What Is The Creepiest "Glitch In The Matrix" You've Experienced? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you've experienced not me [ __ ] my dad was coming down the stairs at home and was calling for my dog Katie he has a female voice reply I am over here when he round the corner the stairs have a turn in them and faces the source of the voice my dog is there looking expectantly at him he was certain that it was me playing tricks on him but he and the dog were the only ones home at the time but we still make fun of him for it but he was so shaken by it there's been other weird happenings with the dog so maybe she's just haunted or something a couple months back I was driving on the highway to get to work when I suddenly got a nasty feeling in my stomach like something very bad was about to happen I was following a big dump truck at the time I had no idea why but suddenly had an urge to get over to the left lane not half a second after I did this dump truck hit a pothole going 70 miles per hour and a huge freaking rock launched out of the back of it bounced of the payment and whizzed right past my right mirror I'm 90% sure that thing would have gone through my windshield and killed me about 15 years ago I was walking in Union Square in San Francisco with my then girlfriend it was a cold December day and it was very crowded we were both walking behind a woman and her child I was looking at her boots and for some reason I had the feeling that this woman was not of this world I can't really explain it and when I looked up at her she turned around and glanced at myself and my gf at that moment I became dizzy and disoriented my GF said well at the same time others made the same expression around us my GF remarks that she thought that the woman was not a normal person it was the strangest experience I've had I felt as if the woman did something to disorient us too we would no longer pay attention to her bizarre I was at an Art Fair in the arts district of the city I live a lot of the artists they use old warehouses as their own art studios me and my girlfriend walk to get to the very top floor of one of these warehouses after checking out almost every studio no one seemed to care to go up that far in building we walk into this big open room with only two people in it one was a woman in her mid-20s she was a photographer with all her pictures and stuff on the wall and the other was a skinny older guy probably about 60 my girlfriend and I were looking at the photographer's photos when she whispers to me it's kind of awkward and creepy up here we should go we turn around to leave and the older guy says to my girlfriend here this is from him for your birthday soon he hands her a picture of an old fashioned bicycle when of course of exactly what she wanted from me for her birthday which was in about two weeks from that point my girlfriend is shocked and I asked him how he knew and he just replies with a shrug we're then leaving he then says be on the lookout Ian Owen points to his glasses a month later she got a job offer as an optician we still talk about it this it was absolutely insane I don't even believe in psychics or anything I once got onto a train at a small train station in Utrecht thinking it was going to Amsterdam Centraal then just as it takes off I realized the one I'm in is actually going in the other direction it only goes straight ahead for about five minutes driving at regular high speed but then it's very first stop is somehow the exact same small station in Utrecht and when I step out of it I'm the only one in the train who gets out here and in the exact same place where I stood before I got in well then I just took a different train which did finally go to Amsterdam I still don't understand it this happened a few years ago when I was studying abroad and born Germany we had the weekend off and were traveling to Amsterdam for a few days by train I had three of my friends with me one of my friends and I went to stand in line for the bathroom about halfway through the journey there's only one in front of the surra little girl very black hair wearing a frilly dress and a cute pink bow tea in her hair she's like four and I assumed that the older woman behind her is her mom so the person inside comes out and the little girl goes in by herself about ten minutes pass and the woman in front of me knocks on the door nothing we give it three more minutes in the lady says she's worried about the kid and opens the door she is not there there is no window no other exit it's small very similar to an airplane bathroom the door wasn't locked even though we all distinctly heard her locket I then realized that this woman wasn't to her mum and the three others kind of stared each other dumbstruck but never found an explanation for it I used to ride my bike to school when I was a freshman in high school one day after a heavy storm I was riding my usual route through the parking lot of a local restaurant I thought I saw some money on the ground so I stopped and looked first there was a $20 then another $20 some singles a $5 and finally a $50 I was shaking as I picked up all the money and looking around to see if I was on a hidden-camera show or something I picked up my bike after shoving the money in my pocket and rode off to school later that day when I got home I counted all of my new loot and baskets in my good fortunes but fast forward a few years I actually work at that restaurant now as a bartender as a bartender at that particular restaurant you get to take your cash tips home with you at the end of the night so I had a particularly good night and figured I would go to the bar next door for a drink as I'm leaving the bar it was raining really hard and I was fumbling with my key to my car and finally got in and got home and passed right out from the long shift I woke up the next morning to find that my earnings from the night before were missing I figured I must have dropped them in the parking lot when I was fumbling with my keys I went back to the parking lot and looked around but to no avail all in all I lost you guessed it $2 20s a $5 a couple singles and a $50 after I got over the fact that I just lost about $100 due to my own stupidity I was seriously weirded out at the idea that there may have been an infinite loop of me giving myself 100 bucks factoring in inflation you actually came out ahead so when I was younger I lived in a Cove cul de sac with other families who all had kids my age one night in the summer we we're all playing kickball out in the cove it was Twilight outside so getting dark fast but still light enough to see the sky and all out of nowhere we saw massive bird in the sky I'm not talking about an eagle or something not common in my area anyways but a huge bird with a wingspan of a Cessna we all looked up and saw it but nobody said anything we eventually all went inside when it got dark and no one brought it up I saw one of the guys that was out there with me like 16 years ago recently and when I asked if he remembered it his eyes got huge and he thought he had imagined that when I was a kid I got this plastic connector that would let me connect to soda bottles mouth to mouth the point was you put water in one bottle and then turned it over so the water would pour into the other bottle and make a cool whirlpool in the process I had green food coloring in the water too so one evening I was messing around with this toy and putting in small beads and crap like that then I put in a quarter a quarter is almost the same diameter as a soda bottle opening so it fit no problem but the plastic bottle connector had a much smaller hole smaller than a dime the quarter would swirl around in the Whirlpool for a bit and then land in the connector and block the hole stopping things abruptly this went on for a few flips and then I got a really good spin the quarter was going super fast right in middle of the whirlpool I remember feeling disappointed that that spin was going to end as the quarter sank towards the connector but then suddenly the quarter was clunking into the lower bottle I took the contraption apart right after to see if it was broken but the hole though the connector was as it had always been still smaller than a dime despite 2/4 somehow having passed through it my mom shut the car door before my leg was out I said our whatever she turned to me and robotically said I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry tilting her head a little differently each time like she was stuck in a loop then she snapped out of it and continued to go in the house almost like she had no idea what just happened bro your mom's a cyborg one Saturday afternoon the wife was out shopping in to the gym didn't know exactly what time she would be home I decided to take a nap in my recliner sometime later I'm sound asleep and I'm awakened by her yelling my name from the front porch I opened my eyes and shout back yet I distinctly hear her yell open the front door thinking she had an arm full of shopping bags I yelled back ok be right there I hop up out of the chair walk the 10 steps to the front door open it no one there I go to the garage thinking I misheard her location no one there she didn't get home for a few more hours I actually started worrying that I was going to find out she was in an accident or something but she was fine crap dude you let it in when I was in school I had this hippie teacher who would always tell us that the universe can help if you just ask it but she told us one time her daughter had lost something very important and when she asked the universe to help she suddenly had a massive pulling feeling towards the sink she walks over and immediately stuck her hand down into the garbage disposal and pulled the item out in perfect condition so I think it's total BS of course but later that day I was searching for a thin little booklet that I really really needed for school I spent three hours looking for it and had no luck finally out of frustration I almost sarcastically said I need your help universe I immediately walked over to this bookcase filled with books from my stepdad I had never once used the shelf or any book on it I grabbed a random book I've never seen from the middle of a huge pile I open it to somewhere around page 200 and right there is my booklet smashed in between the pages it was incredibly thin so you couldn't even tell there was anything and there if you looked at it from another angle I'm sure there's a good explanation but it's been well over a decade and I still remember the incredibly freaky vibe I got the moment I saw the book I once parked my car next to a gray Toyota Highlander the person had left their overhead light on so I pulled the door handle to see if it was unlocked so that I could turn it off for them the instant I pulled the door handle a car alarm went off not the car whose handle I just pulled but the one on the other side of my car then car a gray Toyota Highlander not the creepiest but definitely made me exhales sharply and then walk away confused was riding my bike when I was a kid looking down at the ground in front of me suddenly looked up and realized I was about to clothesline myself on a tree branch I closed my eyes out of fear and was utterly surprised when I didn't hit it I stopped and turned around branch was still there right of chest height and the tire tracks from my bike went right under it it was low enough that I couldn't possibly have ducked under it and to this day I'm convinced that it's somehow phased through my body mutant powers often first manifests during moments of stress I live in suburbs Ville Midwest couple years ago I went to our local courthouse to print neighborhood ordinances so I'd know my new shed would be okay it was a quaint old building never been there before had an authentic old timi feeling it's important to repeat I'd never been to the courthouse in my life until that day on the way home I randomly stopped by the video rental to pick up a new flick for my kids real steel robot movie I knew nothing about the film other than robots and sort of positive reviews it opened with a guy walking into a courthouse something wasn't right it looked too familiar I shouted pause the TV and read the name on the building it was our tiny Midwest courthouse that scene was filmed in our little town and I had no clue I'd walked in that building two hours earlier for the first time in my life you'll never understand how strange that felt I rented a movie that literally opened by tracking my movements two hours earlier in the middle of nowhere I was sitting in my car with just my dad and I distinctly heard my sister who was at home say are you guys almost home I'm scared in a very specific concerned tone of voice two seconds later my dad's phone rings guess who's on the line my sister she said are you guys almost home I'm scared in the same concern too not voice I was pretty freaked out many years ago me and my gf were sitting in front of a bar one night with a view on the street it was located on some guy on a moped drove by turned around and got off the moped now this was in a period of my life where I had deja Vu's all the time and I had this I've seen this before feeling again so I decided to share it with my gf for once see that guy with the moped he's going to park it at the streetlight P against the wall across the street and then drunkenly cross the street towards this bar where the bouncer will deny him access I finished the sentence while he was still walking with the moped in his hand and my GF looked at me with a look of what's wrong with you then he parked the moped against the streetlight walked to the wall started peeing crossed the street and got denied access by the bouncer every last thing was right and it was the most terrifying thing I've experienced in my life but luckily it never happened again how to get to all the girls one no one one night my soul watched me slowly walk past the open living room door pausing to look at him briefly before calmly walking out of the front door as I didn't even register an acknowledgment when he spoke to me he assumed that I was sleepwalking and walked out of the door behind me only to find that I had vanished at the time we lived in a first floor flat apartment and the only way I could have vanished so quickly was to have fallen or jumped from the window in the communal hallway that he looked out and I was nowhere to be seen by now he was completely freaking out and ran back into our bedroom to throw on some jeans and shoes to look for me it was around 1:00 a.m. he was in PJ bottoms at the time he found me sound asleep in bed exactly where I was all the time he woke me up more frightened than I have ever seen him in his life visibly sweating and clearly very upset never figured it out to this day but my money is on some type of lucid waking dream he goes completely ape if the subject is even raised because as far as he's concerned it was real and normally he's one of the most hyper rational people that I know I had a fricked up dream that I was a 40-something mother of three and my husband just left me I felt like I lived months in this woman's life I was served divorce papers applied for jobs bought like ten sacks of potatoes for the kids to eat and refused to eat so they could eventually the mortgage was a few months later and the bank foreclosed on the house the children and I lived in the streets I remember being thankful that we were homeless in Florida so the weather was warm it felt like months passed in the dream we were dirty and hungry and sick one of my children got so sick she ended up dying I remember the excruciating pain and grief that I felt it felt like I was a hollow shell and there was nothing left to live for I've never felt anything like it since and my father and all my grandparents have passed I role since I woke up crying and still grieving for a child that didn't exist I was depressed for weeks because I missed her I was an 11 year old kid living in Illinois seriously the weirdest thing ever I have so much sympathy for people who have lost a child because I feel like I've felt that when I was 10 or 11 I had a similarly vivid dream where my family adopted a boy my agent we became best friends in the dream we grew up together played football and baseball went to college etc it all felt like he was real life until I woke up and looked over to where he slept into the dream and realized it wasn't real spooked me for a while this happened to me just recently my girlfriend's sandals were in the middle of the floor of the living room and I picked them up telling her that I was taking them to the shoe rack in the mud room on the way back I stopped for something in the kitchen for maybe five ish minutes but when I walked back into the living room the sandals were sitting side-by-side right in the exact same spot I picked them up from I was sober as a judge and she remembers everything the exact same as I do the kicker was that we have a camera in the living room upon watching the footage I did indeed bend over pick them up and walk straight through the kitchen to the mudroom stopped in the kitchen on the way back and then walked into the living room to immediately look down and see the same shoes I just put away the spot on the floor was occluded by a table so we couldn't actually see the sandals on the floor in the footage we were both seriously freaked out but right about the time we realized we just witnessed a glitch we got a phone call and someone knocked on the door so we had no time to keep thinking about it summer while in middle school watching my grandparents house with my mom while they were on vacation hot day out in the front yard washing my woody the woodpecker Honda mountain bike cuz I'm 14 in the crap grandparents live in a cul-de-sac this little black girl maybe eight twelve years old walks down the hill into the cul-de-sac in a pretty but plain white dress barefoot only looking straight ahead I don't pay too much attention but also kept watching she gets closer to my grandparents driveway and I stopped washing my bike I get a weird feeling she walks straight up the driveway didn't even look near me walks into the open garage and disappears around the corner I ran after her gone all the doors and windows were open and my mom was cleaning the house I asked where the girl went and got a crazy look mom had no idea what I was talking about the backyard is fenced so she couldn't have gone anywhere that back out front to this day I have no idea if it was a ghost or what I think about it a lot row I had this happen once one moment you're talking to them right there and then you get distracted by something else you go back to them since you want to tell them something and go after them and they are nowhere to be seen it's strange all right I was walking home from school in elementary I looked up and the crosswalk lady was there along with the people who walked home on its same route crosswalk lady handed me some gum which I pretended to eat then threw on the ground stranger danger when I looked back up everyone was gone there was no crosswalk lady no other children and the gum I threw on the ground was gone and it was dark out I panicked and rushed across the street and get home but then when I crossed the street and looked back it was light again and everything was back how it was before not so much creepy but I was talking to a friend a few years ago about her son she just had a really bad morning with him acting up and was really upset she was saying that she was a terrible mother and that she didn't know what to do I said of course you're not a terrible mother you've done a great job with Oscar and you'll do a brilliant job with the one that's on the way she stopped dead and looked at me in shock how did you know that she said I only took the test this morning and I haven't even told my husband yet I genuinely have no idea why that came out of my mouth or how I knew when my dad's mom was still alive she used to live with us and oddly enough it was always me who found her whenever she was in trouble she was obese and had a bad hip and also a habit of falling out of chairs we never had the best relationship I didn't like her for some reason that I don't know can't remember I was a weird kid I guess still I always knew that she loved me one day after school I came home to find her just standing by the window looking at me but also sorta looking right through me if you know what I mean I just knew that something wasn't right so I called my mom who called an ambulance it turned out that grandma had a stroke she managed to recover at the age of 86 I call that determination holy crap anyway and my name was the first word she said after the stroke had left her mute I felt so bad since I was very cold towards her most of the time fast forward a few months maybe even a year she falls down and breaks her arm which leaves her bedridden shortly after she dies a few days after the funeral my parents went to the Graveyard to leave some candles and didn't tell me once I realized I was home alone I was pretty scared because I still remembered grandma's corpse in the nope and not a nope nope I went into the living room and even though I knew that there was no one in the house I shouted is anyone here and I swear in that moment grandma's stress ball tsingy a squishy ball she was given to squeeze after her arm had healed dad put it on the TV after she had died fell right off for the TV there was no way that anything could have moved the little yellow ball from its place on the massive old television when my parents came back I told them what happened and my mother joked that it was grandma telling me that she is still there keeping an eye on us it's been eight years since then I hope my grandmother still does watch over us and I hope she knows that I am sorry for not being a better granddaughter drop the cap to my toothpaste once and found it an hour later somehow it ended up in my bed I once dropped my phone down the side of my bed couldn't find the bastard thing anywhere next morning I'm at college just sitting there and it starts buzzing in my pencil case still confuses me to this day in my room on the second storey sitting on the bed I hear a noise outside my window it sounds like someone clapping their hands together but with the volume turned up to 100 like louder than a human could ever make that noise and it's clearly outside the house I'm wondering if a tree branch breaking could possibly make that noise and just about to get up and look when I hear it again not quite as loud but just inside my room over in the corner and again at the foot of my bed right next to my frickin air I jumped about a mile everyone I've told this to have said it was probably the house settling or somesuch but if you heard it you wouldn't still think that it was super creepy and I thankfully never experienced anything like it before or since got on a train once it was completely different than all the other trains that ride at particular railway no automatic doors you had to open and close yourself interior was really really nice and old-fashioned there were even drop-down tables from the seats in front I got worried that I had got onto some kind of first-class train and that I'd get slapped with some kind of charge for not having the right ticket of course this doesn't exist there were other people on there just normal-looking people it only stopped at the destination I was going to which meant like a 50-minute journey with no stops the route it went wasn't even the same I've never seen one like it again at that station back when I was 18 my best friend and I were riding our bikes through the suburbs late at night but we were riding from the beach back to my house which goes Beach car park main road houses Park houses my house we had just crossed the first section of houses then the pond then we had just started crossing through the second bunch of houses when we experienced a freaking time walk back to the footpath that ran adjacent to the start of the first section of houses I'm not religious but I'm pretty adamant that Jesus frickin Christ himself picked us up like chess pieces and put us there we'd been riding side by side but in silence until then then I said something along the lines of holy crap did you feel that too which he responded yes and explained the exact same feeling as I had before I explained to him but still wigs me out so hard to this day this one is kind of lame but when I was a kid we'd go to my grandparents for holidays and my uncle would always show up in his yellow Jeep Wrangler I love that thing because he would always take us for rides with the top down and do a little off-roading and it was a lot of fun had conversations with my uncle and many other family members about this yellow Jeep after a few years my uncle shows up in a red Jeep I asked him if he got a new one and he looked at me like I was crazy I was certain he had never had a red Jeep so I asked my family if my uncle was messing with me and they all acted like I was insane that he had only ever had a red Jeep very minor thing I know but it was just weird and made me question everything I saw for a while it was like someone opened up console commands in Skyrim and just changed the color of the car real quick once had a premonition that saved my life and another that saved my job while living in China I was driving my electric scooter on a road that ran along a river my left turn was coming up and I had to cross traffic from the bike lane I looked in my mirror and over my shoulder and there was nothing there it's in my mind a bus nailed me so I held off a few seconds and sure enough the bus that I never saw blew right past me and then I made my turn that was nice when I moved back to the US I was working at my desk my boss was out of town okay I was on imgur in my mind's eye my boss burst in and said did you miss me she was kind ler alone and in this scenario she saw I was on him Guren flipped out back to the real world outside my mind I shut down in ger and YouTube and brought up real work in a few moments my boss Burstyn shouts did you miss me and I got to just say hey I thought you were out of town weird stuff a while back I was sat at my desk under the window it was an attic room so the window was slanted above me and it started hailing and one single hail stone landed on the table in front of me the window was most definitely locked shut so I am convinced he'd passed through the glass not sure if this counts but this experience changed my life I struggle with sleep paralysis and as a narcoleptic I deal with a lot problems with sleeping however one experience proved two extremely disturbing as I was slipping from consciousness into sleep in what felt like a timeless moment I started to lucid dream now usually in lucid dreams I'm aware and that's great because then I'm undeterred in my imagination however this experience was different I heard voices not uncommon for those with sleep paralysis but these were different voices than I have heard in the past in an unknown language still decipherable in English in a some inextricable way I could hear people talking as if they were at a control board the voices were giving a training session of me they were saying that they should pay attention to my eye movements in order to understand how to maneuver me as if they were running a simulation of some sort I never had the experience again and I'm sure it was just some hiccup with my narcolepsy but had really screwed up my a day after I had snapped awake there's this particular pavement I sometimes walk down during my lunch break there's this particular location on this particular path where if I'm engrossed in something else at a time like checking my phone I'll suddenly glimpse something in my peripheral vision and flinch as if I've realised at the last second I'm about to walk into a low-hanging there's nothing there at all nor is there anything in the immediate area that could be misinterpreted as being close to the path it's happened several times over the past few months always in exactly the same location and only if I'm completely not expecting it I compare it to the hitchhikers guide to flying fall to the ground and accidentally divert your attention elsewhere at the last moment so you forget to hit the ground and I'm fairly sure I've discovered a wormhole I've seen many people mention this but when I was younger I would dream and it would be like just a usual day then like weeks or months after I'd have a day exactly like that down to a tee conversations lunches et Cie and it freaked me the freak out like I was dreaming about that all day I'd forget about it than I would live it I don't have any like specifics however I remember the feeling when I realized like my heart would just stop and so would time for a second and then it was back to normal but this happened to me a week ago I was visiting Berlin with a friend first night there we took the train back to our hotel got on the wrong one and subsequently got out again at the next station Austin HOF so we got out of the wrong train looked up which one we can take from there waited five minutes and got on the train we had to go exactly five stations doing a little chit-chatting about our evening we arrived like the first station and just before the train was coming to a halt I suddenly got a weird feeling I looks out of the window and couldent II really tell what was wrong when my friend looked at me with this insecure expression and asked isn t this the same station where we got on this train a few minutes ago I looked out of the window and indeed the blue sign on the platform's eros van hoff and the station looked exactly the same as the last one obviously we were really confused after this we got off the train and searched for all kinds of possible explanations but we didn t come up with anything eventually we did find a way to our hotel with this event left us puzzled for the rest of the week and it was the weirdest glitch type of thing I ever experienced kind of mild but still creepy to me a couple years ago a co-worker and I are going down the stairs after work we're on the fourth floor so it's like eight short flight so it doesn't take long at a certain point walking down the stairs it occurs to me or it atleast feels like we've gone down more than eight flights like we're looping we could just chalk it up to mind-wandering being tired it's 11 p.m. but almost as soon as I had the thoughts I see the door to the parking garage and my coworker says hum that took longer than normal that's Amara 64 crap we got going on I was waiting to pull out of a parking lot when a person drove by in a car that was the same model and color as mine blue 95 Saturn and the driver even looked like me after I got out on the road I caught up to him and he had my license tag number I had it memorized because the first three letters happen to be a mnemonic he sped up and ran a light to get away from me I have a couple but I think this is the most odd one I've been living in my house with my parents and brother for about six years when this happens you know how you just get used to the creaks and sounds of doors opening just because you've been there for so long we have this garage door that's makes a lot of sound when it's being opened on this particular day my dad was at work and my mom and brother had taken off about 20 minutes prior to this event I was on a social media site Twitter I think and I was just hanging out in my room alone and I hear my garage door opening so I decide to get up and walk to the garage door inside my house to see what my mom and bro had forgotten as I opened up the door there was nothing just a clear view to my driveway but as soon as I opened the door a gust of wind pushed its way in and all the T vs. in the house turned on I knew it was all TV's because there was that particular two-second lag from room to room and it was loud enough to hear it the interesting part was that they all were on the guide channel you know for new users and stuff I didn't have a threatening feeling so I closed the garage and began to walk back to the bedrooms and suddenly all the T vs. turned off this happened to my parents they took a trip to Germany one year before they had my sister or me just exploring old towns and seeing my mom's extended family well one night in one of those old towns they were walking down a street suddenly a huge marching band came around the corner they were playing music and such but it was just strange because it seemed like they were doing this for a parade but there was no one else on the street the band continued down the road until they turned the corner my parents just stood there for a few minutes confused finally they went over to the corner where the band had gone the band was nowhere in sight and the music was gone my weirdest experience like this included a good friend of mine back when I was in sixth form so 17 going on 18 I had a dream that I had to go visit this guy in hospital I didn't know what was wrong with him just that it was pretty serious and it was to do with his balls yes weird I know in the dream his father was siting on the hospital bed with him in it hospital gown and all and I spoke to his mum and stepdad about what to expect and all that so I go into sixth form the next day and think what a funny dream I'll tell him he's sitting there with his then-girlfriend mate I had a weird dream last night that you were in hospital and I had to visit you but get this all I know is there was something wrong with your balls they both go white and his girlfriend's just says you should tell him turns out he had found a lump and had to get it checked out thanks God that it was just a cyst though when I was little I saw something appear in my room at night it walked into the wall and disappeared left a hole in the wall I could see through my wall into the hallway and into the open linen closet the edge of the hole looked pixelated but this was in the 70s hole closed up wall was intact filed under WTF and kept it myself till now I was watching my five-year-old twin nieces play one day they were on their big wheels one girl was going one way the other girl was going the other way then without saying a word to each without looking at talking or acknowledging each other they got off their respective big wheels switched and continued going in seperates direction the hairs on my neck stood on end that was some freaky crap when I was a kid I distinctly remembered two movies down to certain exact scenes the thing is these movies went out and had not even been confirmed out yet I remembered some of Ghost Rider to which I asked my parents to seal the time and they would be confused because it wouldn't come out for about another seven years the other which I remember better was cats versus dogs too or something like that the first and second movie were about dogs and cats being spies and fighting each other this was one of those movies where they gave actually dogs and cats voiceovers I could remember exact characters and settings my mom was very confused when we saw the movie for the first time and I was disappointed cause I knew what would happen when I was very young I was playing with my grandma's cat I chased it around the house and when I got to the kitchen it ran towards the door that leads from the kitchen to the hallway when I got to the door the cat wasn't in the room I was confused and opened the door the cat was sitting on the other side this all went down in just a few seconds the door was closed so the cat did not open it I was completely convinced the cat just teleported right through the door still don't know how it worked it probably used a cat dimension portal I have had some weird out-of-body experiences as a kid to the point where my parents sent me to the docs neurologist to have some tests done I remember the first episode I had in a Greek restaurant with my family it felt like I was having an out-of-body experience but I was simply waiting for my food to be served it happened a lot as a kid and has gradually less and less as an adult the best way to describe it is as if I had a VR headset on I was looking at my life through someone else's eyes the feeling makes me question life as in is this real life or is it a weird matrix seeking that I'm watching acting in it's ripped with my head for a long time until I sort of came to terms with it then it used to happen and I'd almost look forward to it in a weird sort of way it would only last less than a minute and it would sort of bring a bit of perspective on things I don't know it hasn't happened for a long there used to be this build-up feeling like I could feel it was going to happen that feeling has happened once or twice in my adult life but the actual event hasn't happened for a long time I'm sure it will happen again in the future maybe I'd love to know if anyone else ever had something similar as a kid without the matrix or via headset references I couldn't describe the feeling to doctors or my parents and it used to freak me out so much now it would be much easier to describe I get this it's horrible it's like you become incredibly self-aware and your vision is kind of recessed inside your head super unsettling so my father died when I was 14 and ever since then I have always kept his funeral card folded up in a sleeve in my wallet one of the sleeves that's hidden behind your head slot anyway seven years later I'm walking to the store with my friend and the route we take his kind of like a big oval that leads from my house to the store and back that friend of mine was a born-again Christian type of spiritual fella so naturally during the walk he was talking about God in miracles and stuff like that we were smoking a blunt during the walk so I was just quiet smoking and listening not once did I take my wallet out or open it or even put my hands in my pocket we reach the store my friend buy another Dutch master and we head back note that the way back is the opposite side of the oval path that we took to get to the store with many blocks and twists and turns in between so we are a few blocks from my house and we are extremely high and he starts talking about some really deep crap all of a sudden I stopped in mid-sentence because I see a folded funeral card in the distance on the floor that fit the same color scheme as the one I had in my wallet but it was too far to see any other detail I stopped my friend and I take out my wallet to check mine and it's gone I walk over to it and pick it up and it's my father's funeral card I had not walked near that area in days and had not opened or taken out my wallet that entire day how it ended up there I will never know you have been visited by the science dojo upvote now and you will get high grades and good results within the next week if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check out another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: YN7qwu2NxU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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