What Cоronаvirus Conspiracies Are Too Logical To Ignore?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what are the best tinfoil hat conspiracy theories regarding covered 19 they just want everyone to stay at home so the government can change the batteries in the birds pigeons not all birds pigeons are no tall birds very insightful I just had a guy tell me that he read from a reputable source at the co v19 virus is triggered by 5g and is controlled by China I asked him who the source was and he said I read it online I've lost faith in society as a whole this is an Anthony steel conspiracy I think I'll have to check it out I've heard of 5g conspiracies and covered 19 conspiracies but now they've mutated into a novel conspiracy the government wants a six feet apart so it's easier to read our minds you know less interference and to get back to social media interaction so we can post our secrets online like we used to greet earth on but created it to save the planet from climate change so kind of the plot of twelve Monkeys someone was paid off to name a coronavirus by either Budweiser or Miller lol coronavirus has been around since the 1960s so that some serious forward-thinking Corona beer has been around since the 1920s so it's not necessarily forward-thinking ok ok ok so you now how Donald Trump has older voters there are people in my city who think that the left has developed a virus in order to kill off conservatives and then planted it in a city and China in order to make the US economy look bad after China's economy suffers it was a wild ride they didn't get the memo that hacking and bribery are cheaper and easier than ham-fisted by warfare but bio warfare is killer a member at the credit union I workout came in and claimed that it is aliens injecting their atmosphere into ours in random places all over the world with the purpose to weed out the weak humans that wouldn't be able to survive on their planet their plan is to take us all to their home planets to enslave us this story was told while she was pulling all the money out of her account what's the money going to do if they are going to take us to their planet and enslave us let's send them a message that reads congrats on your newly acquired nuclear wasteland Trump East China so badly and the trade negotiations that they retaliated with the virus this one is great yet that's the one I heard and the most plausible for sure remember when Donald Trump was in an argument with Kim jong-un and then he said the US will get a gift and then five days later the first cases of the virus started to come up this is it folks Kim did it speaking of which anybody now how North Korea is faring right now that Bill Gates created the corona virus so that he could come up with a vaccine and make billions off for it honestly cracks me up when I see those theories that'd be some anti-vaxxer [ __ ] well it wouldn't be worth billions of vaccines didn't work not sure this is an anti-vaxxer yellow L that on April Fool's all world governments are gonna have some very good news for all of us hey remember when you buried grandma April Fool she was totally pretending and still alive at the time I mean the virus was created by the Chinese to control their population I wonder what would happen if it came out that this was true I'm not saying it is but could you imagine the repercussions unfortunately nothing would happen they are horrible to their people and don't listen to them lawyers are useless it may as well be run by the Mafia it would blow up on the internet for a few weeks and everyone would be obsessed with it like Epstein but nothing will change of course I would hope that I'd be wrong also I'm pretty sure WH oh and United Nations or some [ __ ] would have a big confrontation with them because it is a form of echo terrorism the virus was created and released by China to end the Hong Kong protests this is Bernie Sanders attempt to get back at the DNC by offing Biden with a virus this might be Sanders only chance now if Biden gets sick and Sanders is last-man-standing they are both one chilly wind gust away from the grave as it is hell a good toenail fungus will do them both a guy told me that the virus doesn't even exist it's just a tool used to control the masses I asked him what about the 10,000 plus confirmed dead he was like nobody has died did you physically see someone die from it I'm still in shock is this someone you know well do you have any idea why conspiracy theorists seem to want pink pedophilia on Tom Hanks so bad it seems that I've seen his name pop up in that regard several times no idea why but I have seen him thrown in this [ __ ] more and more the last few months corona virus was created so that the English Premier League would be canceled and Liverpool won't be able to win it can't win the premiership if there is no Premiership there's a lab right next to the markets in woman where it originated a conspiracy theory is that the cupboard 19 was developed there and it was meant as population controlled and China but got out too early all I'm saying is those year long unprecedented government protests taking place in Hong Kong that were beginning to spread to other Chinese provinces they aren't happening anymore that black people can't get it the AIDS protects them yes it's the alien version of pesticide before starting the harvest so I just came up with this half an hour ago while watching the news so one of the big things that has been affected by cupboard 19 here in the US is people losing their jobs and one thing that is making the rounds is wages provided by the government for these people something that I just saw on the news also suggested the idea that the government take control of facemask companies and make them provide masks 24/7 during the pandemic you know what that sounds like socialism what if covered 19 is actually being blown way out of proportion here in the US so that Americans will be more accepting toward socialism as a whole I doubt that that's happening though it would make a neat book though we already have tons of socialism it's just a word socialism that Republicans in America hate lol it was a government experiment I'm not a believer in many conspiracies but I certainly think there's something they're not telling us whether it's the severity of carbon 19 or some ulterior motive idk but this is the first time in American history that the nation has reacted this way and we've been through h1n1 bird flu Ebola and more but we've never shut down most of the nation over any others so I'm gonna get real sketched out if they make a vaccine and make it mandatory for everyone to get that will be the chip implant moment for me no way I'll get the vaccine but not if they make it mandatory that everyone in America gets it this is too weird for me trust then with that [ __ ] they want everyone to stay inside so they can kill the people who know too much my mom coronavirus is a result of us being unable to withstand the 5g Network implementation the quarantine is actually deliberate to keep families together as we are all doomed by a giant asteroid that will crash into Earth resulting in total annihilation next month the Chinese government invented the virus to get a hold on the situation in Hong Kong but the virus accidentally got deployed in China instead of Hong Kong basically my theory the whole thing is a cover-up for arrests related to Epstein and Weinstein scandals I've heard a lot of conspiracy theories on how Democrats created cupboard 19 in order to ruin Trump's bid for a election Trump is delaying doing anything about the virus so he can kill off the elder population and then take credit for reducing Social Security costs before the election Millennials in America aren't having enough offspring so the quarantine will cause the baby boom to keep the economy steady in 15 years baby's taxes workers money watching everyone comply and willingly give up their rights martial law apparently it's a test run that this virus is only phase one of destroying the world this virus is intended to weaken the populace and overwhelm hospitals all around the world this villain knows that people won't follow necessary social distancing long enough to keep flattening the curve once it's gotten to the point that hospitals are sunk they'll release the real virus that will really finish the now defenseless world off in a most gruesome way there is a radio station in Greece that allows crazy right winds to call based on their testimonials there is the accumulated theory that the corona virus has to do with the protocols option and thus the world dictatorship of the new world audition lists which they do this by the 5-gram network which somehow enables the artificial intelligence of the artificial corona virus to control its hosts and the Chinese switched off five grams and got cured and some stuff about the vaccine being the engine to insert the 666 in everyone and the Jews will then kill everyone and the five gram logo is similar to the corona of the corona virus but also the Star of David or sth but bracelets made out of the bronze in Ethernet cables can block the virus something about Illuminati numbers and other stuff like that I can't wait to find out more get wolken unravel the web of conspiracy it is all a big cover-up for war source my friend's stepdad join our community discord link in description some of the responses in this thread made me actually think of a new one biological warfare is illegal on a world scale but that doesn't mean nations aren't still developing new [ __ ] to use when the inevitable comes may be covered 19 was developed by the Chinese and held on to in secret along with many other more dangerous diseases they've created however with the protests in Hong Kong beginning to make a larger and larger impact on the mainlanders of China just like with Tina Minh square the Chinese government had to do something about it quick unlike with Tina Minh square this time they're on a global scale they're being watched by everyone via the internet and smartphone cameras so what do they do release one of the weaker diseases they've created and make a big ducking deal of it shut down ruin and set an example of what the world should do spread social distancing and get it trending to get people the protesters to not want to go outside to not want to be social and discuss anything other than this virus including the goals of the protest this forces the protests to end by instilling fear into the people and having it reinforced on a global scale the disease is deadly but only because we don't have a vaccine for it this is akin to the very first flu season ever where many many people died but as time went on and we got vaccines the flu became nothing the flu is something people are currently using to laugh at the Preppers because it ain't that bad but it is bad and many people will die not that China gives a dark any economical discourse because of this is also to their advantage so duck em let em die and freak out in the protests ie future Chinese Revolution will die with them buying paper towels and massive amounts is acceptable and not selfish not a conspiracy theory just pissed it was meant to stop the protesting in China what protesting in China the last protest has ended up and the drains underneath the annamund square toilet paper can help I've seen several people I know float the idea on Facebook that this virus seems very convenient considering it's an election year when the economy is doing great jobs are coming back school shootings are down war in Syria has declined in President Donald J Trump is doing a very great job running the country they think this is some kind of hoax being perpetrated by the DNC to smear Donald Trump and keep people away from the polls in November one big hoax that apparently China the UK Iran Italy scientist health officials most of Europe the NBA NCAA Hollywood and numerous states of the u.s. governed by both GOP and DNC leaders are all in on I've actually heard this theory from several people I live in Singapore where we are a little more neutral on the whole us-china rivalry so Trump's trade war didn't work very well to [ __ ] China they engineer a virus about two weeks before the first reported cases in woman there was a military Games Summit held in woollen which the US military sent representatives to participate it's extremely closer to markets in place where the virus is thought to have originated and during the three days off the soldiers would hang out around that exact area theory is that is exactly where the virus was released apparently one of the first few cases in Japan involve a couple who never visited Wuan at all not even China they were infected even before the virus was made public by China the only place they visited before getting infected Hawaii and the last thing is that apparently there are five slightly different strains of corona virus a B C D and E viruses undergo slight mutations as they multiply creating slightly different strains this is nothing new you can tell quite a bit about how the virus has spread or where it originated by seeing which strains and how many of the strains are in a particular location and once again apparently it's most likely that the country with the most number of strains would have been the originator of the virus as it has had the virus for the longest time China has only 2 of the 5 strains Italy has another two only one country has all of five you guessed it the u.s. not only that but apparently the strains in China and Italy are descended from the one that you can only find in the US and finally I have no idea who started this theory but it's not the Chinese government probably just some dudes I know read it is pretty anti China but this theory has little to do with them it was created by Bernie Sanders to push medicare-for-all after there is a cure for covered 19 covered 20 will be released once again named Willard I heard some kids in my school gossiping about it and how it will be even deadlier than Ebola worst part is they are Asian there's a bioweapons lab in China in ruined a number of years ago one of the scientists that worked there got in trouble for selling some lab animals on the street after the lab was finished with them therefore covered 19 as an escaped biological weapon not my theory but someone on my FB posted this personally I think it's real and China did it to stop the protests of their communist government and that was happening in Hong Kong how's the revolt was spreading through other provinces is China and then the USA knew about it major governments even Canada were briefed on it in December that thought that it could he contained in China so no one cared but then because the Trump administration unfortunately has many leaks Democrats heard and were like let stucking use it to make us a socialist that's why we have [ __ ] coming up like universal basic income and working from home which is a privilege not a right and more social aid given to welfare leeches who don't work you know it is one hell of a tinfoil hat conspiracy lol I don't think the US government is that organized to set loose a worldwide pandemic for pushing more social services but I guess that's why it's a conspiracy with no actual facts woman shrugging my grandparents are convinced that Barack Obama had the virus engineered to kill off old people in that somehow Joe Biden is involved in the plan put in Russia Iran was playing up earlier this year and badda-bing badda-boom they just happened to have one of the worst breakouts not saying the virus was made for this reason just opportunistic use of the virus by a government I'm not and never have been a conspiracy theorist but I believe in one the start of the spread of cupboard 19 was started BC a Chinese scientist had strains of the virus and was trying to make a vaccine then the scientist accidentally got the virus and spread it that's not all there are videos of Chinese citizens possibly government workers employees paid helpers who have a virus and are very obviously spreading the virus by sneezing coughing spitting on public used things I've seen it on doorknobs elevator buttons etc here is one example of a woman who spit on elevator buttons YouTube link the Illuminati just got the most powerful computer ever and installed plague Inc on it and created coronavirus my sister told me that she was afraid that somebody is controlling this and will flip a switch to turn the infected into zombies she also told me that if martial law is declared they'll start killing civilians to be more precise do you even know what martial law is that's where they blow you up it's a conspiracy to ruin the economy and get Trump out of office in the Philippines there's a rumor going around that bananas cure covered 19 apparently it's the Chinese way of population control that the Chinese government release the virus to try and reduce their population they kept it covered up in hopes it would remain within their country somebody had posted link to debunked Russian propaganda digs trough browser history here I noticed one saying my country apparently started it Latvia with has enough talented biologists and pharmacists could have created the coronavirus covered 19 can be used as a pretext to limit people's freedom so they couldn't organize protests and as an opportunity to justify an economic recession I especially like the title of the original source coronavirus created in Latvia why not that black people are immune the fact that we had three pandemics each one hundred years apart is too much of a coincidence the government is killing everyone to control the population a bit interesting covered 19 was actually a virus created by the Chinese in a top-secret lab only the scientists that made it know the cure the scientists tested the virus on bats and then released the bats so that they would infect everyone and soon they will become the richest people ever by selling the antidote that China created it on purpose to manage their overpopulation saw this one on Instagram this virus was created purposely by the New World Order they want the media to scare the living [ __ ] out of everyone around the world and beg for a vaccine to be made said vaccine will have mind-numbing chemicals in them that will make people more docile and willing to accept their fates as wage slaves to the top 1% the vaccine will become a requirement for everyone around the world saw one on imgur that claimed that this was due to Chinese laboratories taking coronaviruses and injecting components of HIV into them to ruin people's lungs and make it more infectious and that the lackadaisical attitude toward safety and said laboratories meant that this virus leaked and spread through the population best one would be one I saw on Facebook claiming this corona virus was injected into people through compulsory vaccines and then activated by 5g one of my idiot co-workers keeps trying to tell customers it's a government scam to distract us from the election or kick our doors down or some such nonsense I've started making up other conspiracies and sharing them with her in hopes to distract her from the virus started with all foliage having once been Bluebird destructive human activity has stained the earth over centuries so now much of it is green I'm working my way up to the bomber being Taylor Swift's uncle drinking water washed the virus into your stomach where gastric acid kills it if I hear that again I'm afraid I'll red heart punch someone about a week ago I went out looking for distilled water so I could top off the radiator for my car distilled has no mineral so it won't corrode the engine and literally every shelf in all gas stations CVS Walgreens Walmart market basket auto shops everywhere only had purified water the distilled ones were the only ones being panic bought I've yet to figure out who and why that became a thing my buddy told me that covered 19 is all alike caused by our brains and that 5g network is the one causing the brain to lie Nintendo created the virus to cause a quarantine so more people would buy Animal Crossing new horizons alternatively Warner Brothers is making a sequel to Maz Moses Jones and took viral marketing a bit too literally I came up with this one at work the other day it's actually an escaped pathogen from the BLS for lab in women the Chinese tried to cover it up saying it was from the wet market that's total [ __ ] this virus was engineered to be extremely virulent with HIV homology insertions edited into the genome this isn't a meme or a joke look it up I can't tell if you are repeating a conspiracy theory you heard or if you actually believe it it can be a conspiracy theory and still be true the terms are not mutually exclusive the Panama papers for example unveiled a real financial conspiracy which was certainly just a theory beforehand thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day
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Id: XfXDtu-mIAk
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Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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