What is COP26? - Live English Lesson

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hello everyone and welcome to another live session with me anna english here on english like a native today with the help of sensationsenglish.com we're going to be asking the question and answering the question what is cop 26 so if you are joining me today thank you do feel free to leave comments ask questions i'll try my best to respond to as many of you as i can while keeping the flow of the lesson going so lovely to have you here please do introduce yourself say hello let me know how you're feeling and where in the world you are today lovely so let's get started by looking at the notes that i prepared today i'll bring them up on screen for you okay so what is cop 26 now with regards to this lesson it doesn't matter what level of english you currently have you can learn a lot by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone so to go beyond where you feel comfortable we use this phrase a lot to be out of your comfort zone or to move outside of your comfort zone but context is essential so you need to know what we're talking about in general if you're going to go outside of your english comfort zone so if you have the context then that's going to be essential for reading and listening above your level so today we're going to be working at c1 level and if you're not see one don't panic you can still get quite a lot out of this lesson and in fact i recommend that students push themselves to a higher level by working outside of their comfort zone you can pick up so much by doing so and i'm going to give you the context at the b1 level before we start the c1 level version okay so don't panic feel free to ask questions if you get stuck and i'll try my very best to help you okay um right so as i said what we're going to do is look at the b1 level first now this is a article provided by sensations english i'll take you over to their site to look at the c1 level version but the b1 level we're just going to read together now so here we go b1 version and if you're not familiar with these levels b1 is basically pre-intermediate okay so what is cop 26 the uk is holding an international conference called cop26 the conference will discuss climate change they will try to agree ways of reducing carbon dioxide also known as co2 co2 is a gas which causes global warming by the way this topic is really helpful for those of you who are doing your ielts exams climate change tends to come up quite a lot in the spoken exams so it's a good one to cover the conference is held every year but 2020's event was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2021 glasgow in the uk is holding the conference from the 31st of october till the 12th of november so it's happening right now 25 000 people are expected to visit glasgow they include thousands of environment campaigners and businesses who will meet and network the conference has representatives from 200 countries they will decide their plans to reduce carbon dioxide by 2030 and a plan to make zero co2 by 2050 this is to help reduce global warming at the conference in 2015 countries agreed to keep global temperature increase well below 2 degrees centigrade and to try to limit it to 1.5 celsius did i say centigrade i just say a really weird word there it's celsius degrees celsius um i have a head cold at the moment you might notice from my croaky voice um so if i say anything weird just pull me up on it i've got a bit of a foggy head today um 1.5 celsius um this was called the paris agreement so that's what they agreed back in 2015. cop 26 should end with each country agreeing how to reduce co2 this may change our everyday lives for example the kind of cars we drive and the heating systems in our homes okay good so that was the b1 level and that gives you the context so you know you understand what the article is about it's all about this cop26 which is a conference bringing together people from all over the world heads of state and very important influential people from all over the world and they're all trying to find out work out and commit to reducing co2 in order to help global warming okay how are we all doing so far okay so what does cop26 actually mean as far as i know it stands for conference of parties so a party um is like a person or a group of people that represent something so i might send a party from the uk to represent the uk it could be one person or it could be a group of people so parties just means a representative so it's a conference of people representing things all over the world countries states and there's 26 of them there's 26 parties that have come together for this conference okay so it's the conference of parties 26 i believe um okay any other questions yeah we're going to go to c1 in a minute and the c1 version is like an advanced version of what you've just read with me okay so let's have a look at some vocabulary now because when we move to c1 there'll be a lot more advanced vocabulary that you might be unfamiliar with and so just to make sure that we are all on the same page that's an idiom meaning that we all um that we all know the same information so we're all on the same page i'm going to go through this vocabulary with you now okay let me just get these notes up here excuse me okay let me share this with you so the vocabulary that we're going to be um looking through first of all if something is pivotal pivotal too it means that it's in very important it's central to something so it's a very important part or component it's pivotal now pivot actually means to turn so it's an important mechanism in something so if something is pivotal to something else then it's very important um the internet is pivotal to me delivering this online live stream without it this couldn't happen so the internet is pivotal to our live stream uh next we have to face or facing a problem we use the word faith obviously this is my face my face um but we use face meaning to physically turn and look at something so i'm i'm not facing you now i'm facing you now so facing you means your face is straight at it and we use this metaphorically when we're talking about dealing with an issue so i might say um i know that there's a big argument going on in the house and i can't bear to go home after work because i can't face i can't bear to face that negativity and drama i don't want to face it i don't want to deal with it i'm just going to hide put my head in the sand okay so to face or to be facing something is to deal with or confront a problem okay are you facing any difficulties or any obstacles at the moment please do let me know feel free to write example sentences using these new words and phrases so next often when we talk about events we'll say it's coming to it is coming to a place and that just means it's going to happen at this place at some point in the future so you'll always hear it um announced in adverts coming to a city near you um or um i don't know tom jones is coming to glasgow soon or um the teletubbies which is a children's character-led uh like cartoon program the teletubbies is coming to manchester next month so we usually use this phrase to talk about an event that's coming to a place uh accelerate accelerate now accelerate can be used to talk about a vehicle moving forward and the actual pedal that you press to make a vehicle move forward is called the accelerator so you press down on the accelerator to make a car go or a van or any vehicle really but you can use this to talk about speeding anything up so a process for example um perhaps i'm hiring someone and it's a long process but i need to accelerate that process because i need to hire someone asap as soon as possible so i need to accelerate the hiring process so we can often use this to talk about speeding things up in general um if you we we can use the word given um and it can mean to take into account or to consider something so you'd use it at the beginning of the sentence usually you say for example like i've written given the pandemic business has given the pandemic i've had to close my business so considering or taking into account the pandemic i've decided to close the business because the pandemic obviously has been has been difficult for many people um or you could say given that it's raining so given the bad weather and given that i'm full of a cold i think we should stay home today and not go out on a long hike so i'm asking you to take into account the fact that the weather is bad and i have a cold and i think we should use that to make the decision to stay home so given the weather it's pretty bad and given my cold well given the fact that i've got a cold i think we should stay home today okay so i just thought that was quite an interesting um phrase that you should be aware of um yes when we're talking about events we would often say they're being held at so we often often hold events um you hold meetings you hold conferences you don't tend to hold a party so that's like slightly different it tends to be to do with some sort of meetings summits conferences they are held um and you say it's being held at um excel in london or there's a conference being held at a prestigious venue in dubai okay um i i just previously mentioned the word summit summit is basically a summit um is a conference that it only really includes the heads of states the top executives people who can make influential decisions the people with power so that's a summit um the word summit is a verb also to mean to get on top of something you summit the mountain or you can have the summit of the mountain which is the peak of the mountain the top um so if you think about summit being the top of the um hierarchy within a business it's the top people who would go to a summit okay uh any questions so far [Music] okay i'm just having a quick look through uh what does it what does exacerbate mean exacerbate usually means to exhaust something to um yeah to exhaust something or to wear something down i usually feel exacerbates used in a situation where you no longer have patience so if i am a teacher of young children or teenagers and i've asked them several times to sit down and be quiet and listen and they repeatedly ignore me and continue to be noisy i will become exacerbated like just worn out with trying to ask them and i might become irritated and oh i'm exacerbated yeah let me see if i can find any more questions i can answer um uh being held take place yeah you can say this is taking place here so the live stream is taking place on youtube or the live stream is being held on youtube that would work they can be exchanged um any others uh is there any difference between american english and uk english can i live in the uk and study online through a us teacher there are differences between british english and american english but they are negligible most most natives in the uk would completely understand the majority of and what an american would say so there's slightly different grammar rules different spellings um obviously different pronunciation there are some different words and um phrases that are used in the different places if you're living in the uk obviously it's helpful to learn british english but if you have an online teacher who's us based and then it's it's fine the most important thing obviously is just fluency so being able to communicate and be understood so i don't see any problem with that um okay let's get back to the vocabulary here a mock version or a mock-up if something is a mock now we can use this in a couple of ways to mock someone is to make fun of them but usually it's making fun of them in a way that is mimicking them for example uh if someone was whinging oh i don't really like that and i turn around and say oh don't really like that then i'm mimicking them but you could say i was mocking them because i'm making fun of them in the way that i mimic um so to mock is to to copy make fun of but when you talk about a mock-up or a mock version of something it's it's not teasing at all it's um it's basically a full-scale model a version of it that's not the real version it's not a usable version it's just to show you what it would look like you might do a mock-up of um uh if you were making a new device a phone perhaps you might make a plastic model or a cardboard model to show what it would look like and how it would feel in your hand in terms of the size but it wouldn't function it's just to look at um many shops when they're doing displays might have a mock-up of a real item to show you what it looks like to look nice on the display if you're building a website you might have a mock-up of your web page your home page so you know what it would look like but nothing's functional no none of the links work or anything it's not live it's just a mock-up it's like a design so you can see what it would look like but it wouldn't be the real thing and so that's a mock version a mock version hello everyone who's joining it's lovely to see you all here if you are here then don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you're finding it useful that would be really helpful thank you let the algorithms know that this is useful content um okay next is the word secure you might already be aware of this um but if you secure something then it means that you get it you achieve it uh you can also secure something as in make it secure so if you are on a bumpy uh a bumpy uh train or you're on a ferry perhaps they might say please secure all your loose items so you might want to make sure that they're tied down or put away and in a cupboard and the cupboard door is shut so they don't fall i need to secure my flowers so i don't knock them over so you can secure things in that respect but we can also use the verb to mean to get so i need to secure um i need to secure a new a new mobile phone i could say which means i need to get it we often use this when talking about roles and things as well i'm going to secure or a contract today i secured a a contract or a a renewal of something yeah it's a funny word really uh okay net zero net zero is a phrase that you'll come across a lot when um reading or hearing about climate change particularly about the commitments that the countries are making at cop26 during the paris agreement they talk about trying to achieve net zero and this means achieving the balance between the carbon the carbon dioxide we put out and then the carbon dioxide we remove the idea is that most countries will try to just reduce their output completely so moving to um non-fossil fuel based vehicles so electric cars and renewable energies so there's not this carbon dioxide going out but some things can't be helped like um planes uh flights they produce a lot of carbon dioxide and so we need to find ways of then reducing taking out the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere there's new technologies that can do that as well as planting more trees and things that naturally take carbon dioxide to create photosynthesis and put oxygen out um i remember that lesson at school so yes there's lots of things that are happening to try and reach net zero by 2050 i believe um if something is within reach this is a regular uh common term within reach means it's possible so oh success is just within reach reaching net zero it's just within reach it means it's a possibility if you are running for president and the votes are coming in and you're still in the running there's still a chance that you are going to be the president you'd say the presidency is just within reach once you know that you're not going to be president once the votes get to a point where you know there's no way even if you get all the remaining votes there's no way you could be president then it's no longer within reach okay it's no longer within reach okay the word adapt i just put this in here in case anyone's unsure the word adapt means to change to new conditions so during the pandemic many of us had to adapt to a new way of life a new way of shopping a new way of working a new way of communicating with one another some people found it hard to adapt some people found it very easy to adapt was it hard for you to adapt did you have to deal with many changes okay next we have the word habitat and this just means someone's natural environment we often talk about habitat when talking about animals um we're talking about the animal's natural habitat being destroyed or um retaining the natural habitats for the wild the wildlife and plant life okay mobilize now to be mobile to be mobile means to move around but if you mobilize a group of people or you mobilize a plan it means that you prepare or organize something for a purpose so we need to protest against reopening the coal mines just as an example so let's mobilize all our environmental activists people who feel really passionate about this let's mobilize everyone let's organize a protest outside westminster okay let's go and tell the government we're not happy about this decision so you mobilize people okay next we have uh the word tackle to tackle something is just like to fight or deal with a problem tackle is used in football obviously um if a player has the has the ball and is dribbling the ball down the field and then a an a player from the opposite team comes up and tries to take the ball they are coming face to face they are facing that obstacle and they are tackling that player to try and get that ball away and so it's to deal with a problem that needs dealing with that ball needs taking away from that player okay but you can use tackle obviously in many other scenarios not just in football so i have to tackle the washing up there's a huge mound of dirty dishes by my sink that needs tackling i need to tackle my accounting my accounts are in a terrible state they need dealing with so i have to tackle that later as it usually refers to something you don't want to do okay so to tackle a problem uh so as to this is a really unusual phrase and if i try and break it down like and understand it um it just doesn't make sense but as a phrase it means in order to so as to so as to in order to do something so um let me think of an example here i need to i need to move out of my house so as to renovate the entire building so yeah so it's kind of like because but in order to is the most uh clear um what's the word version that's not the word i'm looking for but my brain isn't working today catastrophe that's what's going on in my mind right now catastrophe um a catastrophe is like a disaster an event it's usually a sudden event but it can be used for an ongoing um event that's you know predicted but it's an event that causes great great destruction great trouble a catastrophe absolute catastrophe excuse me um uh next we have a chord a chord to reach an accord means that everyone is in harmony it's a formal agreement okay so you either sign an accord it could be a formal document um or to reach an accord we often use the word reach we've reached an accord we're all in agreement okay so as to same with so that yeah yeah absolutely well done good good suggestion um next we have implement to implement is to get something going to start using a plan or an action so um i i've just introduced a new um event calendar into i have a community uh it's like a almost like a facebook but it's an exclusive community for my students and yesterday i implemented a new events calendar so it's a space where people can see all the live events because we have many live events we have weekly live streams and regular conversation clubs where students come together and i facilitate them having natural english practice so english conversation practice and previously it was quite difficult to arrange and organize all these live events people didn't know when they were happening or where to find the links where to register and i have been testing a new calendar a new way of making it easy for my students to see the events rsvp to register for those events and then to find all the information they need to participate in those events and so yesterday i made it live i implemented that new functionality that new uh way of of arranging my events so i implemented that yesterday have you implemented any new systems recently do let me know okay so next on the list oh by the way in while i'm talking about my um my community and my conversation club if any of you are interested in english practice in terms of speaking if you struggle to find conversation partners and you really want to improve your speaking confidence then um you are able now to get involved in my community without being on my course there are a number of courses to choose from but you don't have to be a core student to enter my exclusive community um there's now a very easy way to become a club member and i've put the link in the description to this video if you want to find more about joining my community on its own without a course and you'll have lots of opportunities to join our conversation club our regular live streams and there's also a monthly zoom call with me um where you can just drop in and talk to me about anything okay but the links in the description for you to find out more about that so next on the list is delegates so when we talk about conferences and meetings you might hear the word delegate a delegate just refers to a person who's been chosen to represent a group of people um so we might have a delegate from india and a delegate from the us and a delegate from russia and a delegate from belgium a delegate from portugal so all these different people have been chosen by their countries to come and represent that country okay they're a delegate and the word activist you'll hear activists a lot when um on the subject of climate change because there's lots of people protesting and um getting involved in activities because they want change these are people and ordinary people um who just feel very strongly about something and they will take to the streets with their banners and at the moment we have activists who are stopping a lot of the traffic in the uk so they're sitting down in the middle of a busy road and stopping all the traffic because they want to protest about um in insulation installation they want the government to insulate more houses um so that we don't lose too much heat from our houses um yeah that's all over the news at the moment so activists very passionate people um enterprise and enterprise basically refers to a company or an organization or it could be an important plan an enterprise but normally it's an organization okay in this in the article we're about to read the c1 version they talk about holding events i was unfamiliar with this phrase but a holding event is just basically any organized event that holds people like a conference or um a presentation um yeah a holding event any organized events it could even be like a celebration i guess anything that brings people and holds people into space excuse me uh networking is the next one if you network then it means you interact with other people in order to make connections so if you go to a conference usually you take a lot of business cards and your phone and you'll make an effort to speak to lots of different people and exchange um contact details with people so that you can no more people that might help you with your business and it's good to network it's very helpful in business to network and so networking is the is the act of connecting with people um usually on a professional on a professional level um fossil fuels if you're unsure what we mean when we're talking about fossil fuels it's talk it's referring to natural fuels such as coal or gas um obviously petrol diesel comes from fossil fuels so um that's something we're trying to move away from is the use of fossil fuels um a declaration a declaration is a formal statement or an announcement i'm making a declaration people usually declare their love if you declare your love you stand up in front of the person that you care about and say i love you with all my heart you might even declare it to the world via facebook look at this amazing man or amazing woman i love so much that's a declaration of your love um but you can have formal declarations like literally written out and signed and witnessed so that's a declaration so it's an announcement or a statement finally the last two words determine um to if something is determines something then it um ascertains something or it works something out um i need to determine how many glasses of water i should drink a day i need to determine when it will be safe for me to go back in public with my terrible cold so it's to figure something out to ascertain to work out something and the final one is the word automobile which is not used very often but it might it's used on an industry level um it refers to a car basically an automobile and it's a very american term actually it's used more in america but you might hear it um in british english too okay so we're going to move on to the actual article now excuse me does anybody have any questions um about what we've covered so far five liters a day of water no i think you're getting confused between what a liter and a pint a liter is like a huge it's a huge amount five liters i think i i would struggle um i might be able to do one or two liters a day but usually it's five cups or five pints maybe but liters quite a lot um i definitely don't drink enough water that's for sure um [Music] okay all right um let's move on so what i'm gonna do now is i'm just going to end this screen share of my notes and i'm going to screen share um [Music] the this one the sensationsenglish.com website so you can see that now lovely yes you can see it great okay so sensations english if you're not familiar with them i've worked very closely with them for a long time they have an incredible site with an incredible resource for english learners every week they release a written article and two video articles and as you can see every article is available at five different levels and so you can do what we're doing here which is to go at a lower level understand the context and then move up to a higher level in order to gain um exposure to more advanced vocabulary and grammar structure um and i just think it's fantastic and beyond what they offer just in terms of the materials they also have lots of interactive activities as well and their platform is so reasonably priced it's something i think is a great addition to any english learner to have in their tool bag of resources so do go and check them out i think they offer a free trial as well so you know go go and try them out for a week and have a look see what you think but today we're using a written article and um so we're going to listen to it so you can listen to it and read along at the same time and that's what we'll do so you can see we're on c1 the advanced level and we're going to listen to it now hopefully you'll be able to hear this let me know if you can't cop 26 gets the green light first of november 2021 the 26th annual climate change conference of parties cop 26 which could be pivotal to avoiding the climate crisis the world is facing is coming to glasgow uk the yearly convention of world leaders aims to accelerate action towards the goals of the paris agreement and the un framework convention on climate change the conference is being held over two weeks starting on october the 31st and it could lead to major changes to our everyday lives given the pandemic in 2020 the summit was cancelled which led to climate change protesters taking part in their own mock version cop stands for conference of the parties and each year they set clear goals to focus on this year the goals are to secure a global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees celsius within reach adapt to protect communities and natural habitats mobilize finance and work together to deliver the finalized paris rulebook and accelerate action to tackle the climate crisis at cop26 200 countries are being asked for their carbon reduction plans so as to avoid a climate catastrophe in 2015 they all signed an accord to implement changes to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels and to try to limit temperature increases to 1.5 degrees celsius this is what's known as the paris agreement it means countries have to continue to make greater cuts to emission levels until reaching 2050's net zero target glasgow plays host to the uk's largest ever summit of over 25 000 participants including heads of state media personnel and delegates tens of thousands of climate activists and enterprises will also attend holding events networking and protesting including extinction rebellion who are calling for an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels at the end of the conference a declaration of some description is expected each country will be required to sign and agree to specific commitments some of which will directly affect our daily lives determining your use of a petrol automobile whether homes are heated with gas boilers or restrictions on the number of flights taken okay sorry guys um you said that there was an echo it's probably because i don't have my headphones plugged in and i was listening to the sound directly here um so apologies for that i hope it didn't affect your enjoyment of the article um just to show you i mentioned there are lots of interactive games you can see them here there's so much to do and it's all based on that one article so you can really get to grips with what you've just learned and study tools as well it's really fantastic okay so let's now bring my face back hi guys um thank you hoping for a speeding recovery a rapid recovery thank you very much um unfortunately we've been ill for quite some time now so it's just endless but um thank you for your kind wishes okay so how did you find the article were you able to understand it quite well given the context and the vocabulary that we went through if if not we're going to go through it again now slowly um and i've highlighted the words that we that we looked at so let me stop sharing that and share my notes again with you it's terrible in this day and age having a cough so whenever you are in public or around any other people they they look at you like have you got covered it's just awful and you stifle your cough to stifle is to kind of hold things back or to cover it up to stifle it um and so i try and stifle my cough i try to stop coughing basically and it makes it much worse i get such a strong tickle and so then i finally end up in a coughing fit just coughing and spluttering because i didn't just do the little cough that i needed to do at the points that i needed to do it um okay so let's have a look through this slowly so the 26th annual climate change conference of parties cop26 now annual means yearly in case you're unsure of that um so it's the 26th oh right okay oh okay so for 26 years they've been meeting for this conference of parties and that's why it's cop 26. now okay that makes more sense rather than 26 main countries represented um okay so this is the 26th year that they've done this climate change conference of parties and so it's called cop26 for short and it could be pivotal to avoiding so really important to avoid a climate crisis that the world is facing it's an issue that we're dealing with now we're looking at it it's an obstacle right in front of us and this conference is coming to glasgow so when you have really advanced like confusing sentences like this you have to try and pick out the important points and the important points are it's a conference and it's coming to glasgow and then the extra information is just padded around it so it's not just a conference it's the 26th annual climate change conference which is also known as cop26 and this conference could be pivotal important to avoiding the climate crisis which the world is facing so this is all just additional information added on the important thing is the conference is coming to glasgow um the yearly convention so it repeats itself there it's the annual convention now it's telling you it's the yearly convention so this is different ways of saying the same thing the yearly convention of world leaders aims to accelerate action so to speed up the action towards the goals of the paris agreement which was another agreement that took place in 2015 and the un framework convention on climate change now you'll see that these things are capitalized the paris agreement capitalized u.n framework convention on climate change capitalized sorry about that my phone is on i don't know who's phoning me hopefully it's not important um they're capitalized meaning it's a name of a thing okay it's a name of something so i wasn't familiar with un framework conventional climate change but i know it's probably some sort of agreement because it's all capitalized okay so like the prioris agreement and the cop 26 it's it's a thing something they've already done and agreed to it's an agreement okay so excuse me the conference is being held when we've covered that is being held over two weeks starting on october 31st and could lead to major changes in our everyday lives i think that's probably straightforward now given the pandemic in 2020 so remember this is like because of considering taking into account basically because of the pandemic in 2020 the summit which just means a conference but for really important people was cancelled and this led to climate um change protesters taking part in their own mock version so they did their own version of the cop26 where they got together and discussed what should happen but obviously it wasn't the real thing there weren't any decision makers there um it was just the protesters trying to make a point um good i'm just trying to have a look at your your comments okay um cop stands for conference of parties and each year they set clear goals to focus on this year the goals are to secure so to make sure something happens to get to attain a global net zero by mid-century and keep uh 1.5 degrees within reach so to keep that as a possibility so remember that net zero is no additional co2 going out into the atmosphere we put it out we take it we take it out we put it into the atmosphere we take it out of the atmosphere and adapt to protect communities and natural habitats mobilize finance so you know get finance organized to make these changes possible and to work together to deliver the finalized paris again that's capitalized and accelerate action to tackle deal with the climate crisis at cop26 200 countries are being asked for their carbon reduction plans what do you plan to do tell us so as to avoid a climate catastrophe i remember we covered this in order to or so that we can avoid a climate catastrophe catastrophe means disaster in 2015 they all signed an accord remember it's a formal agreement an accord to implement so to start making changes to limit global warming to well below two degrees above pre-industrial levels and to try to limit um temperature increases to 1.5 degrees um this is what's known as the paris agreement so that's the paris agreement it means countries have to continue to make greater cuts to emission levels until um reaching 2050's net zero target is it going to be possible um um glasgow sorry i was just reading comments glasgow plays host to the uk's largest ever summit of over 25 000 participants including heads of state media personnel and delegates remember delegates are just representatives chosen to represent their country or enterprise tens of thousands of climate activists you know those passionate people and enterprises basically companies organizations will also attend holding events holding events such just organized events networking and protesting including extinction rebellion if you're not familiar with this group this is a group of activists who um they they basically have been going out mostly around london and spray painting everything red and um making a big um noise uh to i think they're all vegan protects like animal rights and the environment and yeah they're a very well organized group very vocal um well worth looking up about the activities of extinction rebellion because they are talked about a lot in the media and they are calling for an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels at the end of the conference a declaration remember that's a formal announcement a declaration of some description so we're not quite sure what kind of declaration but there's going to be a declaration and that's expected at the end of the conference so the countries will hopefully declare what they will do each country will be required to sign and agree to specific commitments some of which will directly affect our daily lives determining your use of petrol automobiles cars um whether homes are heated with gas boilers or restrictions on the number of flights taken so we could all see the the changes that are implemented because of the declarations that each country makes the commitment that they make in cop26 okay all right so there we go what are your thoughts on climate change and what do you think the countries can and will achieve um by 2050 do you think net zero is truly a possibility i would i would hope so because we are in a a climate catastrophe we're heading for a climate catastrophe um and things are evidently changing already and i think we have all the technology there we just need to mobilize it we just need to use it implement it find the money and the um and the commitment to to put it all in place it's tricky it's tricky but it needs to happen um yes manuel is talking about the la palma eruption yeah i mean that's volcanoes are a different thing i don't think volcanoes are affected by climate change but what's happening in la palma is just mind-blowing and you know tragic tragic for the people who've who've had their lives devastated by it la palma is one of my favorite places um i've visited there many times and yeah it's a very different looking place at the moment uh hopefully that eruption will calm down at some point and things can get back to normal um faith you said we should oh hang on that one we should increase renewable energies like solar and wind energy yes absolutely i totally agree with you um and you have a hydro electricity as well which you can take from the water the oceans and um yeah there are other things there are other things we can do there are many things we can do um we recently had a petrol crisis here in the uk and those people with electric cars were laughing because they didn't have to queue for hours and hours and hours at petrol stations um or or walk for miles to find petrol um and many people were struggling with their petrol cars we don't really go anywhere so we were lucky we didn't need petrol but yeah i think it's time to start making the switch for many of us um francesca you were late oh dear you can always catch up you can go back and catch up you lost the whole article i missed you'd say i missed almost the whole article not lost lost is like oh i've lost my phone where's my phone i've lost it oh no i must have dropped it or left it on the bus lost it's gone um if you if something was happening that you meant to arrive on time for but you didn't then you missed it so i missed class or i i missed the reading of the article i missed the bus okay so mist is the word to use there but i believe that we need to stop fossil fuel so we need to stop using fossil fuel and change um our way to feed us to change our eating habits you'd say change our eating habits or change our diets okay uh wind farms yes wind farms with lots of wind mills um fantastic uh i'm a huge fan of british accents where else do you live i'm on the outskirts of london so not far from london um [Music] okay all right ladies and gentlemen so those of you who are um members of the elan community i will be sharing the notes that i've used today in the elan community um i'll just package them up for you and share them as a pdf in the live lesson space so just bear with me for about five ten minutes after this stream ends and you'll find the pdf there if you'd like that obviously for all of you this lesson will remain on the internet for you all to enjoy um i have a conversation club today at four o'clock and that's for any club members or um course students so for those of you who are members of elan then you can access that today you all you need to do is go to the common room space on the elan community go to the events calendar rsvp and you'll find the link there to go to the zoom call at four o'clock so that's in three hours time for those of you who missed what i said earlier if you really need a speaking partner if you need to practice your english conversation your english speaking and you want to do that on a regular basis i run a conversation club two to three times a week we also have exclusive live lessons that aren't shown here on youtube or facebook and um a monthly zoom drop-in call with me you can access that club very easily for a very reasonable price all you have to do is click on the link in the description of this video and find out more otherwise thank you so much for joining me here today if you found this useful please give it a thumb up don't forget to subscribe and click on notifications for future live streams i hope you all have a good day and take care thanks for joining bye guys
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 9,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cop26, global warming, climate change, esl climate change, ielts speaking, ielts climate change speaking, ielts climate change vocabulary, learn english online, learn english vocabulary, english climate change, climate change vocabulary, cop26 esl, learn english with news, sensations english, english news esl, Anna english, english like a native
Id: Zh67tt_zpig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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