LEARN Phrasal Verbs: The Complete List - #3 | Live English Lesson

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hello everyone good evening this is Ana English from English like a native Oh broadcasting live from London turning my phone on to silent right now so that we can continue looking at the complete phrasal verb list because as you know if you studied English for any amount of time we use lots of phrasal verbs and lots of idioms so if you can get to grips with those phrasal verbs and get to grips with those idioms then you stand in good stead to be able to have a good native style conversation with anyone okay I have been filming most of the afternoon so if I sound like I'm talking gobbledygook it's because my mouth has been in overdrive trying to get all these things filmed for you guys lots of you joining me already so let's get straight on into it we've already got up to 20 phrasal verbs as we are now on the third of this series then we are hitting number 21 so 21 we're using the phrasal verb argue down argue down now notice how I pronounce the word argue I do not pronounce the R the letter R I just do an open vowel argue argue to argue someone down it can have two meanings so to argue something down or someone down can be to beat someone in a debate or to persuade them in a debate a discussion or an argument so if someone has a specific point of view or belief or they've made a decision and you want to make them understand your point of view or take your side of things then you might try to argue them down and the example I've given for this meaning is the opposing politician was unable to argue the president down the opposing politician was unable to argue the president okay now do feel free to write your example sentences of course patrons I will answer each and every one of your comments if you guys are here hello and those of you guys who are not patrons but you're with me in the chat room live right now I will try to correct some of your comments and by putting them in the notes and if you're watching this later on we're no longer live then still do put your practice sentences in the comments and if I have chance I will correct you alright so to argue someone down we normally put the object in the middle to argue him down to argue Anna down to argue the president down so just remember that one you can also use argue down when you're talking about price so you might argue the price down or you might argue someone down when it comes to price so for example he wanted 100 pounds for it let's say I'm buying a jumper a very expensive jumper he wanted a hundred pounds for it but I argued him down to 75 pounds bargain and bargain bargain means it's something that you got which was great value for a low price it's a bargain bargain okay so he wanted a hundred pounds for it but I argued him down to 20 75 pounds bargain brilliant okay so Alexander has already given an example sentence let's have a look he says the speakers were well-informed but I was able to argue them down so in this case your meaning speakers as in people who are speaking publicly at an event perhaps or in Parliament the speakers they were well-informed but I was able to argue them down brilliant okay in Kiev you can always try to argue the prices down perfect very well written sentences well done no Corrections okay let's have a look hello Elva you have written they are they tried to argue down the proposal they tried to argue down the proposal that's how a quick look at this written in the notes here you see it let's go to the next one in a moment ah just this one there we go they tried to argue down the proposal yes that works well done okay any more can I see any more John was not being agreed with me and arguing me down okay let's have a quick look at this so this is some Sumika Sumika has written this john was not being agreed with me and arguing me down okay so that a few little Corrections here so John did not agree with me it's probably the best way to put this John did not or we could say didn't contraction John didn't agree with me and you can you need something extra here so you either if he come if he was successful in arguing you down then you'd say and argued me down and argued me down but if he was unsuccessful or we don't want to disclose whether he was successful we'd put he he tried arguing me down or he kept trying to maybe he's being persistent he kept trying to argue me down you could do it like that okay I hope that helps all right so argue down quite easy so let's move on to number 22 and in number 22 we have let me just get my notes lined up we have argue out if you argue something out it's basically there's a problem or a disagreement where things don't align views or decisions and you decide to debate it and to until you come to a solution so you argue it out you find some sort of solution to your disagreement okay so let's have a look at it written down they are in the boardroom discussing the company merger I thought I would let them argue it out while I grab a coffee and some peace and quiet so evidently I have walked away from this discussion because it's obviously a very heated discussion it's getting very noisy lots of people shouting so I've left the boardroom I've gone to make a cup of coffee to get some peace and quiet and I've left them to argue it out so normally you need something in the middle argue it out that's how we generally say it let them argue it out okay so when you have time then write a very quick little sentence and I'll try to correct you so I have oh I have another example sentence here in my patron room hello nobody can argue me put my prices down no can no one can argue me put my prices down so that's not quite right so you wouldn't say argue me you don't argue me if you're going to just use argue then you need argue with me but because we're working with phrasal verbs let's do nobody can argue and then the object what are they trying to argue is your prices okay so nobody nobody can argue my prices down so there's your object here no one can argue my price is down okay I hope that makes sense I'll put that in there so you remember it for later okay any one's ok here Paluxy oh hello always here my dad could have any problem argue his way out my dad could have any problem argue his way out okay so we need to look at this one let's have a look at the structure my dad could have any problem argue his way out so the word orders not quite right so we need my dad could argue his way out of any problem now you put a question mark I'm assuming you put the question mark to ask me if it was correct but this would be a statement unless you're starting if you want it a question to be a question then you would start with Kurt is it possible could my dad argue his way out of any problem question mark you'll notice actually in in British English pronunciation we tend to have a rising inflection at the end of a question so if it's a statement you just make the statement flat I'm a slight fall actually an intonation at the end he'd say my dad can argue his way out of any problem but if I'm asking a question I would go up could my dad argue his way out of any problem you see it's almost like I'm lifting my eyebrows I think I actually did lift my eyebrows okay all right so let's move on to the next one so the next one is to ask about ask about if you ask about someone then it means you're generally asking how they're doing is their health okay are they happy is their life good right now I was going to ask about you I meant to ask about Lindsey when I saw my mom I meant to ask about my dad so if you're just generally asking about then it means you're asking about how they are their well-being in general and someone who answers you would say oh you know they're okay they're just getting over a cold very happy in their new job and they just tell you in general how someone's doing so let's have a quick look the example sentence I've given is David visited today he asked about you I just told him that you were doing alright okay David visited yesterday he asked about you I just told him that you were doing all right okay lovely so if you want to try and write a sentence using ask about then I will try and create it for you okay so it's quite a quiet day today he'll wonder where everyone is let me say quiet we have a hundred and seventy of you in which is lovely but if you I didn't really notify anyone today apart from my patrons so if you would be so kind it would be great if you could press the share button and let's see if we can get some more people in benefiting from learning some more phrasal verbs thank you okay let's move on to twenty four and the next one is ask after ask after someone is exactly the same pretty much as ask about so if I ask about my dad it's exactly the same as asking after my dad so I saw my mom and I was asking after my dad you're generally asking is he okay what's going on with him at the moment is he healthy is he happy I was asking after my dad you normally use ask after when talking about a person or maybe an animal she was asking after the dog so if you use in that context then you can't go wrong really and the example sentence I've given here is I wanted to ask after you but your father didn't give me a chance to speak so I had no idea about how you were I had no idea and I can actually use lose that word I had no idea how you were I wanted to ask after you but your father didn't give me a chance to speak so I had no idea how you were just a very quick note here actually some of my students regularly say I had completely no idea I can or I completely had no idea I complete I had completely no idea this always feels a little bit odd because it's if you have no idea then that's complete in itself you have no clue so to add completely just seems it's unnecessary it's superfluous so I would not use completely when saying I had or I have no idea I would simply say I have no idea all right so let's have a look see if any of you give me some examples lovely so shabeeha said I asked after my colleague as he had been absent for days perfect the only thing I would add to that is to put a full-stop at the end of the sentence this is what you wrote here I asked after my colleague as he has oh hang on so you've used past tense here I asked after my colleague as he had mmm I asked yeah it's all past tense I asked after my colleague as he had been absent for days yeah so other than that very good let's have a quick look at any others my friend is under the weather oh my friend is under whether I should ask about him yes Mohammed we just need to add a little word in here so you've written my friend is under weather it should have the in the middle this is a little idiom if you're under the weather it means you're a little bit poorly like you have a cold or a temperature or a fever and you're a little bit unwell nothing life-threatening just a little unwell so my friend is under the weather I should ask about him yeah perfect oh and a full stop at the end of course lovely okay let's move on shall we so number oh sorry Stephie so sorry I'm just reading my patrons Stephie is just jumped in and said what about I'm totally clueless so you're referring to when I said I have no idea rather than I have completely no idea so you're saying I am totally clueless I'm totally clueless is a perfect statement to make I am totally clueless means I have no clue I have no idea so if you ask me what's going on in the world of pop music I could say I am totally clueless when it comes to pop music I have no idea and that's true actually I'm not I'm not very hot on the old pop okay let's move on so ask around if you ask around this have two possible meanings so well let's make that bold lovely so if I asked around and I might be asking many people for information so I turn up at your work and there's lots of people who work there and I want to know who's in charge or where where is Derek where is your boss Derek and you're like I'm not sure where he is go and ask around so I go around and I say excuse me do you know where Derek is no excuse me do you know where Derek is no excuse me do you know where Derek is and because I'm asking many people for some information I'm asking around okay that was quite easy and the example sentence I've given here is I wanted to find out who was in charge so I asked around eventually I was told to knock on your door oh now the other the other example of this ask around could be if you put an object in the middle or we talked about a person being asked around it could mean that you give them an invitation so if I want you to come around for dinner then I might ask you around so the example I've given for this is William is going to be alone on Sunday should we ask him around for dinner oh and that's a question and I haven't put a question mark there we go William is going to be alone on Sunday should we ask him around for dinner so object in the middle here okay lovely so let's have a look at your examples for ask around oh okay so Sumika you've written this sentence let's get this in here you've written the parents asked around for their lost child perfect the parents asked around for their lost child ok good what else do we have dude - do I ask around in the pub if anyone can pay me a beer mmm interesting you shouldn't really order a beer if you can't afford to buy it but let's work with a sentence I capital always a capital when you are talking about yourself ok I asked around now if you're saying I asked around you're talking about generally this this is something you do it's a habit it's regular I ask around if it's something that you did yesterday or you're talking about a specific time when you did it then you have to make it past tense I asked around in the pub and I would add here to see if anyone we need could rather than can could pay for rudia for my not me could pay for my beer I asked around in the pub to see if anyone could pay for my beer so quite a few mistakes there but hopefully that's been helpful for you and that was Rodrigo all right so I think that's pretty straightforward no submissions from my patron so let's move forward ok ask for number 27 ask for if you ask for something if you've been asking for it obviously initially if you ask for something you're making a request that's what everyone will know it has I'm asking for your support and cooperation by giving me a thumb up I'm asking for everyone to make sure they're subscribed because I know 60% of my viewers are not subscribed I'm asking for you to attend my class so ask for means to make a request but if someone says she was asking for it then that can mean she provoked that negative reaction so if something bad happened to someone and you think it was their own fault they were asking for it that's the phrasal verb we'd use he was asking for it they were asking for it I was asking for it let's have a look at some example sentences so we can get this clear so to ask for to provoke a negative reaction or to request something so the first one if you decide to swim in crocodile infested waters Anna what are you doing crocodile infested waters then you're asking for trouble you're asking for trouble obviously because I'll probably get eaten by a crocodile and the second one which is very easy to make a request for something has anyone asked for what time the train is due I don't know what are you - I'm so sorry I've been I wrote these in a rush and I obviously have made a mess of it has anyone asked for a let's make this different a train time table I want to know when the train is due sorry about that has anyone asked for a train timetable I want to know what time the train is due and the question what should be there and we'll change this to a full stop there we go all right so let's have a look patrons what are you saying I was asking for help perfect using asking for as a request what is waters plural if you're talking about crocodile infested waters or shark-infested waters you're just talking about an area of water that has those animals in it I think it's right to put an s on the end shark-infested waters so you're talking about a body of water yeah plural so if I say that Australia has many examples of crocodile infested waters I mean it has many bodies of water lakes reservoirs canals those kind of things just it just means general bodies of water I hope that helps okay so uh all right let's have a look what you guys are saying if you need anything ask for Anna she'll be able to help you sir Sergey perfect well done winky face you're right I asked around if someone loved me I asked around if someone loved me let's have a quick look at this one this is Claudia or Claudia I hope I'm not quite sure which one it should be but hopefully that's right I asked around if someone loved me so first of all full stop at the end I asked around I would again use to see or to find out what this is why I asked around what was my example to ask him around for dinner I was told to ask around okay but there's a reason why you're asking around and you're asking around to find out information or to learn to see to find out so let's use find out to find out if and I would use I don't know why but I would use anybody to find out if anybody loved me because it's past tense past tense here as well I asked around to find out if anybody loved me all right no I'm sure that someone responded okay so we're nearly at the end guys thank you for sticking with me so the next one we've got is ask in so if I ask someone in I'm basically inviting them into my house or into wherever I am perhaps them at work or perhaps I am hanging out in the community center or in the library and I just asked someone in I asked them in come in very easy and the example I've given here is I would ask you in notice the objects in the middle I would ask you in but my house looks like a pigsty sometimes I have that if someone comes around to the house and I invite them in for a cup of tea because I'm very friendly and that's what I do someone knocks on the door I generally say we just like to come in for a cup of tea but sometimes I say oh my house looks like a pigsty if it looks like a pigsty it means it's a mess it's not very presentable so I'll say you'll have to forgive the mess my house looks like a pigsty at the moment I've been filming lots of things ok so to ask someone in quite easy so has anyone got any examples for this one sometimes when I go out in the garden the neighbors ask me in for a drink a perfect Sergi well done you get full marks today sir gee you're doing very well sky hello sky how are you sky says she was asking for the yellow file in the office perfect well done doo-doo-doo-doo that group of people have asked me in perfect just make sure we always have a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a full stop at the end of a sentence ok let's move on so a skin we're on number 29 two more to go 29 is asked out now if I ask someone out generally when I say that as a statement I asked him out it means I've asked someone to accompany me on a date a romantic meeting to ask someone out ok so the example sentence I've given is are you going to ask her out or what this is something you probably say to your friend who really likes a girl and there's like for a long time but doesn't have the courage to actually do anything about it so you're going to get fed up with them you're going to get impatient and you're gonna say look are you gonna ask her out or what and hopefully they'll say yes I will I will I promise okay so to ask someone out and shall we jump straight into the last one to ask over if you ask someone over it means you're inviting them to where you physically are perhaps your house or to your area in the hall maybe you're all in the same building but you're asking them to come over to where you are so you ask them over the example sentence I've given is first they asked us over for a few drinks and then they suggested we all head into town to enjoy the celebrations fantastic okay so keep coming with your example sentences I'm just going to answer a few questions a couple of you have asked about how to join the Skype group the Skype group is for patrons only it's one of their perks patrons are very loyal and generously contributing members of our community they believe in what I'm doing and they want to help me because I don't make any money doing this so I have to do extra things and patrons understand that and so patrons support me financially even if it's just a dollar a month and all of that money helps to buy equipment and to pay for lighting and Wi-Fi and those kinds of things and in return they are rewarded so a lot of patrons will get my ebooks or my lesson notes they have access to the Skype room some of them are on my whatsapp group some of them have Skype calls with me every month and I'm always trying to find ways to involve them in making decisions they can also message me privately on the patron patreon website so there's lots of benefits for them so if you do want to during the Skype room is beneficial for you but you would have to become a patron and if you are interested in becoming a patron that would be wonderful and the link for that is in the description box below quite high up I think alright let's do a few more Corrections and then I would say cheerio we have patrons I asked my friends in my car but they were scared to drive with me I asked my pate I lost my friends into my car this feels a little odd I asked my friends in my car it feels like you're saying when I was in my car I asked my friends something rather than I asked my friends to get into my car I think it would be better in this circumstance to setup that you're in your car alone so I saw my friends walking down the street I drove up and asked them in but then it still feels weird for me ask in is generally in a building it feels weird to have them or come into a car so I would say you can't use a skin with a car as a phrasal verb I feel like it's weird ok Alexandre when I saw Kim I asked her over for dinner perfect when I saw Kim I asked her over for dinner perfect ok and you said Anna if it's possible now could you please please read those sentences aloud at the end of the lesson thanks a million I tell you what I'll do once I've ended the lesson I will do this on a recorded message on skype because I can record my voice and I'll send it here on the Skype room for you ok all right I'll do two Corrections on the YouTube room and then I'll sign off I'll wrap up ok if you are late and you miss some of the earlier ones then just scroll back on the video it'll all be saved so it'll all be here okay so I've got 1953 emo it says I argued down myself not to ask you out today let's have a look at this this is an interesting one let's just pop it on the end here so you've written I argued down myself now remember what we said usually the object goes in the middle or the phrase verb the phrasal verbs argue down so I argued myself down and we know that it's the negative you've argued down you've argued against something so don't need not I argued myself down after initially deciding to ask you out today I argued myself down after initially deciding to ask you out today so that makes perfect sense to me all right there are of course other ways to structure this sentence but that's how I would structure it all right one more and then we're done the tired pedestrian and the tired pedestrian asked for some water asked for some water for drinking to the lady okay let's have a look at this so asked for the tired pedestrian asked for some water from this should be from oh sorry for drinking from the lady so this needs to be from the right preposition there is from but it feels weird to put that at the end so and also this should be to drink it works better on the tire pedestrian asked the lady for some water to drink and that would be a very natural way to structure that sentence the tire pedestrian asked the lady for some water to drink perfect and last but not least final one here I asked a dog over and gave him a food food we use some rather than ah I gave him some food I gave him some food because it can't be it can't be single it's not a single item okay I asked a dog over and gave him some food perfect alright ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining me today I do hope you found it helpful like I said earlier if you do enjoy these you find them helpful then please do make sure you've given it a thumb that you've subscribed and if you think anyone else would like it then please share I am trying to come live at least once or twice a week I don't know if I'm going to be live again this week because I have quite a few days out of the office this week or getting a bit hectic on the run-up to Christmas I do have a trip to Egypt soon as well so things are going to be a little bit messed up but you will always have a lesson at 4 o'clock on each weekday at least during December as much as I can get them to you I will at 4 o'clock so please take time to look at the ones I released last week I'm putting a lot of effort into these videos for you now so please enjoy them and look out for the new lesson tomorrow at 4 until next time guys take care lots of love from London you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 17,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, english, English speaking, british accent, british, Anna English, british english, what is the difference, english lesson, grammar mistakes, Phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs, complete list phrasal verbs, learn complete list of phrasal verbs, english verbs, British english phrasal verbs, grammar, learn english, verbs, learn verbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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