Everything wrong with Woke Culture (and the impact on feminism)

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Bravo. Woke activism is so toxic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/reclusiverabbit 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the most accurate documentary about toxic females ever

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Pixie_Goblin 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
Recently, there’s been quite a surge  in the representation of women across   all media like movies, tv shows, including  women at the helm of decades old franchises,   even taking over roles that  are traditionally held by men. And, honestly, fans have loved it.  While it is a big change for everyone,   they’ve respected the change, and shown up  in droves to support these new female heroes. No, I’m kidding everyone hates it! And  everyone is really damn pissed about it.   And the reviews and box office  numbers are just as bad as people say,   no matter how much Rotten tomatoes  tries to convince us otherwise. But why? Well it’s probably because everyone hates women. Nope! That’s not why. Turns out  50% of the population is female,   and you know what they’re not going to see  these movies, or supporting these TV shows. Is it because women hate women? No, it’s because these movies and  tv shows are (spoiler alert) awful. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.   The problem with the modern and  very woke representation of women. Now, speaking as a woman of brownish color, I have  to say that I don’t really see myself connecting   with the new Batwoman, Rey Skywalker,  the new female doctor, the new Mulan,   Captain Marvel, the new Charlie’s Angels, Harley  quinn, and especially not Commander Holdo. Or as   I like to call her "Purple Hair Lady from Star  Wars." I don’t like any of these characters. “So stick to your post and follow my orders” Oh god. Especially not you Commander Holdo. No, when I think of incredible badass women  I think of Black Widow, or Rita Vrataski from   Edge of Tomorrow, and Zoey from Firefly. I think  of Eowyn taking down the witch king of Angmar,   and Wonder Woman walking into No Man’s Land. This scene just gives me goosebumps. The reason I absolutely love these characters  is because their ability is apparent   but oh so understated. Their gender is  never brought up as a justification,   excuse, or any sort of complaint. They’re  fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses   and use other peoples perceptions  of their gender to their advantage. Like when Natasha Romanoff lets Russian  gangsters think they have her overpowered,   when really she can easily  breakout whenever she wants. I like that these women fight for higher callings  than themselves. They fight for peace or for   justice, and their penultimate goal isn’t their  own glory, but the triumph of good over evil.  "I'm a soldier, I volunteered,  I'm not walking away!" And I have to say my favorite thing  about them, is that they don’t hate men. They don’t feel threatened or put upon by the  men around them. Instead they form bonds with   them and work with them shoulder to shoulder as  equals. And their own power is not diminished   in comparison. They’re not here to destroy the  patriarchy. They’re here to do what’s right. Now the creators of these new female  characters would probably say the same   thing. That these characters are  here to do the right thing, and   give young girls everywhere positive  representations to look up to. But how have they done that. Well  let’s look at the first mistake that   woke feminism is making - and that is  taking over existing male franchises. A few years ago, it was announced that Doctor Who,   a BBC program that has been a staple of  British programming for the better part   of the last 6 decades, would for the  first time feature a female doctor. Now to say that all the fans were against  this, would be just as inaccurate as saying   that everyone was for it. People were intrigued  about this new direction, but were worried,   that their favorite show would get the  same treatment Star Wars and Ghostbusters   had gotten before it - Search “male” replace with  “Female” with a lethal dose of identity politics. You see in recent years, the introduction of  female led media has not just been simply a   nod to female empowerment and the opportunity  to take stories in new interesting directions.   No it’s usually accompanied with some pretty  heavy handed reinforcement of “about time” and   “this is what we all need”. And  while it can sound empowering,   it comes off as very self congratulatory  and self aggrandizing and completely   distracts from why people tune in every  week - the story and the characters. And this is the second mistake that woke feminism  is making - it feels entitled to its success. Remember when Charlie’s Angels was set to release  a few years ago, and people were doubting whether   it would be a good movie and here’s what the  director elizabeth banks had to say about it. "My real plea is for men to have enough  empathy to go see movies starring women.   Because I have been asked to see  movies starring men my entire life.   And happily have done so. And I don't know  why men don't return the f-ing favor." Now female creators or male  creators of female empowering   shows might feel that they’re justified  in their sense of entitlement of success,   support and loyalty from fanbases, but that  doesn’t mean that people will give it to them. In fact, entitlement is often  universally met with scorn and mockery. But of course, they don’t think that  they’re being entitled, they think   that they’re asking for what they’re due. Oh  wait, that is the definition of entitlement. But the energy they’re spending on demanding  success, is the energy they’re not spending   where they need to. And this is the next  mistake that woke feminism is making. The   characters, these examples for young girl  everywhere - well they’re not that great. "I need you to fix the suit." "The suit is literal perfection"  "It will be when it fits a woman” Imagine the hubris of taking  the work of someone else,   bruce wayne in this situation, someone who battle  tested and designed something for themselves,   imagine strolling in, and demanding  that the suit be fixed to fit you. And,   that it is only perfect, once it fits a woman  who did nothing to earn it, except be a woman. I’m sorry, am I supposed to connect with this  behavior? Am I supposed to look at this and   applaud this as a win? And apply into my own  life? Am I supposed to barge into someone’s   office while they’re out to lunch and demand  that they swap out the name on the door to mine? How about this scene from Doctor Who, where  an MI6 official assumes the Doctor is a man.   A fair assumption since the doctor has been a man  for many decades. Does the female doctor handle it   with grace? With Maturity? And earn the respect  of her audience as well as everyone around her? “I’ve had an upgrade! Hi" Really? Did you really need to put down every man   that has come before you? Why do they  need to kneel down for you to stand up? And that’s the problem with these characters. There is a bitterness in them. They’re not working   for something big than them. They’re  driven by this vengeance and anger. “I’m not about to let a man  take credit for a woman’s work”  Okay, But you just took credit  for Batman’s work. So that's okay. This antagonist behavior assumes that we just  hand over success to men simply for being men.   By that logic no male led movie ever does badly,   and no male character is criticized or  disliked. That would mean that Solo,   a movie about a well known beloved male  character should have done well. But it didn’t. I can’t believe I need to say this,  but success needs to be earned. But   woke feminism thinks that if you  don’t like these characters then - You are SEXIST! This is the next mistake of woke feminism -  There is no such thing as legitimate criticism.   No, any criticism of these totally  incredible characters must be born   out of bitter jealously and a  deep desire to keep women down. That if you dislike a female character, it’s  because she possesses power and we are more   comfortable with seeing women in subservient  positions. Even we women who criticize them,   don’t apparently realize the years  of brainwashing we’ve undergone that   has told us that the woman’s place is one  step behind the men, if not the kitchen. On to the next mistake that woke  feminism makes - it’s unshakeable belief   that it is saving society.  That men would be bigoted   toxic fools if woke feminists weren’t  putting them in their rightful place. And that women would be  helpless, knitting by the fire,   and weeping into their handkerchiefs  wondering when the men would be home. That young women everywhere would have no  role models without woke feminism born out   of yet another flawed belief that you  need to see exactly yourself on screen,   someone who has your skin color, your  background in order to connect with them. But that’s not human beings work, and that’s  not how imagination works. Regardless,   more female representation onscreen is a good  thing, and feminism has been doing great on   that front for many decades now, that is  until woke feminism came out of no where,   punched traditional feminism in the gut,  and said that it was here to save it. Remember when Captain Marvel came out and  made a billion dollars at the box office,   and everyone was congratulating  Brie Larson and she was like “guys,   women can be leads in movies just like men, geez” I think what drives me crazy about this is that  there is absolutely no acknowledgement of the   past. As if Sarah Connor did not terminate the  terminator, and Ripley did not destroy the Alien.   As if these women didn’t decades ago dominate  the box office as bad ass action heroes. Strong female characters have been  speaking well for their gender   far longer than the woke feminists  would have you believe. But there’s   one clear difference between the  two types of representations. You see traditional feminism was about realism,  about story, and character. These females coming   onto the screen weren’t perfect super heroes. No,  they had short comings, and they were up against   insurmountable odds. And they fought back, they  learned, they grew, and when they overcame the   enemy, we saw ourselves in them, and believed that  we too can overcome everything that scares us. Well what about the female characters of  today? They’re either completely perfect   or other times they’re rude, arrogant  and entitled, and tend to stay that way. "You're a female Bruce Wayne" "Awesome, hilarious, handsome." Most commonly we associate  these traits with brash men. “Big man in a suit of armor.  Take it off and what are you?”  "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist." "I know guys with none of that worth ten of you" If our main hero possesses these traits,  then it’s almost guaranteed that it will   be their undoing! That is until they  learn some much needed humility. The reason the Marvel franchise  was so incredibly successful was   because at the heart of it was the  incredibly transformation of two men. Captain America started off as an idealistic,  selfless servant to his country, but eventually   learned the tiny amount of selfishness needed  for him to actually live his life and be happy. Tony Stark went from a hedonistic self-serving  playboy, constantly impressed by his own genius,   to a man who found meaning, and paid  the ultimate price to preserve it. People could connect with these heroes,  see themselves in their struggles,   and believe that they too could rise  from their errors and achieve greatness. But the modern female woke hero doesn’t  get this traditional heroes journey. Mulan is no longer a scared girl, taking up  arms for the first time in order to protect   her elderly father, earning her place in the army,  and earning the respect of everyone around her. No, in the new version, Mulan has  always had Chi flowing through her,   and she was always meant to  be the greatest warrior of all   time. What’s holding her back is society’s  expectation that a woman shouldn’t fight. Captain Marvel is the most powerful Avenger.  And what’s holding her back? I guess her   desire for her mentor’s approval? I  guess? And she overcomes that easily. "Prove to me that you can beat me" NowRey, well Rey is perfect. Without a day of  training, she can mind control guards, and pick   up a light saber and kick Kylo Ren’s butt. She’s  amazing, she can save the day, what a queen! What a bunch of queens, slaying all day, doing  epic back flips and stuff. Like who cares? Look I want a woman to save the day. I  like that just as much as a man saving   the day. But is it too much to ask that it be  earned? That the powers and abilities aren’t   just handed to these characters, but that  they work at them, they hone their skills,   suffer defeats that they learn from, and meditate  on losses, and come back stronger than ever? And can these women suffer consequences when they  behave in terrible ways? Like in the Last Jedi,   when Commander Holdo does not share with her team   what the plan is for saving the last  vestiges of the rebellion. Instead,   when a male subordinate asks her what  the plan is, she immediately insults him. "Before we can find a new base so, what our plan?" "Our plan, Captain?   Not Commander, right? Wasn't it Leia's  last official act to demote you?" She assumes that because he's a man,  he's not entitled to communication. The rebellion is this close to being  extinguished! He’s not here to have a pissing   match with you. He wants to be useful!! "I just want to know what's going on"  "Of course, you do. I understand. I've dealt  with plenty of trigger happy, fly boys like you.   You're impulsive, dangerous,   and the last thing we need right now. So  stick to your post and follow my orders" Sigh, this is not good leadership, this is  childish behavior, expecting that your team   should follow you blindly, and if they don’t  it’s because of their toxic masculinity! 
And she dies a hero, and everyone’s like “hooray,   we should always believe women, even  when they’re being terrible leaders.” Can Hollywood come up with better  villains that just society?   That society doesn’t believe in our female hero  so that’s why she’s not achieving greatness. I know it’s supposed to represent  the struggles of women today,   but believing in yourself is just one  of the aspects needed for success. You know why I loved the first Wonder  Woman movie? Because despite Diana being   literally a God Killer, she isn’t just an  instant warrior. No, she works at it, she   trains hard with incredible female warriors, and  takes falls, and hard hits. But learns and grows. So when we finally see her kick  some German butt, we revel in it,   because she’s worked through blood,  sweat, and tears to get that good. But what about in the second movie? Well, they  undo all of that. They show a 10 years old Diana,   easily besting women 3 times her age, and  ultimately losing because of a minor detail. So she’s been magic the entire time?  Why did she need to train as hard as   she did in the first movie as  a teenager and as an adult? The problem with these perfect princesses is  that it’s impossible to connect with them.   That’s not me. I’m not perfect! I’m not born with   magic that makes me able to air  kick spears at the enemy. Sorry! And if the lesson here is that every woman  has innate abilities they are born with,   that are being squashed because of societies  restrictions, well that’s just a terrible lesson.   Because we’re telling women that we  have nothing to learn. We’re born   with everything we’re capable of being, and  we should only trust and listen to women,   and f men. They’re just interested  in sex and keeping you down. I guess my question here is,  what are woke feminists after?   Are they working for equality? If so, why does it seem like all their   tv shows and movies are all about putting  men down and propping women up as perfect? "Oh, back to normal, am I?   The only time I've been a man, that last body.  Dear Lord, how do you cope with all that ego?" And if they’re for equality, why oh why  are they pushing the worst lesson for women   possible - that Women don’t need to be criticized. There is so much growth that happens  when we are criticized. Yes, not all   criticism we get in our lives is legitimate.  Sometimes it’s born from jealousy or fear,   but criticism is necessary for growth, for  change, for us to adapt and for us to excel. Telling women that you don’t need to grow, you  don’t need to change, the world owes you success,   that the world needs to accommodate you. That you  can be arrogant, you can assume that every man in   your life is a sexist bigot, and if they challenge  you, well it’s because they want to keep you down. It’s almost as if Woke feminists don’t want us to  be the best versions of ourselves. But instead,   be the worst versions of men.  Like all the bad things we accuse   men of being - arrogant, bigoted, or disagreeable. I think real life Brie Larson is the  true embodiment of woke feminism. "I did all my stunts because I  thought that that's what everyone did"  "Tom Cruise over here?" "No, I'll be the first me,   not the next Tom Cruise, thank you very much!" "Wow, I mean he does his own stunts you know?" As someone who is at the top of her career,  Brie Larson doesn’t take the opportunity to   give credit to the unsung heroes of  movie making like her stunt double,   but instead needs to tell  everyone just how awesome she is. "Work at being the best person I  can be and use this platform--"  "Is that a personal attack or something?" In closing, this is not feminism.  This is toxic femininity. But what do I know? I’m probably the by product  of years of brainwashing by the patriarchy. Thank you for tuning in, everyone. I hope  you enjoyed this video, if you did please   give it a like, and give me a subscribe, and  share with someone who might enjoy it as well! This is the first video in many more videos  where I’m going to address how Woke Media   is changing entertainment for the worse.  So stay tuned! And I‘ll see you next time!
Channel: Baggage Claim
Views: 761,803
Rating: 4.8781223 out of 5
Keywords: everything wrong with woke culture, brie larson, kathleen kennedy, feminism, batwoman, nerdrotic, gina carano fired, disney star wars failure, the critical drinker, Charlie's Angels - A perfect storm, the last jedi a complete cinematic failure, the last jedi, holdo, worst movie ever, worst star wars movie, the last jedi review, brie larson is here to save youtube, vito, mary sue, captain marvel - the most boring, mediocre marvel movie yet, doctor who, wonder woman, baggage claim
Id: Nqmd4iU8J3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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