The South Rises Again in the USA! | Hearts of Iron 4 (HOI4 Man the Guns)

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I feel like it's been 84 years but the man the guns expansion is finally here and I think it's gonna be a good one I mean don't listen to my opinion no it's I mean I don't play the game but I as the human form of Switzerland I'm really excited because I've been asking for some of this stuff for a really long time should make these videos a bit more interesting as well as makes my job a little bit easier it's mostly because of this custom game rules I can now change a lot of things that's gonna happen in this world and I actually have this preset saved it's called cancer you're gonna find out why as you can see the world has been decolonized completely like every single European has lost all of their overseas territory and you'll also notice that there's a lot of new nations there's definitely some ones we have to explore we're also about to see a lot of interesting focus tree decisions by some of the other bigger places I like to remind people that I'm not using any mods okay this is entirely from the base game I'm also loving some of these new map modes I've wanted stuff like this for a long time I like showing them off in like EU four and other paradox games 24 had been lacking but not anymore I also really like the population stuff because I mean that that's gonna be pretty interesting especially with the mods and finally I've wanted this for so long ideologies a simple and easy way to look at who's fascists democratic and communists I literally can't contain what's going on in my pants right now fuel is also now a thing which makes a place like the middle east become way more interesting I mean America is certainly gonna love it I should probably learn how to play this game though just so I can kind of understand what's going on don't know if that's gonna happen though like I said I am fully expecting a pretty insane game and insane game that won't be using any mods at all as well as let's not forget about Weiland and taco lands they also have their own focus trees okay instantly Italy has P style with Ethiopia I'm assuming that is because they can't really get here anymore yep okay that's Brian Oh actually I don't think the world is fully decolonized just technically the Allies are still a thing but I'm expecting a lot of these places to kind of go their own way I also need to take a look at the US Congress every once in a while this is pretty cool so at least for now the Republicans control both the House and the Senate we'll see if that changes and I just learned that Hawaii and Alaska both weren't official States in 2:36 but that is sad I didn't even know that Wow okay I had no idea like both these places weren't included until 1959 I guess I really need to do like a United States history video soon all these new updates but uh this is maybe the most significant Franco's back I've done two tests so far and a nationalist Spain won both times so bold Spanish man is back on the menu boys nothing I noticed is the UK was doing a lot of successful naval nations they were having a good time with like the new ship features and things like that we should see a lot of that just not necessarily in this campaign here whether it is its confirmed welcome back sexy and the first thing he does is get docking rights to Italy that's nice for you Benito all right working together Alf has won the election Alf Landen has taken over and he is looking better than ever he actually has his own portrait now and a little bonus - well Mexico is going fascists they have another civil war and this guy does look pretty mean so I would kind of be worried Bret's has made the French on ton alliance which means he'll likely get someone over here maybe like Czechoslovakia but big news is they're not joining the Allies well you're hito chan has already created his little East Asian thing and he's attacking China let's see if the Chinese can get more people on their side ie ology map mode started looking great lots of different colors popping up all over the place and I'm sure more things will change I'm wondering what Africa's gonna choose obviously a lot of people neutral down here let's see if they pick a side and as you probably saw the fascists have one down here in Mexico so we'll see how someone like the u.s. kind of feels about that well that can't be good are we about to see just a super ope Japan again whenever they take China that seems to happen well there's the answer that's bad that's pretty bad I think but I mean they're not a part of the axis they're doing their own thing let's see what happens next and in Europe we have Germany taking both Austria and Czechoslovakia no one decided to do anything about that I guess Romania joined the French team and Poland is doing what they do the Japanese are gonna attempt to conquer the rest of the other Chinese warlords that should be pretty simple I don't know if yeah there's no way they can put up much of a fight Wow all right what how did this happen I didn't even know they were at war the Dutch just died you guys who were supposed to have a cool game I thought whatever lot of things are going on the English and Germans are at war the Italians joined the axis Poland lost some territory I guess to survive a little bit longer and Belgium is probably dead next the question is can they English protect themselves as just England you know they lost some territory they do some of the Allies I thought they'd peel away by now but nope that'll help out nice to have stolen I think that's a great idea just pick on some smaller countries a lot of other people are busy oh that's right that's actually not gonna be as easy as I initially thought especially without like you know their former territory here they're gonna have to kind of move through the Baltics I think they can do that all right I don't know what the hell's going on here but we have the loyalists versus fer in New England's the constitutionalists I don't really know how that's gonna go it doesn't look all that smart but um I mean good luck oh damn okay things change it's really cool Wow thanks for changing kind of overnight I don't know what's happening we basically have Alf in the South versus will chairman and we'll chairman has joined the Allies so I should help out and unsurprisingly this just occurred all right well this is gonna make North America pretty fun and all the way back in the East we have Japan becoming maybe the world's strongest power let's not forget that well like all this chaos is going on oh wait a second okay no Douglas MacArthur has taken over well you guys better hope this man doesn't find some nukes moustache man is a tagging hungry while he's thinking about also going after the French Croatia joined the XS - so he's getting a lot of buddies and there it is it's confirmed I don't want to say they're gonna surrender let's just try to give them the benefit of the doubt lemon in it yeah at least having seconds lay down I don't know what else I expected I don't even know why I have faith at this point the Italians surprisingly got three states though so at least that's something I guess nice job that puts a pretty interesting image in my head so we have Hirohito aiding Douglas MacArthur I knew those two were friends the South was not kidding when they said they'd rise again the CSA also looks like they move their capital to yeah you know what you might as well just go ahead and invade the Serie boys I think they could definitely use a little bit of states rights up their ideology wise it looks like everything is slowly starting to turn fascists communism doesn't really have a foothold anywhere for the most part pretty scary axis just formed as Spain joined in also my spirit country is getting gangbangs we're used to that the biggest miracle so far though is the fact that the English are somehow still safe we'll see how long that lasts it seems like yeah bad things are about to happen well that's not good for the Allies I mean things were already going pretty horribly now it just gets much worse Azhar Ito comes down he's actually gonna attack the Philippines as well as Indonesia probably yeah all of the Commonwealth - well Germany's finally decided to attack stolen and he is looking like yeah he's gonna go wiped out quick especially if the Nazis can land somewhere around here they still haven't taken down the the Polish team so that's bad news not sure when this happens but the Greeks were puppeted I I didn't notice that at all but yeah they're fascists weird thing is Albania still exists I don't know if the Italians are doing well the Japanese are having a ton of success here in the Pacific that's actually the best I've ever seen them do they were they're making multiple invasions this is a miracle this might have been the most genius thing I've ever seen the Italian AI do they landed in Georgia because Georgia had joined the Comintern and they were successful I mean they might not oh they might get kicked out but nonetheless that that's the best thing they've ever accomplished there's the end of the Allies as jury took 37 states but the Confederacy took 41 I don't know how they did that they were contributing a lot I know they had some stuff and you're up but this is kind of crazy pretty much all their former territory was puppeted as well not a surprise yeah and then everything else was annexed oh but that does mean that Japan did all that work for nothing not that they realized that at all but that's kind of unfair the axis probably doesn't deserve this but okay and they're not done yet as the Soviets have been completely next Italy got a state that was nice the German AI is being pretty friendly oh wow okay didn't notice it doesn't some car through somehow got a hold of both Malaya and centralist Australia welcome to the Confederacy have fun with your slaves well actually you guys are puppets basically so you might be the slaves I don't know about you guys but I could really use some Australian slaves I mean just their ability to read upside down so useful it's about time geez Germany I don't know what they were waiting for they decided to not attack it just you know grab all of the Soviet territory I mean it makes this a lot easier I guess oh this is what the Italians got and honestly it's it's deserved they earn this lands okay well that was definitely not the craziest game ever III thought it would be for a second there but now that I think about it I mean when I D colonized the world all I did is weakened heavily the Allies and and as well as the Soviet Union I mean Germany didn't lose anything which explains this again these map mode is pretty cool though I mean they weren't really useful in a situation but especially whenever like mods get updated that's gonna be pretty exciting the world's dominated by fascism but they're surprisingly still a lot of democratic nations left and I would have no idea I mean obviously they aren't enough to stop anyone but if they form like one giant team they could maybe stop Japan that maybe not probably not and the CSA might become my favorite new nation especially with their leader I wasn't really expecting this guy I thought Alf would kind of just continue to take it over but no that didn't happen either way I love it thanks for watching see you next time a big thanks to free crews LCCC destiny 9000 hate me like you do your Sheila elijah senpai mister rotation Swiss agro maxi cheese King Solomon and Moke Kali tenor of the Nazareth surfer Kelly cooter donkey Brendan H [ __ ] fat boy sneaky G Jerry Clark thank you
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Views: 585,973
Rating: 4.9240112 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, HOI4, HOI4 Man The Guns, Hearts of Iron 4, Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns, Hearts of Iron 4 USA, HOI4 USA, HOI4 Man the Guns USA, Hearst of Iron 4 Man the Guns USA, The South, CSA, America, HOI4 CSA, Hearts of Iron 4 CSA, Hearts of Iron 4 Civil War, HOI4 Civil War, HOI4 Decolonization, Decolonization, HOI4 Germany, HOI4 UK, HOI4 Mexico, HOI4 Netherlands, USA, American, American South, HOI4 Canada, Democracy
Id: Kl-wwtZn3b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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