Germany & France Swap the Holy Roman Empire?! (EU4)

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like your up is looking a little different obviously Germany's now here and they're gonna kind of have to be like the big gray blob as they're formed and I don't know if they're gonna have the same impact as France normally France definitely won't France is gonna have to deal with a lot this is not like fun and this is one of those old histories that I don't think is super far-fetched because they have a very similar upbringing like France and Germany with the whole like Charlemagne thing this might have been possible Charles the seventh of France is now the Holy Roman Emperor they have 44 Prince's then it's a bunch of electors I think I with the position on the map I would assume they might be a little bit easier for them to get some giant nation going but we'll see I know we're gonna focus a lot on Germany in France but we also can't forget about Austria since they don't have to worry about keeping their little brothers safe they can go out do whatever they want they can be like the big bad guy around here it does look like there's a couple of new names here in this new HRE and I don't know I mean it might actually be very difficult maybe France won't people to handle this cuz it's a lot to take care of it's also kind of safe to say that the French probably won't be colonizing too much I don't think they're gonna care at all about the new world and do they even have coastal provinces kind of okay yeah just barely but like the Germany Justin take over all this stuff we still have Saxony Bohemia Bavaria and of course Big Daddy here's a great great powers list which the Germans are here but they're in six thought they'd be a little bit higher than that the French Arts and actually neither is Austria which is kind of weird as I love doing into you for we're going 2000 years into this game so if nothing ends up happening from this change which I guess it's possible we still gonna see some pretty crazy stuff so immediately things are happening unfortunately Catalonia got destroyed by Aragon which kind of sucks I thought they'd be a nice member for Iberia but I guess not and also something I didn't even mention the fact that England has like territory and consul to Europe that might mess some things up they also got this province which I don't know if they started with that or if I'm just not paying attention maybe they've won a war something Germany seems to be kind of struggling Denmark looks a little bit sexier the Scandinavians actually might be pretty annoying for the Germans just because they're still doing all right even though Sweden's out doing their own thing this is still not that fun also Austria is making some gains a little bit and they currently have a nice slave nation just as they always love to do hungry can be a nice meat shield form and their Ally to the Germans too so yeah they're looking pretty strong you don't hit this again this is not funster at all for anyone in central europe you get a lot of like big powerful places you know with teammates and things like that obvious you have to worry about the ottomans and which they're at war they're gonna get bigger and still you do want to stay away from this new hree oh okay well nevermind I guess I'm wrong Denmark is not looking too hot no more and Austria also kind of doing their thing that blob and out although don't underestimate a very powerful neighbor they have they're growing by double yeah that they just doubled in size some being is looking all right here in East Asia they have to probably get a couple more friends this is not what I expected all it's still kind of early Korea's doing their thing moving up this way Japan is almost unified as well they pretty much are so the other good where do got three nations hitting up the New Worlds we've got Spain and Brazil Portugal in the Caribbean and England surprisingly already here in North America that usually takes a lot longer but this is got to be pretty bad news for the French HRE since Casteel has that personal union over Aragon Spain's gonna be popping up soon also they still have control over Naples that's bad so having a great power and Iberia means I don't think this is gonna go so well and I think I'd really think about is normally in the late game the French like to colonize the India or Indochina they get like trade colonies up or something like that although Vietnam historically gives them a little bit of trouble either way I didn't realize that not only is the new world not gonna be impacted but pretty much everywhere the entire world is France distracted ouch and this is now going down so wow that is that's actually really bad Catholicism is getting just getting destroyed they are pretty much only like in Germany northern Europe and Iberia now now we got this just happens and my prediction came true they didn't really lose anything so they're looking kind of sexy also England is still in concept of Europe they're looking like they might be eliminating some Prince's here soon maybe how still we can pick oh they lost all of Italy okay so that sucks well it's got a pressure here for some reason which is like the fastest I've seen the AI do something like that it's gonna be kind of weird to see them and Germany maybe they'll get along oh never mind they kind of hate him they borderline hate him at least Germany hates a lot of people but they like weird nations they do like the French HRE and then they also like the Ottomans so I don't know what to have evil this is yeah Denmark is dead so they did not last and I guess Sweden is just gonna kind of take over for them there's still gonna be a pretty strong hold definitely up here you're not gonna easily make it to Northern Europe safe to say this pain is gonna be the big colonized for the New Worlds because they're just they're looking super big and I mean they're gonna to share a little bit especially with Portugal but it's not that bad I'm just kind of shocked they lost so much territory already like clearly they can't be doing that well you guys kind of got to get it together hope you don't lose anything else this is you know not that great didn't expect that one Poland I gotta give it to you gotta give it to che gotta get that revenge yeah I'm kinda confused exactly how that happens I don't know how they possibly pulled this off I mean they had the help of Prussia that's for sure since they got all this land and they start war with Austria and Hungary Austria looks a lot weaker than they did too and they technically weren't even lit it wasn't lit in this country because they lost the personal union with Lithuania also Spain looks like they're getting a little bit weaker and got a new power here in the Middle East that was very fast inform also looking okay too I mean that as great as we've seen them in the past but it's alright I mean speaking of trade colonies too as sometimes if they're not very strong Europeans can grab a lot of this coastline Portugal has made it to Australia and that is kind of about it I don't think anyone else has grabbed any of these islands up North's no okay but they will gonna start happening so it's official Germany was a complete embarrassment without the hree and that was unexpected but I'm wondering if that's like a sign that maybe the French will possibly do better still you know it's looking alright kind of too early to tell though it looks like the 13 colonies will be a part of this and surprisingly North America doesn't look that historically inaccurate I mean Spain and Canada and they Portugal in Florida but yeah it's alright not sure what's gonna happen to Russia especially with Poland getting so much stuff it looks like they might get crushed they still have to get all this land in Siberia mmm it's not looking good so boys start look pretty sexy as they continue to grow they also seem to be dipping a little bit into the French HRE burgundy lost some stuff Pope's looking alright and Spain is attacking Portugal which they also must have lost a war because these places weren't here before and these damn Mughals out here they just don't want to stop I can't stand Mughals can we get Voldemort out here he's like my was either right yeah I mean they're going after India also going after Arabia taking things over doesn't belong to him and Spain is one of the colonization game unsurprisingly as I expected I mean they got a lot of North America and this is continents filled up so is South America I mean Portugal kind of has this half and half but yeah they won Finland surprisingly doing all right I mean Sweden died and I mean Russia hasn't taken him out yet we'll see how long that lasts Russia's also moving up north did the Finns have some friends or something but they probably did before but they lost him oh no no they only had one friend and that was just a very powerful Lithuania at some point I is a royal marriage they might had alliance to Serbia looking sexy that's kind of crazy and Poland's not doing a whole bunch there they're kind of just chilling Brent's is gone France is pretty much gone they might as well be they might as well be yeah there's a whole nother Emperor I think it might be these guys more than likely the Ottomans also suck so this would turn out to be a really weird game I don't even know if they're gonna last much longer because they ain't looking that good on out the flames the flames are out here doing their thing I don't know why they randomly colonize like super late in the game but yep Flemish Western Australia I'll take that oh we also got Brittany out here too oh man I wish they'd started a little bit earlier Colin is well but you know it's all good Flanders at least you're getting something and we got a couple independent colonies as well so it's kind of early for that it's like still the 18th century or something maybe this is normal Chile Peru there's Flemish Columbia by the way and Haiti so this is were all former Portuguese territories and they just lost it all it might have been Spain to Spain might have forced them to give up which would explain why they lost some territory still I mean hey I like it the current Emperor is Provence and I don't think they're really doing that good job I'm pretty sure it's just kind of a free-for-all down this way only 15 princes yet these are collapsing we're just before the official end date here so we should stop we're gonna keep on going it's just kind of weird that you know odd very odd things are going on Finland died because I don't know the Mughals they're just expanding the Ottomans are dead out here pretty much getting taken out by the Mamluks also with the windiest as all of the Balkan area again I don't know how that's going on Poland seems to have lost some things to Switzerland who is tired of observing I get you buddy uh I get tired too no but they must have taken out a large chunk of Savoy and Venice Venice was doing all right for a second but not anymore I like this you know I love this stuff and Portugal's dead they were sick of keeping them around chilly down here in South America taking out Spanish Brazil and well I guess Flemish Columbia ain't doing so well either North America is still kind of the exact same although yet Portugal still there they're gone Catholicism is pretty much barely live here in the 19th century it's only been kept around by Spain and the Pope obviously let the whinnies doing all right - they might keep it around I think it's gonna yeah it's gonna go away from Scandinavia - really big things and I don't know which one is bigger I guess I'll let you guys decide Lithuania not Poland is about to form the Commonwealth and this this might have been the end of the game I probably should have just stopped the campaign from there but then I wondered why the red was over here where Russia normally is about the Soviet Union formed no I wish only in my dreams that's British Eastern Europe there's also British Indochina as well as I don't know British Indonesia so I'm having a look at the score because we're not done yet but I don't know who's gonna win now oh yeah and also Portugal which formed Australia got their independence as well so it wasn't just those colonies in South America as well as you know New Zealand - so they're around speaking of South America though wow this is kind of amazing we never see like independent colonies especially from this continent just kick out everyone they just do a great job no Europeans are there any Europeans not really those are some natives okay that's amazing 4,000 years from the start date of this game and I guess the Commonwealth have done their own Imperial ization of Africa and a bit of Asia it's not even just the Europeans it's just this one nation that just decided to take everything over that's also sexy Ethiopia I like that that kind of came out of nowhere how did wow that sucks they were doing so well and kind of fell apart is what I'm saying see China collapses and bad things can happen like this so this is even more stuff for the British British East Indies that's looking really good it's already pretty good - like if it wasn't for them here and if the British like connected these two territories that's game over right there I think it's safe to say this might be the first time we've seen every single colony get their independence I mean even after a thousand years some will still stay under there 'lord Mexico took over all of North America Canada still here Haiti's going after Florida at thirteen colonies obviously didn't do much I don't know if they ever got their independence they might have just died and this still looks about the same so a jury's still around but it doesn't really look like it does this even count I don't even know if we can count this to be honest and again it's still being led by Provence still right maybe France is dead oh no it is Brittany so I guess that's nice unexpected but I like it I like when that small nation ends up doing something in these games I want to see Prussia do a whole lot better but what were they gonna do honestly this is such a messed up situation to be in you definitely did not want to be surrounded by these nations and the winner is Lithuania basically let the way Nia I don't think I've ever seen them for him to come wealth or maybe I did and I just didn't notice it was them kind of cool that I was able to actually pick that up and make I have a good lead a 2000 point lead development lead I don't know what it is I thought this would be closer I guess not I don't even know if switching the hree had much of an impact at all like Jeremy so died like in the middle of the game and France to do nothing so I guess just the fact that France didn't colonize that's what just made the biggest difference kind of I don't know thanks for watching see you next time big thanks to Elfie see why should senpai reciprocation Swiss are go back CG King Solomon and Mo Kelly tenor of the Nazarene free cruise mr. / Kelly utter donkey Brannon Hinkle destiny 9,000 egg a fat boy sneaky Gengar little buddy 1846 James Miller Mike s is gay paper 56 Huey Long Don Alfonso am saying all the time double books thank you
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 545,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Germany, France, EU4, Europa Universalis 4, Europa Universalis IV, Holy Roman Empire, EU4 Germany, EU4 France, EU4 Holy Roman Empire, EU4 HRE, Swap, Germany France, Germany Empire, France Empire, Roman Empire, EU4 Empire, EU4 Roman Empire, AI Only, Observe, EU4 England, Eu4 Poland, Eu4 Russia, Eu4 Commonwealth, Eu4 Lithuania, EU4 Great Britain, Eu4 Spain, Eu4 Portugal, Europa Universalis 4 Germany, Europa Universalis 4 France, Europa Universalis 4 HRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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