What If Austria Lost WW1? HOI4

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what's going on Ram Pham it's me Alex the Rambler back on parts of iron for that's right in under a week this will be my second hearts of iron for video and I bet you're rejoicing however this might be the last one in a long time I'm only gonna play hearts of iron for nowadays when I see a mod which seems quite interesting today I was looking around the workshop and I saw one called the Treaty of Strasburg if you see a mod that you think I might like to cover feel free to leave a comment and leave a like is very much appreciated and does actually help out the channel this is an alternate reality mod in which Austria was the nation that had more severe reparations to them than Germany after their defeat in World War one blah blah blah blah and so there's quite a lot of background to the mod most but most of it centered around the Treaty of Strasbourg I'll probably have the text up on on screen right now so if you want to you can take a look and I'll leave a link to the description of the mod so you can also check it out for yourself but the German Empire still exists the Austrian Empire was completely broken up we do have the Confederation of the Rhine and I think that's independent Saarland hmm currently there are complete new focus trees for the German Empire and the Austrians and as Austria was the one that was beaten at the most I think we'll give it a go as them hoho right Oh as we can see we still have puppets of Galatia Hungary and Slovakia the Czech Republic or Bohemia decided to leave and they're now guaranteed by the UK and France I have no equipment for my armies and I mainly because I don't have any manpower that's brilliant and we have two different focuses oh we're actually oh it's bigger than I it's bigger than I thought that's what she said so we have two main options to go down we could ever do power to the Fuhrer or stay with Hesburgh well there has bugs so I'll go down political effort I think to begin with and we need to sort out our political political political stuff so we have the Treaty of Strasbourg which completely cuts us I need to try and get rid of that and we have losses of the Great War which once again also kind of cooks us and we have a new Empire though yay but we have a fascist fred full research lots though that that's very impressive thank you very much Maude thank you oh and then we have mr. Frederick Wilhelm the third in command of Germany and this is their one so they can actually go oh oh oh this is quite interesting well the parallel we lost all of our generals and now we only have Carl I hope you do a good job Carl or I'll be very very disappointed with you oh good at least we have all of our advisors which is something that it can be removed with nods sometimes but but they've left them in Frank you modder Frank you it's mucho appreciate oh they're making me develop my puppets I don't like that they should just they should just just let you just come back into the fold let me reform myself and become a massive blob I want to matte paint let me become Imperator oh well I'm really nice of wall what kind of portrait is that for Alfonso bloody Nora Franco's still the same but geez Louise Alfonso oh yes oh I can do the Angeles reunification of austria-hungary oh I just need to save up my mm-hmm it's got to save it all up my political power which I didn't realize didn't know that was there whoops and we've got the Strasbourg crisis oh oh oh I think that's to get rid of the Treaty of Strasbourg why can't I just rip it up and say now mate I don't want to abide by that anymore I regret wasting my political power on these two I didn't know these were here I should have looked I should have looked it's my bad my bad here we go Angeles of Hungary could it work ah yes gobble-gobble and now I'll go for mm-hmm I'm gonna demand Bohemia gimme gimme let me go ball are they submitted take that aha oh man I'm getting so big the Austrian government has officially integrated the republic of Bohemia in their Empire Bohemia was made an Austrian puppet after the end of the Great War but they got their independence in 1944 didn't last long though did it ha ha oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I'm gonna make I'm gonna make bordure and you're all gonna hate it boom hey ah Slovakia let's surround you you peons seventy-eight divisions now and 49 civilian factories that's so tasty I've got half a million men in the field oh I don't care about the Hindenburg whatever oh my Austrian Empire I've messed up the text if you can't cope it kind of do it you kind of stretch across the country oh I completely forgot I could act like an Angela Slovakia now yeah come on into the fold you get ha ha ha ha ha ah I'm so close to proclaiming Austria Hungary once again once again oh you're not gonna know what's coming for you miss aleni BAM oh I get calls and everything restoration Austria Hungary ah ha ha ha will they be a friend or foe what I am the country huh I'm going to renew the Triple Alliance here we go before the disaster of the Great Wall we signed a Triple Alliance of Germany and Italy the Italians later betrayed us by leaving the alliance wish didn't we should renew the Alliance of Germany in Turkey it's almost like I'm going down the same route as World War 1 he said this time I'm going to win hopefully so in the span of like a year and a half I've managed to grow quite thick I'm sure you'd agree although I still lack manpower that's that's annoying so now I need to wait until I can go and further negotiations and get rid of the Strasbourg crisis oh well that's rude wait I want to renew the Triple Alliance I did ah what and the the Turks have formed this a bird out cracked instead how very rich negotiation part 1 there we go it's gonna take 14 days hmm austria-hungary demands rearm hopefully they're gonna allow me to rearm if they don't we're gonna have a bit of a problem aren't we it's two days to go and yes yes yes negotiations surely Germany will let me do this right yeah okay well war with Italy I think or maybe lessons from the great war I should probably do lessons from the great war right yes yeah losses from the great war let's get rid of that first now I think before I go for oh wait I can retake it all oh oh I think I'll stay with Hesburgh the has Berg's because I'll it's less likely I'll get my DVD they are less likely to get the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih monetized oh why can't I talk sometimes like I honestly think some of you probably think I'm faking this but honestly I get tongue-tied more often than I'd like right well with Italy this is what you get for betraying us Italy and we're going to get you and we're gonna get you and wreck you and now to deal with the Nationalists we get the fascist threat removed and wait if I declare war then my stability have already draw but they have no allies mmm-hmm ho-oh I've got a wall goal on Yugoslavia just like that well this will be nice won't it yes indeed I'm just gonna get my claims on Romagna oh yeah bish bash Bosh no one's protecting there and now Yugoslavia you will die oh wow yes is it oh god I'm running out of fuel hmm oh well see this is what I like when you're a nation that's far more powerful than your neighbors you can just click you go on the battle-plan and they just do it I don't need to do anything else just sit back relax and let the a oh I got encircled oh no no it's [ __ ] his absolutely oh yes please ruler of the Balkans our Empire has always been the ruler of the Balkans we are now ready to restore that very good very good gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble I'm gonna try and seek the Reich's PAC to join it I want to join it let me in let me in well I've joined the Reich's pact good so now that will allow me to Clair war on Poland and then Germany will gobble up Poland won't you gobble gobble gobble ego at least that's the plan because if I declare war you'll you'll see what is about to happen if I declare war on Romania a poem willing to see they're guaranteeing each other the the gits how dare they how dare they look out for each other's self-interest gosh I'm preparing for Krieg oh I'll Peck I lost my war goal against the frickin Romanians I waited too long sure let's do it let's go after them BAM come at me burros are they are actually oh I forgot about being naval invaded that so now I have manpower I think I'll try for a little advance see if this works no not really so sure OLED I'll let Germany help me oh well the game crashed huh it's crashed again I don't think I can actually call in Germany brilliant absolutely brilliant so unfortunately I've overestimated the competence of my troops and I can't actually push in against the Italian so I'm gonna try and Parra drop them it's just gonna take me a while to get the actual men yeh but if you're wondering what it would be like in 1939 to try and vast against the Italians and the mountains this is pretty much it it's a repeat of World War 1 nothing's happening oh my god what have I done and if you're wondering why I'm not enabling fading I can't I don't have a navy the game crashed again crashing oh okay I'm gonna try this once more but if it FS up then I uh I think I've I think I I think I can rage quit okay so it crashed last time because I recruited a commander for this now I'm gonna do this without a commander jeez Louise okay let's see if this works or not okay so that's messed up there battle line that's all I think I really needed to do and then we and then we advanced with the remainder of our forces all-out a take aggressively execute now we attack until we break their lines so the power drops attack the paratroopers did their job by dying and the game crashed again I'm done I'm not doing it again no no okay the mods fun but it's crashed four times in an hour if the crashes weren't happening I would have I would have kept going but they kept happening so leave a like subscribe and I'll see you in the next one video in the next video in the next one where would I be going many thanks to Wyatt onion duck Duke master salty dog Aiden Andrew jiggly crotch used beef Martin Sean and Logan to bein ridiculous round to support us on patreon and any thanks to all the other Ramblers to patrons Rambla patreon Josh particularly dawn [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 275,994
Rating: 4.8872294 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, hoi iv, drew durnil, hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts of iron iv mods, hoi4 man the guns, hoi4 mods, hearts of iron iv germany, hearts of iron 4 germany, hearts of iron iv man the guns, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, heart of iron 4 austria, hearts of iron 4 austro hungarian empire
Id: cldojgy-okA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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