocolate cake mother occur I need a tall glass of milk and you left a thimble at the bottom guy at work was notorious for that use up Alma's tall of my co-workers fancy cream then if she was lucky he'd bring in a can of the store-brand powder creamer a week later you get fired for using other people's stuff at my job they even put cameras in the break room to catch perpetrators in the act we had several lunch thieves and someone stole the boss's lunch one day now it is a zero-tolerance offense the boss ate my sandwich so I ate him taking someone else's lunch from the break room fridge oh I got a story for you someone stole my lunch twice so on the third day I brought him a pizza it looked like a pepperoni pizza it smelled like a pepperoni pizza but it was not exactly pepperoni it was pepperoni and err with as much kN as there was pepperoni if you hear someone screaming music from the break room we'll know who has been stealing my lunch nobody's lunch was stolen after that someone stole my breast milk from the staff fridge d better that than stealing it straight from the source randomly switching to newborn babies at a hospital so that they're raised by the wrong parents and then when they're in seventh grade doing punnett squares and figure it out this is actually how I found out that my stepdad wasn't my dad I was more upset with the fact that my teacher took points off because my genetics didn't match mathematically to my mom and stepdads outcomes genetics by explained to my mom that I got points taken off for incorrect math but I couldn't find my mistake she went to their office and handed me my birth certificate which I had never been allowed to look at before big surprise when the name on the father's line didn't match to the man I knew off as my dad at the time I was failed on a family tree project in the third grade because I've never met my father and had no info on his side log the family my teacher had all of this information and stated that it wasn't fair that I only had to do half the work as the other students I also wasn't allowed to take Park in several father's day arts and crafts field trips at that school even though outside of school I always made thing from my grandpa who completely filled the role of my father and who I made my best man at my wedding I was never really upset by it back then but I have memories of being made to sit there doing nothing while the other kids made things for their dads that skulking sucked leaving refrigerated items in random aisles at the grocery store because you're too ucking lazy to put them back I was at Target the other day and found an abandoned carton of ice cream on a stack of games it was all melty and clearly ruined most of the genes underneath it people are a mess comma and those are the same people who complain about [ __ ] being too expensive octants all of them eating your roommates restaurant leftovers eating out your own mates girlfriend eating out your roommates girlfriends restaurant leftovers eating your roommates girlfriend cutting in a line I was standing in line at the deli counter next up when a very old-looking lady just walks up to the counter and slivers her way in front of me I figured I'll just let her have this since you'll probably die soon anyway but the absolute legend behind the deli counter notice this looks right over the lady's shoulder and says sir what can I get you don't tuck with the flow of the deli counter we pay attention and up those old ladies thinking they're slick take a number B ch you'll get your tea high and L wisely said braunschweiger when it's actually your turn do I need to remember that move merging onto the freeway at 40 miles an hour eight feet in front of the car in the right lane related when one is driving in the right lane and has adequate room in the left lane to accommodate incoming mergers from the right but does not make use of said adequate space when car in right lane leave space for merging traffic but car that needs to merge waits for the lane to end instead of taking advantage but by then traffic closes the gap and they've gotta force their way in straight to the bottom of hell all the way down to the boiler room of hell fighting for custody of a dog just to give it away when you win [ __ ] b ches my boyfriend's dad got a divorce with his third wife and she fought for their cat she won put the cap down a week later that is pure evil there really should be less against these kind of petty stuff like if you fight for custody you must keep it for X amount of time could you imagine if it was kids one parent wins then put them up for adoption not returning shopping cards I just read about the shopping cart theory the other day and thought it was really interesting it states that since everyone knows that returning a cart is the right thing to do even though there aren't any consequences from not doing so we can determine what kind of person you are based on if you return them or not the other day my partner and I watched a man get out of his car and put trash into a shopping cart that had not been returned at the grocery store and that was just an extra level of jerk that I didn't previously know existed but we had someone leave a box of trash in front of my stores windows while I was teaching a class right there five of the saw happen and then come in to shop I told my coworker what he did in co-worker went out on a smoke break picked up the box and tossed it in the back of the guy's truck hey didn't notice and left with it there it was fantastic you come to intersection and see me like 200 feet away coming at you 30 40 miles an hour with no one at all behind me and you decide that you just can't wait three seconds so you just go ahead and pull out there in front of me and take your time getting up to speed I mean why your D all the people who merge into traffic and immediately swerve all the way to the passing lane so they can go under the speed limit these people inevitably make me rage I'm going a good speed no one behind me and they pull out in front of me to go ten under at best makes me wish I had a cannon fixed to the hood of my car taking up two parking spaces or leaving febrile end of your needlessly oversize pickup out so other people have to drive around you if you own a big truck you work for a living and you can walk park that ship out in the farthest reaches I love your logic it seems men a truck owners don't actually work though they just have small D s not working on a group project thank you for reminding of 96% of all group projects I ever did while at a friend's house and they poop and clog the toilet and leave it that's when you gotta throw it out the window into their garden just blame it on the neighbor's cat or something Jews X machinae had that happen at a party at my new house once I was stupid enough to not have a bunch luckily the pooper told me right away so I ran to my neighbor and the problem was solved since he had a plunger it actually warms my heart to think about how everybody cooperated on what otherwise could have been a shitty situation shooting someone in the eye with an airsoft gun this is why face masks are required that most places and if you ain't wearing one you are either dumb or down at full masks under 18 and eye protection always sleeping with your ex and in the morning inviting her to your wedding you want to talk about something buddy it's something the Grayson did to Barbara Gordon when he was getting married to staffer her edit here it is if anyone wants to read it scroll down oh and Babs was paralyzed at this point to what addy move getting cut off in traffic is a minor annoyance but if they don't give the wave afterwards total D move and my book not using your indicators blinkers and hence nearly running over a pedestrian or cyclist also seeing an animal in the middle of the road and proceeding to go straight over it without even trying to honk it out the way exactly my driving instructor would never let me use the horn or flash the lights or do anything to move birds or other animals off the road drove me mad not pulling over to the shoulder when an ambulance is coming I knew a guy that wouldn't pull over for sirens on principle because he was convinced that the drivers of said vehicles were just trying to scare traffic in their personal capacity needless to say I don't spend time with him anymore stopping in the middle of a narrow street to have a long chat with your friends hey you both have a cellphone or park somewhere and catch up elsewhere when she touches your D ended twitches totally MD moves or when you touch her D ended twitches or when you touch heard the end yours twitches or when your D touches are undo to H when you say something idea and someone else says the same thing five minutes later like it's their own when you say something idea and someone else says the same thing 40 minutes later like it's their own best answer of the thread why can't you be more like this guy you slashed my Meg I'm cheating on your significant other burning popcorn in the office microwave also cooking fish in the office micro one great thing about quarantine I don't have to smell the nasty microwave oysters that one mr. Butthead McGee thinks makes a great work lunch black when you use the last thing of toilet paper in the bathroom and don't replace it one stroke five star rating this TV show is just not good the actor has been really good in things before but this new character does not fit him/her the show tries to do too much in one episode and the characters never get enough screen time to develop I've only watched the first two episodes so far but I would not recommend it prose product was as advertised did everything I wanted and more patched up my broken relationship with my mom cured cancer conveniently fits in my car's cup holder Connie's UPS delivered it a day later than promised so aren't these people not UPS though I'd give fewer stars if possible but it's not witchin of itself would warrant more negative stars they should give me stars in fact one stroke five stars any reviews on a business that say [ __ ] like they told me they don't do X and that's what I needed my granddaughter loved it five stroked five stars I didn't like it one stroke five stars thanks for the helpful review a farting into someone's refrigerator we all make mistakes in the heat of passion Jimbo all we had to do was follow the damn train CJ r slash suspiciousness Pacific throwing your trash on the floor passing all the cars in the freeway exit lane on the shoulder not saying I haven't done it but I knew I was being a d1 I did it join our community discord link in description making fun of someone's mouth not replacing the empty toilet paper roll and leaving just one thing in a box of the kitchen the who TF only eats one hot pocket they come in two for a reason took me a minute to realize these weren't related which they definitely are kneeling on a man while he begs to let him breathe and ignoring him to the point where you walking murdered him I think that is less be move and more cold-blooded murder and the u.s. AG agrees yelling at a waiter about something wrong with their food as if the waiter has any control over that giving shitty tips I thought you meant giving out bad tips as in don't do this because it bad when it was obviously bad and you knew not to do it already also happy cake day littering knocking someone off the track and Rainbow Road wiping your behind with someone's pillow has this happened to you or ignoring your screaming baby kid s in public you made them [ __ ] take responsibility for them also why are diaper bags apparently no longer a thing going into a nursing home even though you have the coronavirus peeing on a toilet seat one word littering well a boner I wonder how many people would agree that ghosting someone without explanation after establishing a romantic connection is a demoon I certainly agree there are cases where it's understandable and prudent to cut contact with someone entirely but if it's just a matter of a spot not being there it's really not that hard to say so communication is a dying art emo roses are red violets are blue not throwing the waste even if dust bangs near you pushing and shoving to get where you need to go doing anything one named Richard killing an unarmed black man edit sweet an award Thank You amazing redditor writing negative tips at restaurants or being rude to waiters waitresses cutting in line invading someone's personal space especially right now sneezing or coughing in someone's face backing out last second breaking up with someone over the phone asking people's fetishes then not doing crap I see someone's into scat threatening to delete Twitter because they fact-checked one of a couple of thousand lies abandoning your grandfather using his own portal gun going from flat food to erect thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 189,070
Rating: 4.9419408 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, What is something everyone can agree is a dirty trick?, what's something everyone can agree is a d*ck move?, dirty trick playbook, dirty trick, planet reddit, reddit top posts, reddit stories, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit best, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, sneaky, sneaky trick, social norms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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