Minecraft, But I can't stop Building

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minecraft but i can't stop building i think it's fair to say that minecraft is generally seen as a fairly relaxing game playing experience i mean sure there's the occasional creeper explosion but for the most part it's pretty chilled you can take your time finding the perfect selection of blocks to use for your construction you can take a moment to step back and have a look at it from various different angles and get a feel for the build that you're constructing you can really do things at your own pace and that certainly isn't going to be the case today and a big thank you to mspacedev for creating this data pack the idea behind it is really quite simple if i just start the challenge right now you can see that the countdown begins and i've got five seconds to place a block if i don't place a block within that time then i die if i do manage to place a block within that time then of course the timing gets reset down to five seconds again so i have to keep placing blocks every five seconds if i don't i'm dead i'm going to start things off with a five second timer because that seems just about manageable but i might speed things up towards the end of the video challenge number one build a modern house i'm incredibly nervous and i'm not entirely sure why i'm so incredibly nervous but i guess i guess we should just get things going okay here we go challenge has started and i'm thinking i mean i don't really even have a design in mind for this which is probably a little bit silly like if i was actually an intelligent human being i would have come up with something in some form of testing well beforehand that i knew was going to be reliable and i knew was going to look good but no no i haven't done that and currently all i've done is constructed a white wall maybe this is the technique maybe just build one big wall that's that's an easy way to win the challenge right how wide is that okay so that's that's that's that wide so it's three blocks wide now i'm thinking that can be our entrance and then like all modern houses you know you have this kind of overhang thing maybe we can create an overhang thing and then goodness me that timer actually does count down a little bit fast doesn't it i mean if you're if you're trying to do mixing up of blocks like i am here actually gets a little bit difficult i'm stressing and also you can't take time to look back at your build so i'm kind of going to be flying blind a little bit here especially as i'm not really a natural-born builder but i just want to get onto the redstone and the redstone now i'm realizing is going to be a nightmare my brain is is going a million miles an hour and i'm trying to work out what's going on maybe we could maybe we can loop it over maybe we can create like a p shape we are doing well though i mean a score of 250 and i haven't seen that timer drop down below four so i think as long as you have stuff in your hotbar it's actually not that difficult where things are going to get difficult is where i don't have the things in my hotbar or if i want to take a look at the build which i am going to want to do at some point in the very near future oh why did i choose glassbanes glassbanes are the most difficult things to place so we have this i mean that is that is okay well i guess i guess this is now going to be our entrance oh my goodness that does actually catch up with you doesn't it oh jeez okay so it suddenly really does kind of kick in when you have to move around or you want to stop and think about something that's where the five seconds is killer when you kind of have a rough idea of what you plan on doing then it's easy but as soon as you have any any moment where your brain stalls or you want to take some time to think something through that is not happening that is not happening i guess we should probably start working on a floor and by the looks of things yeah we're going with we're going with white concrete because that's what i've started placing and i don't really have time to change my mind particularly i haven't used any of my stone slabs so i'm thinking we have like a border of stone slabs here okay and then actually yeah we remove this we remove all of this this can be a second floor i'm adding things on the fly i'm adding things on the fly right this can be our second floor lovely lovely lovely now what do we want what do we want as the as the floor color for this area i mean i guess we could have clay as you can probably tell i don't really have any idea what i'm doing now what now what now what now what i guess stairs okay okay apparently we have apparently we have nether brick sofas and i'm now placing them in because i'm not entirely sure what to do what to do what to do oh that's where our bed is going now apparently this is the location for our bed okay and we are going to have some bushes so this this it's getting worse it's getting worse all right let's do a little bit redstone let's do a little bit of redstone okay i'm thinking we have a piston door right here and that's that can that can move these oh my goodness this is where it's getting really difficult um i forgot this is crazy i've actually forgotten how to build a two by one piston door are you joking me like i've how many of these have i built in my time how many of these have i built in my time a million i have built a literal i would i would argue a literal million of these things and yet i've totally forgotten how to build them right okay okay let's just let's get my mind back in order i can't help but notice that my piston door is really bad i'm actually perplexed i'm way more perplexed than i expected to be and i need a pressure plate i need a pressure plate oh okay okay okay oh does it work does it work it does work it does actually work it is totally off-center from the rest of the build i mean look at this look at this mess oh i can't take time to admire it though i i i i need to keep placing things right let's go when in doubt place bushes okay so bushes can go out here and this is a modern house so i guess it would also we would have yeah a nice a nice surrounding area and then i guess we can have we can kind of create an entrance to this thing which we can do making use of these like like like this maybe we can use some bone meal to make things better this is definitely making things worse i would say actually by quite a considerable margin but i think we can just we can stick with it a tiny bit okay maybe maybe long grass there as well and then yeah i'm thinking a little bit of clay running up to this this is i think i'm making things worse and my brain is is running a hundred million miles an hour and it's making it it's making it kind of difficult to do things right okay what else can we add what else okay i'd say if we add yeah you know some nice a little bit more more leaf action you know you can never have too many leaves maybe i might even start looking to add an extra section to this structure because you know maybe we could have another one of these coming up over the top i mean i can't even i can't even imagine what this looks like currently what on earth is going on here i mean it's not terrible i mean i wasn't initially planning on using clay i'll be totally honest but i panicked so i guess we are now stuck with using clay the decisions happen in the moment and you have to roll with the decision that you've made in the moment and those leaves those leaves are now permanently inside of there and i guess now i have to start working out what i'm actually going to do with this area so oh no i took too long i took too long i took too long so my plan was i was gonna make another portal in there that's why i was getting the obsidian i thought i had more time genuinely what is going on here what is going on here well i mean this is definitely something this is definitely something i wouldn't actually say i've done awfully i wouldn't say it's horrendous it's definitely bad but i wouldn't say i'm not actually as embarrassed with it as i was expecting to be challenge number two redstone build this is definitely going to be interesting it's also definitely going to be a lot more interesting because i'm going to set the timer to three so that gives me three seconds between block placements which sounds grim yeah that sounds really difficult but the ace up my sleeve is i'm going to be building a redstone contraption that i know very very well and that is the traditional three by three piston door at least i think i know it well i'm actually starting to doubt myself now no no oh no okay well that wasn't the finest to start let's try again i reckon it was the long grass that did it i reckon it was the long grass that did it right four two changing repeater timings doesn't affect the timer of course it doesn't i'm not going to sleep until i get this thing done no there's no lever oh my goodness all right i may i may regret saying that this is the one i can feel it i can absolutely feel it okay i almost missed the start of it i thought the challenge generally there's a countdown at the start but that one was incredibly short so that almost caught me off guard that would have been super embarrassing before i just died immediately right okay here goes here goes this i i can feel it in my bones you know when you can just feel something in your bones that something is going to go well this that's what i'm feeling with this one you know i'm i'm feeling good i'm feeling confident feeling good except i almost wasn't except i almost wasn't all right redstone up and over the top let's do this that's that and that should be the entire bottom circuit now all done and dusted so that is that is kind of like the double bass and extender and the block replacement system so that should all be good and these are all the blocks for the door so they should all be in and you know what we'll give this thing a solid front as well because that all tends to look just a tiny bit better we've got a lever in place now which is excellent oh he forgot about pick block i was looking through my inventories to try and find the one with my blue wool and i forget that i can just pick block it's so funny the things that you forget when you're under pressure because i am literally the pick block man like i will travel miles upon miles to pick block something so that i can but i think that works that has all worked now just out of pure curiosity that's all what if i set the time interval to two seconds and then try to build some form of flying machine if i suffer some enormous cardiac arrest within the next couple days then i think i would trace the cause back to doing this i got incredibly morbid incredibly fast didn't it are we ready three two one go oh boy that's i think i've gone about this doing the wrong way wow i've even lost the ability to speak but you know what i think i've actually done it i think i've actually just gone and done it so this is my little airplane [Music] [Laughter] that is absolutely hilarious [Laughter] i mean it is it is the most budget aeroblade i've ever seen in my entire life look the wigs aren't even lined up there's three on one side and two on the other but that doesn't even matter it was built with two seconds between block placements this thing is almost so bad that it's good i mean look it's it's taking part of the trees with it it's getting it's actually getting better and better as it goes along so this video has been incredibly stupid like really really stupid it's definitely up there in the top 10 stupidest videos i've done on my youtube channel but i've really really loved it and one thing that i feel like i should mention is that this data pack is designed to work with more than one player you can play it with multiple players so it could lead to some interesting competitions if people wanted to see that sort of thing let me know down in the comment section i hope you enjoyed and i'll catch you in the next video see ya i am tired after that let me tell you i mean i i occasionally run i'm like a hobbyist runner i'm more tired after doing this than i am after doing like a 10k run okay i have sweat dripping down from my armpits down my t-shirt it's embarrassing it looks awful i'm wearing a white t-shirt as well it's and i've just recently done the laundry and i'm gonna have to do it again it's awful
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,355,421
Rating: 4.9556589 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft... But I can't stop Building, Minecraft... But, Minecraft, But I can't stop Building, minecraft player, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft datapack, datapack
Id: o_SoioWDN_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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