What Became So Popular At Your School That It Was Banned? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what became so popular at your school that the teachers had to ban it there was a game called get down mr. president where everyone in an area would put their fingers to their ears like The Secret Service and the last person to do it would be tackled it could start at any moment and would end up in a dog pile in the hall I'm not gonna lie I'm in my 30s and now that I know there's a thing I'm starting that [ __ ] at work tomorrow gel pens when I was in primary school there was this weird trend where all the girls would suck on the ends of gel pens so their tongues turned into different colors they would trade pens with each other in the school bathrooms and sneak away from the teachers and go to hidden parts of the school yard so they didn't get caught it was the closest I can think of comparing to a drug ring but imagine it with seven-year-old girls one of my friends was really popular because she was the girl who sucked on the most pens and would get caught and literally every class sucking on a different gel pen and the teachers would always have to walk her out to the nurse's she'd make herself sick and throw up they eventually banned them I tried it once and spat it out immediately because it was nasty and tasted like ink duh I didn't get it then and I still don't get it now the girl who sucked on the most pens and would get caught and literally every class sucking on a different gel pen same but not with gel pens I'm a teacher a few years ago we had to ban applause the kids would randomly start a round of applause and just keep going it was unnerving it was disrupting lessons assemblies sometimes they would applause in the dining hall or corridors still don't know how this trend started or why the other thing we had to ban was pilgrimage they apparently learned the word in religious studies lesson after that they would in large groups walk from one end of the school to the other chanting pilgrimage and basically knocking over anything or person that stood in their way I don't know why but I laughed for a good solid minute while reading this in elementary school my class was divided in two groups penguins and rats we would always go to our groups or team assignments for games for anything really somehow an actual rivalry started to sprout until the whole school was divided in these two groups with first and second years getting into actual fights and stuff pretty soon the principal canceled recess for a day and went to each classroom to tell us penguin team and rat team were banned others did create some smaller animal named groups after that but they all dissolved pretty quickly your elementary schools literally created gangs la mayo grand theft education in Sweden we had this thing called buttock translate to gape I'll as soon as someone was on the ground lying everyone threw themselves on making a pile of ppl well they're gay pal I love you Swedish bastards Akon's my elementary school yard had several oak trees on it and Dumba's kids would collect acorns and keep them in their desk the problem was most of the Akon's had worms in them which then escaped into the classrooms camo colors they somehow banded school-wide because they were gang colors camo gang edit I went to high school in the southeast Columbus Ohio area path one of the rednecks quarter one of the herd and caught a preppy kids it was a dumb mix and for the record so many people complained the school actually had an assembly over it where they explained their reasoning and I don't remember exactly what they said but it had something to do with gangs I think it was gang mentality or something I was in middle school from 2009 to 2011 blooms tower defense was huge everyone played it in any room that had a computer the school had to install special glow keys but people kept getting around them so they straight up banned Adobe Flash someone at my high school managed to install quake III arena onto the central server so it was able to be accessed by any computer connected to the network there were kids in my web development class playing against other kids having their study hall in the library on the other side of the school not sure if the administration ever found out but the year after I graduated they changed out all of the Windows computers they had for iMacs we did that exact thing with Unreal Tournament and soldier of fortune one so many days of LAN UT this would have been around 99 - 2001 something like that when I was younger we played this where you draw a circle on your hand and other people would try to draw a line inside of it if someone was able to draw a line in your circle then you were out the objective of the game was to be the last one standing it was small at first but eventually almost everyone in my grade became involved and it spiraled out of control chaos pure ducking chaos kids were tackling each other running away from other students disrupting lessons etc teachers eventually began to talk to us about how far our game had gone and started banning it altogether it was fun while it lasted boys edit thanks for the silver in the up votes reminds me of a really cool battle royal our school did during a school trip we often had trips with the entire school so it was class 7-12 aprox 200 people everyone got a small letter with a name of a different student on it you had to give that person an item any random [ __ ] all that was important was that the item exchanged hands from you to said student willingly if you managed this said student would have to give you their name the students were the most named letters at the end of the week we'll get a price best game ever so much paranoia so much fake friendliness etc for example someone gave out some sweeps everyone took one suddenly he was like duck you lay the entire point of giving everyone sweets was to get that one person who was in his vicinity to take one if anyone asked to hey wanna have a bonbon everyone was like nope forget it because they thought it was a poor attempt at them I also remember having a letter suddenly come through the door addressed at me that said come to this and that room at this time and when I arrived it was my best friends who called themselves the dark brotherhood and made a plan well he would exchange letters to better plan our targets I love how an innocent game can manifest secret societies amongst children Capri Suns kids were too stupid to figure out how to get the straws in and teachers got tired of helping everyone that's hilarious and sad what's weird is Capri Suns were easy to puncture but it feels like between 2005 to 2009 they suddenly became stupidly hard to puncture rulers year 10 and HS for whatever reason someone decided to smack a guy across the head with a ruler well then everyone went out and bought a ruler suddenly everyone was a knight with a sword staff kept confiscating them but rulers are cheap so kids just went out and bought them by the handful they ended up banning rulers at a school the kids who were taking geometry that year and needed them had to be assigned rulers at the beginning of class and then turned them back in if you rub the metal edge of a ruler against the sole of your shoe really fast back and forth it gets hot enough to seriously burn someone and leave a scar a kid did that to me back in eighth grade hurt like hell and left a mark that took a decade to fade I was pissed where flips circa 2003 long skater hair was very trendy said kids were flipping their hair out of their rise face an eighth grade history teacher went on a vendetta under the reasoning that hair flips Pulu the air with headers kids started getting detentions edit when ii went that's a really stupid pretense but i can understand why the teachers got annoyed with a room full of kids their hair like they have Tourette's syndrome my teachers in high school just mercilessly mocked the hair flippers until they knocked it off the hair flip has discovered that it drove the teacher mad so they began flipping it consciously to piss her off she created her own monster wheelage it's had a half-an-hour lecture in assembly because our year apparently said sorry too often I'm English 3 hours and no one's made a Canada joke yet people bringing in their gameboy color and playing during recess kids were getting mad they weren't getting turns and they were afraid of someone stealing games ducking Jimmy found a copy of Pokemon silver the day after mine was stolen out of my backpack can't get too mad at the kid though his brother was thrown in jail for murdering their mom about a year after that while this escalated quickly non clear lunchboxes someone kept bringing booze into the school and started a whole trend I think the only extreme thing in someone's lunchbox was that somehow an entire colony of ants had gotten in rubber bands kids weren't even using them to shoot at other kids or otherwise misbehave with them kids would buy packs of rubber bands tie the rubber bands together making like a big rubber band chain it became a contest to see who could get a chain of rubber bands to stretch the farthest you couldn't find a pack of rubber bands at a store for probably 20 miles this was when I lived in a small town so there wasn't a ton of stores in that 20 miles Amazon or even public Internet access didn't exist yet one kid got so many rubber bands they could stretch it the length of the school building while stupid I didn't think it was a bad hobby as kids weren't shooting the more shooting stuff with them it was all about how big of a chain they could make school rewarded our pointless creativity with a ban on rubber bands at the school all rubber band chains were confiscated on sight sounds like the perfect build-up for a senior prank rubber band chains blocking all doors in hallways almost likes webs crossing the halls between the lockers right combine forces and wrap the school with them I was in high school when cellphones finally became accessible enough for most people to have one it took about a week of senior year for them to declare that no phones were allowed anywhere on school property same for my class but now kids literally have theirs out at their desks using them and the teachers are compliant yeah the handbook still says no phones allowed but that's just not a thing anymore kids are usually respectful enough not to use them when the teacher is lecturing but after the lesson is done they're all out always everything our class president freshman year ran on making them allowed during lunch and that turned into their allowed at all times by junior year we became a tech friendly campus and now we have school Wi-Fi and you are allowed to bring in any device who want laptop tablet whatever putting condoms on everything pens people's heads arms bags shoes smart board remotes baseball bats clocks Bulls literally anything the best bit was that the school gave out free condoms they were fueling the opposition after a week there was a ban on condoms being out in public anyone seen with a condom that wasn't in their bag or blazer was immediately given a detention in my college there was someone brought in to hand out condoms to people over the next few days tied condoms filled with water kept appearing across a few of the bathrooms slap bracelets I remember in the 80s early 90s when they got banned at my school the rumor that went around school was that somewhere some kid had sliced their finger down to the bone with a cheap imitation slap bracelet and now parents all over the country were pushing back somewhere some kid had sliced their finger down to the bone with a cheap imitation slap bracelet this is exactly the type rumor I would expect from suburban moms fortune tellers you know those paper origami wants those oh and pokemon cards and yugioh cards to really row nobody at my school knew how to make those everyone knew how to at mine and I think the school probably banned them due to the amount of paper we wasted TBH those little skateboards tech decks we used to trade them and cry over it and a whole teacher took mine said she'd give it back at the end of the day and I never saw it back I'll never forgive her you don't duck with a kids tech deck holy [ __ ] that happen to me too but when the teacher left the room one day some kid went in her desk and stole everyone's [ __ ] back that just brought me back in third grade a few kids got obsessed with the words cheese FedEx and camel they said them all the time and those words got banned for the entire class very similar to something in my primary there was a week that everyone started saying the catchphrase from adverts and everyone had different ones there were arguments about who would say what phrase I'm 60 when I was in third grade sunflower seeds were banned I was told the teachers thought they were drugs I think it was because they were both messy and counterculture like hippy health food our school banned hoodies their reasoning was that people can wear their hoods up to help with intimidating a lot of the guys responded by wearing hoodies the next day with no shirts underneath so they couldn't be told to take them off when I was in elementary school in the late nineties there was a fad where we would collect Absolut Vodka and milk missed our sheds in binders similar to pokemon cards it was savage kids would bring in magazines by the dozens and just strip out the pages with the ads on it school banned them because it was such a massive distraction why these specific ads I'm going to say just based on how they looked milk mustache ads always had some sort of celebrity on it and Absolut Vodka ads always have the bottle on them and were pretty creative looking with the saying on the bottom Absolut so maybe milk must was to get every celebrity that did it and absolute was getting every different saying bottle hogs yup we got the it's a form of gambling once a bunch of losers lost the pogs they bet and then complained about it that's how it always goes the losers moms come to school and start threatening lawsuits over cardboard circles and everyone's fun is over cool math comm was recently blocked at my school well to be fair about 90 percent of the site isn't actually maths related yay I'm especially sad cause I was on day 67 of my papaw's scoop Iria pokemon cards pokemon was banned for being popular magic was banned for being satanic pokemon cards got banned at my school because they became an underground currency and kids were having their cards stolen by bigger kids it became a huge scandal built out of a bunch of incidents I remember in the beginning if you had a super rare card you'd show it off to all your friends with pride towards the end of the pokemon card craze if you had a rare card you'd keep that [ __ ] secret and take it to the grave if anybody found out you had a chancy or a shiny Cera's it it would make you a target and it would probably be stolen within a week there was the kid in my high school who made probably around $500 in a month for making duct-tape wallets administration found out but didn't ban the wallets just banned conducting business on school grounds someone went around school and sold his origami at 50p apiece he'd get orders every day and then make them at home sounds like the school should support the Entrepreneurship of its more motivated students assuming everything they are selling is legal clackers they were too small hard balls on either end of a long string you made them clack against each other but the bullies will hit you upside the head with him instead you didn't need a bully because you were perfectly capable of hitting yourself in the head came here to mention B's and old too we're lucky we survived we are only allowed to have 2 euros money for bus if a teacher that even cares course you the teacher would be allowed to take the money and keep it this was changed due to making it a crime one time a teacher took 75 euros from a student luckily she was forced to give it back what the duck is the reasoning behind that what trouble could you get into with 2 euros I don't know how they go two euros specifically but they probably wanted to prevent students from carrying enough money to buy drugs the kid that started a tuck shop out of his locker went to a wholesalers bought some stuff sold it used the profits to buy more repeat and repeats until he's now staffing a child guard to stop shoplifting and renting other people's lockers for stock overflow our classroom just became kids queuing to buy sweets and energy drinks sometimes aligned so long in 15 minutes he couldn't get everyone waiting served then BAM banned no selling anything on school property pretty much just aimed at this kid dude ended up stabbing someone got expelled no idea where he is now but think his shop getting banned and being replaced with an overpriced healthy star from tuckshop squashed his entrepreneurial spread this is the most welcome to the real world life story on here young up-and-comer has great idea big company comes in steals the idea and profits from it that's unfortunate I sold blow pops for a quarter apiece everyone and the school was eating them and chewing gum that was the end I made good money switch to blow jobs and you would be tripling your profits 0.75 blow job warheads it grew to such an issue with these sour candies kids were organizing a black market where the kids with the highest allowance would buy them in bulk from the corner stores for a nickel age distribute vented upperclassmen for a quarter age who would turn around and sell them to the final consumer for fifty cents each candy there was even a barrier to entry if you wanted in the business you would have to eat three candies at once and not spit it out or throw up warheads are the real gateway into drug dealing 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Id: aljpJCksj1E
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Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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