Why Does He Lack Common Sense?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what's your best story of a moment when someone displayed a complete lack of common sense for Earth Day the company I work for was giving away free seeds to plant to grow tress when I offered it to one woman she said pfft as if a tree can actually grow from a seed I had no possible way to respond to her other than silence b-but minecraft taught me that trees grow from saplings not seeds where deuce at Ling's grow from two kids who shall remain unnamed were doing science when the elder sibling was ready to drop a five-pound dictionary on the younger siblings head because an older kid had convinced them that you could know all words instantly with this method they were told the higher the drop the better the result the elder sibling was on second floor with younger sibling about 12 feet below yes the experiment was halted by adults before execution edit grammar yet it would have been an execution no I did it now I know big words and have a very photosynthesis vocabulary someone asked me a deaf person w hearing aids if I could hear in the dark well can you if it was tells ins bang gay you wouldn't this woman at a gas station oh my god you know those questions and the standardized tests they give to children that show like a triangle and say what would this shape look like if I turned it upside down this is the women those questions are for how could anyone have such a complete lack of understanding of things in relation to each other in space white I just realized why she couldn't find the gas cap while I'm stupid one time I was at a grocery store and I was looking at those heated things that keep chicken warm I wondered how hot it was so I touched it I got a blister so it was pretty hot yeah my mom freaked out one time when the entire computer screen turned blue she called me from upstairs to come down and fix it I looked at it for a second and then tapped the mouse she had highlighted the whole screen no less than three times have I had to fix my mom's computers because she didn't know forgot that you have to turn on both the tower in the monitor and one of those time was at a big company whose IT guy couldn't figure it out either sometimes you just don't expect anyone to be that stupid so you don't think of the simple stuff as a nurse I have so many you'd be surprised at the lack of common sense among nursing students and/or doctors a student nurse came down and said well mr. G didn't eat much of his breakfast today he didn't even seem to want to chew it went up to check on mr. G he is sitting supine bedhead raised a pulseless purple in the face no breath sounds clearly deceased with cereal and scrambled eggs pouring out of his mouth I'm laughing but I'm also amazed at the stupidity please tell me that the student nurse did not become a nurse afterwards I'm wondering if mr. G was already dead or if breakfast killed him the other day at work my counterpart misplaced his it badge we eventually found it but not before I asked him do you want me to call it that's when you chuckle softly at your own joke can you hear me now my mom grabbed a pan out of the oven with her bare hands because she forgot it would be hot I've been doing woodworking of some levels since I was a kid in my late 20s I started to get into welding and machining wood doesn't really get hot after you cut it or sand it or really do whatever to it and if it doesn't get hot it catches on fire and gives you a very visible indication that you shouldn't touch it metal doesn't do that it just soaks up the heat and sits there smiling my woodworking instincts got me burned too many times when dealing with metal cut something grabbed it ouch ducking [ __ ] I burned myself rather badly this way I was using a chop saw with a blade meant for cutting steel more an abrasive cutter like an angle grinder than an actual saw blade to cut a small bar from a large piece of solid aluminum stock it was just a single cut and I didn't feel like switching out to a more appropriate blade for it once my piece was cut and rolled off the side of the saw I absentmindedly went to pluck the metal from the workbench between my index and middle finger the resulting burn was bad enough to make the flesh hiss and to adhere the metal to my skin like ground beef sticking to the bottom of a hot pan the skin between my fingers turned a sickly white and a day later slapped off down to bone when I poked at it through a bandage causing a weird sensational I never forget where it felt like my stomach's little nausea at the same time the skin slipped free it took months to heal though now it seems like I just have a rather absurdly developed writer's callus long story short metal is hot after it's machined and forgetting that can hurt you badly bTW engineer came out to investigate noise on my line causing my broadband to go off there was a loud crackling when you picked up the house phone Murphy's Law meant the day he came the noise was almost gone and now very faint but while listening for it he spotted a retractable phone extension I wasn't using but head out for troubleshooting purposes and said that's 15 meters long it should be 10 at the longest confused I said okay but it was just to rule out the extension I'm using to see if the noise was still on but it's too long that would explain the noise you're hearing I said no I get it on the current one as well he replied well I can't hear it now I said yet it seems better today he went back to it'll just have being your extension it's way too long but it's too long though yes that is true but I was just checking to see if I got the exact same noise with it which I did it's not like if you have an 11 meter cable the phone suddenly starts cracking loudly but it's too long that's what would have been causing the crackling this goes on for about five minutes while he's listening and the crackling suddenly comes back see I say desperately yeah but your extension is too long as I keep saying stunt I pick it up roll it in and put it back in the cupboard it came from look it's not currently connected you can study I'll learn it'll hear the noise that proves it wasn't just caused by an extension that's too long and as I keep telling you that wasn't plugged in when this started he thought about this for about 10 long silent seconds and then shook his head I don't know what to tell you the maximum length for an extension is recommended to be no more than 10 meters next thing I got a bill for 175 pounds for an unnecessary engineer call out due to a fault caused by my equipment what an utter complete prat please complain about him as he is an incompetent ass who needs retraining or he is just a lazy bastard who leaves the work for other engineers I am also a bTW engineer and I've seen extensions that are hundreds of meters long in factories and offices and I have no idea where he got that idea from please call your service provider again I know how annoying that is but from what you've said there is an issue on the line that needs fixing in the majority of us engineers are actually competent and will get your line working properly again plus when the fault is Rea reported that will cancel the charges on your bill hope you have a better experience with the next engineer admittedly that won't be too hard this was about nine years ago now and I did complain but had to still pay as they were going to cancel my service if I didn't they had warned me ahead of time that if it was due to my equipment I would be charged but I was certain because I'd replaced everything including the micro filters and add slow modem that it wasn't at the time my neighbor also had the same noise on their line and when I mentioned this to him he dismissed it saying there's no connection between your line and theirs and I said well won't they go to the same exchange and he said this didn't matter it's your extension causing the problem didn't mean to disparage all BT engineers by the way I'm sure if you guys all shared him level of competence the network would have collapsed two years ago a friend and I were making orange juice yesterday when he decided to also put the orange peel in the blender because throwing the orange peel away is a waste of good food result a real waste of good food my friend always eats the orange peel with the orange as if it was an apple I remember in first grade at this little private school one of the kids opened his lunchbox and said hey orange peels my favorite his mom had packed him orange peels in his lunch I later realized his family probably didn't like him very much my friend got a brand-new iPhone he dropped it on the ground to see how strong it is not his brightest moment maybe with a Nokia you can do that I've dropped my Lumia a few times and not a scratch on it what makes some phone screens shatter from smallest drops maybe with a Nokia you can do that yay if you want to cause an earthquake maybe when my girlfriend was fifteen she blew up some balloons for her friend's birthday and was confused when they didn't float she was genuinely confused when she heard that you needed helium to keep them aloft I'm gonna be honest when he said float I imagined that she put them on a body of water and in my mind I was thinking how the hell would balloons sink in water heavy breathing I was building a fire in a Franklin stove big cast-iron thing lid opens on top I was also trying out two old bottles of liquors laying around I took a mouthful of ancient peppermint schnapps found it gross and spit it out into the fire thank God for my husband spider-man like reflexes he grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me back away from the fireball that erupted from the stove the ends of my hair burnt as it swung forward I would have blinded myself I read that as filing shrine and was so confused T one of my friends was selling his car it was an old shitbox car but it still was worth about the same amount he purchased it for one person bid for it to be purchased at half the original and another bid a bid for the original price the third and final bid a bid for just under double original price done deal right my friend sold it to the guy who bid half price all three guys were strangers but the reason my friend sold it to the lowest bidder was because the lowest bidder was begging him to be a nice guy basically trying to take advantage of him my friends advised him not to listen but he still chose the lowest bidder passing up a good ten thousand dollars if he chosen the highest bidder a month later he came up to me and said I am such a stupid what old shitbox car is worth over $10,000 math says it could be worth as little as six thousand six hundred and sixty six dollars which is still enough to buy about ten [ __ ] boxcars I was boiling water for mac and cheese one time and I forgot how a strainer worked and I poured boiling water all over my legs and feet needless to say each time I use the strainer I double check that it is over the sink like when you make stock and pour the stock down the sink and keeps the bones and veggies duck a habit I can imagine the thought process of using the magic water separation device join our community discord link in description worked at an architecture firm we would always complain about how the modeling software crashed all the time clearly not having used said software our operations manager asked what it meant when it crashed as in does that mean the building your modeling collapses or something dirt not having used said software or any software ever for that matter or just really stable software watching a show with my friend a few years ago detectives found a body and took it to the morgue know it so they called him John Doe throughout the episode later on they found the victims girlfriend wandering through the woods catatonic and in shock so they took her to the hospital also know it won't give her name so Jane Doe my friend turned to me with complete and utter amazement and said how did the hospital know she was the dead guy's girlfriend if they haven't even been identified yet to which I replied that they hadn't figured that out yet they must have otherwise why would they be calling them by the same last name common knowledge why would they have the same last name if there were just boyfriend and girlfriend when I was young I wanted to see if my pinky would fit in the sharpener it didn't and I rotated my finger in half a nail came off nonononono once I waited at the bottom of an escalator for a woman to get off so I could go up she stared at me pretty weird the other time I waited outside for a glass door to slide open in my defense it was a new door and lacked handles with a group of people forming behind me pista they were stuck outside because the store was closed when there were people inside she probably thought you were going to robbed LMAO a plug for something I wanted to unplug was stuck in the outlet I didn't want to snap the cord by pulling on it and my delicate princess hands were beginning to hurt from gripping the plug and pulling suddenly I thought wait I'll just stick my finger between the prongs and Jimmy it out that way in case you didn't know a plug half stuck in the outlet still has electricity running between the prongs now not knowing around age 10 that there was electricity running between the prongs is one thing but the fact that I shocked myself using this exact same thought process a decade later I think that's a lack of my own common sense a kid that my elementary school got sent to the hospital after he got injured playing in the school field with his friends they were throwing steel-tipped darts at each other and one dart hit the kid right in the eye I don't think he died but we didn't see any one eyed kid in school afterwards either this raises so many questions like why on earth was steel-tipped dance even allowed in a school much less allowed for kids to play with or did your elementary school experience take place in a rural city in the 70s when the bagger at the grocery store packs the hot springs and with the cold frozen things all the eggs soft fruits and vegies breads on bottom I know it's nitpicky but I end up repacking once I get to the car I would chalk that up more to make eight dollars an hour and don't give a [ __ ] than a lack of common sense just ray bag in front of them using a stab blender at about 14 was staring at the blades on it and thought it would be a good idea to touch the circle in the center of the blade where it mounted to the shaft it really wasn't wound up with 10 stitches question what happens when you touch the center your finger gets pulled into the blades way quicker than you can pull your hand away I was showing this new girl how to do closing duties at my job we were cleaning and I asked her to pledge the word she gave me the strangest look and proceeded to put her hand over her heart like she was going to pledge allegiance to the flag what does it mean though non-native speaker here edit thanks to the 13 people who explained it to me but it's okay now pledge is a cleaning product I think that's what he was referring to I regularly grab the barrel of my curling iron to see if I've turned it off I'm not typically a stupid woman but I do this without thinking maybe once a week my husband says I have lost my hair curling privileges open bracket it's when your spouse is taking away your privileges that you might want to raise think how you do some tasks a group of friends and I were watching Apollo 13 on the VCR back in 95 it got to the scene where oxygen levels were getting messed up and Kevin Bacon was having trouble thinking straight one of my idiot friends will call him Chuck says oh my god he's illiterate and he meant it he thought an Air Force officer had faked his way through high school college officers training school and astronaut training all while not being able to read I work at a convenience store which basically means I'm near constantly in contact with people whose mere survival leaves me baffled among the best a woman who came in to use the restroom it's out of order that day and I tell her that what's that mean euhh it means it's not working so I can't use it don't know why not this woman drove here there's one guy who comes in every now and then who's banned for shoplifting and knows it I've had to kick him out of the store around six times including the night because he thinks I don't know who he is I legally can't sell beer past midnight which means that every night I see four or five people who try and argue the time with me at 12:03 there are people that come in ask me a question and then apparently lose interest in the conversation every response to my first answer is huh my boss is one of these people II oh yeah and a couple people who have finished with the gas pump and instead of hanging it up just kind of left it on the ground do you live in one of those areas with lead poisoning I saw a worker try to pick up a piece of red-hot steel no quality of leather gloves are going to survive that mate my friend spent 10 minutes looking around for his phone even though he had it in his hand we were telling him to call it and he was trying to phone it but complaining it was engaged the penny eventually dropped a friend and I were playing Cod split-screen and I was absolutely destroying him then my mum walked in and asked which screen are you we both said top screen turns out he thought he was my screen for the past 15 minutes I once stood in front of the front door to my house for a few minutes wondering why the door wouldn't unlock it took me those few minutes to realize that I was pointing my car keys at the door and pressing the unlock button wondering why that wasn't opening the door 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Keywords: best of reddit, top posts of r/, top posts of all time, askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, comment awards, people of reddit, common sense, best of r/askreddit, askreddit funny, transmutation of sexual energy, champions of the forgotten realm, ask reddit, law of state transference, how to become an alpha male, common knowledge, mathematics (field of study), funny reddit, top posts, how to be an alpha male, law of polarity, common, dumb, intelligent, intelligence
Id: n4X3oTj4tsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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