I added more cats to Bowser's Fury

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LordIggy88 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nice video. Your commentary is pretty solid.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Silent_Cartoonist_71 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
today we push the limits of bowser's fury modding by adding more kittens to the game we try to add a tower of kittens and we add a prison full of kittens that mario has to rescue we'll keep adding more and more kittens until the game crashes and we'll also be adding cats of various shapes and sizes throughout every cat will be inspected and personally smelled by mario to make sure that their quality is up to standards here's what scamper shores looks like with about 100 extra cats there are kittens everywhere mario doesn't have the cat suit power-up so the kittens run away when mario gets near and the kittens all behave normally and oh look it's starting to rain you know what that means it's going to be the bowser phase soon and the kittens turn evil when it's the bowser phase so let's see if that happens to all of the kittens that are here here comes bowser will all of the kittens transform to be evil when it's the bowser phase and the answer is yes a few of the evil cats are close to mario so they start to chase mario so mario jumps up on a bowser spike to be safe and here's something i didn't notice until i started editing this video watch this bowser spike here that's about to come down here is it going to crush some of the evil cats luckily these cats have nine lives just like normal cats so they jump out of the way right in time when the bowser phase ends all of the cats go back to normal and we see plenty of cats just enjoying themselves at scamper shores before we add more kittens here's scamper shores but the cats are larger than normal these large cats being afraid of this little mario makes it look like an elephant being afraid of a mouse mario can still pick up these very large cats and he can carry them with very little effort despite how much heavier they must be once mario gets a cat bell the kittens are no longer afraid of mario you can see the large kittens group together and try to play with mario and these large kittens are giving us a lot of camera friendly moments do you think mario is scared or happy here and when the bowser phase starts you have these giant evil cats chasing you it's a good thing that they're slow and i noticed something very very strange that i hadn't noticed before if you use the lucky cat bell power-up and you ground pound on these cats they disappear i was wondering if these cats would be gone forever i left one evil cat during the bowser phase to see what would happen when the bowser phase ends and once the bowser phase ended thankfully all of our kittens came back it turns out that the lucky cat fell mario can defeat the evil kittens when they're regular sized also and that's something that i didn't know until i tested this just now scamper shores is going to become very crowded soon as we keep adding more kittens so i had an idea let's try adding some platforms with pow blocks where we can store kittens in a kind of kitten tower and then we can hit the pow blocks to have the kittens rain down on us the phrases kitten tower and having kittens rain down on us aren't phrases that i ever thought i'd say but hey let's see what happens if we have kittens rain down on us let's put some kittens up on these platforms now when you get up here the kittens do run away from mario if you don't have the cat bell power up but they don't run off the platform which is very nice if you hit the pow block the platform completely breaks and all of the cats safely fall to the ground which is perfect if you hit some of the blocks from below the cats don't walk off through the holes and the pow block still seems to work just fine here are some more unique cats before we continue we have some stretched cats tall cats long cats and a very very very tiny cat if mario holds this cat you can barely see it it is so small now here is scamper shores with lots of cats on the platforms and let's see some cats rain down on us now you can see that the game gets a bit laggy with this many cats if you have the camera facing down towards the island where there are lots of cats but if the camera is closer to being horizontal instead of looking down then the game works fine mario hits this pow block it triggers the other paddle blocks and the bricks start breaking and all of the cats start raining down there's a lot going on with collision detection and loading objects and loading animations right now and bowser's fury normally doesn't have this much going on all at once so the game is pretty laggy here but all of the cats make it safely to the bottom before we add more kittens here are some more stretched cats this blue cat might look pretty normal from the side but look what happens once we turn the camera and i really like the face of this cat in particular it looks like it's a paper mario character almost look how flat it is and here are a bunch of these kittens trying to get close to mario form a single line please everyone will get their turn to get close to mario but these kittens they just can't form a single line everyone is just crowding around they can't wait to get to mario and this here is basically the limit for the number of cats that you can have here when i tried adding more cats the game would crash when i tried to load the game as you can see there are a lot of cats here and not only are there a lot of cats but there's a lot of lag in the game when there are this many cats if you head away from these cats you can see that the game stops lagging and it plays normally mario can run around and there's no lag at all but as soon as mario starts to head back towards the huge group of kittens the game starts to lag again once he gets close to them you can jump up and hit the pow block and this makes all of the bricks break in slow motion because of the lag and you can see all the kittens falling down in slow motion well this one brick here didn't break it looks like my dream of a cat tower is limited by hardware limitations but i could still create a prison full of cats that mario has to rescue i created four floors for this cat prison the first three floors have 20 cats each and the top floor has nine cats i'll let you do the math for how many cats that is i peeked through the window on the bottom floor of the jail and it looks like all of the kittens were facing forward it looks like they're all watching a movie together that they're very focused on and then you see this blue kitten facing directly at the cameras if it's saying hello please rescue me i would like to play there are pow blocks all along the walls and there are also air holes in the walls for the cats that are being held as prisoners right now here's what happens when you hit a pow block the prison starts to collapse and mario saves all of the kittens and they're all very grateful to be saved this one part of the wall remained and it wasn't destroyed and this is what happens if you try to walk on this part here then if you hit the powwow lock the wall finally crumbles and the prison has been reduced to rubble the cats unfortunately forget who you are once it becomes the bowser phase and not only does ground pounding the fury cats make them disappear but they disappear if they walk into you while you are the golden cat mario statue i'm sure this isn't new to some people but i've played through this game a few times and i just learned this today i thought this was really interesting after the bowser phase the kittens reappear at their regular spawn location and since some of them normally spawn up in the air where the prison used to be they don't start falling down until we get close enough to them to spawn them again and then the kittens start falling from the sky again you can see the kittens falling from the sky right meow i almost went the entire video without making that joke if you enjoy seeing what is possible in games for both regular gameplay and hacking you might enjoy some of my other videos thank you so much for watching this video i hope that you all have a fantastic day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,124,145
Rating: 4.8609023 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowser's fury modding, bowser's fury mod, bowser's fury glitches, super mario 3d world glitches, super mario 3d world modding, bowser's fury speedrun, super mario 3d world speedrun, bowser's fury glitch, super mario 3d world glitch, bowser's fury cat, bowser's fury kittens, bowser's fury cats, more cats, zxmany, scamper shores, funny mario videos, mario memes, mario videos, funny mario, speedrun
Id: fTmeRcvz76s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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