How BIG can you make Bowser in Bowser's Fury?

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today we push the limits of bowser's fury modding by seeing just how big we can make bowser here's a comparison between bowser at his normal size and bowser at 1.5 times as big as normal even at only 1.5 times bigger this bowser looks huge we're so close to his face bowser keeps his increased size in this cutscene and the light of the lighthouse scares away this big bowser at lake lapcat in the main game bowser's shell is so big that it almost extends past the central spikes that normally surround it during the battle with this bowser he might look a bit bigger but he's not really huge gigacat mario is already pretty big so the bigger bowser might not be as noticeable here so let's keep making bowser even bigger when bowser is twice his original size and we look up ahead there's now no surprise at all that bowser is hiding up ahead you can see him very clearly from the start of the game over here if you peek ahead when you get the cat shine it looks like bowser's big hand extends out to the lighthouse here during this cut scene and when he's scared away by the light his tail is swinging around and it's so huge that it looks like it should knock us back or maybe like he could even knock the lighthouse over bowser is almost too big for the screen here and he's almost big enough that he extends into the island during this cutscene when we see bowser's shell at lake lapcat at first it looks like there's a fountain shooting out oil in the air somehow and that's because these goop bubbles are normally supposed to be at the surface of the lake but it shows up much higher right now because of how big bowser is with this bowser that we have who is currently double his normal size his shell is looking pretty intimidating and so is the double-sized bowser that comes out of this shell when he's ready so let's battle this double-sized bowser man he is huge this bowser is so big that when he used his fire attack i tried to jump over it but instead of jumping over it and dodging it i actually jumped into the fire because his mouth is so high up and his fire was being shot from so high up the next time he did his fire attack i went close and i didn't jump and his fire attack just went straight over mario here but as the battle continued mario was able to take out this double-sized bowser let's go bigger when you have a bowser that's three times as big as normal you can see a huge bowser that is of a comparable size to the island itself overlooking you from the spawn location where you start the game when you get close you can't even see bowser's head here without moving the camera to face up towards him bowser shoots some fire blasts at us but it's not really at us he just keeps blasting this one spot on the ground here and his head is too big to move over any further once he starts his fire attack bowser really hates this patch of grass right here in particular bowser is so big that his head almost reaches over to mario from here it actually looks like he's sizing up mario and he's getting ready to eat mario if you stand way far off to the side then you can get bowser to use his fire attack to break these fury blocks and after you get the cat shine wow look how much of bowser you can see in this cut scene the tail and when he goes into his shell he is huge here the shell is starting to extend into the island during this cut seed at lake labcat we have an even bigger bowser shell coming out of the center of the lake we might have to start moving back soon to be able to see how big the shell is because the shell almost reaches us when we are at pounce bounce island right now a giant bowser comes out of this shell and once the battle starts we can just see his face in the opening battle scene against gigacats mario when bowser goes to use his fire attack this time i was close to him when he started attacking so he just started shooting fire straight down into the water i loved seeing him attack like this and this made me laugh a lot when bowser is five times as big as normal he's getting really big compared to the size of the island he keeps shooting fire towards the ground and when you scare him away with the light of the cat shine bowser is starting to get a bit too big to see in this cut scene bowser's shell at lake labcat is so big that it sticks out and almost reaches us when we're standing at the gigabell it also almost completely covers up the lighthouse at pounce bounce isle bowser's aim might not be too great when he's so big and the problem with his aim right now might be that we're too far away and he can't see us too well here in the battle with this five times bigger than normal bowser he is giant during the battle i was having difficulty finding bowser's hit boxes i was trying to move around and find where i have to hit him and it was hard to actually land any hits on bowser and his fire attacks can be interesting sometimes see what happens when we make bowser 10 times as big as normal at 10 times his normal size bowser is so big that he's way up here his fire can't get anywhere near us because his head is all the way ahead of us so he can't shoot fire back at us you can't really see bowser in the cut scenes where the lighthouse's light normally scares him away because he's so large that we're basically inside bowser while this cutscene takes place at lake labcat at first i thought this was a little graphical glitch here but that was actually part of bowser's shell and the goop that we just saw it is extending far even if we go all the way to scamper shores bowser's shell is still extending beyond us i went all the way to the edge of the start of first step island down here where we start the game and bowser's shell is still almost reaching us here as bowser's shell goes high up i went to a higher vantage point and these weird colors are not added effects to this video these are part of the model of bowser's shell and the group that normally rests below his shell so what we're seeing is actually bowser's shell and the model of her bowser shell extended outward looking up at his shell it looks gigantic and the goop at the floor is covering a lot of the world when we face this giant bowser we can just barely see his legs at the start of the cutscene and once he starts attacking oh wow look how flexible this bowser is he's trying to breathe fire at us by putting his head between his legs and attacking us by shooting through his legs i guess maybe that's easier than turning around the best way to attack bowser when he's this big is to wait for him to do his air attack where he drops down from the sky and then adjusts the camera so that the camera is inside bowser and bowser becomes invisible and then we can gauge where bowser is based on his shadow and this fire that comes out of bowser looks puny compared to how big bowser is because bowser is huge right now for making bowser 50 times as big as normal i decided to use a zero gravity mod that i made so that we can get farther away from bowser and see what he looks like you might notice that at first the lighting looks a bit weird when we're here and if you look up you can see bowser's knees let's float up with zero gravity and see if we can get a closer look at bowser or maybe even see his face well this is unfortunately as high as the camera wants to follow you up so let's activate this bowser and let's see what he's like this is perhaps the strangest thing i've ever discovered in this game i was floating on by and i saw this huge box where bowser normally is okay so this box is part of bowser's model and it got scaled up and it's visible because of how big bowser is now so what happens if we go on to this box well there's no collision you float right through it but then a cat bell spawn this is normally what happens if you go between bowser's legs while you're on plessy and i was really surprised to see that this can happen in this fight in the prologue of the game also and bowser at 50 times his normal size is a little strange his fire is just shut off far in the distance nowhere near where mario is maybe something else way out there is bothering bowser more than mario is right now when you get the cat shine guess what we will see during the following cutscene where bowser's normally scared away by the light of the lighthouse if you guess this cube you're right because the cube is still here and giant bowser is still way up there so we see the cube in this cutscene let's fly away and take a look at this giant bowser at lake labcat from afar he extends over the entire beginning map area this goop and this large bowser cover up so much space and for fun here's a big ground pound with the lucky cat power up from way up here just to give a sense of scale of how large this bowser is look at how long mario is falling look at all the coins that he's getting in all of the power-ups that he is getting 50 times normal size bowser is huge and a fun fact if you get a star power up and you have zero gravity your star power up does eventually run out but you keep rolling in the air like this after you jump and when bowser does spawn here's how big bowser's foot is compared to some of these islands and as for the battle against this 50 times bigger than normal bowser in the opening cut scene where you're shown giga cat mario you can see the giant bowser sticking out behind him in this opening cut scene at the start of the fight you can barely see bowser's foot the strategy that i used before where we look for bowser's shadow and we attack that isn't working right now because shadows are starting to become a bit weird because bowser's so big even when i could see the shadow it wasn't really much help because i couldn't attack him with claw attacks or ground pounds there it looks like bowser is just getting too big right now at 100 times as big as normal bowser is this moving blobby thing out there oh and we can't forget about our giant cube from earlier it's getting even bigger now our angry cube is making some stomping around noises by standing still here as you might have noticed the main game is completely normal when bowser is 100 times as big as normal and nothing looks out of the ordinary at all i tried to climb up to crisp climb castle to see how big bowser's shell was but all i saw was this weird tube thing that was engulfing the world and getting awfully close to us i was hoping bowser's shell would come out soon then i realized bowser's shell is already out this is the bottom part of bowser's shell that normally connects to the lake that means that bowser's shell is a lot wider than this a lot bigger than this and a lot higher than the camera can see i didn't make it to a gigabell in time so i tried this again right when i respond bowser's shell immediately caught up to me i teleported across the map and within a few seconds bowser's shell already caught up and overpassed me again and that isn't even bowser's shell that's just the top spike on bowser's shell that is that big so let's fight this humongous bowser and yes that is bowser's foot right there and yes that is a mountain range behind it bowser is dwarfing a mountain range and during this battle bowser spins around and he makes the lighting look all weird but otherwise he's invisible do we dare to go larger what would happen if we had a bowser that was one thousand times as large as normal well here we are and why does this lighting look so weird and there doesn't seem to be a bowser around anywhere and even if you go and you wake up this bowser you still can't see him it sounds like he's doing his fire attack but you can't see his fire breath anywhere using my zero gravity mod i tried floating away from the level continuing on past where you could normally access hoping that eventually we'd get far away enough so that if we look back we'd be able to see bowser or something but when we get far enough what do we see not bowser but our deer cube from earlier and it is massive so when we made bowser 1000 times as big as normal it turns out that we were inside the cube all along we can continue farther along hoping that if we go far enough maybe eventually we can look back and see bowser and the map eventually starts to become graphically glitched with different colors but there's still no sign of bowser and all we can see is the cube changing as we get farther away from it when i started making this video i expected to see some large bowsers and i did see some large bowsers but a large cube is not something that i expected to see when we return to the main game the game works completely normally when bowser is this large and it's hard to even tell that we've edited the game in any way everything just works so completely normally and as expected where nothing strange at all happens seriously if anyone can notice anything that looks even slightly abnormal with this gameplay i would be seriously impressed if this looks like normal bowser's fury gameplay to you you could let me know in a comment that this looks like normal bowser's fury gameplay i tried fighting against this giant bowser and getting him to appear but nothing i could do would damage him or even make him visible bowser is just too big now but i did find out that this happens when you crouch while you're giant and you're on this part of crisp crime castle and i thought that was hilarious and one more thing before we go this youtube channel has reached 20 000 subscribers this channel hasn't even been on youtube for a year we reached 10 000 subscribers last month in less than a month the channel has doubled in size the views on this channel are just exploding like crazy is just unbelievable just thank you for watching really glad that you guys are enjoying this really glad that you guys are leaving comments saying things like this is an underrated channel or some of the funny videos make you cry from laughter i'm just so glad that i can create content that has value to people i'm so glad you guys are enjoying this and yeah i'm just hoping that you all have a fantastic day hopefully you could take some of that positivity and share that with the people around you thank you so much i'm very blessed to be in a position where i have time to make youtube videos like this that people enjoy so yeah sorry that's a bit sentimental there but yeah just wishing all of you a fantastic day take care everybody [Music] [Applause] wow
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 740,499
Rating: 4.8786654 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury glitch, bowser's fury speedrun, super mario 3d world glitch, super mario 3d world glitches, super mario 3d world speedrun, super mario 3d world bowser's fury glitches, big bowser, bowser's fury modding, bowser's fury mod, bigger bowser, bowser, funny mario videos, animated mario, funny mario, mario memes, bowser's fury gameplay, zxmany, bowser's fury boss, bosses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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