What happened to your school "Bad Boy/Girl?" r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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what happened to your school bad boy girl lots of meth she posts photos of her newborn boy and calls him her sexy little man [Music] like it was straight out of a movie he died in a car crash the night of graduation not sure how this happened but there were three bad boys on our football team all players and all very good looking they cast drank smoked all the time and were constantly getting laid or at least telling everyone they were right around senior year college they each went through some change and are all now born again christians no partying less cussing and none of them talk about women in an objectifying way it's great but kind of unnerving in a way alcoholic missing most all his teeth usually in between jobs in either lawn service or pest control has custody of his kids cause he's the good parent she's dead od right out of high school she was a bit of a goth smoked in front of the school smoked pot behind the gym graduated valedictorian went to stanford on a full ride scholarship my biggest bully in middle high school ended up going to prison funny thing though my mom worked in that prison and they got to know each other when he got out he found me and apologized he later got a job at a local taco bell and whenever i came in he would always add a bunch of free stuff to my order i haven't seen him in almost two decades but i know he became a dad i actually hope he's doing well edit just looked him up had three kids a wife and is a contractor now i'm glad he turned it around i did too wow just checked in on this a day later and my comment blew up glad this made some days got a girl pregnant abused killed the baby and he's still in prison 12 plus years he's not the best younger brother but what can ya do school bad boy when i was there was my older brother drug dealer played in a metal band general smartest and [ __ ] he flunked out of college after two semesters and has been waiting tables since then he turns 30 this year and the girl he's dating now is the first one who stayed with him for more than six months she's super cool actually but like five years younger than him they have a couple dogs smoke a lot of weed and play a lot of dnd last i heard from him he was escalating a feud with his neighbor by putting a plate and a half worth of loose cooked spaghetti in her mailbox short and killed two fellow students behind the publix across the road so now he's in prison edit for people wondering where it was in roswell ga he got arrested for spray painting a wall and happy ending he went back to school and got into uni edit no the painting did not have a happy ending his story did i guess i was bad boy in high school two of the girls i dated called me their bad boy faze years later i thought i was so bad too because i didn't give a rit about anything and broke every rule i thought was stupid then i got sent to a school filled with kids way worse than me my graduating class was around 20 i think i maintained the same attitude about everything but somehow graduated i was considered a good kid in that school because i did half my schoolwork and i wasn't shooting up or partying every weekend anyway now i'm closing in on 30 i have a good job 65k a year quite a bit in the ital city i live in and just bought my dream car i'm currently sitting on my couch typing this in an awkward position because my cat decided to go to sleep right where my arm would go sorry if that was poorly written i just did shots with my grandmother over skype for her birthday edit lots of questions the car is 2019 honda civic type r i'm an operations manager at a plant my grandma is amazing and i have many more stories but i fear i may have doxxed myself and will be deleting my account when i get home thank you we had a couple myself included i think there was about eight in total i'm all that's left the rest are dead or incarcerated which one one became a serial killer my wife dated him before all that once doing life for a contract killing three are dead they were bangers two are in mental wards i was a hood banger back in the late 80s early 90s grew up in new mexico there were very few of us that became productive members of society i got caught for banned judge gave me a choice jail or job corps i took the latter met my wife shortly after and she taught me what it means to be a real man father human being he's an eggplant farmer literally edit ree all the questions of how one would be a figurative eggplant farmer i have no clue what i do know is if you asked me what i do for work and i said i'm an eggplant farmer your first thought would probably not be that my field is aubergine husbandry he wasn't the quintessential bad boy but did drugs drank got arrested for drugs total partier always nice to me and we were friendly but that whole scene just wasn't my thing that was 1981 and up until 2013 wondered whatever happened to him found out my daughter's new boyfriend was his son i was very relieved to find out that shortly after high school he realized he was going nowhere fast cleaned himself up and started a successful business thrilled to say that my husband and i share two beautiful grandchildren with he and his wife and i couldn't be more happy about it did it thanks a lot to the kind redditor that gave me my first award ever you stefans too thanks for all the very nice replies a rumor went round school that he was messing around with a 13 year old at 16 she fell pregnant he got done for statutory rape her parents pressed charges and he went to juvenile detention he married her anyway once she was legally able to get married although i believe they divorced shortly after and he became a grandfather at 31 presumably because the daughter they had also felt pregnant at a really young age went to prison for selling drugs to minors about a year after he left our school the one that comes to mind forced his ex at gunpoint into his car and then drove to another state cops eventually caught up with them and then he shot himself in the car i feel really bad for the girl he had kids early still lives in his parents basement i know y'all are not going to believe this one but the bad boy super jacked dude dude bro blonde blue eyes jock that got all the women well he's doing gay porn at a professional level these days so there's that he's doing fine though the bad girl that everyone was in love with not me at the time though she turned out to be a very sweet person with an abusive dad and that made her be so rebellious and edgy back in high school well she um she's my ex-wife now so there's that she's doing fine though i was a bad girl i was very academically gifted but had a bad home life so i smoked cigarettes and weed drank a fair bit of vodka basically did everything i could to rebel against authority i once threw a heart of blood on the principle animal blood long story ended up getting kicked out spent two years on the streets with a bad drug habit and surviving through six work had a massive od turned my life around worked in transport logistics now at 30 i'm at university studying computer science engineering i'll be 34 when i graduate i'm fairly certain one of the prominent and popular bad girls at my school ended up as a prostitute a few years after graduation she kept posting about how people should come get massages at this sketchy spa she worked at downtown she also kept posting about her modelling career but all the photos were behind a pretty steep pay wall so i'm pretty sure that was porn anyway i read in the news one day that this spa she worked at was raided by the cops and the owner was arrested for running a prostitution ring she suddenly stopped posting after that [Music] it's funny in some aspect just about every classmate of mine was a bad kid many went on to college or have kids but many others have struggled out of 55 12 have died we graduated high school six years ago my school's druggie burnout slain ups hijacking suspect was a cyan armed and desperate violent felon two bad boys both brothers a few years apart the younger one started some sort of legitimate business think roy from the office and seems to be doing extremely well the oldest is literally homeless and constantly begging for money on facebook it's really sad drugs drugs and brain damage in middle school there were these twins who were both really cool they had a band one did drums while the other sang and played guitar skated occasionally got in trouble with the law but for really small things a few months ago i was taking a bus when i saw them get on they were clearly homeless and one of them kept whining to the other that he needed his fix he passed out and his brother half-heartedly puked into his hand eventually the bus driver saw one of them i had you not stripped down to his boxers to get some non-puke stained clothes on and told them to get the duck off the bus told my folks about seeing the twins apparently they've been in and out of jail for years other guy did karate with in middle and high school and was a sweet guy who had a bit of a temper and was a bit of a troublemaker i saw him on the streets we were both in our mid-20s but he looked like he was pushing 40. he talked slow one side of his face trooped even when he smiled and he walked with a limp i later found out that he was an on-and-off heroin addict and had been in enough fights that he was permanently brain damaged jay is dead 10 years now and nobody thought he'd make it as far as he did bad boy is now manning the front desk of the local dry cleaner bad girl got married got divorced and is desperately trying to get married again but everyone is taking a bite but nobody is buying last i heard of him he was totally his dad's car and was kind of a running joke around town not my school but one close by i married her she's an amazing mother to our kids arrested for attempted rape my school's bad boy girl never got traction but the [ __ ] popular guy is now overweight and balding and recently hit on my at the gym i was an awkward band kid and grew into a very pretty lady duck you chad for real his name is chad i had a few of them some of them are really crazy but one of them seems to have calmed down a bit and i hope he's doing well in life because he kind of deserves some good luck himo two died of opioid overdoses in the third died in a front-end collision while doing doughnuts in a roundabout apparently just looking at facebook he's now a nerdy hipster who frequently donates to various charities in high school he was a seam metal kid who had a pawn shot for beating up his many girlfriends who the duck knows i deliberately haven't spoken to anyone that i went to school with since he got a girlfriend girlfriend dumped him because he got into too much trouble then started a gang that said no to relationships until they get to high school i think it's hilarious well the school [ __ ] is now a nurse in austin tx she did well for herself as for the bad boy he is still in law school at the university of virginia i just realized that i'm nowhere near as successful as them and i feel sad now girl was way out of my league asked her out have me a laughing no last i heard she got five kids from all from different baby daddies i grew up no idea what happened to my male counterpart one bad boy died of a drug overdose in his twenties leaving a four-year-old son behind yet another bad boy moved to the usa rape at least one 14 year old girl and has been in prison there for years one bad boy and one bad girl became pregnant in grade 12 and married the weekend after graduation they are still together and are fine upstanding citizens from everything i've heard happy ending he's a dj in a nightclub and is a good friend of mine i used to do his homework and he'd buy me lunch i managed to get him in my study group so he didn't bully us but he'd spend most of his time drunk or with girls or getting into fights he is a good friend of mine as well as the other nerds of the group now we were in a reunion celebrating 10 years of our graduation like two years ago and he invited us to the nightclub where he works and i hated the music but everyone seemed to like it he got divorced last year though not nice but he's got is it together so we all cheer him up they beat a guide to death over some dart game money and are in prison now he threatened to bomb the school then posted multiple videos on youtube of him beating ducking the family dog and he kind of disappeared once the police were involved which was quick i'm sure he went to a mental wellness facility and i hope he got better because earlier that year he tried starting a fire in the school cafeteria the dudes needed a lot of help but this was about 10 years ago not quite the bad boy actually everyone thought he was goody two shoes turns out he had some of the worst grades in school was a serial arsonist and when he was caught attempted suicide haven't heard from him since but he made the news with one of his fires colon one of them became an accountant i met him on a train to the city a few years after school well-dressed quiet and serious we had a few criminals and it heads and for the most part they turned out the way you'd imagine but in terms of bad boys there was one guy who you could say fit the mold he never followed the rules always put heads with authority smoked weed every morning before school got a full full-two sleeve by 16 but for the most part was kinda well liked by his peers he ended up dropping out of school getting kicked out of his parents house and selling weed while being homeless after that he got heavily involved in a local church and did a complete 180 that shocked everyone we're talking complete sobriety mellow attitude and getting his dead he continued to be involved in the church at one point tried going down to mexico to help build a church for a small village he ended up starting his own construction company which ended up going under and when our last talk to him a few months ago he told me he was working as a project manager we didn't really have that many bad boys and honestly they all turned out okay this one group of girls though holy duck they all think they're the kardashians and act like they're famous on instagram beautifully documenting their sugar-induced adventures the latest thing that's happened with them is the one who i always thought was the most sensible of the group had a baby with some sketchy anti-establishment skater dude and now they're all pushing out babies like the human race is going extinct to try and one-up each other some of them are on their third or fourth kid it's like they're having a who can give birth the most times before their legs fall off contest at least being constantly pregnant has kept them away from the drugs for the most part lol he's dead was always a hot head not after spending three years in prison broken jaw shot multiple times etc he was just bad news i used to be best friends with the bad boys in grade school than we entered high school we started drifting apart after being placed in different sections but all in the same grade one is a registered nurse with the family of his own now married a doctor and they just had a baby he's a frontliner for our city's regional hospital that cater to covered 19 patients bless him one became a dad too early got fat took his sweet time to graduate from college and he barely did graduate but he's wiser now and we're happy he's on the right track the other one was a drug addict when we entered college and last i heard he's still one no one's seen him since 2016. i'm hoping he's okay we had a couple of them where i lived one found a girlfriend that rescued him from his bad habits i knew her in passing and he is really lucky to be dating her the second dropped out of erity college went through rehab got his life together and he's last i heard back in school learning the third was the cliche bad ending abandoned the other two got arrested a couple of times for drugs and petty theft and i haven't heard of him since that's mere e idk what i am up to but every time i see someone i used to know they just look at me and feel bad she dropped out of school to travel the world with her suspected pimp she has since gotten her get and is now studying business at some university in las vegas went to private school so our version of a bad girl was also the class president but anyhow on to the story a few years ago i receive a message from a friend with a newspaper article this girl got arrested for running an underground six ring she would find and lure in young teenager girls drug them and then her and her boyfriend would abuse the girls they held parties where all this went down apparently they were part of a whole group of people then the two fled the country after they plead guilty they were eventually found on a farm where they were working as farm hands now i can't find any stories to say what happened but if i remember correctly my friend told me she was deported so this boy in my class would vape and smoke weed during lunch and later i found out from his buddy he got put on house arrest doesn't end there though he ran away and came to school this idiot came to beat up this boy cause he didn't pay for his weed five cops in a different uniform not swat came and tracked they had medium guns on them the boy down he was found with a small pistol on him there was once this kid in our school who seemed really cool and a real badass he was the kid who would smoke a joint during school and he would carry pocket knives he was a nice kid anyway he got caught sharp lifting birth control pills because he made a chick pregnant anyway fast forward 15 years he's homeless and a heroin addict i only know because i saw him outside of starbucks about a week ago i'm doing quite well thanks i have a good career a car that runs well and a home to call my own our local bad girl is actually my neighbor during her last two years of high school both her parents passed away from vastly different illnesses she shut herself away for a while after now she can't keep her job to support herself because she's still permanently trapped in that bad girl attitude from how much they spoiled her that she has to rely on her brother two states over to pay for her food and apartment he is still trying to live as a musician but in reality being sustained by his father mother and living with them she got pregnant with 17 did not finish school had the baby and back to school and finished it her family sustains her and the baby since the father disappeared she struggles with raising the kid trying to go to parties and work earning less than the cost for education food for the kid alone they are both over 30 now all this from social media my best friend was the school bad girl dated guys in their 20s when she was in high school did drugs did not deal well with authority etc t's had her ups and downs like getting arrested during her third wedding but now she's in law school in hawaii i didn't find out until well into high school it was me i started going to private school freshman year and got ghosted by my friends had no idea why but at a party in our town i rarely went to parties i saw one and asked what the deal was apparently his mom called all of our friends moms and told them i was a bad influence and i needed to be excluded from hanging out with them so one mom cost me 95 of my childhood friends so i'm well married no kids no plan on having kids own a home work in advertising didn't finish college but didn't need to i stay fit my wife is beautiful we're healthy and happy as for the friends two dead from odds one cashier at a liquor store who lives with his parents one moved to germany to be a european homeless person one convicted of sexual assault one pizza delivery driver addict one just disappeared at around 17. i guess his father worked in the state government and when he was busted with drugs they just sent him away no social media or contact with anyone at one point i asked his sister and she just said she didn't want to talk about it he could literally be dead and we'd never know one was an internet pioneer in that before he was 20 he was facing federal trafficking charges for selling drugs online and that about covers it so it's clear to everyone i was the problem my guess is he managed to scrape a life together and finally get that ford f-150 with a gun rack and make just enough money to be hyper-conservative and vote against any system that would actually be able to help him out of crushing debt and wage slave poverty the group he was in got into a car crash killing one of them he was the one driving but the oldest one took the blame the poor girl almost was paralyzed at the waist down and still took the blame for him because he just got his license they all have almost fully healed since then it's been a year or so [Music] you
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Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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