A New Millennium of History | EU4 - Vic 2 - HOI4 - Stellaris!

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that's the theme from Interstellar, which is a movie

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ElectricSquid7 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is like the biggest thing I've ever tried on YouTube it might be the last time I tried this because this is going to suck we're going 1,000 years into the future taking an in-depth look at human civilization over the course of four different games which culture which religion which political ideology would dominate each continent in the end depending on which nation conquers the globe we'll get to see how they do on the Galactic stage which should be pretty interesting because I've actually never done a video observing stellaris before again it's a shame that ck2 doesn't work right now a broken converter but there's always room that I can come back and do another one of these if this does really well and you guys want it that's always a possibility who will dominate colonization trade technology I mean it's really up in the air just about anyone can come out on top well prob about you guys yeah so I'm sorry to burst your bubble III don't think ohm is gonna conquer the universe certain out here these are the nations that currently lead the globe I think most of these names will probably make it to Hawaii for but at the same time some of these names won't even make it to the end of this game of course naturally Ming or or China is probably the biggest contender to go all the way I mean they start off so powerful and it's just really unlikely that they actually break apart obviously this is like the biggest starting conflicts the 100 Years War looks like France is doing well but even if they don't kick off England from the mainland now they will eventually all right Venice starting off pretty good getting the Venetian Balkans alright you just you know watch out for the Ottomans I don't know how but Poland just took a bunch of Baltic territory that's kind of nice I gotta be honest I'm a little biased here I would love to see Poland win this video would become a giant meme if Poland can into space we've just entered the 1500s and we're about to start the whole like age of discovery but there's lots of things going on in the eastern hemisphere right now that's making things pretty weird first of all in Iberia because Steel's having some trouble they're having a lot of trouble with Grenada Portugal's having trouble with Morocco Aragon took some lands this peninsula is starting to look messy and Muskies look like they're already about to form Russia really quickly only six years into this game I guess it's time to call a nice Siberia look teams over here try to come out on top out of all the Persian nations he's got some funky borders full warning by the end the Gores gonna get like 10 times worse though Portugal's of course the first to get to the Ivory Coast but uh it started look like they're already gonna get kicked out damn guy okay that's that's just sad by the way EU 4 is actually gonna be the only game where religion plays a pretty big role there's still be a good thing to remember though in the future when all the nukes are dropping Wow okay two things in East Asia Korea looking great and Japan's about to unify like already but at some point here I'm fully expecting me to come over here and just pimp-slap both of them yep there it is okay yep the Portuguese really dropped the ball the British now just came up and grabbed most of this coastline oh oh okay I've got a hunch that Portugal's dealing with much bigger problems what the hell happens I've never seen Iberia even remotely close to this surprisingly I mean even tunis got in on the fun the only thing more unexpected than the Spanish Inquisition is the reverse Spanish Inquisition I guess the Moroccan Inquisition it's pretty early but you know I think it's safe to assume that Spain will not be participating in this universe Russia is as expected but it looks like they might have lost maybe a few Wars that definitely seems to be the case I also just noticed that the Pope has been laying down some whoop-ass all over Europe actually be I didn't know they also grabbed Siberia everyone's get a little piece out of that and new world colonization has begun that damn ok England's off to a fast start England and France are gonna have great games now that I guess Portugal and Spain are kind of out of the picture in terms of the hree we still have Austria as the Emperor but they're kind of being overshadowed Bohemia damn ok Bohemia looking sexy they've really been blabbing out and Nepal just kind of coming out of nowhere well ok we got to keep in mind though these provinces are a little bit bigger than yeah you would expect it's still all we care about is font size right the Ottomans are doing real well in Europe but of course their biggest threat is to the south with the Mamluks I mean usually they're fine against them but at the same time this nation is doing well they even got all the way down to the Arabian Peninsula they do surprising here but the Norwegians have just made it to Newfoundland if they dedicate enough resources I mean they can get a nice colony but I guess it depends on what the British do them they seem to be focused on South America now they've got all sorts of land over this way they might be thinking about putting all their eggs in one basket of course the French start off a little late but now they're really getting into it French Mexico has been discovered time to go sacrifice those Aztecs please Korea I'm gonna need you to cease and desist immediately we're already gonna be dealing with horrible borders please just don't start this now something I haven't mentioned yet but by the late game in EU for any nation in India can be looking real good if they can unify the subcontinent so we got to see who's doing well here and yeah Iberia is just gonna be a completely lost cost in this game I tried to give him a couple decades you know just to kind of get it together nah not that that's not gonna happen damn okay this religion map mode is definitely one of the more chaotic ones it's just all over the place and I seriously doubt it's gonna get any better there go the Incas depressing you know there's always a chance that some native has like some sort of high technology there's a chance in the game I put that on random but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen this time around Japan literally just formed and they're already attacking Korea like immediately I don't see why anime and kpop just can't live together peacefully okay so France has taken advantage of the fact that Iberia is just been a huge war zone at least Casteel still alive as well as Portugal also big thing to keep in mind is yeah this is not one country this is Granada this is the Pope he literally just did a crusade himself against this reverse Spanish Inquisition and the Ottomans have just completely wrecked a lot of Eastern Europe Poland Lithuania Austria it's really just Bohemia it's still around to defend themselves and even though Russia is growing it looks like they're not gonna have the game that I thought they're they're struggling maybe there's a chance they can come back but they're clearly losing a lot of wars to these crazy hoards little update on the Western Hemisphere is getting crazy it's getting real crazy I'm surprised Portugal still been colonizing with like one province but yeah it's mainly just the English and the French got in on some of the fun and here we go here's some of the smaller guys the Dutch West Indies and Sweden Sweden with their embarrassing attempt at colonization glad to see that hasn't changed and in the north things are just about the same it's just these two major powers kind of competing as well as there's Norway and Casteel let's not forget about Castile they got some good out of their horrible situation while being still controls a lot of this region I mean no one's really broken away besides Korea which Korea actually took their land back away from the Japanese but is where I start working together or yeah they're definitely gonna die so I'm really starting to like Morocco they're looking great it's kind of unfortunate that they didn't end up getting in colony or westernizing I know that that was maybe a possibility not this time around but as long as they can stay cool with like the French and the Ottomans that I think they'll be pretty good surprised to see these two nations still sticking around both the Teutonic order and the livonian order aren't you guys supposed to be dead by now or maybe they won't be around for too much longer since Sweden just unified there it goes Scandinavia I guess they just unified all of the Nordic lands even they took a chunk out of Russia oh yeah and I forgot to show off Holland they're doing all right a little scary they've got all those colonies in the New World but they don't look very safe here okay okay technically this is called the Castilian West Indies we've seen this before but you might notice that the color is slightly changed and that's why this country that gets taken out usually within the first couple years in this universe now controls most of the Caribbean and it's official all starting Iberian Catholic nations have been killed off that's insane like this is probably the single biggest thing that will happen in this video Timmy just bursted straight into Russian territory while Sweden I guess isn't Scandinavia anymore so yeah they've lost definitely a few conflicts but in the end Russia has been destroyed Minges began to colonize this part of Siberia and I'm fully expecting a war against Korea pretty soon they're gonna want to unify these two territories in these major campaigns there are so many minor things that happen that kind of fly under the radar but like this is fantastic Swedish Australia I've got so many questions first of all like did you have to name it that but I hope Kiwis like meatballs and this one the game religion isn't gonna really change too much here but I just want to point this out it is incredibly diverse especially Western Hemisphere I mean I'm not used to seeing all this but also I mean Europe damn poor Europe these people don't even know what to believe and looks like Bohemia is just gonna barely keep the HRE alive man it was close I thought it it wouldn't survive here but yeah I guess this is the only nation that's really doing any good and here's the end of the EU for portion of this video its 1836 heading a little bit further than the official end date because that Vicki - doesn't start till this time and yeah there's no convergence - march of the Eagles just to let you guys know but if there was I would just watch this out of it I would watch it so hard come on moderates make the converter it's the only way to make a true mega campaign I'm just so sick of watching all these plebs paradox games I want something for intellectuals Wow okay once again massive changes this is like the third like huge thing that's happened a bunch of countries just got their independence la plata Brazil and don't be fooled by the names or the colors just because they didn't change Peru for instance is independent as well as I believe British Columbia as we head into Viki - this is what the European map is looking like there's obviously a few major powers that they're looking quite nice here it is top eight in the world right now which we stove a long way to go but daily Morocco Bohemia the British Timmy and France I'm actually pretty surprised these two Europeans aren't a little bit higher in the Ottomans and Ming are number one and two yep so we're definitely gonna see a big threat from the east for the rest of this game again just to recap I think the three biggest things that happened by far was the collapse of Russia the reverse Spanish Inquisition just like that getting rid of two of the biggest colonizers out there and then all of a sudden all these countries go and independent that was huge as well actually now that think about it you know if the British and French kept some of these places they probably have been number one and number two this world has just entered into the Victorian age and we're in Viki too so just keep in mind I can no longer zoom all the way out we're gonna have to be kind of up close and personal with all this beautiful border gore lovely in the new world even worse man this is kind of suck you know actually South America is not horrible luckily for us Argentina's just murdering everyone now if you thought the Chinese Empire would be a little bit weaker in this game yeah yeah you thought pretty wrong because they basically still have almost all that power kind of this is the sphere of influence it's like an alliance mechanic they're probably gonna kill off Korea here soon like Oh be used into this game and of course they are still number one but this next entry is gonna be a really big deal I think Bohemia definitely is a good chance of maybe catching them we're also still gonna have the Scramble for Africa which for some places like maybe the British and the French who desperately need you know a little bit more strength this is maybe where it can come from possibly wait just one second there's something definitely wrong here also Australia Australia will be up for grabs so I guess whoever grabs the majority of this continent will then have to lose Awards the emus and of course no matter what you do after that no one will ever let you live that down now that's what I'm talking about thank you Bohemia that's oh that's so good so we have an Eastern Holy Roman Empire it's kind of off-center but that's all right that's what I thought that's exactly what I thought okay so yeah the Chinese have United all the way up to Siberia and Korea is gonna be in a weird spot for the rest of this game this is pretty big deal obviously with the US kind of struggling it's the Empire of Mexico that looks like they were gonna be probably the strongest in the western hemisphere to consider now a great power the Ottomans are still putting in work even in Viki to grabbing all this territory north east of the Black Sea just taking a big old chunk out of this nice little blue nation iceland's congratulations you are our first drunken nation in this mega campaign I don't know what's going on but a first step is admitting you have a problem so in this universe by 1855 there are only two native tribes at least in the Western Hemisphere that still remain and shayana here doesn't even have any units so I mean they're they're really screwed I guess even in this world Europeans were still giving away free blankets I'm really open Morocco can kind of recall and eyes a lot of Africa because well I shouldn't say recall and eyes it's not like they had it in EU for it was technically wasteland but in vicki to this territory can be at least somewhat useful by the way at the moment british newfoundland is actually the only colony still controlled by europe everything else is either independent or just annex land like region North America to starting off here there's been a whole lot of minor Wars very small conflicts but as we get further into Victoria to the wars we'll get bigger but there will be a little bit less I don't know if I just wasn't paying attention to you for but uh have the night's been here the entire time I don't know about you but they're my pick to go all the way either them or maybe theodoro which again I don't know when these guys popped up someone's just been giving birth to these random ass nations no go ahead please Jeff it Czechoslovakia I'm sorry I normally I like you but in this situation why the Holy Roman Empire was so badass I should warn everyone that out of all the games we're gonna see here today this is the one I'm least knowledgeable at which means I'm really really dumb like I don't know anything but I've seen this before I just don't know why they changed their name I mean at least we have Germany now that's a little bit better somewhat a Bavaria actually form that but we could had Germany and the Holy Roman Empire I've been so good Wow and this newly formed Germany has actually already passed Czechoslovakia just barely can you like demand the sedate land again or whatever the equivalent to that in this universe Oh Tim Oh Tim are you just trying to kill me you're doing a great job you might actually get it done I don't see how they manage to colonize more than China and then just wrap all the way up around most of Central Asia Africa has almost been fully colonized there are a few spots left but the French really struggled here it's like they didn't take anything either way Morocco still has to do a lot of work to I don't know what they were doing can you imagine how disrespectful this is to toto [Music] I'm okay with this yeah so it's gonna be Sweden that gets embarrassed by the emus which you know what kind of oddly makes a whole lot of sense America even in this universe had a disgusting Civil War which I'm assuming the CSA one or they were independent for a while now they might be dying soon it's so sad that island nations can't do better in paradox games they just struggle so much but I guess they're just trying to chill here and do their own thing looks like Germany might have just participated in some sort of horrible blue gang bang yeah they're not looking very good and I think the QQ is gonna maybe experience that same thing although they were just popped out the Ottomans aren't looking very good at all and I think the Pope was also weakened with the existence of Malta they're still doing all right but I actually don't think they're gonna form Italy anymore thank you Morocco okay that looks so much better you're looking like a frickin unit over here and you still control that territory in Iberia they might be a dark horse I need to also start mentioning the livonian order they don't look good they might not be as strong as someone like chuckles vodka but this territory is still gonna be real valuable South America has been pretty boring but uh man I've got a lot of experience with that even in this universe the isn't really happening at least English Brazil is attacking English Argentina just wanna remind people that get both of these were former British colonies in North America we have French Mexico still clearly leading the pack a French to Louisiana also looks pretty good and I think the US might be having one of the greatest comebacks of all time damn how and they are they yeah they're occupying this entire country next to them what is going on and for the first time communism has just showed its face in this universe no one of major significance I think is adopted it just yet I mean maybe Louisiana that's kind of a big deal that's about it oh my god okay and on the opposite side of the political spectrum fascism has been adopted in German okay please god no how many times you gonna do this at this point I think they're just doing it for fun luckily they're still smashed in between two pretty tough neighbors although there's some much weaker ones that they can definitely eat up and I guess they'd be used to it we're nearing 1936 and I'm gonna say the Chinese Empire is probably number one I think they're gonna be the biggest enemy in Hawaii for delis also doing pretty good though as they kind of just hopped over Nepal and grabbed all this land although they might lose it definitely either way I mean this stuff isn't that valuable anyways but yeah I mean just the fact that these two nations still exists I mean no one really has the edge over the other yeah I don't think we're gonna see any sort of major country rise from this region Morocco out of nowhere just had some random late-game push almost completely taking the British out of West Africa again I really like the chances both Korea and the Mongols still exists somehow incredibly enough and Japan is looking ok I don't know how they were able to keep the Korean Peninsula that's kind of amazing that the Chinese didn't kick him out here's the end of the key - and here's one final look at the rankings I want to say that these are the only nations that have a chance these top eight it maybe even just the top four I'm not even sure China Czechoslovakia the Ottomans and fascist Germany will have their own factions this is gonna be interesting also I love how the US came out of absolutely nowhere they weren't even on my radar in eu4 and I mean for the most part Viki - either but they ended up passing up Mexico at the last second everyone down here considered secondary empires and you'll notice the Brits didn't even make it Newfoundland did incredibly enough but the UK is not even in the top 16 again as we head into Hawaii which still doesn't make any sense to me at all but there is no like ledger in that game so here's one last look at all the fascist nations just let you guys know we won't be able to see a list like this beyond this point and there's actually only five communist countries which isn't super surprising usually this ideology kind of gains traction after World War Two but Barack was one of them and they're probably the strongest out of all the commies they're having a really interesting game so finally we've made it to Hawaii for and I'm gonna take the sexy camera and we're gonna show off a little little deeper parts of the map just to see what's going on but before we do that I just want to say yeah these borders look bad but they don't look nearly as bad as I thought they were gonna be like I've seen some mega campaigns where I just wanted to completely stop watching like it was horrible the content of Europe is pretty interesting I gotta say I definitely didn't expect this many powers France Germany Czechoslovakia livonian order I mean even the smaller guys like Sweden in papal States but of course China is the big daddy and I'm a little bit terrified because I don't think Timmy's all that powerful I think the Chinese can easily roll over that nation and I really don't know what to think about North America just the Western Hemisphere as a whole Mexico in the u.s. stand out but are they really that strong if we're lucky something good may happen in Southeast Asia or maybe even the subcontinent Vindhya this region could you know do pretty well for itself and by the way here's the faction map mode it's a little messy just to say the least and there's also this little bug going on with Czechoslovakia it doesn't show that they're counted in their faction but I promise they are but it's a little creepy just to see how similar the axis is to what they were and this is the axis I mean we have fascist Germany but they had the Pope in their sphere of influence Romania and Norway you'll have to see how successful the ride can be this time I didn't want to mention I didn't notice any great wars in Viki - nothing was labeled as the Great War so I guess we're gonna see World War one here and we'll probably still see World War two because it's gonna take much more than just a couple big conflicts to see who exactly is number one on this planet wow that is one of the stranger starts - ahoy war game yeah just a big ass coalition war against British Columbia actually probably has to do with the fact that they are super weak right now for factories and no military Newfoundlands gonna get old and I think and apparently they did get their independence okay I'm stupid I probably should have realized that when they were ranked so high on the the great powers list oh by the way this weird flag is Hawaii yeah did this Roman flag almost is that where Byzantium is hiding obviously the two greatest industrial powers here at the start is chuckle Slovakia and obviously China they're actually the only ones with over a hundred factories but yeah I mean that's definitely a change unfortunately we will not get to see Hitler's doppelganger just get this stupid default portrait but his name does make me quite happy but I think that's just the converter it likes to do stuff like that France says someone named Napoleon and luckily for both of these rulers Russia doesn't exist I guess the closest one to it is obviously a little Tim but yeah he doesn't have nearly as much power but whenever I do see this color I do think they're communists that's not the Kate they're democratic I don't know how they did that I forgot to say that you know Arabia should probably also join Iceland in those AAA meetings they also seem to be equally as drunk also Canada or I guess British Newfoundland either one is looking a lot better I don't know if they're ketchup to Mexico or the u.s. but maybe at some point oh yeah we also definitely need to keep an eye on the combinations there is no big one but maybe this is even better having three medium sized ones and this is Dutch - I forgot about them but they're in a tough spot they are likely to get kicked out of Europe but at least they might survive in the Western Hemisphere look at that somehow incredibly the Knights and theodoro are both still here yep I think we can say for sure now they're they're both gonna make it to slores deodoro actually has a cool-ass portrait I've never even you even seen this guy before it's like an easter egg the fascist Mongol Empire is now gonna attack Korea well it did go well the first time you guys did it or that that actually didn't they then even happen in this universe I love oh there's a bunch of African nations still around like that's amazing I count eight if you want to include Madagascar I guess we'll have to see what they do now oh oh I guess I guess that's what they're gonna do that they're just they're just gonna fight amongst each other the Mongols are looking pretty good after they've completely annexed Korea not sure if they can still defend themself from China or little Tim but I mean hey things are looking up brave move Norway it seems dumb and I think it is dumb I hope you have a plan I was gonna say it's not done for some reason no I think it pretty much is oh oh that's how I didn't think about that yeah calling in your whole faction seems like a pretty good idea have we discussed how weird it is that the papal States and I'm assuming assuming this guy's the Pope or like a leading figure something like that is a part of the axis with fascist Germany what the Newfoundland is getting help from Morocco and Bengal both communist nations I mean that makes sense if fascism is attacking them yeah ok I get it really shocked it's not Adolf doing this nope it is Napoleon I mean who's gonna happen eventually though oh but Morocco is guaranteeing the Dutch so that means they're going after France France therefore joined the Czechoslovakian alliance ouch and finally after several centuries Morocco's getting kicked out of Iberia almost 500 years later oooh livonian order attack in Romania that could be better are they still party axes no okay sometimes they do leave a faction because of different ideologies yeah so they're gonna die now and here's probably the biggest conflict so far we've got the second strongest nation versus the fourth strongest nation this actually might cause a world war or maybe not and that if Czech was vodka just completely wipes out the Germans like immediately that could be the case and the British just joined that African pack because of all things France declared war on them still holding a little grudge I guess from that 100 Years War and just like that here are the new borders of Europe Czechoslovakia really coming out on top or I you know I should say to the de-facto HRE okay they're there the HRE in our hearts and now obviously they're gonna attack Genoa that way they can unify their two Italian territories and this is getting scary there are a lot of faction changes though a lot of people joining in it looks like this African pack for instance is gonna be the major like communist team as well as Mexico joined something is something with somebody and this is for everything this is the only person that can possibly stop Czechoslovakia in Europe without the livonian order I think they'll just roll over every enemy they have thing is they are fighting a lot of nations oh my god this is gonna be pretty interesting unless China joins in which is a possibility oh and I completely forgot about the Ottomans this was the wild card okay yeah France in Czechoslovakia might be screwed think about it you know if I knew that France was gonna join this alliance I should have called them the little on time right that's that's a little on time I'm messing up man no you got to give Czechoslovakia some credit I mean they're facing more than half the world's like 75% of the world and they're still holding this line I'm getting something like Germany World War one vibes oh that's scary that is very scary China's starting to mobilize and you know they're just gonna roll right over Mongolian territory oh damn and now they're attacking Japan and keep in mind the Japanese are nowhere near as powerful as they normally are they're not doing too bad though and here's a peace deal for World War one Ottomans taking 18 states livonian order only taking two that's kind of a problem Theodore oh no ah damn my baby didn't make it and a lot of people were liberated as well Oh God what is this gonna look like kill me just kill me please oh no that's what I get for keeping cores on the whole game like literally I'm pretty sure some of these nations are straight from EU four we done goofed what the hell okay I was wondering who got all these puppets Sweden did they just become like one of the strongest nations I don't even know what's going on it this is really hard to keep up but I'm pretty sure the Ottomans in China are maybe the two strongest nations left Wow and the whole world has just set their sights on China they're really powerful the tempers are about to get demolished oh this one over my head I didn't realize that the Ottomans took French South Africa pretty nice pick up finally we got some new world action Louisiana attacking Newfoundland which I mean I don't know how powerful they are I think Louisiana's gonna be successful and by some incredible miracle China's gonna lose I can't believe it who's gonna take most this land first of all it's not really a miracle if you think about it because they were fighting basically everyone a lot of great powers but we got to see this peace deal I don't understand this at all it really seemed like Bengal was doing most of the work but I guess not timmi puppet at all of China this I think is the fine I don't even know if this is World War 3 because it feels like everything's been connected like it was just I don't know one after the other but all of Europe versus I guess Africa and the rest of the East that's what it seems like the Ottomans just joined in on the fun which brings me to a conflict that I've been waiting for for a while Turks first Moroccans this is probably to be close North America just became really interesting so Louisiana which they probably should done this a lot sooner joined the African pack which is the communist faction in this world problem is after they did that they declared on the US and the US only had one option in terms of like factions for democracies and that was Sweden Sweden was friends with Mexico yeah this is uh definitely complicating things oh my god this is it that this is the end of the wars I think Sweden is fun our mega campaign how how like they just flew under the radar this whole time what the I literally made fun of them almost every time I've seen them in this video they've achieved the impossible they made me look even stupider than normal I mean we also have North America Mexico looked pretty good the u.s. got some stuff out of it still Sweden kind of peeking their head in over from Alaska the Dutch West Indies were revived don't really know why but yeah the Netherlands are still here and they're democratic so that's nice but there's just clearly one major faction that kind of rules everything I'm gonna make sure that we actually see in Ottoman whatever that faction name is war just just to confirm but I think I know how it's gonna go I think the huge factor here is when they got all these puppets like that changed everything they controlled most of the power in Europe and from then on they've been unstoppable and it's a big thing is they've been getting a lot of friends so like the u.s. is technically on their team it just doesn't show it kapha if that's how you pronounce it Delhi they're all democracies and Sweden has the only democratic that's a massive factor here as well I just feel like a complete idiot because I've been talking this whole time this whole time on Sweden I mean who knows they might have still lost the emus and we're gonna really put that theory to the test if they conquer the globe I'm pretty sure the aliens in Solaris will be able to keep the meme up and there it is there it is it was almost too easy Sweden Canada space I find it impressive that somehow the highway I managed to make this map so much worse than when we started I mean it's not horrible it's it's better it's still really bad though just get a little map recap just before we change games Mexico clearly won North America I thought for a second the US had had a chance of winning at all though I mean they were coming back and they were coming back fast either way my favorite island nation still chillin I love that they're still sticking around and then of course there's still South America which you know I don't think it was horrible there were some things happening the Dutch you know made it exciting because he went communist but I'm surprised Argentina didn't do more I clearly underestimated the power of Swedish colonization especially in Oceania now they control most of obviously Australia and New Zealand I'm not sure how much that helps but you know at least they have it and you disappointed me Morocco I thought we'd see so much more or at least like from kapha to begin by the end here Swedish colonization prevailed and funny enough we're gonna kind of leave Europe almost in a very similar way we started this game it's broken messy disgusting so stellaris won't begin for another 150 years they stuff to learn how to you know get to space and discover the internet figuring out about all those sweet dank maymays is crucial for evolution well it's weird this is my first major campaign ever and Sweden wins you know paradox has been saying for years that Sweden isn't Opie yeah okay and I'm also not a reaction channel so we obviously have PewDiePie's error leading this space nation it probably this is like great-grandson or something also you'll notice that everything will have like a Swedish name because I'm using a Swedish name mod so uh I'm not gonna pronounce and then you'll notice for our symbol we have kind of the Swedish flag even though it's a little bit too much in the center also there's like a little feather in the center I had to use some sort of symbol as far as I'm concerned Mexico got second place and that feather represents the the Eagle on the Mexican flag there of course a democracy just like they were in Hawaii for and they're pretty much you know fairly happy people to sign for these Swedish or planes to go out and be getting : as in our own solar system which actually they're in a pretty good spot because I'm using the expanded solar system I'd they're gonna give a lot more materials and resources from more places specifically like Saturn's moons well there's also this big-ass ice asteroid they can go after not sure exactly what that's gonna do for them but they should try nuking it I'm actually not too sure what the Swedes did to this planet it's only been like a hundred fifty years I'm seeing sprawling slums doesn't sound too good also industrial wasteland Jesus what the hell did you guys do after the day with this they can start exploring more systems but it is gonna take some time there's a whole lot of things to grab up which is nice hopefully that gives them a good start I don't want them to die too early you but I also notice some familiar stars next to them which is pretty cool I mean you can kind of see them gradually start to grow they've already made it to Alpha Centauri as well as Bernards star I don't know if things just work really differently in this Alpha Centauri place but there are two stars here I don't know why there's this big ol shadow casted on the other side of this planet and you know I don't even play this game so I need to shut the hell up ooh and they're starting with not just one black hole next to their capital planet but two is that more of like a good thing or a bad thing so zooming all the way out shows us every other alien or species of life which it's kind of interesting to think about you know like what we just saw did they also have to go through a similar thing on their starting capital planet just imagine all the thousands of different civilizations and nations that probably got killed off it's like every one of these places went through their own make a campaign to get here okay so the Swedes are kind of starting off slightly surrounded I mean they're in a much better spot than like these other two these guys are kind of screwed hopefully they can continue to expand towards the west or just towards the left I don't know let's check out some of these neighbors so there's some hentai creature up here which unfortunately they are fanatic xenophobes so they can purge can enslave can give other aliens full citizenship all right fantastic Tim and the other people too are the same way they're fanatic xenophobes but at the same time they're the pacifists so that's actually okay that's not that bad I guess it could be worse I mean I guess it could have spawned next to the heralds of death but again I shouldn't judge maybe they're perfectly reasonable people nope nope no no they're not there are way too many aliens that feel their superior and this is a really bad combination because they're also yeah okay this name is probably very fitting wait a sec it way to say it okay what is his game doing I'm using a lot of mods this still doesn't seem right so that tells me someone's gonna invade this place just to get around the maginot and looking for the Swedes it very much looks like they will get it that's probably the case man you know I feel bad for ei no loot boxes here it's kind of funny how you have all these different like names intelligent government types and stuff like that and then we just have Sweden just just Sweden man that's intimidating I mean hopefully they'll be able to apply some of the same tactics they've been using for this whole video kind of just fly low for the whole time maybe do some colonizing here and there but definitely fly under the radar I mean how they doing how they doing they've had about 25 years of space exploration they've got 20 citizens and four planets now let's check their closest neighbor okay slightly down it could be better let's try someone else oh are they screwed Sweden also has this I don't know what the hell this is it definitely don't look safe though please you should probably maybe get away from it I was looking back at home back at home Earth's looking alright you guys really seem to fix things surprisingly I wondered are you migrating people off the planet - this thing's filling up quick well these humans have one friend kind of I don't even know if this could be considered a friend it's like a trade agreement I guess that's a start Jesus I can't believe this I I was looking around the galaxy just to see if I can find any other nation out there what are the chances how this was like the first joke I made they've transcended space and time the people of this great nation have become what is that like the fourth civilization type like their spirit just exists out in the galaxy now man Sweden if you don't find a way to make this work I'm gonna be pissed look at some of these aliens they're starting spot is terrible but they're making it work I'm sure if there's some big old desert planet called Australia you would go pretty far lengths to get to that you just gotta get it together again I don't even know what this is but it looks real crazy Polster are highly magnetic neutron stars why would anyone want to be next to this thing okay this is bad this is very bad I don't think you have enough room unless you're trying to play like a zit at all alien species I don't think you have that much population either though so I doubt that's the case 127 pops doesn't seem that bad but it's not yeah it's not great compared to others I guess it's okay also what is this you guys are all spiritualists now you guys just acquired this out of nowhere ah I see now you're feeling superior over AI that's depressing Alexa play this with Seto of course this death nation seems to be doing just fine not really surprising there I'm wondering what all these holes are doing though I'm noticing a lot of holes in the map which is interesting it makes things good I thought we escaped the border core though I don't know how much this is gonna save you Sweden but your your error ships look nice they're just kind of chilling here by the Sun again I don't know much about Solaris but does someone want to tell me why Sweden has a beaver leaving their physics division I don't know half beaver half elf thing does he have a traditional Swedish name though it may be I wouldn't know oh this would have been useful okay I should have checked on this a lot earlier here are all their planets you can see their different sizes the resources they're pulling in the food yeah they are accepting migration from different alien things so that explains some stuff we're about a hundred 50 years into Solaris and clearly some of these places are doing a lot better than others obviously Sweden not doing well but yeah these guys on the outside have kind of a much better advantage we at least have this fellow humanoid that seems to be leading the galaxy again Spiritualist and yeah the whole xenophobe thing I don't get it anyways four hundred and seventy-five pops thirty seven planets colonized alright Sweden you got a you've got to stop being neutral man please make friends well maybe I take that back these don't seem like the aliens you you want to make friends with you all life as a cosmic mistake yeah I'm pretty sure I'm the only mistake around here at this point it genuinely feels like the Milky Way is now just full of either religious people or Mongolians the space Mongolians are definitely here oh my god how could you how could you they just stole Belgium it was clearly all they were going for look at this I cannot believe this I don't even see it happen you just probably got your ass whupped it literally cut your empire in half although it does look like they made friends that's something I guess I don't know what these friends are really gonna do when you're getting your booty kicked all the way down here and what a name what a name as well the favorable axis the favorable axis you know I'm sure most people in history that have called himself the axis probably consider themselves anyways it seems like their team is actually at war with these guys these berserkers luckily you know at least they border your faction members so that helps finally an actual space battle I've taken like hours trying to find one maybe not hours but a pretty long time it's beautiful it definitely looks pretty good and no that actually wasn't the Swedish humans the Swedish humans are over here yep I think they just died or they ran away y'all got this I believe in you okay I believe in you maybe I don't I was not believing in you for most of this video and you still pulled it out so maybe I should maybe we should start now I don't really know what's happening I think they're just invading and then they're leaving did they is that yeah definitely there definitely seems to be more factions kind of growing around the galaxy except for like either the superior aliens the ones that think they're superior I don't think they get into teams if they did that's kind of weird it seems like the Swedes have some friends kind of but then again you know there there are definitely people that passionately passionately hate us but who cares right who cares at least we have our big daddy to protect us our big furry daddy oh my god what happens who'd y'all vote in is this even a democracy anymore yep no that that is still thing I guess there shouldn't be that much of a surprise if you think about it I mean we were accepting migration from whatever this the beaver elf thing is so I guess we've cross bred we've made it with them anyways guys here we are at the end exactly one thousand years from the start Sweden still around at least we're still around I don't know if humans are anymore there's a lot of inter species sexual relations going on let me know down below if you'd like to see another video like this another mega campaign in the future again I think I need to come back to this eventually and include ck2 we will definitely be doing that but depending on how much you guys like this video maybe it'll be sooner than than later and lastly big shout out to Wonder productions that dude literally save this video like this whole thing wouldn't exist if it wasn't for him he does fantastic mega campaign time lapses which are really interesting to see just cuz you never know what's gonna happen when you do something like this thanks for watching this alternative history where Sweden rules everything but kind of fails to the end in terms of space maybe things will be different next time thanks for watching I'll see you next time a big thanks to Patrick Harvie etus that fetus raging fruit mr. Pfister of the nazareth princess Emma heat god knick-knack ass skelter Aurora dr. freaky Abraxas been mope Jen's Luvdisc daddy sea beans King Solomon Kiwi supreme maxi G Swiss agro reciprocation Matthew E Elijah senpai Kirby and lvc
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 2,666,147
Rating: 4.910675 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, HOI4, EU4, Vic 2, Stellaris, Mega Campaign, History, Millennium, HOI4 Millennium, 1000 Years, Civilization, 1444 - 2444, Europa Universalis 4, VIctoria 2, Hearts of Iron 4, Alternative History, CK2, Sweden
Id: ae1OAKnOpEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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