Skipping Bowser Jr in BOWSER'S FURY: What happens/ IS IT POSSIBLE Challenge?

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after you collect the first cat shine in bowser's fury you'll see bowser jr down here crying out for help when you go down and talk to him he joins you for the rest of the game this made me wonder two things first of all is it possible to skip bowser jr and second of all what would happen if you could skip past bowser jr because all throughout the game bowser jr follows you you can ask him to help you collect coins and every time you get a cat shine he pops up beside you in the animation that plays so what would happen if you could collect a cat shine without first unlocking bowser jr well we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves so let's first see if you can skip past bowser jr if you try to go around bowser jr by going into this goop you take damage and you can't get through the goop fast enough without dying you might be wondering if we could get some more power ups and power our way through this goop at the start of the game you can collect coins from trees and bushes and if you get 100 coins you get a power up like a fire flower you can keep saving and resetting the game so that the coins come back and you can keep collecting more coins until you get a power up but even if you can get this power up you still can't make it past this goop even if you get a star power up you surprisingly take damage from the goop because the star doesn't make you invincible from the goop even if you do manage to get past this goop the bowser junior cutscene still starts once you make it across to the water here since none of this works that means it's time for my next strategy creating a zero gravity mod this is something i've done in a few games i set mario's gravity value to zero so he can jump up and keep going up or if he walks off a platform he can keep moving in the same direction until we ground pound so now what would happen if mario floated past bowser jr and explored the rest of the world at first it looks like we might be able to play the rest of the game without bowser jr but at a certain point your camera locks your movement locks and you can't ground pound you can try pressing any buttons and you can bring up the pause menu but you can't control mario in any way even if we try to make a really long detour around these islands and we try to head to something as remote as this floating island way out here you soon lose control of mario and the camera this made me a bit suspicious of something in some games if you enter a certain area that triggers a cutscene you can't move your character until you reach the ground and the cutscene plays we saw this happen in several of my past paper mario the origami king videos and it looks like this is what's happening with bowser jr here as well once you get within a certain area you lose control of mario and mario just keeps floating in the direction that he was floating in and normally he would just fall to the ground here it seems like all hope might be lost i'd love to see what happens if you collect a cat shine without bowser jr but we can't possibly collect a cat shine when we can't control mario right [Music] well we have one shot left and this idea is so crazy that it might just work what if we try to line up mario's direction so that when he walks off a platform he floats straight into a cat shine from the first lighthouse in the game we have a clear path to a cat shine by the next lighthouse this platform is definitely way too low to reach the cat shine the next platform that's higher up also looks too low the tail of the lighthouse is looking a lot closer but it's probably too low if we walk off this and try to head towards the cat shine also but what if we jump up onto the lighthouse oh and you want to make sure to not go into this pipe when zero gravity is turned on or you'll float on like this forever [Music] but let's go back to trying to skip past bowser jr luckily there's an opening in the back part of the lighthouse here that you can just walk off of and just a reminder that you have to walk off to continue floating straight because if you jump you'll keep going upwards because of how gravity works in this mod right now if we walk off here we might have a shot at getting to the cat shine without first saving bowser jr how close can you get to the cat shine if you do this well let me show you my first attempts from streaming this a few days ago on zx money this might work it might not work but this is the best shot we have i've got to aim straight at that shine my position and camera are locked i don't think we're going to make it into the shine from here but we'll get to see if it is possible we'll see if it is possible to collect a shine without bowser jr it's definitely possible it's definitely possible look how close that was look how close that was it's seriously difficult to line this up we had so many attempts that were so close just missing slightly to the left just missing slightly to the right sometimes it looks like mario was going to be able to just barely touch the cat shine but he just flew past it but i wasn't ready to give up just yet luckily after a few minutes of testing different angles history was witnessed in bowser's fury here's what happens if you collect a cat shine in bowser's fury without bowser jr and here's how the game behaves after that when you save and quit maybe we're going to be too far to left yeah because the shine has already passed over like the middle of mario's hat from here yeah you know what honestly now that we're getting close this looks like it has a lot of potential this honestly might be it guys this might be it this might be the one oh my god this might be it we will finally see what happens when mario gets to a cat shine without bowser jr guys i think this is it it'd be funny if we just fly through it i'm guessing it'll either crash i wonder if it'll crash i wonder if we'll get bowser jr let's see at first i thought we'd fly by it okay i thought it wouldn't work i'm like no we're going to fly by it are you kidding me okay we have bowser jr but none of my controls do anything you are soft blocked wait okay you could you could pause and exit to title screen but none of your controls do anything okay so that's what happens if you collect a cat shine without bowser jr this is as far as you could get in the game by skipping bowser jr and wait a minute now all of a sudden bowser jr is with us if can i go into the options can i go to like help from bowser jr oh and it def i guess it defaults to none if i go give me a lot of help goes and collects those coins for us let's see what happens okay so now if we exit the game saves so let's continue from this file and let's see what happens oh my goodness bowser jr is still down there asking for help even though we already have two shines he was just with us a moment ago so that's kind of funny how the game treats the game thinks that we haven't been down there to help bowser jr yet but let's see in our options we have this option available i wonder i don't know if you normally have this option available or if it only becomes available once you save bowser jr let's try this a lot of help ask bowser jr for a lot of help but he's not doing anything what if i come by here bowser junior's just not collecting these coins those are junior you said you would help a lot you're not helping at all what are you doing so if you get a cat shine without bowser jr then bowser jr is added to your party and the game soft locks here if you save and quit bowser jr is still down here asking for help and you have two cat shines it's probably possible to get a few more cat shines without bowser jr with really precise and careful movements if you keep saving and quitting while you have this zero gravity mod active if you enjoyed this we've done all kinds of fun stuff in bowser's theory with zero gravity mods and other mods more videos are coming soon thank you so much for watching wishing all of you a fantastic day and take care everybody [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 894,622
Rating: 4.8728023 out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, bowser's fury bowser jr, bowser's fury glitches, bowser's fury glitch, bowser jr, super mario 3d world, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, super mario 3d world glitches, bowser's fury speedrun, super mario 3d world speedrun, scamper shores, giga bell, cat mario, cat mario 3d world, bowser's fury cat mario, lake lapcat, cat shines, bowser's fury gameplay, bowser's fury secrets, bowser's fury easter eggs, zxmany, mario, mario videos, funny mario videos, glitches
Id: hAkeCgbBPHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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