What's the Most Drastic you've seen someone change from highschool to class reunion? r/AskReddit

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what's the most you've seen someone change from high school to your class reunion this one girl was super smart in all the advanced placement classes was on school council and all the smart kid clubs always picked for any special outings like campus visits and symposiums she came from a pretty well-off family successful parents and all i went back home to visit my parents and she's working at the local subway with track marks on her arms i really didn't expect that from her my high school boyfriend was the captain of the soccer team held the record for the two-mile run was on student council and was voted ossa best character he dropped out of three different colleges law school and the esl program in korea he was trying to teach he's also done time in prison for sexual assault against a minor i will always wonder what happened edit did not expect this to blow up to answer some questions he did get a bs at tear iii satellite online school after dropping out of honours college at elite state school and dropping out of not elite but still great state school another poster was correct he got into one of the bottom law schools it has a 10 bar passing rate or some garbage like that the girl he assaulted was a 14 year old neighbor girl who he assaulted she came over to drop off her sister's laptop he was 21. i learned all of this through a few high school friends who i still keep in contact with someone posted that getting freedom and not having his ass kissed was what did this guy in they are 100 correct my ex was the darling of my high school he was also nominated for homecoming king and going to a place where he had to start from scratch broke him i went to school with jared fogle the subway guy he was definitely not having sex with teenagers when he was in high school a girl i went to school with was always picked on because her parents were poor her mother worked in a minimum wage job and her dad didn't work at all tbh i don't know how people even noticed her enough to bully her she was always quiet and came in and out of class unnoticed at school she always i hate to say this took the bullying and never once ever complained that's the best way i can describe it i remember her as always of average looks and intelligence while we were at school and very skinny once we left school everybody went their separate ways last year she surfaced on facebook with a family and also a degree from cambridge university it turns out she had joined the army and went through officer training at sandhurst and is a captain in the army air corps she has pictures of her tours in iraq and afghanistan the quiet girl who got bullied was a very intelligent tough person who i suppose we all wanted be ourselves it was nice to see wow this blew up overnight thanks for the gold kind strangers not my batchmate but an upperclassman i used to go to a public high school where everyone was poor or middle class absolutely no rich kids this is in a province in a third world country so when i say poor i mean down and out dirt poor i made friends with this older guy who i always see on my walk to school when i asked him where he lived he would always point up to the mountain i always thought of it as a joke but when he didn't show up for class after a really bad storm rumors spread that his family's house in the mountains got destroyed he stopped school after that and i haven't talked to him since he finished high school the next year and applied to a prestigious university in the country he took a finance course but had to stop a few times because of financial issues he graduated six years later with honors nonetheless now he's a regional office manager for a bank and he also owns a small travel agency the scrawny kid from the mountain became a big time businessman super smart guy at myhs got into meth and more and ended up dropping out he was a total crackhead for several years and then became a born-again cowboy christian not a class reunion we don't have them but there was a girl in my class who was really quiet shy always dressed super conservatively never came close to breaking the rules a bit of a hermione type i bumped into her having not seen her for like seven years and she was totally different covered in tattoos and piercings and dreadlocks almost didn't recognize her there are at least half a dozen people in my class that have killed themselves or overdosed on drugs edit rip my inbox i guess i can give a little more context i graduated in 13. four of these people have committed suicide and two from drugs all of them were from white middle-class suburbs in mn i'd rather not name the town in high school this kid was the typical super athlete alpha male who had a mean streak but always seemed to direct it towards the openly gay students came back to our 10-year reunion and was about as gay as could be when i was talking to him he came out after we graduated and he started college where he met his husband he actually went as far as to apologize to everyone he bullied i stayed in my hometown till i was 24 6 years ago and four years since i visited so most of the changes i've seen have been through facebook the biggest change would be in a girl let's girl her sarah who i'd been friends with since we were nine she was always odd but that eccentricity turned into full-on madness she got heavily into drugs and by 16 she got into six work and a whole array of other horrors anyhow around 22 she had a kid and totally turned her life around before i moved i bumped into her and we hung out a few times one night we got drunk at our local and i told her how proud i was of her and i said i can't even imagine what you went through and she grabbed my hand and the pain in her eyes was like shards of glass into my heart she just said you have no idea no idea and that was enough to indicate the level of trauma she experienced she's 30 now and is still eccentric as hell but is a devoted mum and a successful local photographer and special event planner major kudos to her edit okay okay there was no point calling her sarah when i didn't call her sorrow again i wrote it quickly edit two haha only just saw the let's girl her typo one guy legitimate child priority genius type in a super competitive stem program as in most of us are in 11th grade doing calculus and he's about 12 having skipped a grade or two and then is sitting in on a higher grade just for math class his parents had a professor from a major university tutoring him after school pushing him to do math competitions the whole nine yards i don't think he got much of a say in it it was what they'd been having him do since the age of three or so his senior year he'd had enough he dropped out of the stem magnet program and switched to the creative and performing arts magnet program his physique was very much a computer programmers more than a dancer and he had zero experience with song and dance he graduates goes to a small private west coast school instead of harvard yale like his parents had planned majors in musical theater after a year or two that changes to journalism takes a leave of absence from school two years and to convert to mormonism did i mention his parents were hardcore atheists even though mormons don't make converts do mission trips he did a mission trip to india for longer than the usual mission the last i'd heard from him he was married and having lots of lds kids somewhere on the west coast he's a fantastic guy but if you'd asked me in 11th grade where i thought he'd end up it would not have been anywhere close to failed musical theater major and mormon missionary honestly most people were mostly the same just nicer and more mature also some people got fat but that's to be expected was laying tile at a guy's house who i went to school with but was a year under me his brother was in my older brother's grade his older brother was the biggest drug guy i knew he did any kind of drug he could since about sixth grade he never graduated his younger brother did and was not into drugs i asked him what his older brother was doing now and he told me he owned his own insurance company could not believe it a few years later i hear the younger brother had been left by his wife and he chased her down at a drive-through and shot at her car and she sped away causing him to run after her shooting he was eventually killed by the police a girl i sat next to in homeroom for 11th and 12th grades was always really mousy and quiet long brown hair same jeans and t-shirt every day at the five-year reunion there's this totally hot lady in black high-heeled boots dyed blonde hair in a razor cut it was her no one could believe it i was lucky enough to move in the same social circles as she did for a few years and get to know her better she was always a really cool person but it was nice to see her come out of her shell super senior with a 1.1 gpa at the 10-year he was finishing up a joint nba jd at target wasn't a reunion but a guy i went to school with was always popular the girls always liked him he was super smart funny athletic he was a golden child i on the other hand was very nerdy though i blossomed in college after college a few years later i went to a party back home i ran into this guy at it and it was great seeing him the first thing he said was i don't know why i'm here this party is too cool for me i was aghast the smoothest coolest most confident guy i had ever met was now this self-doubting timid guy we talked for a while and i think he secretly was super nerdy and shy but back then he forced himself to fake it in college it seemed he finally was okay with just being himself we started talking about old classmates and he said one of the nicest things i ever heard he told me he didn't really keep up with anyone but i was one of only a handful of people he was ever interested in running into over the years he's still a great guy and he's one of the most intelligent people you will ever meet and i got to say he may not be cool anymore but he's awesome in my book my old friend in high school was a white girl who would dye her bright blonde hair black so she could try and pass for mexican she wore dark purple lipstick and lots of black eyeliner she sometimes stole her mom's gun to carry around i know i know she dressed like a cholla and only dated mexican gangster guys fast forward 10 plus years later and she stopped dyeing her hair and let it grow up to her waist she doesn't wear makeup anymore wears nerdy glasses dresses like a hippie with long flowing skirts and beaded jewelry she's very mystical and earthy and only dates hipster guys with bits she's also a school teacher she came this close to having a shootout with a girl in high school but you'd never believe it if you saw her because of how sweet hippie angelic she looks now what a transformation eater she came from a very abused background and i think the gangster persona was to protect herself the hippie person she is now is probably closer to her real personality because she was a good person inside just angry confused and hurting very badly hot girl was co-valedictorian still pretty hot but now sells health shakes or summit on facebook very annoying also one of the guys who was a little weird and dumb to begin with got arrested for involvement in a child sex trafficking ring the nicest most soft-spoken guy died yesterday from a heroin overdose not a reunion but those don't really happen in the uk a fake long story short a guy got expelled for punching me in the face and breaking my nose it was just a petty squabble between two teenage boys i think we were no older than 15 when it happens kid it anyway since moved away from that town and hadn't seen the guy since cut to about four maybe five years after the incident i'm visiting back home and decide to go out with some of my friends from high school we're in the smoking area of a bar when the guy who broke my nose recognizes one of my friends they start talking without him noticing i'm there eventually he notices me there's a long pause feels like forever but it's probably only a second or two is he going to hit me is he going to be angry i go with my gut i'm somewhat of a pacifist so i extend my arms to go in for a hug he does the same somewhat of a beautiful moment he apologized we both agreed it was dumb it we were kids people grow up he then proceeded to buy drinks for me and my guys the rest of the night all in all for a night's worth of grey goose vodka i'd take another punch to the face there was this kid in my high school who i would describe as alt-right before alt-right was a thing he is one of those people who would taunt single moms and would berate me for having jewish heritage which is apparently a dirty race he also had on his trumpet case a sticker that said my gun has killed less people than ted kennedy today he is super liberal with four adopted kids complete turnaround there was this one guy who was a little awkward to say the least short creepy not the brightest academically and was often the butt of every joke well it turns out straight after high school he borrowed a large sum of money from his grandpa and started a construction company company took off and he is now living a very comfortable and flashy lifestyle one of my good friends was a guy when we graduated she is much happier now the smartest girl in my high school class earned a scholarship to a highly prestigious women's college in new england she lasted one year said her fellow students treated her badly because she was black and from a working class family she then tried a year at an historically black college but the classes weren't challenging i tried to talk her into attending the state university but then last track of her turns out that she never finished college met and married a man who's a minister and ended up living in a small town in a rural area of the southern u.s state had 10 kids and now sells herbal supplements and shakes to make ends meet while her husband preaches my graduating class a 1980s also had two people go through gender reassignment one was a young man who from a young age wore as feminine clothes as he thought he could get away with it wasn't a surprise that he transitioned the other person was a young woman who transitioned to male no hints whatsoever best wishes to them both i hope they find peace and happiness one girl kind of plain looking gangly once set the football field on fire during a baton-twirling half-time show always teased after high school her father sold his business a chain of grocery stores most americans would recognize got millions 10 years reunion she is unrecognizable 100k in plastic surgery married a rich executive at her father's new company absolutely gorgeous i mean playboy bunny gorgeous and sweet as can be unbelievably happy does it count if it's me when i graduated i was five feet nine when i went to my reunion i was six feet three inches prom queen is now 300 pounds and has three kids it's really sad she used to have five kids didn't go to my reunion but it could have been me i was a scrawny six feet two inches and 140 pounds going into college and antisocial now i'm a 200 pound social butterfly this one kid was super fat didn't do well in school was always bullied one time during a pep rally the kid was showering late after gym the cool kids took him and carried him all the way to the rally and threw him in the middle of the floor with nothing but a towel on this was senior year ten years later he shows up to the reunion in a cia helicopter almost six feet five ducking jacked almost a completely different person was sort of friends with this skinny kid and all he did was skateboard and smoke the devil's lettuce every day seen him a few years later and he's covered in muscle and in the army classic deadbeat tormentor osna took care in the world blew off classes barely graduated antagonized everyone and was a bit of a bully ossa had gotten married had three kids established a stable career bought a house and was 100 striving to be a solid human being one of the most awesome moments of that reunion was realizing that 180 degree turn around this actually happened recently went to school with a very athletic guy lots of scholarship opportunities went to school then dropped out got to abuse charges against him then killed a girl and fled to a different state it's a really sad situation i won't be going to any reunions but i was an unhappy girl in high school and i'm a happy man several years later one of my friends from high school has never showed up at the reunion he was on the fbi 10 most wanted list for years someone brought ashes of a classmate so from a living breathing human to a pile of ash is probably the biggest change i've seen sat next to this super hot blonde at my 15-year reunion she said it was nice to see me again i asked if maybe she was married to or was dating an old classmate of mine but no she said she sat next to me all throughout grade 11 the catch i went to an all boys private school they all get pregnant after we left school five months wild girl in college big drinker lived with an older married man then dumped him and then became very involved in ministry my high school bully used to be the toughest most intimidating girl in school at our reunion me and another girl were sitting together and the bully asked us if we wanted a beer we both said no because we were both quite obviously pregnant when bully girl realized it she was so embarrassed and apologized more than once later bully girl was talking about her boss and what a scary lady she was it made me realize that she was still just a scared kid it felt kind of good since i grew into my self-confidence and she left all of hers in high school paralyzed from the waist down he was riding with a drunk driver who was also in our class not from my class just turned 22 but my father said that one guy from his and i'm quoting gang changed to a completely different species he was the wild guy from his group always getting into trouble and somehow never got caught he even made one street vendor pass for his dad so he could avoid a beating with the principal but at the class reunion he was the straight guy not a hair out of place he joined the police department he is a district general two kids both in military school whole new guy the fat loud and annoying guy became an astronaut cowboy millionaire incredible transformation from alive to dead we were two months away from our 10-year reunion and the only reason why i was going was to see my childhood best friend instead i went to her funeral i don't think i can ever attend a high school reunion now i would like to think that i can but to be honest she was one of the only people that i liked we had known each other since age three so losing her was like losing a sister just isn't the same girl in my graduating class was destined to be the first female president very smart head of the debate club artistically talented charismatic etc she dropped out of college and is now a stay-at-home wife oh and her husband is her best friend's divorced dad this guy from my graduating year was pretty popular but a total stoner skater type 10 years later he's a cancer survivor having undergone several organ transplants but he's engaged to marry the girl of his dreams and he seems really happy i hope his health doesn't decline again twin girls in high school they were totally hushed out rockers way too skinny massive teased out hair denim jackets and rocker boots no one had any interest in either of them they did everything together and the few friends they had were utter outcasts like themselves after high school most forgot they existed 10 years later they improbably returned presumably for the sheer sake of delivering their comeuppance as before they were virtually identical but now absurdly hot blonde well-dressed incredible bodies including what were clearly large yet seemingly identical breast implants they flirted with every guy there mostly those who were least likely to give them a passing glance back in the day after a few hours of pissing off just about every woman and the place they left just as they always had been alone but together god damn them they looked good i went to high school with this one girl who died two years later after graduating and they never found her body so yeah that's a huge change my best friend was normal sweet had a boyfriend for three years did okay in school three years later was working at mcdonald's having gangbangs in vans with mexican guys she didn't speak spanish now she's about 300 pounds unemployed living with her parents married i'm not sure if it's a real legal marriage her father performed the service in their backyard to a girl who looks like a large boy it's super bizarre short stereotypical indian kid from our junior ap calc class styria typically goes on to becoming a portfolio manager of an investment fund dude literally pulls up in an audi r8 and becomes the life of the party he used to get bullied and made fun of in school for being short and indian i guess high school was ducked up man if i could go back in time i would have stood up for the guy he always seemed like a genuine straightforward guide to me never talked with spite anger or resentment teenagers are cruel guess he showed them up in the end i think i might qualify here in high school i was clueless about my looks never wore makeup never did much with my hair clothes were pretty average i didn't work out or play sports so i was solidly skinny fat never had a boyfriend in fact was just totally overlooked by guys in general didn't even have my first kiss until i was 18 and away at college no one asked me to prom my school was a sports and academic powerhouse but i wasn't a sports star or an athlete the things i was interested in mostly creative were not valued so all my hobbies were outside of school and no one knew about them fast forward to the five-year reunion i showed up in perfect shape took up spin and barry classes make up hair clothes on point joined the sorority and learned how well known in my creative career and with a boyfriend who was a pitcher on our city's mlb team no one could believe it suddenly all the popular people wanted to remind me of the good times multiple people asked for pics with bf and a few people who hadn't bothered to talk to me in hs asked for career advice and favors as if we were old friends i basked in the satisfaction not gonna lie well in high school i was 180 pounds at the reunion i was 230 pounds lol our class prom king and quarterback ended up being a drag queen of new orleans he and his husband showed up at the 10-year reunion so i knew this guy in school super macho bit of a jerk always had some girl with him a jock that really liked cars the archetype high school alpha male i didn't know too much about his family but he's from a blue collar background i knew his dad installed insulation that's all i know almost a decade after we graduated i was looking through facebook for people i knew in high school out of curiosity everything seemed normal at first then i found his profile at first i thought i had the wrong guy but his relationships said otherwise and he had our class listed well he turned out to be a flaming gay no offense to our lgbt friends but you know the stereotypes and he fit the bill he had a master his profile pic has him wearing a rubber [ __ ] mask and a recent update at the time was telling how he and his boyfriend met some guy at a convention suggesting they had an open relationship it explains his homophobia when i knew him but damn [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: vSxmSW0s-ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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