What if Chains Actually Worked in Minecraft?

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today we're doing a bit of a minecraft iq test there's only one question in the test and it's a relatively simple one what should happen here okay when i retract this sticky piston with the chain attached to the sticky piston and the chain attached to the block look it is it is solidly in there what should happen this chain looks very strong you know it's clearly under tension there's no slack in that chain it is it is ready to pull the block what should happen the answer is not that simply not that all right it doesn't it doesn't quite add up does it it feels like this chain right here should be pulling that block well thanks to nem bomb the creator of the carpet mod which introduces all sorts of great technical features to minecraft which can help you build farms and things but also introduces various things like movable tile entities and other bits like being able to increase the piston push limits and the fact that dispensers can plant saplings and things there is now a game rule that allows us to have chainstone now chainstone means that chains now work like chains they can actually pull blocks along but they don't stick to any blocks that are next to them because obviously a chain doesn't stick to the blocks next to it it only sticks to the block that's on the end of the chain this is very interesting now before the logic brigade turns up and says well you can't argue logic at the start of the video saying the change shouldn't snap but then not mention the fact that the chain can push a block as well as pull the block the pushing is already in minecraft that actually already exists we've only added the ability to pull things so in my eyes this is fine chains have gone from being very very illogical to just being mildly illogical so let's see what we can do with this now the first thing that came to mind is that we can finally finally build an actually cool looking port callus you see whenever you've built castle gates or port calluses in minecraft they've always had to be pushed up from the bottom which isn't really very poor colossey now we can actually retract them from the top and in theory this should be all the redstone that we need i mean this is just a simple double piston extender setup so if we just hook this into a button down at the bottom here i mean that should be it that should be everything and i can even send the redstone signal upwards making use of a chain i i can put a redstone block on the edge of a chain i don't have to worry about this sticking to anything off to one side i can just have this right here and that can run across into my redstone input you can probably tell i'm already really starting to like this let's see how it's all come together then oh that is incredibly cool that makes me want to build a castle i haven't wanted to build a castle in minecraft in probably like eight or nine years and yet just constructing this tiny little port callus right here has made me want to construct an entire castle around it that's how cool i think this is and actually kind of sticking on the castle theme i think i've come up with an idea for something that could be really really interesting in fact i've just realized that because of the chains a lot of the stuff is almost like medieval feeling but then again did they have chains in the medic oh my goodness i'm embarrassing myself yeah chains have been around for around about 2 200 years okay so yes as i was saying because of the look of the chains it's all it all feels quite medieval all right and that that's gonna be a running theme my idea is is that we have a bit of glowstone or some form of light source on the end of a chain that we can then retract up into the ceiling when we want the lights to turn off now this now i think about it might be a bit of a long chain but still you get the idea just out of pure curiosity here because i would be embarrassed if i did this entire video without working out if this actually functions does this no okay that's that's good that's logical oh but this does oh now that could come in handy except of course because chain blocks don't stick to the blocks next to them a system like this which would normally work with slime blocks and honey blocks doesn't actually work with chain blocks with that being said if we actually just replace this with honey and then get some movable objects in and completely rewire everything we end up with a system that looks really really cool so there is that and then here is the retraction into the top now you can see we've got a double piston extender up at the top here as well and that allows us to get this piston kind of flush with the roof-ish but then on the retraction it all gets pulled up and then this glowstone is actually above these objects here which means we then have room to make some form of block swapper now to keep things as compact as possible i'm making use of slime blocks here to kind of slide the blocks past and that's going to involve the use of a pulse extender because we need to make sure that the glowstone gets moved into place at the start of the circuit but then gets moved out the way at the very end of the circuitry and i think that should be relatively easyish to do ish being the operative part of that sentence it just involved connecting a line of repeaters to the slowest part of the redstone circuit and running it back into this piece of redstone dust so that essentially creates a pulse extender and everything should now be working okay so currently we have no lights okay we've got a piece of stone brick there but then when i flick this lever our light drops down and it's hanging from the chain and then when we flick the lever again everything gets pulled up and we have no lights so everything is fully functional and looking if i do say so myself incredibly incredibly cool i mean this is a very satisfying redstone contraption to watch it all happens a little bit too fast i can't actually look at it quick enough thankfully chains come to the rescue once again and now we can see everything that is happening i could i could watch that all day long i want these in my base and i want these in my actual house as well that was a strange laugh moving swiftly on to what i'm going to refer to as the reverse vault door because it's kind of like the opposite of a vault door you see if you've seen a vault door before these blocks right here are normally inset inside the blocks whereas in this one they're kind of poking out a little bit but they're connected with chains i just think this looks so so cool and i think when it opens up it's gonna look even cooler now from a redstone perspective it's relatively straightforward so we've got double piston extenders on either side which are going to pull these chains and blocks out the way and then the rest of it is just single piston extenders that are going to be running into these blocks around here so we should be able to make this pretty compact and relatively fast except there is one very big problem with this design and it is not the working of the redstone because the working of the redstone easy peasy it's the piston faces the piston faces are completely ruining the vibe of this thing it takes a cool looking door and just stamps on it and makes it incredibly ugly so we are gonna have to come up with something that allows us to then get rid of these piston faces and replace them with blocks seems simple it's not it's really not i've been thinking for the past 10 minutes of how i could do it and i can't i mean the only potential solution that i can come up with is a double whistle extender underneath here that then pushes this block upwards two blocks clears out the space and then there'd be blocks up here and then more pistons up at the top here it makes it quite big that's that's quite a big redstone contraption part one is done which is our little double piston extenders this makes space for these blocks to be pushed in and now i'm trying to wrap my head around the piston bushes and that is not going so well i mean it does work the wisdom bushes do work and block brushes work and things but then the double mist extenders stop working and i'm getting stressed i think it's time for me to start again and i'm still stressed i don't know what's going on but after three hours and one long walk i think i'm starting to make progress here now it may not look like much but this this is big news all right flick the lever everything moves out the way and then everything gets retracted away into the wall and it all happens incredibly incredibly quickly but that is about as fast as you can get and now after a bunch more time the whole thing is all completed was it worth it was it worth it is the question i'll leave you to be the judge of that i mean i personally think now that it's finished it's actually quite cool with the doors it's especially with the nether right outside i know this is unreasonably expensive but god it looks cool this if you saw this door on a server all right you would just know that there are valuables behind it and one added benefit of this piston door i hadn't even thought of is the fact that it is actually double-sided and that the back side is just a regular vault door so you've got a regular vault door on the back and then you have this system on the front and it all looks oh looks super cool with that being said it's not the most compact thing in the world so i'm sure some of you wizards out there might be able to do a little bit of a number on this one it's just it's a little bit wide you know i'd love it it was three or even two blocks wide i mean two blocks wide would be crazy anyway let's move on from the piston doors because i have thought of a rather odd use for these things that actually should end up looking really really cool and i'm gonna make use of the fact that the logic of the chains doesn't really add up in minecraft and make it so that we can create a pop-up staircase that we can also retract down into the ground do you just hate it when you start building redstone contraptions way too low like there's nowhere near enough space for me to do the redstone here this is gonna be one of those redstone contraptions isn't it where it starts off really easy you know that i mean that that's that's a solid start but then it begins to get more and more complicated so then we need to send a triple piston extender up and that will put the next set of stairs up here and then at the back we've got this quad piston extender which hopefully i can do making use of these sticky blocks if we can use the sticky blocks that makes life a lot easier oh and in case you haven't noticed yet i'm using netherright just because i can because this is the only time that i'm ever going to be able to use netherright without having to go mining for many thousands of hours i would say i have about fifty percent of the triple piston extender done so we've got the full extension and then also a little bit of the retraction and then all i have to do to get it to fully retract is this and then that so i need to fire this piece of redstone dust twice which seems really easy for some reason i'm struggling i think my brain is still a little bit frazzled from that thing that thing behind me i played a lot of minecraft today what can i say but thanks for a really interesting little circuit designed by omango which gives a five tick pulse which is the shortest pulse you can use for a double piston extender this whole system is now functional so you can see all of the stairs drop down and then this is all of the stairs popping up so now we just have these final ones to do which once again i'm hoping should be easy because slime blocks and honey blocks i have my fingers so crossed that they're basically parallel with one another facing in opposite directions they're very broken i have not checked how many blocks i'm trying to push here and it's too many all right all right all right all right i have a block that i can remove from the system here we go it's not my lucky day oh except i think it is because i was i've been silly and i haven't used immovable objects so there is still there is still hope for us yet please do excuse that error i know as i say i've been playing way too much minecraft today here it goes yes that ah there's only one word for that and that is that is chuffed i am absolutely chaffed it hasn't brought it down why is it not brought it down i got the timing's totally the wrong way around too much minecraft today now i know i'm doing all this fancy stuff with chainstone and i'm making interesting looking redstone contraptions with this new game mechanic but where it really shines is actually in its usefulness inside of redstone contraptions for example right here if i did this with slime blocks or honey blocks wouldn't be possible because that target would be would be dragged along it would break the system wouldn't be able to do it whereas here chain block allows it to happen i can push and pull this observer which allows me to connect up two different parts of the redstone circuit and i can only do that because the chain block exists that that is what makes a good addition to the game when it goes from just being a cool gimmicky thing to something that is actually genuinely useful and you have a use for it on a day-to-day basis i'm gonna level with you this is one of those redstone contraptions that even i don't fully understand as i'm rebuilding it you know i don't i don't really know how i managed to get this to function it just seems to work but it does now work that's the most important thing and it's one of those redstone contraptions that looks very very cool it's a bit of a circuit board in fact all the redstone contraptions so far in this video have been have been of the slightly interesting type and if we hit this button here look at that so we've got ourselves a staircase that pops up all connected up using chains and things and then when we hit the button again everything drops down into the floor this is very very cool this is very very cool very very cool so there we go that is my very brief deep dive into chainstone in the carpet mods that nem bomb has created i'll put a link to the carpet mod down in the description as well as nem bombs video on chainstone and also nem bombs video on the carpet mod because it explains all of the different functions of it it's a fantastic massive game changer and i think i want to round up this video by saying i genuinely want this in the game i see no reason why this shouldn't be in the game it makes sense it's so minecrafty it feels so minecrafty mojang if you're watching this for whatever reason go on minecraft 1.17 we've got the skulk sensor now we can have chainstone as well i hope you enjoyed i'll catch you in the next video see ya this has definitely been a fun one to record it's been fun diving into some slightly tricky redstone contraptions for the first time in a little while you know really challenging my brain getting it working and yeah just trying my best to solve problems a lot of problems all the problems every problem there's been so many problems
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,568,578
Rating: 4.9717402 out of 5
Keywords: What if Chains Actually Worked in Minecraft?, Minecraft chains, Minecraft, Minecraft 1.16: The nether update, Minecraft 1.16, The nether update, Gnembon, scicraft server, scicraft, Minecraft carpet Mod, carpet Mod, Minecraft chainstone, 1.16.3 Carpet mod, slimeblocks and honey blocks, Minecraft feature I would like to see in 1.17, features I would like to see in Minecraft 1.17, Minecraft 1.17, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Mumbo modded redstone
Id: cdXfX5L-_bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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