English Masterclass #2

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so today we're going to be doing collocations yay but we're talking about irrational fears sleeping habits and um oh arguing with someone close to you so a personal conflict okay so let me bring up the notes on screen here for you we go so i've written these sentences these paragraphs for you you're just going to listen initially now i've underlined the um the preposition phrases the collocations so these are always um words that work together prepositions that generally belong with these verbs or adjectives okay so try to remember these pairings and then you'll have a a chance to use them yourself there is a reference sheet and that's available as well for you to use while writing with collocations so here we go have you ever heard of a person with an irrational fear of tea bags well now you have wet tea bags used to make me feel physically sick fortunately i'm no longer afraid of those little leafy pockets a result of working as a tea lady in a law firm for a short period of time responsible for making huge urns of tea all day long i actually consider myself to be a very rationable person but if i think about it hard enough there are definitely other irrational fears that i suffer from do you suffer from any irrational fears tell me the strangest thing you are afraid of okay so i'm going to read that one more time feel free to read along and wow can you hear that yes we have a thunderstorm coming over as we speak hopefully it won't affect my connection okay here we go read along have you ever heard of a person with an irrational fear of tea bags well now you have wet tea bags used to make me feel physically sick fortunately i am no longer afraid of those little leafy pockets a result of working as a tea lady in a law firm for a short period of time responsible for making huge urns of tea all day long i actually consider myself to be a very rationable person sorry a very rational rational person but if i think about it hard enough there are definitely other irrational fears that i suffer from do you suffer from any irrational fears tell me the strangest thing you are afraid of okay good so do you suffer from an irrational fear this is actually true this is a true story i wrote this based on myself i am afraid or i was afraid let me shut the window i was afraid of wet tea bags and i think it came from a bad dream um i won't share the details of the dream because i don't want to give anyone else an irrational fear of wet tea bags but it did leave me it scarred me it was a terrible dream and it made me feel very unwell every time i looked at or came close to a wet tea bag um and it's true i did work for a short time in the law firm as a tea lady and i was responsible for making these huge urns of tea i had to empty them and pick up handfuls of wet tea bags to put into the bin and i had to i had to deal with it i had to get over my fear so you can see from um the from the text that i've underlined the collocations so heard of heard of have you ever heard of i haven't heard of that have you heard of me have you heard of this company before so this is very common um used to used to meaning something that um you did in the past regularly so tea bags used to regularly in the past make me feel physically sick um to be afraid of to be afraid of we always see these together i'm afraid of hurting myself at gymnastics that will stop me from doing a big trick that i haven't done in a while because i'm afraid of hurting myself i can see from the comments here suresh is afraid of frogs sam has an irrational fear of rats um good uh let me just see if there's any others i can bring up here have i made have i made a mistake no so in the in the text uh i thought this might bring up a question i wrote here i'm no longer afraid of these of those little leafy pockets that's me just writing in a creative way so a tea bag is a pocket isn't it it's a pocket something that holds something it holds tea leaves so the leaves of the tea plant all chopped up into little little pieces and so i'm i creatively put together this phrase these little leafy pockets okay so um that's what that means in case anyone else was confused i was just being very creative in my writing um yeah so literally a bag for tea perfect um oh hang on this one i have an irrational fear of to lose my memory and waste my life so zara what we do here is say i have an irrational fear of losing so you'd go into the ing ending i have an irrational fear of losing my memory and wasting my life okay uh i i don't think that's an irrational fear personally i am afraid of that too i'm afraid of of you know declining in my cognitive abilities losing my mind it's an awful way it's an awful way to to see out the end of your days and um and and yes wasting your life unfortunately my grandfather who was very active and always incredibly physically fit he became quite unwell with um a number of illnesses that meant he became trapped in his body his mind was fine but his body wasn't and he spent the last 10 years of his life stuck in a in a nursing home unable to do anything and that's it's yeah it's awful to waste the days that you have um i hope this rain is not too noisy i fear it might be anyway let's carry on despite the rain let's push through okay so i used to afraid of responsible for responsible for i am responsible for many things i'm responsible for two children is my biggest responsibility oh my goodness i hope this rain is not too loud it's very loud in here um here's here's an interesting one i used to i used to good collocation i used to be scared of curtains sorry i don't mean to laugh i shouldn't laugh um the bottom corner of the hem can look like a mouth or eye it's very interesting i haven't thought of it that way it's amazing what what frightens us here's a common one i'm afraid of giving speech in front of class i'm afraid of giving a speech in front of class or in front of a class or the class if you're talking about a specific class that we're aware of um okay manuel if you don't want to lose your memory so a t on the end of don't and you're not you your memory you can learn languages um you can learn language you can learn language your whole life time how would you word that i'd say you can spend your life learning languages it makes your brain powerful you can spend your life learning languages it makes your brain powerful okay oh good okay people saying they can't hear the rain good hopefully long long will that continue it'll just be me having to deal with the do with the rain okay so i am responsible for i'm responsible for making the breakfast i'm responsible for my two children i'm responsible for looking after my elan students and making sure these live streams go ahead every week as i promise in the student newsletter what are you responsible for tell me in the comments i'm responsible for my own failure and success as i think existentialism is a reality wow fantastic yes and that's absolutely true we're all responsible for ourselves and obviously luck and life can deal us a bad hand sometimes things happen that are outside of our control but we are completely in control of how we react to and deal with as to more react to deal with those situations and very successful people are people who try to absorb negative impacts negative changes and find the positive spin um yeah i i try to be like that if something bad happens i try to just take it on board learn from it and turn it into a positive because nothing good comes from wallowing to wallow in self-pity that's a common phrase that we use to wallow in self-pity to wallow um pigs wallow in mud is to kind of roll around and lie in something to wallow we say to wallow in self-pity is to sit down and do nothing but feel sorry for yourself oh oh i i didn't i didn't get the result i wanted to get oh i'm so rubbish oh and i studied so hard but it didn't work out oh i'm gonna give up oh that's wallowing in self-pity instead of saying i didn't do very well this time okay what do i need to do differently maybe i can speak to my teacher and find out what i can change i'm gonna use this to motivate me to work harder or to work differently in order to achieve my goal maybe i should try something different altogether so yeah don't wallow in self-pity um i i am responsible for taking my own goods and bad okay i'm not quite so good when you're talking about goods as a noun we're talking about products so a shopkeeper has lots of goods in their shop i think you're talking about um the good things and the bad things in life i'm not sure but i think that's what you're talking about but the way you've worded it is making it seem like you're talking about products so be careful with that one um same situation here uh i'm not sure what you're referring to in enchanter i've obviously gone a little further on i'm sorry i don't understand um i am responsible for peace of my mind and my happiness change the word order i am responsible for my peace of mind peace of mind is a is a phrase that belongs you don't separate it peace of mind my peace of mind your peace of mind for everybody's peace of mind it's a solid phrase you can't separate it so don't do that my peace of mind is what i am responsible for my peace of mind and my happiness manuel i am responsible for all my spelling mistakes it is my own responsibility yes that's right we are all responsible for our own mistakes and it's good to own your mistakes so it's good to make mistakes because we learn from them you have to own those mistakes okay what else did we have beyond responsible for we had think about think about what do you often think about what are you thinking about right now what do you think about the current climate change situation what do you think about the crazy weather so think about is very commonly used if somebody asks you if you could do something but you're not sure then you might tell them i'll think about it i'll think about it give me some time let me think about it and i will come back to you you might you might approach somebody with an idea saying i've been thinking about a new way of doing this task i've been thinking a lot about what you said last week i was thinking about perhaps applying for a new job so think about what do we have here how many youtube channels do you have well i was thinking about starting a new one um i have a lot too many far too many um okay um [Music] i think about tomorrow i want by ipad pro so the way you'd word this is because what you'd normally say here you normally would in that sentence take away about and say i think tomorrow or tomorrow i think i want i think i want to buy an ipad pro tomorrow that's the most natural way of putting that sentence i think i want to buy an ipad pro tomorrow but that's more certain that's almost like you've made that decision yeah i think i think that's what i'm going to do i think i'm going to do that you would use that when you're more certain about a decision if you are considering you're still considering much more in the considering stage i'm thinking about i am thinking ing i'm thinking about buying an ipad pro tomorrow what do you think about that does that help hopefully okay um uh oh gosh lots of comments coming through and no students in the in the live chat room but niles in the chat room hi niall do feel free to share your share your thoughts and questions um i think about joining yoga classes tomorrow so again we wouldn't use it in this way you'd if you're going to use it that way you'd have to do ing i'm thinking about i'm thinking about joining a yoga class tomorrow so it's a little bit more definite thinking about doing that or i was thinking about joining a yoga class tomorrow do you want to join me that's a more indirect way of doing it hi nile you're saying hello um i i'm thinking about how to pass my practical test great fantastic uh [Music] i am thinking about how to letting objects or humans going to the moon okay there's a bit of rewording that needs to happen here i'm thinking i'm thinking about how i don't know why you've got letting i don't know why you're using that word there i'm thinking about how objects or humans get to the world get to the moon and think about how how objection or humans get to the moon maybe are you you're trying to figure out physically how that happens um i'm thinking about monetization of my youtube channel uh fantastic well i hope it's going well and hopefully you'll get there very soon and that's that's a good sentence i think about okay i think i need a haircut so you might say i think i need a haircut i'm thinking about getting a haircut tomorrow what do you think about that i think i should cut my hair really short my partner doesn't want me to cut my hair short i always say i might cut my hair short because my baby grabs my hair all the time and i say i'm going to cut it short and he says please don't but i'm thinking about it um okay so niall says i cannot send a message and listen to the live stream simultaneously where is another chat room okay maybe you're watching on the phone i just have separate tabs if you're watching on a computer nile um but if any students watching on a phone then i guess you just have to message in the youtube chat room and i will try and catch it i'll try my best or you can message me after the live stream directly in the community and i'll answer your questions if you have anything specific okay manual now i'm thinking about how i can get over all sorts of tragedy in the whole world i think that's supposed to be a world it is absolutely dantesque i'm not familiar with that word if that's a real word and horrific i can't bear watching breaking news i should be breaking news it's always breaking news never break news always breaking news which is news that's just happening news out now breaking news um i'm thinking about how we can get over all the tragedy in the world all the tragedy in the world that would be the right sentence okay i'm thinking about why you didn't why didn't you read my comment um well i've read it now okay good let's move on so the next one in the list here that i've highlighted is suffer from i suffer from so i say if i think about it hard enough there are definitely other irrational fears that i suffer from now the other irrational fears that i genuinely suffer from i suffer from a fear of being trapped so i don't like lifts i have an irrational fear of lifts and i will do everything in my power to avoid getting into a lift i have an irrational fear of for the same reason uh trains and tube particularly underground tube um trains because they often just stop in the tunnel and they don't tell you what's going on and if it's busy it gets hot and i just don't like it i don't like being trapped i don't like being out of control so it's an irrational fear but there's a good reason behind it i've been stuck in a lift before i've been stuck on a on a tube on a hot tube for a long time um and yeah it's very unpleasant and the longer time goes on i just don't want to be in that situation again um i have an irrational fear or i used to i'm much better now but i have an irrational fear of speaking on the phone isn't that crazy in the past it was because i was concerned about not being able to communicate properly because all you have is voice and i might mishear or if um the line is bad so the line is the connection if the line is bad if it's crackly you can't hear very well it's breaking up then i was always afraid of that that miscommunication that might happen that difficulty in communicating with somebody and what impression they would have of me in that in that circumstance and so i used to be very scared of answering the phone i'm better now but i still don't really like talking on the phone if i can help it i prefer video call video call is better but i still feel a little bit [Music] unsure about it um someone has said trapaphobia it's actually called claustrophobia isn't it to be trapped in a tight small space claustrophobic i'm claustrophobic i'm claustrophobic um okay so is anyone else suffering from anything what are you suffering from oh oh i keep trying to bring these comments up but the comments move and i click the wrong one uh someone said i'm suffering from english mania okay great that's a good thing to be suffering from i guess i also suffer from claustrophobia i never use a lift good we tend to say i never used the lift even though ah is more general a lift when we're talking about lifts in general we you tend to use the i never use the lift i can't bear using the lift at the supermarket we have a supermarket that has a parking um a car park above it and you take a lift down with the trolley you can take the steps down but you take the lift down if you have a trolley and i just hate it i hate it i'd rather pull all my heavy shopping bags up the stairs with my baby as well in one arm heavy shopping bags rather than take the lift but that's just me um [Music] hello teacher anna hello how are you it's nice to hear you is it possible to hold english zoom meetings with you i would love to have the opportunity to talk to an english native speaker like you so it is available for course students so if you become a course student then you are able to join in with that live drop-in session that i do every month now at the moment because the courses are new and the community is small anyone who who enrolls on a course even if it's just for a month um if they drop off after a month they will still have access to the community for a certain period of time at the moment it'll probably be at least till the end of the year so it's quite a good deal with just a month's access to a course you'll get six months access to the community which involves exclusive live streams and monthly zoom sessions which you can join the zoom sessions will always be held at the weekend so you have more opportunity to actually join them i won't hold them during the week when people are working um and so that's your opportunity that's that's all i can offer because i have so much to do looking after my core students and my children and everything else i do um so i don't offer private teaching but that's that's your opportunity is to become a student on one of our courses and we'd love to have you we'd love to have you i'm very much enjoying getting to know my elon students they're a lovely bunch okay let's move on so moving on from our rational fears let's move on to never sleep on an argument my partner and i may complain about each other a lot but we rarely argue something i am incredibly grateful for when we do lock horns we argue about how we can better function as a couple rather than big fundamental differences since our children arrived there has been an increase in the frequency of our disagreements due to the additional stress and sleep deprivation but overall i am surprised at how well we have coped it's vital to talk to your partner about anything you are struggling with and listen to them open communication often leads to a growing respect and understanding oh here we go this is a mistake typo one rule that we insist on is never sleep on an argument do you often argue with your partner friend or family member can you think of any useful advice for dealing with personal conflict so again this is true this is a true story my partner and i we don't really complain about each other i only put that section in to use complain about which is um a collocation to complain about something what do you complain about have you complained about something recently i've complained about the noise of the rain while i'm trying to live stream that was something i complained about publicly what have you recently complained about but complaining about my partner is not something i actually do very often in previous relationships with previous boyfriends i have not that i've had lots that sounds like i've had loads i have complained about the previous boyfriend in the past in fact my last boyfriend i complained about him all the time and that's because i didn't have much respect for him because he didn't have much respect for me and that was very telling in the fact that we complained about each other a lot so i don't have that with my my partner now which is excellent we rarely argue which is something i'm incredibly grateful for to be grateful for something that's a collocation what are you grateful for i'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to speak to so many of you and help so many of you around the world i'm grateful for the internet and the technology i'm grateful for the children that i've been blessed with the life that i've been blessed with i'm grateful for um my my mother who's very supportive of everything i do i'm grateful for not arguing with my partner so um what are you grateful for uh ray hello you say i hope you're feeling better i had laryngitis a few weeks ago and yes it was it was difficult but i am feeling much better now thank you so much for asking for asking me um i am grateful for having you as my teacher oh thank you that's very sweet thank you good sentence very good sentence i do complaint about why don't i have accent like you so i you don't need do i complain take away the t a complaint is the noun so your complaint is i made a complaint but when we're using it as a verb we take away the t i complain about my accent or i complain about not having an accent like yours i complain about not having an accent like yours okay um okay sleep on an argument means think about it the figurative meaning or actual meaning to sleep on an argument um obviously you can't physically sleep on an argument because it's not it's not tangible it's not physical you can't touch an argument when we say to sleep on an argument it means to fall asleep without resolving the argument so i i'm terrible at letting things go things bother me for a long time until they're resolved some people can deal with conflict and not let it bother them but for me i physically i i physically react to conflict so i'm unable to rest and sleep if i've had an argument at least i can't sleep very well very easily so i always try my partner is better at sleeping on an argument than i am but i can't sleep and it makes it worse then and usually you sit and you you stew on you stew it over you mull it over in your mind and you make it worse and you just feel awful the next day so my partner and i have an agreement that we will always try to resolve any conflicts before we go to sleep we have a word we resolve whatever's going on we cuddle we say sorry and we go to sleep and it's it's much better that way so never sleep on an argument um lots of you talking about accents today that's very interesting um lots of you complimenting my accent thank you very much um i saw somewhere someone mentioned what kind of accent do i have my accent is generally a modern rp you might if you're very tuned into accents here a tiny bit of northern english coming in tiny bit of a lancastrian accent coming in a lancaster accent um but generally it's a modern rp accent and um it's what i teach in the pronunciation course so if you're really serious about wanting to acquire the british english accent if you want to speak like me then you can it is possible you just have to come and join my course and i'll help you do that okay i zara hi i do complain about my family most of the time especially when there is no place or time to be alone oh i know that feeling nonetheless i love them a bunch i love them a bunch i love them a bunch i love them a lot we say so a bunch is it is used it's not incorrect it's just unusual so we'd say thanks a bunch thanks a bunch is quite common but it's usually only used thanks a bunch is more sarcastic so when someone says thanks a bunch to me in a message i think they're being a bit off i wonder if they've just misunderstood the use of thanks a bunch so if i say to you could you make me a cup of tea please and you go into the house and you make yourself a cup of tea and you come back and you bring yourself a cup of tea and not me a cup of tea i'd say oh thanks a bunch thanks so it's usually sarcastic i love them a bunch you can say it's just less common i love them i love them loads i love them so much i love them a lot i love them heaps that's also quite common well common-ish nishanta i have arguments about my online classes excellent fantastic well no it's not good that you have arguments but good sentence right um thanks a ton that's a good one ray thank you for that yeah thanks a ton uh um unfortunately i did not like to argue with my pair my partners i was suffering and asking myself why am i arguing with the person i'm living with so the result i broke up the relationship good i mean that's it's really good analysis there isn't it if you are arguing with someone a lot you have to ask yourself why what's going on perhaps they're not the right person for me or perhaps something needs to change in the way we communicate good okay let's carry on so in this we talked about complain about we talked about what you're grateful for what we argue about an increase in it's quite quite easy that one so have an increase in or a decrease in something here i'm talking about the increase in frequency of disagreements um in the uk we've seen a decrease in the number of covart cases over the last seven days so everyone's quite excited about that people are feeling perhaps that the vaccination program is responsible for that there we go another one oh it's raining so heavily um so uh what have you seen an increase in lately or a decrease in there's been an increase in the amount of exercise i've been doing recently and an increase in workload for me because we are currently we're currently signing off a business english course we're currently building the c2 english course and preparing the a1 and a2 english courses as well so there's been a huge increase in my workload there's been a decrease in my time that's available because my children are very needy um yeah so what has increased or decreased recently for you um see if i can see any ones oh bless jose's become a member youtube member lovely thank you jose i look forward to seeing you in the skype chat room um [Music] anna has some of her films on youtube that hasn't been made in ages though oh what's that what's that response to i didn't see that question um [Music] my happy days have decreased grossly since i did my coming since i okay um since i did my coming out to my parents so since i came out to my parents congratulations by the way for coming out um so my happy days so you to use the collocation say there's been a decrease in happy days or there's been a huge decrease in happy days for me since i came out to my parents i do hope that you see the happy days again sometimes it just takes people a little while to get used to changes things that were unexpected so fingers crossed they come around soon um discussions about raining cats and dogs yes it's true that people don't really use raining cats and dogs in common conversational english the reason that i will include raiding cats and dogs in my classes is because it is used in like literature and it's a very well known idiom so if you don't know what raining cats and dogs means then you're gonna miss out when someone's talking about it and mentioning that you'll be like what does that mean so um because it's so well known i cover it so that you know what it is as well so that you're not um out of the loop but we don't really use it in conversational english so don't worry about it too much we do say it's chucking it down or it's pouring it's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring is quite a famous children's rhyme it's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring he bumped his head on the back of the bed and couldn't get up in the morning okay so give me some increasing in and decreasing in examples guys um okay i can't see any examples here with the actual collocation so i'm just going to carry on we have quite simple that one anyway surprised at i am surprised at how well we have coped i'm surprised at surprised that what are you surprised at um i am surprised at how much it's rained and so we tend to use surprised at when we're um when we are talking about something a person has done that surprised us i'm surprised at you you might say and usually in a negative i'm surprised at you why didn't you stand up for yourself i'm surprised at you you're better than that why did you argue with him i'm surprised at you i'm very surprised at him he shouldn't behave that way towards you so we can use at to direct it to a person i'm surprised at that person or i'm surprised at how something has happened i'm surprised at how much i care about negative comments i'm surprised how much i enjoyed the film that's that's often the case um [Music] okay here's a quick question what's the difference between posh accent and modern rp so modern rp is is the name of of the actual accent a posh accent is just a general um opinion of rp so you to some people modern rp is just a standard way of talking not posh at all to other people a modern rp is a really posh accent so to say a posh accent it's not an accent posh is not an accent it's um it's the consideration it's someone's opinion of an accent there'll be people who speak um with a geordie accent or a scottish accent or an american accent that other people think sound posh so i might say oh he's got a posh scottish accent because to me that sounds posh so it's just an opinion also is it possible to get a level of fluency where natives when natives don't realize you're not even a native an english native speaker it is possible absolutely there are people who have achieved that it's it's not easy though if you really want to get to a point where um a native can't hear that you're a non-native then there's a lot of things that have to come into play not just about your pronunciation but like cultural references um your use of of grammar of idioms even like typical native mistakes might come into play sometimes my students speak too well to really feel authentic you know they they don't um contract their words they um yeah they just speak too well their grammar is too good so there's lots of things that come into play so really if you want to get to a point where you're where people aren't noticing that you're not um that english isn't your first language then you really have to be in an english speaking environment all the time you have to be absorbing much more than just the accent i hope that helps okay um [Music] manuel i'll my life has increased as the tide rose in the summer afternoon each tide rose a bit each day it has been since then my carp dm my life has increased as the tide i'm not quite sure what you mean i know you're being poetic um but i'm not quite sure what you mean with the first sentence what do you mean your life has increased your life has improved but you're trying to use increased so you could say the the beauty if you're trying to use the collocation increased in the yeah i'm not quite sure i'm not quite sure what you mean so it's difficult to make the correction but thank you for trying very poetic okay let's carry on um we didn't have any examples of surprise that i showed i am surprised at why people are not kind as you um okay as kind as when you're comparing two things then we use as twice as kind as as um brave as as green as as naive as yeah so twice we use as i'm surprised i'm surprised that why people are not as kind as you okay good any more that i can see is it common to say it's bucketing down yes it really depends on what region you're from for me bucketing it down is common um it was used a lot when i was growing up in in the manchester area so i i think it's a regional idiom bucketing it down but um everyone would know what you mean if you use it can i see any others um i got surprised at today's masterclass i am surprised i am surprised at today's masterclass good and throwing it down yeah throwing it down chucking it down throwing it down bucketing it down um [Music] all right let's move on i am surprised at how how fast the time goes when i'm doing these sessions next we have talk to easy it's vital to talk to your partner so don't miss out that one so don't say it's vital to talk your partner it's vital to talk to your partner um who was the last person you talked to tell me um [Music] i after this i will talk to my child minder who would you like to talk to if you had the opportunity to talk to anybody i nashanta i'm surprised at you that how you able to different sounds so here you'd say i am so when you say i'm surprised at you that's like telling somebody off i'm surprised at you why would you do that i'm surprised at you but you're saying i'm surprised at how you can do something i'm surprised at how you are able to make different sounds or how you are able to sound different okay um [Music] okay oh oh okay i accidentally popped that one up but i will answer that could you please make a course on receive pronunciation the course i have um the pronunciation course available on my website is on rp it's rp so it's very comprehensive course you've got over 5000 audios to work with you have lots of videos lots and lots and lots of practice as well as access to the elan community access to exclusive live streams and the drop-in zoom call as well so uh come and check it out okay let's carry on so um next one is struggling with what are you struggling with so i've said here it's important to talk to your partner about anything you're struggling with so what situation what's happening that you are struggling with i am struggling with lockdown that's something i said over the winter period i'm really struggling with lockdown i was struggling with being a new mum during lockdown i struggled with the whole pandemic i struggled with being a mum the second time around much more than i struggled with being a mum the first time around i struggle with having a messy house i'm currently fasting i'm doing intermittent intermittent fasting and that means that i i fast for 14 or 16 hours every day i struggle with fasting i find it hard i am struggling with my english writing skills to upgrade to an advanced level good not good but good good writing there um i'm i'm struggling double g in the middle of struggling i'm struggling with learning english i talk to my oh okay talk to here we go i talked to my geography teacher about her life excellent um oh dear i hope this isn't true i am struggling with anxiety depression and a narcissistic personality unless so it depends what you mean are you the narcissist or is um maybe there's a narcissistic person in your life um so if that's the case and that's actually correct i am struggling with anxiety and depression and a narcissistic person yes sorry that makes sense unless you mean yourself having a narcissistic personality which is causing you problems um then it yeah sorry for correcting that if it doesn't need correcting um i am struggling with maths i have sorry i have been struggling with maths for years um maths in british english needs an s on the end um i think potentially in american english they don't always put an s on but in the british english maths maths never seen it without an s anyway um ray maybe you can confirm that for me uh way too many people are struggling to speak english like a native well it's because they're not taking my course that's what is that's what's going on uh i'm struggling with my sales results at work oh oh making sales calls and doing sales is very difficult i used to work as a cold caller oh it was the worst job i ever did i hate selling to people i hate it i i'm typically british when it comes to selling i'm just like you can have it if you like but if you don't want it it's okay i'm not very good at being direct and you have to be quite confident in being direct with people when you're selling um yes thank you ray confirming that for me usa is math and uk is math so i thought as much i am struggling to achieve fluency i'm struggling to achieve fluency okay um good okay diego hi i'm struggling to learn to drive well keep at it because it's one of those skills that just definitely does just need more time behind the wheel okay so we go move on from struggling with to listen to as similar to talk to um the person or the thing you'd say i'm listening to my teacher i'm listening to the lesson i'm listening to a podcast so a person or thing you are listening to what was the last thing you listened to besides this lesson after listen to i'm going to move straight on because that's quite an easy one is leads 2 or lead 2. um lead to a thing or lead to a change this path leads to my house um lots of rain will lead to flooding so an event a thing uh a place a person this will lead this this tracker will lead me to my child who's run away i do actually have a gps tracker for my son because he does run away and i need the tracker to lead me to him when i lose him um often people take courses to lead them to a certain career or a certain job role what do you hope that your learning will lead you to smoking leads to heart problems perfect um i'm listening to the voice of reason i love it i listened to music this morning perfect i listen to funny songs after dinner racism leads people to suffering racism leads to suffering you don't need um people too racism leads to suffering uh okay good let's move on that was quite easy um insist on insist on i insist on it what do you insist on the rule that we insist on is never sleep on an argument what do you insist on when someone comes to your house do you have house rules like guest house rules like you must take your shoes off i insist on it usually you might say um no i guess you just use i insist if you're offering something to somebody and they say no no it's fine it's fine like a drink or um let me take your coat or let me help you with your bags and they say no no no no no no it's fine i don't want to drink no don't take my coat no don't help me if you really want to push it you'd say i insist i insist no really i insist and then if you're typically british then you're still saying no no no it's fine i can struggle all by myself um drinking leads to a sore head the next day absolutely it does not drinking water though um okay uh insist on yeah to assist on is not taking no for an answer i insist on it we insist we in so insist i've been up for a very long time we insist on getting freedom good good i insist on having freedom for myself freedom good um anything else um oh i stared at him and listened or that was or that was i what i pretended to do in reality i was just picturing him dressing up like an anime girl whereas he was insisting on arguing okay so there's a few things that need correcting here i stared at him and listened or that was or at least i was or at least that's what i was pretending to do or at least that's what i was pretending to do so you just mixed up was and what the at least that's that's with an s contraction at least that's what i was pretending to do in reality i was just picturing him dressing up like an anime girl whereas he was insisting on arguing very creative um good uh okay here's an interesting question in my experience someone reacts very negatively when people tell them they're posh whereas i would consider it as a compliment what do you think so posh does tend to be used as a slight as a negative as a poke um you're posh because to be posh in british culture if you're if you're privileged if you're born into money if you're born into a privileged family that can afford education um you live in a nice house that kind of thing then it's not celebrated it's um people people tend to frown upon wealth frown upon success and this i feel like this is the biggest difference between british people and american citizens um is that americans well really you know why you won that's amazing and yeah you've got a great job and you're making lots of money that's great for you um they really big up and celebrate success and achievement and british culture is very much don't um don't talk about your success don't talk about your your wins because it might make other people feel bad it's a very strange um it's a strange i don't even kind of the other word it's it's just it's just our culture that we don't talk about we feel like it's boasting that's the thing we feel like it's boasting and so we don't do it therefore if someone has an accent that is very posh like the queen or like boris johnson um and people are like oh he's posh then it's it's not always an insult but it's not a nice thing it's not usually a positive thing to say someone's posh it suggests that they don't have um a connection to reality to the struggles of the general man and woman does that make sense i hope it does um so yeah posh it's not used as a compliment generally uh okay girlfriend always insists on putting on makeup before going out perfect and uh yes i used to insist on putting makeup on before i went out but now i have children and putting on makeup is uh i've got makeup on today just you know just i felt um my skin was quite bad today and i thought you know i'll try and cover it up luckily because i remembered i had this live stream as well so um japan insists on holding the olympic games they insisted because it's happening now isn't it so japan insisted on holding the olympic games okay good fantastic right let's move on because gosh we've been here for over an hour fantastic let's go on to the last little bit of writing that i did here which is about sleep i suffer from insomnia often only getting around four hours of sleep a night and because of a lack of sleep i often oversleep it's becoming a real problem my snooze button has made me late for many early morning meetings which is problematic as many people in my company depend on me my co-worker heard of a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders i'm interested in what this doctor has to say about my insomnia so i've booked an appointment hopefully this will lead to a breakthrough i'm looking forward to a good night's sleep it's your turn to talk about the quality of your slumber can you live on less than six hours a night hmm what do you think okay so this is partly true not completely um i don't get my sleep i don't suffer from sumner i have suffered with insomnia in the past i don't suffer from insomnia now um i suffer from being a mum and that causes sleep deprivation it's true that i tend to only get around four to six hours sleep a night it's difficult very difficult especially when you have to work um i rarely book morning meetings because of not knowing how my night is going to pan out and there's no sleep doctor that i'm going to be talking to um but i do look forward to having a good night's sleep at some point in the future maybe in like 10 years okay so let's talk about sleep guys um manuel let me just see your comment here uh there is a book called do you want to be an alien i recommend it i recommend it in this you could understand the british humor culture manners and so on and you will laugh at the same time so i'd say this gives you a good understanding of an understanding of an understanding of british humor culture manners and so on and you will laugh at this and it will make you laugh at the same time then thank you uh i will have a look at that one um [Music] do you like lucifer do you like lucifer cast tom ellis accent is does he have does he have a modern rp accent like you so do you like the lucifer cast member tom ellis's accent that's quite a tricky one um does he have a modern rp accent like you i haven't seen it i'm not sure what tom ellis's accent is sorry um [Music] let me see often i sleep too late two meaning extreme double o okay too late too much double o i am looking forward to finishing my latest chapter oh it's always good when you finish a big piece of work isn't it i look forward to completing the um the business course because the business english course we've been creating for over a year now so i'm looking forward to finishing that and i look forward to finishing the c2 course also which should be in about two weeks um [Music] i always at one or two p.m of the night complete that sentence for me so nishant write that again complete the sentence so i always sleep or i always go to sleep at 1 or 2 p.m also we don't say pm for night time if it's past midnight then it's am so i always go to sleep around 1 or 2 a.m and then you wouldn't need to stay over the night because the am or pm tells us what part of the day we're in um how do you use look forward to so this has to have this has to be followed with an ing i look forward to doing something i look forward to going home i look forward to eating dinner i look forward to seeing you soon not something we say often i look forward do you know what actually though sometimes we say i look forward to it if you've already been discussing what it is then you can end the exchange with i look forward to it that's very common so you're talking to your friend let's go on a night out let's go for dinner and drinks and dancing and have a great time yeah let's do it next week okay monday night nah friday night yeah seven o'clock i'll pick you up great i look forward to it and what you're looking forward to is going out dancing eating enjoying your friend's company so you can say i look forward to it but generally the structure is i look forward to and then your verb and ing yeah i hope that helps uh i look forward to seeing you [Music] i insist on to learning english to speak like a native speaker i insist on learning take away the two i insist on learning english to speak like a native speaker very nice antonio i'm from mexico city hello in mexico city um english is difficult for me is difficult for me it's difficult to me difficult for me because i don't have anybody to practice with i don't have anyone to practice with what can i do well you can try to find a learning partner on any of these kind of open forums it's difficult though it's difficult to find someone the same sort of standard um willing to interact with you one-to-one you know what i'm going to say come and join my community come and join one of my courses get involved with the elan community um my students are very good at interacting with each other we also have a telegram group for off platform interaction um and i know some of the students were arranging skype calls as well so uh that's my offering to you is the community that i've built to help you guys if it's something that you're really serious about um the courses are really only for people who are very keen who really do want to take that that next step in their english language learning so if that's you then come and take a look where are we up to manuel lack of sleep means plenty of problems in your pack in your pack bag so you have a backpack is a like a rucksack a bag that you have on your back but it's not a pack back it's a backpack lack of sleep means plenty of problems in your backpack it's not a phrase i know i'm looking for having the opposite troubles hmm you're gonna have to clarify that one for me manuel nishanter your uk time is four and a half out minutes four hours 30 minutes slower than our indian time it's nearly 10 o'clock it's quartz 10 goodness me sorry it's so late i'll have to wrap up soon um do you get a qualification after completing the course at the moment no we are looking into we're aligned with the cefr framework so the european framework but we are not affiliated with any examining bodies to get a proper qualification we are looking into it and it will be potentially something we offer in the future um our main target with the courses and the platform is more about building the confidence to actually be able to use the language so it's more about real life usage i have certificates for things that i can't do i have a certificate for advanced diving and i can't remember anything about diving if you stuck me in the ocean now with my mouthpiece and my tank on my back i wouldn't remember anything um i certificates are helpful i know they can be helpful for um getting jobs getting places at university to prove your level of english but my first priority is building was building something that actually is useful in terms of daily fluency and accuracy in the language so not yet it's on the list of things to do we'll get there um okay uh i look forward to have so remember i look forward to having verb in the ing form i look forward to having a cup of coffee hmm yeah i look forward to having a cup of coffee in the mornings especially while i'm fasting it kind of takes the edge off okay um is there anything in here that we so suffer from we've covered lack of a lack of sleep a lack of concentration um what have you had a lack of lately um the lack of the lack of consideration for my um for my work the lack of consideration for my work has uh has made me decide to leave the company you might say if you're very unhappy um anyone else want to try using the lack of the lack of the lack of flowers this year was surprising i was surprised at the lack of flowers in my garden um hospitals in our country lacks of oxygen has hospitals sorry have hospitals in our country have a lack of oxygen and facilities yes and unfortunately there's been many fatalities um hospitals in our country have had a lack of i've had a lack of have a lack of if they still do have a lack of if you're going to take away of then you can say lacks this hospital lacks oxygen this hospital lacks resources but when you've got the of take away the s there's a lack of a lack of and it's raining again i'm suffering with a lack of oh i'm suffering from a lack of social life i'm suffering from a lack of social life good um all right what else do we have besides lack of or let me just uh how do i get rid of this comment on the screen there we go um lack of late four and you'd say what the event or the um the point in time is i'm like i'm late for my own birthday party you could even say an event i'm late for my own birthday party i'm late for the meeting i'm late for uh my call depend on who depends on you who depends on you my company my company depends on me many people in my company depend on me i said here my children depend on me my stomach depends on my cooking skills i'm hungry very hungry nishanter i'm very excited to take your pronunciation course next week mom i will become your special student well i very much look forward to having you i'm proud of my english qualifications though you were talking about your qualifications back here you said i have lots of qualifications half of them being for completing courses that i had little interest in but you're proud of them good and you should be qualifications obviously show that you spent that time and you you made that achievement um i just know there's lots of things that i'm good at that i don't have any qualifications in and there are many things i have qualifications in that i'm not very good at so i don't think a qualification is always a an important thing to have it really depends on the situation um okay so going it's very noisy here again so we have heard of i think we covered that earlier did we hear of yeah we have heard of up there so we've covered that already um interested in what are you interested in so you can talk about your your hobbies your likes i'm interested in sports i'm interested in gymnastics i'm interested in gardening i'm interested in food that's all i'm interested in right now is food what are you interested in tell me and then we have lead to again we've covered that and look forward to what you've been covering generally in this conversation um i'm interested in cycling i'm interested in traveling i'm interested in learning different languages brilliant i'm interested in traveling just be careful with your when you're writing i the pronoun i is capital and then obviously a space unless you're contracting it so i apostrophe m would be i um [Music] okay i'm interested in reading english stories i'm interested in sleeping i can totally relate to that one i'm interested in sleeping again capital i be careful with that i'm interested in speaking with a british accent with an accent oh so you speak in a language but you speak with an accent okay so i speak in english with a british accent i had my breakthrough when i realized life depend on fate not on me fair enough that's your view fair enough english literature is a good one but many of the words in this subject are considered as archaic i think you're having a discussion with someone there i would not under any circumstance be interested in walking through a dangerous alley or that dangerous alley if you're in the middle of a conversation and you know specifically which ally you're talking about good yes don't walk through dangerous alleys um okay okay yeah you could say speaking in a british accent again my my natural go-to would be with okay let's uh i'm gonna move on and show you what's in the rest of these notes um so these notes are available on the elan community for students of the elan courses particularly for the english program courses so at the moment we've got b1 b2 and c1 students and so here i've just made a list for you of um all the prepositional phrases that i could think of um there are lots more but i just threw together some of the most common ones and the ones we've used today and then i started to give you some examples so you've got eight examples here but then there are lots without examples that i want you to complete so the important thing for achieving fluency is not to just sit and watch lots of videos and sit and watch other people doing the work it helps it's good it has an impact but the way you're really going to make to make a change to impact your fluency is actually doing it yourself creating assets yourself so making those notes creating those example sentences you can english students you can in the in the community you can ask me if you're unsure about your sentences i'll correct them i'll check them for you you can check one another's work as well we always encourage peer review um but yeah they're ready for you to download they're also attached to the email i sent out for my students today as well so guys thank you so much for joining me it's been a pleasure and um i would love to have more of you in the community do head over to englishlikenative.com we currently have b1 b2 and c1 courses available the business english course which is a a humongous course is going to be available within the next few weeks as is the c2 course now we always offer an incredible discount when we launch a new course at the moment the c1 course is brand new so there's a 50 discount on that course which will only be available to the 8th of august so do head over to the website and make use of that if you would like to know about the upcoming courses and about the discounts available on those you'll be the first to hear if you're on our mailing list you can join the mailing list via the website as well i have a pronunciation course so those of you who are loving the british accent who really want to make a difference and acquire that british accent then i have a very comprehensive big pronunciation course with audios videos downloadable notes all the tools that you'll need to be able to make a difference as well as a pronunciation assessment so if you're not sure what it is you need to work on then i've got that service there available to you where i will give you personal feedback on your pronunciation and tell you exactly what you need to do okay everything is available on the website go and have a look and otherwise do you have any other questions i will stay for another few minutes just to say hey um thank you ray thank you so much for joining me you're always a great asset to these live sessions with all your useful knowledge and interaction i really appreciate it so thank you thank you manuel and all my other students that were able to join today um thank you for interacting in these in the youtube chat room we'll go back to um doing this privately next week um so many funny comments inappropriate commons not the place not the place um someone's looking for hotties stunning lad you definitely are a hottie um okay uh how many students for each batch so the way the courses work is it's student-led so most of my my students are professionals they're working in an english-speaking environment and therefore they need flexibility so we don't have set class times apart from the live streams which will then always be available um after the live broadcast and the zoom dropping class will always be on a weekend and it will be for an extended period so two to three hours so that everyone has an opportunity to jump in but otherwise the course material is all pre made it's created it's ready for you to do as and when you can and then we have the community which you can interact with on your time and people can interact then on their time uh yeah so that's how it works there's no batches as such it's open and available ready for you to make the most of when you are ready how can you find out about our courses oh chris christina we'd love you to join we are um simply over english like a native dot co dot uk just click on the course you're interested in you'll find more information there and you can always just send me a message on the website and i can answer any specific questions you've got but yeah you'd be an asset to us um thank you for all the comments guys you very funny today very funny um what languages can you speak well i speak english i in the past have dabbled in i've dabbled in german spanish japanese french french is a standard language that you learn from primary school um was there anything else i had to play with oh for a while i was learning croatian i was conversational in croatian at one point um the problem for me is i always overload myself so i'm always doing far too much and don't have much space in my in my schedule or in my brain and languages go rusty very quickly when you're not using them it's very difficult to learn more than one language at the same time it's possible but very difficult and if you are not using that language for anything and you don't use it for a period of time then you're going to forget it it's the same with piano i've been very good at playing piano at certain times in my life when i've had time to practice now i can barely play anything because i haven't done it for such a long time so fluently i don't speak any other languages other than english because i don't have an opportunity or need to speak any other languages right now but in the past and in the future when my schedule is a little bit less hectic then it's something i will pick up again hi hi anita from argentina [Music] you say more fun more fun not funner it's more fun always more fun or funnier yes if you're comparing um but not funner never say funner thank you for the virtual hugs thank you so much ah lovely um how about a business writing class whoa okay um the business english class uh the business english course is very robust and there is a lot of writing that goes along with that course so in all our courses there's um quite a big expectation of you to get involved um for you to create assets and in the business english course it's quite exciting there's a lot of coaching on how to create an excellent cv and it really is quite in-depth because what we want you to produce are assets from the business course that will actually aid you in your professional life so when you leave the business course you're going to have assets and knowledge that will aid you in getting a better job and moving up the ladder in your career yeah it's very exciting so a business writing course there will be additional courses coming next year but for now the business english course is quite quite a lot um and at some point we need to have a break from writing courses and just concentrate on working with the courses we've got but yeah please make suggestions we'll make a note of them but there's lots of things up here ideas for next year okay nishanti you're feeling sleepy good sleep have a lovely sleep don't oversleep have good quality sleep take care and thank you for joining us i should probably say goodbye now and let you all go um lovely all right thank you guys so much for joining me i've babbled on for far too long i should go back to the house now and make dinner because i'm starving okay uh please do go to the website if you want to know anything about any of the english courses the pronunciation course business courses then go over there join the mailing list and come and join our courses you can ask me questions on the website if you're unsure about any of the course material you need help buying a course or a service then it's all on the website okay thank you for joining me i'm going to say goodbye take care lots of love
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 15,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn english, british english lesson, english live lesson, collocations in english, collocations, anna english, english like a native, english class online, speak english, british english course online, british english course, advanced english listening, advanced english lessons, Learn british english
Id: _jSlAMEaX-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 32sec (5252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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