What if Germany Won But Then Broke Apart? (HOI4)

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"I assume Himmler will take over Germany after Hitler dies" oh drew, you beautiful idiot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stamau123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He doesn’t know that almost none of those countries have any divisions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Imperialist-Settler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, he really had no idea what the demo was huh?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Crazyceo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bloody hell that must of been even more boring for him then usual

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/herecomesthatgoy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So we got Alex and Drew, how much time till ISP decides to join?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/King_inthe_northwest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is a demo of an upcoming mod called the new order old world blues and as you can kind of tell Germany won World War two this is like the 1960s and I guess little angry mustache man is about to die and there's gonna be a whole lot of infighting to see who exactly gets to take the rest of his empire yeah I mean he's definitely seen better days but I like it he's still sexy even on his deathbed I like the great mustache the great skinny mustache looks a little better he's always gonna be a trendsetter Francisco Franco is also aged quite a bit just not as well he's he's actually disgusting it I I can't even look at his face but at least his empire looks good he unified with Portugal his little Iberian Union and got a bunch of Western African territory so he's looking strong you might notice the borders look a little bit weird around the Mediterranean and I'm assuming that's because of that like you know famous theory how the Germans were gonna dam off the Strait of Gibraltar and let this whole thing disappear I guess we'll see how that works out for him I think the most interesting part about this scenario though is how former Soviet territory completely split apart like this is this is gonna be insane I don't know exactly what's going on but yeah it's pretty bad they're also not a part of the same team so there's gonna be a lot of infighting and by the way the factions are Germany's in their own thing and at least trying to do that Rome faction that wet dream is never gonna come true guys somebody's has been ousted or assassinated whatever you want to say I don't really know a whole lot about the scenario I'm gonna figure it out by the end this video hopefully but yeah this guy's in charge and I don't think the other pizza man's gonna show up there was still one Democratic team and I guess they're gonna try to keep things together maybe they'll win out in this universe it's Canada the US and I think Australia New Zealand a little bit yeah but it should be fun Nixon's in charge so we'll see how he does and finally I think Japan might also have their own internal struggles this is a lot to hold on to and I'm sure yeah these places can't be too happy obviously the British Isles were successfully invaded in this universe and we have King Edward the eighth ruling over he's fascist also Ireland in the same situation Scotland's alright they're a liberal democracy don't know how that happened and then Wales authoritarian democracy there's also Cornwall I don't know it's all messed up I feel like my money would be on Himmler taking charge after the old man kicks the bucket although he doesn't really have that much land I don't what's gonna happen after he dies but yeah I just has this part of France that's it and some of this mod did the impossible he made Michael the first Romania even more beautiful I mean he's pretty beautiful in the base game but I mean he's supposed to be like 30 or 40 here and he's looking good I'm assuming Finland was rewarded when the Soviets fell and they got it a little bit of extra land I thought they were gonna get a little bit more I guess they can I mean no one's really gonna stop him from getting more of this stuff and I love this we actually have a ledger to kind of get a better idea of how everyone's doing so in terms of factories the US is the best then Germany then Italy surprisingly and population India China Japan okay they figured that one here's a nice touch the Dalai Lama has become a despot he's just ruling Tibet with an iron fist man it's so he full art so something's going down I don't know exactly what but I kind of have an idea oh wait there's more there's a little bit more okay so how much is this like gonna be a 3-way 4-way war maybe that's what's looking like okay so as you can see there is no like reich anymore this is just this is just broken down into things i wonder if like outside places so is himmler not gonna do anything about this is just gonna watch we also have a wide mixture of ideologies too it's not all i guess what you would think of some familiar faces as well but yeah i don't have any idea what this is but okay oh and both european factions are gone as well so that just leaves i guess the one in north america and yeah japan still doing all right and it's not with Hirohito he's gone to Brittany just declared war on the French state ballsy move there guys that's that's a ballsy move and then I believe Madagascar is in their own Civil War something like that how can you have a simple is it is that necessary guys you both are gonna die from the plague anyways Wow I got a safe been doing this for a while played a lot of different high for mods but uh this is imaginative this is something we've never seen oh okay I see why they did it now so I guess that's kind of a smart move although you're probably not gonna get much these guys yeah these guys are gonna take everything over some things are just breaking down all across the board it's not just one civil war it's like multiple civil wars for like former puppet nations or something like that this is only gonna continue to happen new places are also starting to pop up here in like the Sahara Desert I thought it was I don't know I thought this universe had this is like a nuclear test or something because it was just wasteland that made sense of me I like how free France is still around I knew that they were here cuz I saw the ledger but I they're getting a little more stuff they had just a couple provinces before now they're getting more you think this guy goes around asking people if they want to know how I got these scars cuz I would genuinely like to know this that's pretty brutal I'm gonna be honest South Africa's a goner which was a nice stronghold for democracy but nope that is probably gonna get taken out what happened to got the eyebrows that one famous dude with the eyebrows German you can't you can't miss him once you see that face you never forget it I haven't found him yet honestly like who cares who wins in Germany like here's the real winner to be honest this was way more intense I think I'll just in the video here they're an authoritarian democracy and in South Africa we have fascism doing their thing so I guess this little team is doing all right down here all this is their own team - this is just in Africa huh Wow okay you guys probably get it together up here ding ding ding ding we got a winner and it's this bald man I don't exactly I know he kind looks familiar I know somewhat of him but let's see what he does now but we do also have free England up here in the British Isles so maybe there is I don't know some saving that can go down I bet you they join that u.s. faction probably I like how some of these nations up here and like the remote areas of Siberia just have a little hut that's it that's that's all they have the huts leading them not bad no authority but you should be better no authority Hut I like that but that was this okay I'm definitely missing like a lot of probably smaller cooler things but free aviators a nation full of pilots or something like that maybe they were formerly Soviets or something that's kind of cool Nixon's gone and now we have lyndon b johnson so we'll see if he does anything lose the point that Richard Nixon didn't like get involved said been nice I don't know where these two places are let's just go ahead okay that's what I figured very small little thing going on this is actually the first or maybe the second conflict that rose from this area dot there'd be a lot more by now this took me wait so long to notice what is going on here that this does not look normal you guys might have terminal cancers because of the demo we can't do like a full video we can't do like a full campaign yet but in order to not end this in a boring way let's at least make Japan go to war with America which I mean that doesn't necessarily guarantee anything this could still not be that interesting to watch I mean Australia might fall that's about it okay yeah so this might be a little bit better at least hopefully there's actually like a conflict going on I didn't realize that Italy had puppeted Croatia and then maybe even Greece - I think they did right yeah Greece also okay that makes sense by 1967 the Germans now have the most factories and they got a pretty good lead over the US Japan's kind of catching it well yeah it's partly because they're taking over Italy that's the major reason cuz yeah they're falling India is still firmly in that top population slot which is kind of crazy because they don't even have like their normal full territory this is yeah that that it seems a little much this area too has a lot of population it's even tinier this is also Japanese puppet I believe so that's interesting there we go so in typical German fashion they've declared war on like all their neighbors or not even they have a lot more I've seen better from you guys come on I'm just pointed is that real there's no way that's right you can't just kill a squirrel and throw it on your head is that a skunk I don't know you can do better than that no but actually I'm really impressed with how many nations have their own unique portrait pretty much almost every one has a unique portrait and this is like at least a hundred if not more way more so the fact that this is just a demo and they have all this like artwork set up and things like that they're supposed to taken a long time but I appreciate it it's like my favorite part just look at all the faces yeah there's really happening here I guess that makes sense it actually looks like Japan would have the advantage this is kind of scary I don't know what's going on underneath the surface but you know just look at the font sizes that's all matters it would powerful Wow I just realized there's also culture in this mod that's pretty cool I I never thought I'd see that from a game like high four I mean you don't really need it but man this does make things just a lot more interesting I don't think it would be possible but it'd be really cool every year that goes by we see the Mediterranean continue to go lower and lower I mean if you think about it only twenty years have passed since World War two something like that and you know we already have like this drastic of a change you would assume it continued to go down right oh yeah forgot to mention Hitler kind of took over everything I don't know how he did that you just annexed all of it so I don't know it makes sense I mean he definitely belongs in the in the club belongs in the running he's natural Italy is actually a lot more powerful than I thought and I just realized that now I don't know what some of these places are yeah they've got a lot of puppets kind of all over the place anyways that was the new order old world blues mod I'm definitely keep an eye on it hopefully it is released and it's full very soon I definitely enjoyed it I mean this is a lot further along than I thought it was gonna be there's been less and less of these than I've wanted I feel like a couple months ago there was a lot more of these like I don't think this is a total conversion there's not a total conversion mod is it not really but like these scenario mods there's been a lot less as of now which is disappointing because that was like some of my favorite parts just going into the whiteboard workshop and seeing how crazy things can get that's why I've been doing a lot more eu4 lately because I feel like that you for money community has really they've been doing some good stuff and always been lagging behind this is the first time I've seen that in a long time so I'll come back when I see like a mod that I want to play that's just kind of what I do just generally if I'm like oh that that might be kind of interesting to watch let's do that thanks for watching see you next time big thanks to lvc well I should senpai wrist rotation Swiss are go back cg king Soloman man mo galleys tenor of the Nazarene free cruise mr. Berk le you tur donkey Brandon Hinkle Destiny 9000 Γ«get fat boy sneaky Gengar metal buddy 18:46 james miller mike s is gay paper 56 Huey Long Don Alfonso am sick millet I'm double books thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 396,948
Rating: 4.9163876 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4 Germany, Hearts of Iron IV, Hearts of Iron 4 Germany, HOI4 Civil War, What if Germany Won, Germans, AI Only, Observe, Timelapse, Hearts of Iron IV Germany, Hearts of Iron IV Civil War, HOI4 Mod, Hearts of Iron 4 Mods, HOI4 Mods, Hearts of Iron IV Mods, HOI4 Man the Guns, Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns, Hearts of Iron IV Man the Guns, Hearts of Iron, Italy, Spain, England
Id: uIGTdTg7vEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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