The Problems With Blaire White - Misinformation And "Moderation" | TRO

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"The problem with Blaire White", where do you even begin with her?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/retro_nihil 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

TRO based?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/corpse_fucker_420 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of eight what with too much free time and 2020 not the most enjoyable year to say the least i recall back to my q a in march when the nostradamus opinion announced that the year seemed to be calming down which in hindsight was a slightly misguided forecast in fact i positively said it was a kiss of death as the world is caring towards its frankly well-deserved armageddon i've honestly not handled it too well personally to see so much going on makes me want to curl up in a ball and hibernate or estimate if you consider when all this was happening at the same time there's always reason within the chaos and i've always lived by the philosophy that i emerged from hardships a wise man and a part of me hopes that would be similarly applicable on a macro level as well however we'll never reach that if we can't have a proper mature discussion to understand how such discord has arisen and at times when emotions can run high we often need voices of reason to lead that discourse forward so that we can all learn from such adversities in the past few years in particular i feel that youtube has become increasingly integral to that conversation introducing a new generation to the many complex and sometimes not so complex matters facing down today's youth with online creators engaging audiences through fresh mediums acquainting them with new ideas and perspectives although the nature of my channel can be a little biographical i hope that people have found value in the viewpoints i have to share and you know what i'd say the feedback has been broadly positive one way that people recognize the work you do often is what some regard as year end lists where individuals can parlay selection of their favorite creators and post it to their preferred social media site at the end of 2019 i was once again honored by being placed amongst youtubers who put great effort into their respective hustle however one name whose presence i was surprised to see was a commentator by the name of blair white oh hi welcome back to my channel so you guys are currently in bed with me which not a lot of people can say because i am very innocent blair wise is a creator who has been on the platform for a good few years and has spent her time mostly preoccupied with socio-political commentary she presents her perspective from quite a unique angle espousing conservative-leaning narratives which wouldn't be too exceptional on paper but is somewhat intriguing when you juxtapose this ideology with the fact that blair is transgender a lot of the times on this channel and on my social media i'm presenting a sort of side to the trans topic that not many people are used to seeing i don't talk about things in the way that every single other trans influencer in the world talks about i don't talk about things in the way that every other trans activist you've ever seen talks about them i am different these two positions aren't entirely incompatible when considering that the doctrine of social conservatism in particular has often been quite hostile to lgbt rights it would seem that adopting this outlook would be counterintuitive for anyone of that demographic's denomination however with young republicans and conservatives seeming to be more amenable to pro-lgbt policy the setting of an online platform aimed at a younger more broad-minded audience could not be more alluring to those who may find themselves set apart from their stereotypes by their beliefs identity or in this instance even both since launching a channel in 2016 blaire amassed over a million subscribers garnering a dedicated fan base eager to see her tackle subjects which can often be highly consequential for the parties involved in many ways her personal experience as a transgender individual allowed her to provide a new energy to previously archaic conservative narratives who are often weighed down by their inherent lack of empathy for the individuals at the heart of the discussion also correcting misconceptions that have previously been peddled about blair and many of her peers to those who admired her and perhaps to blair herself white was a bridge between previously estranged communities who on the surface had very little in common however unlike some political commentators who have sprung up in the last few years blair was never exactly renowned for a diplomatic demeanor if you're trans you don't have the right to share an opinion like this for which i actually quote tweeted them and said i'm trans idiot they criticized me for being a trans medicalist which is me believing that being trans is a medical issue because that's exactly what it is and just really mad that i don't think non-binary people are the same thing as trans too bad too sad whatever in fact from my perspective she had been a divisive figure from since i could remember and therefore when seeing her alongside a fair few mob mannered creators i was surprised now i don't follow too many commentators outside my sphere but i stay in the loop with all the current affairs and it was intriguing that someone who i knew for being mortally contentious among communities to put it mildly would run over the hearts of those who would typically steer clear of that brand of content however i decided not to investigate further because it wasn't really of much concern to me if she was making content that went down with a wider spectrum of viewers then good for her nonetheless there was this lingering expectation in the back of my head this may not be the last that i hear from her given that she was still outspoken on many issues some of which would put her into conflict with some of her audience yet she may well have evolved and in her videos she definitely seemed to report herself as a reasonable medium no there are normal trans people out there who don't believe all these radical things and why don't those trans people get a voice you know there's so many people who talk about how like every trans story needs to be heard and we have to listen to trans people and blah blah and like cool that's great but why is it only on your terms why is there one narrative and if we don't follow it then no everyone should be heard but blair white like what are we doing moderation it's an important facet in 2020 with the post-election landscape to dwell on a president-elect who pledged to take the u.s back to some normality yet a residual skepticism of real change and polarized tension that seemed hard to palliate many of our fans would have argued that blair's place could not have been more essential in healing the wounds that so many had sustained that year unfortunately although some may have longed for a wisdom in this critical time it was instead about to be the subject of an investigation which provoked by an avoidable incident would drag much of her past back into light and bring into question that self-acclaimed reputation of a reasonable rational and logical voice amongst all the havoc with former fans and foes asking if actually she had been the instigator of this havoc all along i have thousands of people write to me every single day that they are so disgusted with the way that trans people are portrayed in the media all because this is how trans activists and the more radical people on the end of the spectrum are dictating it be portrayed well to answer that curious query i suppose it's about time we take a look for ourselves and to do so i'd like to go right back to 2015 where the blair white youtube story all began so if you care to join me on this journey you'd be most welcome without further ado let us commence 2015 youtube how does one characterize it [Music] saying sean king is white when he's white as incendiary christ menstruating with tits isn't incendiary i'm here to ask questions and it seems like you guys aren't very open to them for many years youtube had been the platform dominated by creators who didn't appear to take themselves too seriously however this had been gradually evolving and by the end of 2015 this transformation was mostly complete now there was still entertainers galore but a more prominent role had been occupied by a political clique known to some as the skeptics the title acquired from their responses to eccentric religious zealots some of the creators in the community were more like hearted in their narratives merely mocking their subjects and providing casual repulses while others tended to attack the specific fabric of arguments quite aggressively even being quite provocative themselves if we come from monkeys then why are there still monkeys and who is giving them markers and pieces of paper to write on in spite of this by the present year many youtubers in this field were also referred to as anti-sjws an acronym for social justice warrior because they had shifted their focus towards other targets many of whom were treated with absurdity or incredulity either in their arguments or their attitudes now not all skeptics went on to be anti-sjws and some in fact became very critical of that movement however this movement also seemed to broadly merge with creators who had not necessarily made anti-creationist content prior some of whom gamers others just casual creators turned commentators mobilized by incidents such as the infamous gamergate or just general antics that they felt were worth calling out the social justice warrior was an infamous nemesis back in the tumultuous year of many online it was not hard to see why they were generally not the most personable individuals often presenting their somewhat radical ideas in a rather disagreeable fashion and this subsequently made them quite easy prey for the enlightened commentator who would regularly descend from the heavens to put the half wits in their place i even dabbled in it here and there myself though that year i must say i had more pressing matters to attend to what i do understand is that jeremy hunt is not qualified to run the nhs his approval rating lies at 17 17 percent fantastic four has a better public rating fantastic four damn i really put those politicians in their place anyhow turning back to this genre of creators in reflection it's very easy to look back at that social zeitgeist in a sneering fashion but there were many who were very invested from a variety of political factions because at the time i feel that what a lot of these self-proclaimed advocates of social justice represent to these creators and audiences alike was an attack on an internet culture quite sacred at the time and one heavily exhibited in a variety of content the sort of edge without any real weight behind it i will see how it goes after a week can we do next promotion hell yeah yellow at the same time it's important not to undersell the level of political engagement in a lot of these videos there was a lot more at stake than just what happened online and a lot more depth to the discourse particularly contained within a multitude of social issues which had seeped onto the platform as tensions in the real world appeared to be rising with the impending clever sites it was an exciting time to be a creator in that genre and more people wanted to be involved one of those being our fabled title character at this moment blair was a computer science student at the california state university chico campus however she was not having most fun with her life feeling a bit outcast by her identity a transgender yet conservative leading individual a stark contrast to many of her liberal professors and fellow students like many others in such position miss white found more home in the online sphere a place that she likely felt was more accommodating towards her beliefs and attitudes in many ways the online world had provided a protective enclave for a variety of identities especially those that may face ostracism in real life this was merely another branch that outlet who knows exactly when she decided to become a youtuber but a turning point appeared to be when she appeared on the stream with crater who we can assume to be theron meyer based on the tweet and obviously based on the archive of the video it seems that many people encouraged her to start uploading her own content and not too long after her first video was published hello my name is blair for those of you who don't know and in this video i'm going to be discussing a few related topics one being feminism the next being men's rights movement um also the concepts of privilege both male and female privilege and just kind of my thoughts on all those things now theron whose dream blair had made the aforementioned appearance on was a creator mostly focused around advocating for men's rights at the time and therefore made sense that blair's maiden video cover similar talking points the upload in question is titled female privilege and as the title implies it seeks to observe various deficits in society where women actually possess an advantage over their male counterparts seemingly in contrast to many narratives disseminated by accredited institutes i've lived my life on both sides of the coin per se at different periods of my life i think i definitely am in a position to critique the concept of privilege as it's perpetuated by feminist ideology so there was a shift that happened in the way that the world interacted with me as i went further into my transition sort of the way that strangers interacted with me the way i was treated it all changed it manifested in ways such as drawers being held open for me seats on public transportation being surrendered instantly really the term ladies first is definitely something that's actually implemented it's not just a phrase harbour blair also uses the video to express her own personal investments and experiences given her rather unique background in this dialogue as a person who has transitioned blessed sees herself as someone who has encountered both sides of the gender coin and thus also the privileges and drawbacks of contracts often bestowed on to such identities implying this provides her with unique insight onto the topic juxtaposing these differing experiences she calls upon personal observations before sharing some hard-hitting statistics with her viewers the truth is that men make up 80 of suicides nearly half of all domestic violence victims more men in the us are raped that is when you factor in prison statistics um 77 of homicide victims 93 of workplace deaths 88 of homeless individuals are male and are they're constantly screwed over in child custody and alimony cases this sort of content was hardly exceptional mostly parroting core talking points made by a lot of its proponents however as a cornerstone for what her content was to become it seemed to lay the framework quite nicely her tone although stern was not hostile her sources occasional spelling error aside are cited and a production although somewhat lacking still allowed for content to be digestible to be frank a lot of political content back then consisted of an avatar that if you were lucky moved its arms up and down so to have a fully expressive individual talking about these topics may have been considered a blessing to many these numbers definitely seem unfamiliar to most people i know they definitely were to me when i started researching all of these things but the reason they seemed so unfamiliar and maybe even not so believable is because feminism does not even allow the conversation to be had as an upload blaire white's anti-feminist dance didn't tell us much about the world but it did tell us a bit about blair however there was more to come and first impressions can only tell us so much so those are my thoughts on the topics at hand and i definitely want anyone who disagrees with me to comment because i am open to people disagreeing with me i like having my views challenged and i am willing to change my mind if i'm proven wrong so bye blair's first upload was met with plaudits from many within the community that she was appealing to particularly given her mostly forthcoming tone and open-minded outlook nonetheless it was more than that due to the previously expressed contrast of blair's gender identity with her political identity and how she used it in discourse um i am transgender so that does affect the rate at which i may or may not experience violence violence does be at trans people at alarmingly high rates in a way it dynamically flipped a narrative that had been traditionally associated with fairly progressive circles the reference to how one's experience and identity can often shape their viewpoints often being used as a stimulus to call for more diversity in certain intellectual circles here we had someone who represented that diverse upbringing but whose ideological path would diverge from that which would be expected of someone who was stereotypically associated with her demographic many clearly welcome this though you may be justified in finding some people's enthusiasm a little nauseating at the same time as she acknowledges herself she still passes as a cis woman in many spaces so her perspective is somewhat different to that of other trans people who may be subjected to stigma relating to their appearance but i am lucky enough that i can enter most public spaces and the world does interact with me as a woman not as a trans person or as a man now there were many criticisms that could be leveled towards her narratives particularly given her tendency to conflate her specific experience as a woman with female experiences in general an issue that would rear its head and future escapades however she didn't seem reversed to criticism and still pointed towards clear systemic inequalities that should be addressed as first videos go it could be worse and her next few videos followed a similar pattern he tells a story and i don't remember exactly what he what his situation was but basically his situation was worse than any girls in this class who talked about how their boyfriend used to verbally abuse them or used to hit them or used to grab them whatever everyone in the class started laughing literally i think the only person that didn't laugh was me and the instructor the professor and the truth is you know more women in the us are affected by domestic violence in terms of being victims but it's something like over 40 are men so it's not like it's 90 10 or 80 20. it's like 60 40. and i would venture to guess that it might even be closer to 50 50 if you take into account the fact that men don't talk about it and when they do they get laughed at anecdotes interspersed with some factual information often as a secondary feature this isn't to a detriment and there are many perceptual benefits to this such as a more intimate relationship between the creator and their audience but it also means there is a sense of trust that needs to be invested in the creator for some people that degree of trust needs to be earned but if you're speaking to a believable experience that resonates with people then the threshold is often lowered so certain stories of institutional intolerance may hit closer to home for some individuals particularly if it fits into their world view and back then the idea of vicious college-dwelling feminists who added in for every curse of bloke who had ever set foot on earth wasn't one that seemed far-fetched at all especially with the prevailing narratives in many of these communities substantiated by many frankly unflattering clips what humongous one humongous what humongous what command is what this person just actually just just spoke to me in a sexually harassing way yeah he did flair's early output was definitely built in a somewhat personal connection between herself and the audience this could also be reflected in the fact that her fourth video was a q a surprisingly premature for a channel's lifespan but she portrayed herself as an open book who felt comfortable divulging details about her life which consequently commanded a lot of respect from our viewers have at the same time this personal journey granted her with a lot of flexibility in the topic she could tackle and with each subject she approached we seemed to learn more about her and her curious opinions her videos were even structured in a way so that they would follow on previous theses though this may alienate people who don't necessarily agree with her presuppositions especially ones that kind of assume that she was correct which wouldn't necessarily be the case so now that we're all in agreements that feminism is indeed cancer let us take a look at the ways in which feminism is like a virus able to spread its misinformation half truths blatant lies and overall retardedness through the internet oh okay i guess we established that then the thing is that it's hard to go along with these assumptions when a lot of blair's points aren't the most ironclad and to be brutally honest blair's content didn't particularly stand out in the points that she made from a lot of other creators sometimes falling quite short and it's true that women do have a high pressure to look youthful and to stay young because we do value that in women within this culture but you know that expectation is directly perpetuated by women you know the billion dollar beauty industry which is advertising anti-aging creams and botox and things like that those are largely ran by women made for women so if this meme is trying to imply that that men are doing this to women it's actually not true this is from a video titled feminism is pointless though it was very charmingly titled feminism as cancer at one point where blair reacts to a slew of memes that vary in their logical soundness but also expose some of blair's internal biases such as the one shown in that curious clip now even if blair was correct in her assertion regarding industry leaders it wouldn't necessarily be a valid response because the meme was a critique of society rather than men specifically and it never asserted that men presently were the sole cause of harsher beauty standards that often imposed onto women an issue that blair acknowledges as existent right off the bat now as noted this is freshman content from our budding creator so we can't expect everything to fall into place perfectly i'm sure i and many other creators were hardly producing content of the highest order this size but it was symptomatic of that desire to prove a point even when there wasn't one to be proven exactly so this one's cute it's a picture of a feminist father wearing a shirt explaining that when it comes to dating his daughter he doesn't make the rules and her daughter's boyfriend does not make the rules so if you want to stick a blowtorch up his daughter's goal and tell her to pretend to be a charmander um he's fine with that because it's her body uh thank you for your contribution blair yes in spite of the personal tone and story shared it feels like there is still a default back to a generic narrative employed by a lot of creators around that time so it's really frustrating to me that we live in a climate where there's all this discussion of gender politics and these conversations often include things like man spreading and mansplaining and cat calling and we have this huge elephant in the room 80 of suicide victims being male and we're not talking about it the hack need any way feminism bad or strained what about sims sure the number of men who take their own lives is undoubtedly alarming but i don't know why that has to be compared to a discussion about cat calling and behavior which i have to admit i personally find rather grotesque this is an example of what was indeed a greater problem in the community at the time but also one found on the channel being that it felt like blair was drawn towards conclusions that would serve a specific agenda this may have been a case of tunnel vision when reviewing certain arguments it becomes rather apparent you have to question the motive of a person who's willing to be abused willing to stay in a bad situation more than someone who's just a people who's going to hurt someone regardless of who it is there had to be something more to play something that would elevate herself above the rote anti-sjw commentator well there was her unique perspective and identity right well going off the first few videos it was hard to exactly see how this influenced her worldview but this was all about to change very soon you know what are the ramifications of being called a hoe by 40 people it'll affect your social life probably it's embarrassing probably but what are the ramifications of being accused of being a rapist you see blair's video responding to the feminist means was an interesting one in particular because it definitely showcased a capacity for her to be a bit more assertive as stated there was a mixture of tones in which creators addressed the subjects of their videos in earlier uploads whether you agreed with blair's conclusions or not she didn't seem outwardly hostile but this in particular seemed to be a pivot towards the combat of content often tied to some of the edgier crates in the genre at the same time though they were memes and you could argue that she was at least mirroring the same energy that many of them emanated it wasn't a typical blair white video no i think the video of interest comes a couple uploads later hey guys so one of the things people ask me about pretty often is my opinion on the sort of long list of arbitrary obscure gender identities that exist out in the world which video could this be maybe it's the one titled transmentally challenged i will expand on why this is though once again mostly serving as casual grounds for our channel's hostess to spew opinions on a hot topic is also a very relevant video as for the first time blair's opinion on many trans issues is coming to the forefront of her brand so yeah i think all these identities are largely i think they're super arbitrary i think they're super meaningless i think people who take them on are usually extremely boring and have nothing else for their personality other than i'm demi queer non-binary gender special snowflake kin and if you pay attention to these people you'll notice that very rarely will you meet someone who identifies as one of these things who is not heavily involved in political activism to some extent in the video she dismisses individuals who lie outside the traditional gender binary make some pretty generalized presumptive comments about their status and motives for assuming such identities and in general comes off as quite elitist these people are usually middle class white never had to struggle with anything in their life but they want to call themselves a suppressed sexual gender minority as a means to silence any type of opposition they have in any type of political conversation because in our current political climate oppression is a very valuable currency now i'm sure there are many responses one can formulate to our statements here and comments that you and i are itching to make but now i would like to put a pin on it as i think we best keep an open mind and merely say that it serves as a good president for the content that was to follow that rather noticeable distaste that bless seemed to possess for those who fell outside the acceptability range of traditional gender norms yes and as i noted before when approaching topics on previous discourse even topics pertaining to gender like the upload before she seemed reasonable but this was a turn and this persisted in uploads following as well not just in her tone but in her attitude towards others and i will elaborate here i avoided explicitly mentioning the title of this upload as it's not a term i tend to indulge however back then it was more than commonplace in spite of this acknowledgement blair still weaponized in a rather derogatory manner and her subsequent uploads although having more temperate titles can often be found to have much more provocative captions at the time thanks to blair's extremely professional thumbnails and thanks to the archives for example feminist thinks all men are rapists or triggering transgender people damn it blair you really love a good slur in the worst of context i'd like to say she rectified these outer remorse but given the fact that she's left offensive terms and other titles i assume it was to try and stop youtube from demonetizing or age restricting them because in other places she's changed them when there really was no offensive term just a sensitive word such as this one where i assume racist obviously set off the youtube alarm so blair in a state of pure indolence changed the title to just minorities but as amusing as that is i will move on for now as said this era was a curious one for sure particularly for the political community online it was one where many felt free from the shackles that had bound them in real life environments and some clearly fell to catharsis in expressing themselves in a more unabashed manner nonetheless i think some of these creators listened to a bit too much ice cube and drew the conclusion that a black person exclaiming the n-word on a rap track gave them license to start directing their decently sized platforms towards other creators and barraging them with a slew of pretty relentless content fortified by slurs that they felt more comfortable firing off due to their identity this wasn't exclusive to blair darren for example was another person who engaged in similar antics however the fact that many of these comments or insults were often used in exclusionary or alienating fashion against people who may have personal history with those words didn't really justify it so cat black's a youtuber who's about as balls deep in tumblr social justice as one could possibly get and balls deep is appropriate because she's a trainer 100 comedy from blair white over here you can tell that she would have surely become a stand-up if she had not pursued political commentary but in a way where some may dismiss this as pointless edginess critics would often see it as part of a greater ruse which would be observed in other videos with one garnering particular personal heat from myself yes after making multiple response videos to contents that our queen had decreed as cringe it seems that miss white had her finger on the pulse of so many of those around her so today i want to talk about why people don't like i've received thousands upon thousands of emails comments messages from people saying that before finding my channel they had absolutely no understanding of trans people and that they were shocked to find a trans person who was actually sane in this lovely upload once again amended to have a more restrained headline she decides to discuss exactly what the public's problems are with the transgender community firstly mentioning about her experiences with many people who previously weren't aware of the existence of sane transgender people until they encountered the wonders of blair white because let's just face it the majority of the ideas and policies and things that come out of the trans community and the activists that they pop up to speak for them in the public sphere are insane i mean i personally sometimes feel like i'm just drowning in this huge crowd who are screaming and crying about 97 genders and i'm just in the back like i'm not one of them the transgender community then becomes this buzzword and blair once more sets herself apart affirming her opposition to bill c-16 for example the controversial canadian one that saw the rise of jordan peterson and in this she also calls out the transgender community on other instances such as one where trans activists were allegedly pressuring the midwife community into using gender-neutral terminology referencing an infowars article which could have used a little research in itself because most evidence appears to imply that there was little to no evidence of any pressure being applied at all but okay that's one reference we'll put that aside for now her point is clear enough regardless but i'm sorry like i said acceptance is a two-way street and behaving like insufferable children who place emotion-based arguments over fact-based arguments is not a way to get anything done there was a moment in time where blair white just wanted to grill but that was no longer an option and in taking a stand against these trans activists who were making all these unreasonable demands of society she was proving that transgender people weren't this monolith that many had previously assumed them to be but was anyone ever saying this and was blair's narrative really as altruistic as it appeared to be [Music] instead of arguing for the validity of transgenderism on a neurological or physiological level you guys instead give up and start screaming and crying about how there's 97 genders it's like calm down calm it down the examples covered in my previous part may have found blair approaching the aspects of trans issues from different angles but they all seem to transport me back to the school playground in a way and i'll explain why in a moment the channel was always a very personal venture and this upload was no exception because although she proclaims that she is attempting to decipher the issue from within the community she mostly uses it as a springboard to pat herself on the back and tell people who aren't like her to calm down and need i remind you that america and western civilization in general is the pinnacle of safety and freedom for trans people and by the way that statement is actually true for every group of people under the sun as a trans person you can't step foot in a single middle eastern country without fear of being jailed or worse and the same goes for pretty much every african country in america you have access to transgender medical care the ability to legally amend your gender fantasy of relative probation blair basic logic come on is that i think there's a lot more people out there who are opposed to the bat crazy ideas and policies that come out of the trans community and their activists rather than trans people themselves because let's just face it the majority of the ideas and policies and things that come out of the trans community and the activists that they pop up to speak for them in the public sphere are insane i think it was tangible that at the time people had received an impression of leftism or at least certain branches of leftism due to chronicled attitudes of certain activists however to extend that logic to entire demographics and identity groups was ludicrous or not it felt part of a greater narrative which aside from being rather egotistical like come on you started your channel after appearing on stream with a transgender woman who espoused similar talking points at the time it felt like an attempt to cater to people to win over their approval by being the quote cool transgender person this may be impudent of me to say but it felt like the goal of 2016 blair was her own acceptance rather than acceptance of the greater community on twitter and youtube she would present herself as the emissary but i don't think the opposite could have been more true in a way it felt like a playground where she was trying to fit in with a certain clique by ostracizing others by proving that she was worthy almost like initiation in response to this you could say that okay the mainstream was a lot of the time the intolerant progressive lot and maybe at her university it was i'm happy to entertain that but on youtube it was a very different story and once you take advantage of the power that you have to belittle others in your own domain then you're no better than those you chastise so fervently this can be embodied more than it is in the title where once again blair had initially and quite ironically used a slur in presenting why some people just don't really like transgender individuals now some transgender individuals may be okay or comfortable with that but many aren't and already addressing a group of people in such a way is going to breed division and provocation really you could make the argument that blair was validating using slurs in such a manner that's only really going to win one side over and provoke the other and when they are inevitably provoked blair will just tell him to calm down again and high five all her edgy friends having someone who set the bar so low for trans acceptance could make it easy for people to accept her and reject other trans people who in many ways weren't making unbelievably preposterous demands from those around them and you could make the argument that those people were never going to accept other transgender individuals regardless and that blair was at least making some level of acceptance somewhat accessible maybe she provided a ramp into the transgender community i think this would be a somewhat banded response on the surface and that in many ways blair's position as a moderate could have been used to facilitate discourse between two separate camps but this never fully materialized because she only aligned herself with the ideas of one of them and blair never really made an effort to facilitate acceptance of people sometimes quite the opposite in fact because her own bar receptors was high and sometimes rather uneven and would lead one to wonder what sort of environment her own principles would lead to case in point the following situation would you date someone who's trans no would you date someone who's black maybe would you date someone who's fat no would you date someone who's disabled no one of the common recipients of blair white's responses was created by the name of riley dennis she was known for her takes at the time which many found contentious particularly given the era where she posted a preponderance of her political opinions in i have to admit that i disagreed with a lot of what she had to say at the time and i still probably wouldn't align with a fair proportion of what she said then today however disagreement is a healthy constituent of academic discourse and the online sphere should be fertile ground to nurture productive discussion however blair's demeanor towards riley isn't what one would always characterize as well healthy the first video released on blair's thoughts on trans special people is a response to a noun deleted riley dennis video which asserts that feminism isn't about hating men amongst many other things at this point riley was identifying as a non-binary trans woman however throughout the video blair refers to riley as a he for reasons that are not explicitly clarified but one can assume are in line with those expressed in the upload prior i can't believe it's 2016 and we still have to talk about this okay right off the bat he's using the current year as an argument in another video where she contends riley's assertion that misgendering is violence blair generally avoids referring to riley under any pronouns whatsoever an option she probably thought was decidedly smarter given the topic after concluding that misgendering is not violence but still a dick move she takes the time to express her feelings on the matter of riley's gender and riley you seem to be really upset that people don't refer to you as she everywhere you go but can you really blame them like honestly you call yourself a woman and a trans woman but you actively talk about how you won't take hormones and hormone therapy and surgery in some cases are what's actually going to give you those secondary sex characteristics that allow people to visually perceive you as a woman even if you are biologically male now statements on what riley said are completely false but we'll cross that bridge soon we have other antics to address first in tweets around this time blair was still taking more than enough liberties on labeling riley under male pronouns once more reaffirming her sentiments on the transition and proudly undermining any neutrality conveyed in that youtube video and a couple months later blair returned back to using male pronouns in her upload in spite of this blair had also still used a heralded transgender slur in titles referring to riley's uploads which i find surprising if you didn't actually believe riley to be transgender really having your cake and eating it there i have to say that i found what was flip-flopping at best and straight up self-contradiction at worst and some other things as well rather confusing is this what bridging the gap looks like well maybe that's not what it appears maybe over time blair worked up this theory in her head regarding riley and didn't upload posted to youtube on june the 18th her theories come to the forefront of the commentary with multiple backhanded comments about blair's thoughts on the verity of riley's gender identity what were these thoughts okay riley i know you're having trouble with this whole transition thing mainly that you haven't done it you know if you went on estrogen your sex drive wouldn't be so high and you wouldn't be guilt tripping people into having sex with you just saying but if anyone calls you a white supremacist you deny it if anyone accuses you of guilt tripping lesbians into sucking your deck by saying you're trans deny it blair's suspicions were very clear riley's existence as a trans person was merely political and self-serving and that in time this would be revealed as she wouldn't follow through on her transitioning properly why won't riley take the oestrogen of what would it tell us about her well hey everybody so today the day this video is going live i'm going to be on my way to san francisco in preparation for my facial feminization surgery or ffs for short somebody was about to have their well-deliberated theory swiftly debunked leaving us to wonder if these playground hijinks were really worthwhile [Music] several large youtubers have been peddling the myth that i'm not really trans for well over a year now they say i'm not a true trans because they claim i'm not taking any steps to transition like not taking hormones and not having surgery on june 26 2017 riley dennis would upload a video basically expressing what i would say to the theories advocated by blair and others in the community around this time that it's none of their business and that her status as a trans person shouldn't depend on what procedures she's embarking on these people who vehemently hate me and make videos misgendering me and insulting me and making assumptions about my personal life they feel entitled to information about my personal life but i don't owe them that i don't owe anyone that what happens in my personal life is nobody's business but my own what medications i take what surgeries i have what steps i take to transition all of that is my business and nobody else is entitled to that especially not strangers on the internet i have every right to keep all of that information to myself being trans is not defined by hormones or surgery surgeries and hormones do not change your gender identity external things like that do not affect your internal sense of gender which is what being trans is so i don't want this to come across as me trying to prove that i'm a good trans now i will be just as trans after ffs as i was before ffs and i refuse to throw other trans people under the bus just because they don't take hormones or haven't had surgery or don't pass because i think that's a really gross way of gatekeeping who's allowed in the trans community however it doesn't stop there because riley also reveals that she will be actively undergoing facial feminization surgery in the next few weeks and had already been receiving hormone replacement therapy for almost a year leaving those like blair who had been chastising riley pretty ferociously in the public sphere and all these theories out to dry i'll add that our progressive friend here didn't come unprepared dropping an ample sum of receipts to reinforce just how unsubstantiated many of these claims made about her identity were all these claims by other youtubers that i haven't been on hormones were just completely fabricated lies not based in anything i've ever said in fact a couple months ago i got really worried about this i knew that i hadn't talked about hormones since i had started them but i thought maybe i had said something before that so i searched through my twitter timeline for any mentions of hormones or hrt and i only found two tweets where i talked about hormones in relation to myself one was from over a year ago and i said i was planning on starting hormones as soon as i moved back to the us the second one was also from over a year ago and it was me saying that i was planning to start hrt soon that's it those are the only times i've ever tweeted about hormones or hrt in relation to myself and i was literally saying that i was planning to take hormones anybody who took half a second to search through my twitter could have found this information so i think i'm going to be starting hormones um i don't know about surgeries or anything like that yet it's all kind of up in the air for me but i have proof from youtube and twitter that i'm right and they're wrong they've been maliciously and intentionally spreading lies about obviously at approximately half an hour in total there's a little more disgust than what i've spoke about now but as a scaling clap back to many of the conspiracists the video served its purpose placing the ball quite squarely back into blair's court now as riley had indicated blair wasn't the sole proponent of this narrative however as a reasonably sized creator and a transgender woman herself it was pretty imperative that this little blunder be addressed so on june the 29th three days after riley's shocking revelations blair uploads i'm sorry okay so this is a video that i really did not expect to ever make ever but those are always the most interesting ones right in this video blair takes responsibility for advancing the narrative that riley was what many at the time regarded as a trans trender the political leeches however she also expands on the reasoning for what led her to such a conclusion which i personally find a little dubious one of the biggest things that i took issue with was that i assumed that riley was taking on a transgender identity and label for political purposes uh transgender now i had a lot of reasons to believe this the first being statements from riley about growing up and never questioning their gender as a trans person myself that's very weird to hear um because growing up my earliest memories in life were that of questioning my gender and of questioning the gender role that i was expected to fill so as a trans person i couldn't get in the headspace of what how did you never question it another example is riley's statements that trans people don't always want to transition and again as a trans person who's known many trans people i couldn't wrap my head around that because for me the transition was incredibly paramount it was the key to me living the fulfilled life that i live now i was also under the assumption as hundreds of thousands of other people were that riley had no desire to transition and that riley was not transitioning that riley was just taking on the label of trans with no real action behind it in retrospect it's easy to say these justifications seem rather flimsy anyone may grow up without questioning certain aspects of their identity particularly in certain environments and to doubt the veracity of a person's gender because they have the courage to admit that seems extremely cynical and blair's other reason basically being that she went along with the mass consensus is barely a reason at all nonetheless she had to explain her rationale whether it made sense or not if that was the impression she received then so be it and once that was out of the way she cut to the chase and to be fair her reflection is pretty strong and suitably self-critical but the incessant push to prove that riley was not trans and just realizing was probably really hurtful and i'm aware that there's no way i would have known before the video where riley actually discloses this information but i feel like i was still in the wrong for trying to assume what was in someone's heart and mind when there was just simply no way i could have known and make no mistake it should have been in many ways it was starting to sink in that there was a toxicity in this online community that she was contributing to beyond just the narratives and making assumptions about transgender individuals deciding who was truly trans or not there are other statements she had made for example this one towards fellow trans woman steph sanjati in 2016. when steph tagged another trans woman to ask why blair has to attack their appearance when she clearly has no clue what she's doing blair decides to jump in on the statement to inform steph that she looks like a linebacker is so extra and unnecessary in this specific case i think blair misconstrued steph's comment as an attack on her appearance rather than just going out of her way to offend but it was indicative of how antagonistic she had become how skeptical her own perception towards many of those she shared experiences with watts a much worse situation included her making a rather mean-spirited comment in response to a video by a person who was posting about her own experiences once again going at her ability to pass as a woman so one thing has become pretty apparent since starting my youtube channel and that is that the trans community hates me throughout her time on youtube she had made a deal about being the public enemy of many of these trans women how they hated her how some couldn't be as good looking how they weren't as pretty and beyond all the complex theories that could arise as to why she did this it was simply rather catty behavior as her platform grew having such a demeanor that could influence the actions of viewers particularly towards the subjects of her videos some of whom transgender this could easily cause unintended grief and blair wouldn't want that especially as someone who had experienced that personally with reference to the video about misgendering she was at risk of becoming everything she had criticized in the past at the end of the day personal ideology transcends identity so singling transgender people out in the way that blair did on the basis of political disagreements alone wasn't really the most salubrious for either party and i'm someone who's had my transition picked apart online there have been reddit threads and 4chan guides with hundreds of comments on it of people trying to prove that i'm not trans because i haven't done this or that or you know digging up my old pictures and you know i'm a strong person i'm a happy person but to sit here and pretend like it doesn't affect me at all would just be a lie so the thought that this entire time i've done that exact same thing to someone else and push that off on someone else with me i'm sorry now i think there were some who probably doubted the sincerity of this apology at the end of the day this was narrative maintained over a year by an individual who given her own self-admitted personal experiences should have known better how at the same time as a person who did have some authority within the community speaking out on the matter would at least cause some to listen to her who may not otherwise relent it maybe the growth and the community she was in had taken her on a bit of a power trip and this was the warranted yank back down to earth she needed you know this whole thing has really taught me a lesson that i should really try to stick to ideas opinions policy rather than like trying to get in someone's head and like make judgments about something that's so personal and so nuanced to many this appeared to be a turning point in blair's content as she committed to making her videos more focused on their political roots and gravitating away from the petty remarks and character judgments that had landed her in hot water this time whether riley accepted it herself will never know though she did upload a video just over a month later discussing how to make a good apology video although not mentioning blair's video at any point and using a different example completely to illuminate her thesis it was a bit coincidental for some and seemingly reignited the feud between the two creators even causing the video to be temporarily taken down in the process due to flagging fantastic but deep breaths blair still had a new leaf turnover we were going to talk about political content and a bit of a twitter spat between old nemesis isn't substantial enough to say that she had returned to old habits no as the content went it looked like there was a new direction for blair and to be honest maybe it was the fresh start she needed i'm going to open this part by at least defending blair white to a certain degree i know i even surprise myself sometimes as much as i have detailed aspects of her channel and her behavior in a pretty critical light it's important to recognize the zeitgeist and how that may have influenced her comportment i know that to many people even myself that it may have seemed like she was pandering to seek approval from the online crowd but throughout that period and even up to this day one of the prevalent narratives espoused by individuals from within this realm was that these ideas were the counterculture this was a pushback against the mainstream ideologies enforced by oppressive neoterics who didn't even want to allow room for discussion blair had been there herself she'd set foot in the liberal university campuses and encountered that environment firsthand that eddiness that some wanted to shut down was part of that moment it was greater back then in her own mind blair may have felt she was the one fighting back by saying what she said she was joining the resistance and this attitude that she adopted was part of that movement that she wasn't pandering she was adapting and many other people did the same channels from all genres probably said stuff they would never be caught saying today many commentators being no exception here the idea lingered that maybe some of blair's antics were in part a product of their era like some of the other creators who had also been in that position as well and had since reformed themselves how this would only be answered by a content and how it would develop in relation to the evolving youtube ecosystem with the observed instant grounding her this would definitely be a chance to realign those values i'm not infallible i've definitely you know over the course of doing political commentary for the past almost two years i know i've probably said things that are not true thinking they were true i've definitely accidentally spread fake news and i'm definitely not calling myself a fact machine 2017 was an interesting time in my opinion it was when the pushback against presiding anti-sjw narratives on youtube began to gather momentum and the science says we're all on a spectrum um no um yeah this didn't necessarily quell the strength of certain commentators but it definitely meant that a lot of discourse appeared to grow more balanced with certain perspectives no longer going unchallenged alongside this with certain us policy in particular skewing in concerning directions it became more difficult for some to argue that conservatism was this oppressed political underdog however there was never an absence of contention online for a creator of any leading and blair was never stopped for content blair never positioned herself as a disillusioned liberal like some of her colleagues she was a conservative and rather proud of that nonetheless there were a few key issues that she liked to weigh in on ones that didn't necessarily fall too clearly on a liberal conservative spectrum more coming down to questions of common sense and in the months following her apology to riley dennis she appeared to readjust her trajectory to present a more balanced perspective on political affairs that would reflect the current landscape according to police reports and not sensationalized headlines this occurred in a private residence in an apartment and it just happened to have occurred in the bathroom and the person was a family friend it was not stranger danger it was not stranger in the bathroom going to get you danger it just wasn't ian miles chong claimed straight out that it happened in a public bathroom for example this video corrects misinformation surrounding a transgender individual convicted of sexual assault and the factually incorrect claims made by some on the right that this had occurred in a public restroom or we could talk about the upload at the start of 2018 where she reacted to some of her older content that she no longer associates with and although still being somewhat mitigated in her self-criticism still demonstrates awareness of her errors so there's been a bunch of pictures and videos that have come out that have led people to believe that she has some sort of neurological disorder or you know she's generally just unfit to be president because she's ill by the way i still think hillary clinton is actually the devil but i regret doing this video she may have very well been sick but the evidence i used in this video is reaching at best it's so flimsy it's so weak and i'm surprised more people didn't call me out on it honestly all of these examples show growth from previous instance hopefully allowing her to move towards being a more recent and independent voice within the community throughout this period blair also seemed to pivot back towards more introspective videos that spoke about her personal life and development in her transition there was a fair bit the warranted praise and i don't want to understate that at the same time there are still signs that aspects of her content indulge perspectives without being fully transparent in the delivery of that information such as the trump hat in hollywood video hey guys so today is a bit of a different kind of video we're doing a social experiment video you guys know i've been doing on the street stuff and joey and i had this sick idea of walking around west hollywood which is the gay area of hollywood and just you know wearing a little path that we think people will be really upset about [Applause] [Music] now on the surface this is a standard intolerant left video and obviously when witnessing violence against someone many would feel naturally shocked in the description a disclaimer hits informed viewers that blair and her partner did not act in any way that would have provoked the attacks implying the hats were the only variable of interest here this caught the eye of many on social media given its content and led to some circulation and interest from those outside her typical audience nonetheless this also reached the fact-checking website snopes again who contacted the los angeles police department and were informed that blair and her husband had crossed a dividing line set up specifically to prevent any physical altercation now does this justify the behavior of those depicted in the video no but at the same time it's hardly wearing a trump hat in hollywood moreover wearing it to an anti-trump protest i'll add the caveat that she does have a drink thrown in her face at the end of the video which although snopes cast suspicion on comparing her to alex jones i don't really think it's completely fair and could well have happened at the same time given the framing doubt is obviously going to be inevitable and given how heavily edited the video is it's hard to arbitrate exactly what happened but maybe that's just clickbait for you nonetheless certain concerns harbored go beyond a single video now these other beasts let me not see beasts but these other people who are pressuring people to be with them is gross yes i'd say there are still comments present that showcased her rather flippant nature and desire to one-up those she viewed unfavorably but these were asides and a far cry from what she had perpetuated in the past we can all be divas from time to time can't we i mean let's be honest most of the people who complain about this kind of thing are the worst people the most undateable cringey miserable individuals just very tacky well i don't know but as we move further into 2018 she seemed to distance herself more and more from the political community that she had previously shared for principality with her content gravitated towards topics that felt more blog oriented in a way and this inevitably yielded some questions from viewers who are familiar with her more outspoken self although i think many were expecting a new direction this certainly was a different flavor eventually she'd upload a video explaining exactly why she'd done this and the reasons behind it and to be fair to her many of them seem quite justified and believable so the simplest answer as to why i have steered away from politics at least recently and at least for now maybe not forever is that quite frankly i guess just the best way to put it is politics and political commentary specifically has effed up my life the fbi incidents the going out in public and having people try to fight me the doxing the stalking the people entering my building all that kind of stuff um my family being harassed and you know i am at such a place where i feel like has it been worth it i moved to l.a almost a year ago and one thing about la is there's a lot of work here so a lot of other political commentators other people who you guys know i'm not talking about obscure people here a lot of them either live in la or they're constantly in and out for work filming something doing whatever they do um so i've met almost all of them people have either been on their show or on a show with them or went to a dinner with them an event with them or i became close with some of them the amount of them that i've met that have told me either directly or in a roundabout way that's very clear um that they don't believe everything that they say that they believe when they're on camera a lot of them just flat out don't believe they're just actors grifters threats doctors they're all plausible in such a polarizing community with such potential and if you can't handle that then it's understandable that you'd want to take a step back it'll make anyone feel rather dirty once they've been exposed to it long enough and the video itself feels like finally washing our hands of such toxicity this was the movement we need it it comes in such extremes it's like something really amazing will happen and i'll get like the coolest opportunity ever but then something really effing terrible will happen and it's these crazy highs and lows that i feel like are a lot more extreme than if i just did other types of content that make me equally as happy you know but were those hands as clean as they appeared [Music] that venting session was so necessary when i say it was so necessary it was so necessary it felt amazing the video about why blair change seemed pretty conclusive in the moment rather scathing towards many aspects of the community and even the media beyond that ending on a rather affirmative note that would cause many to assume that she was mostly finished with political content at least for a while and it's just not a world that i feel super comfortable and do i still care very much about politics absolutely but being involved in this like commentary world is so toxic however it seems the contrary appeared to be the case in fact it looked as though blair's open venting made her feel more reassured in returning topics that she had distanced herself from and after a month interval she returned to a schedule of more politically oriented content i'm not entirely sure why it's not like many of the concerns that she had outlined in her video could subside in fact you could argue her shedding light in them but only heightened the attention they could receive but if that's how she felt then that's her prerogative hi so i know i said in the last video that i wasn't going to talk about politics anymore that was a lie i'm a liar because women lie just kidding that was a joke and probably not fitting for this video but well i appreciate the honesty blair her first video back was a response to the slogan believe all women a rather contentious phrase which some advocates claim has been unfairly conflated with the similar though not identical believe women as you can probably assume blair's position on the slogan was unsurprisingly quite critical though not necessarily making the distinction mentioned prior nevertheless the video was well received and she appeared to return to her routine schedule of content this may have spiked some unease amongst those still skeptical of her intentions especially considering some of the click bait and chosen subjects right dennis but hope may have been instilled as she appeared to stand by her reformed demeanor and refrain from shabby character attacks even reconciling with one of the individuals she'd previously been rather insensitive towards and recognizing her responsibility so all in all we could say there was progress made correct well let's not get ahead of ourselves because again as time elapsed it felt like this was waning so today i have one of the cringiest videos i have seen in a long time on the interwebs i mean the content itself was still lightweight at best and a bit misleading at the worst i know it's kind of blair style to not create the most demanding content but conversely i think there are videos which just end up failing rather in their portrayal of the source material and once again fall back onto this idea of catering to a perspective now obviously anyone would be pleased that her content is less incentive than it was before but at the same time having many prominent fools and just subtracting the evident offensiveness previously present doesn't necessarily make it good and make no mistake there isn't a great divergence from precursory output for example this video where she responds to a notoriously unpopular teen vogue upload it's important that we really break down what are we talking about when we talk about sex and gender and is there something called biological sex and what does that mean now there are certainly points in the original that could be disputed but a load of blair's arguments are pretty lazy too this idea that the body is either male or female is totally wrong and i am living proof of that we know she literally just said that she's proof of that and didn't explain why like it went on to the next scene blair she literally elaborates on this later on in the section i identify as an intersex woman i have gone through surgeries that have really stuck with me through my whole life and affected a lot of different parts of my life just so that i can fit into this box of female the video's over seven minutes long and these segments are even shorter so you'd need to have a pretty short attention span to miss it and as said it's not an infallible upload but she skips over so much of it and responds to the parts where she can drop a sassy takedown comment some wish doesn't even work in the greater context of the original video another example would be the classic the mob tried to cancel me again upload where blair is rather angry than an event she was part of hosted by walk away a prom lgbt movement promoting exodus of the democratic party was moved last minute due to an open letter and accompanying dossier published by online communities documenting what they had deemed as behaviour contrary to the values of the venue hosting the event she initially scolded the lgbt center for their decision to refuse their guests and all the fans they would inevitably put out a pocket with the impending cancellation a comment that some would deem slightly ironic given that she was accused of doing the same one-and-a-half years prior for a debate with their ma and contra points another trans creator on the left of the spectrum whom she had debated previously however that was a while back and so was a lot of what she had been accused of in this dossier so she took to youtube to defend herself today i am going to be addressing the mob but more specifically what i wanted to address in this video is the petition that was sent to the lgbt center from activists online to have me de-platformed the petition and what they were saying was absolutely just riddled with misrepresentations lies exaggerations and just about me so we're going to go over some pictures right now that people love to bring up when they're trying to ruin something for me people are claiming that that photo is me holding up a white supremacist hand signal so to address that specifically so stupid i have to this is again an okay hand signal this is not a white supremacist hand signal in the video however blair picks out two isolated examples from the document in question and even then somehow manages to take one of them out of context so here's another photo people love digging up from 2016 a photo of me apparently in a black face this is all well and good but she's omitted the caption and this capture was present in the document so there's no real reason to do this otherwise unless you view it as strictly irrelevant to the discourse which i would find unlikely personally now does this make the offense terrible or even comparable to a lot of what is normally considered blackface not necessarily because if you donned it with the primary intent of being a beauty treatment and that's important information however it was still posted to social media as a reference to blackface and that is of interest and blair was aware of that however instead we have to deal with the incredulous tone and touch from the astounded commentator who puts all these bottom feeders in their place it's just so ridiculous and it's even more ridiculous that people have the nerve to misrepresent someone like that it's strange to me because it doesn't seem like a point that's impossible to respond to in its full context and yet it was still watered down even with this considered there's a lot of the document that bled just doesn't respond to at all some of it i can understand she doesn't consider it a big deal other parts well being a lot better place but unfortunately we're at a place where instead of actually defeating your political adversaries with logic and reason or debate or hell even the screaming match it seems to be easier to brand them as bigots and brand them as people who don't have a right to speak rather than debunking their speech and that's incredibly sad let me tell you when videos are like this i just wonder why they're even made at all and maybe that's what i get for making videos as long as i do yet it seemed for every step blair took forward they were offset by shortcomings that could have been alleviated if she'd been a bit more meticulous or upfront in the material she presented and if someone who valued facts and information so much they could really be lacking sometimes for the most pointless reasons as well it's hard to fully diagnose what was going on because it never felt fully malicious just very lackluster and i received the impression that maybe blair was becoming tired of her content maybe she was an autopilot maybe she needed a new calling well as we move deeper into 2019 it seems she may have found it so i guess it's time to introduce a side character this is an individual by the name of jessica unique she first hit the headlines in mid-2019 after filing multiple complaints with the british columbia human rights tribunal as she was refused brazilian waxes by beauticians and seeking damages from each individual involved she claimed this was discrimination on the basis of her transgender identity however the defendants contested they were not comfortable or experienced with her genitalia which included a phallus there's a lot that takes my interest regarding this case that could be discussed in the future but for now all i'll say is that there are many that understandably didn't sympathize with her plight and questioned her intentions in initiating these proceedings given certain details additionally others following the situation decide to dig further into her antics discovering a consistent pattern of rather inappropriate and predatory behavior provoking condemnation and backlash towards the controversial figure however it appears there was another person with an eye on the debacle blair white now blair had perhaps signaled her intent to pursue a new direction a week before although once again not in most graceful form after she had confused a twitter user by the name of princess death with a tick tock predator by the name of mama steph in full-fledged serving the wrong chris hansen style she had deleted these tweets shortly after realizing her error though i'm not ever sure if amends were made nonetheless a good few days later she probably felt on more short footing as she launched a pretty extensive attack on your knee who she branded decisively in her upload as the trans predator sweet this is trans activist jessica yaniv now this person is the walking talking living and breathing embodiment of what people fear when it comes to trans people i do not believe this is a trans woman i believe this is a predator posing as a trans woman now make no mistake none of these messages are how women talk to each other or trans women talk to women or anyone yaniv clearly has an obsession with you know feminine products and women and girls and it's incredibly disturbing and this needs to be called out the video delineates the evidence accumulated against jessica while also discussing the greater impact on the trans community and how the general public may regard it lambasting the activists who haven't spoken out why are you silent when this type of thing comes up this should be part of your job it should be part of your job as an activist who wants to apparently put trans people in a better light and better social standing it is important for us to distance ourselves from this i'm not here to police what you know other trans public figures do with their social media and with their platform but they seem to complain about a lot of stuff right and i know they've seen this so maybe to those people i would ask when you're writing you know your 17th tweet about how bad i am maybe use one tweet to be like that's not us this is horrible in many ways these assertions don't feel out of place for a standard blair white video but the narrative of exposing someone for such egregious behavior appeared to provide it with greater moral foundations attracting praise from a broad spectrum of viewers and create galvanizing her ratings in engagement like seldom before and when a formula works and you seem to be enjoying it like blair was you pursue it a bit further i feel like this channel is becoming a predator hunter channel and i'm actually 100 okay with it so a few more videos go up on the mata a couple of these continue to follow the univ saga including a belated livestream in which both the participants clash heads pretty explosively they discuss a medley of subjects with blair occasionally just driving home the very pertinent point of how much more attraction than jessica she is instead of merely calling you neve out for a blatant bigotry you can answer the question if if if you go if you go for no i'm your facial i'm sorry but no one's going to deny me a facial and and honestly no one no one would okay i don't want to i don't want to deal with with with fantasies in which i know i know but not a fancy i can show you right now that they didn't they did deny me a facial i mean maybe you but i'm just saying for me that wouldn't happen overall though i think it does contain some interesting character indictments about you never at least so i won't complain too much on that front however some may begin to question this general direction on the basis that blair's content was portraying transgender individuals in a negative light after all what does a person's identity have to do with how they behave well in another video about an individual who blair believed to be an acting sexual role play disguised as transgender activism she appears to explain this justification but what we don't need is people who are not even trans and acting this predatory behavior under the guise of being trans under the blanket the protection of being trans really people like jessica and eve and people like stefanie actually use the trans label as a protective force field to stop people from criticizing their predatory behavior it's not who they are it is their scapegoat similar to a jessica uni video it's clear that she feels there are certain people who are masquerading their rather sick depravity under the veil of the transgender label and as a transgender person herself blair wants nothing to do with that she wants to let people know that such behavior has no place in our community i suppose it's an understandable sentiment when you have an activist community who you want to set yourself apart from but i think you also have to be wary that you avoid perpetuating the conflation yourself that you're not just pouring fuel onto the fire to then try and put it out blair seemed pretty pleased with the direction even dropping an onision video in the process who isn't trans as far as i know how there was still a couple red flags that maybe she was a bit too emboldened by a newfound ponchon for exposing people where drag queens are brought into public libraries elementary schools preschools kindergartens to read to children and they come and drag and it's supposed to be this thing that's very mind opening for children it's just this super woke thing so meet this man albert garza drag queen performer has performed numerous times at drag queen story hour to underage young children and what do you know he's a convicted predator but is somehow still allowed to read two children as a drag queen in this video she decided to cover a predator who is participating in a drag queen program providing it with the title as endearing as ever however when initially released it had this thumbnail what's the problem well the problem is that this drag queen in the thumbnail has nothing to do with any of the charges actually mentioned in the video in fact the only acknowledgement of this person is at the start where they're once again so tastefully placed alongside the news report of the actual offender's conviction bringing drag performers together with little kids is kind of a perfect relationship i'm hoping what the kids get out of coming to story time is an opportunity to see that things that are different aren't scary relationships and gender identities and everything a revelation that a registered sex offender participated in a story time for children might be surprising in and of itself when called out for this bled did make the change relatively quickly but it does need one to wonder how many times this can happen i don't really like the video much either it felt like the reservoir for such content was already running dry especially given the fact that the video once again just sucks and to make matters worse there's a library board in wichita they can't seem to agree they can't come to a clear consensus on whether or not convicted child predators should be reading to their kids as drag queens i'm not joking it's a thing this article states board members were split between those who said registered offenders should be automatically disqualified from ever giving a talk at the library and those who said it should be allowable in some circumstances what circumstances is it okay for a predator to speak to kids blair have you heard of scrolling down it's literally written there in the article the exceptions that could be considered you can disagree or dispute them but you can't act like they don't exist and get all hot and bothered when they're right there talk about due diligence deep breaths focus focus but what i am saying which is what something that lgbt advocates don't seem to ever get through their head is that sometimes you guys are so relaxed and so interested in being woke that you leave the door open for this stop like i hate the constantly we all think of this shut up but think of the child okay i have to admit i'm feeling rather faint and i need to sleep this frustration off [Music] [Music] okay let's regather myself where were we nobody likes predatory behavior it can be pretty much universally denounced and blair going after people who had acted in such a way was a gold mine whether always completely accurate in the assertion she made or not have it also bestowed blair with power that she previously not been accustomed with this social gravitas a currency of credibility that extended beyond a political clique this like complete change of heart if in person you weren't so fake i continue seeing how fraudulent they are and how gross of a community or genre of content that is um it's starting to again affect my willingness to be part of that community and obviously all doesn't mean literally all there's two or three good ones but the overwhelming majority and those people that you guys know are just liars now when she made the video about why she changed it may not have served her channel much purpose in the context of the political content that followed almost immediately after but it did begin to cement a distancing from certain highly polarizing figures that throughout much of the channel's early stages she found herself rather congenial with the political community that was once rather tight-knit in 2016 had definitely divided itself in the years ensuing to those who had become more amenable to leftism like sean head for example and those who were still quite resistant to it and this would only become more lucid as time transpired both of them very much i really do like both of them but it's become obvious that sean head is becoming radicalized towards communism and in fact i with my burner account on twitter it tweeted at a look dude by the end of the year at this rate you're gonna be a communist and she replied with never and then deleted that tweet and all we see now is this radical cascade into what appears to be just full communism and i'm just staggered by it blair was no different in this sense at least 2016 blair hung around with a very different crew than her 2019 entourage the strange detail in blair's situation is that she maintained a lot of her narratives that remain critical of communities that she'd always been outspoken about however pairing them with topics that exposed predators appeared to win over a larger audience and push her more into the mainstream finishing the saga off on the onision video was a fitting end especially given the apolitical nature of despising him hating people who behave in such a manner transcends politics and even if you don't agree with blair a lot of people found it in themselves to look past their differences to support her crusade in a way it's what finally made her mainstream which is a pretty incredible feat considering less than a few months ago she was lamenting cancellation of the walk away event due to the antics of phone appears and her continued involvement with that movement since however as soon as she'd embraced her new direction she once again shifted course back to more political content this was fair enough i suppose she likely would have received flack for over stigmatizing the community if she'd only spoken about the worst of the worst through her archetypal lens on the flip side though there wasn't any greater cause that could shield her from criticism for shortcomings that may be present in her content so it was more imperative than ever that she'd be rigorous and balanced in her presentation was she though well i mean let's tackle the three most prevalent issues with blair white throughout this video so far poor research reckless insensitivity and i suppose what many would regard as invalidation the last one you'd hope would be a mostly outdated criticism given the fact that she'd obviously acknowledged heartbear she'd been in the past towards trans women who didn't pass enough in her eyes and how she wanted to move back to more serious sensible content however the upload after this exposing phase she uploaded a video called the truth about conch points and non-binary covering the incident that transpired in the political community at that time where country would face some pretty hostile resistance after expressing a predilection towards attitudes and environments with a more traditional approach to gender roles over the quote hyper woke spaces now obviously this is a person sharing their experiences and thoughts and even if you disagree or think it could have been worded more sensitively some people definitely overreact it however blair had her own take well maybe her opinion has reformed since then of course speaking of transition from what i can see the overwhelming majority of non-binary people do not transition they don't get surgery they don't get hormones etc of course there are some and there's gonna be someone in the comments i know of someone okay well you know of someone in terms of gender i have about as much in common with a non-binary person as i do my fiancee who is not trans just a guy because you stay to point a just like non-binary people do no not really in fact her video is packed with a large set of assumptions about the non-binary community not really backed up with any proof or evidence appearing kind of pissed off to be honest so non-binary is a topic that comes up on my channel in passing but i've never really gone in depth about my feelings towards non-binary people non-binary as a concept in terms of gender obviously and this person insisted that they were trans as well they were the same thing as me right this person was born male presents as male has not transitioned to anything but male um doesn't mind going by male pronouns but yet i'm supposed to accept that i'm the same thing as this person i'm sorry but i'm not i also can't really endorse her assertion that this is the first proper time she's made her feeling of apparent on the matter i think she's been pretty clear even in the midst of her hiatus from the political community she uploaded a video where she reacts to a non-binary individual with her friend and fellow creator eden the doll and make some pretty disparaging remarks while also continuously failing to address them correctly when you're assigned male at birth you have to fight like how to be feminine you [Music] what was your fight girl picking the right shade of lipstick he's talking about a fight to be feminine when it's like oh a fight like surgery oh no he's not done that i fight like hormones nobody hasn't done that i fight like therapy oh he hasn't done that about like changing your name legally oh he hasn't done that so what's the fight i feel like whenever people says like to refer to them as they and them they're like kind of saying that they have like multiple personalities like split personality like a million people she also chose this practically unknown non-binary person as the quote worse sjw over numerous other public figures in another video between then and now so here's one where she claims there's no such thing as male and female brains that's what's really really annoying is you have all these random honestly cisgender people claiming to be trans to look cool and spreading out things like there's no such thing as male and female brain and then we find ourselves over here where she keeps reiterating the fact that non-binary people are not the same as her which is all well and good i'm happy for her but it's a misleading point take a look at this very short clip in which i tell a non-binary individual that we are not the same my name is blair i'm transgender and i'm a republican my name is jamie i use they them pronouns identify as a queer non-binary trans-femme um i also identify in the a-spectrum of asexuality i believe non-binary is under the trans umbrella i completely reject how non-binary people specifically have injected themselves into the trans label i am a transsexual there's a medical basis for that there's a scientific basis for that and for non-binary it's really not the case you don't know my life i don't know my experiences with the generals because i'm not saying that you're the one that said that i was erasing um you as trans i i am like you're not trans like there's a medical definition of being a transcendent i'm gonna stop you jamie how are you doing okay okay yeah do you feel like talking you don't have to okay blair plays this clip like it's some huge gotcha but it actually just shows the disparity between the two points she's trying to make someone has asserted they fall under the umbrella and blair disputes that which is her prerogative but that's not equatable to say that another person was claiming you were the same in fact they seek to emphasize they believe in a more inclusive label that blair seems rather bothered by you can only reclaim that these two points are compatible if you solely derive your identity from your trans label something that i'm sure blair would never advocate for no i am not trying to bash non-binary people i'm not trying to say that i'm better than them above them higher than them we all put our pants on one leg at a time we are all equals here what i am saying is that we are different okay it seems to me that the goal of non-binary people is to completely destroy and deconstruct the binary and the goal of trans people is to operate within the binary as in moving from one to the other listen guys i'm talking about peace love understanding i love everyone we're all equal especially the green grocers i'm sure some of them are great people but i'm pretty sure the green grocers are kidnapping cats and claiming the reward money when missing posters are put up i have to save some of this but the point being if you didn't like blair before she didn't seem to be more sensitive and when it came to validation this is someone who is not trans this is someone who's claiming to be trans by what putting on lipstick and then going in the media talking about trans issues as if they know well if there's moving the goal posts blair was moving the gate posts but at least she still had her research sorted right well let's talk about it [Music] okay here's the thing the first two points that we've discussed blair may defend us up on she never promoted herself as a bastion of sensitivity on the contrary impact she knows she's the problematic queen if she has strong opinions she's going to express them regardless of who she offends if you were going to criticize her you could say that this sort of attitude makes her more sensitive videos such as her apology video to riley dennis somewhat disingenuous there have been reddit threads and 4chan guides with hundreds of comments on it of people trying to prove that i'm not trans because i haven't done this or that or you know digging up my old pictures and you know i'm a strong person i'm a happy person but to sit here and pretend like it doesn't affect me at all would just be a lie however even with that said she may respond to this claiming that these two situations are not equivalent after all her whole point was that non-binary individuals were not the same as her and this mostly staved off the criticism even if it did feel like an us versus their narrative sometimes no matter how much blair declared there was no ill will in her rhetoric and honestly i know i'm gonna get crucified for this video but i really don't care my intention is not to again bash or put down or belittle non-binary people i really don't care whatever you identify as how about it we'll put this on the back burner for now though and turn our attention back to the third issue one that we wouldn't necessarily expect to be present in a video like this that being poor research this is the one aspect of content that blair wouldn't really have any defense against after all you can't really dismiss it and say deal with it liberals i'm bad at fact-checking intellectual rigour is to be aspired for regardless of political affiliation however in the aforementioned upload not to be outdone blair manages to tick all three boxes with a rather bizarre citation another thing is that there is a long historical basis for transsexuals like as early as surgery was a thing people were having the desire to change their sex gender dysphoria previously known as gender identity disorder is something that has been around forever whereas this new wave of non-binary is literally something that's popped up maybe since 2014 and on google trends shows it ah yes google trends the bull walk for scientific grounding now i personally use it and i have used it for illustrating public interest or awareness of a trend but not for the existence of an entity and blair's assertion can be quickly challenged with a bit of actual research for video titled the truth about contra points and non-binary there isn't really much contrapoints and there's also a distinct lack of truth they'll give a point to having no deficiency on the non-binary front recently sam smith came out as non-binary and wants the entire world to use they them pronouns because it wasn't enough to be russian famous he also wants everyone around to bow down and you know change their language for him the videos that followed were no less brash with her attitude similarly becoming more and more impersonal but i don't really want to focus on that and let me make it clear i could we could talk about the thumbnails that continue to feature people who have nothing to do with the video topic and merely a serve to allow bled to pull her grossed out face despite the fact she was literally just called out for that all we could talk about her ridiculous and pointless flame war with a smaller creator where she once again resorts to insulting the person's trans identity regardless of what they said just grow up the antics that persisted after this with the photoshopping and all that crap i have nothing else to add it is self-explanatory at this point oh i feel like i started out so many of my videos saying today's video is kind of sad today's video is kind of dark this one is too just being real so with all that behind us let's talk about the children a topic that has always been very close to blair's heart and one that has also been the center of gender discourse for a long time certain commentators in particular take an interest because it's a sensitive and controversial topic that has led to some mishaps in the past and obviously in these instances there can be ramifications of great moral significance at the same time with such topics given their sensitivity it requires attention to detail and respect for those who may be affected by the consequences such narratives may invoke blair like she did with a fair few other subjects held a pretty cautious stance on the matter but mostly tried to talk about the issue from a perspective of common sense a safe bet with the internet at least however her track record on the subject wasn't the cleanest she had previously generated some controversy a few years back in a now deleted video titled child transitioning equals child abuse the title being the least provocative component in the infamous upload she claims that the mother is pimping out her child's identity for profits what are the odds that a transgender activist gives birth to a kid who ends up being transgender shocking coincidence right so then the question becomes was she an ideologue before or after her kid became trans well her pinned tweet is of her doing a public talk years ago in which she explains how her child transitioned at four four a really quick google of the mother shows that she's been doing press and interviews and talks for years about her kid and i'm sorry but this just reeks of pimping out your kid she also has her own organization called transparenting she sells t-shirts i mean this is lucrative for her and i'm sure that this cover of national geographic is just her big break this was not just debatable but frankly preposterous and research showed that the mother who was the prime recipient of these characterizations was practically the antithesis of everything that blair ledged leaving many to arraign the creator for inducing a tidal wave of hatred against a person who was merely trying to support her daughter but okay that was 2016 blair this was 2019 i'm not gonna give a spiel about the fact that she had a wider audience now because we know that doesn't play a large role in dictating her narrative but allow me to give a brief preamble about this situation essentially just under a couple years back a child became the center of a political tug of war after the divorced parents disputed their gender the father in this family claimed that the mother was forcibly transitioning one of their children against their will setting up a page and fundraiser to fight the custody battle after a jury ruled against him this caught wind in the media and online conservative circles causing the issue to become quickly politicized as well with one allegedly highly incriminating clip making the rounds in which the child claims the mother told them that they were a girl you're a boy right no i'm a girl who told you you're a girl blair decides to weigh in on this matter after all her personal investments run deep and she delivers a decisive verdict on the clip in question so you guys this video to me is i don't even want to get emotional it's so sad i think first of all you know children going through custody battles and you know being weaponized by either party or both parties and just going through that is so sad and adding in this transgender lair but you know i have to be honest a child saying my mom told me i'm a girl um not cool now i've been looking into this story and many people are saying that this child has been coached and is being forced into this and just based on what i have seen i have to agree with that that is personally my opinion she then moves on to the regular narratives about the transgender community and the discussion about putting children on hormones at the age of seven and the dangerous dangerous consequences it can have the institutions who have supported this and pushed it through and caused a great great threat to this child who is far too young to make such a decision for themselves i don't know sometimes i seriously lose faith that trans people will ever be accepted into society and integrated into society when just the insanity that comes out of the community is so constant i don't know i just feel like you never have anything positive coming out of the community i feel like it's always if you don't date me you're transphobic yes seven-year-olds can decide to transition yes male athletes who pops two estrogen pills should be able to compete against women and demolish them like when like when is the community going to step up and realize things are going too far and regain some credibility here because it's not looking good it really isn't honestly the biggest thing for me this is a kind of different man the biggest thing for me is that the trans community seems to have no self-awareness of how they're viewed by the outside world they literally have no clue a lot of these people are so caught up in their own sort of discourse and people who agree with them that they don't realize how insane it sounds that a seven-year-old is having his gender change legally is going to appointments for puberty blockers and they just think it's so bewildering that anyone could possibly conceivably think should we slow down just a little bit no transphobe like it's just disgusting but here blaire was engendering much more trouble than any of the people that she seems so concerned about i'll say this you know in the off chance that the mother of james is viewing this video um i don't want to come across as i am attacking you in fact i would like to publicly reach out via this video if you watch it and say let's have a conversation i would love to talk to you i am not some random internet troll i am not some anonymous person on twitter i am not some hater i'm a trans woman myself and if anything i've walked this path that your son and yourself may seem to think is the right path for him and i'm actually willing to talk to both of you but it's okay i guess at least she's willing to have a discussion well blair let's talk about it you know it's so sad but i i hope to god that james lucks out in the sense that um he grows up and and truly is trans and also doesn't want a family because those are the only two circumstances that would validate the choices being made for him right now is if he both is really trans to which he won't regret the medications and that he doesn't want kids because it already seems to be decided up for him right now that that's the case so before it was circulated by a load of conservative outlets creators and even some on the liberal end of the spectrum this whole story was pretty comprehensively investigated by a creator called timber on toast who quashes most of the narratives put forward by those in favor of the father you should go and watch that one after this but he shows that the dad in this instance is by no means a helpless passenger losing his son but someone who instigated a lot of trouble which was practically rebuked by every medical professional who supported the contrary perspective dr johnson receives a letter from the child's father in which he makes allegations about the child's mother this letter is ignored by dr johnson who sees the child and diagnoses them with gender identity disorder following the diagnosis the medical center tries to contact the father to keep him involved in the process he delays scheduling an interview with them saying that he is gathering information he wants to present to the head doctor the records show that he never followed up on scheduling that interview the therapist confirms the diagnosis of gender dysphoria which was made by dr johnson and advises the mother that it would be better for the child's psychological well-being to socially affirm them as luna which is a girl's name that the child has chosen for themself the therapist advises scheduling another appointment when the child is 8 or 9 to discuss whether or not hormone blockers are an appropriate measure to take by this time it transpires that the child's father has contacted dr johnson child protective services genesis clinic and the follow-up psychologist making allegations to all of them that the mother is abusing the child he states that he suspects the mother is suffering from munchausen by proxy the very same mental illness proposed by dr michelle cretella the lady quoted in all those articles i read about this case none of the professionals who receive the father's letters find his allegations to be credible this information can also be found in court documents published around that time if you're fun enough to read them and i'm not saying this necessarily makes the mother a saint or that this whole hubbub even has a bearing on the child's identity which has now probably been completely disrupted by political pickers sticking their nose in far too deep to a case they have no knowledge of and interfering with the court case which has been deliberated and heard out by a jury however once again a preconceived narrative was pushed as truth without question i mean help the governor of texas basically complained that his own judicial system wasn't working well enough i love you please leave a comment i want to know everyone's thoughts um please share this video as well i feel like this is extremely important blaire was a part of that and she of course doesn't have the mainstream draw of any of the figures who took to twitter to make known that outrage but it was once more wrapped in those points of view that tried to make her look like this disillusioned observer and frustrated moderate that was becoming more and more tiresome by the upload and honestly even wearing what they want if i'm being completely honest i don't have an issue with that at all but the mother has been going to consultations for puberty blockers is quote not ruling it out and it seems like this boy's fate is already decided you know i do believe seven-year-olds can experience gender dysphoria i was one of them but no seven-year-old is prepared mentally emotionally anything to make the decision to go on puberty blockers and then hormones and then live as a woman at seven you also see in the court notes that there is no concrete plan for the child to go on hormone blockers the child is six years old it's stated that when they are eight or nine they will have another consultation where they will seek advice on whether or not hormone blockers are the correct course of action back when she was edgier than this and controversial you could at least say it was pretty clear where she would stand but here it just felt like a bit of a ruse blair constructs a fair few of her videos like this especially when they're short and quite loosely formulated she starts with a root situation and branches off with a variety of observations and opinions you can deal with a few of those branches being off a few points that don't quite hit however if the whole route discussion is off then the video is basically nullified most people left or right wing wouldn't advocate for young children undergoing hormone therapy because like bless said there can be serious consequences for a decision undertaken at such a young age when one still has a very uncertain grasp of their identity however because the mother wasn't actually advocating that blair's secondary points here don't feel authentic it often feels like bless shapes the evidence to fit the narrative rather than vice versa which is risky business with such a high stakes case and she wasn't the only person who did it here i will make that clear but there's a point where if you use your identity as a badge of credibility you need to certify it by proving you're better than those who are pushing identical points of view otherwise that additional experience means very little now i'm transgender and i have feelings of gender dysphoria at that age as well but one thing was that i felt like a girl at that age but it wasn't because anyone was telling me it wasn't because anyone was putting anything on me it was actually the opposite it was the entire world including my parents telling me you're a boy or a boy or a boy and me still feeling that way so it was not based on what my parents were instructing me on so that's incredibly worrisome in my opinion i think the problem is perfectly embodied in a situation like this when you have a common sense position many viewers regardless of political background being unison that a mother should not force a child to transition against their will but blair utilizes the case and pushes the narrative of the dangers that transgender extremities within the ideology will produce players assertions appeal to mainstream audiences because the positions they're rooted in are moderate by nature that's the catch but she's validating this stance through a manufactured scenario sometimes she picked up the narrative from secondary sorters such as the i'm a predator but it's okay because i'm trans where she once again echoes many claims that this individual received early release from prison because of their gender identity which was later contested i'm gonna read this headline to you convicted pedo to be released from jail after becoming a woman no longer deemed a threat we need to dissect this so that person was sent to prison and is now being released get this because they are identifying and transitioning into a woman literally because and i thought that can't be the reason there has to be maybe like i don't know good behavior or an exoneration no this person still did what they did but is getting released because they're on hormones and according to the judge no longer deemed a threat so apparently the recommendation for josie to be released was based on the fact that josie is on hormones estrogen and apparently now doesn't have a high sex drive and so they think it's a low risk um future offender and that they're confident josie's not gonna offend in the future side note i love how she states that parole isn't about the risk of reoffending 30 seconds after lamenting that this individual wasn't released for good behavior which of course has nothing to do with the risk of reoffending it's the same routine moderate position no one's going to agree that a person's sentence should be shortened just because of their gender identity but on further investigation that appears to not be the case however it's that p word again that seems to not make a lot of people think twice i'll defend blair on the front that a lot of the facts were only easily accessible after she had released the video however the same can't be said for exposing games to a transgender person video which includes her own interpretation of personally collated research tiffany proclaimed on her social media that her child now go figure is trans specifically non-binary refers to them as a gentle them which is so like that makes me want to do something very permanent to myself that i won't say because i'll get uh demonetized there's photos of tiffany painting the nails of the small child which on its face is not bad i don't think anything is wrong with pigment on someone's nails boys or girls but when you couple it with now trying to convince your child that they are also trans that's an issue for me people also message me with concerns over photos with tiffany and tiffany's boyfriend someone out there for everyone apparently wearing fetish collars around the sun posting really weird photos of the sun laying in his crotch while he's wearing women's panties yeah so all of that's really concerning as well as a bunch of photos of tiffany seemingly posing very seductively in bed with the kid and like you don't want to attribute something you know nefarious that isn't necessarily there but when you couple it with all the other things and the fetish color and the weird picture where the kid is in between the lap and the women's panties you know it's just very suspect and i'm not making any direct accusations here but i think it's something worth looking at now there are many causes for concern when it comes to tiffany's social media conduct and parenting skills that i would raise but none of these explicitly prove what's denoted in the title hell blair's own video seems to state this but once again the video's presentation of the word predator and ultimately inconclusive evidence of a person who i stress is with their child is a massive stretch the use of the word predator is no longer just being used to play towards that mainstream audience it's a word that provokes strong feelings and universal condemnation no one wants to defend a predator but how low are you willing to set the bar and i hope to god that things are not as bad as they seem to be just based on social media but what we know about social media is that it's like the highlight reel of people's lives so a fair proportion of what blair presents as moderate has been first distorted to appeal to the moderate crowd though a lot of the time it is unclear whether it has been distorted before blair has interpreted the content or not although blair has her biases she may just be a bit susceptible to them to say definitively that she's actively neglecting due diligence you'd need a bit more solidified evidence that she was misrepresenting the content that she depicts on her channel henceforth undermining so many of her precious narratives and that wasn't exactly there yet still one day left in 2019 and i feel like 2019 was no one's year i feel like no one is making an outline this year without some sort of cancellation some sort of scandal and i'm a little shocked but it seemed that we were about to receive it one of the points that many sympathetic to blair would draw from a fair proportion of her commentary is that even if you feel she's wrong time to time that she was at least consistent to a fault and that most of these issues that we've observed are yielded in a variety of political cliques due to a fairly basic application of confirmation bias her greatest failing was parroting misinformation rather than looking it up for herself this theory would be tested when a new situation arose thanks to someone by the name of jk rowling jk rowling is a pretty famous novelist who shouldn't require much introduction but she is primarily known for her authorship of the harry potter book series an international best-selling saga of fantasy novels which launched an equally successful set of films which has only manifested its fandom in the years following on a more personal level many regard them as a pretty integral part of their childhood and hold the works very close to their heart however in recent times some have found themselves alienated by rowling's divisive political nature what sort of convictions were these well you may be shocked to find they were related to gender yes despite having socially liberal views on many issues she began to attract disapproval from some online after expressing support for maya for stata an individual who had lost an employment tribunal after her relationship with the business was discontinued due to statements the firm had deemed ill-suited for her position at the time it was implied that she had been sacked with immediate effects and some headlines also understated the extent of four status comments but even with this information publicly available rowling didn't back down white was also someone who advocated for force data at the time and a few days later would make a video defending jk rowling's comments jk rowling is actually someone who has traditionally been referred to as very woke someone who is very much favored by the type of people who go out and call everyone transphobic so i was really curious as to why everyone was saying this and apparently it's because of this tweet stress however you please is the first line not seeing any issues so far i feel like that is very agreeable who disagrees with that i don't really know uh call yourself whatever you like okay we're choosing our names out here love it now as noted there wouldn't necessarily be a huge issue with rowling's tweet if its presupposition was correct most people took issue with the fact that she backed someone who many found held unsavory ideas that were unbefitting for a position and the fact that the inference followed that certain gender identities were merely about how one dresses now one thing that i will say is that there was a lot of misinformation on both sides that muddied the waters unnecessarily however the hearing in question did not rule against four stater on the basis that she believed sex wasn't real more on the fact that she was judged as believing that trans women were not women and pronouns aside she would not refer to them as such even if they were recognized otherwise officially and that her take on the matter was deemed absolutist henceforth possibly yielding behavior that could be seen as hostile to the work environment maya's beliefs were repeated throughout the trial even when explaining her misgendering of a non-binary person continuing to misgender them all at something else which blair hearts on in fact managing to misgender this person as well now it's going around that maya actually was on twitter and misgendered a trans woman i'm gonna put that trans woman up on the screen and i want you guys to tell me what pronoun you would probably naturally use for this individual right okay with all this said you can still disagree with the ruling and think that she should be free to express those opinions on her social media without fear of reprimand the judge does acknowledge that there are shades of grey in this case and i think they can be observed when reading the court document if fairness to blair she recognizes this is critical towards falsater and expresses her opinion of the information available to her but i also will say it's my opinion that these are not beliefs that i think should warrant someone being fired for their job i understand it's a private company and they can decide who has the values that align with themselves and that's totally fine i respect that right i respect the company's right 100 but two things can be true at once you can respect the company's right to hire and fire as they see fit and also think it's kind of a lame reason for firing or in my opinion i personally don't think the jury is out on a lot of these issues that we're debating and talking about and so i feel like we should be allowed to have them without fear of risking of losing our jobs at this time she also takes a moment to affirm her stance on jk rowling i do not think jk rowling is transphobic i think she's probably someone who is paying attention to this culture war happening on gender and if we're just basing off of her tweets i don't see anything transphobic in her tweet that was a big reason her simply stating that biological sex is real and if we're getting to a point where we can't say that girl and to be honest maybe rowling was misinformed but that doesn't prove that she was out they transphobic so blair concluding on this point was a safe bet especially for her audience however as always bless set a benchmark for her opinion and that meant she was going to defend it pretty staunchly however this would be tested as rowling's fiasco's escalated essays were published tweets were posted heated interactions were shared some of which certainly seemed questionable on the writer's front however blair maintained her stance framing the author's outlook as mostly misunderstood by those who want to simplify it to one that could easily be classified as bigoted without the nuance or respect it deserved conservative and liberal the world is definitely right now divided into people who can have a meaningful nuanced conversation about sensitive issues and people who can't that's it that's the division i see these days the conversation gets very muddy because people who are on the outside looking in at this whole fiasco happening they really do think trans people are turning on jk rowling and don't like jk rowling anymore because they think jk rowling is transphobic but i want you guys the next time you hear someone talking about how transphobic someone is please pay attention to who is saying it i think i know what transphobia looks like and try as i might and as many people are in my ear trying to tell me that jk rowling was transphobic in these tweets i'm not seeing it as a trans woman and that's my genuine opinion however blair's commitment to the standpoint would be tried once more when rowling released a crime novel directly spawning further allegations of transphobia due to its portrayal of a character who doesn't conform to traditional gender roles as a sadistic predator this was the rallying cry for blair to drop her hot take so in typical form she uploaded a video declaring she'd read the book and that people were once more overreacting to a simple detail how could we doubt such an informed observer this time everyone is up in arms about her new book being released called troubled blood and just a heads up i read the book the concept of being a transvestite makes a very quick brief fleeting appearance in the book and it's extremely unimportant it comes in the form of one line in the book one page in a 900 page book and it's where the killer is described in one of the instances of him snatching a woman up as wearing a disguise of a wig and a woman's coat that's it i'm not kidding that's it that is everything to do that you could even remotely if you really stretched your mind sort of bring that to the idea of transgenderism well the first red flags come when you realize she's wrong in fact there are multiple pages that could be deemed troublesome in their content but okay maybe blair just missed other references we all know she's not the most meticular sometimes well this becomes even more concerning when you realize that she was not even the first person to make this specific error in fact this incorrect assertion had been published in a spectator article a few days prior and also spoken about on public interviews i want to read this excerpt from a review on the spectator that i completely agree with let me put it like this when you reach the last pages the full absurdity of the statement that rowling's moral seems to be never trustwoman address will be revealed just going back to the book itself from what i understand it's simply just one line and it's it's not even necessarily referring to the killer as a transvestite i think it just mentions that the pillow at one point wore a wig and a woman's coat so that there is no trans rhetoric coming out of this book at all then you combine this with the fact that she claimed to have read a 900 page book in the space of 12 hours which although not impossible seems even less likely to be the truth with the additional information available it's like when two people sitting next to each other make the exact same mistake in a test you kind of know that one of them is cheating because coming from the perspective of someone who did read this book in the last 24 hours there's no honest genuine way you can link the two i mean honestly anyone coming to the conclusion that this somehow demonizes transgender people is either lying or has not read the book or is really really nutty some may have admired blair's readiness to defend rowling against the quote work brigade but if she was prepared to falsely claim she had conducted research that she actually hadn't with the intent to bestow herself with extra credibility how trustworthy was she as a source and as a creator and how many were beginning to take notice while i do believe that her book is extremely problematic and before you even comment like did you even read it yes i read the book at least i read the first 10 chapters that were free i was not about to pay this woman for her book and honestly the first 10 chapters are all you need to read to like determine that one player's a liar and two jk rowling is a little like most of the excerpts i've referenced in the previous part were derived from a video by trans youtuber samantha lux who made a video responding to blair not just correcting the misinformation in her video but also responding to a lot of the ensuing arguments that blair had averted blair demanded in her video that she is not a cross dresser and she's not a transvestite so to say that characters like buffalo bill or to say characters like dennis creed have any impact on her would be offensive girl it is not only incorrect to say that but it's wildly irresponsible i'm not claiming that these movies or even jk rowling's new book should be trashed or that you can't watch them or enjoy them all i'm trying to say is that we need to be aware of the ways that representation of identities and media affect our perception of those identities it's a pretty solid response and it certainly brought some previously wandering eyes firmly onto miss white's questionable groundwork and rectitude there have been doubts earlier on the year related to a coverage of darvey vanity where she appeared to use the source material of another creator known as tamimi while contorting the perspective to protect the infamous geoffrey star blair white the person who has gained over 500 000 subscribers for doing this emitted information in her video and then lied about it oh right that's because she used some of my clips in her video and i could tell this specifically from the music i've used and also from the pictures that i personally edited out so that way my video wouldn't get buried in the algorithm but in the first like 60 seconds i want to say of my davi vanity video i put up screenshots where jeffree star says these tweets and then i emphasize the date on it and then right after there's another clip of him talking about going on tours and doing all this stuff with davi and supporting him again and making a song and then boom there's the date on it again and blair white had the audacity to omit that information she clipped it out and made it seem like wow jeffrey stars is hero for saying something about davi vanity and never mentioned the fact that he had retracted his statements if you support that piece of then unfollow me because you're supporting child davey is the lowest worthless scum i've ever met when jeffree star tweeted what he tweeted about um dobby being a pedophile jeffrey worked with him afterwards which shocked me i thought it was you know jeffrey worked with him and then tweeted that and then it was over what do you mean you didn't have all of the facts they were right there 20 seconds into the video of mine that you downloaded for your video that's a lie blair at the time however in spite of the pretty irrefutable evidence contributing to this pattern this didn't seem to affect her reputation too much partly because the original video included this as a chapter rather than as a dedicated subject and although a more popular video was also posted on the subject some people struggled to follow it without the background information combine this with the fact that this was still a footnote in blair's greater video and she was exposing someone rather reprehensible nonetheless and most people appear to let it slide she would also appear to go against jeffree star in a later video though some found it slightly convenient it covers james charles and another unnamed youtuber and it's a very uneasy upload to say the least with blair mostly rambling once again feeling like she was attempting to find a reason to publish a video with a snappy title but ultimately culminating to very little what you know what i'm saying like if this is my first interaction with you and you feel comfortable to tell me this thinking that i'm just gonna be in on this little game and complicit and he he no that's something serious and yes it did take me a month to do this video but that's because i have been scared this is something serious and i want to be very clear this is not my place to out this person you know the victim's name because this is clearly their story to tell but you guys have to understand the position i'm in if i receive credible information that a very famous very powerful youtuber is a sexual molecular or predator but am i complicit with helping cover up for a predator by not saying that at least that much is true i have to say i do find the tone in the video rather confusing because although i think it's fair to call jeffrey out for his pathetic behavior i was confused as to what trap blair was breaking out of exactly by going public with this information after it was already public but i digress what matters is that the jk rowling video attracted attention towards blair's potential missteps though once again i think people were more focused on the present and it would likely phase out as it normally does provided she didn't exacerbate the situation with greater blunders but blair's errors were always pretty scatter shot in their occurrence so what were the chances that would happen well maybe she tempted fate one too many times and with that in mind let's talk about trans athletes and there are plenty of female athletes that could absolutely wipe the floor with me female athletes in the comments just comment what sport you want to beat me in because you can do it any of them pick one transgender athletes is another subject of interest on the blair white network and it's not hard to see why as it like many other channel favorites it pertains to gender identity and how it interacts with other social variables it has similarly been the center of heated debate for a few years given the often gendered nature of sports and questions surrounding the suitability of individuals whose gender identity some feel could give them an unfair physical advantage against cisgender athletes with this in mind you can probably take a guess where blair stands sports teams are segregated for biological reasons therefore even for trans people you have to take biology into account and it should not just be based on identity it should be based on their bodies and their puberty they went through how early did they transition how late did they transition i think all of that matters well little surprise there but up until september of 2020 she hadn't really been caught up in too much controversy mostly holding her own within the discourse on the affair partly accountable to the fact that there is still some ambiguity within the public sphere even on the more liberal side of the political spectrum therefore it must have seemed like a routine upload when she decided to criticize a transgender powerlifter for competing against women despite the visible bodily superiority the bigger point is the idea the concept of janae competing against biological women is ludicrous it's almost intentionally ignorant and anyone who thinks that that is some sort of level playing field is a liar i mean the audacity of anyone to pretend or insist that there are no very obvious benefits that janae as someone who developed completely male well into her adulthood would enjoy when competing against people who did not develop mail is insanity she metaphorically tackles the person at the crux of this curious case janae marie croft and moves on however there was one little hitch and something we don't often see is that janae actually went back post-transition and competing against men just because i guess like it was kind of like she's gone back and forth competing with men and women based on i don't know what um i mean that's just a dead move no pun intended [Music] this was all fundamentally untrue yes krog had long made the commitment to not compete against women but okay blair made a false assumption this isn't new territory well you see the information that kroc would not be competing against women under any circumstances was actually written in one of the posts that blair references in fact it's in the post that blair uses to push her point jenae marie croc is competing against women up until that point in the video although it had been implied she'd mostly spoken about crocs involvement in women's competitions as if it was a hypothetical with this post she solidified that assumption when really reading that post should have debunked it not soon after the upload kroc post a comment on the video and a separate instagram statement expressing her dismay at the misinformation being disseminated and the consequences it could have this was also picked up pretty quickly by a fair few online with creator sam collins uploading her response to blair around a week after primarily covering this mishap alongside other prior incidents in spite of this criticism though blair did not respond this was not out of the ordinary for her she was used to being castigated by communities this time though the outrage didn't subside in fact as she appeared to provide people with radio silence their annoyance only grew demanding more accountability from someone of her size as the videos and comments piled up it became clear that this was something that had to be addressed and in mid-october two to three weeks after janae's initial comment the video was finally removed at this point though a mere attraction wouldn't suffice for many viewers she had already caused excessive harm and that needed to be rectified not just for her sake but for the sake of the affected party at the same time as some began to take note about other transgressions that had previously flown under the radar the backlash began to augment in new ways and some began to wonder how much blair had to apologize for so i want to be as clear and upfront in this video as i humanly can be because i have essentially disabled myself from being as clear and upfront as i need to be well we were about to find out [Music] blair released two apologies a text version and a video copy the text version coming on the 15th of october and the upload coming approximately a fortnight later i assume this was because some had felt the twitter format was not extensive enough in the audience that it would reach because as themes go neither diverged too much from the counterpart's core message she made a mistake a fundamental shortcoming in research she never published it with the intent of deceiving anyone and that since she had become conscious to these failings and now has been taking these steps to resolve the situation with janae transferring the adsense money she had made from the video after it had been deleted with that said there are a couple curious observations that one can make on closer analysis i've always found the unlike many trans athletes a rather strange comment i'm not entirely sure what the intention of that interjection was whether it was to shoehorn in a political point or to try and make sense of her misguided assumption regardless there's no way blair would know how many trans athletes compete against cis athletes or if it's a majority but anyhow the main issue is actually buying her response that she could have sincerely missed this information when it was readily available to her but she at least admitted it was sloppy in the text pose she announced the hiatus which is formally concluded with her video so she's clearly taken a bit of time to refine her thoughts and provide her viewers with a more lucid reflection in certain aspects i'm on a work trip and doing my best to film with no light and just weird hotel vibes so i want to be as clear and upfront in this video as i humanly can be because i have essentially disabled myself from being as clear and upfront as i need to be in the recent weeks due to me going offline and not having any social media apps on my phone but now that i'm logging back in i'm seeing a sentiment of people who definitely want me to talk about this again but this time in video form and i actually want to as well so i'm here to do that two weeks ago i posted a public apology to someone that i highlighted in a recent video of mine which is now taken down it was a video on trans athletes in this video i highlighted a couple different trans athletes and i talked about upcoming legislature that's like relevant to the topic but long story short one of the trans athletes named janae i really fumbled her story i got her all wrong it is for no other reason than my own lack of due diligence and my own lack of sufficient research on her story that i said that i genuinely did think it did not come from a deceptive place i was under the misconception that she competes in both men and women's leagues she corrected it and said actually just men's leagues and to be frank there is just no excuse for that kind of inaccuracy to be present in any of my videos and i definitely never want it to happen again i took the video down and i also once i got paid from youtube just a couple days ago i actually sent her the totality of the adsense revenue that i accrued from that video she also explains her delayed response yielding from her reputation as a bit of a renegade to many who chastised her and how it influenced her perception of the criticism that she was receiving also i know that some people are critical of the delayed response i had when i apologized to janae and for that i also have to say i'm sorry i think the unfortunate thing is it took me a lot longer than it should have to differentiate between valid criticism and hate and it wasn't the right thing to do but i think that for a minute there i had my blinders on because i'm so used to sort of you know i do controversial topics on every video so there's always people mad and i think to a certain extent i was almost just in this rhythm where like post a video people are mad post a video people are mad but this time obviously people were mad for a valid reason and it was always valid and i should have recognized it even soon however her reflection appeared to have obscured her memory on other fronts as her jk rowling ebook had now become a physical copy being a long obnoxiously fake novel of jk rowling's for research to doing such incredibly subpar research on the second video but i did and it was dumb and i am sorry it was slightly ironic that this statement followed after a persistent contention that she would not lie intentionally but i understand why she used this as an example to try and emphasize that this was an exception rather than a chronic issue with her content but is the problem it does seem to be a chronic issue and it couldn't be stressed more than in this scenario as just a learning opportunity to implement that in every area of my life here and in my real life i'm not infallible i'm most definitely susceptible to getting things wrong and it's really how you respond to it once you do get it wrong that makes all the difference and i totally get that in the context of the video it's presented in it's a reasonable response we've all made mistakes we've all made videos we regret in hindsight content that we would have done differently and for anyone to act holy than thou in such a situation is hardly justified unfortunately with the information available on her previous actions that she had simply not addressed in the past it became increasingly hard to fully trust her account especially with the jk rowling gaff in mind it would be easy to read this as her only choosing to respond when she actually faced consequences for her inaccuracies she had lost over 20 000 subscribers by this point and although such a sign may make you more conscious many more cynical views felt like her hand had been forced to save her skin at the time though many were simply not aware of this and welcomed her apology with open arms she didn't necessarily need to make a video statement so what she provided was a solid step up however not too long after the tides once more began to turn as the content of those critical of her began to accumulate however the fatal blow could be attributed to someone by the name of deangelo wallace the jk rowling how did she say she got it overnight shipping a long obnoxiously fake novel overnight shipping but i thought she said in her book review that i spent the last 12 hours reading it as an ebook so she didn't read it deangelo wallace had been mostly known for making videos on subject primarily involved in more tabloid drama up to this point pretty comprehensively i'll add though i'm not going to stroke his ego too much as he's probably watching this video right now so he knows what he does his video on blair white served in part as a documenting of this pattern of behavior that we've discussed throughout this episode but also took the time to respond to our admission video pointing out what a more casual viewer may have missed drawing unparalleled amounts of attention to an abundance of inconsistencies causing many to flood the comment section of the videos with these observations and swing the light dislike ratio in a much more unfavorable direction unfortunately blair's apology really needed to be flawless to avoid being picked apart by many of those who had come out in force against her and it just wasn't it was made with a precision similar to the videos she was being called out for in the first place and as moore turned their eye towards her blair's impassioned pleas were gradually being weathered away however it didn't stop there because as deangelo wallace's video came out very shortly after blair's response its timing meant it served almost as a retort in itself but wallace nonetheless also took a great amount of time to tell his own story i used to be a huge playwright fan i personally disagreed with her conservative opinions but that was never what she really censored her content around when it comes to youtube anyway i mean she is a writer for this conservative publication called the post-millennial but as far as her videos go she mostly just provides a perspective on things that happen that's alternative to the ones people typically run with and i found that fascinating what i'm trying to say here basically is like i was super transphobic when i was watching her content i'm not saying like oh i was raised this way or i didn't know i legitimately believed that trans people were irrational unless they were exactly like blair white and that's insane his upload spanning just over an hour addresses his parasocial relationship with the creator in question and deconstructs her appeal as a supposedly transgender spokesperson for the community ravaging the fabric of many of her principles and asserting that much of her content was built on belittling other trans people who didn't match up to her standards here or the one thing here it's this entire pattern and now when i think about the fact that she has gone after somebody like janae marie crock who absolutely fits the description of being non-binary and says so i'm nearly positive that playwright has done this on purpose because it's what she's always done since 2016 is trying to make these people look bad so blair can feel better it's not just shifted focus towards the inconsistencies in blessed content but also towards what many found in her particularly those who may have placed her on a pedestal previously sure she had always branded herself as problematic but i think many still held her in higher regard than the light that a lot of these negative videos cast her in even the ethos of her predator exposes were brought into contention all of a sudden the significance of her apology video was dwarfed by something greater the issue of whether content had been tainted by the same toxicity that had been illuminated in this debacle deangelo would argue so but was that the entire story well let's talk about it [Music] in this video [Music] [Music] d'angelo approached blair white from the perspective of a former viewer and even supporter blair and this created a case that was very compelling in itself in part two i want to look at blair wright's track record of mistakes and what they say about the kind of person that she is on youtube and i want to do this from the perspective of a former fan his video walked us through the process of realization many of which he had only come to understand himself somewhat recently being told with a harsh sense of self-reflection and consequently provoking the question for more conscientious audience members who may hold their creators to higher count the fact that he doesn't pull any punches against his own past self means that he does not need to compromise on his own presentation of black i mentioned earlier that i used to be a pretty big fan of blair white but when i stopped watching her i didn't just unsubscribe i stopped and questioned myself and had to evaluate why i was ever subscribed in the first place i could claim that it was just because i wanted to hear the opinions of a trans person but if anything has become clear by now there are much better people on the platform who can speak up for their trans experiences but this personal connection within d'angelo reached blair white viewers who themselves were prone to disillusionment and as people began to experience this epiphany through the lens that wallace presented some decide to make known their dissatisfaction by using the only physically tangible method they have beyond likes and comments taking up their qualms with the unsubscribe button in the comment section beyond the many expressing shock at some blair's actions others wrote to confess that they themselves had been won over by her rhetoric without considering it seriously it seems that d'angelo's message had effectively broken through but why though after all much of what she was being called out for was hardly surprising and the catalyst for all this hullabaloo was a research error that most would probably feel isn't worth crucifying someone over hell it wouldn't necessarily change her viewpoint as long as there were grounds for it to still exist which as noted there was and on her offensive content well i know that casually saying the n word with the hard r means you're definitely racist literally is the n word with a hard r because they're angry at someone and they scream it at them i don't care and i'll be super honest i like to do that when i'm playing video games or i do that if i like stuff my show like i do that so i don't really care you scream things out of anger you scream the n-word hard r sometimes oh my god okay i didn't see her address those in the truth about my racist past video go back a few years and you had one most prominent commentators on youtube arguing that slurs were completely acceptable and whether you like that or not the truth is that it's not a deal breaker for a lot of audiences so beyond this and d'angelo's ability to relate feelings of responsibility to those watching how did this video show blair up to the point where she was hemorrhaging subscribers faster than she was before i really do feel as though this is sort of a very simple natural consequence of sort of the entirety of the trans community their activists and the wokies as we call them really plugging their ears at every ounce of evidence that people are constantly trying to give them that like look it's not about hating trans people it's not about like having horrible feelings towards them it's literally just this isn't fair and it's obvious can you guys please address this and they just don't well i think it comes back to the root theory not just regarding her videos but herself as a whole she bases a lot of her assertive persona on the stances she takes and the fact that she has a grasp on them she walk that balance of being the outspoken person who isn't afraid to say it as she sees it but if that's not how she actually sees it if her vision is that obfuscated what grounds does she have to say it how can you justify all the jibes and snarky comments without the grounds at that point you risk reducing yourself to an edgelord with no greater purpose than to stir the pot people questioned how she could sincerely hold the beliefs if she wouldn't properly evidence them on a more serious note many felt with the misinformation that she purported this could lead to false beliefs being held about marginalized groups that may drive bigotry and discrimination this also compromises elements of her demeanor because when you reverse the logic you realize that everyone she has characterized as being unreasonable activists who hated her because she was spitting facts may have actually just been critics who were irked by the alleged mistrues propagated in her content and her status as this pariah becomes much more apt the shoe is on the other footnote i'm also highly aware that apologies especially on the internet are not just some magical fix-all of the situation and that you really do have to pledge to just do better going forward and i'm definitely giving each and every person watching this that pledge and what could blair say to this well to be honest it was a very rough predicament given she had already admitted to making a mistake creators were free to draw their own conclusions from it if they were well evidenced she could respond but it would risk prolonging the turmoil that she was already going through and possibly inflicting more losses onto herself unless she had some receipts to turn the situation on its head it wasn't worth the hassle so she moved on to calling out aymos yi who is completely deserving of being called out of course she had to make the point that no one else was talking about it other than these people of course but that's just the click bait game the video itself is fine but with that shadow still over her it seemed that much of the momentum that she had was now against her with a gross subscriber loss of over 70 thousand some may ponder if that is truly fair on someone who hasn't done anything of the scale and consequence of some that we have given airtime on this channel before but at that point she had been charged with the crime of influenced in my opinion blair white is the most irrational one out of them all and it's not because she's transgender or for any reason other than the fact that she is a liar who wants to manipulate the emotions of the whole world into becoming evidence for something that she knows isn't true i'm not saying she was being persecuted here for having unbased opinions it was a greater point claiming that she was either being unbelievably reckless with her platform or that she was just an outwardly bad actor and that convinced many to withdraw their support it was difficult to argue against it with the volume of evidence available i think the most disheartening fact was the revelation that very little had changed over the years which had passed even if it was presented under a different guise blair had gravitated from the outdated cliques of certain viewpoints to 2016 and the trouble they would often instigate which was great however this ultimately worked against blair because whereas in past situations such as the riley dennis case the behavior could be chalked up to certain communities and environmental factors causing her perception to be coloured it became apparent to many that these shenanigans transcended external variables even as she moved into the mainstream eye she perpetuated a lot of these issues even as some had warned her and called her out she had time to fix this and ultimately it was a blair white problem which is why she suffered to the extent she did and why videos like d'angelo's hit as hard as they did as a matter of fact many commentators had clearly cotton onto this because they were all choosing to come up with their own hypotheses for what personal motives drove blair to act in this way latching onto the examples of invalidation to push another fairly common hypothesis we'd previously considered the good transgender person i cannot even tell you the thousands of emails thousands of comments that i got from people who had literally no understanding of trans people before that jessica univ story and when they saw my video calling it out and they realized that i'm trans calling it out their perspective was changed one thousand percent and suddenly they realized i shouldn't have painted an entire community with that brush and this girl seems normal this girl's cool and that was what happened like no there are normal trans people out there who don't believe all these radical things however this only really addresses a personal philosophy that may drive certain aspects of her beliefs and risks overlooking the actual conduct that landed her in this jam in the first place it's a jump that ignores a few steps and i'd like to take a moment to step over them myself because i do believe there was a bit of disparity in what people actually believed here [Music] do not fear we'll cross the bridge of what blair's personal philosophy precipitates when we reach it beyond the fact that it is of course just theory whether well backed up or not i'm sure there are a few people who likely feel the way that blair does yet for some reason they haven't ended up in the public quagmire for peddling misinformation on the internet blaming that solely on what blair believes seems somewhat insubstantial misinformation comes down to more fundamentally two explanations negligence or malice or both maybe who knows some would be inclined to say that this is a case of negligence that's what blair herself said as a matter of fact she actually lose to it in her video making this ball claim in her defense while i know some people think this was intentional deception on my part i can guarantee you this is not the case lying about something that the public can then go correct you on is only slightly more dumb than not doing enough research and coming to a false conclusion and it was a really dumb moment on my part and i'm not taking away from that but i also would like it to be known that it was not malicious intent or something that was intentional now on paper it's not like this doesn't hold water it would be incredibly counterproductive for her to intentionally spout falsify content when she was already under scrutiny there were other examples that would have been more appropriate examples she had referenced in the past herself to some maybe blair's biases had finally conquered her she went into the video with a perspective first and didn't pay mind to any information that would actually counter this and could have easily prevented this faux pas it would've been difficult to find a new subject and uphold her point of view right well i suppose depends on what point you believe she's trying to make this is where we can reintroduce the point that many were articulating that she liked to make an example out of those trans people who didn't look like her and in many ways the upload in question was no exception not making fun of her appearance i mean i think that obviously her appearance is outlandish and i think that even she would admit that because how could she not but that's not the point the bigger point is this was one of the comments that men had harped on when criticizing her it felt like she was going after an individual on the basis that a person did not appear as orthodox as she did and this is what motivated her to single out janae was this enough for her to discount information that would serve to the country well some would argue that as well especially given only the video before many believed that she had lied about reading a book she never did especially given it was a lie that she subsequently repeated in a video where she expressed remorse if lying was easy then how could we trust her intent on any other front well the truth is that you can't but does that definitively mean that it was an act of malice you see her comment about jk rowling's book was definitely one to bolster her credibility unlikely views as well it was daft and would justifiably prompt one to question the integrity of future comments about her tenacity however this is mostly a disposable comment which although she shouldn't have made also wouldn't have had the greatest implications whether she had actually read the book or not in fact if she had her fact straight nobody would have any reason to disbelieve that she read the book even if she didn't it's easy to make an aside comment to try and outperform fellow commentators in the algorithm that doesn't mean you're capable of knowingly twisting information about other people that could in reality be borderline defamatory however you could also respond to this by saying that blair had been called out this behavior on a continuous basis there are more than ample warning signs that her research was not sufficient and that she would regularly either dismiss this criticism or sweep it under the rug now to be honest i wouldn't necessarily expect her to address every individual mistake when she wasn't the only person who fell foul to fake news however the fact that she clearly was aware of certain instances and react to them such as the drag queen one for example should have been an indicator that she needed to tread more carefully but it never felt like she did and that made it much harder to defend her however the question still begged what did blair really have to gain from being so intentionally dishonest well i guess the obvious one would be clout from pandering to an audience's ideology in the case of some creators they'll find a niche realize they're somewhat limited in their scope and begin twisting or stretching stories to their audience tastes even if that means not being completely transparent there are some cases where it feels like blair did this such as the trump hat in hollywood however by 2020 i wouldn't say that her audience had a collective credo and she could have easily taken a more moderate standpoint and not been strung up she'd done that before with the transgender bathroom issue and not been criticized so it does point to something personal and arguably possibly the most malicious explanation the idea that blair was trying to indoctrinate her viewers using content calling out predators to advance her moral standing and then capitalizing on that with dangerously slanted opinion pieces based off dubious sources that she knew wasn't the case this would indeed be a very ruinous portrait and would certainly explain at least a fair majority of what we've discussed however it is also based on assumptions whose verity we can't be certain of it goes on the pivotal assumption that blair knew she was lying in each of the stories which although plausible is not the sole explanation you can say a lot of things about me and i know i'm messy i'm a messy ass this is nothing new everyone who knows me knows it everyone who doesn't know me but hears about me knows it it's true many of blair white's videos emanated the high school goss energy and blair's demeanor similarly matched that she never appeared to be openly vitriolic towards anyone but she constantly walked the line very precariously blurring the boundaries between idle-minded errors and intentional manipulation the failure to provide proper information and admit a lot of relevant facts appeared to be a result of laziness of research and the fact that she based a lot of her material off other creators who were also heavily biased she'd come in with her own preconceived narratives and not question the intent her controversies often showed her as being impulsive petty and in a way self-interested but not really in a particularly calculated manner to paraphrase blair a bit more unflatteringly one would expect a person to be a bit smarter if they really wanted to take advantage of their audience in such a way i'd say the greatest lie that blair has maintained is this idea that she is some high research creator who is working behind the scenes when really she's just a t youtube who talks politics with that said there were other situations such certain response videos where it became very hard to believe that she'd missed information or cases where it seemed she was presenting slanted points of view the fact that she leaves next to no references means that people can't fact-check her as easily and may make one question why she does it maybe she knows her sources are a bit unreliable more importantly though this is why blair's biases have come to the forefront of her content in the first place otherwise no one would really be able to challenge her opinions too deeply provided they felt like they were properly derived from the actual observations that could be made too many times her opinions led the videos rather than the subjects themselves and that was a detriment to her and those that she spoke about we know what these opinions are at this stage but what can be said beyond that well let's go there now as said i've never watched blair white routinely but i know a fair few people who have and one of the recurring comments that stopped them from watching her was about that her takes became predictable this is never a good trait to attribute to a creator but i think it's worse when you're dealing with information that is warped to suit your predictability as the years passed and she became more mainstream she may have changed but not necessarily in a way that rectified the previous issues that she'd been called out for as a matter of fact you could hearken back to one early video that clearly reflects her core views to this day so i think this meme pretty much sums up how i feel but i will go into more detail so yeah i think all these identities are largely i think they're super arbitrary i think they're super meaningless i think people who take them on are usually extremely boring and have nothing else for their personality other than i'm demi queer non-binary gender special snowflake kin this mostly unsubstantiated idea that many of the people she railed against in certain scenarios were concocting their gender identities for attention and you know on the internet sure there are people who go to extreme measures in certain communities but many of the people she would go on to subsequently make an example of were not people who she had any way of backing up such a claim other than her own prejudices in her first ever upload during her brief anti-feminist phase she talks about the differences between how men and women are treated in society she does reference some evidence-based arguments but as we noted talks about her personal experience as well the term ladies first is definitely something that's actually implemented it's not just a phrase and while these are sort of frivolous examples i do think there's something worth noting um about the quality of life that women experience based on operating through a society that's just kinder to them that's just more polite to them that's just more welcoming of them it's curious because those she has most vitriol towards in many ways are the people who are already receiving a lot of stigma from the communities that surround them and if you are to consider how society treats you on a personal level as a form of privilege then many of the people that blair harangs are some of the most alienated in society whether that was the transgender women who struggled to pass or non-binary people who identify in a way that is contrary to traditional gender roles so to pose the question why would these people act in ways that are attention seeking if there is so little to prospectively gain and who are we to say beyond a shadow of a doubt those are acting in such a way regardless unless there is serious evidence to prove it the other point that blair would regularly advocate is the one that she doesn't want to be thrown under an umbrella with certain individuals who may not have shared similar experiences that one would consider inclusive of what she feels constitutes as transgender what really gets me about that is that there are so many different letters in the lgbt acronym at this point i think we all know it's basically the entire alphabet plus some numbers so there's all these micro distinctions this is this type of person this is this type of person this is this type of person but yet for me saying okay i'm different than that is a problem she seems highly insecure about the fact that she may also have to share the spotlight with people who haven't gone through medical procedures which i'm sure are highly distressing experiences and i would never take that away from anyone nonetheless anyone who's subjected to additional social stigma for not conforming to binaries like blair does is still another form of suffering most people would probably just like to live in peace away from that when it comes to this issue bless says it pretty succinctly herself and the goal of trans people is to operate within the binary as in moving from one to the other she wants to exist within the gender binary which is good i'm happy for her however it feels like she's driven by this slippery slope argument the transgender community and society as a whole will just evolve into this totalitarian civilization where everyone announces their pronouns before they initiate a conversation and those who don't conform will be thrown into the ghoul act an exaggeration i'm aware but she frames it as if many non-binary people are motivated to deconstruction the gender binary as we know it despite the fact that many non-binary people also identify with traditional gender roles as well this isn't just the case for non-binary people though this is the problem with blair's rhetoric in general and one that reared its head again with the jenae marie croc situation that claim that some fabric of what we're used to is going to be lost and hey trying to preserve tradition is in part what makes her conservative i understand that however it feels like blair's reaching for bogeymen to raise one's level of concern when a lot of the time a situation is more nuanced than it appears watering it down with notions that she's long established but not necessarily thought to check if it's completely relevant to the point that she's making in the first place hell in a video a few uploads after a big apology where she responds to a video with a person who identifies as a dog she falls foul to this once more the only thing i know about this before watching it is that this is a trans man who is also a trans dog if you think i'm saying this to make fun of this person that is not the case this is literally how this person describes themselves a trans man who also identifies as a dog 2020 what's good bella look it's your cousin the issue is that this person never said that identify as a dog and a quick watch of the full video will show you that this is role play pet play is any time that a person takes on the role of an animal um and they emulate that animal either through their behavior or their actions however it's put in the original video's title as a bit of click bait i suppose and blair just runs with it without demonstrating any semblance of critical thinking and playing into the biases that she's been known to possess time and time again the identify as a dog thing i identify as a man and also has a dog thing like it makes a mockery of actual trans people and y'all don't need me to even tell you that like y'all know this perfectly feeds into the millions of people on social media just search up the terms i identify as it's like a big joke like it's a joke like i identify as a helicopter i identify as this phone i identify as this hairbrush and it adds such an extra layer that the person is actually you know a trans man supposedly like why are you equating like why are you doing that you're blurring lines that i would prefer not to be blurry and here's the thing with this in mind i do think the mainstream media mishandles trans issues in a way that may provoke some people to be defensive of their identity i've never liked the idea of singular spokespeople for a whole community of extremely diverse individuals and i do think a lot of them take advantage of the shock value that some may provoke but you have to see through that the greatest problem is that instead of merely calling out the coverage of a lot of this content on these failings blair goes one step further and in a way contradicts herself now she does call the mainstream media out sometimes but then goes on to assume a lot of the stories as prototypical often using them to denigrate other trans identities whether she intends to or not however i think once you establish the fact that a lot of the time the media and third party sources can be highly unreliable narrators in representing your community you have to consider how they may have changed the perception of a story and where the truth actually lies blaire makes this argument that to put it quaintly feels like she's frustrated the attention on certain individuals begins to erase her own lived experience and warp this idea of what the community is really like but her response is to try and undermine these people's identities sometimes with the same points that are levied against her community in the first place it's cruel and counterproductive no community is going to represent identical experiences no group of people is even going to share all of them together we are different and i don't think people in any community should need to compete for validation does that mean they're the same of course not but does that mean that a person can't share a label that many believe to be inclusive anyway hell no i don't think black accomplishes anything by putting people down in such a way and the fact that her points aren't well grounded makes her own biases even more blatant maybe there is more work to be done but i don't think blair ever presented a solution and i don't think she's changing but what changes should be made it's easy to sit here and point out problems but what's the solution i started the video when i stated that i was at least surprised that i found myself on this alongside blair i guess the shock wasn't just because of what i knew her previously for but how i recognized that a best begrudged ambivalence many critics still held towards her how she was still disliked by a lot of people the issues were still prevalent and i think it made her position more vulnerable given the number of those who looked to her for reasons other than her politics i questioned a lot whether i should make this part in past or present tense given the fact that a lot of it is obviously retrospective and she has definitely mitigated some of her rhetoric however blair has continued to slip up in delivering information at the time writing most recently with a story about a person by the name of barbie kardashian who is worse than jessica yanis nice little throwback reference there the star of today's video is someone by the name of barbie kardashian yes this mug shot is real this is not a creepy pasta and this story is probably the most disgusting and disturbing instances of a trans person being put into a women's prison and i say trans person in quotations you will see why this person is basically jessica and eve on steroids i would say on hormones but that's not the case the video once again circulates information from very slanted websites and doesn't really address the actual situation including this picture which lacks a source after some reading i'd say the allegations against the woman appear to be true though they're taken from a report which keeps the original individual anonymous but it adds up the mugshot may be true because the gardener did release one to its officers however one site just said they obtained it and no one questioned it however blair once again falling foul to the pseudo common sense position implies that a take on this matter is the moderate one i think there are problems with both ends of the extreme and so i'm going to offer some solutions in this video that are outside of that i know a lot of people maybe even that are watching this video are more comfortable with keeping it simple in their minds which you know biological sex were born as that's what person you go to and then other people are going to be more on the extreme of if this person says they're a woman they're a woman put them in the women's prison but these sort of absolutist extremist positions are what gets us into 99 of the messes we get into in all areas of when it comes to trans people for example me in their right mind who would think that if god forbid y'all caught me slipping and convicted me of some kind of crime that i would be best placed into a men's prison of course blair we should have an independent board which assesses when people are woman enough to be permitted to women's prisons genius here's the thing and in my humble opinion in part a reason for why so many people in the past took to blair i don't think our philosophy is one that is completely alien particularly in 2016 born out of a frustration at certain institutions individuals and their somewhat obnoxious doctrines you see the antics and it causes a gut reaction a lot of people felt it back then and some still feel it today especially when they feel like they're on the receiving end of it there definitely are people out there who make unreasonable demands of those around them some who are far too hostile and unpleasant in trying to pursue their causes and others who i think are too sensitive and far too overreaching what they try to police righteousness doesn't always make you right and i'll be the first to say that i think the issue is that even to this day a lot of us tend to base our beliefs as a reaction to the environments around us rather than the bigger picture [Music] [Music] make a decision now [Music] [Applause] after senator then given how someone documented to have been behaving it made blair's existence as a creator easier to justify and consequently normalized a lot of the actions that we now reflect on with distaste however over the years for a lot of people it's been about understanding that actually even if the previous criticisms leveled towards certain individuals may be valid it doesn't mandate complete opposition to them or their ideology in the case of blair this sense of closure seems to have been replaced with a greater and greater strawman of what these people may collectively want and why it's wrong despite the fact that there isn't necessarily a clear consensus that could easily define their interest beyond acceptance this then leads to certain sweeping statements and comments which may as well be from those on the other side of the aisle i've been there before trying to fight the middle ground because you see people who claim to speak for your interests who don't even want to consider your own opinion as a member of that group but at the same time arguing for the country without the conscious recognition of that can be just as destructive i remember uploading a video myself towards the end of 2017 on riley dennis when i was in that genre which would be chronologically after blair had apologized to riley and even though i expressed my many disagreements with her the most backlash i received was for actually addressing her as a woman for many in that genre the damage had already been done i think there's a point where you have to recognize that when you position yourself against people you're just playing into the division that you seem so driven to resolve blair appeared to have that realization herself but then just regressed back to it just for a different set of people in a way she hasn't changed she just goes after people who are indisputably terrible and uses it to indirectly demean their trans identity instead and sometimes she just doesn't even go after people who are terrible anyway in 2020 the year where i think everyone was just about tired of smoking mirrors the extremes we were being driven to blair may have been looked towards as a saving grace but i think it ultimately led to her position being unraveled because people had enough those who didn't believe her position as the creator standing up for common sense was legitimate common sense isn't built on one's sense of centrism or compromise it's built in a philosophy that values information research and rigorous discourse whether that leads to positions that are left or right wing and that's the thing anyone could go over blair's videos pick apart every time she's wrong every time she's been reckless or irresponsible reprimand her but that wouldn't make you better than her and it certainly doesn't make me better than her everyone up the difference is that blair's problem is one that fundamentally underlines her career on youtube her own philosophy which is continuously delayed more and more bare every time she makes the exact same mistakes it's not a popular opinion it's not a politically correct opinion but i've never been one for political correctness so yeah back when she started you could see the potential for the creator that she is today her channel always felt like a very personal venture with many videos definitely discussing her experiences and stories however there were also prevalent flaws which showed her nature to jump to conclusions and points the felt strain to prove a greater thesis which wasn't always there at the same time there were definitely reasons to think she could alleviate these she used some references here and there seemed quite open to discussion and was definitely part of a greater community which could be partially accountable for the atmosphere that bred certain behaviors yet that just hasn't happened in a way blair white is the only youtuber i've come across who uses less references in her videos now than when she started despite the fact that i argue it's more important than any time before calling out people for heinous actions gives you a greater imperative to justify it whether other people assume it to be true or not whether it has been established also it's really not missed on me that in recent years it seems like a really cheap easy way to get a lot of media attention for celebrities to come out as they them and non-binary and trans and all that and of course it's very convenient to come out as if they them because you don't have to actually commit to any sort of transition courtney stodden sam smith the guy from queer eye whose name i can't remember the one who looks like jesus the actor we talked about earlier with tree and tree self and literally just so many more i can't even think of and i'm not saying every single one of them is disingenuine but like it's a little too convenient that it's just one after another after another after another when you know that if this was 2014 or 2013 before this was even a trend they would not be coming out given the fact that the only real influential variable that has remained consistent is that personal sentiment she appears to possess many people feel that she is attempting to separate herself in a way to obtain acceptance from those who may be more skeptical of certain identities if that's how she personally feels then i can't take that away from her but it's not how you run a channel that claims to be bridging the divide given how much her personal sentiments surface in those videos i don't think society is a negotiation table where you bargain who's going to be accepted to satisfy the most individuals in the grand scheme of things that's not moderation to me it's appeasement moderation isn't only about what opinions you have though it does influence it it is a state of mind and on too many occasions blair failed to exercise it i wouldn't care if you were a conservative liberal or progressive that stands independently to me that duty couldn't be more valuable as blair had shoehorned herself into the mainstream people wanted that recognition of nuance that attention to detail the moral obligation but they didn't find it because blair's opinions often didn't extend in a way that went beyond counter-cultural conservatism that whole counter-culture position never felt like it had too many beliefs to stand on on its own merit and you can only be against so many people before those around you wonder what you're really for if you don't back up your positions then what reason do people have to trust you over those you paint as the extremists some of whom hardly have the most extreme views if blair wants to give us moderation she has to represent the other side rather than just her response to assumed absolutists there is a discussion about trans people included or excluded from it and what is the right way to navigate right and my friend and i both agree that the trans community as it stands now will never achieve full acceptance and how we've almost noticed an uptick in like anti-trans people and almost like a resurgence of people who like straight up don't like trans people don't get it are very turned off by the community and by trans ideology and that actually lashed out at us like in an anti-trans way as many other creators have already observed there are other individuals who cover a variety of trans issues in a balanced and detailed way and in much more depth some of whom have gone to lengths in the past to correct some of blair's shortcomings i don't think this means that players perhaps lightweight content should be banished from the platform but i think it also has to be done with perspective for what it represents and at least with an active effort to distinguish what point should be drawn from such an upload otherwise people give it too much consequence in what it could say about communities and she needs to be more mindful when dealing with the topics that do carry that substance blair needs to be more sensitive on that front whether she wants to retain that nonchalant braised attitude or not she's still a creator who takes themselves seriously enough to make videos about online scoundrels alongside some pretty strong words these things have consequence but sometimes things just cross the line and on several occasions i crossed a line and i'm sorry we've all learned the hard way but we own it and we work out how to improve yet over the years the changes to blair's channel feel cosmetic made to present the feeling of progression some apologies some alleged reconciliation but you strip away the makeup and it's the same foundation that it was before and as the internet changed those flaws became clear makeup is temporary what's underneath is permanent and i make this clear i think blair is far from the worst political creator on youtube but she suffered the most because she played the riskiest game her audience held her in very high regard she appealed to those in the mainstream some of them very conscious of their ideas and still piled straw onto the beleaguered camel apollo believes that she does hold her beliefs close to her heart because as she said herself much of her failure to present solid information isn't the best option but she continues to do it yet a connection to a bygone era that may be worth letting go through old friends and new enemies and the incessant drama time may have passed but she remains ever present and as she does i hope she pays these thoughts some consideration the world is changing and as we move towards 2022 it should be clear that moderation needs to be more than just a buzzword it needs to be backed up you can't just play both teams or expect your character will be defined off the back of who you call out alone less at a higher bar than she could obtain and ultimately paid the price for it where she'll continue to do so will depend on how she goes forward i just hope she doesn't go back thank you so that was the video um and a big thank you as always a very very long one but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless i want to give big thanks to the editors who um who have done a fantastic job i'll be putting all their links in the pinned comments so be sure to check them out if you liked what they did big shout out to logan as always post editing titus ever great work thanks to linooski for the music and stafford for the thumbnail just great work all round and i really appreciate everyone who helped out who watched the video who gave me their feedback before the release so thank you so much i also want to give thanks to the artists uh they'll be in the pinned comments as well and of course the lovely load patrons the ten dollar patrons who will be shown on screen right now but also a special thanks to my fifty dollar patrons hypercube goth cream puff cat ears.jpg and esther badoya what a great set of names we have there and also a very special thanks to my hundred dollar patrons marlo and kia loma land i'm not entirely sure how i pronounce that but uh you can always message me and give me feedback on that one um keel um otherwise my social medias i don't really use them but they're there and of course the references will be at the bottom of the pinned comments as well in case you want to check out the links for yourself big thanks again to everyone who's helped out much love to everyone who supported me i know uploads have been a bit slow but hopefully they can return to a decent pace soon though i doubt this will be the last slightly contentious topic that i'll be covering so uh get ready for some vigorous debate at least i don't really have too much else to say so i'll wrap it up there uh thank you again all for your support on this monster video if you made it to this part where i just talk randomly thank you everyone take take care take care i'm the right opinion and i will see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 2,580,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AeuZZuobHEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 53sec (10073 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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