What Secret Do You Have That Could Ruin Your Life? (r/AskReddit)

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what is your most private confession something that would have you fired or ostracized by friends and family if they found out mine in comments I have a large very close group of friends two summers ago on a camping trip my best friend's brother good friend of everyone came into the car that I was sleeping in figured I was passed out drunk and undid my pants shirt and played with me for a while fingered me jerked off while playing with me and stuff I was awake the whole time I didn't tell anyone it was freaking hot if you ever need a couch to crash on I pee in my boss's pickle Joshi kept for making herself sandwiches at lunch the woman was a vindictive B who intentionally made her subordinates life a living heck in an attempt to make herself feel important after I contacted HR to file a complaint she zeroed in on me and began building a case to have me terminated I worked as a wireless sales rep in a company owned store through one of the two largest telecoms my market was non-union and my state was in it will employer so there was not a dang thing I could do to protect myself the three months it took for her to get me fired gave me plenty of time to replace most of the pickle juice with my own pee she would eat her sandwich while directing comments at me about how tough the job market is and smirk she never did understand why I just smiled back at her that's frickin disgusting tell me more I didn't actually graduate from college I forged my transcripts to get into my job now and had my old school record sealed so they can't not be verified I am pretty sure it will be found out eventually I flicked my cousin she lives the other side of the Atlantic and hadn't seen her since she was 12 she then come to visit when she's 18 and crap couldn't resist I just broken up with a longtime gf and I guess I was desperate it felt pretty dang good though maybe you should do it again just to teach them the lesson I was coerced into lying about physical shaming when I was five during a very messy and emotional divorce my father went to prison for physical shaming and died there I have never told a soul until now I am certainly going to heck well if there is one you were five it's not like you were an adult able to make conscious decisions I understand you feel terrible but the person who made you do this is to blame reminds me of that louis c.k bit about trying to find a place to masturbate she's got her mother staying with us - in the guest room and I'm on the streets now I got nowhere to go like now I know when I see a guy on the West Side Highway jerking off in plain daylight that's not a homeless guy that's a married man right there he's got snow where to go hello it's fricking hot outside about five years ago I decided to go meet a friend one afternoon for tacos and beer at a border town in Mexico you can park in the states and walk across well my friend didn't make it so I'm having another beer when an attractive woman comes and sits next to me with shots of tequila next thing you know I'm drunk and she's looking pretty good her English is poor but I know enough Spanish to get by she asks me if I want to go upstairs small motel outside and by this time I'm up for anything I asked how much and she said 100 dollars I said no and told her I only had about thirty dollars while showing my wallet she looks and says okay hands me a condom and we walk into the room I end up banging her for about 45 minutes and when she went to shower I got dressed and hauled but I got through the border to my car right before it closed I make it about two miles when I'm pulled over by Highway Patrol I didn't even try the field sobriety test and said Frick it take me to jail I blew a point one seven in the machine so I knew I was done anyway it's not that crazy but I'm definitely not proud of it TL DR went to Mexico fricked her age for $30.00 left and got a DUI this just sounds like some bad decisions don't beat yourself up over any other I wouldn't be surprised if the same circumstances happened to about 75% of people I know and I'm not white trash or anything fayeed my cm every single time i fap I often worry that one of my housemates will notice I don't keep tissues toilet roll in my room and if the subject of taste comes up I have to be really careful I don't give myself away by my expression or by nodding or something even though I'm pretty sure no one would guess you'd think they'd be tipped off by the mass consumption of pineapple juice I can only get off to debauch pee the more realistic the better I was violated three years ago that in itself is a big secret I don't understand myself my boyfriend were dumped me and kicked me out in an instant if he knew I smoked weed every day he is very very against it I despise being female I hacked everything about my body and about what's expected of me to be a proper woman I feel deeply out of place with myself I want desperately to be male but I'm terrified of how I'd be judged and of the violence that I've seen transgendered people subjected to his friends or family found out that I was a crossdresser even though completely hetero 90% would have nothing more to do with me and that includes friends who are gay or family members who have accepted game the family I know I tested the waters so freaking sad I used to work at a grocery store I was a hard worker I was quick I was smart I could fulfill every role I worked ot I did everything a manager could ask and I did over expectations at the four-year mark after ending college I asked for a full-time position I was already working 40 hours a week I just wanted benefits I was denied I never got the real raise ten cents once a year maybe I started stealing I stole food I stole cash I was in charge of the safe on three out of seven days a week I probably obtained one thousand dollars and six months I don't feel bad I was so good I never got caught I didn't feel bad you have a productive cooperative valuable employee treaty massage this was a long time ago I now have a great job and I'd never steal from my employer when I was in my early teens I went through a period where in I tried repeatedly to see my sister naked and fantasized about having some sort of physical dalliance with her I have always felt since then that there must be something very wrong with me I'm convinced that most of the time anyone says anything positive about me they are probably being insincere about it this includes you're good at your job looking forward to seeing you you try your best I have faith in you and I love you can't be bothered with a throwaway but the only two people I know who know me on reddit won't read this anyway and I can delete it eventually so screw it don't worry too much I'm the same way I pretty much take anything anyone says to me is just them being polite I rarely take any kind of compliment as if it were actually one you're not alone on this I have a very low libido and as a result I have pretty much zero interest in freaking I have a hard time forming relationships because most people expect frickin to be a major factor I'm fine with pleasant conversation physical contact going out for dinner and a movie and most other things but frickin is just boring for me good Christ its moist and uncomfortably intimate and just really really undignified when people start shouting and moaning and what the heck is this seriously he is hilarious to me sometimes I wonder if I'm from a different planet , you and me both I love my sister-in-law my wife's sister and I miss her a lot it crept up on me I don't want a relationship but I do wish she didn't live so far away I regularly use a strap-on on my husband and love watching men do dirty things to themselves I could never tell anyone not even my kinkiest friends I initiated it when we got together over 10 years ago and it has progressed and I like watching men going solo if you know what I mean wink-wink nudge-nudge sounds like your kinkiest friends and that kinky alternatively I would like to give you a digital high-five I lost my virginity to a call girl a few months ago my mom calls me like a month later and she asks we just got your bank statements you've drawn $200 on X date and 200 more on Y date what's going on how to make a bulls story but it worked if my parents knew they would disown me probably even chop my tongue off and throw it into a river or something he but Frick it I wanted to experience frickin and I finally did voila my girlfriend and I have incredibly brutal freaking punching kicking spitting pee anal [ __ ] slapping belt whipping clubbing hair dragging freaking sometimes we invite other people yet I'm not exactly telling my friends and family all about that crap I hope this is going to get buried but I jerk off in my crushes toilet everytime I go to her house she arouses me a lot we cuddle and stuff but I'm in the friend zone so I blew my load in her toilet but I'm into bondage took me years to come to terms with this even more to get off while being tied up and not feel like a freak afraid if anyone knows they will look at me like I'm the worst person in the world and never talk to me again I love bondage I don't think that is a big deal you should join FetLife once you realize how many other people are into bondage she won't feel so alone I've wanted kids so bad ever since I realized my parents were mentally physically and emotionally abusive all throughout my childhood I wanted the chance to do it right and give my kids the childhood an opportunities I never had found out a few years ago that I have a medical condition that makes it virtually impossible to conceive and last month my older sister died in childbirth from the same disease Bobby and I still haven't decided whether or not to start trying but it probably won't go the way we want adopt or at least try being foster parents kids are only little cute babies for 12 months at most most of the raising stuff and being a good parent last 30 years in most places becoming a foster parent is quite easy and they are ways needed a few years ago I had a job as an accounting manager I was pretty young for the relatively high ranking position we're talking 20 years old here it was my first time living away from my parents I had been to some college but didn't have the motivation to try hard so I failed a good portion of my classes I needed to pay my rent one month and had no money at all rather than ask my parents for help I decided it would be an okay idea to run my debit card through the credit card processor with a few hundred dollar refund on it it works I had cash in my bank at first this was to be a one-time thing then I got to where I saw things I wanted and so I kept doing it to buy these things this went on for about a year when one day I was called into the GM office with the GM there were two police officers I was terrified they took my information told me they would be in contact and was escorted from the building was not arrested or anything much to my relief later that day I worked up enough courage to call my dad and tell him what was going on I told him I was being investigated but not for how much he assumed a few hundred dollars it was closer to thirty thousand my parents hired a lawyer and it was shortly after that he informed my parents the real amount that I stole they took it pretty well in retrospect to get to the point of the story the lawyer made a deal to where I could pay less and get a suspended sentence or something along those lines or pay it all and get a deferred sentence and the record gets sealed after five years I can't remember the full details on the first option but my parents took a loan out against their house and paid the full amount as long as I don't break the law for five years it's almost like it never happened I feel absolutely terrible about it nobody knows other than my parents I think my brother knows some of what happened but no details I definitely never told him I'm afraid to tell any of my friends about it out of fear of being disowned I get nervous every time I hear a siren because I think they're coming to arrest me even though I've done nothing wrong since then I pay my parents a large portion of my paycheck every month and live with him right now it's pretty well killed my self-esteem and set me back a lot of years on any of my future plans I am glad I got that off my chest though felt good to talk about it for once TLDR stole money from job parents paid back money feel like crap about it I have told no one as much as I complain about how corporations and the government and media are all one thing controlling everyone you've heard this crap before on our politics if I was rich and in their position I'd do the same thing this is why real change as opposed to simply playing musical chairs is so freaking hard Frick I wish I had a job where I could get away with that my worst secret is probably that I'm bicurious and my family would just kill Emmy if I ever went out with another girl I'm approached by really nice girl so often too but I can't even imagine how badly my mom would react if she ever found out I'm coming to grips to the fact that I'm a bad person I'm a liar and a good one of that I've excited to get attention as well as just flat-out lied for no reason it'll be little things I'll tell somebody I'm painting when I'm just on the computer or just flat-out lie to people about what I did that week tweaking details and such it's really bad and I can't seem to stop despite browsing gone you out often for fapping material I think that most people who post actual contents they have self-esteem issues and really only do it for attention and not an actual desire to show themselves naked to strangers I freaked my dad's wife a lot he never found out I have Frick lots of H during my marriage I flicked my sister when we were 14 stroked 15 I feel sick my soand I'd have been together for almost 10 years and I love him very much bull alert late last year I was going through a period of unhappiness with the relationship it felt like he didn't care about me as much anymore and he very very rarely wanted to frake in fact for the whole month of October he didn't touch me once so of course I turned to the Internet for companionship I met lots of guys who made me feel better about myself and momentarily happy it became an addiction I was foolish enough to decide to stay in contact with two of them and I will admit they have seen all of me via webcam can I relationship has drastically improved since then and I'm very happy with my soul but I still have this dark secret there would be no chance of understanding or forgiveness if my so found out or any of my family for that matter I feel sick after writing this your sir was jerking off at work that's why he wasn't freaking you see the original post you two really need better communication pretty sure I've taken a pee every single time I've been in any shower for about the last 10 years sometimes I'll even realize I need to pee but wait until I get into the shower to do it when I was young I was pretty good at manipulating people long story short I manipulated my friend into dry humping his sister I did the same on multiple occasions I feel horrible about it now knowing I did that and wondering about the possible psychological implications on her bothers me pretty much every day I used to hurt animals and kill bugs it still makes me feel sick to know I did this as a kid I had a fricked up childhood and I think that was my outlet before I started hurting myself I would rather have everyone now I used to hurt myself than helpless innocent creatures well let's see one my dong doesn't work it is also tiny - I have a boatload of fetishes ranging from mild dominatrix things to toenails at 3:00 I smoke pot not that bad for I am extremely physically attracted to pretty much all of my female friends none of whom would touch me five if my parents wouldn't be so upset about it I'd live my life as a shut-in six I used to be a top student now I am failing out of university I'm one of the millions of kids who were smart as a kid but it became lazy because of it I am lazy to the point that I will often leave piles of garbage and dishes in my room it smells disgusting seven while I have no intention of ever doing it nor will I ever come close to trying it I have no objection to freaking a minor eight I'm probably not going to ever freak anyone other than prostitutes nine while I am very young I am inflexible to the point that I can't even come close to crossing my legs you know the sitting-down thing ten I hate about 90% of my friends and for the rest I'd still rather be by myself than spend time with nine percent of my other friends I stay friends with them because it's wrong not to have friends feels good to say I have become a very good liar because of these secrets and thanks to my lying I am not only very well liked by most people I live a very happy lifestyle it will not last jizz on my macbook and had to pay $600 to get the trackpad and motherboard replaced told everyone i spilt a spoon to author milk from my cereal take a tip from the other 50 people in this thread Andy George's next time when I was 18 my friends and I stole between $30,000 and $50,000 our estimates looking back from a movie theater at which we worked in a hoe a month or more ago there was a picture on Reddit of this dude who never felt right and started making the transition to the woman she turned into a pretty hot chick then in her AMA I found out she still had a dog a recurring question in my head would I freak her even though she had a dog I didn't know the answer and it freaking scared me fast forward to a week later and I'm still tossing around the question that night I go to rub one out and I'm kinda bored with the usual pee he'd bring on the [ __ ] the first video on the site XNX XCOM looked kinda hot so yeah i frickin jerked off to [ __ ] pee when my next jerks session came around i started with a [ __ ] section I pored over pages of videos but nothing seemed good enough so I went back to my usual and haven't looked back since TL DR I jerked off to [ __ ] pee I'm pretty sure my family would not take it well if they knew I was agnostic even though most of them don't go to church anyways oh the hypocrisy it burns and so will you heretic my job consists of basically masking my contempt for the buttholes in charge and at least once a day retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble heck I am heavily into drugs of all kinds but Oh piercer my drug of choice I've learned to balance my life to the point where I can hold down a full-time job I refuse to show up to work a mess or call off sick due to drugs one day I met a great girl and we really hit it off when the topic of drugs came up I decided to test the waters by telling her I smoked pot she freaked out and said if our relationship were to continue I had to quit eventually she won the battle and I said I'd quit that was three years ago I don't get to party as much as I used to but anytime I have free time away from work and a girlfriend I'm doing whatever I can get my hands on be it H coke pain pills etc I got a few strategically placed tattoo so she will never see any track marks I really never thought I would get away with it for this long life is a constant lie I masturbate approximately 13 times every day but it's not normal masturbation it's weird blanket masturbation that works somehow I've been masturbating like that since I was four I have a slight pee fetish I don't like pee pee at all but frickin with a full bladder is awesome I can have orgasms during the day I'll be sitting normally doing nothing particularly erotic and I'll have orgasms I have to change my underwear all the time because it's always wet I'm B which I'll never actually tell anyone I'm perfectly fine with staying in the closet forever I have lied to everyone about my previous frickin experiences nobody knows the truth saving the best for last I have been dealing with schizophrenia for my entire life and absolutely no one knows about I'm terrified of taking medication or going to therapy objects talk to me in the air as evil sometimes my body works against me and I often see small things that aren't there bugs eyes this is frickin interesting okay I'm only doing this because I need to get this off my chest last week I had a feeling my girlfriend was cheating on me so I called her out on it of course she denied it and this caused a rift in her relationship so they're not talking right now two days ago I called up a girl I knew who does massages on the side I asked her to come over she gave me a massage and I told her I'd give her $150 bucks to suck my dong she said she doesn't like sucking dong but she let me freak her so I did for a couple of hours I felt sick to my stomach I've never done that before and the only reason I did is because I had a feeling my gf was cheating on me I'm such a fricking insecure loser nobody knows but I pee in the sink at home and sometimes at people's houses I can't be bothered to make the effort of getting my dong out and aiming at the bill then potentially pee all over the seat and having to wipe it up if I pee in the sink I can't possibly miss then I turn on the water and BAM down it goes I'd do it at work too if I could if I could damn it my plates my bowls my cups burn IT all I sometimes vividly think about my girlfriend fricking other men and it turns me on how best friend also tried to suck my dong and I kept my mouth shut about it so that they can remain friends I was raised in a very religious Muslim house but at age 13 I started thinking about it and in a couple years I decided I didn't believe in it anymore making me agnostic I guess I hate labeling now my mom fully supported my decision and agreed that it was my own life to do with it as I please and life didn't really change in the house if I told this to my dad or friends however my life is over it freaking sucks having to go to a mosque whenever someone I know is around and prayer time comes and it turns into aren't you going to pray I can't wait till I'm done with high school so I can meet you people is my real self I realize my story's a bit tame Batman contributing his contributing every day I wake up I think that there is about a 30% chance that I might kill myself that day I am 18 years old and almost failed out of college last year I am just too ashamed to talk to anyone about any of it the sick thing is that all of my friends and family think I am the happiest guy in the world and have everything figured out or am at least slightly on top of my game I hate being loved by anyone that includes my family members and friends because I know that at some point I am going to kill myself and I don't want them to be hurt most of the time I could care less about what others think but for some reason anyone finding out about my depression cripples me with fair fight kind of need to rant it's extremely hard for me to make new friends because I'm an introverted and shy person so I can't seem to make myself gather up the courage to talk to new people when my heart starts beating like crazy and blood rushes to my face any type of confrontation makes me nervous after the initial getting to know phase I open up pretty easily when I started college I was confronted by some Christians going out the spread the word I thought might as well school myself on Christianity and see what it's all about right so I started going to Bible studies then I started going to home meetings dinner with other Christian students families to blend and then I started going to church I now had a whole bunch of friendly acquaintances in the new college environment where I essentially didn't have any close friends to hang out with since my best friends went to different schools then I was baptized I don't know why I agreed and went along with everything I assumed it was the sense of camaraderie of having people I could talk to of not being lonely and off peer pressure that made me go along with everything everyone I've met so far in relation to the church are nice they're genuinely friendly and I like that but I feel like they're taking advantage of my weakness in order to convert me they think they've succeeded [ __ ] in facts they've pushed me away it's been two years since the initial contact I kept an open mind I tried to see that Jesus is Lord but I just couldn't Jesus is not my Lord and I am NOT a Christian nor will I ever be it's like I don't know a paradox of some sort I told one person within the church about my feelings and she told me you just need to open up your heart call on the name of the Lord and you will see that he is Lord if can't reach him then your heart isn't open and you need to open it up dammit woman my heart is open but it's just not happening the more I learn the more I know Christianity is not for me and I can't get out because I don't know how I know it sounds like I have no backbone but it's not because of that I just church members make up about 80% of the people I know I assume it's almost the same kind of feeling gay people have when they want to come out to their family just can't do it I only need to go along with it for one more year then I'll graduate head home and hopefully never hear from them again TLDR I started meeting with Christian students to learn what Christianity was about and I let them believe they successfully converted me I've been baptized I'm going to church I feel like a stain when I stand amongst people who truly believe in Jesus church members make up about 80% of the people I know in school without them I'd be forever alone I don't know how to get out and we'll go along with them for another year until I finish school and head home 350 miles away 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Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 88,627
Rating: 4.8497438 out of 5
Keywords: private confession, secret, secrets, deepest secrets, deepest secrets reddit, deepest secrets revealed, dark secrets, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: tzqq4BbHhng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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