What if every level is COMBINED in Super Mario 3D World? [Super Mario 3D World mod World 1 and 2]

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you might think this looks a bit chaotic the youtube channel prince nova has created a super mario 3d world mod where all levels are combined into a single level and you go on a mission to play through every level in a world we'll first play through the first level which has all of world 1 combined into a single level and will also play through the second level which has all of world 2 combined into a single level wow oh my goodness mario can fit inside the level the level is so wide okay so here is all of world one combined into a single oh my goodness and it looks like a captain toad level's even part of this yeah so i made a custom mod where i overlapped all of the levels on top of each other and that was a complete mess and this level icon it looks like all the levels might be overlapped on top of each other but i'm pretty sure this is a functional and much less glitchy level than what i made so let's have a look through this okay world 1 is 64. all right okay and we can see from the beginning that the textures are pretty different because if all of the objects in the level have the same textures as what they normally have then the game would probably crash so that's why everything here has slightly reduced graphical quality oh my goodness and this just looks so smooth now yeah so that's why it has 64 in the title because it's meant to be like a reference to nintendo 64 mario 64 where the graphics weren't as good and this does kind of look like nintendo 64 graphics oh wow and you can't even see the cat paws drawn on there okay so we got the first green star oh do i go into the pipe or do i continue along let's go into the pipe let's see what's down here where will this bring us okay we are now in world 1-2 in the underground section of koopa troopa cave let's see is there going to be a green star down here i wonder if the green stars are going to be in their normal position or not okay man this is looking very much like a nintendo 64 level but it's funny because the characters like the goombas and the koopas and mario they look fine they don't have reduced quality but the actual level it's like nice and simple geometry so the level doesn't crash okay there's another green star oh don't want to climb up there oh and there's no checkpoint flag here so i guess i've got to be careful to basically not die okay so instead of a mystery box there there's just a green star right there i'm wondering if the pipe is going to be over here because normally there's a gold pipe over here i wonder if that's going to be here okay the gold pipe is just removed makes sense you don't want too much stuff in a level when you're trying to put all the levels all together because that can definitely result in a crash if you have too much stuff going on so let's just head through this pipe over here and oh wait a minute did we get the stamp yet i wonder if there's going to be a stamp or something over there oh no let's just climb up here don't take my catsuit power up very nice okay is there going to be anything in here nope just coins over here okay so there's no stamp over here so we haven't gotten the stamp yet i wonder where the stamp is going to be whoa whoa okay okay i don't want those guys to take away my cat suit power up i want to keep my cat suit power up there we go we've got we got to keep the katsu power up and we took out the goombas now let's continue back out now i'm guessing this will oh this isn't where i thought we'd be brought to oh man i thought that would damage us okay but there we go okay we got the green star okay and a pipe appears okay so i'm guessing now will we finally be brought back to super bell hill okay now we're at the second part of super bell hill i like this i like this this is designed very very nicely very creative stuff okay no pipe over here so i'm guessing that means that there isn't going to be a stamp room nothing up here probably right yeah let's just get some time and let's just carry on this way and we've still got to be careful to not die because if we do die anywhere then we're going to have to restart the whole level all over again so let's be careful when we drop down here very nice got green star number three in super bell hill and we've got a bunch of other green stars from earlier too okay so normally there's supposed to be the flagpole here for super bell hill but it looks like instead of that oh wow i can see some binoculars sticking out of the tree i'm guessing that's the spritzy right that's those binoculars are probably connected to this sprinkly it's probably the spriksy that's holding the binoculars okay so the green star's up here just like normal okay don't want to fall off the level okay let's continue to mount beanpole now so this is normally world 1-3 and this has also been re-textured to have lower quality probably so the game doesn't crash okay and instead of taking a pipe to an area where you get the green star you just go straight to the green star like that okay so we've got two of the green stars here oh and hold on normally there's going to be a cloud platform up here and hold on so normally there's going to be a cloud platform up here and that takes you to a cloud bonus area cloud bonus stage and that's where you get the final green star so i'm wondering if that's going to be there or if we will just get the green star because so far it looks like in the bonus areas the bonus areas aren't actually there okay yeah just like before whoa that's some cool sky i can see what is up ahead i can see what is going to be coming up it is going to be the plessy level i kind of want to drop down on that water and see if we can stand on it but i'm not sure if we can oh that's the checkpoint okay you know what let's see then okay so you do follow if you go there hopefully the checkpoint lets us respond right here please okay good good good good good amazing okay there we go took out this boss okay oh but you don't get anything for all right let's continue to plessy then man these walls are looking very plain right now and it makes sense because if there's if the texture quality is too high then the game would crash from having all these objects in the level here all right let's see what is plus he's punching whoa uh will the camera follow us okay good the camera does follow us i was worried that we'd have to do the entire i was worried that we'd have to do the entirety of plessy's plunging balls without being able to see where we're going we are getting some blindfolded super mario 64 practice okay so we've got the first green star let's continue down this way there's a dash panel here so that'll be nice we'll get to go faster man i really like this simple geometry in the level it makes it look very nice wait a minute i'm missing a bunch of green stars apparently did i did i miss something did i miss something or am i going to get those green stars later let's see okay well let's go this way i guess okay and that one also fills up that one hold on what's going on are we missing a bunch of green stars is there a level that i forgot about could i have missed something in the could i have missed something in mount beanpole okay oh man this star is always like sometimes i overshoot it sometimes i undershoot it oh but it's very nice when you do get it okay so let's oh wait a minute we didn't go to the captain toad level oh maybe those five stars that we're missing are from the captain toad level where could the captain toad level be though okay let's get on these let's get on these okay and there's a warp box there really nice how you step on those switches and that brings you to switch scramble circus i like the way that this was done a lot okay that wall is a little buggy over there but i suppose there's nothing that we could really do about it yeah these walls are moving a bit like this these walls are a bit uncomfortable right now but that's okay we'll just leave those walls behind there and we've got a dark background there and it makes sense because if you have like uh if you have a high quality sky box and that could be another thing that contributes towards crashing the game if you have too much stuff in the level so if you just have stuff very simple then you can include more stuff in the level like this okay i don't want to be defeated by those sting bees okay i'm pretty sure that we missed oh okay this is looking very dark i'm pretty sure that we just missed the captain toad level i think that's what we missed wow the way that these fences look is interesting okay let's just step on all these is this the last one now this one okay there we go there we go okay we got we get to continue now [Applause] okay so normally there's going to be a mystery box that's up here this actually looks pretty cool at first i was thinking i'm like wait so much of the level is missing but it actually looks pretty cool because you don't get to see something like this every day okay let's just step on all these and by step i mean touch them okay good good good got that green star man this is almost a little bit like by making levels invisible bottom which is kind of funny because you can't see the ground here you just have to trust that there's ground there whoa and we can already see bowser's highway oh no we're straight to bowser's highway showdown i was going to say we can see bowser's highway showdown in the background but not only is it in the background but we are going straight to it i like that that invisible block is still there that's nice man imagine if i couldn't get all the green coins there we go got that one now let's just continue along this way okay please shoot out a soccer ball okay no wait a minute oh this is normally where this stamp is and there's no stamp out there i guess let's head up this way use our power up swipe at this this is looking like an asset out of a nintendo 64 game it just looks like it's a bit old which is really cool a great way to make it fit into the level oh and i guess all the other brick blocks were removed just the one that gives you a super bell power up was kept and let's see i probably missed the captain toad level the captain toad level you probably access it somewhere from mount bean pool because over here wait a minute yeah that looks like it's the end of the level oh so you don't face bowser i guess you just go to the end flag over here let's look for where the captain toad level could be and let's check what's going to be up there maybe the captain toad level could be up here okay there's a pipe over here i see a pipe this is a bit suspicious and you end up in the captain toad level as mario not as captain toad oh so this will probably make getting some of these green stars a bit easier now that you can play as mario instead of as captain toad and not only are we mario we are cat mario [Applause] so we could climb up stuff easily lots of coins to collect here oh and that's all them okay i thought there was one here oh and there's the stamp i actually forgot about this stamp even well lots of coins to collect here and there we go now we have absolutely everything in the level okay there's the next level look at the way that the next level appears this is i want to say just as chaotic as the other one but i think this one is even more chaotic the way that all these levels have been put together like this i think this is even more chaotic now let's head to this next level over here world 1-2 okay okay oh man oh man i'm already loving this this looks incredible this makes me want to go play some super mario 64. this looks so good okay there's the first green star and this time i'm going to try to be careful to not miss the captain toad level alright let's just make our way up here i was struggling with this part here in my mod where i made the floor invisible i didn't know that you had to go down like this and then you continue around like this okay so that's where that is you know what i should honestly check these areas up here because there might be a captain toad level just early on somewhere over here okay it doesn't look like there's going to be a captain toad level up here so let's continue on oh and there are less conk doors too normally there are six contours there but now there are only four conk doors there let's see anything up here let's take a look forward spricksy okay it looks like it's just looks like it's just the rest of contour canyon as we move forward whoa these are looking a bit different oh my goodness in my mod where i made the floor invisible this part was absolutely brutal oh no and i lost my cat mario this part is difficult enough as it is without the floor being invisible will this contour destroy this for me please destroy this for me i would like a green star thank you oh and the captain toad is still being chased here there we go defeated that contour now please give us the green star captain toad [Music] thank you whoa that was a little weird you know it only gave us a green star but he let us see into the matrix why am i doing this why am i going like this okay oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man yeah obviously this is the next level this is where we show up at next okay i love how the music changes it's so cool how the music actually changes to the right music for the level okay so down there is there still going to be the war box down here that's normally here oh it looks like there's no warp box here so normally there's supposed to be a warp box here because hold on let me move those guys out of the way wait can i get back up [Music] oh let me back up let me back up normally there's supposed to be a wart box down here okay good i can't get back out i don't think that there's a warp box down there okay a bit difficult to get out of there if you accidentally drop down there fire flower power up sure let's take a fire flower power up oh these are different now look at how these look now wow all right let's just make our way up here to the green star now we can just make our way up across if you get that coin it still spawns the other coins that's nice but the coins are very important to us right now it's always fun to collect coins okay i got these platforms here lots of little goombas over here [Music] [Applause] oh and instead of a cloud platform it's just a green star over there okay so it looks like this is something that has been done in a lot of parts of this mod wherever there's a bonus area instead of going to the bonus area you get the green star which makes sense it's a good choice oh man that was actually a pretty scary one to get to because it was a bit to the side like that didn't want to fall well going for okay oh man i kind of wish i didn't get that i'd rather have a cat suit power up in storage oh yes and i have to touch these [Music] okay there we go getting the green star here now [Music] i like that you have a lot of time for this level [Music] yeah and when i played through oh man okay yeah when i played through the floor my floor is invisible mod i didn't remember that you had to do a jump up to those piranha plants there but now that i'm seeing the level again now i know what i'm supposed to do oh wait i'm getting ready to jump on the flagpole here as if there's going to be a flagpole there but of course there's no flagpole oh blockade level okay fireflower coming in clutch over here and we've got a door there i wonder what would happen if we just went to the door before wait oh okay okay okay i was wondering oh no i don't want to defeat those i want to keep these because these are so useful let's get the green star down here okay whoa that's very flashy i love that the piranha plant can eat these fuzzies i have a video about testing what enemies piranha plants can eat and that video is a lot more popular than i thought it would be [Music] yeah it's kind of surprising which enemies piranha plants can eat oh i didn't expect it to move that way i thought it was going to be moving the other way okay let's jump across here now i wonder what this area is going to be like are we still going to see the shadows is this area going to be changed at all wait you can't see mario did they just make this oh no no no okay so you can still wait can you still drop down here okay i got this stamp what the something hurt me i don't know if there's still the green star here okay it looks like we got this stamp but what about the green star is there still a green star there let's see oh i guess when we get this green star we'll find out if we're missing something or not oh wait i think there was just this stamp there i don't think there's a green star over there right let's see we're not missing a green star we yeah it looks like we're not missing a green star yummy yummy fuzzies for the piranha plant all right now let's head down here i'm guessing we still have to save captain toad this bowser reminds me so much of paper mario paper mario is such a great game i grew up with the first oh mario is floating oh i thought i'd come down on the side there we go now we got the star all right now let's just head out here and where are we going to end up wait a minute oh maybe there won't be a captain toad level i guess we'll find out let's head up on this low poly roof over here don't want to accidentally slide off if you head on to this roof and you crouch you fall pretty slowly like that okay oh and here's really rolling hills okay okay okay all right where are these green stars going to be at let's look for these green stars okay nice we were able to make it up there without the catsuit power oh wait there's normally a mario switch around here yeah i think this is where the mario switch normally is it looks like you don't need the mario switch though okay let's keep hunting for some more green coins anything in there a baseball take the baseball okay i thought i missed one okay but that's great that's great okay now we're going to continue up here okay no checkpoint flag over here this normally has little goombas i think yeah that's a lot of little goombas in there okay let's just head up this way and into this is this going to bring us to the underground area it does okay we're in the underground area now okay there's a green star right over there okay so normally i'm i think there's normally supposed to be a pipe there that brings you somewhere but it's just a green star which is nice oh wait there is no captain toad level in world 2 what am i saying earlier i was saying that we have to make sure to not avoid the captain toe level but there is no captain toad level in world 2. all right so now this will probably bring us to the world 2 castle let's see oh oh it's double cherry pass okay okay okay okay so we are controlling two mario's here okay fire uh you know what sure let's take the fire flower okay let's head across this way double cherries in here oh no double cherry in there okay but there's a green star here so that's fine i'm guessing this is still a fire flower case we already have one fire flower power up so that's enough i'm wondering if we're going to need more double cherries okay we're in this underground area now okay and the block steppers are still here they come down after you oh but i guess they can't come back up it's like buffalo you could lead them off of a cliff because they just trust what the buffaloes in front of them are doing there we go double cherry in here or what nope just coins that's fine head along got our two fire marios here any more okay there's some double cherries up there so let's defeat whoops let's get all all our mario's lined up nicely okay took out those guys very easily without them running around like crazy and same with those very nice now then what is going to be up here [Music] oh nothing up here okay i was thinking that maybe there'd be something up there but i guess not wait oh we already have this stamp okay so all we need is one more green star is there going to be the fire bro to defeat here i'm a bit scared of this fire bro defeating us there we go didn't have to worry about that fire bro at all now then is the final fight is the final green star going to be in the last room i'm guessing it will be let's see will we need four marios or what but why i didn't even see any other double cherries oh man time is running low time is ready glow yeah i'm just gonna finish the level then what what what what what what what what what what what what no i thought that would be a real goldball no now i'm out of time no no no i have been trolled i have been trolled ah that is actually so good that's so good that's such a good troll oh man i thought that that would be the end of the level there i'm like oh it looks like the castle level hasn't been added but then it's a fake gold ball and the fake gold pole brings you to the boss when you think that the level is done wait a minute that one does give a double cherry let's see i think this might work maybe if we can get up high enough oh there we go okay we can get that one all right and it looks like they're actually oh and you can actually see the warp box there at the bottom of the flagpole i should have noticed that before and it looks like there were actually some more double cherries earlier in the level i somehow missed one all right but now we've got a boom boom boss fight that we have to take care of where is he going why is he going that way that's not where i am why is he not spitting towards me [Music] maybe he's intimidated by me and that's why he's not spinning towards me look he's not even trying to come towards me normally it seems like he's trying to come towards you but now he's just like will he come towards me no he's just spinning off there to the side and he's spinning against the wall why is he going that way why would you spin over there i'm not over there boom boom maybe boom boom is just very very terrified of this cat mario right here all right well let's just climb up on this wall wait a minute oh okay okay we fell down but we came back okay yeah like over there you can hold on to the wall he just keeps going to that corner boom boom what is it about that corner there's something just irresistible about that corner that boom boom keeps returning to it i don't know what it is maybe we should go oh my god guys i can't get out of the corner now it's so fun here okay let's go down the pipe let's see what happens wait where are we what the what is happening is this intentional what is happening what is happening what is happening here a huge thank you to prince nova for making and sharing these mods seeing all these levels together in a single mission is such a cool idea and it's also really fun to play through and this is how the level ends because there's too much going on in the level and i think this is a great way to end the level you can click the subscribe button if you enjoy these videos and if you like seeing what is possible in games and you'll also be notified when new videos come out and you'll help my channel get closer and closer to 100 000 subscribers almost 100 000 people have done it and i'd really appreciate you subscribing if you haven't already wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Applause] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 964,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, combined levels, all levels together, every level together, mario every level together, mario every level combined, mario 3d world combined, mario 3d world together, mario 3d world all levels together, super mario 3d world all levels combined, super mario 3d world all levels together, super mario 3d world world 1, world 1 mario, world 1 super mario, super mario 3d world mod, mario mod, super mario
Id: 1gEbacgjEsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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