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okay he wants to get his five inches of fame you won't get that here mate i'm sorry hello everybody and welcome back to part three of me showcasing your abilities i think this series is actually here to say mainly because of this that actually happened okay just to see that look he gave me i've never felt so judged in all my life i'm gonna move now this part three is gonna follow the same line as part one where you actually sent me in your redstone world and i look around them unlike part two which was you sending in your youtube videos but don't worry console players part four will be me showcasing your builds in youtube videos so i hope that makes sense and um if you want to be in part four i will put all the rules in the description below and i'll put it on the screen right now so if you want to pause it go ahead just before we start again i just want to say if i do not show your wrestling build in this video that is nothing against you i always say this but i always get one comment saying why don't you like me or why don't you let me build it's nothing against you or your build honestly it's just random i had to pick a few at random and that was it basically i'm so sorry if i didn't show yours but like i said it's nothing against you it is just random but thank you so much for sending me all your wrestling builds it's so awesome now of course the next logical question is when is this man gonna be quiet so we can actually look at people's builds but actually no the question should be how did i get on this roof such as weird start to a youtube video now just remember this is not scripted at all this is me seeing your builds for the very first time so if i say nice 50 000 times and really annoy you i'm sorry i've tried to stop but it's hard everything's just so nice so in no particular order first of all we have max's suburban home which sounds cool i remember this comment because this person said there is lots of resident in this i'm really looking forward to it okay i can hear i can hear minecarts already welcome to mac's ultimate suburban redstone house built by tsmc minecraft redstone and interior by max fx gaming twitter twitter max fx gaming one enjoy there are papers for the code door in your inventory are there indeed aha wow that is some papers let's have a look at the house first that's a very nice looking house that's i just said nice again how do i get in do i press this button okay that's very very cool good looking garden we have our garages okay is this just another garage door going down yep oh it's all so exciting i love looking around people's houses in real life as well i'm super nosy it's terrible cave noises again leave me alone this is going to be a drop down swimming pool oh very nice i wonder if this is mine i'm going gonna check this later i wonder if this is my build or not that'd be quite cool okay and into the living room very sweet living room i love this floor there's a little kitchen very open plan which is everyone loves open plan hey cookies and pumpkin pie lovely anything through the painting oh that's a disappointment i don't know at the start it looks all so good okay this is like a little pantry okay very neat very neat anything through this one ah still no um i'm gonna leave the upstairs just for now oh this is cute i like this that's very nice i just said nice again little computer which is like me recording hello dining table hey that was cool i just realized i'm walking on our dining table i'm so sorry where are my manners let me sit up properly where's the food where's my food a little home cinema does this actually work it does that's cool oh i really love your interior choices here like the dark walls i really i said this in my last video didn't i i love gray walls and these i love oh this is my is this my automobile my car oh oh it's just for like when the car goes over it so you can jack it up and do work underneath that's a sweet idea i like that and that's your garage doors nice let's go those stairs which we uh saw earlier just being sensible for a second i really like this type of house because it's not full of redstone to the fact that you're tripping over stuff but it's just in there in subtle ways that make it really awesome i do really like this house oh another room that looks painful mister it looks like you've punched through the trapdoor through the bookcase are you all right what does this do neat very neat yes i like that a basketball court oh throw an item here any item that is mega i'm just gonna check these chests first compostables in here and output have i got any compostables yes i do i've got a cookie oh it's neat okay little composter that's very cool let's go down here oh i'm presuming that clothes wow this house just got 10 times cooler oh this is great this is well done whoever made this i can't remember your name right now but this is awesome oh okay another one this is the door i heart the door please insert id press button retrieve id and enter the door retrieve id go in what is it i walk through this door and then the cave noise happened ah that was terrifying open value vault this better not be a jump scare [Music] i think i might be wrong here but is that a fenix gaming build because he did one like that it might not be i'm sorry if it's not i'm not you know i'm not trying to say you didn't build it i'm just saying it's really cool but it looks like a fedex gaming build right let's have a fly around okay using a density for the roof for a modern roof with the um quartz lining what does you call this not a lining um edging i suppose it does look very nice it does look nice see i would never build something like this because i don't really build a lot of modern houses but as modern houses go i really think this is epic um what's that last thing i was gonna check and i've forgotten oh yeah was the pool is that sorry is the pool mine yes i think so yes it is that's so strange that's um what was it the first one or the second no i think yeah part one me showcasing your builder part one someone else use my pool people like the pool cool i'm glad you like it very very cool i love this so thank you so much again for sending it in that is so awesome so awesome now the next one looks like it's going to be a piano which i'm super excited about if it is and this is his whole western testing world but i think he just wants me to look at this piano wow youtube lin 10 gaming so do you shoot it to make the noise is it like do you get a bow oh that's not got snowballs they go down as well okay that just went from cool to awesome that's brilliant they actually go down like a proper key like a proper key [Music] wow okay now to test if this is a proper piano i've got to be able to play something okay that is a really really good job especially for having the keys to go down that's that's brilliant fantastic nicely done next you have something called the realistic elevator so i'm hoping for some proper realism here well that is a flat world of iron blocks pricey read me please in the instructions okay who is it by minecraft roblox plays i never know these two z's is it like an edgy way of saying plays or is it someone going plays and then falling asleep you know please hi this is the most realistic elevator i have sorry i ever made in minecraft i was definitely the first person making the most recent elevator micro bedrock uh this is his statement not mine i don't know this build will completely blow your mind it's gonna be a mind blown you can decorate this elevator however you like because this elevator is completely seamless sweet just do not use glazed terracotta on the floor and the ceiling on the other end of the elevator anyways i hope you enjoy the ride and feel free to look at my redstones by the way this is built on my ipad mini 4 built on an ipad very neat oh my god it's huge and the instruction went inside the elevator press one of the button on this side to go up or down when the elevator is not your floor press one of the button on the side to call the elevator and then wait whenever i please read the first paragraph above okay so basically he's saying press the button and if it's not there press the call button that makes perfect sense so presuming this is literally wow so this is a genuine seamless elevator with two flying machines i presume absolutely it's quick too that is rapid oh that's clever the glitching of minecraft is um showing you how you you're showing me how you did it very cool just from uh just from a redstone standpoint alone this is brilliant yeah it's being seamless whoa i've got to mention that no command blocks no i could tell youtube mr roblox pe oh here's an elevator on the channel go check it out yes if you want to build this go check it out on his youtube channel and also he has a twitter by the same handle oh that's so sweet i'm i'm really not the best but that's really kind of you and he's made a little bow tie i was wondering what that was when i was up there ah thank you mate that's so kind this is brilliant can i just say this is genuinely fantastic wow wow i kind of understand it i do i think i understand it but it's very clever yeah this is a quad quad flying machines or just one huge one and people say we can't do flying machines in bedrock to say i'm blown away is a little bit of an understatement it doesn't look like it's possible on bedrock and that is a huge compliment [Music] okay that was clever to stop the flying machine that's so clever i just want to say i'm a huge fan i really think you just earned yourself quite a few subs with [Music] and this know what there you are that was that was sensational now just going by the first few builds we've had this is going to be the best one in the series so far surely okay now this is a 10 by 2 piston bridge youtube by ca hafi 185 coffee cafe sorry for a bad decoration that's okay check out my channel sorry check out my tutorial on my channel please don't claim my contraption is yours for the bowtie man if you can say my name right i will send you another awesome machine if there's part four evil laugh anyone i'm gonna get it right ready let's have a coffee coffee cafe it's gonna be coffee coffee it sounds like i'm american saying coffee can i have a cup of coffee my best american accent not right this is my first 2x10 bridge on better addiction better on better condition i think oh i like it very neat oh it's good have a look at your redstone is this getting mad oh wow lots of repeaters i like it though how did you build this all out of quartz didn't you get lost i can't i can't do this some of you i know build your whole contraption in one color i just get lost if i do this this is why i have to have different colors on my builds kind of separates it and of course because it uses the um armistand trick it can be void in the middle which is brilliant there's no rest online connecting it apart from this tripwire hook yeah i thought that would work the cool down time is really quick as well like a lot of um large piston builds they have a have a cool down time so basically if a door closes or it opens you have basically a few seconds before you can open it or close it again but this has none which is fantastic that's very cool i like this yeah good job uh coffee cafe puffy coffee i'm sorry i can't help it i can't help it oh next it's got a mumbo jumbo picture mumbo jumbo mubo jumbo sorry cube hipster door oh this is the it's the cube door a mumbo made but for eventual condition nice and again this person's used dark blue the whole time how how do you do it right that's okay oh it's quick it's very quick it's also broken oh no it's not yeah okay yeah it's pretty good i think your pulse extenders may be a tiny bit too long there may be a reason okay i might be talking absolutely rubbish there might be a very good reason why it has to be that long but um yeah i thought your post extenders maybe a little bit long so if you want a challenge um whoever built this you didn't actually give your name did you oh no you haven't put a sign anywhere i'm not being stupid there isn't no sign here was there i'm sorry of course you know if you built this but um yeah if you can try and get it a little bit quicker i'd love to see it again yeah this is this is really cool i love this really good job i just realized i've got so many more to go through and i have i'm running out of time i've got i've got to hurry up i always do this spend way too long on the first few okay the under over door okay another under over door okay for bow tie man i'm a java edition youtuber but this is for you oh that's cool so you you're a normal java edition youtuber but you specifically made this in bedrock for me oh thank you uh youtube is plutonium plays and his twitter plutonium pc yes it's got a twist let me guess the twist is gonna kill me i was too fast let me walk i'm too quick hold on press f5 it's clothing me ah nice and never right really well done for this because if you're a java player you will know that java and bedrock behave completely differently so yeah really well done for this oh next we have a 5x5 hipster door now this we're getting serious now i know i can make it smaller but it's such a big door with lots of movement i really don't totally feel like it was such a pain to begin with with a version but maybe some other time yeah that is completely understandable by the way look behind you and there's his youtube channel there oh remove cover [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] whoa sorry my mouth again completely a gape it won't be fast but it's gonna be awesome okay it's pretty fast actually i take that back how long does this take you this is just so impressive and every retraction the higher you get gets harder more pistons having to get added to the mix down there no way a feed tape to go around that's so neat and he fell down in there then nothing bad so i'm not saying much i'm just i'm seeing your mouth open like usual when i'm impressed the speed is not the important thing with this other build it's just the fact that it works because it is so tricky there's so much going on right here now i know in the um rest of the community there's a bit of hate on honey and slime blocks but to be honest when things are like this i think i'd rather just go for slime and honey because i could not be bothered to make all of this this is fantastic well done oh wow i'd love to know how long this took you actually let me know um in the comment section below if you made this let me know how long this took you i think what what a second wait a second it's all gray [Laughter] how would you guys do it i will never know next we have one called bowtie man showcase in lovely bluish purpley writing i don't even know how you do that i presume it's something to do in the world file but yeah i don't know let's have a look oh hey bow tie man hello i've been watching our channel for two years now and i love it that is very kind and thank you very much for sticking with me for two years how do you how do you cope i watch it every day oh and you always make me happy so if you're in this world just remember you are the best guys you are just the best you're so kind press this button okay yes i remember someone they said this is gonna be a different type of pyramid door i remember or triangle door sorry oh that's quick i like that that's got a really cool opening closing sequence as well and they've kept it in a very nice small little area as well wow that's great that's really nice i love the opening closing sequences nice and quick and you built it right next to a mansion good for you did you purposely build it here just for the mansion question is did you get rid of all the mobs wait you've been in here you've been in here haven't you oh sorry getting distracted anyway excellent door very nice and quick and really compact as well great job and again thank you so much for that little message you gave me as well that's really kind i know i have um what 72 000 subs now which is a bonkers amount of people but genuinely one like or one view or one comment can make such a difference like that one did it was really kind of you so thank you so much all right let's keep this train going what train oh we're on a useless machine wow we all know how much i love useless machines right let's all look youtube the boat where's me [Laughter] you can't be called me place lever here sweet very nice i like that type of one when they come out of the ground yeah it's cool i like how you gave it a little bit of decoration as well just to give it its proper place yeah i'm really sorry i can't credit you whoever built this i mean credit to the bow tie man i suppose no so she made me want to build one of these now and on to the next one we are on for the bow tie man hashtag two so i presume this person had two builds but i chose the second one i don't know oh wow for a second i thought oh no you're not gonna make the fight the river and then i realized it's a wither powered cobble farm subscribe to oh no ak engineer i'm going to make a tutorial for this there oh nice for harry hey using my proper name i hope you like my wither powered cobblestone farm i never see this as a bug but at this point if you're making anything in minecraft be you have to believe that it could break at any time as much as trying to fix bugs breaking more than they fixed these are not my words okay mojang this person said there's not me i hope you like my farm and if you do please feature this in the vid of course credits farm by ak engineer 98 river cage by jx67 sand pusher by nashu bashu good name 99.9 lossless toggle rates 184 000 kabul an hour wow okay wow hold on a second so it's gonna see these rates for myself for a second that is rapid it's faster than the hopper oh my word that is very clever do you think this is a bug right now is it that's a shame actually because if they do remove it that would be a real shame okay let me just clear my eventually for a second is this going to fill my event trees the question plus all the ones down here yeah poppers are too slow for this farm i do feel a little sorry for the weather hello i don't think this would work in survival because i think the weather can break free from obsidian i think i might be wrong let me know in the comment section below but whatever no matter if it works in survival or not this is super impressive bonkers next one's called interesting okay is it going to be interesting is the question we'll soon find out okay it was close oh hello oh hello bowtie man hello since my build wasn't included in your previous videos i'm going to make this one so epic you'll be forced to put the creation in your video sounds turn turning up it is up don't worry uh youtube is oh no tasia pages is amazing or tj teachers is amazing oh no it's happening again pages pages is amazing let's leave it like that make this jump to conti you can't make that jump can you no it's too long isn't it yeah this is a troll isn't it yeah you totally flew it didn't you yes no worries just continue keep moving um i knew some someone was gonna do something horrible you didn't nothing came out of my mouth i didn't shout i didn't scream but trust me my heart went you evil person open this door i don't trust you now is this my throne [Music] oh no i've got an eye patch why am i have i got an eye patch oh i knew someone was going to be cruel to me with a jump scare yeah the timing's brilliant see when i saw this open when i saw that open i thought oh okay it's going to make me fall down into something but so when the unexpected happened and it jumped up yeah it's very clever i like it good job just decided i don't like you no i'm kidding my next is a wrestling bunker hello by time man harry this is my restaurant bunker it took a long time to make i hope you enjoyed some of your builds are in the bunker but some are designed by my own by my own and you can also see the redstone of the builds too they're not showing so break the box to see if you like it send a shout out and subscribe to yoshi gaming oh yoshi yeah i think i do know this person because they comment quite a lot pretty sure place redstone thing here it's my by uh trap door nice yeah nice little seating area here three chests with three oddly placed torches that's better what does this do okay this is mine as well i think is that the line block sorry set the lime block on the second lock to the top nice water elevator from the top and beds oh this is large wow goes on for ages auto brewing station cool uh item sorter very nice have a look at the restaurant on this one which designer you used my design hey nice very cool color changer right again i think this is mine my impossible fade tape a light switch is it just for the lights oh yeah yeah just just a um on and off redstone working station that's sweet i like that super smelter very cool oh wow there's loads in here diamond dispenser i have a diamond please trading center yeah that's cool the rest of the master throne oh i shouldn't be sitting on it again with the cave noises when i do silly things no i don't think i deserve to sit on the master foreign but but just for fun i might just oh my rock paper scissors mini game yeah if you've ever if you've not seen this uh go check out the video oh i lost sad times i still love this yay i won oh one next my next one next uh i've done all of these haven't i now yeah let's go through here now oh it's moving is this this is mine as well see everyone likes my swimming pool i don't know why this is mine as well have you copied this exactly as how i did it oh you have what a legend and in here an enchanting room that's neat okay this is my own design ooh okay so it's the two by two nice man bone jumbo why is there boat can i ask actually does anyone know that why did mumbo have boats and hoes in literally every chest i never understood why i know it was a running joke but was there a reason or not hidden pop out reading chair oh i like that that's cool oh i love it really good nice little bit of redstone there oh brilliant i think that's i think that's everything oh that's very cool no it's nice seeing actually all my builds in your build it was really nice no great job thank you yoshi now on the last few now now this one sounds amazing you know that little game you play on um google when it can't load and it's that little dinosaur apparently this is that game in minecraft oh yes wow does he have none of his name ah no oh hello oh here we are youtube lobster here we are step one press the button step two go under the tripwire hook don't go under the triple hook go under the tripwire and avoid obstacles step three don't die it was a reassuring sign when someone says don't die isn't it i press the button oh wow oh i like this does it carry on [Laughter] that's so cool does it get faster as well or is it i mean is it a little bit random oh i just made that oh it does it changes i think it's just this just shows what's possible in minecraft that's why i love minecraft because it's there's no other game like this yeah there are games of course where you can do other things but nothing is so creative and expressive as minecraft that i think this is brilliant look at this oh it's getting better it's getting harder oh i was so close i don't wanna know what happens when i do die yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna purposely die in a minute oh no i jumped too early oh no that's it that's pretty good i like that what a great job labster was it lobster yeah lobster awesome job i love it it'd be really cool as well actually um just a suggestion you don't have to do it but if you put a counter you may have done you know you may have done already but i just can't see it but a counter which tells you um your score somewhere maybe like a chest gives you a certain amount of items that'd be really cool i love it yeah very clever very very clever world's fastest six by six and again it's in funky font you know it's going to be good tied fastest six by six closing in 2.2 seconds and opening in 2.6 at only 4 400 blocks by eagle one wow wow wow you can tell someone who's really focused about compacting they have the numbers on their redstone dust they know exactly how much they've got the left i'd find it a little distracting when i'm building personally i don't quite like it but i can understand why you have it all right let's have a look oh okay oh fair enough wow [Laughter] [Music] wow that is rapid can i turn this texture back off because i think i'd appreciate it more about the texture pack sorry oops sorry wow that's absolutely crazy i don't know why i started doing a weird accent that's fan that is i'm sorry i just stopped saying fantastic as well but honestly that is super mind blowing see normally with this type of door i'm i like them but i would never build one especially in survival because they're just too slow when this one yes okay it's it's quite large but who cares it's so so fast and to be honest it's not large for a 6x6 it's very good it's really good such a neat door i can do this over and over again brilliant fantastic job yeah well done um eagle i won eagle one piglet one and now sadly we're on the final one now i don't know what this is going to be like so we'll have a look it's just called world for both iron man so um i have no idea there's detector made by me just walk forward i think i should have been in survival whoa okay for a second i thought what is this that's really clever sorry please subscribe to creation x xcat creationix cat for more great machines let me out how has they done this i hope you don't mind me um having a look what so i'm assuming it's either to do with the xp to triple hook but i don't think so or the tripwire hook doesn't actually detect anything being fired in front of it until i get close enough that's very clever whatever it is yeah it's odd i like it oh sorry no now this is actually the final build sorry about that apparently it's in this house wow look at that how quick and tiny look at that look at the redstone around that that is fantastic sorry oh by the way do you like my new texture pack now if you're thinking this looks exactly like normal minecraft it's because it is apart from glass wool and all the rest of the components because i want to make this just a very very light texture pack yeah let me know what you think about this in the comment section below i won't be removing my old texture pack from the old download links but the new texture pack we're just seeing now will be the new one okay being serious for a second can i just say a massive thank you for all of those builds they were the word of the word of the video fantastic thank you guys it was it was really fun recording this and um yeah i hope to do more in the future because i really enjoy it so like i said if you want to be in part four again all the rules are in the description below and again i'll put them on the screen now eventually in part four it's just it's just a lot of fun and now we have gone full circle i'm back on the roof thank you so much for watching if you did like this video please give us a like and if you really loved it make sure you subscribe with that wonderful subscribe button for more awesome content anyway i'll catch you guys the next one and i'll see you later
Channel: The Bow Tie Man
Views: 579,778
Rating: 4.8966994 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft BE, Minecraft, Minecraft Redstone, Mumbo Jumbo PE, Mumbo Jumbo BE, Bow Tie Man, Bow Tie Man Redstone, Showcase
Id: OqIripkQYWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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