What common MYTH can be disproved in seconds?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what common myth can be disproved in seconds anything by five-minute crafts check out how to cook that on YouTube have you seen the video where they seem to have found the person behind 5-minute crafts just shows that YouTube doesn't care about its users at all edit accidentally wrote three minutes crafts we can only taste certain tastes on specific parts of our tongue just put something sour on different parts of your tongue you will always be able to taste it myth check common check easily disproved within seconds assuming you have something sour on you check my god people he's done it he's actually answered the question number three is moved even if it takes you a week to disprove something that's just six hundred and four thousand eight hundred seconds still counts if you enter a pin backwards at an ATM it summons the police my pin is a palindrome edit everybody in this thread is assuming that my pin is only four digits long my pin is much longer than that I love my credit union they let me choose the length of my pin it's eight thousand and eight isn't it I gotta change my pin people say the water in pools turns red if you pee in you can prove the opposite within seconds even if it did your total amount of pee is hardly enough to even show up visibly in a pool and even more importantly if this invention did exist no pool owner would ever use it they'd literally have to drain the pool all the damn time if that was the case that would be so expensive in addition to that chlorine kinda dissolves all the pee that you can die by holding your breath you're only gonna pass out and begin breathing again edit for everyone trying to get technical you'll really don't think you can pass out in seconds from holding your breath if you hold your breath hard enough with enough pressure you definitely can not if you hit your head when you pass out that redditors understand what disproved and in seconds mean oh myth or common mom does not have eyes on the back of her head you can tell by jumping on her back and pushing up her hair or just swing a bat at the back of her head if she ducks maybe she has eyes if she doesn't well there's your answer tried it guys my mom is on the floor what's wrong she isn't moving that blood is blue before it hits oxygen this is my most hated myth there are so many obvious ways to disprove it most prominently being the fact that one of the purposes of blood is to carry oxygen around the body so you're saying we have never seen blue blood because it always carries oxygen thinking face thinking face thinking face microwave heat from the inside out get anything microwavable put it in for 30 seconds note the scalding hot outer layer and still frozen Center false microwaves are actually sentient beings and do this to assert their dominance mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm curling a fire alarm does not in fact activate the sprinkler system in most scenarios certainly not indoors at your school your home or any indoor commercial establishment and you can prove it by pulling the fire alarm this sounds like a trap men think about sex every eight seconds I hadn't thought about it all morning until just now edit man you guys jerk off a lot and I thought I was bad men think about sex every eight seconds fact actually just statistical error men think about sex twice a day on average Sigmund Freud who lives in Vienna and thinks about sex 487 million five hundred thousand times per second is an outlier and should not have been counted this made me laugh so hard I study psychology and Sigmund Freud always seemed like a sexually frustrated pervert to me a myth is a female moth funny man here another easily disprovable myth that KFC is no longer allowed to use the word chicken because of some government mandate if you go to their website the word chicken is everywhere oddly specific but easily proven wha-hey you don't even have to go to the website I can't think of four things they sell instantly with the name chicken in it popcorn chicken original recipe chicken and chicken tenders and chicken meat pie in Australia that is people are credit please infer the intent of the question it was not what can you Google in seconds because that is literally everything what can you standing face-to-face with someone prove wrong in seconds without the use of Google edit or Bing judging by how many answers to questions like doctors of Reddit and cardboard box factory workers that reddit start with not a doctor slash cardboard box factory worker but I'd say that complaining that people aren't doing it right is almost as useless as me writing this rebuttal the earth is flat but but they say that the footage is from satellites orbiting the Earth the state that also said we went to the moon why do you believe in footage put out by NASA government scientists did you know that if you translate NASA into Hebrew you get in certain in English word how can water curve lol have you ever seen a river that curves lol water is flat that's common sense doctor but buck who is a former oncology doctor don't ask me why it's former lol says that it's flat but you only believe in mainstream government scientists because they have a degree from the state can someone please shoot me I've heard too much you can prove the earth is round with a ruler and a shovel a Greek guy did it over 2,000 years ago and he predicted the size of the earth pretty accurately to edit I got the story wrong turns out you only need a stick and a ruler masturbating makes you blind can be disproved in seconds poor Opie shaving hair does not make it grow back thicker and/or darker if it did every adult man would be walking around with black tree trunk thick hairs on their face edit I don't understand why I'm getting so many replies asking how to disprove this in seconds your eyes look at people should be pretty easy to find one on the Google works to just literally look at any person who has ever shaved do any of them have giant thick black branches of hair growing out of their face legs back or top of their damn head no then boom proved in five seconds or less I think the failure people have with that one is you probably haven't finished maturing when you first start shaving in his current silence that you will have more hair on your face at 25 instead of 18 first time I've personally seen someone state this connection time folks the answer is almost always the passage of time shaving time dougas new cure time the one common variable for everything time some sick people put drugs and children's bag every Halloween literally no even if they are it's for them no one would give away hundreds of dollars worth drugs for free and when you disprove that myth by saying this they answer what if he's rich enough to not care and even if he's not rich you might never know there's some sick people out there exclamation point 1 1 and at this point it isn't worth arguing anymore join our community discord link in description vaginas get loose from sex the variant I find most confusing is vaginas get loose from sex with different partners as if the issue was somehow not the total amount of sex had deforming the vagina the the number of different people and I suppose differently shaped penises that does it like your vagina won't get loose if you have a long-term monogamous relationship with a vigorous host Marable sex life but god forbid you have a couple of non-committal one-night stands when you're still single whether they know it or not guys who think this are actually saying that they have a smaller peepee that everyone else that's not how vaginas work either but we can't expect them to know that that stupid thing about different regions of your tongue tasting different things I remember when I was first taught this at school so I immediately got something salty it was salt if memory serves and put it on the back of my tongue far away from the salt zone I could still taste it the persistence of this myth is baffling to me it's so easy to disprove and surely most kids upon learning this little fact would immediately grab something salty or sweet in order to try it out edit this article contains an example of the kind of map I'm talking about for those that aren't familiar as per the article this was disproved in the early 21st century it's disprovable myths but not in seconds googling and using your brain is suddenly the equivalent to scientific proofs now Einstein apparently wasted a lot of his time considering he only needed to write it's obvious on his thesis the Welsh shag sheep I am Welsh never shagged the Sheep mythbusted unlike my nut never shagged the Sheep yet allegedly you should have stipulated the question to be something you can actually prove on your own in seconds not something a Google search can confirm in seconds that if you get jizz on your eye you go blind can confirm this is a myth if you can prove that in seconds I feel bad for your sexual partners just go to the fridge and get the [ __ ] jar that essential oils cure sickness I've tried using them to help me focus before and not even that worked people seriously don't understand history anymore people literally quarantined in the past to stop the spread of sickness and made medicine from stuff that isn't an oil edit for all of you telling me to disprove it in seconds I'm going to poison a person with peppermint oil do you know what we call alternative medicine that works medicine this and essential oils can kill your pets I had a big argument with an essential oils Karen on Facebook she called me a ducking idiot because she uses a diffuser that sprays out the essential oils when I asked if she lets it spray near your cat she said the little [ __ ] puts his face in it she was using lavender in particular wit will absolutely kill your cats also if you call your cat's little [ __ ] or stupid for going near your essential oils you are in fact the big [ __ ] and should never own a cat or dog edit yes lavender plants can cause upset stomachs but it can cause liver failure in other forms like essential oils there are lots of other plants like lilies a can cause kidney failure they can't pee and eventually die when they completely shut down in cats I tried to explain this others here and they downvoted me despite me sharing sources I've deleted those comments because it's not worth leaving up almost none of you can disprove your posts in seconds you will stop tweeting at common myth and some off skipped colony punch a shark in the nose it'll leave you alone as you slowly move your just tap its nose then you lose yours it won't always stop it but gouging its eyes out and hurting its Jacobs senses or whatever they're called is about the best thing you can do other than pray for survival hold on let me just find my shark that I have sitting around so I can disprove this in seconds that redditors untidy it's proof read the answers to this post 5g causes a virus it doesn't agree but how do you prove it in seconds the moon landings pictures show all shadows and said pictures produced by the sun's light as parallel that is all shadows have the same exact angle and intensity only the Sun can make parallel shadows from that distance and radians for way back in 1969 edit pointers moon pictures cannot be accurately replicated without shadows looking off back in 1969 we can still carbon date those pictures probably sitting somewhere in a museum to prove the photos are age 51 years and therefore authentic nowadays way easier to falsify using photo editing software but they'd still be new pictures not all shadows at least not visually Mythbusters did a great episode on it though and demonstrated that the shadows that appear to not be parallel are actually caused by bumps and dips of the ground creating optical illusions very nitpicky I know but it's technically not accurate to say that the pictures show all the shadows as parallel that camels have water in their humps it would be a very messy five seconds to prove this one chewing gum wraps around your heart when you swallow it but I wouldn't dare to swallow it no one says this they say it stays in your belly for 27 years or something your pets are not vegans - she's a rabbit vampires can be killed by exposure to sunlight as the Sulis ginger I imagine we're closely related to vampires I can confirm that sunlight doesn't kill us it's simply horrible annoying and painful you can slowly boil a frog if it's dead you can if it's alive then it will boil out and make angry crow Kings at you that water only goes down a plughole a certain way in your hemisphere unlike others in this thread like the world is flat and the hair growing comment it can actually be disproven in seconds just go to a sink near you and try it chances are it will go down the same direction every time but that's because of the shape of your basin nada present but infinitesimally minute force of the Earth's spin if you're not convinced try on a range of different sinks or try gently pushing it the other way at the start the Simpsons episode where Bart does this and the myth works always up to me thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: 6UiBsH6Hjn0
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Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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