How Did You Accidentally Ruin Someone's Day?

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how did you accidentally ruin someone's day we were choosing a mascot for a summer camp where i worked it was the first day of camp and would always let the campers vote on a mascot that we use for the rest of the summer as sort of a bonding thing this year the kids voted for wolves as the mascot it was almost unanimous but one kid probably about 9 or 10 threw a fit because wolves are quote unquote bad guys and predators and killers and he doesn't want to be a wolf he wants to be a hero he refused to participate in any team activities because he didn't want to be on a team with the quote unquote bad guys at one point we brought in a guy in a full mascot wolf costume for some anti-bullying program and the kid had a massive tantrum i almost felt like we were going to learn at some point that his brother was killed by wolves or some other tragic origin story i did feel bad for the boy because it was fairly certain he had some kind of unaddressed emotional difficulties or something but we weren't going to change the mascot name that almost everyone voted for the really sad thing is wolf populations have suffered a lot due to stereotypes that they're quote unquote bad i still remember in kindergarten when my friend and i were reading all the colors out loud on one of those crayola super pacs i got straight up yelled at and sent to the principal's office for saying orange pizzazz because the teacher said i called someone a pissed ass and would not listen despite having the literal crayon as evidence after a 30 minute scolding and waiting for my mom to leave work to pick me up for my suspension the teacher came in all apologetic when i explained to her the whole situation not the school side my mom went ape i had heard her say once and that's the only swear i ever heard from her and we had just been rear-ended in traffic she used a dozen curse words when she had her chance to speak to the principal and teacher i got unsuspended on the spot but she pulled me out of school for the day anyway we had a lovely day and she explained very well how he shouldn't swear like that unless absolutely necessary and have exhausted all civility when being civil simply isn't working sometimes you might have to call someone a piss-ass the next day at school i learned that i now had the stigma of being the kid who got the crayola super pac taken away using a walking stick i was in a car accident a few years ago and it effed my leg up since then i've been using a walking stick i was walking to shop pre-pandemic and an old bloke gave me the dirtiest look i've ever seen what do you need a cane for you're only a kid he actually got quite upset seeing me using a stick like my dude i'm just trying to buy some milk i don't need your bs today i didn't say that out loud i just said it to myself after i got home people like that are the reason my partner doesn't like going out he's had a few operations on his back and needs his stick as one of his likes has been left weaker than the other he's had someone try and take his stick as he is walking i nearly battered them maybe 22 years ago i had a phone interview with a baking company i didn't care to have my peers know what i was up to so i took the call on my cell phone in my car the call was crystal clear and no technical issues at one point they had mentioned the weather and asked how it was where i was i told him that i was sitting in my car and i could see that it was actively snowing and whatnot the interviewer asked me are you taking this call on a cell phone i told him i was then he asked me if i thought that was appropriate i asked him what he meant by that he said he thought it was kind of rude to take a formal call on a cell phone i told him i would be more than happy to conclude the interview if talking on a cell phone was an issue if he was interested i'd be happy to continue it the next day when i'd be at a desk he again repeated how rude he thought it was that i had called from a cell phone and that there was no need to continue the interview process i disagreed with the first point but did agree with the second to this day i wonder what the hell he was talking about and where he was coming from one time someone got offended when i put on my seat belt she thought i was commenting on her ability to drive same thing happened to me the uber driver said do you wear your seatbelt when you're with your dad i said yes while working tech support back during the dot-com boom i had a customer get upset with me over the use of the word icon he said it had religious implications and he insisted i call windows icons little picture things off topic but this reminds me of my four-year-old niece who calls commercials skip ads i got in trouble in kindergarten for saying the word dead apparently it was too violent when i was a child my mom paid for something with a check the cashier remarked that my mom had nice handwriting my mom flew off the handle and we had to storm out of the shop and outrage to this day i have no idea what happened had someone get offended by me calling my brother bro they insisted that i was racist and that white people can't be related to mexicans like seriously lady that's not how genetics work we're a hundred percent related and are a mix of white and native american it's not that unheard of for one biological sibling to come out lighter or darker than the other and even if we weren't related seriously i'm racist for calling someone close to me my bro despite being different skin tones seriously thank you for coming to my rant session have a good day at my wedding we marked the vegetarian items as vegetarian this made the one vegetarian at my wedding my sister-in-law who hates me fly into catatonic rage because we're singling out the vegetarian food as vegetarian and not treating it as normal food then how the f are they supposed to know it's vegetarian a sandwich i kid you not my ex-husband was given a sandwich by our then 13 year old daughter and because she cut the sandwich he went off on a massive strop about how his sandwiches should never be cut etc the poor kid's face she was crushed it still winds me up every time i think about it i once listened to my boss tried to lecture the fire marshall because he was talking about something being flame retardant her reasoning was you should just call it fireproof because retardant was an awful word it was one of those times when i really should have tried to stop her but instead i just stood off to the side probably making a surprised pikachu face i got an angry call from a client at the vet hospital i used to work at she was angry that the doctor had written in her dog's chart something along the lines of chemotherapy has the growth of the tumor she was deeply offended that the vet called her dog i'm a disabled person my life sucks because of my disability and no longer being able to do the things i used to love makes me quite depressed sometimes some a-hole tried to lecture me about how i was ableist for wishing there was a cure for my disability if me for not enjoying being in constant pain and possibly ending up in a wheelchair in the future i guess the guy to halloween party i was at was dressed in a giant bacon costume some girl was yelling at him for being so offensive towards jews and muslims she was neither jewish nor muslim one of the muslim guys at the party asked her what the f she was talking about but she didn't back down i have no idea why people feel the need to go out of their way to be inaccurately offended on behalf of other cultures and religions i sang the song hit the road jack to a kid i just beat in the game while in the third grade mockingly he took that as me calling him a jackass he told the rhesus monitor this i was told to stand against the wall away from the rest of the kids with the recess monitor i am now 27 and married with two kids but i will never forget this if you ever see this i didn't call you a jackass jared but now f you forever professor greg patton at the university of southern california was telling students in a communications lecture last month about filler or pause words such as er um or you know in english footage of his lecture which now has gone viral shows proof patton saying in china the common pause word is that that that so in china it might be naganeganega enunciated nega sounds like the n word which led several of the professor's students to complain to the university responding to the complaint the dean of the university jeffrey garrett told students that prove patton would no longer be teaching the course it is simply unacceptable for the faculty to use words in class that can marginalize hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students he said the university says that prof patton quote unquote volunteered to step away from his role amid the investigation into complaints made against him this is the stupidest thing to get offended over that i've seen in quite a while and damaging to actual cases of racist terminology being used inappropriately my parents are abusive and have called my sister and deny every name in the book in a fight my sister called my dad a fool when he was throwing a hissy fit he flipped and couldn't fathom being called something more offensive which was fool he called me and told me what she said and i laughed at him now my sister and i laugh all the time about how crazy our parents are [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 12,014
Rating: 4.7371664 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, ask planet accidentally, How did you accidentally ruin someone's day?, ask planet offensive moments, radio tts, updoot, toad films, toadfilms, how did I do that?, ask planet sorry, so sorry, ask planet ruin, ruined, r/, offended, did I offend you?, it was an accident, just an accident, ask planet chill out, life ruining, ruin someone's life, accidentally destroyed, ask planet destroy, ask planet whoops, how to ruin someone''s day, Radio TTS, oops, my bad, chill out
Id: akQYD3juflc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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