Doctors, What Is Something You Have Had To Explain To Your Patients That Was Super Ridiculous ?

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people already to work in the medical field what is something you have had to explain to your patients that was super ridiculous and should be common knowledge i'm a medical student and earlier this year i was taking a history from a patient during a bedside tutorial where a senior doctor takes a group of us to see a patient together i was speaking to this man about his symptoms and used the word on to which he gave me a confused look i said it again and he still didn't know what i was talking about i ended up having to ask him if he had any pain in his dong while peeing in front of my classmates and my tutor keep in mind that this was a guy in his 40s same thing happened but i said urathra so i wasn't surprised when i had to rephrase i work an mri when we tell you to remove all piercings before your scan we're serious you can take out your belly button ring before you go inside the tube or the machine will take it out for you you'd probably remove it more gently than the machine though i don't work in a medical profession but i do work in another place where terrible diseases run rampant and staff spend every waking moment fighting them off a school there was nothing more bizarre than explaining germ theory to a teacher she honestly didn't believe that such a thing could exist she sincerely believed that sicknesses were caused by negative energy and bad auras and asserted that it was fundamentally impossible for something as small as a germ to harm something as large as a human body if something that small could even be alive in the first place she spouted off something about how a creature that small would be incapable of living for more than a few seconds because energy can only get so small a germ she did finger quotes could only hold enough energy to live for one or two seconds at most these are the people educating your kids for everyone asking what she taught grades 1-3 not exactly the kind of place i'd worry about a voodoo even needing to be brought up but it shook my faith in her ability to be objective about other things so i'm still uncertain i mean imagine if she was convincing an entire class of third graders that they do not need to wash their hands caring for a woman in her 80s had to explain to her that you don't pee out of your tea there is in fact another hole this reminds me of orange as the new black half an episode was devoted to female prisons figuring out that they had a tea and a urethra i'm a veterinarian and i don't understand owners sometimes i work at a clinic of a vet who's also a private animal nutritionist so sometimes we do house calls for special cases client bob's dog isn't eating well and he has no clue why i go over and ask him to show me his feeding routine for his dog he fills a bowl with kibble and the dog seems super excited to eat i crap you not he then goes over to the fridge takes out the ketchup and drenches the kibble at ketchup by this point my jaw is hanging open in shock and i can see that the dog has suddenly lost its enthusiasm for the meal i ask bob politely what he's doing and he's tells me that his entire family has ketchup on every meal i then spent the next 15 minutes explaining to him that his dog may not like ketchup on its food now the dog eats great i'm a miracle worker that just because you take medication that controls your ailments doesn't mean you don't have them anymore i ask plenty of elderly people if they have any medical history and frequently get no as an answer only to then look at their med list and find that they are on a dozen medications why do you take this blood pressure medication oh because i used to have high blood pressure nope not how it works that yes guys can be nurses too i'm a guy a nurse no i'm not a doctor yes maybe i should have been a doctor instead or maybe a woman paramedic here had to tell a 19 year old that she needed to change her tampon more than once a month she was in septic shock btw i'm a guy even i know you gotta change that crap out my sister isn't a doctor in chicago she once had to explain to a mormon couple on their wedding night how to freak the 19 year old man had taken his 18 year old bride into the year convinced his wife didn't have a tea she had to tell a mother of four that giving your children a heavy doses of vodka didn't not kill the bacteria in their bodies when they got colds she also had to report that obviously she had a very frightened 23 year old girl come to the are very afraid because she had found a growth in her crotch it was her [ __ ] when my sister was asking her how she had never noticed it before the girl responded my mom told me if i touched my area that the devil would get me the girl had lived for 23 years without ever touching or seeing her own tea i guess when she would wipe she would just blot the outside quickly or something [Music] a female patient came in and told the doctor that she has been bleeding every month down there thinking it had something to do with the birth of her daughter yeah i can't emphasize enough the importance of physical education [Music] birth control does not go in the tea unless it's a nuvaring then stash that puppy up there like you're saving it for later i get it there are other forms of t birth control i'm a pharmacist i'm well aware but do you really think that the people i've counseled who used combined oral contraceptives aka cox after the fact knew what those other forms were i was talking about [ __ ] don't put [ __ ] or pops in your hoo-ha till where unwanted puppies go two things one is take all the medication even if you feel better at day three and two you do not give your kid the leftover medication from part one when he has the same symptoms a week later i was very unclear myself i posted this on my break and as some have pointed out that what i said applies mostly to antibiotics but please listen to your doctor if he says finish your five or wee days just do it also i don't have an addiction i can quit whenever i want my mom used help herself to my prescription stuff when i was a kid whether it was to take it herself or redistribute it to my siblings if they had similar symptoms as soon as i was old enough to handle my own medicine i had to start hiding it and we fought about my selfishness for the duration of the prescription wanting someone to make you a cup of tea is not a good reason to call an ambulance for everyone asking yes i made the tea after a half hour blue light run might as well left to my own devices i wouldn't have made the tea i was a student at the time and was told to do so by my mentor in the uk social care is part of our remit so it kind of makes sense i once had a pet owner whom i prescribed prednisolone tablets for ear infection one week later i saw the dog and it was no better i asked the owner if she had been giving the tablets she said yes and i ask how she gave the tablets she promptly put the tablets in the ears of her dog wtf my wife is a postpartum nurse and on more than one occasion she has had to explain that the baby does not come out of your butt unless there's a fourth degree perineal laceration [Music] i work in a hospital i was getting some history from this lady when she told me she was allergic to epinephrine nazis adrenaline you know the stuff in ep pens at your gift to people when they have an allergic reaction to stop anaphylaxis reaction so i asked her what reaction she had the last time she was given epinephrine and she told me that it made her heart race and she couldn't settle down had to explain to her that that means it worked i had a lady tell me once that ep put her into anaphylaxis i just stared at her for like 30 seconds in disbelief before asking her what they gave her to treat it i work at a pharmacy and we get crazy questions all the time we had gotten a phone call from a seemingly distressed woman asking if we carried a larger size nuvaring my first thought was holy crap how big is your tea but i realize that there is only one size of nuvaring so i told her to come up to our help window and we can try to figure out what the problem was when she finally came up i crap you not this will most likely be one of the funniest things i have ever seen she comes up and she is honest to god wearing the nuva ring as a freaking bracelet her actual thought process was if she wore the nuva ring on her freaking wrist she could have all the unprotected freaking she wanted and be just fine the look on her face when we told her that it was a tea contraceptive she turned ghost white and gave a meek thank you and hauled butt out of the pharmacy i felt bad for her but i could not help myself from laughing tl dr read the directions on your prescription my cousin-in-law is a physician she had to explain to her than pregnant woman that maneuvering had failed because she was not in fact supposed to chew it up and swallow it a pharmacy student told me this amusing knee slipper a patient asked her if she could take two vitamin b6 soft jewels because her doc prescribed her vitamin b12 at least she could do math taking your medication which was prescribed as three times a day meant you took it three times day not how bloody frequent you felt like it [Music] when the doctors nurses tell you that it is a very bad idea to leave ama against medical advice you should take their advice several years ago when i was a flabbert drew blood i went to the nursing station so i could grab someone to follow me into the room the patient was given a clot busting drug tpa this stuff makes heparin look like child's play and i would need to have a nurse hold pressure on the puncture site for at least 5-10 minutes to see if it had stopped bleeding in that time the nurse told me stone faced that they left ama after that drug falling down could cause serious injury because you just don't clot at all he was back in the air a short while later another lady decided that even though she was in the aiku that since she got four units of blood and felt much better it would be okay for her to go ahead and leave number it's not okay that is stupid yes gonorrhoea of the throat is a real thing for clarification she thought because he had gonorrhea she could perform fellatio without catching anything please wipe your baby girls front to back and do not smear poop on her tee for clarification i have wiped a plethora of baby girls after they had a bowel movement in their diaper and while stool can get in every crevice i always thought that wiping away from the tea and not smearing more stool into that area was a given if i don't do that teaching now when the child is a baby it will not avoid all the utis and tea infections she'll start getting around three years old or younger and a lot of times adults don't know the front to back thing so part of my job is address this and this isn't something i have to explain other than please don't do that but i had a patient on depo pro vera and had passed a large clot on the way to the office her mother put it in a ziploc bag to show me and and why a clot would be that big and i was pretty horrified for clarification as with every situation i handled it within my scope of practice and elevated it to the physician and pharmacy interns but it turned out there had been a similar situation with one of her other daughters and the mother had been asked to not bring the clock to the office during a nurse-only visit she should call to be triggered by a nurse and at that point would be told whether it should be brought into the office and how to do so because depending on if this was a consistent occurrence and depending on what physician they saw whether or not to bring it would differ and certainly it should not be in a ziploc bag wedge being one's wallet and cell phone that part should be common knowledge because one it's gross too there is number two it's just gross and lastly if you are allowing your partner who has an active herpes outbreak use your ostomy stomach as our pleasure himself you will get herpes at the site of the stoma for clarification i don't remember if it was a colostomy or an aniostomy but a stoma is regardless a portion of the intestine brought to the outside so fesses can empty into a bag attached to the stomach site stomas are delicate and have to be cared for constantly so that makes the whole penetration of it a bad idea to begin with but the patient's reasoning was she didn't want to have vaginal intercourse and get herpes so if he fricked her stoma she'd be all right as an aside since some have asked you can still shed virus and transmit herpes when it's not an active outbreak with blisters and sores but transmission rates are much higher when in an outbreak people who think their conditions don't count as medical problems because they're being treated the number of people who say no to the question do you have any medical problems at all who then list all the drugs they're on however my favorite isn't a genuine ignorance but the way my friend deals with idiots by pretending it's simple ignorance when taking a history from teenagers young adults and asking if they're active in their private lives yes and are they using any contraception no he lights up and says delightedly congratulations you're trying for a baby it's awesome they're all like no no i'm not yeah you're freaking unprotected that's how you try for a baby congratulations no look i'm not trying for a baby you are that's how you have a baby congratulations i've heard him do it a few times and it absolutely cracks me up and it gets the message home [Music] number 17 year old mother of one that you just had a c-section does not mean you cannot get pregnant again use a condom or you know something at our clinic everything is free when i was 18 i had to go to the doctors because of a hemorrhoid whilst explaining treatments the doctor said something along the lines of you need softer stool i was extremely confused until he finally told me that stool meant poop i just restarted your heart on the ground in a liquor store yes you do need to go to the hospital still i know you were on your way to go fishing yes you absolutely should skip that and come with me to the hospital yes i'm serious no i didn't just cure you also having to explain to someone that shooting h directly into his knee joint was probably not the most efficient means of taking the drug 36 year old 650 pounds man in with his second heart attack he wasn't allowed to eat for 12 or so hours before his open heart surgery he and his wife worried that he wouldn't get enough vitamins and starve to death he died on the operating table but not of starvation sad trombone my mother is a registered dietitian she had an obese patient who would bake an entire batch of cookies for lunch and eat all of them by herself every single day among other recommendations my mother told her that she should try to eat just two cookies with her lunch instead at a later date the same patient came in for a follow-up she was still gaining weight at an alarming rate so my mom asked her again about the cookies her response i did what you said i baked the batch into two cookies and eat them for lunch she was literally making two massive half batch size cookies considering them to be just two cookers you need to brush your kids teeth when they are young and cannot or will not brush their own teeth if not the teeth will rot and need extracted [Music] one no smoking and cannot cure your diabetes please stop saying you did you're in dka right now and you haven't stopped smoking right okay then stop saying that two you're not allergic to ibuprofen you just told me you take martyrin every day stop three you do not have a 10 inch mass in your stomach at least not anymore the ct scan would have showed it no our machine is not broken just stop four taking fifty tyler is not an accident stop five you can't pop the veins in your dong from coming to hard well i guess you could because anything is possible but i'm telling you this did not happen to you six you just told me you masturbate every day with the shower head on full blast don't you think that may be why your clitoris hurts try taking a day or two off no the pharmacy doesn't just have to stick a label on it we have to call you back over because you said you've filled here before when you haven't call your insurance to get your info because you lost your card call the md to figure out why he wrote for a strength that doesn't exist change the med because you have an allergy to it and didn't tell the md get your insurance to pay for it make sure it won't kill you then stick a label on it patience goes a long way in pharmacies go eat something for an hour and come back dentist here i had a patient ask me what all the greyish white stuff was on her teeth after she brushed them the answer was toothpaste no herpes isn't a death sentence you got it from freaking someone who had it you didn't freak did you have ferlatio yes fellatio counts no it's not curable no it's not aids no look you're not going to die from this yes you have to tell your wife yes you have to be honest no it's not aids conversation with a 30-something man living can be worse than dying for some i work with hospice care and initiate a fair number of end of life discussions and some families just don't understand what their loved one is going through a nurse i used to know travel to the middle east to work in a small village for four months she had dealt with a couple who had been trying to get pregnant for three years turns out he was freaking her in the butt the entire time they both thought the tea was only for peeing i had to explain to a patient that his hiv diagnosis didn't mean he had aids it was actually really touching to explain he didn't have a death sentence over his head never saw that guy fall again always think about him [Music] my friend's mom is a nurse who counsels people on getting pregnant she once had a couple come to her and say they were trying too hard for a few years but nothing was working tests are run on both and they're medically able to make a baby they start to discuss ivf and the word tea comes up the couple is visibly dumbfounded turns out these people have been trying to conceive by the man getting an erection and just resting his dong in the woman's belly button until the erection goes away friend's mom had to explain the mechanics of freaking tattoo-grown 20-somethings three months later pregnant note this was in the early 90s so the internet wasn't what it is today the people came from very conservative christian backgrounds and had never taken a physical ed class c abstinence does work i'm a sonographer whilst performing a 20-week morphology scan i had to reassure a hysteric mother that it was in fact a normal and good thing that baby had two kidneys rather than one and here i thought basic anatomy was common knowledge [Music] that their urinary bladder is where p is and that when i say i need it full please don't be before the examination i'm a firefighter paramedic and we ran a call on a man whose wife called because she had seen a bug crawl inside her husband's ear he's complaining of burning in his right ear even though his wife insists the bug crawled in his left ear come to find out she had sprayed insecticide in his right ear thinking it would flush the bug out of the other ear i had to explain to a full grown adult that our ear canals are separated by a brain [Music] i worked in a clinic on kandahar airfield in afghanistan almost everyone works out at one of two gyms and they have bleach cavity wipes everywhere to clean the equipment before and after use some people are lazy and didn't wipe the seats before they used them to get to the equipment first and of course mrsa and other infections were rampant so one day there was this guy that came in saying how he had a blister just below his gluteal fold bottom of the butt's cheek for those curious he stated how he was going to the gym for weight loss and was having some great success but had some spotty to me meant lacking kim hygiene the blister could be described as dew drops on rose petal appearance with no signs of punctures yup herpes people don't understand that cleaning gym equipment is really important against spreading disease especially in austere environments also what constitutes diarrhea just one loose stool means you ate too much fiber and don't need meds to stop it any stds number any medications i take convert it and what do you take that for it's for my hiv infection this isn't the most ridiculous thing more just ignorant but it drives me crazy when people list allergies for things that they don't have an allergy to i'm allergic to codeine okay what happens when you take codeine it makes me nauseous and lightheaded it just wipes me out side effects equals allergies embarrassed to admit this but when i was pregnant i was that patient i went down a really bumpy gravel road and was worried that i gave my baby baby shaken syndrome also after i successfully pushed her out during child birth i was dumbfounded when the doctor told me to keep pushing i was so confused i wasn't pregnant with twins apparently it's common knowledge that you have to push the placenta out i just thought it fell out did not know it needs to be pushed had to explain to a mom that it was definitely not a good idea to pour shots of alcohol down her 16 years nose to get her to stop having a panic attack dad owns a hospital that does bariatrics weight loss surgery so a morbidly obese lady had her stomach stapled to reduce the size of the stomach this should lower the maximum you can ingest at a time thus causing you to lose weight one hour after surgery the patient's boyfriend sneaks in potato chips and haagen-dazs ice cream the patient crushes up the chips and melts the ice cream and gulps it all down in excessive amounts this causes her stomach to explode about two hours after surgery she put the blame on the unaware nurse and thought that she was following a slow liquid diet l d nurse nurse midwife here people are really really ignorant when it comes to reproduction and how their bodies work and whatnot me putting the stretchy belt over mom's belly that holds on the fetal monitor dad but how will the baby breathe if it's over my wife's belly button what me putting in the foley catheter drains urine when mom has an epidural mom if you're putting that in my hole then won't it block the baby coming out you have three holes ep hole is separate from baby coming out whole if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 36,442
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, doctor, doctor stories, medical, medical stories, had to explain, doctors
Id: Yiye9iIRlqs
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Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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