I replaced every boss in Paper Mario The Origami King with Princess Peach

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This is why you don't piss off the Princess

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/masterofnobraincells 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
today we replace every single boss in paper mario the origami king with origami princess peach and things only get crazier as we move along we've also got a princess peach explosion counter that pops up every time princess peach explodes i hope you enjoy this video first we go to the earth elemental when you first fall down here you're only supposed to see the top of the earth elemental shell sticking out of the ground slightly so i was pretty surprised to see princess peach just standing here olivia makes a comment about an odd green spot and she wonders what it is the ground starts shaking it's the earth elemental and it's made of origami eek it's so cool oh no i don't think it's friendly right now maybe because it got all folded up when it's like this i'm afraid we may have no choice but to fight it [Music] normally you have to attack the earth developmental's legs and tail during the fight so let's see what happens when the earth delimentals models are swapped with princess peach's models wow this melamental looks as powerful as i hoped it would that shell looks super sturdy its body must be well protected makes those little legs look kind of vulnerable doesn't it princess peach's sturdy shell really does make her legs look vulnerable if only we could see them olivia still gives mario her regular tutorial where mario is forced to make certain moves notice that we're still attacking the front left leg when we're attacking from this spot the earth elemental normally hides its leg into its shell after we attack it like this and here comes the earth elementals attack where is that sand coming from in the next turn olivia tells us to attack the earth elemental's other leg and thankfully a circle appears showing us where the leg is because it's a bit hard to see where the earth elementals legs are when it looks like princess peach i wanted to experiment to see what would happen if we jumped on this princess peach and we did four jump attacks that all did zero damage in this turn we get to attack the earthvelmental from the front by attacking princess peach's head the timing for blocking attacks when you're fighting against princess peach compared to another boss is different so i end up missing a lot of the blocks finally we're ready to attack princess peach from behind we go up to the earth elementals tale we hammer it whoa its tail must be super tender princess peach starts getting ready for her special move i wait one more turn and then olivia has some more advice looks like the earth elemental is getting really worked up let's try using this thousand-fold arm attack now we grab it flip it and nothing happens to pete she doesn't get flipped but suddenly we could start attacking her so i guess the flipping did work and princess peach finally explodes into confetti we did it we beat the earth elemental but now olivia is going to transform into the earth elemental so let's see what happens what do we see when we get back to the main world in the game that's right olivia is princess peach now how do i look powerful imposing magnificent maybe even a little cute it's like i'm the earthvelemental and now it's time for olivia to do her dance as the earth elemental we don't see the pom-poms because they're normally part of the earth elementals model not princess peach's model now that olivia's done being the earth elemental let's head to the next boss colored pencils i ran into a problem the first time that i tried doing this instead of explaining what happened let me show you what happens after this dialogue from the colored pencils boss comes up princess peach suddenly appears and mario and olivia jump out of the way and this screen here just doesn't change no further dialogue comes up the colored pencils boss normally does some spinning and some other animations here and since princess peach is being asked to play some animation that she doesn't have the game just stops here and doesn't progress any further so we have to do something else for the colored pencil as well and i really like the solution that i came up with here once the colored pencils case opens up instead of a bunch of colored pencils being inside it's a bunch of princess peaches all lined up ready to be launched at mario so here is our fight against jean-pierre xii of the legion of stationery with his colored pencils ready to make mario's paper body his canvas some of the princess peaches are launched into the air to start the fight i was wondering if the princess peaches would rain down on us like missiles i start the fight by getting ready to slam the lid shut from behind the princess peach missiles rain down on their targeted spots and miss mario when the case gets slammed shut we can see a part of the princess peach model sticking out from the case because of the shape of princess peach's models the colored pencils can't stop shooting his missiles so he hurts himself in confusion after attacking again jean-pierre reloads on some pencils and the princess peach missiles are back who could have ever imagined a paper mario game where princess peach missiles are shot at you jean-pierre gets ready to unleash all of his missiles at mario at once the princess peach missiles rain down on mario with some of the attacks being blocked and those of you who have played this game know exactly what's coming next the boss is getting ready for its rainbow roll special attack there are some shading animations that play for the outline of the pencils that should be there and then we see the princess peach missiles start spinning and mario knows exactly what to do in this situation he gets ready to use the thousand-fold arm attack he gets up to jean-pierre the 12th he grabs the spinning princess peach roll and he slams it into the pencil case mario keeps slamming and slamming until the pencil case and all the pencils explode and with the colored pencils boss completed we're done the first streamer of the game so let's head to the water developmental boss next first we hear some dramatic music the water starts to turn into water tornadoes the bridge that we use to cross here sinks and is gone and suddenly ah it's the water of elemental someone folded it up it doesn't look like the stone face in the main room at all you're definitely right about that olivia this does not look like the stone face that we saw in the previous room at all and so we begin our battle with the water of elemental it looks menacing and she flies up high i go to jump on the water of elemental in the first turn and you'll notice that my jumps stop way above princess peach because of how large the water elemental normally is princess peach gently falls to the ground and here's something really interesting the water filamental uses the wyvern whip attack here because of mario's position but the attack does nothing and the fight just continues after the first turn the water of elemental normally sucks up some water and olivia asks if the water of elemental looks a little waterlogged to mario i don't know about you guys but princess peach still looks exactly the same to me here now that princess peach is on the ground i used some hammer attacks on her and she attacks with wing ding which again does nothing the attack animation doesn't play and it doesn't damage mario princess peach sucks up some more water and then she flies up into the air again so far this fight is pretty similar to the normal water developmental fight she's behaving similarly except her attacks do nothing and we can't see when she sucks up water she doesn't look any more waterlogged to us after i attack in the third turn princess peach goes to use the bite attack and we have some camera angle changes and princess peach moves a bit so i was thinking maybe this time we finally would get hit with an attack but there's no damage done to mario at all and i didn't even block after this turn the water of elemental is ready for its special attack and we can start to see the blue rings swimming around princess peach i wanted to see what would happen if princess peach did her special attack none of her other attacks could even hit mario so i was wondering if this special attack would work and here we go the big wave attack and it hits mario and princess peach floats gently back down to the ground we get to princess peach with the thousand-fold arm attack start whacking her and finally she explodes into confetti after the battle the water of elemental is ready to turn into another bibliofold just like the earth elemental did except this time nothing happens princess peach just stays there i can't move and pressing buttons here doesn't do anything the game is just stuck in this position so let's go to the next boss rubber bands at first i thought that i did something wrong with editing this part of the game because the rubber band boss was invisible in the introduction to the boss fight even though we were seeing dialogue from the rubber band boss princess peach just wasn't appearing here but once the fight started we could see that princess peach was there she shoots out a rubber band and then just stops the music keeps playing the toads keep shouting in the background but the game stops at this point do you remember my solution to the colored pencils boss i had another idea for the rubber band boss here and you might be thinking what i'm thinking here let's get into another fight with the rubber band boss after making some changes once it starts the rubber band boss starts shooting out the rubber bands but it's actually shooting out princess peaches onto the field and the creepiest thing that we have seen so far in this video has to be the pullback attack here look at this [Music] the princess peaches just slowly walk towards the boss and get absorbed into it and that heals the boss this is deeply unsettling we have some princess peaches launched at us and i'm able to make the blocks i nicely line up some princess peaches on the field to be able to make it to the thousand-fold arm magic circle we pull back on the rubber bands and when we let go princess peaches go flying everywhere next before we face the fire of elemental boss we have to take out the paper macho gooper blooper there it is uh bobby what gooper blooper are you talking about i don't see anyone oh there's princess peach she's floating up there where the gooper blooper normally is we can take out the bloopers arms without too much of a problem and where's the blooper going to be now [Music] oh there she is it's interesting also that the waves are starting from the very bottom of the room here instead of where the gooper bloopers arms normally land when you face this boss this part of the fight is slightly harder than normal because i'm not really sure where princess peach is vulnerable or when she is vulnerable and because of the animations that play and don't play princess peach can kind of use more combos than the gooper blooper can making it a bit more difficult eventually we make it to princess peach get the final attack on her and she spins the way that enemies do before they explode into confetti all of a sudden bobby jumps up and down and has a sudden urge to say that there's a sticker over the bloopers eye and then right after that princess peach explodes there's confetti everywhere all of the toads are saved and the lock box is here we defeated princess peach on the princess peach cruise ship isn't that funny before the fire of elemental boss there's one more paper macho boss the paper macho pokey ah it's like we're just laying out in the sun without a care in the world and it starts to get a bit windy and oh look a twister with princess peach in the middle of it looks like we're trapped in the middle of a twister oh look at those spikes but that's not too bad maybe it's just a cool cactus hi cactus some of these camera views that were shown are a little funny here because normally the pokey is supposed to be way up here since it's so tall but since princess peach is so short compared to the pokey we're just looking up at the sky and not seeing anything in this bite we have a little princess peach moving around pretty quickly and if you bump into her you take some damage normally you have to walk up to the pokey when it stops moving and you have to hit the stickers on its body with your hammer as you might have noticed we can't see any of these stickers it's also really easy to take a lot of damage in this fight because you don't know how close you can get to princess peach before using your hammer if you do eventually by some miracle managed to hit the sticker on princess peach with your hammer this is what happens she disappears for the rest of the fight you can't see her she's just invisible she doesn't come back i was trying for 10 minutes to find her i was just trying to stand here i was trying to move around i was thinking maybe she's invisible but she's still around but for 10 minutes i was running around in this boot car trying to stay in the same spot but you just can't finish this boss and now the fire of elemental this is one of my favorites and it's a bit of a creepy fight too did you hear that sound and down comes the fire of elemental let me replay that just because that looks too good to not see again it looks like a flame is coming out of princess peach's side and the best thing about this is that she's flapping her arms as if she's really a bird like the fire bella mental princess peach flies left princess peach flies to the right she sets the arena on fire mario and olivia are scared dramatic music is playing it's the fire of elemental all right [Music] look at it burn but it's not burning up what an amazing creature oh but the poor thing has been folded into origami the fire of elemental roars and our battle begins i lined up my panels to jump onto the fire of elemental to knock out some of its feathers my jump attacks start and i did not expect this to work i replaced the feathers with princess peaches so instead of fire feathers falling onto the field more origami princess peaches fall onto the field and they're all on fire the fire of elemental attacks us with fireball and then it uses molten feathers where it launches more princess peaches onto the field and one of them lands right in front of mario my hp isn't very high so i figure i'll just do nothing every turn and just have the fire of elemental keep using molten feathers to shed all of its princess peaches so his hp keeps dropping at a certain point in the fight there are very many princess peaches on the field it looks like a cult ritual where we're sacrificing a bunch of princess peaches to a fire god i'm ready to use the watervellamental special attack it does two damage and some princess peaches fly off somewhere all of the fire is put out the princess peaches aren't on fire anymore now it's just time to use the thousandfold our magic circle to finish off the boss by plucking out those last few feathers and seriously does this not look like something that would happen in a cult anyway we activate the magic circle hit the fire of elemental a few times pluck out the last of his hp some more princess peaches pop away and then it just stays like this we can't move we can't do any other things we can't finish the fight but what's pretty cool about this is that mario seems to be moving his hands to the beat of the song so it's like mario's dancing at this princess peach fight next we have the boss whose song is a favorite of many people the disco devil the hole punch boss before the fight starts while mario and the faceless toads are dancing in the background we can see peach peeking through the door getting pumped up getting ready to join the dance floor and i'll let this play out just so you can see what happens because i really really love this scene [Music] princess peach blasts open that door with enough force to explode a boulder and she chases the toads off of the dance floor hey i know you're in the groove and all but you totally blew all those toads off the stage and you punched out their faces earlier did you do that just so they would dance with you that's monstrous lady i couldn't stop grooving now if i wanted to so i guess we're gonna have to face off and here comes the battle this guy punched holes all over the place he's an enemy to paper kind where do the cutout pieces go after it punches them out do you think it's hiding them inside its body peach shows us her dance moves and punches out some holes in the dance floor i want to see all the attacks that peach has so first i try to walk straight into a hole and see what happens we're trapped and it's the enemy's turn ha hole in one i can't believe you fell for it man i'm too funny princess peach uses the attack main squeeze mario is sweating so profusely here that he could fill up the eddy river without the help of the water vellum mental oh he is dancing dirty say the toads in the background but the game is stuck in this position if we try the fight again and we try to get close and let princess peach use the hole punch attack the same thing happens but big but you might not expect what happens if we try to stay in the outermost ring peach uses the getting down attack and it actually hits us and the game continues and for some reason she's lying down in the middle of the dance floor instead of standing now maybe she's getting tired of dancing after all princess peach's throwing punches attack is interesting because she quite literally throws punches at us from a distance and it's like her punches are so strong that the force of the punch reaching mario from a distance is what hurts him so it's great that this attack is being done from a distance imagine if mario got hit by one of those punches point blank it'd be like one punch man at a certain point in the fight mario turned invisible for some reason and at this point with everything that's going on i don't know if he should even be surprised anymore peach is still lying down in the middle of the dance floor so mario decides to use his hammer that wakes her up and makes her stand up again and then an explosion oh man why'd you have to harsh my groove we had a bumping in here let's keep it going anyway disco forever count it down peach spins the countdown begins and the hole punch boss explodes all of the toads are saved and mario's ready to continue to the next boss in the game the ice elemental mario and olivia are shivering it's quite cold here they look up oh wow a huge block of ice with princess peach inside it almost fell on them the ice shatters we've got to be careful fighting against this ice bellamental for those of you who have seen my video on if princess peach was a planned boss in paper mario the origami king you might have noticed that princess peach uses her unused attacking animation when she puts up the ice shield here the polar roller attack comes first with the ball of ice having spikes on it as princess peach rolls towards us and we successfully make the block let's use the fire of elemental to melt this ice shield oh and look it's princess peach again with fire coming out of her side but wait mario what are you doing why are you sitting there mario mario princess speech is going to burn you why are you sitting there you're in the way of the fire peach used the bear claw attack next which was tough to anticipate this time we get to use the thousand-fold arm attack on princess peach and it looks like it hurts she's dizzy after the attack and she looks like she's about to fall over from how confused she is but she shakes it off and she's ready to continue the fight princess peach uses the bowler bear attack which is just floating over to us and then we have to tap on the floor away as she walks back to the center of the rings after one more thousand fold arm attack princess peach is ready to use the ice maze attack after shuffling the rings she starts glowing ready for her special attack and when that happens princess peach just disappears and i'm i'm not surprised with what we're seeing now characters are just disappearing that's just normal now but luckily for us when we start using the thousand-fold arm attack princess peach appears again and that defeats the ice of elemental boss princess peach explodes now olivia is ready to transform into another velemental let's see what happens when she transforms into this developmental whoa what was that transformation let's see that again [Music] as soon as olivia started transforming she just suddenly became princess peach and you'll notice something funny here the music that normally plays when olivia is transforming into a developmental is still playing even though the transformation sequence is already over and the dialogue boxes are now up time for olivia to test out her new powers she shoots out an ice beam i don't want to think too much about how she did that but mario continues on his adventure next we are at the tape boss at the top of sea tower hey i'm elevating here a platform comes up with the shifty sticker tape you mario i've got a message for you from the boss how about you come over here so i can give it to you and you origami kid be a good girl and run back to ollie it's past your betty by time capisce you were gonna try and take out this streamer out of the picture eh i come in strips too you know you gotta grudge with things that rap over other things you think i'm some kind of joke eh i guess we know who stuck those toads to the tower now sheesh how did all these harmless origami making tools end up with such tacky personalities hey i'm not tacky i'm sticky that's it you want a piece of meat well you're gonna get it and the battle begins princess peach is ready to fight in phase one of the fight tape is normally in a case that we have to destroy before it's phase two of the fight i go to attack the case from behind and a fire flower is enough to take out half of the case in a single turn princess peach attacks with dispenser smack and it's kind of surprising how it hits mario when peach uses this sticky whip attack that attack does nothing so as we can see some boss attacks don't work when the boss models are replaced with princess peach and some of the attacks do work and when mario uses one more fire flower to the front of the boss we get it we beat the first phase of tape now watch this closely after a laugh from tape princess peach just falls to the ground and she honestly does look pretty defeated she's just lying there on the floor but she suddenly stands up when she talks when she's done talking she lies back down again so maybe she is pretty tired after all this fight is really wearing on her it's like princess speech only has the energy to stand up here when she's talking and now it's time for tate's roll out attack and peach is on a roll here she spins around the board here quickly like a formula one race car and leaves other princess peaches on the board instead of pieces of tape i had a video where we faced every boss in the game at 50 hp and i was using the same file for this fight let's just say when tape is princess peach making blocks and trying to make the right move can be a bit difficult to follow in this fight it's peach's turn to attack she comes up to mario attacks right away i missed the block and that took me out in a single turn so let's try this again i go through some of the fight i get to a thousand fold arm circle ready to start to pull out some of the tape and deal some massive damage to this boss it says grab the tape but there's nowhere to grab any tape because there isn't any tape because tape is printed says peep so there's nothing to grab so if you want to beat the tape boss when the models are replaced with princess peach instead you have to do it without using the thousand-fold arm circle you can only use your hammer and your fire of elemental so let's just say that this was a long fight but finally we got the fire of elemental to take out the tape boss ah it hurts it hurts don't do this to me i'm a changed adhesive i won't stick nobody up no more i swear boss ollie you gotta do something you gotta avenge me i'm i'm er forget about it and then princess peach exploded yet again after the tape boss we head on to the shangri-spa where we are ready to face the boss sumo bros who are preventing us from accessing bowser's castle we hop into bowser junior's clown car and ride up into the cloud and what do you know princess peach is up here on a cloud and so the battle with the boss sumo bros begins this doesn't look like an ordinary folded soldier mario it's crackling with energy where did all those little guys come from they're so cute do you think they're related i mean they must be called sumo bros for a reason they're the littlest little bros i've ever seen we can go a little easy on them right whoa what are these hey that's cheating those little crooks stole the most important panels i can't believe i called them cute earlier the strange thing about the thunder attack here is that you get damaged shortly after the princess peach starts to float away on our cloud because the sumo bros normally play a foot stomping animation that makes the thunder come down on you but princess peach doesn't play that animation it's also pretty cool that you could hear the high heel footsteps loudly and clearly as the princess peaches adjust their position after the end of every turn mario takes out the first princess peach with some hammer attacks and now the on panel is available to him from here we can use the earth elemental to take out the three remaining princess peaches on the ground with the earth elemental all of the princess peaches on the ground have been defeated so the princess peaches in the clouds will now jump down and oh boy when they hit the ground they make some noise and after that heavy fall you can hear the little tap tap tap tap of their quick gentle high heel steps as they rush to grab the panels push shove win looks like princess peach is readying her special attack mario has got to get that fire of elemental magic circle to take out all of them in one turn princess peach takes some damage from the flashy iron boots and then a legendary hammer and we get that on panel mario gets the fire of elemental summons another princess peach with fire coming out of her side takes out the rest of these sumo bros making the princess peaches all explode into confetti the battle is done and this princess peach and the cloud explode into confetti we're now ready to go to bowser's castle the first boss fight in bowser's castle is handaconda we walk through a hallway with the remains of bowser soldiers cut up on the floor and we see a sideways princess peach sneaking up on us if you turn around she stops we keep going and she eventually grabs us and slams us into the wall but she kind of just goes through us in the battle at first i was a bit disappointed to see the handaconda there instead of princess peach but take a look at what happens with the cobra throw attack the handaconda jumps up and then we see bridget's piece doing the actual attack [Music] the rest of the fight is pretty normal and after the battle is over after handaconda has been defeated we see princess peach spin in the real world and she explodes into confetti here's the green streamer now mario is so close to the green streamer now that he can taste it let's just walk up to it now and get rid of it look out yells bowser mario does a backflip and the stairs in front of him collapse good thing bowser warned mario about those stairs not being very sturdy what actually happened was that mario normally dodges the scissors boss here but the scissors boss is currently showing up as invisible because it's been transformed into princess peach for some reason we get put into a cage match where we have to finish off one boss before we can face the scissors boss and down comes princess peach we see a bunch of strange text boxes popping up from princess peach that normally come from all the faces on the paper mistake buzzy beetle oh my gosh did those scissors make that thing out of people's faces i can hardly look at it how monstrous olivia is really disgusted by princess peach here maybe she's thinking her brother's origami is just so horrible and she could do origami that's so much better so our battle with princess peach begins yet again hammering doesn't work and olivia gives us hints about hitting the flying heads but no flying heads are spawning here do you remember back in the gooper blooper boss fight how the waves were spawning in weird locations when it was princess peach instead of the goop or blooper something really similar happens with these heads spawning the heads spawn down here near the bottom outside of the cage where we can't reach them so i had to try something else let's face the paper mistake buzzy beetle but instead of shooting out those heads it shoots out princess peaches that we have to destroy when we hit one of these princess peaches with our hammer she just stays there and dialogue like i'm saved or thank you pops up as the fight goes on we start to see more and more princess peaches standing around the ring and the buzzy beetle prepares its special attack it's ready to launch a shiny princess peach at mario can we dodge it we run to the side and we avoid getting hit by the princess peach that is blasted at us we start to peel off kamet's face and then we repeat the process again we dodge some of the princess peaches being blasted at us and then it becomes just an ordinary buzzy beetle that we could take out when we're done all the princess peaches are still here and we're ready to take on the scissors boss the battle begins and we have some dramatic camera angles showing off the epic the menacing the evil princess peach during some of her dialogue she sometimes likes to lie down on the floor and quickly stand up we start the fight with a jump attack on the scissors handles which is way up high so it looks like peach has a force field around her that's preventing us from hitting her she attacks us with a quick dull edge attack in the next turn peach is lying down she might be getting a bit tired from battle and she does sometimes do this in some of the battles that we've seen earlier we attack her with a hammer and she's still lying down after that that doesn't wake her up and i just love how princess peach is lying down and then she stands up immediately when she starts talking and then she lies down again as soon as she's done talking peach's eyes disappear or maybe they're just closed during this cut scene where scissors normally takes off its sheet and now princess peach is turned sideways towards us just like a pair of scissors ready to start cutting into mario princess peach quickly flies across the board and cuts up some tiles she's now readying her ultimate attack so mario has to be careful and seriously watch how quickly she goes to attack you really have to be ready for this you have to press the a button almost right away to dodge the attack because of how quickly she plays that animation and if you're wondering yes this attack does kill mario if you're not able to dodge it i wanted to try using the ice elemental here so we could see what happens when we freeze princess peach here and it looks like the ice bellmental attack animation is really sped up compared to when we use the ice velmental attack normally we've got princess peach frozen in a block of ice and this is our chance to use the thousand fold arms i line up the panels and activate the magic circle we grab it press the a button to throw it up in the air but just like what happened with the earth elemental princess peach and the block of ice aren't thrown into the air but the ice does shatter eventually and princess peach looks dizzy so i guess it worked princess peach's hp is low so she's starting to look pretty tired in the fight playing a tired animation she rushes across the board and takes out a bunch of tiles i don't want to get hit by that 999 damage attack again we go for a hammer attack hoping to finish her off but she has a sliver of hp left princess peach uses the final cut attack and uses a fake out and we're still able to dodge it this has got to be it now with the final hammer attack princess peach explodes into smoke and now we have princess peach appearing where the scissors boss should be in the overworld instead of being invisible and the other princess peaches from the previous balls are still here also olivia taps princess peach and we see the outline of the scissors boss about to explode and the princess peach boss explodes the other origami princess peaches from before are turned back into bowser's minions again and we're ready to take out the green streamer and continue the game there are only two bosses left so let's head to the stapler boss next remember how the stapler boss normally jumps out through this door and chases away mario and his friends we have the camera zoom in on the door expecting princess peach to fly out at any moment and suddenly princess peach just appears there instead of flying out and blasting through the door like the hole punch boss did earlier and this is another part of the game where the game would have been stuck here because no dialogue is coming up again but luckily i can hit the b button to skip to the boss fight and we could start our battle with this princess peach now the faithful toads in the background have some interesting comments on their princess saying it's kind of cool looking and one of the toes even calls princess peach a dog yikes this thing is really frightening i replaced the staples as well as the stapler with princess peach's model so when we jump onto princess peach we see more princess peaches falling out from the main princess peach except they don't fly away like they normally do they just float above the original princess peach and the original princess peach holds out her arms as if she's in pain princess peach went to use the dog tag attack and the timing for blocking princess peach's attacks is often surprising since mario is pinned down princess peach has to remove the staples in the next turn she didn't even spin she just jumped on mario and after that princess peach is ready for her special attack right away so here comes the stapler's special attack bite barrage princess peach jumps up to mario and a bunch of other princess peaches get put onto mario's sides and then he shakes them off and after a moment they disappear the stapler now has to prepare to reload so let's see what happens oh that's certainly something why is princess peach doing that and why is the camera angle like this i can't see half of the rings the camera angle just doesn't go back to normal it stays like this for this turn at least when mario does the jump attack it does lots of damage so the game is still acting as if the stapler is open right now here comes some more staples except we only see the glow of the staples not the actual staples themselves i wanted to stay in the outer ring to see what the staple gun attack looks like so here we go glowing red princess peaches are shot out at mario and they stick to him peach does some more dancing around to reload on staples mario does some more damage and when the golden staples start to appear princess peach's eyes disappear which is always creepy to see it's always creepy when a character's eyes just disappear the golden glow stays around princess peach but her eyes don't return i get pinned down by the golden staples because i miss the block and peach's jumping on mario attack that takes out staples does a lot of damage it's like peach is wearing legendary iron boots here or something and we are ready to finish off this fight with some shiny fire flowers now princess peach explodes again the outline of the stapler boss appears after the battle and princess peach explodes the camera shows bowser and what the princess peach appears on top of bowser ah something came loose and this is the exact reason that i made this youtube channel and i make videos like this so i could come across crazy stuff like this in games and share it with you all i just had to experiment with this a bit before saving bowser right away come on mario use your hammer and flatten me out i let you fire my cannon remember you owe me if you try to leave bowser says the same thing so i decide to hammer bowser to help free him the princess peach falls backwards and bows are unfold if we look closely at the shadow of princess peach we can see that she disappears once unfolded bowser starts jumping in joy if we move after the cutscene we can see that the princess peach staple is already gone because she disappeared a moment ago and this leaves one final boss in the game so let's go to king ollie as princess peach well you're finally here took you long enough as a matter of fact it took you so long that there's nothing you can do to stop me now brother are you still planning more terrible things yeah who do you think you are folding up my minions like that like you could keep all this from busting loose anyway where's princess peach is she safe is she comfortable does she have something to read asking for a friend oh the princess is right in front of you behold i told you didn't i that i would transform all of peach's castle into an origami castle including the princess herself she is at one with the castle now beautiful precious and silent i'm sure she's happier this way at a certain point in the cutscene princess peach starts sitting on the armrest of the chair instead of on the seat of the chair and then she just starts floating in the middle of the room and after that we're finally ready for our battle with king ollie princess peach is ready to summon some vellum mentals and these battles go exactly how you'd expect if you've seen the previous developmental battles where they're transformed into princess peach [Music] in phase two of the fight we have ollie instead of princess peach wrestling with bowser and in phase 3 where you should have a giant king ollie that you have to defeat we just have a regular princess peach sitting in the middle of the rings olivia transforms into a big hammer to take out king ollie and during her transformation princess peach pops up in one part so maybe princess peach is inside this hammer after the battle is complete king ali is still princess peach and when ali is supposed to unfold into a sheet of paper i made that princess peach also during the final cut scenes here where the origami craftsman shows olivia how to fold a crane the sheet of paper that's supposed to be ollie folding into a crane is still princess peach even when olivia goes to make her wish on the final crate it's just princess peach i don't know if we should be concerned that the origami craftsman thinks that this origami peach is a crane or if we should be impressed because maybe folding up an origami peach could be more difficult than folding up a crane and here's a special gift for those of you that have watched this far into the video the princess peach in the closing sequence of the game has been replaced with a stapler and before we continue the video just a huge thank you for getting this channel from zero to five thousand subscribers and zero to one million views in less than five months that's absolutely incredible when i first started this youtube channel i had the goal of getting from zero to ten thousand subscribers in one year and i was thinking that that's maybe a bit too unrealistic or it's not possible but we're currently on track for doing that and we're ahead of schedule that's just absolutely unbelievable thanks so much guys for subscribing to the channel for watching these videos for sharing these videos i really do appreciate that i'd also like to give a big thank you to my supporters on patreon after you finish watching this video i have a video where we look at some unused animation that princess peach has in paper mario the origami king and we examine the theory that princess peach may have originally been planned as a boss in paper mario the origami king so thank you all so much for watching this video i really hope that you did enjoy it wishing all of you a lovely day and take care everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 411,741
Rating: 4.8750296 out of 5
Keywords: paper mario the origami king, paper mario origami king, origami king final boss, origami king all bosses, origami king all bosses princess peach, origami king princess peach, paper mario princess peach, origami king boss theme, origami king every boss, paper mario the origami king all bosses, paper mario origami king gameplay, paper mario origami king scissors, paper mario origami king secret ending, origami king olly, king olly boss fight, origami king vellumental, zxmany, switch
Id: bQOlJPukNbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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