All Old World Nations Battle for Earth! | Civ 6 (Civilization)

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I found it really strange to see Australia there as an "old world nation". It's a new world nation as much as Brazil, America and Canada, it's just on another continent.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Barkend 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish Drew would do a full GS LP

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CheetosJoe 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
here we go here's the old-world campaign for the first time in civilization 6 we have 37 nations starting off in the eastern hemisphere and they're gonna be making their way to North and South America to pick up some new colonies unfortunately this wasn't the map that I wanted to use I wanted to use a much bigger one this one's gonna be kind of weird but it turns out that was kind of a good thing because I was able to push this game way further than I thought it would go we're going all the way up to turn 1,500 and actually a little bit more than that 1,500 plus that's three times the normal length of a game is gonna be less than ten leaders left but ultimately there's only gonna be about two or three great powers that dominate the map I'm also using a mod that makes disasters way more devastating I feel like in the base game it's just not enough so a lot of people gonna die here should be pretty fun I was thinking about disabling the low key system here I wasn't sure how that was gonna work with all these overseas colonies but it turned out to be pretty cool there were some territories that gained their independence from their overlord it doesn't last forever though I was also really happy that AI nations continued to snowball I wasn't sure if that would happen it does it just takes a really long time lastly I noticed that you never really know who's gonna make it to the end there are some great powers that seem like they're gonna take over the worlds and then over the course of a hundred turns they'll just vanish you just never can't tell who's gonna collapse again full warning the map is really ugly I like I almost don't even make this video because I hate I hate it so much but the reason why I was able to go so far into the future is because it's so small I guess that's a good thing I mean giant earths crash at like turn 200 even with my graphics settings all the way down so in a way I guess I should be thankful now technically the mountie could ruin everything here they're the only Civ that start off with this deep-sea sailing they could discover America and have like it 200 turn headstart we've kind of got a hope that doesn't happen this is da da I so everyone has extra settlers they're gonna find those 2nd and 3rd cities pretty fast after their capital which also means the AI is gonna be pumping out a lot of Units this is pretty big though England has a much better position on the British Isles they also found it their second city they're pretty much just gonna bully Scotland so that'll be accurate somehow oh we already have our first death luckily there are two Greece's although it doesn't look good for them either in a weird way this map does allow for different things to happen Korea China Mongolia they have a lot less space so don't just steamroll everything oh we got lucky oh yeah so lucky I was worried about that okay so they found it in New Zealand aka middle-earth they're not gonna have a headset in the new world though in don't he's just gonna have a tough start to they didn't necessarily spawn on the best island but they're pretty isolated I think they'll be fine now upside down land might be a little bit smaller than usual but I still want to put all my money on Australia they're pretty safe and it's gonna be very hard to namely invade them but the zulu used to do really good until five and they're just as aggressive they don't really have to worry about anyone either except for the congo that could be scary of course we gotta see who's gonna win the battle for india gandhi or sexy buff gandhi III I think I I think I'm choosing him Norway and Sweden are trying to make the best out of kind of a horrible situation I don't think they do that bad here though is somehow I think everything's gonna be fine as you can see no Eleanor today she's a little bit too good at making things revolts based game France and England are still pretty strong Wow okay this entire region just became a bunch of barbarians well this could help out the Romans or Ottomans though well the Egyptians are down here for cities and as they continue to grab up northern Africa that is gonna keep the Europeans out for at least a little bit anyways the Phoenicians have picked up the third city by destroying Samaria that is kind of sad they do all the beginning with their war carts not this time though as always the biggest threat to Georgia is Mother Nature volcanoes explode that happens a lot on these real earth maps I think Molly could be an underdog they make a lot of money and they're not that far away from South America I know they used to do pretty good in SIF 5 as well so as long as they don't get killed by the Zulu the Dutch have survived longer than 10 turns so I think that's a new record pretty sure oh my god they got a second city this is a miracle Poland over here Ford settling Germany probably not a good idea but still yeah you guys get a science victory and might be with negative space I'm checking out on certain SIVs just to see what they've discovered I guess nothing so far they're pretty preoccupied with Australia oh and they've met Indonesia as well so they're kind of going in the wrong direction it doesn't matter I'm confident they'll make it to the new world and probably settle it before anyone else oh my god this part of the map is just a mess the Egyptians got something the ottomans got the rest but they're having their own revolt problems and so are the Romans I've gotta have it a lot in the very beginning things are really unstable but as time goes by I think that should change nice little sandstorm right in the middle of the Sahara that's nice this place is probably gonna get a lot of those Russia and Cynthia are some of the only nations with four cities each they kind of need it because these two hate each other Scotland's being invaded already come on guys England just couldn't resist I don't think vicki has enough units so I think they're gonna be okay Egypt's already lost the city to Nubia and that is gonna be their own big rival as well as Arabia's kind of under attack and not really an India got their city back they lost it for a brief moment it's all good though a problem is up this way the Mongolians aren't doing too well Japan's not doing a whole bunch at all they're like one of the slowest starting SIVs they just founded their second city with only one population got to keep an eye out for them because they could pretty easily make it to California probably not the smartest move kupe I would have advised against this don't settle Australia you're gonna piss off a lot of Aziz stay go Poland take the fight to Russia don't wait if you wait you know things get bad they also have their fourth city which I think they might have taken from Sweden something like that what the swamp Germans tried but they died once again the French took their capital and the Vikings actually took this coastal city that's good news for Norway at least that is terrifying okay the Zulu already have five cities yeah Congo you might as well just get in the fetal position well the Germans have six they took these two northern Roman cities which means yeah I mean they're definitely not doing too good yeah weird how certain saves aren't doing much like Japan and Spain especially the Spanish they've got so much space which I'll doing I don't know how much those volcanoes helps but Persia was able to take out Georgia I think that's okay that Sims done so well in other videos you guys can take one little Elle they did it oh they did it oh this is this is some good news I'm kind of gonna see that post the way income wealth it's coming back oh this actually might be just the overall collapse of Russia's hold well they got this city back but we'll see how long that lasts since Cynthia's trying real hard dad once had a chance of doing really well they're a bunch of cities up for grabs I don't think four is gonna be enough though that they needed to get a lot more since in the middle of the map they don't struggle looks like the Mongolians might be preparing for their great Mongol invasion they definitely see a lot of the map especially in Asia just wait till they get those horsemen out I'm also using a demographics mod just like and SIF 5 that way we can look a little bit deeper into some information Poland does have the most land at the moment that's kind of amazing we also look at some graphs that way we can kind of see what's going on even though I can't really tell what the hell's going on oh he's a nice little hurricane for oh you moved right okay I guess they must have some sort of power that's terrifying oh my god that could be a very bad sign may they're trying to tell us this volcano's about to start the next Ice Age the French are now in iberia great job Spain again this is what happens when you just sit there and do nothing Poland got another Russian city Wow so at this point they really just have to worry about Sathya and of course the Germans maybe the Ottomans as well these citizen Middle East are probably in the worst position they can't make the new worlds even the East Asian nations can make it over there I've finished just tried her best though she made it to Ethiopia that's at least your fourth settlement even the rush is dying they're doing pretty well in both religion and culture I don't know how much that's gonna matter when your people are dead but whatever all the world religions have already been founded there's seven of them and it's only 1500 BC don't really know how that works but it's Russia India Spain Sweden Poland Arabia and Phoenicia so I guess we'll kind of keep an eye out on those Norway is doing their thing moving up through the North Sea and discovering Iceland and Greenland they actually could be pretty good : I tzer's here I wouldn't be surprised oh yeah Russia's only got one city left so they are next on the chopping block let's just see who takes it Mongolia is slowly starting to climb their way back to the top they got five cities back and they kind of stopped Korea from getting anything else three cities is probably not gonna be enough for him not bad guys not bad I'm impressed I mean out of all the open territory could grab this is pretty much the best thing you could get Gandhi is already making his way up through the Himalayas kind of impressive although it might be a little difficult to defend some of these cities still you got to do something Japanese are still only at two settlements and these other ones only have two populations they're really not doing much at all what happens the Punic Wars the Romans killed off Carthage Carthage is invisible but yeah they still did it it's actually gonna be pretty tough for these African sips imeem no one really wants to settle in the Sahara Desert everyone's trying to avoid that it could be a bad thing for the Congo even though they're doing all right they need to get more territory though for this monster comes after home and with the Kamiya being so aggressive and grabbing up southern China it's gonna make the Chinese Civ really struggle for cities that ain't good Harlan's been grabbed up the English got that that's unfortunate for Scotland because now they probably won't survive up here there you go Spain now you guys control this pass you don't have to let anyone through if you don't want to that's kind of a big deal but I bet you people gonna try to go after this city and it happens of course it happens the first sieve has made it to the new world and they're gonna have again still a huge head start over everyone else I'm assuming the next place to get here will probably be the Vikings they get to go through the deep waters a little bit faster than others as well it just depends on if they're even interested in going to America Egypt another one of those SIVs that is probably gonna struggle they got to worry about Nubia like we said and especially the Romans if they can take a few cities though that would be nice I'm Audi aren't doing a whole lot in South America just yet they could possibly build the Panama Canal just a little bit later down the line though Russia is dead and Poland is now the new Russian Empire they still got to worry about Cynthia though again this is terrifying Arabia is the next nation to be included on the long list of dead SIVs Phoenicians now has a nice solid empire Korea's trying their best not only did they take back this city that I guess seems to keep switching hands but they're just jamming in the settlements up this way they don't even care I just realized that nuit is almost dead they're left with only two cities they've definitely struggled in quite a few wars you're right next to a volcano is starting to really hurt certain SIVs especially this place because the Aussies hold a grudge they still at war they never gonna forgive him I guess this border is gonna lead to some interesting conflicts normally in a giant map we don't get to see too many interactions between these two but city and Mongolia that's a terrifying combination now I know it doesn't seem like much but the Norwegians are very smart for getting this because this will forever give them access through the North Sea as long as they keep that and it could be a way to make it to North America by turn 100 we have Australia leading in technology but they're tied with Korea and three text behind is Germany they kind of have a nice lead Gandhi's doing the most culture per turn but that doesn't really matter cuz again it's still so early this could switch really fast lots of capitals have already been taken a lot of dead leaders all around obviously the Ottomans have the most cuz they've got pretty lucky Europe is mostly Catholic this religions pretty much dominating the whole continent everything else is very divided outside of well Hindu is actually doing I think even better there's got to be part of the reason why India is doing so well I'm sure this has got to be a little factor oh wow yeah Gandhi's converted seven sibs total to Hinduism were Spain with Catholicism only converting four they got some catching up to do government wise a lot of nations are oligarchies actually there is one monarch and that is in France I'm assuming more places we'll probably top that eventually unsurprisingly this is one of the sexiest parts of the world appeal that that mechanic doesn't have a whole lot of impact at least at this stage in the game oh good good so the new world is technically labeled as America not North and South America but either way a lot of sims depend on that mechanic demographic wise Germany is leaving in terms of population almost 3 million people guys it's it's too much BC what the hell you guys eating over there Brett's is the biggest military they have the most soldiers that should definitely terrify the Germans Kongo have crop yields the Phoenicians doing well Poland still number one in land and Kongo also with most Goods oh and Germany's been dominating the whole population game for a while now they aren't really being caught I'm sure that will change eventually though I want to know I'm looking at this graph this is is disgusting like this change is so fast people lose units people build units it's gonna look like it just a huge mess forever but land is pretty cool because you'll see these sharp jumps and the sharp declines every time someone takes or grabs the city pulling doing a whole lot with Russia and the Congo kind of catching up though after the first 100 turns and seeing that info shock is not doing as well as I thought or at the very least the Congo probably be able to defend themself I'm starting to regret my pick there I mean I'll stray is my number one prediction just like in other true start location games because they don't really have a burrs that are really gonna bother them at all I mean maybe if these guys start to just go crazy with the set lane I don't know if that's gonna happen though is that a settler nope that's just a slinger yeah you guys got to go straight after South America I'll be here we go here come the Vikings that little advantage is not gonna last much longer I think they're gonna get to South America or the Caribbean and they're surprisingly still holding strong here I mean I'm sure they'll lose some cities that's just gonna happen from loyalty but I'd looking solid I think no matter what though the West Coast is destined to be a part of the Japanese Empire just even if the Europeans get here fifty hundred turns before them they're not gonna settle California Oregon Canada this is gonna be a meal and big effing chapter Scotland rip I think we all knew it was gonna happen just it was painful to watch oh no not you too Poland this could have been your game this is what I'm saying they're probably going through a dark age there's an ice blizzard two on both the Scythian and Mongolia just racing in for this stuff this this is gonna be bad for cities are good Spain but you could have had a lot more unfortunately and outlook Molly doesn't care they're gonna settle right in the middle of desert they don't mind and the Romans are kind of doing all right even though they lost their two northern cities and they never actually got that back I don't know how I settling in Africa kind of makes up for it it sucks because even though perches looking alright they've got a solid Empire I can't see them surviving they're never gonna call an eyes the kind of just destined to be crushed Smalley has become I think the third sieve to just discover the new world although it's gonna be really hard to keep track basically everyone's coming over here oh yeah I'm sure England is probably founded as well we'll see if they go for the Caribbean first or maybe the East Coast I'll use a nice hurricane right there for South America that is a little bit accurate ouch okay now it's gonna head up north that's many fun to watch in the future I'm always gonna get some breathing room as they're more than likely gonna take the city the Congo won't be right down their neck that's nice now they can colonize and just like that Sathya has become a pretty dominant power here in I don't know Eastern Europe and more than likely Persia will lose Moscow I think eventually so they'll take that too I think Japan might have been able to squeeze five cities on the main island but that's still not quite as impressive as Korea they just jam that stuff in it's adventure time for Persia as they have a little immigration force trying to make it out of the Mediterranean they're trying to prove me wrong I'm viewing as England and yeah they've they've definitely discovered the east coast which means we might be seeing the 13 colonies soon so you definitely know those revolts are coming I imagine they should be pretty safe from the French although they do have a lot of control over the English Channel as well as yeah Viki you prize shouldn't focus your Navy this city's nice but you gotta get into the Atlantic Ocean I'm assuming this is the settler that will probably be sent over towards the west it's gonna be a lot of that in the next hundred turns actually outside of a few wars the eastern hemisphere is probably gonna stay like this there won't be much change over the next couple eras all the focus is gonna be on the new worlds this is really gonna make or break certain empires and there it is there's the first English city it's actually in Canada but I'm sure they'll make it down here too I'd be careful though because it looks like the Vikings might be planning some sort of invasion it's a little bit late guys maybe you should just focus on colonization as I thought the Persians were definitely going to lose Moscow at some point they're trying to make it though they're trying to get it back I don't know is that Japan Japan's about to take this aren't they oh no never mind city got it if that be I'd be a little too crazy it's like they would keep that anyways all right tomorrow is looking scary Poland's definitely being invaded by some people man this is sucked out of the paradox games and now civilization you guys are just doomed now even the Romans are having trouble they can't hold on to their cities either we'll see who takes that I mean Spain will probably get this one if the Egyptians can get that that'd be nice the Ottomans just settled Madagascar which is nice but um I I don't think the Zulu will like that but who knows oh you guys lose in your capital it's gone it's gone Wow well at least we witnessed that I guess your new homes just gonna have to be in South America I wonder if he was Sweden because I was gonna say wow it's amazing that they're still around but now they're just stuck with their capital they've almost discovered everyone so almost all nations pretty much know of each other there's probably just a few left I think the Romans are done their time has come the Ottomans ended up grabbing this city on the Italian peninsula we'll see if the Germans get involved they could go into some Wars maybe for this stuff it's still really early to worry about climate change but I'm sure some of these events some of these natural disasters it's got to be getting crazy I see how much population has died so far I mean it is only turned 150 so I don't expect a lot here's four four died in a blizzard crippling blizzard that sounds fun I mean we could just kind of predict how bad things are gonna get when the future arrows come this one had eight tiles damaged it's a big old tornado Brants is now taking the lead in terms of population with nearly 10 million all right so they're pretty solid they're probably gonna be around for a while Timaeus and Cynthia now has the most land that polish collapse was painful I'm currently viewing to Spain since they could be one of the world's best colonizers they're right next to the Caribbean should be pretty easy problem is they better get on it because the British now have two cities and Norway has pretty much made new Finland kinda I mean these are gonna be some pretty horrible settlements if I'm just gonna be honest a hole up in the snow at least they made it you know just keep going now it looks like the Spanish Empire really likes the ladies since they're allied to only ladies Egypt's France and Viki and actually I just found out that Vicki of England is allied to France as well that's gonna keep both of those nations out of a conflicts that's kind of a big deal since they're right next to each other and we're all better watch out for Egypt's there was some announcements going on and you know Trajan is kind of been struggling they could easily take over the rest of their cities oh yeah forgot to mention they did just lose their capital and that's likely to go to the Germans but we'll see I might be proven wrong as I thought the Japanese were kind of guaranteed this piece of North America I guess a European is finding out about this place the Spanish could get there before anyone else finally there's gotta be a few Crusades going on between Catholicism of Spain and Hinduism of India they're both pretty close although Gandhi has the advantage no one else really comes close to this point I mean yeah we're pretty much is gonna have two dominant religions so speaking of alliances I really wish there was a better way for me to look at that while in this speck I can't really do it unless I go into a certain sieve the Ottomans are now looking to take over the entire Peninsula that'd be a pretty big deal for them although Rome is still trying to get their capital back well Germany is possibly gonna take this city as well they have a chance of taking two free cities that would kind of make them the dominant empire in this continent nice little volcanic eruption for Kupe that's unfortunate because this is one of his last remaining two cities this game she's trying to make it so much harder for him Nubia is officially dead we'll see if the Congo or Egypt gets this which I mean if the Congo do they could be maybe the strongest in Africa okay that's official Jerry just picked up two new cities they're the dominant power in Europe but you know things could change whenever a colonies become a bigger deal Rome is just self-destructing before our eyes they're down to three cities and one of them isn't even that good I know they're trying to get back this settlement in Sardinia but Germany might take that as well this is one of those things that might not have noticed Mali is at war with Korea and more importantly the English Empire and I got assumed that might be slowing them down from colonizing Brazil I think so they only have two ships in their Navy one is inside of the city the other in the lake they aren't much safer in here there have been a few sessions in the World Congress we've got a new trade policy new border control treaty and Egypt said Persia are getting a little bit of aid England's now with three cities and they also have a fourth settler they're not holding anything back and that'll keep them powerful they gotta do something about Germany Spain has made it as well though two new settlements on the Caribbean and I don't think anyone else is gonna take these islands from him oh yeah Vicki's definitely doing her thing she might be controlling the Atlantic right now because she's got so many ships up in here Poland is just barely holding on but I mean I have faith they could pick a switch like that Golden Age could happen and they might oh damn it second India is still alive but just barely though they're kind of just chillin here in Sri Lanka they probably have long left East Asia's still anyone's game it seems like Korea and the Japanese actually might be the strongest we'll see if they actually decide to be aggressive because both those nations have an opportunity of in a whole lot of new territory I'm viewed as a Zulu and all of a sudden this man popped up the admins seem a little bit desperate for some furs guess that makes sense he's looking fabulous with this outfit oh that's right and he's also over here with Madagascar but he's about to lose that a surprise it made it this long I thought Shaka would take this quick it's kind of weird that the Zulu haven't discovered the east coast of South America but they have the West there they're just exploring from a much more efficient way I guess Korea has made it to North America before Japan that's that's honestly sad guys kind of an amazing feat they gotta spread the love for BTS somehow I gotta admit I did not think the Scandinavian countries we're gonna do this well I I mean Sweden is just surviving but look at Norway they don't care if they're in possibly one of the worst positions they still making it work Spain is now with their third city but I do have to admit this can't be as good as like what England's getting it's not that much territory and yeah they do have to worry about the whole climate change thing because thirteen colonies are over here with already about fifteen population combined in all these settlements they just got to be careful about taxation without representation yeah I definitely want a view as Germany kind of see what's going on because in my opinion they're probably the strongest they might even get another city yeah and they're doing really well right now they only lead the world in gross national products as well as goods they're still kind of behind far behind the French and yeah they got a boost of the military this is what I wanted to check though would they discover North America and then would they sell it I guess we kind of have the answer let's see which state they go in man and they're just friends with so many people multiple alliances and even more friends there at worth Mongolia and Sweden which yeah they can't really defend themself I guess never really zoomed in and looked at the French cities but man you guys need to stop the lovemaking this place this place about to be way overpopulated and by turn 200 Catholicism has officially taken Hinduism in terms of the most cities and they still have more sibs converted overall which kind of matters a bit more but man this is gonna be a battle Africa might be slightly up for grabs as a lot of the population is Jewish I guess we'll see what happens to this continent oh and I'm straight doesn't know anything about this stuff they're just out here believing in I don't know what kangaroos emus Steve Irwin probably all of it combines both the Congo and Germany lead in the most texts they are at 46 but not too far behind is Korea as well as the Zulu oh I almost miss this finally Koopa has settled a second city this one kind of in Peru they should be pretty safe with this mountain range another mega colossal eruption just happens but that's just a normal Tuesday for these people event history we've had whoa already that's okay yeah that killed a lot of people it's category 5 hurricane destroyed 13 tiles I'd be so mad that is so much to repair imagine if something like this hit France that's probably happen one day co2 in the air is currently mostly done by China isn't that weird and they also have the Congo Germany and a few others but this is definitely a change in the future on the Ottomans are attempting to take back to a little island city this is probably not gonna be enough though if someone else tries with a big enough Navy it should be alright flood walls are already being built of course the first to do it is the Congo since they're ahead and science steps gonna get built everywhere Germany has settled Frankford in Mississippi Alabama Louisiana Texas I don't know this maps really weird but deep south basically and japan has finally made it to California so it is about time it's not like you had to travel very far it's not that impressive Korea on the other hand has settled their second city so they're moving down towards Washington Oregon there's a whole lot of pearl land out here to Norway come on guys what y'all doing you were like I don't know the second or third sieve to find North America send some settlers over let's go gotta get Canada or maybe that is a bad thing this seems to be pretty nasty Blizzard over this way I feel kind of bad for this poor Korean unit Germany has taken Stockholm another city oh man I mean they are kind of in the heart of this continent it's still gonna be tough regardless but they're doing so well they didn't manage to build a little tunnel system through the Alps not sure why that is important still kind of a pretty big feat also they got a bunch of Wonders Big Ben and the Colosseum as well the French picked up a Roman city and now Trajan is down to two he might be able to get back his old kind of southern Italian settlement we'll see the Indonesians have probably done the worst I mean they aren't a tough spot SMAP really doesn't give him a lot of room and they really to worry about the kawaii as they've settled what the Philippines a private pretty good Navy to was really not expecting Molly to get this but alright I mean they're kind of lying low in Africa they still might do pretty alright though Australia has settled Texas and for some reason to me that just seems like kind of a perfect fit we'll see if they keep this it might be kind of difficult second Japanese city is here in Baja California and I'm surprised we haven't seen any revolts just yet it might be a little bit too early for that but it's gonna happen oh is this it is India about to die right now sexy India oh is is this Australia I don't know who's doing this Wow and the French have destroyed them that is kind of depressing but alright french fries here we come apparently city is kind of cool with Genghis as Genghis has a huge force just walking straight through their territory are they attacking the Ottomans no proceeded to have all this lands they really don't have a military that is not really a good combination but I mean hey you do your thing there we go Indonesia okay that should be a much better island to go after also I mean your capital does have 14 people that's not bad for just two tiles I guess the French have just built Broadway because I'm seeing this little movie thing right here they're doing so good I'm just waiting for those French German Wars which I mean speaking of that it's party not gonna happen for a while France is now allied to Germany even though there does seem to be probably some things going on I noticed that both Germany and France are pretty much neck-and-neck in almost every category except for culture yeah France is don't pretty well met the Phoenicians have made it to the new worlds Norway has settled Central America and we already have our first revolts I don't even know who found this one Germany and Australia picked up new settlements here in North America things are going by really fast oh speaking of the Phoenicians they're getting hit by nice big ol hurricane right off the Horn of Africa that's kind of unfortunate oh is that gonna oh oh that is ouch okay that that hurts for a second there I was about to say Australia has settled on Hawaii nope that's Shaka Zulu fan tastic as well as Japan okay still no one is taking back this free city maybe the kamae will get there they were sending some stuff over also clearly technologies get up there we got some filled canons France did finally find North America but it might be a little too late I don't know what's going on I mean I guess they could try to get a city going I don't know if they're gonna keep it though Germany took this free city in Mexico but it doesn't matter because a new one has popped up come on Norway which I'll do it and the patients have also lost this one okay so lots of revolts happening all over the place the people probably gonna grab this stuff the Japanese are now attacking the Koreans that is a huge war I've been waiting for this for a long time does creative even have a navy because if not that's oh wow they really don't that's the big deal and Japan has actually taken a city and it looks like they might take a whole lot more than just this I wanted to check out Indonesia just to figure out what like what is going on it seems like they're finally picking things up it's you know they're doing well with six cities might be a little bit too late though they have only really discovered maybe California and the east coast of Asia they are yeah pretty far behind they did build a great lighthouse though so come on that that is one thing that that's got to be pretty tough good job Japan that's really making a name for themselves they they might have started a little bit late but it's all good cuz they got a whole lot for it Norway out of all the places you could have settled you'd decided to put another thing on Greenland's incredible Spain I think is gonna keep this free city even though it's kind of been going back and forth between a lot of differences and Germany is doing all right they have a couple colonies just sporadically around the continents molly is having his whole sieve just burned to the ground oh nice little sandstorm out in the ocean didn't know if that was possible this leaders about to show up like like sip 5 Sun high remember like his whole nation is just [ __ ] burning in the background stay home and Poland got wiped out a long time ago Germany took both cities and they even kicked out the Scandinavian nations I was not paying attention at all clearly India has fully unified he's taken his subcontinent and he still has the settlements north of the Himalayas that's impressive I don't know how long he's gonna keep that though the Congo has arrived before Mali that is crazy and so up the Zulu the zulu are now focused on other things besides Hawaii and the Congo are clearly far out ahead with all these solar panels is not very many Sims with those Australia is looking like they're about to build these flood walls around their entire continent they're not gonna let any tiles get taken at all from all the climate change I'm just really hoping the Maori are able to at least build a Panama Canal I know you guys aren't doing much I mean you're surviving and again it is somewhat safe just do for all of us Francis finally made it to the new worlds they decided to move all the way from North America to grab I guess this part of Brazil I don't know if it was worth it but all right and now we have the Khmer Empire reaching down and getting the southern part of Argentina a Persia just popped up with South Pole and the Zulu have three cities down this way here's two nice little revolts right next to each other and there's actually going to be a lot more of this it's independence movement is only gonna continue I gotta give him credit I mean Rome is still barely holding on just in between Egypt's France Germany really kind of scary neighbors there basically this world diddly oh we got a real nice late game war between these Asian powers this is gonna be bloody they both got a lot of units I'm actually surprised Korea's even still around figured they were gonna lose way more settlements maybe they did but I don't know they got him back Japan might come after him again though geez France steady to mid last like I don't know 10 turns something like that you were sending another settler over this way maybe you'll get it back to get lucky it's kind of weird that Viki isn't going after more stuff the English Empire could grab up so much more territory just look at the heartlands completely empty it seems like no one really wants this Spain really is becoming the biggest colonial power if you think about it it's got to be between them and Japan this might be a little bit more impressive since they kind of had Island hop though you know I probably didn't talk about island hopping and Japan in the same sentence that didn't go that well for I'm the last time that happens China just suffered from a major flood hmm what else is new I guess the Chinese ended up doing pretty alright in this war they've got a good hold over these six cities they might not be that impressive but I mean it's alright they clearly worked really hard on their Great Wall incredibly impressive I'm jealous Finnegan they're probably focusing more on the great flood wall instead in Mongolia wasn't really a threat in this universe so it makes sense China is kind of hated though by most people they've got an alliance with Australia and timorous that's actually a big one but yeah they've been denounced by almost everyone it looks like Germany is the only sieve not afraid to settle Midwest we'll see if they actually go through with it though and the Zulu are attacking Norway's final cities they're pretty much vanished now because they don't have anything left in Europe or I guess Iceland kind of counts don't they we have a couple research centres popping up all along the South Pole I mean well this wasn't by choice they were kind of forced into that but I yeah should be kind of interesting this revolt is now at three cities it's only continuing to grow and it's gotta be pretty hard to get up here I don't know who's gonna take all this back all this walked hands okay so China Lost's this city they're now back to five they're definitely not doing that good it's now two or three hundred and with te dai we should be seen like a normal victory type in a couple turns science victory cultural victory something like that again we're gonna go way beyond that but I just want to point that out right now Germany is just dominating they have four categories out of six Spain has the biggest military though and Wow population now it's Zulu something definitely happened to France of the last couple decades or maybe last century I mean their population was doing great and then it just plateaued the Zulu and Germany just skyrocketed land goes to Germany still they are pretty much in the lead and they've been in the lead for a couple centuries now the Zulu are starting to catch up though the religious war is remained pretty much the same not a whole lot has changed but let's check out the new world cuz that's kind of important wow so pretty split North America but the south all the south is all Catholic so they gotta be catching up oh yeah it's tight so eight saves two eights is no one's gonna win a religious victory I don't think it again it doesn't really matter but yeah there's gonna be a pretty big divide everyone's pretty much contributing to co2 levels unless you're essentially dead Germany's doing the most though and yeah that's a lot there was a crippling blizzard that occurred that killed eight population and damaged thirty tiles oh my god that is so bad Wow just just kill me there's something even worse in Africa a death storm that killed nine as well as thirty-two damaged tiles but I mean this is the thing I mean it kind of kind of makes up for it a little at this stage in the game the whole like technological advantages that some sibs had that's about to go away it's gonna be much more even playing field for the next thousand turns and since this is the point where I should be in in this video if I didn't want to completely murder my computer I did want to say that Spain kind of won the New Worlds they have the most colonies with ten cities Japan has nine the English have AIDS but still a lot of that's gonna change and the Romans just had the most epic style comeback they now have five cities and it turns out it's Egypt that is beginning to collapse in on itself which I'm assuming with this proposal of arms control all players have their weapons of mass destruction set equal to the target players I think that means no one can have any nukes oh there was an emergency against her so I guess apparently she betrayed Germany well now we know as for the non official winner the Congo have achieved a space victory they are out colonizing the solar system maybe Germany wasn't too far behind but yeah they still have ways to go weirdly they are allied to this German Empire as well as the kamae and Rome maybe that's part of the reason why they're coming back and a couple others still a lot of people have denounced them I guess I shouldn't be surprised looks like Japan is really good at using giant death robots they got a lot of experience with that they're taken over a lot of stuff the main area is they kicked Shaka out of Hawaii which is kind of a big deal I don't even know how he kept those cities for so long it was kind of amazing he's doing all right though since he has most of like lopata under his control Argentina Chile also the Congo didn't do much colonization for winning this game they just got a little bit of Brazil most the free cities have been picked up in North America and I guess Australia now has this randomly landlocked colony should be interesting to see how you support this place and I think I won't say that this is the first colony that's gone independent it doesn't really count I mean it's a snow country and it's also formally Norway but I mean come on they kind of beat their overlord so I'm gonna assume that whole emergency system is part of the reason why sibs continued snowball just like that I would have never predicted that Egypt would vanish and Rome would still be alive at this point and it's actually turned out to make Phoenicia even stronger this was impressive again being in the middle of the map they didn't have much chance of success but I really like this place at the same time we got to show some love to Kupe this is incredible he lost his capital like I don't even know turn 150 turn 200 he's still doing all right he's got one of the best colonial nations out there at this point almost every leader has all the technologies discovered so there's not gonna be a whole lot of changes to the map so we're gonna start zooming through these turns and you want to point out the only two Sims that haven't figured out everything is uh unsurprisingly Kupe and Trajan let's see how long they survived it's 21 leaders alive which means half of them are about to die and actually two or three are really only gonna matter at the end y'all thought I was kidding about those Japanese robots Sencha no they are they're going crazy with them they're sick of being known for just anime and hentai then taking over cities all around the world they slap Cree is so hard that they're no longer a colonial power but that should be the least of their concerns since they're also on the peninsula oh and China took North Korea that's the best Korea not only that but they made another country decolonize they took all of these former zulu cities and gets better yes that's Japanese South Africa I don't know they'll keep that but this is amazing well the Ottomans are kind of starting to do some good things they've pretty much been stuck with four or five settlements things are getting better as they steal some cities away from weaker neighbors so Japan going crazy and they're far from the strongest nation out there the only place that's safe is Australia I think they should be fine Indonesia won't cause much of a threat they might lose their colony so it's the first time I've noticed that the city becomes like a light show randomly this far into the future people probably tripped and bowls down there look at Germany right now do you think this is what the Allies felt like back in 1939 just that feeling that you could get spanked at any moment Wow and I would have never predicted the complete collapse of England Vicki what happens so Australia got the 13 colonies and you're pretty much dead back at home these cities became free and of course it it does look like Jimmy's gonna take this stuff even more crazy Mongolia somehow grabbed Scotland so I mean yeah that's all right bagpipes throat-singing same thing and I was also wrong about this one oh my god I didn't think Japan would just wipe out the entire Zulu nation my pic just looks so stupid now it's so stupid the entire Pacific Ocean is pretty much filled with crap I mean I I get it the Pacific Ocean isn't necessarily realistic the proper size still this is what the future looks like guys also Persia collapsed they almost completely collapse there probably lose their last City Germany Japan Tunisia they all kind of grab some new cities I love while England was just obliterated but now she has to ask for recovery because of a natural disaster and hey like all the people that you know are just taking her cities they're helping out that's so sweet of them next if to get the X I guess with Spain Germany and Japan basically split all of the new world between each other that sounds like an episode of man in the high castle for some reason this planet feels like it's necessary to build an International Space Station even though pretty much everyone is already like conquering the Milky Way galaxy except for like two nations but ya know Spain was destroyed a long time ago by mostly the Congo it looks like and then the French just did him in by taking Madrid like I said I can't believe I'm saying this but the Roman Empire outlived the Spanish Empire not that long ago I was just talking about their colonial nations how it was bigger than everyone else they lost it all just again accurate I have no idea how they did this the Ottomans couldn't have taken three cities from Germany there's no way right they're too powerful maybe maybe these places rebelled and then they got lucky they just walked in but then again the German Empire is dealing with a lot there's a whole lot going on all around the world maybe they didn't have the troop the unit's to protect their land I don't know I still doubt it England's not dead yet so that be even more amazing if the Romans can wait till they die too but they did get two cities back maybe they'll get back London for some reason city has a city also that whole independent snow country colony they didn't last very long who knows actually when they got taken over but they're split Japan is Iceland and we actually have a cameo from a formerly dead leader sexy Gandhi is back while other Gandhi is just losing everything it's about time so Cynthia took everything up north you know we probably dropped some nukes though also Korea is doing much better as the mongolians kind of collapse next they're getting sandwiched Wow this land is just ravaged at this point even Kupe and Trajan have caught up to the rest of the world's almost it just all depends on how many units you can pump out well I guess the Congo just wasn't happy with having animail and controlling half the continent yeah they wiped him completely off this part of the map also it only took like a thousand turns but Indonesia is finally doing something they have invaded the sub content of India and no one is really stopping them and I guess I should have expected this Cynthia after almost killing off Genghis just decided well we might as well keep going and they killed Korea or almost they basically killed Korea Japan is also having trouble keeping their colonies in the New Worlds they've definitely been pushed back by the Germans and obviously there's seen a few revolts I think Molly might be the next one to go it just seems that way the Congo I believe we're just gonna start spirit bombing everyone the only two Middle Eastern countries that still remain is Phoenicia and the Ottomans I'm assuming there's probably only gonna be one left after this there's no way both survived oh when China was killed off - Wow I almost forgot about that I'm sure there's another leader that I forgot to mention that died a long time ago but yeah I guess this lands been partitions but I'm starting to think that maybe the Ottomans just have the German empires number they now have two other former German cities these were actually polish before but I don't know what's going on unfortunately it looks like Indonesia won't be keeping their Indian cities that is a problem but I guess good thing for Australia since you don't really want to deal with major Oh oh you guys are homies right okay I think they're cool they're just they got open borders I guess ah see that's the problem I don't know how long this has been going on for but it would make sense if it's been happening for a while there's a giant coalition against Frederick same kind of goes to the Japanese I mean there was a second there where I thought they were gonna pull ahead I thought they're just gonna win the whole game just briefly they must have been dealing with a lot of conflicts too though luckily for both sathya and I guess the congo i mean a lot of people don't like them but they're not involved in a whole lot of battles out there so I promised we were gonna go a little bit more than just turn 1500 it's actually 1640 and I can't push the game any further there is a crash that I just can't get past so let's see who's left look at this map there's a couple shocking things I think the biggest has got to be the Ottomans I cannot believe they they took even more cities from Germany they took something away from the French yeah they didn't you know fare that well against Sathya but that's kind of expected and Kupe somehow survived till the very end this is the only sieve that lost his capital and still made it all the way through actually no I'm sorry that's not true the Zulu are still around as well and Phoenicia okay yeah I mean they're just not as impressive their empires are much smaller I don't even think these guys have that many military units they must have just been on everyone's good side I mean importantly the Congo were cool with um I guess and so it's Germany the Congo by the way did end up getting a pretty nice colonial empire most of Brazil and Argentina a little bit of Chile and Uruguay I guess if they ended up winning they kind of deserve it now I want to say some nukes have been dropped especially in some of this now Ottoman territory because so much has just been destroyed I don't really see any fallout though so I'm not sure ah yes always love seeing where the AI builds the Golden Gate Bridge we have it connecting Corsica to France amazing the French ended up wiping out England so there was that rivalry it just took a really long time before anyone ever acted upon it and yeah they kind of lost a lot of their big populated cities oh definitely some really bad things happen to this place a whole bunch of people died they had way more than ten pots before as for East Asia both the Khmer and the Japanese Empire just got wiped out real fast by two Myer she really just didn't hold anything back obviously I Australians lost their colonial empire over North America weirdly this is just where Germany has all their focus they're pretty much not gonna exist in Europe anymore they'll just have this part of their empire forever I think again the revolts in this part of the world you got to give these people credit I mean they were fighting for their freedom the entire time even in the 27th century these are the ten leaders that are still alive which I mean they should be proud a lot of other places can't say that same thing but it's really just between the Congo Cinthia maybe Germany but not really the nations were actually wiped out by the Ottomans so they are the ultimate middle-eastern sieve I guess they got no colonies either I don't think they have anything outside of like this core Empire I would assume that maybe Cynthia would continue off towards North America it'd be very easy to do some able invasions on the west coast and slowly take over this continent but the same time Frederick's does a lot of units that would be pretty bloody I actually want to say that maybe even Germany has a better military than the Congo I mean they they kind of don't have as many robots I'm not sure if that matters we definitely have at least one edge Lord out there they're proposing that the world ideology be turned to communism mmm tasty this nice little event trying to fix climate I'm pretty sure it is way too late for that guys but I mean have fun global co2 contributions are a pretty mixed for the most part kind of Australia the Zulu and really Phoenicia just kind of trapped in the South Pole I don't know how this is possible I didn't even think this was a thing but I Cynthia is running completely off of natural energy how the hell did they do that and I just love looking at this it's just such a long list now because it has everything there we go oh my god category 5 hurricane killed 19 that's a new record haven't seen that before crippling blizzard in America killed 16 and 52 damaged tiles man that bright hit Germany - maybe that's what crippled their empire I forgot that the sea-level wasn't really gonna change because none of these earth maps have ice tiles which are required to melt I mean they have snow tiles but the ice is what causes water to go up and take up other tiles maybe in the future something will be updated and see more of that in terms of religion Catholicism remains on top by one single city they have 60 cities Hindu has 59 oh wow I am dumb okay obviously the numbers wouldn't stay the same Judaism now kind of dominates how is that possible who did this it's gotta be Cynthia and the Congo did they win I didn't even check on this I just assumed that they were obviously all dead no this is actually the world's most dominant religion it's pretty much just the new worlds and Western Europe that is following Catholicism but uh I mean yeah I had no idea that Africa would eventually just spread their their faith some of that stuff even made it down here towards Australia and New Zealand's their split but yet no longer worshiping their Outback steak houses this shouldn't be a surprise but I still wanted to show it off I mean it is I'm still kind of shocking just to see the Ottomans with seven capitals are there control there currently no Wars going on and very few alliances I guess yeah I guess there's just one I'm viewing it scoop a so yep that's it in terms of governments I guess the edge Lord happened to be the Ottomans they are communists and so as France they don't have much but yeah that's still something can already tell but Indonesia is following something called corporate libertarianism I'm not exactly sure what that entails but they're the only ones doing that whole thing and looking all around the map it turns out the most breathtaking tiles are the Korean Peninsula weirdly I mean I don't know how to feel about this a lot of coastal tiles I guess so that's gotta be why finally the demographics even though Germany lost a lot of their core cities they still have the most population 81 million obviously that's probably all coming from the New Worlds house right it does look like they have the most soldiers so I don't think they'd be going down anytime soon it'd be very difficult crop yield goes to sathya GNP to germany land and goods is also under timorous and unfortunately our Phoenicia or basically the south pole civ do one pretty much the worst at least you guys survived something terrible had to have happened that's for sure look at the population map mode look at this huge decline okay yeah no the nuclear apocalypse definitely happens look at these guys who just went straight down oh yeah no looking at the graphs overall this is just kind of a story of how Germany kind of lost everything well that that's difficult to tell but they were winning for a very large portion of the game and things happened I think it's safe to say that Cynthia has won this game and definitely if we could have kept going they probably would have even taken more either from Indonesia Australia the Ottomans it seems like it would have gone that way but I mean Germany was in a close second if they didn't fall apart at the end I don't know this would have been way harder Congo just didn't do anything that kind of just chilled if this sieve was more aggressive which I mean Movember is not he's kind of a peaceful leader he probably should have got the W let me know down below if you'd like to see more or just in general maybe longer videos I enjoy doing longer stuff I might do another sieve campaign like this possibly with a larger map problem with the larger map is I won't be able to go this far so we won't see empires really snowball like the way they did in those guys thanks for watching see you next time a big thanks to free crews lbc destiny [ __ ] 9,000 hate me like you do your Sheila elijah senpai these rotations with sargo maxi cheese King Solomon and mope Kali tenor of the Nasri sterber Kelly you turd donkey Brendan H [ __ ] fat boy sneaky Jeter Clark battle buddy 18:47 Andrea mas thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 1,527,417
Rating: 4.8785024 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Civilization 6, Civ 6, All Nations, Old World, Civilization 6 Gathering Storm, Civ 6 Gathering Storm, Battle, World, Civ, Sid Meier's Civilization, Civilization, Turn, One More Turn, Earth, Map, Japan, Germany, Russia, Poland, France, England, Scotland, Persia, India, China, Korea, Mongolia, Australia, Zulu, Rome, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Mali, Nubia, Egypt, Ottomans, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, America, Continents, Gathering Storm, AI Only, Battle Royale, Year
Id: wOK3G0Lr-nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 24sec (3144 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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