What if Rome Colonized America? (Mega Campaign)

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[Music] caesar i'm back [Applause] you scared me what you're like kind of in a weird position i thought you were doing i thought you're doing that casting couch thing again oh oh no no no you're good you're good that's only on tuesdays oh that's right uh anyways so we got back from america it was uh it was pretty cool hello hey real quick you just got back you want some water this is the good [ __ ] i promise i'm i'm good you sure cause like i've been drinking this water my whole life and you really can't find this flavor anywhere else no thanks uh but you know what we should start sending some colonies over like america's got a bunch of natives and uh we could use some more gladiators we kind of been you know killing all of ours plus you know what here's the best part luis and clarkis you remember luvius and clarkus in america like we we found some amazing thotties over there like damn okay this is what i'd like to hear tell me is there anyone like cleopatra actually yeah there's this one girl uh pocahontas oh man bro you got to meet this girl i'm sold you got me here let's get the legions ready in the morning i want to be there let's have him start building the road straight to dead ass perfect perfect i was getting a little worried there like i wasn't sure if you were down like i'm glad to see that you're actually going through with this because i didn't really want to stab you but i mean i would do it i have to so we're doing another mega campaign and if you don't know what a mega campaign is it's basically where we take five paradox games but it's gonna be one single timeline we're gonna be starting off in crusader kings two that's like the medieval era eventually moving up to the renaissance victorian and then hearts of iron four will be the world war ii of this universe that's how we'll see which nation ends up conquering earth finally in the last game the winning country will take the human species up into the milky way galaxy where they'll have to deal with aliens and all sorts of other intergalactic things just because this video is about rome doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna win here i can only guarantee that they're gonna colonize america and i mean yeah they'll likely make it to world war ii if you care about spoilers by the way uh be careful going into the comment section i'm gonna try to keep like vague comments at the top but just kind of keep that in mind now before we get started here uh it's kind of funny that we're focusing on rome because in the future i might be able to do the same mega campaign but with six games if it's possible then yeah i'm gonna do that it's it's definitely gonna be in my mind in my previous mega campaign i wasn't able to include crusader kings 2 which really sucked because we missed out on a lot of huge events like the viking invasion the mongol invasion the black plague and obviously you know we're going to see a few crusades now a lot of history nerds get these big byzantine boners including myself i love this [ __ ] but keep in mind that this is the eastern roman empire they call themselves byzantium but this is basically rome something else to keep in mind especially in the very beginning here is don't get too attached to some of the empires we're gonna see a lot of places rise and fall this is the dark ages i think something more important to focus on is culture and religion because these two things are more than likely to stick around throughout this entire video also crusader kings is very character focused so we're gonna be looking at a lot of leaders it's kind of the only time we're gonna look at this throughout this old history maybe a little bit in hawaii four as well as i said the first major event will be the viking invasion i hope the british owls are ready [Music] they're probably not so immediately west francia has kind of united all france and kind of a lot more but again uh they're they're doomed to have this all come crashing down all the while the king of byzantium has just seduced a maid yeah with an apple bosom to go along with it okay nice start which actually does make a lot of sense uh because his wife has been kind of doing the exact opposite okay yeah this explains a lot how do you know what else i expected uh this this is just gonna be normal i'm sure 76 year old king with his uh 23 year old wife this dude is like three times older than her oh yeah we also have to check out the reconquista and if that's actually gonna work obviously that has huge implications will the catholics take back iberia because if not well the new worlds with spain and portugal or whoever like takes their place is gonna have some very different beliefs we got this scottish queen that just formed alba which i guess is like an old term for scotland something like that she also has territory in ireland okay you know what maybe things went okay against the vikings oh no a new challenger appears though a much worse challenger a challenger that's just gonna kill everyone now that's a really early [ __ ] invasion only 850 a.d that's kind of terrifying i think they're just kind of a field day taking out everyone i would like to mention that it is totally possible that the mongols never actually collapse that is a thing they could be this massive empire throughout this entire video yeah that would be absolutely horrible you know again just about anything can happen in this universe i i know that this is a completely different symbol but that'd be one hell of a twist okay well this is interesting and something i did not expect the mongols aren't moving towards the west they actually moved towards the south and took over all of india not sure if this is making an impact or not but uh byzantium is moving pretty far towards the northeast all the way by the caspian sea actually oh good good okay so the king of sweden is uh currently imprisoned he's also known as the seducer not sure if that is any correlation but sweden is not doing very well in general that's actually great news i kind of don't want to repeat of last time uh okay can someone explain to me how the pope got syphilis otherwise known as grey pox he's 70 years old by the way now that i think about it you know i don't even want to know so this is why i was a little worried to play crusader kings 2. these are the current borders of france it is totally possible that they keep this for a really long time so i guess some crusades have been going on judging by this new place that just popped up although i don't really know exactly how well they're going wow okay so this universe's [ __ ] invasion decided to stay completely out of europe almost and they've unified africa yeah uh what kind of impact is that gonna have something else we gotta keep in mind are the chinese empires way out here on the edge of the map because i've seen it before sometimes uh one of these places looks kind of okay in ck2 and then we take it to europa universalis and they're just like by far the most dominant nation i did also want to point this out just because it's kind of relevant here we can look up byzantium's history and see all their former leaders like from way back in the day yeah i'm sure you'll see a few familiar names here disease for the most part has uh kind of been kept under control i mean don't get me wrong the black plague probably killed like millions of people but at least this world's humans haven't gone extinct yet oh man okay so i kind of i got some good news here uh the the mongols have kind of collapsed out of india for the most part at least i didn't really want to see them just completely dominate for this entire campaign then we got this king of france who's doing pretty well him and his jon snow looking ass no wife just yet but i'm sure that'll change so i think it's safe to say the reconquista was a massive success already this region is almost entirely catholic and i don't expect it to change which speaking of religion uh hindu is kind of doing amazing the mongols didn't really have much of an impact which yeah that actually makes a lot of sense i don't know how they got all the way over here to persia serious very ends it's 1444. it's time to take this timeline over to the second game but uh it's clear to me that geez it's going to be a pretty big mess over there there's gonna be a few major players france italy iberia is a huge mess and alba didn't really hold on to the british isles the mongols do still exist and uh of course their leader is doing his thing spreading his seed he's had 76 years to spread his seed and he's definitely spreading it all right here we are in the u4 obviously the full map has been opened up and uh you know i want to say that this is probably the second most important game only behind toy for because that's where we decide a winner and it's strictly because of colonization there's gonna be a lot of land up for grabs and this is why some nations are gonna start to lead the pack now i realize europe is just a disgusting mess and uh i i just gotta say it's only gonna get so much worse like a lot of these places are actually on the verge of just complete collapse same thing goes for mongolia although mongolia retained a lot more land than i expected they were definitely helped out by the converter but then again those ck2 borders can be a little misleading oh my god oh my god i i knew it was gonna be bad but i never expected it to be this bad okay well now the entire continent of europe is led by herpes which who knows i mean maybe they contracted that ck2 they brought it over i'm sure with a splash of syphilis as well this is abnormally bad though this explosion isn't really supposed to happen in european or salis so i'm expecting colonization to be a little bit slower from that continent maybe allowing some other places to get over this way but you know what this region isn't any worse off it's for the most part the same a lot of division over here but i did want to mention that this is actually irish culture i know that it was technically scotland that took over but apparently it was a scotland that really enjoyed lucky charms now just to be clear there is no hre i thought for a second there because of these borders that it might have slipped in but no this is this is all natural france might as well just become scandinavia they should probably just give up on western europe these are the only borders they have that are actually next to each other and i don't think the explosions are done just yet because i'm seeing a lot of independent nations pop out of mongolia as well as this ming or china basically surprisingly the only region that looks kind of okay is india and i i will definitely admit that there are some strong powers that can come out of this place we do now have a clear great powers list which unsurprisingly two out of the top three are actually from india byzantium's not too far behind though so it took about 150 years but i think europe is finally starting to get it together things are looking better besides the west west still has a lot of work but the east looks alright and we're actually seeing alba once again kind of dominate up this way but as for these other people who will eventually get kicked out they're gonna be all right they're also of some sort of irish culture and they're just taking their stuff down towards iberia actually not only that they're one of the first europeans to make it to the new world and they've got a pretty nice colony over here too oh okay so this is what i was talking about because the world was so divided it allowed india to take a lot of australia as well as parts of indonesia oh [ __ ] okay make that also california and soon to be alaska being from la myself i can already hear the tunic tunic guy still kind of early to tell but it seems like we will see a russia i don't know how powerful they'll be but uh yeah these guys will more than likely form that nation and here comes the romans okay good i was getting a little worried i wasn't sure if they were gonna make it over here but they're late bloomers and they have to travel a little bit further than a lot of the other europeans so they have a big portion of colombia a lot of the caribbean and then mexico texas new mexico i mean this is probably their biggest colony so far and they're actually in chile as well but there isn't much competition over here so i'm expecting they're gonna do all right these english colonies probably won't be protected very much and of course we will have a brazil except it's going to be a very different brazil what year is it finally europe is bearable to look at and i think byzantium is probably the most powerful at least in this continent who knows what's going on in the rest of the world and that's kind of what i expected because their overlord wasn't that powerful they weren't able to control these places so peru brazil la plata they all got their independence and in north america it is kind of the same thing the us and canada are now free to do whatever they want they're gonna have to fight through a lot of these europeans though i do want to kind of thank this nation for doing just so well in colonization because i mean if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have all these free independent colonies so thank you so much for doing well and then kind of falling apart at the end i like how this persian nation has just ravaged through east africa and i'm sure that's only going to continue i don't think these natives are going to pose much of a threat and it's starting to look like byzantium is about to have a very scary neighbor besides russia poland has taken a bunch of northern german territory which is really valuable they're going to be tough to stop now a lot of mega campaigns china tends to do really well not so much this time around not when they have like outside invaders like japan and bengal which also keep in mind the japanese have a lot of tributary states meaning they they kind of just own this stuff so they're actually reaching a lot further in china than it might seem wow okay um in the last 150 years the us and canada have kicked so much european ass like they're not even in this continent anymore or just barely which i'm thinking this had something to do with it i mean it had to have byzantium has really been focused on south america they've taken a lot of land up here which makes sense i mean this is latin america here's one final look at the world map here in 1836 before we head into the third game also real quick because this stuff isn't really going to matter anymore here's culture obviously the irish have really dominated the western hemisphere as well as orthodox the orthodox religion is by far the most popular this way so as you can tell some names have changed we have rome their tree france spain scotland now and actually that's gonna continue to happen here in vicki too there's gonna be a couple more places that probably pop up in this campaign it's definitely gonna make it a little bit easier to keep track of who's who with persia india pakistan here which pakistan's kind of funny because they barely even control pakistani territory i mentioned this before in previous conversion videos but keep in mind this is still wastelands just because we saw it in u4 under the control of a certain nation that wasn't the case it was a little misleading uh yeah this stuff is still up for colonization which means in north america there's some land still left kind of canada india the us could get some stuff i mean even rome technically which for their north american colony they are really gonna need it now japan has changed a lot a lot of the tributary states in eu4 have been integrated inside of their country which i guess i definitely underestimated just how powerful they were in uh eu four they're actually ranked fourth in this world but don't count out some of these chinese nations just chad i know that you know they hold a lot of the coastline which is pretty good territory it could possibly make a comeback here's the first war and i feel like this conflict is going to continue to pop up throughout the rest of this campaign uh it's poland versus russia yeah that that's going to be a rivalry i think that continues on until world war ii by the way uh flags are super messed up like most nations are are definitely gonna have the wrong flag just kind of keep that in mind it was the only way i was actually gonna be able to make this conversion video work yeah but i think poland is definitely gonna be able to hold their own they're way up there in the rankings and russia is surprisingly not as high looks like the roman north american colony managed to get all of colorado that's not that bad i mean india got everything else but you know they're making progress ouch and the indians have also taken a big old chop out of persia that's unfortunate and kind of surprising i thought the persians were going to do really well with all that african territory now i think in scotland should be able to protect themselves pretty well here on the british isles i mean they're the only ones here the problem is they're not going to do that much i don't think they're going to win they just didn't get enough colonies i mean all they have is like central america and the caribbean which i would not be surprised if they lose and actually it'll probably be lost to the romans speaking of the romans let's talk about the other rome the rome that isn't holy or roman or an empire either way they took a big old chunk out of the polish and uh well actually they might be losing that stuff to france right soon ah see there is hope just yet for the chinese empire i mean somehow they got a lot of the coastline out of nowhere but also they're going to win another conflict with japan well it might be their first i don't know but either way i don't know how they're doing this luckily there will be no super overpowered sweden that just dominates this campaign we kind of dodged a bullet there but it's going to be finland that maybe has an opportunity of unifying the nordic lands they still definitely gotta kick out franco okay canada what are you doing how did you allow india to take so much land i don't know if it's through war or like pathetic colonization actually more than likely a little bit of both either way you know this could be really bad if the us go through a civil war which is possible still it's gonna allow india to maybe take control of this continent and probably end up winning this game although at the same time the romans are just completely obliterating brazil and peru they're continuing to lose wars i think it's only a matter of time before these places get kicked out damn and two big things in western europe first of all france has united with that other french nation kind of bringing back that big scary blue blob and scotland has turned into the british empire yeah it hurts so again this is a british empire formed by scotland with irish culture that's definitely a new one okay i might have been overestimating india for like this entire like last 10 minutes so they're losing some wars and they've already lost one they're probably gonna lose another that's a really big deal and it's actually been world wars that they're losing not sure how many just yet but they kind of allied themselves with the wrong person russia is like their only friend so yeah that was definitely kind of a bad idea but at the same time this universe has been real slow at developing certain ideologies so the communist manifesto wasn't written until 1918. this dude karl marx didn't start writing this [ __ ] until he was almost 100 years old i don't know if communism helped him find the fountain of youth or some [ __ ] but he's about to turn to death soon yeah this is probably for the best the hre has turned into the southern german federation yeah that's that's good i thought we were gonna have like two realms for this whole game so i've been counting them and technically there has been four world wars that has happened so far and uh as i said india and russia continue to be allies they lost a lot of the lands japan got a bunch of territory obviously some neighbors of india got some stuff too and while the african continent is i think safe to say the worst i've ever seen i guess you should have expected this doing a mega campaign but holy [ __ ] this is pretty bad the romans weren't able to completely unify this continent but uh i mean either way brazil and peru are going to be pretty insignificant i don't think they're gonna do very much in hawaii for here's one final look at the great powers because we're not gonna be able to see anything like this in the next game but uh japan is technically number one out of nowhere again india fell a lot which i think is the reason why china though is the massive comeback i mean they barely even existed when we first went to vicky too literally over the course of just 100 years they became almost the strongest nation on earth there's surprisingly still quite a few nations that allow slavery that hasn't really been reformed too much the big one being russia but russia has had a lot of issues let's just let them have this one thing most of the world has no health care none actually the best nation as a whole is burma which is just low health care and at the same time pretty much unlimited work days there is no like eight hour 10 hour 14 hour limit oh here we go here's a couple nice places i guess anyways you know point is this isn't necessarily the best earth to live on in any nation just if you're a human in general uh yeah but you know who cares about that here's one final look at the top eight but again i do just want to point out that it's not even really close between the first and second ranked nations the japanese are twice as strong as china so here's when we decide a winner who will rule earth for the next thousand years i guess if they can survive the alien invasion uh the obvious answer seems to be japan but i think they're gonna have a tough time with china russia really worries me i don't think they're strong enough at all to stamp to the japanese empire which could be a pretty major issue unless maybe china and india get involved they're gonna be pretty tough to stop personally i want to say france is probably the biggest dark horse their neighbors aren't that strong they could easily roll over spain germany and the uk they just got to be careful of poland of course we always have to watch for north america just about any nation could probably win it from this kind of here except the us who's the strongest hasn't really been ranked in any of the previous games actually i'm really curious to see what role south america and africa are going to play obviously the nations from these continents aren't very powerful but i think those two have a pretty big impact one way or the other now in order to make this as fair as possible every nation in the top eight got their own faction that makes i think the most sense in terms of balance it's not really fair when a bunch of nations kind of just team up and take out the smaller ideologies and i think india is actually going to be the most important since they're the strongest country with a more extreme ideology they've gone fascist obviously from their team name but how embarrassing would it be for rome to lose kind of their own video i mean it's definitely possible they ain't looking that great and it's kind of depressing i guess let's see if they can make up for it now if you're wondering who some of the major communist countries are i guess this shouldn't be much of a surprise but since karl marx released his little manifesto here azerbaijan fully kami uh persia next and kind of surprisingly brazil i wasn't expecting that one but okay and it looks like the two irish nations or the the two nations that started off in the british isles that might sound a little bit less weird they've put their differences aside and they've formed a team since they're actually the only western monarchies kind of still around well i guess besides rome but that was kind of the obvious one of course they were going to go down this path uh and they've got a cool ass portrait i don't mean to put more pressure on you guys but now you got to do good oh god i really hope this isn't a bad omen finland why do you have sweden's flag i really that's just a coincidence this flag situation kind of sucks but i guess there's a chance that they might just be super overpowered now here's the first conflict leading up to world war 5 and uh this could be very bad because these guys are actually allied to rome oh they got lucky oh they took them out real quick which is kind of what they needed to do but that could have been really bad like all of communism could have been wiped out pretty early on here interesting so the romans have decided to attack ukraine which i mean that's gonna be pretty easy they're pretty much undefended still kind of an odd choice or it actually might be a little bit harder than i'm thinking because well yeah the romans have no troops maybe they put all the divisions that were supposed to be here in some sort of gladiator game instead and the only country willing to help out and secretly invade ukraine and i guess be a major part of their downfall yep shocker well that's bad that is really bad i really hope the romans don't have too many divisions in america just because they're about to have a very big fight against poland damn okay wait a second not only against poland but germany india and china joined in as well which this can happen in mega campaigns whenever we get to hawaii for everyone kind of just tends to pile on so far this war has been really intense i mean the balkan battle is kind of everything for rome if they lose this region they're kind of done here i guess that helps kind of i mean i don't really no that's a small nation in north africa thanks little buddy i guess they are going to get a little bit of help from the uk japan and canada of all places they probably just sending their divisions over so they can help rome apologize oh that's right okay so there goes all of roman colorado roman arizona roman mexico yeah that's all gone there's pretty much gonna be four major players in this continent which i mean the uk still barely count to be honest it's really going to be between india and the us i think here's the scary part the romans are actually pushing i don't know how they're doing this they're fighting germany poland ukraine and a bunch of volunteers maybe even some indians over here but even with all that they're still slightly making progress i don't know why they did this but the uk must be pretty desperate for oil i think they're using that american strategy and it looks like india has now set their sights on the uk so the romans now have at least a much more significant ally kind of they're not gonna be on the same team but they're working together and finally the last great eastern war is about to begin this is huge because obviously these are like the top two nations this is probably the biggest war yet holy [ __ ] talk about anticlimactic what the hell happened literally one month one month is all took and the chinese just fell by the way now everyone that's attacking rome is now deciding to attack the uk before it's just india but at this point the germans and polish have joined in of course this fight was bound to happen and it's kind of a smart move by the americans if they take out canada they've got more territory they might at that point be able to take on india there are two new nations that have decided to join the central powers which in this world is actually a democratic team uh persia and the us while the canadians have joined the allies oh damn i forgot about this so that means the uk is gonna get called into the war the americans are gonna have to fight two different fronts that is not gonna be easy which speaking of two different fronts rome is now dealing with the same thing north america really kind of altered this world war five especially with all these new faction members russia is now attacking the teutonic order which it's amazing that these guys are still alive in the 1940s both nations are going to be forced to join aside and we have our answer which i guess it should have been pretty obvious so poland's going to back him up it doesn't even matter at this point if russia doesn't join anything which they will either way but i guess the romans are going to be getting help from well third rome if you don't know what that is i completely understand it's super weird third rome refers to a doctrine in russia that moscow succeeds both rome and byzantium obviously everyone and their mother tried to claim this same thing but uh yeah this is russia's own version of it and the us is dead i repeat the us has died at the hands of the uk but mostly canada and now together they've both decided to attack india and this will obviously decide the winner for this continent there it is it is confirmed two romes will come together i mean it only makes sense out of all the roman spin-offs at least one of them's got to team up i'm so sorry poland this was your moment or at least i thought it was i thought you were finally going to make it into space i guess not yet but eventually but this is gonna be a very big problem though uh so finally the war is broken out between the japanese and russia i think that japan should have no problem here but russia's got a lot stronger with time and with rome's help they might be okay here's one out of a lot of peace seals and this is probably the most significant so you obviously don't know who's puppeting most of this stuff but we're gonna find out as world war 5 finally comes to an end actually here's one more which again a lot of puppets i don't know who's taking all this stuff so here's the map post apocalypse i want to say i mean that was a huge conflict i mean wars happening in every single continent even in south america we didn't cover it that much but brazil was going after roman territory either way here it is i guess it was winner take all because it was only one place they got all of this stuff and it was just so obvious i guess i should have realized i didn't think they were gonna get this landslide of a peace deal but russia took everything it makes sense to me because i mean they saved rome's ass rome was doing great they survived for a long time but they were fighting a two-front war and at that point they were eventually gonna die also you probably saw that russia was puppeted that is correct russia was puppeted by themself i guess they they needed a taste of their own juices obviously there's really only one more thing to do let's find out who wins between these two romes they were in the same faction but obviously they were just going to dominate everyone let's break them apart and see who wins and the problem is it won't ever be 1v1 because russia has like all the puppets in the world but you know what i mean they're gonna dominate either way it's already over and just like general grievous russia has decided to just add to their collection roma has been puppeted of course and uh they are now rulers of the pack of rome this is all the the [ __ ] they control i don't know what's up with mega campaigns like i don't know how they continue to be uh so unpredictable was anyone really expecting this that's what i want to know like again i didn't even really pay attention that much to russia they kept getting their ass kicked in the last campaign so i didn't think they were gonna have much of a chance i also need to just stop saying stuff every time i say something every time i predict like a certain nation is not gonna do well they always do well and they end up making me look so dumb i'm just gonna stop saying my opinion just in general i think that'd be for the best might as well just to make it really really clear they are the victor but i will say i think the uk might have got a close second i mean last time we gave second place to mexico but in this video i'm thinking yeah the british and second and maybe the canadians in third remember this is a fascist russia so they're going to be very aggressive in space i actually feel really sorry for the humans even more than i did before i mean you saw their living conditions plus the russians even had slaves oh [ __ ] man these rulers are gonna be horrible i just wonder how much the russians were channeling their inner mongolia obviously that empire was a pretty big deal for this universe you know although the russians didn't get all the way down to india or africa so they still have some work to do at some point russia will control the entire globe but for now i wonder how they're going to deal with the new world a lot of strange cultures over here like irish greek visigothic but remember the western hemisphere is mostly orthodox so that'll help we didn't really see much out of africa although there are some nations that if you think about it did very well compared to like what they started with they deserve some credit ultimately though the british isles had the biggest improvement from the last video this scottish irish united kingdom you could argue that they kind of decided who exactly was going to win here india might be the biggest disappointment they started off so well in eu4 but they couldn't get the job done and every game we go into i feel like it always shifts the balance of power anyways guys we have to give humanity about 250 years to kind of discover space travel and you know do all the futuristic technology stuff there's gonna be a small gap in the timeline but just know russia's going around enslaving the entire planet so we're looking at the milky way galaxy and it looks like earth is actually in a pretty good position it can kind of pop up anywhere but this is not a bad location to be i would say this is an okay start so earth has probably been depleted of all its natural resources and you know as i said it's not the greatest planet to be on if you're a human or i don't know i mean maybe certain romans slash russians are getting special treatment so this is going to be an extremely different stellaris campaign from the previous mega campaign almost the exact opposite if you think about it i mean we've got some very interesting governing ethics yeah civics as well it's safe to say this nation's gonna be very aggressive of course they're also fascist as well basically just a dictatorship so this one leader is gonna be ruling until his death he looks like he's gonna be a pretty nice guy it's actually not as bad as i thought too on the surface of earth only half the population is enslaved not bad i would take those chances again just like last time they're gonna have to first start off colonizing our own solar system then they can eventually get to alpha centauri maybe bernard star and i believe there's actually a few more real systems next to them and this is what the milky way galaxy actually looks like without any fog of war all these different alien species again russia is pretty secluded as i said before it's like all these different intelligent life forms just won their own mega campaigns and uh this is gonna be like the playoffs to see who is the ultimate winner in this galaxy which actually that is kind of the case with these guys sweden has returned again if i continue to do these mega campaigns i'd like to just continually fill them out with previous winners this is a very different sweden though i changed around this empire to show like how they ended their solaris run and not necessarily how they began the russian space empire has just colonized their first system outside of their original starting system and there's gonna be plenty more where that came from let's look into russia's closest neighbor i wanna see how aggressive they are and if they're gonna give our little empire any trouble at all ah so they some bird people and uh they actually have very very similar traits to our third rome space nation yeah i don't think we're gonna get along with these people just for anybody wondering i am definitely looking for om i don't know if om has made it in this video they certainly didn't show up in eu4 i'm sure they're probably just too busy dominating other dimensions it looks like sweden actually might have an even better location than russia they're really secluded and they don't have any like scary empires next to them so they actually might be okay in this game i mean about 20 years in space and so far they have 21 citizens four planets whereas russia yeah they're lagging behind i feel like they're already running out of room towards the south these damn birds i think the humans are just gonna have to move up north now we will be making it to an end game crisis which means some horrible thing is gonna come out of nowhere and uh possibly kill the entire galaxy basically they are uh they're gonna be interdimensional demons i just took a look at some of these other neighbors and there's good news and bad news these guys who look like sweden they're just as militaristic as the birds so that's unfortunate but at least these aliens are actually pretty chill they're pacifists hopefully they won't give russia too much trouble these are some interesting borders that this star dynasty has i really like the shaft the shaft is quite large so about 50 years into it and russia now has seven worlds colonized and almost 60 pops that's pretty good they're making progress uh there is some sort of species that they're enslaving though damn it did not take them long at all to get that they appear to be some sort of horse thing they found a whole lot of them too uh they are intelligent and they like the desert these things are not going to enjoy those russian winters oh man and most places almost every single one of them just hates humans which i can't blame them we don't necessarily have the nicest reputation by the way i forgot to mention that they kind of brought back like latin names i don't know i just thought it'd be cool and it makes sense for the theme of this video sweden still has a lot of unclaimed space i'm wondering if their neighbors are pretty chill either way i mean they might get a whole lot bigger i don't think they're gonna stop there whereas russia on the other hand is already locked down yeah they're not going anywhere but i will say at least this nation is a little bit better at adapting to the situation they're militaristic so they can just bust through one of these empires so far and kind of unsurprisingly uh this hive mind this devouring swarm group of aliens they have the most population at about 130 but russia's not too far behind and that's actually a really good sign i guess each individual in this nation thinks alike they all share the same mindset or something like that they're not necessarily aggressive i don't know how long it took me to realize that this is an actual empire they they kind of blend in i was gonna say like why is no one colonizing the center of the galaxy we also of course have four fallen empires they're like these different species that have just been chilling for a really long time ancient caretakers uh militant isolationists holy guardians and then eggmatic observers they're also reptilian so you guys created facebook there's still so much of this galaxy left to be eaten up and i know there's a chance that russia could maybe find a way around here i don't know like a wormhole or something can pop them out over this way that might be best case scenario for him surprisingly humans are somewhat making friends that's a lot better than i thought i mean it's just an aggression pack and like a trade deal but it's better than nothing earth is completely full of people like they can't fit any more people on this damn planet uh they are also continuing with the whole like slavery thing but it doesn't seem to be as much and also you know what i bet you these people are getting plenty of vodka anyways oh my god did you guys kill off the horses you guys killed off the horses they were like a sizeable percentage here and now they're all gone they must have found a gulag planet or actually even better i think this is a much better alternative they found a natural wormhole which means they're probably just sending them across the galaxy and let them die over there oh you know what sweden made a friend sweden made a friend not surprising i think that was kind of needed too because these guys look like they were starting to take some planets away why am i not surprised that just seems to be the favorite faction term around here oh and it was sweden that came over this way wow you guys kind of screwed russia not not really russia didn't even have a chance to get over this way but still surprised it was you guys that came all the way over here and someone is taking small bites out of this pacifist alien species i believe it's the hive mind but russia might be doing some damage as well man they're just really jamming in those people too only 12 planets colonized but 215 pops i mean i guess if it's any nation that requires me shields it's definitely these guys a second faction has now just popped up and they actually have more members than the first one there's three over here actually yeah they're looking pretty good while russia has clearly been winning some wars and i think they desperately needed that if they stayed stagnant for too long uh yeah they were likely to be eliminated and it is the end game it's the end game and uh you know those demons that i talked about popping up well they've arrived and i kid you not their only goal in this universe is to devour every single piece of existence and i guess it's just because they can i mean look at this [ __ ] yeah why not if you got some super crazy ass looking ships you might as well just kill everyone i really don't know what any of this means but yeah i'm assuming this is really scary very scary but it is kind of late in the game we'll see exactly how big they can get the hive mind people are gonna immediately regret cutting sweden in half i mean i'm sure they enjoyed it at the time but uh now they're probably gonna pay the price i don't know if they're planning on just sending their ships in every single direction are they that powerful they don't got to like focus their efforts on one place maybe damn not even that long just maybe a decade and uh yeah this unbidden thing has a really sizable chunk of the galaxy anyways this is what they look like again there's a part of me that's thinking this is just om yeah no this is definitely just om here's the thing though about a hundred years have passed and for the most part that stuff's been contained i mean yeah they've taken a lot of damage and they might eventually die but it doesn't matter because they've already taken the wind out of their sails and russia did end up getting over this way that that is so perfect i don't know how they got this but i guess it's just the alaska of the milky way galaxy and i want to say russia probably got about third place which isn't bad at all i mean i think that they were a little bit more geared towards doing really well just because they were going to be a lot more aggressive than sweden and that was clearly the case of course these russian high humans would have this i mean regular russians have this don't they anyways guys thank you so much for watching this mega campaign i've wanted to do this for a really really long time with with all five games and i really appreciate all your support if you want to see me do more i might it really depends these are very very hard to do but once again let me just thank wonder productions this would not be possible without him i am not smart i'm not smart at all and uh obviously converting between different games there's a lot of technical things behind it and i am just not intelligent enough to handle it and secondly the team that actually builds these converters it builds the software i mean they're doing incredible work please if you want to learn more i'll leave a link down below i know they're always accepting help or or donations i mean they're literally one of the best parts of the paradox community so definitely go check those links anyways guys thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time and big thanks to lpc elijah senpai rooster occasion jen's love disc mr flying sloth swiss argo maxi g yeet god mcneck ass king solomon alfonso m daddy sea beans then mok abraxas delta aurora princess emma tanner of the nazareth raging fruit david diaz papa stalin of the paint brushes free crews and hat man
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,493,533
Rating: 4.9330363 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Rome, America, Colonized, Mega Campaign, Crusader Kings 2, CK2, Europa Universalis 4, EU4, Victoria 2, Vic 2, Vicky 2, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Stellaris, Roman Empire, USA, Hearts of Iron IV, Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis IV, Roman, AI Only
Id: LB7NmotZTvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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