Wedding Industry Workers, What's Your "This Ends In Divorce" Story? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories

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people that work in the wedding industry have you ever seen a couple and immediately thought this ends in divorce why i work and then a hotel i came in one night to find the wedding was already wrapped up it was supposed to go until 1am and it was 11 p.m because the wedding couple had a fight and she went home with mom at another one they had a huge rehearsal dinner fight which spilled out into the lobby everyone in the lobby found out that she hated his parents she was pregnant and she had no idea who the father was and a few other things half the guest list packed up and checked out the next day they still got married all the ducking time you know how they say 50 of weddings end in divorce i can pretty much predetermine who that 50 are going to be with about 98 accuracy i bake wedding cakes for a living i own my own bakery but have also worked in a country club kitchen doing basically the same thing plus other pastry chef duties day of weddings i've seen them both for the tasting design consultation and on their wedding day i see how they interact when they are just together but also when under stress of the big day i've seen everything lots of cheating lots of drunks lots of terrible mothers once had a mama's boy who ignored his wife when they were supposed to be having their cake tasting to cuddle their mother and hand feed her cake his mother was not supposed to be there and you could tell the bride was pissed by the end of it he had kissed his mother on the lips multiple times divorce have seen a woman itch and complain at everything her fiance registered sign said any suggestions he had for what he liked resulted in him being called stupid anytime she'd open her mouth he'd cower and flinch their cake actually got cancelled like a month before the wedding so we didn't get anything but the deposit even though we'd started baking it first time i've lost out on money and i've been relieved once had this arrogant d head turkish guy marrying into this bangladeshi family bride was sweet about 10 years older than him and came from a fairly well-off family generally got the impression that this being a turk south asian marriage was kind of a big deal even though they're both muslim but since she was 30-something they wanted her to get married so they allowed it guy complained about everything during the planning process especially over them not serving alcohol is generally a detailed us but is just straight up cruel to her like at one point when we were meeting i asked after her wedding dress because south asian wedding dresses are gorgeous she's showing me this amazing dress and he says straight up i don't know what she picked that one she looks fat and old in it every other woman is going to be more beautiful than her one her wedding day he then shows me this dress he picked out which isn't traditional south asian style at all and is very western and very funny and basically makes the model in the picture look naked it's so sheer when she says something about how no mosque would let her in dressed like that and her traditions are important he just sneered and said she should get over it and her traditions weren't that important divorce red flag found out later they didn't last today from the way the servers tell it midway through the reception guy raises his hand to his new bride when she asked him a question about being drunk and she flinched and turned away protecting her face he grabs her by the arm and rips her around pissed her mother and aunt were standing three feet from her and lost their ducking minds realizing what must have been happening there his response when mom started to lose hurt on him was to hit the mother so in the middle of this very big 600 plus person bangladeshi wedding this 20-something outsider he had no one wanted her to marry anyway smacked a well-respected woman in their community there was a brawl the cops were called marriage was an old edit because so many of you are asking baking a cake in the weeks leading up to the even is standard you bake the sponge triple wrap and flash freeze frozen cakes are actually much much less likely to taste dry or gross because if you fresh bake they'll be sitting out for days on end until they can be decorated and absorb whatever smells are in the refrigerator and dry out typically we also will cover them in simple syrup after thawing but before assembly which is why bakery cakes are so much more moist than a lot of homemade ones i've been working as a baker since i was 15 and this is very much the practice of every place i've ever worked when it comes to celebration cakes when the bride and groom argued over why the groom's mother shouldn't get all money given to them on their wedding day yeah that was a red flag photographing the groom and you see his eyes light up when a guest arrives you look over and it's a cute woman in a short dress he smiles walks up to the woman picks her up and swings her in his arms best smile i captured of the groom all day marriage didn't last six months from what i've heard not sure if this belongs here since i'm really sure that they got divorced after but anyway i was helping out at my parents restaurant where a huge wedding party was hosted i was busy serving drinks and suddenly loud yelling and screaming started right behind me turns out the bride had somehow found out that the groom had hooked up with her sister right before the wedding ceremony and apparently on a few occasions before and in her anger she stabbed him in the chest with a dinner fork several times we had to call an ambulance and the police it was like hell edit i didn't expected this story to blow up that much but since a bunch of people asked i just called my mom and asked about this story and apparently the former bride's parents are still regular guests at my parents restaurant not for weddings though and according to my mother they told that the groom and the bride sister now actually have two children together and are planning on getting married but had to cancel their wedding multiple times you covered 19. edit i i since a bunch of people asked no i don't know what happened to the bride or how she and her family get anne long now and neither does my mom i don't think she went to jail for this though she probably got sentenced to a final probation this story takes place in germany she probably got sentenced in accordance with section 224 is 2 stg biaker dangerous bodily harm it was the third time the bride had hired me and all the guys had been carbon copies [Music] i worked fine dining catering for over 20 years so i've worked lots of weddings and receptions i once heard a bride at the reception during the toast say that she actually thought she was asking out the groom's twin brother on their first date and that might actually be cute except she just kept going on how the twin was more compatible etc then she ended the toast with well as nice as you are you'll make a great first husband i was walking past the camera man at that time and you can hear me on tape saying did you get that tell me you got that i work in the industry side hobby and i saw it before entering recent husband came to me a total stranger to him and asked what i would do if i found my fiance ducking her dance partner three weeks before the wedding i just shook my head and walked away two months i don't work in the wedding industry but i have a depressing wedding story i have a friend who i grew up with she was always gorgeous and incredibly popular with guys and i always thought she was a great person as i got older i came to realize she was actually extremely toxic in relationships and did better when she was single she had been seeing a new guy for two months when one day i receive a wedding invitation in the mail knowing her history it was a massive red flag for me i turn up to the wedding and it's at a gorgeous little backyard type wedding it's spring and everything looks perfect i greet her family and it's like i've turned up to a funeral not a wedding they're all extremely solomon when i ask about the groom her mother rolls her eyes and says this is capital a mistake waiting commences and as the bride comes down the aisle her face is gray and like she would rather be anywhere else they exchange vows while the bride does everything in her power to not touch her husband to be even standing a solid meter away from him as they stand at the front she actually cringes and looks away when he gets choked up saying how much he loves her when the priest announces the kiss the bride takes a slow step forward and presents her cheek for him to kiss instead of her lips no one cheers it's just an awkward shuffling of feet and a few scattered claps it was the worst wedding i've ever been to they lasted about three months before separating wedding dj here had a wedding a few years ago where the groom was a total d head when it was his turn to make a speech he refused to make one when the bride sister begged him to please make a speech or at least just tell the bride she looks beautiful he got up took the mick mumble to her that she looks beautiful and sat back down when i left after the wedding was done i was walking to my van with some gear and the i saw the bright sitting one side crying found out a few days later that the groom hit her three days before the wedding and he tried to hit her at the wedding again when she asked him to not drink so much and pace himself at a wedding when the ideas came the groom said i guess not actually in the industry but i have helped out a friend with a few weddings two of the weddings i could just tell they weren't going to make it the first wedding the bride and groom hardly talked the entire wedding it was like they had nothing in common and then later the groom pretty much ducks off halfway through and went home because i quote he was tired so he just left his bride having to take pictures with the wedding guests on her own he never came back that evening so she had to greet everyone off etc funny enough about a year later i heard they're filing for divorce another time was actually last summer just before the wedding speeches the groom went go hang out with his friends for like half an hour leaving the bride sitting there alone and delaying the speeches then right after the bride and groom cut the cake he once again went to go hang out with his friends and abandoned his wife so she was left alone having to mingle with all the guests and he made no interaction with her side of the guests he stuck with his friends the rest of the evening his wife basically had to go and beg him to come and take more wedding pictures at one point in the evening he actually went for a drive with his friends for about an hour and his wife had no idea where he was i mean i get wanting to mingle with your friends at your wedding but to not even mingle with your wife's family or friends on your wedding day seems quite rude they had a big fight the night before the wedding and were considering calling it off until the bride showed up 30 minutes before the ceremony no one was sure if she would be there at all the groom danced with his mom more times than he did with the bride the bride was snippy and nitpicky with the staff all night the word annulment was cast around and i hope to god they went through with it the next day because holy it was at a friend's wedding once it was at the justice of the peace when the judge or officient came around to if anyone doesn't believe in the union to speak up or forever hold your peace a loud uho came shrieking from the back it was my friend's two-year-old son everybody was joking saying it was a sign less than a year later the couple got divorced was working at a hotel during a wedding weekend and the father of the bride and the groom were caught masturbating one another by one of the staff two days before the wedding we all had a bit of a giggle and assumed this was some sort of misunderstanding there were weird ideas thrown around like maybe there is a family tradition where they hold each of those ducks while they kiss or summit like that anyway fever and all still in good spirits and the wedding goes ahead at 7 57 p.m on the night of the wedding i brought the bottle of champagne up to the room along with some other things we did for a wedding night normally before they check in but they were already staying in that room before they got married i was told there is nobody in the room and the groom is downstairs and the bride is supposed to be out getting photos or something i knock we had to even can we knew somebody was in there then quickly open the door and walk straight in the bride is bent over the chair with her wedding dress over her head and the best man is pounding her from behind i just left the champagne on the ground and left one seriously ducked up family but they all tipped well yes as the filmmaker my entire job was centered around capturing shared moments of emotion and chemistry these are what make it into the edit these are what make your wedding film amazing but when you realize you have almost no chemistry to capture it becomes clear that the edit is going to lack the magic that is you know life i can tell you of two experiences that i know of one the couple treated the wedding like a bachelor party and only hung out with their respective circles the groom drinking and laughing loudly amidst his drunk old men was not a good vibe a very hostile table the kicker they each got their own photographers and filmmakers eventually their conflict became our conflict they divorced very shortly after two a political celebrity wedding they didn't care about my camera crew and instead they invited and treated the paparazzi cameras as priority my main cam guy had to argue with security to get the shots we need they essentially cared more about the next day front page and glamour magazines than their memories the guy was also known for corruption and there was an incident where his lover arrived and made a scene i just googled them now and i see they are publicly fighting each other in the news she says he watches too much porn on a tv interview then he had her arrested last week wow the rest of the weddings however were incredibly amazing as a young 20-something kid who never really traveled the world yet filming weddings of different cultures was like getting a taste of culture from crazy long but colorful indian weddings to african weddings in nature breaking plates at greek weddings i learned lots and moved on it's sad reading so many of these replies and realizing most of these couples probably weren't even friends to each other edit didn't expect so many responses thanks for sharing i always love a good thread honestly though some of these made me realize how lucky i am to have found my favorite person how hope you'll find yours soon if you haven't already i perform ceremonies as an officiate and no other officiants the worst imho other weddings that are just a bad idea the couple is young inexperienced and selfish i mean even courthouse weddings can last decades but if you have a wedding that is clearly not planned out they are often not though out as well weddings that are rebellious as a duck you daddy i am 19 and marry who i want i give about two years especially if the bride and groom are out of sync with one another all one just looks like this was the other's idea primarily oddly enough weddings with cheesy themes star wars elvis etc last longer than the traditional styles i have theories on that but don't have enough data that's not anecdotal to back it up but i think casual weddings where everyone is relaxed happy and having a good time because the wedding is about celebrating rather than ceremony will last the longest a sense of humor helps if both the bride and groom are relaxed and silly with one another those last the longest i had a buddy who put himself through grad school playing violin at weddings he said there were several that everybody knew it was the wrong choice he said you could just see it in their eyes and how they walked a few times as a photographer the couple were usually fine the families themselves were too different and competitive heard from a friend who did calligraphy that a bride came to get wedding invites and the usual wording of bride mom and dad and groom mum and dad invite you to the wedding of bride and groom bride didn't want groom's parents names on the invite my mate did an invite mock-up called the couple for a check and the groom lost it because groom's parents were the ones paying for most of the wedding they didn't need any invites i used to drive a limo and did a few weddings this one saturday afternoon i am picking up both bride and groom best man and maid of honor poor groom has his arm in a full cast and immobilized with a steel rod turns out he had shattered air a week earlier while riding an atv they all get in the car and the bride-to-be starts ragging him hardcore telling him he is such an idiot he has ruined the wedding he is such a loser she is not letting up and not letting go obviously she knew about the injury so it wasn't a surprise she was just using it to drop f bombs and other unwholesome words in his general direction i pull up to the church and she and the maid of honor leap out and go into the church the best man asks if he still wants to go through with the wedding and the poor dumb schmuck says yes with the enthusiasm of a sleepy sloth i just wanted to say no dude don't spend the next few years with that witch but he was getting out of the car by then i don't know how it turned out bit i am sure it wasn't good i worked at a hotel in the kitchen we did a trashy wedding where the cake was brought in from walmart groom was caught making out with a bridesmaid in a conference room and we saw the bride throw her ring into a storm drain across the street yes i'm a wedding photographer and think this often when i'm at the rehearsal and they often have nasty arguments over small details used to serve at a lot of weddings at one very expensive engagement party the groom got drunk and tried to pick a fight with one of the servers he then punched another guest and had to be walked out bride seemed upset but not shocked i am not in the industry i have a story anyway when me and my wife were about to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary my family let me know that they had a pool when we got married for how long we would last none of them had us lasting longer than a year this year we are going to be celebrating 19 years married together we feel that after 2020 we are having the best time together and still best friends the pot was never claimed night before the wedding the bride-to-be tried to sleep with me on her stag night crying on my shoulder she wasn't ready for marriage even my 18 year old hormonal brain did a big nope there they lasted a year i used to work at a popular wedding venue bride and groom came in the day before for rehearsal checked the decorations and played a sweet video of the couple standard wedding bullet next day bride and groom arrived fighting the entire time until reception where the groom proceeded to drink himself blind before speeches and had to be carried out didn't even get to play that video it was the best shift ever got to go home early and take home a bunch of food already paid for i work for a catering company i knew they were going to get a divorce as soon as the bride started grinding on the best man when the groom was puking his guts out in the corner edit grammar not necessarily a divorce between the happy couple but while working weddings one summer i saw the best man and maid of honor walk out of the same bathroom like 10 seconds apart so i've always wondered how that went over i ran a fairly up market hotel and restaurant that sometimes hosted weddings made a rookie error and booked in a wedding for christmas eve this should have been a warning sign as it shows a pretty significant lack of consideration for friends and family making them travel across the country on one of the most irritating days of the year when we'd all rather be at home with family preparing for the next day they turned up three hours early in the battle axe of a bride proceeded to shout at us for not being prepared surrounded by her incredibly embarrassed but not unsurprised family there were various other red flags throughout the night but the main one was when the husband got blind drunk on whiskey and asked me to go to his hotel room with him and break him in as a married man i politely refused i have a friend who is a wedding photographer a rather busy and expensive one at that so people usually book a year in advance so she had a bridebook the wedding date and pay the deposit nothing unusual there the bride confirmed the venue also booked and pricey and had the general discussions with her about the style that she wanted etc they had regular meetings over the following months but the groom was never there a bit unusual but not unheard of so it's now four weeks before the wedding and they have the meeting to lock down all the details but still no groom my friend asks about him and the bride mentions for the first time that she isn't engaged okay maybe she has a long-term boyfriend and is planning a surprise wedding no it turns out that she doesn't have a boyfriend or any guy in mind but she prayed about it and god told her to trust that he will provide a groom for her so in the end no groom magically materialized and there was no wedding so in that case the marriage lasted zero minutes and we were all sure that it wasn't going to work out in fact at the time we had some running jokes about her meeting a guy on a date and asking him if he wants to go to a wedding with her next weekend worked wedding receptions here are some favorites bride started stripping on the table while the groom was outside bride and best man had six in a closet bride lost her ring less at three hours after being married mother of the groom lit the table on fire because she didn't like the bride or her family groom was passed out drunk less than 30 minutes into the reception he pre-gamed in the limo our bartender refused to serve him when he arrived kroom's man loaded him back into the limo to sleep it off and he didn't come back that night i thought this red might have some fun stories turns out they're just sad i work catering gigs in florida the bride was being super mean towards the groom during dinner and the reception like a sarcastic you should have known to do that already dumber stone our crew figured yep this is a short marriage after the obligatory dances and dinner had started the groom came up tipped the dj the photographers then came over tipped our crew way too much thanked us very sweetly and said he was gonna skip away and drive down to the beach a few minutes away while the party continued he never came back next day we were told by the bride's family the sheriff found his car the groom's body and a gun down by the beach [Music] oh yeah definitely ceremony is coming up but the groom is nowhere to be found everyone is looking for him we look in the groom's lounge hangout room where the groom and groom's men hang out there he is banging the maid of honor shane shane shane my wife has been a wedding photographer and i've helped her out from time to time one of the first weddings we did i got this really trashy vibe off the bride i couldn't quite place my finger on what specifically set it off but if i had to guess i would probably pin it on my extended family many of whom could be extras in deliverance i just ended up with a sixth sense of these things i told my then girlfriend now wife that i don't think they're going to last very long sure enough a few months later my wife is contacted by the mother of the bride for the wedding photos she asks why the bride didn't contact her about it as she's tried to reach her a few times and the mother just said she's been indisposed for a bit and if she could just send the photos to her i get into google foo mode and look up the bride and after a bit of digging find an arrest report for three days after the wedding from florida where the honeymooned she was arrested for publicly assaulting her new husband while drunk and putting him in the hospital many years ago i had a side hustle doing cakes and would often get orders for wedding cakes long story short the bride-to-be threw a full-fledged stompy footed tantrum locking herself in my bathroom and refused to come out because the groom was unreasonably insisting on having a saying what the cake flavor was going to be like i'd say through the door get out of my bathroom and all i'd get was a whiny defiant little she was about 22. what's the deal with many answers talking about the bride ducking the best man why would the bride suddenly find the groom's brother best friend irresistible on the wedding day and what kind of sick people duck their friends fiance registered sign on the wedding day i bake wedding cakes and cookies but this happened before i was in the business a week before the wedding bride was talking all about how excited she was to get married because that meant she could finally do sugar what groom was confused and asked for more info bride was like well they say when you do drugs you should do them with someone you trust she planned on them doing it on their honeymoon when he straight up said no she threatened to call off the wedding he said fine call it off waiting still happened she gave in b-u-u-t three months later she took their seven-month-old daughter to a drug party at her sister's while groom was working he found out about it showed up at the house everyone was passed out and his daughter was screaming crying on the bedroom floor he took her and left without a word to anyone packed his bags and never contacted bride again [Music] my background is in marriage and family therapy and i work at a wedding venue now there have been many times that i thought a couple is destined for future therapy if not divorce especially when i see the four horsemen of the apocalypse as described by god manosa criticism contempt defensiveness or stonewalling i also assume that things won't end well when either of the bridal groom is a big bully towards me or the other vindor so so it just makes me feel bad for the future spouse but we don't tend to hear much from the couples once they are married so i usually won't know how things end up down the road yes one of my brides was nervous and got so drunk before the ceremony that she had to be helped down the aisle then when the ceremony was over instead of kissing the groom we now pronounce your man and wife she licked him from chin to eyeball she fell during the recessional and knocked over a waiter carrying champagne she couldn't be in their post-ceremony photo shoot because she kept falling when it was time to cut the cake we couldn't find her our staff went to her hotel room and found her covered in her own vomit still in her wedding dress she had the audacity to ask for a refund after all of this they're divorced now edited to note this was a symbolic ceremony and they were legally married beforehand overall the situation was quite sad i've been the dj at a few hundred weddings there was drama at most of them in some way one in particular broke out into an old school saloon style fight like in the old western movies i'm pretty sure that one didn't last i'm a photographer and i've shot three weddings bc i hate them and they are not for me bless you guys who do it but it's too much work and drama for me and not worth the money anyway one of the weddings the groom called the bride unattractive she was stunning and used to model was maybe a size 2 and he was cute but generic cute he kept taking shots of vodka with his boys and asked for a full-on photo shoot with his mom he was definitely a mama's boy bc mom was hovering but you know it's bad when mom suggests that he maybe take some photos with his wife he told me to spoo every time i redirected so after the third time that happened and he flashed me his junk i started packing up when he started yelling at me i just told him no one talks to me like that and i'd send them a refund i knew right then that it wouldn't last he started crying and said he'd behave he did but it didn't matter bc two weeks later the marriage was annulled no one wanted the photos i was paid in full for photos no one wanted bride's dad had paid me and tipped me well too when i offered to refund him half anyway he said the bride knew when the groom yelled at me and cried that it wasn't going to work so i earned it i guess the whole fam was trying to get them to call it off [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 35,662
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
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Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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