Men what do you wish was more acceptable for men?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit meh not reddit what do you wish was more accepted for men without being labeled in or called gay for during fruity drinks at the bar hey they are uh kin delicious yep sometimes I want a drink that tastes like smoked wood and paint thinner so I can sip it while I think about ambition and hardship other days I just want to drink a liquid strawberry dipped in sugar let a man have both poor man's gold this cracked me up I love a good cocktail I get teased by random guys and occasional girls for ordering one of my best friends is a very petite blonde who loves craft beer so I always get [ __ ] when she's drinking a big beer and I'm sipping on my cocktail the best part is I've literally been a pro craft brewer for 15 years and owned my own brewery distillery I've won medals at all levels of competition for my recipes though I think medals are a bit meaningless but I can tuck in sit and enjoy a decent goddamn cocktail in peace it's hilarious saying no when a girl wants to smash since this is basically my specialty to the degree that I regret some of them let me be the one to tell you there are a million less direct ways to say no to a girl the biggest one just refused to take the hint the number of women who are going to ask you to smash Point Blank is 0.000001 percent said no to this chick I really liked at the time because she was pretty drunk up to then we only just fooled around so I didn't feel right doing that knowing she was a lot more drunk than I was she lashed out in anger and said she'd only sleep with me if she was drunk took her home the next morning and pretty much stopped talking to her all together yet for some reason [ __ ] still acts with my confidence life and people don't always reward doing the responsible thing but you did it and you should be proud being proficient in cleaning house and clothing those are critical skills that even the military has for their recruits drill instructors be like VCH do you better listen before I smash this hot iron into your face good times I love cleaning maybe it's just me but there's something about doing some routine sweeping mopping and washing dishes et Cie that just helps calm the mind knowing you're cleaning the space you live in and seeing it afterwards really brings a sense of peace sometimes when I'm just absolutely pissed I'll just dip washes with steaming hot water it's peaceful man I still get [ __ ] for cleaning better than any of my friends and I'm just thinking mother akka I can survive absolute hell and I'm a responsible adult plus I can fix rocking helicopter I can fix rocking helicopter I feel like you could use that line for anything want to go to the gym no I can fix rocking helicopter why can't you cook you're an adult you should be able to I can fix rocking helicopter why do you think could be a good fit for the position of head chef I can fix rocking helicopter being able to express emotion I was going to say this but more specifically sadness scaredness etc men can be happy angry or even method we're often taught to hide any sadness or fright I try to make sure I tell my son for that his emotions are valid and he should express them the my em wife is big on keeping feelings inside and it is my biggest pet peeve I was told to man up all of my childhood so I'm all about showing emotions and feelings now I've a suppressed feelings [ __ ] my parents made me do you all must be losing it I feel so bad being a stay-at-home dad I 38f was raised by a stay-at-home dad until I was 13 it made me a pretty bad behind female we went fishing played pool watched STL booze hockey and did lots of camping he made the tightest smoothest ponytails and even knew how to French braid embrace the [ __ ] out of it man your kids will be super appreciative when they grow up whoa it sounds like you have a good ad lucky you this comment made me feel super good I do a lot of mom stuff for my daughter I braid hair I'll paint nails help her pick out nice outfits etc my wife and I are separated and the arrangement works out better with her spending more time with me with schools being closed right now and me being home from work I'm the facto stay-at-home dad right now and hope that when she's older she'll have the same fond memories that you do kissing the homies goodnight I'm jealous of the homies wholesome giving the home is a good morning docking saying a man looks handsome this is so infuriating women can safe another woman looks good no problem at all a man saying the sky looks better than this guy not gonna lie you were my god do you like to suck - yes Oh Mayo I said my best friend looked fie when he got a suit to go to the school dance with his GF and my parents thought I liked him like WTF my mom can say her friend is sexy and has better jets that I can't say my friend looks good on a suit WTF my mom can say her friend is sexy and as butter Jets would you agree with her being able to show emotion that isn't a stoic look of anger be stoic look of mild happiness nots an approval sterically I believe now I need to yell hurtful slurs a tooth of this extreme display of weakness you have to do it sterically the rules are clear driving like you don't have a death wish as a woman I am way more into guys who drive safely I don't want to die in the passenger's seat of your stupid bucking car just because you think you're hot [ __ ] outright reckless driving is a huge deal breaker just sell your BMW and buy 20 you Alfa Romeo everyone would think that if you pass 80 miles per hour your car will break into pieces that's how I got the habit of driving like a snail actually though it was a 20 year old fired watching sappy romantic comedies I'm not ashamed to admit to watching those movies honestly I like some of them and I like watching them with my sister when I was younger this but with anime crying like a B ch full-on ugly face and snob nervous so exhilarating to finally break down and let it all out but it would be nice to not have to hide it in shame of ridicule and mockery the thing is many people say it's okay and you shouldn't be ashamed for showing emotions but then they give you weird looks and you feel like a loser for crying to be fair women who are full-on ugly crying in public would get weird looks - there's some irony and you choosing to phrase it as crying like a B CH having a proper skin care routine clean shaving the body ordering strawberry milkshakes wearing sweet perfume being able to say no to sports invitations and being able to say you'd rather be at home to read a book or to cook and strawberry milkshakes at in-and-out is the only will do it it won't take away from your masculinity and as a man you can do as you please so enjoy your milkshakes and take care of your skin as a girl with a very sensitive nose I prefer men who take care of their self hygiene hugs sometimes I just want to feel the warm embrace of a friend yuck now I ain't gay I'm a very cuddly person i-i'm loved hogs both my best friends don't show their love physically I love watching them squirm a bit when I force a hog on them you're both [ __ ] and I love you now accept my cuddle are you being proud of our victims am i white fellas right fellas I got a nice little trunk on me but I need to do more squats give it better shape in the bedroom the woman can be more sexually dominant personally I am NOT talking about sticking anything in me or sucking on a strap-on but I like when a lady can be the aggressor sometimes sure every once in a while I can toss you around and be the brute but sometimes you can use me like a ref stick and choke me out too hell yeah man often when I choke my missus she just gives me this look like I can do that to BCH then starts choking me back had a lovage getting better at being gnawed on but I am Not sure she fully gets it having more lady friends than dude friends say my dude friends have moved to other schools and so I became friends with my best friend's friends my best friend is a girl and now I'm known in school as the gay kid same here I was judged in school for almost all my friends being girls it wasn't that they thought I was gay but they thought that it was some sexual awakening or some [ __ ] like that they thought I only hung out with the girls because I liked them but the truth was that the guys kept bullying and mocking me constantly and the girls were about the only ones who were nice to me after a few months or so with them I ended up dating one of them and one of the only guy friends I had was all in your face about it so what if I'll like this one girl doesn't mean I like every single one in the area like that the reason I hang out with them it turned out that she was a really crazy and psychotic person and it didn't last two weeks eventually I started dating who I'm still with now and it went smoothly from there but when we got together instead of mockery I got a congrats from some of my friends and I'm still confused about why that was the case staying away from alcohol and drugs such as weed good for you stay focused I went all of last month with no alcohol weed caffeine shrooms etc Jesus Christ was I productive I never though I had much of an issue were there but man did my perception alter a shit-ton in just a month I began to notice every single time my brothers would grab a beer every night that they drank I wouldn't every day they were hungover I was exercising and upping my numbers I can't believe we are so accepting of alcohol and weed most people have been supportive but already were all planning to get choix stood right when I got back from my sobriety originally planned foreign I nearly feel bad that I want to say that I want to go a year and potentially longer completely sober because of the reaction I know I'll get staying away from addictions takes more willpower than succumbing to them being able to tell a girl how you feel without being called a simple simple-- a recent term and honestly I don't think anyone takes it seriously it's just a mean that being said the type of behaviour that is being called simple is very real and it's very sad to see guys who don't see their self-worth and are getting walked over by girls that are taking advantage of their kindness having no interest in or following any professional sports I can't watch more than one football game a year I just have other more entertaining stuff to do I played for over five years in grade school ain't that enough sucking the lol it is still a job bro only if you get paid some of you get paid listening to girly music I'm a pretty masculine man but the CD in my car with Michelle Branch Armada Franco and the Indigo Girls beg to differ I agree most of what I listen to has female vocals and my wife loves it because we are both always jamming to the same music but if I'm in the car by myself I feel like I have to turn it down at red lights and I would never play any event at work having emotions talking about it refusing to participate in any competition there's also symp but I'm not sure if that's greater or equal to being called gay being told as simple as usually the opposite of gay it usually means you'll do anything and everything to please a girl mostly involving you giving up all dignity and self respect for yourself thankfully most people call you this jokingly but there are those fewer s who actually mean it being gay crying wanting to stay home instead of going out some weekends join our community discord link in description crafting no one makes fun of my GF for crafting but the second I wanna do our goddamn quilts it's gay I know what you mean my wife taught me how to crochet and I made her a hot pink orange green scarf sure some people know but it is something I don't feel comfortable telling everyone on the other hand I have started learning to wood carving no one cares about that nothing wrong with whittling as it involves knives and wood like cute things I mean in general like cute things little cats and puppies and then having like a girly child voice when seeing one like unicorns and other fantasy creatures often window ciated with female child's once my sister made fun because I saw puppy that was so cute that I cried listening to deep music can't listen to a sad song without getting weird looks sometimes I listen to sad music all the time the cell hates it lol she has learned that no I'm not sad all the time I just like Jeremy zookas music never having been in a relationship what up what up wearing tights it's seriously the most comfortable [ __ ] ever especially the ones with cool bright colors they're all marketed to women so it feels weird to even shop for them no I'm not a transvestite I just like to get out of my nineteenth-century Birkett a clothes and use my full range of hip motion up toxic masculinity being able to say no or saying no to hanging out especially with girls hating cars not wanting to be aggressive or gotten dirty all the time wanting to be nice and get along with people asking for helps especially mental health mental health issues can occur with everyone regardless of gender many men are discouraged to get helps from doctors or counselors because of the branding I am now non-binary X while leaning towards female but have some experience of being a boy and a man for 25 years in total sitting down when you pee mixed drinks I love whisky but I also love a nice Seagram or a black cherry mijito every now and then on a hot summer's evening being overweight and not a comedian or slob we have bbw which is great to see women of different shapes being more accepted but pretty much every big guy on TV and such as portrayed as comedic or a disgusting slob perv who is too weak to be skinny seriously I'm not funny enough to be fat and I'm too self-aware to be a slob if I approach most women I get that how dare you be confident in your juggling self I feel like this comment and the majority here just ignore the question asked entirely no one is taking a look at a fat dude and jumping to the immediate conclusion that they are gay not trying to hook up with every girl you meet at a bar my friends that I used to go out to bars with always used to give me [ __ ] when I wouldn't go along with what they wanted for Sur having a good sense of style and loving my girlfriend I have been called gay for both of those things gay for loving your girlfriend make it make sense painting nails I'm going to enjoy my goddamn daiquiri put a rockin umbrella in it add a sparkler and a little pinwheel and even there if you think I give the slightest tuck about your opinion on this you're gloriously self-delusional rollerblading lol girly drinks are delicious want more but it's embarrassing flower scented body wash I just want to smell nice being a submissive in bed not all guys are dominant cuddling it's great emotional support Plus really cozy also guys have feelings too crying my dad always calls me a girl if I cry we are also humans bro we need to cry talking about my feelings taking a personal day at work when I'm too stressed Lee accountant need a day being able to hug a friend when I see them not the stupid behind bro hug I have to give I'm talking a real deal I love you hug I'm only allowed to be pissed off for a tough guy or I'm err I'm not allowed to have feelings or issues it's sucking old liking cats I love my kitty makeup dresses I am for sure dude but I wanna cover my face in some makeup once in a while also dresses are super rockin cool while I'm on the subject getting your nails done is something I want to do in my lifetime there's a lot I'd love to them if it was socially acceptable to do actually being loyal to wife it seems as a man I must - involves on multiple endeavors being able to cry thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 107,301
Rating: 4.9569473 out of 5
Keywords: ask reddit, Men what do you wish was more acceptable for men?, planet reddit, what do you wish was more acceptable, planet reddit men what do you wish was more acceptable?, planet reddit what do you wish was more acceptable?, reddit top posts, more acceptable, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, reddit funny, askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, social norms, gay, not acceptable, wish
Id: 9I9K5dBxy8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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