What Happened When You Died In Your Dream?

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most people wake up when they die in their dreams those of you who manage to stay asleep what happened in the rest of your dream after you died I once got a capitated in a dream and had my head thrown in a canyon my thoughts were along the lines of wait how am I supposed to get back to my body now I was stuck in that dream for another few minutes and spent the whole time confused and a little aggravated I had a falling dream and I let myself hit the ground nothing happens obviously I just looked around for a few seconds once I was on the ground I thought hey Wilson died supposed to die or something and that moment of interpreting the rules of dreams while in a dream got my brain going and I woke up for real I wanted to keep going something similar happened to me only there was allowed boring noise and my limbs and head flew in all different directions I always thought it was that your brain has no idea what dying feels like so it just wakes you up because it doesn't know what else to do I fell asleep cramming for a neurology exam in my dream I decided to blow my brains out because dream reasoning time slowed down as I pulled the trigger and I could tell where the bullet was in my brain based on which parts were shutting down the last thing to go was my tactile senses I was weirdly lucid the whole time and I awoke after an eternity of nothing the whole thing was oddly peaceful I haven't fallen asleep while studying since I sometimes have nightmares when I die and I wake up from the nightmare without knowing that I'm still dreaming this will usually happen about four or five times until I'm actually awake this happens to me two off together with sleep paralysis because I become aware of the fact that my room seems slightly off and I panic only to wake at a new level still in my room I have reoccurring dreams where I die and become a ghost and have to try to find some way to communicate with people usually it ends up just being me following my friends around unable to get their attention a lot of times everything is muffled and pale kind of depressing the other night however I had a dream that I died and then just kind of reformed next to my dead body and the rest the dream was me frantically trying to dispose of this body because I knew I wouldn't be able to explain that it was my own body since you know I was alive eventually I chopped it up and put it in garbage bags and dumped them in a pond but then someone riding by on a bike stopped to yell at me for littering they looked in a bag and saw the body and freaked out I pulled a pamphlet out of my pocket and handed it to them and it was the details of my own funeral and I was like yeah turns out I'm dead hope to see you there and they were like I'm calling the police and I got so overwhelmingly scared that I woke up having an actual full-blown panic attack that was pretty wild oMG I am dying here the part where you're frantically trying to dispose of this body because I knew I wouldn't be able to explain that it was my own body had me belly laughing so hard everything was dark but I could still hear the voices of everyone around me I couldn't move or anything I could only listen for the remainder of the dream that's exactly what happened to me dreamt of being a soldier in a war got shot in the head everything went dark and for the next what felt like five hours I just heard plane sounds and gunshots and random voices shouting medic and crap freakin lazy brain when I die in my dreams I just respawn near wherever I died or I become a sort of disembodied spirit then possessed the nearest person I had one dream where long story short I was in a giant space station that was going to blow up and I didn't have time to evacuate with the rest I realized I was dreaming and simply reversed time so that I could help evacuate people but give myself enough time to get out unlike before whenever I realize I'm dreaming I just automatically wake up dream I was walking on the edge of a building when I lost my balance and fell when I made contact with the asphalt it felt like I was shoved really hard I got up as a crowd of people are running towards me I try to tell them that I'm okay only to have them run past me I turn and see my twisted body on the ground women are crying and turning their heads away one man pulls out his phone to soon call 9-1-1 that's when I woke up I've only had that dream once in my life and I will never forget it I had a dream where I died and became another person but it wasn't like starting a new life I was just thrown into some random kids life at like age five or six I was killed by the chick from the ring and then everything went bright and warm like laying in the Sun with your eyes closed it was very peaceful and comforting then I had the thought that I had to go back so I kinda respond she killed me again and I was back in the warm place the cycle happened two other times until I woke up but if the afterlife is really like it was in my dream ten stroke ten would visit again so I was with my gf walking through an alley at some point I see a guy trying to rob another girl so I try to do something about it we argue and fight and then I get shot in the head I see red and as my eyes closed slowly I can only think dang what a dumb way to die I keep hearing stuff and then nothing I can only see black and so I think what when I slowly opened my eyes again I'm in my bed a bit confused but glad I didn't die stupidly in an alley I'd been murdered and my spirit remained on earth amongst the living I followed my murderer hovering above his head never seeing his face but following his every step I witnessed him stalking killing his next victim it was not a good dream okay here's the full dream I had it when I was in middle school but it freaked me out so much I never forgot it I was playing in a field with a steep hill near our house a place where there isn't actually a field and I was playing near the street but my family was hanging out at the top of the hill suddenly I see two military looking guys leave a house nearby and get into a GEEP they drive right up to me as my family is yelling hey get up a hill get away from the street but I just stand there the guys pull up in front of me and one points a handgun at my face at this point my dad has run down the hill and grabs me like literally picks me up they have a little standoff where my dad moves me left and the guide turns as gun left toward me and then my dad moves me right and the guy points the gun right like when you're trying to walk past somebody and you get stuck and it's awkward finally the guy just shoots me in the head and they drive off and my dad just goes dang and slings me over his shirt for the rest of the dream I'm watching my dad walk around with me slumped over his shoulder he carries me back up the hill and my whole family just seems annoyed about the situation my mom says something about paying for a funeral and so all four of them parents and siblings pull on balaclavas and run into a bank right behind them where there isn't actually a bank and the dream ends with my dad running in to rob a bank with my body over his shoulder that dream haunted me for awhile it was just so weird to see this going on and everybody was so cold about it I wrote it down to remember because I wanted to make sense of it but idk that it really makes any sense at all I was a soldier in World War one American we were in a barn in the countryside somewhere about ten of us I can still remember the smell of the man that shot me close-range in the head I'm summarizing a lot because it's a long story I've never forgotten his pick marks face everything went black and I crumpled upon myself and I could feel the warm blood covering me I couldn't move or speak that I could still hear and smell my comrades were yelling and screaming until the automatic gunfire broke out and everything slowly went quiet than all senses faded to nothing I always thought reincarnation was absurd until that point woke up in a pool of sweat and jumped out of bed haven't been the same since I truly believe it was a memory not a dream oh my god I don't think I've ever been able to smell in a dream I can imagine that it did change you in some way to experience what you did it was so scary I literally woke up crying in my dream I actually saw my own funeral watching my family mourning me as I was trying to comfort my crying mother only she obviously couldn't see me since I was in spirit form I actually remember the details of everything I remember them bringing my open casket into the funeral room I was put in and I remember the feeling I was the dream as I was hesitating whether or not I wanted to look at myself I ended up looking at myself and I was so scared I drowned in a dream for the first time quite recently after I had been struggling in the water and was overcome by the waves as my lungs filled with water I felt myself stop moving or breathing and my brain sort of fell asleep then for what felt like an age I just heard the crashing of the waves around me after that my view of the scene was no longer first-person but a sort of aerial view where I saw my corpse wash up on the shore before I woke up feeling traumatized I clicked respawn and turned to creative mode and killed Freddy Krueger ten-year-old me like horror movies and minecraft hello fellows uma I think I died in my dream one time and stayed asleep it went something like this but not exactly because I don't really remember is she dead I think so what happened she fell off a roof Oh everything was black all I heard was the voices the voices sounded completely calm and not sad at all I have only died once in a dream and honestly it was the best dream I have ever had I often used to dream that I am drowning and I always fight it in a panic and eventually wake myself up this time I decided to heck with it I had the panic and fear and just decided to embrace it I took a huge breath in her water and the pain was overwhelming but didn't last long soon I was just watching my dead body floating in the water what I was left with was the most peaceful and rested feeling I have ever had it lasted the entire day after I woke up this was years ago and I want so badly to have that dream again but I have never once had a dream that I was drowning since even though I used to have them at least weekly I haven't found a single thing in life that brought anything near that sense of calm I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad I've had a few dreams where I died and each time it was like nothing happened just back I had an inherent sense that I knew I was dead and my body was semi-transparent but otherwise I could talk and interact and everything is normal lol I appeared in a pitch-black empty space and the words game over play a game play again illuminated in front of me I tried to mind press both player game buttons but neither worked you just needed to insert a quarter I once died after being shot with a freezing gun it was horrible I felt the cold instilling and I slowly died after that it was all dark I remember thinking this is incredibly disappointing as there wasn't anything else after I went to heaven and threw scissors I had this dream when I was in kindergarten so I sadly don't remember much of what heaven was like I did at they separate you by age I had a dream that I was an astronaut and a few other astronauts and I were a entering orbit we weren't able to slow down at all because of a spacecraft malfunction so we quickly realized that we were going to die the instantly altitude read zero km my perspective immediately shifted from first person to third person and I watched us all get obliterated from the impact our deaths repeated a few times like a broken record then everything soon faded to black in my dream I died in the North Pole after a meteor hit the earth and destroyed the atmosphere then time sped up and I saw the earth changed in third person I woke up hundreds of years later in the ocean and swam to land only to find that like a colony of cockroaches humanity had somehow survived they couldn't set foot in the sunlight but they lived the bastards I had a dream where I was shot in the head I had a conception of my conscious self as a sphere that began contracting and dropping with increasing speed while this was going on a tape containing every thought and experience began rewinding with the speed increasing at the same rate as my conscious self was dropping my consciousness reached a low point after which it started rising and expanding as this reached its apex I had a sense that all the secrets of the universe were about to be revealed to me still in my dream I opened my eyes and was disappointed to find I was still alive I had that dream 40 years ago and still recall it quite clearly it just kinda morphs into a new dream like entirely unrelated I fell off a cliff and now I'm on a planet made out of rollercoasters and my dream self just accepts it sometimes if we said so and I have to try the thing that killed me again those ones suck cause it just keeps repeating and I wake up very stressed it's only happened once I got hit by a car and my leg broke off coincidentally the same place as my birthmark so the body fell and I remained standing an ambulance arrived and they put my body in the back and drove off I then proceeded to follow my body to the hospital my parents entered at the same time but instead of following my body like I thought they would they went to the pregnancy ward forgot the name I followed them out of curiosity when I followed I noticed my mother stated to glow and the light would pull the along and get brighter the closer she got actually giving birth just before she gave birth everything flashed a bright white and I woke up holy crap in my dream I died by a bomb explosion everything turned really bright like pure white blinding me then I was dead but it was kind of Chell I could still do almost everything normally except I had to communicate with people through writing I think they could see me I distinctly remember I knew I was dead so it wasn't a new dream or anything was fascinating since I'd expect to have woken up by such an intense dream death I died in a dream the same way but in mine after all the bright light was gone I was in heck and the rest of the dream was of navigating heck so this planet crashed into Earth and obliterated everyone on earth it was just pitch black for like 20 seconds and I realised I had died my body started to put itself back together like what dr. Manhattan did in Watchmen and I believe a new dream started because I was suddenly on this other planet I knew I was dreaming when I saw the planet crash into Earth and I was trying to wake up but I just couldn't I think it was because I wanted to see what would happen or I just couldn't I just kept sleeping everything felt like usual when you sleep with no dreams then later I wake up to go pee mmmm I did my dream flash watch then head back to bed the two times I've died in dreams and not woken up it was kind of like an out-of-body experience it once from beheading once from getting shot in the back of the head can't remember I could see the rest of the scenes play out once from above once from our level of the following days were very heavy dissociation days suspended over my deathbed watched my parents pulled the plug then a priest grabbed my hand and led me to a chapel he told me to climb into a casket and he shut the door it felt like I'd move away far from my family and friends I remember sitting in an upper bedroom with a farm house filled with confused strangers I was a little sad but peaceful I mostly just sat and watched the trees out the window I woke up feeling bittersweet about it all I stay in the same position I died in the dream that is if I fall off a building in the rain I stay laying on the ground feel the pain for a while until my body only feels cold or if stabbed and dream I'll feel the pain and then slowly feel more and more empty always ends with me watching my dream continue without me until it's time my body lets me wake up my pals always tell me I have hissy dreams because I control and feel everything and will wake up remembering everything down to how the weather in my dream felt I sort of died in a dream once I knew I was dying and my heart started racing I thought that's weird I always thought I wouldn't feel afraid not because I'm spiritual or anything but because the actual mechanics of the body shutting down should theoretically make feeling fear impossible past a certain point in the dying process well as soon as I had the thought my heart slowed and I felt very calm and I was like oh okay there we go my heart rate got slower and slower until it stopped for what felt like a long time in the best deepest sleep ever but then I thought dang I can't die yet I've got stuff to do and my heart started again and I woke up wondering WTH had just happened it was absolutely the weirdest I've ever had I got to watch my body from a third person point of view for a bit as creatures appeared and started to eat my corpse I didn't like that so my dream reset so I could try whatever I was doing a game I ended up dying another way and watched more monsters showed up the weirdest part was that it didn't feel like a nightmare or anything more like that frustration you get from failing at a game a few times well I had this odd dream where I ran towards a nuclear blast death was oddly slow in the dream but once I was gone there was darkness then I started hearing a random conversation between two people I didn't recognize my mind usually switches to another dream after the scene turns black however once I turned into a ghost and crawled out of my body in time to see the murderer walk into the room I turned into a ghost next dream sequence was similar but I was ready for it and avoid in dying it was very vivid I still remember it clearly most recently had a dream where dying initiated a reboot of what happened before since it was a dream it was moreover a mix than a reboot I still remember that dream from my childhood I got killed by a velociraptor but instead of waking up I woke up within my dream and I was aware it was a dream and I spend what felt like a long time just walking around my neighborhood with some friends waiting for my dream to end so I could wake up because it was boring just walking around in my dream usually I'm just there is a ghost I can see my body and people reacting to it but I can't actually interact one notable time I started the dream by dying and spent the rest of it trying to get people to notice me before finally getting through to a friend otherwise I just see darkness with the golden four-pointed light shining in it similar to Bo TW is opening fine ormally die in my dreams but three things always happen one I am reborn and have another chance to stop it two I become someone different example I die and then take the perspective of someone else in the world usually the same person ever time 3:00 I stay dead and simply continue my dream as an observer these usually mean that I will probably wake up soon I watched my own funeral in sorts once if you could did that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: dying in your dreams, dying in your dream meaning, dreams, what happened, dreams you can remember, still remember, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: tBmbMQO2hE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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