What Celebrities Are Actually Rude In Real Life? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what's an encounter with a celebrity you've had where they were an absolute dick vivica a fox I used to be a bartender at a hotel and she came in with a guy late one night after an event he ordered a drink for himself and a house read for her so I turned to her and asked if she preferred cab or mellow she gave me a dirtiest look like how dare are addressed directly and flounced off to a table without answering he said just give her read whatever and left a zero tip they ordered four rounds no tip each time they also complained that someone else came in and sat at a table near them and tried to get me to make them move the other guests didn't even try to approach her or talk or anything she was just mad that they dared to sit at a neighboring table on the other end of the spectrum Jay Leno came down one night to grab some dinner and a drink at the bar by himself he was super polite funny and left me a hundred-dollar tip back in the 90s I worked on the stage musical production of Beauty and the Beast the guy who played the talking clock is an Australian celebrity by the name of Burt Newton he always used to say hi and make conversation until he found out I was one of the lighting crew after that he wouldn't even glance at me slightly related on the same show I used to hang out with the dude that played guest on that stage though having a ciggy during interval I only recently discovered that it was Hugh Jackman really nice dude Cuba Gooding jr. cut in line ahead of me and my sister for a pretzel at Disneyland we were ten and eight years old I went to a convention near my town it was a sort of cartoon convention and gaming convention combo on 10 separate occasions I was asked do you know who I am not a signal one of them were people I knew when I expressed this they all had the same responses but with different names my name is sprinkle Tim or some equally ridiculous name I have over 50000 subscribers on YouTube twitch double-quote apparently there was a panel being held about how to grow your internet persona it drew out some of the worst people ever I wouldn't even call any of these people celebrities but that was the image they had in their heads my name is sprinkle Tim this goes both ways I ran into Kirstie Alley 25 years ago when Veronica's closet was on she was quiet but sweet people came up and wanted photos but she was with her kids and politely declined citing her kids nearly everyone acted like she had slapped them and turned them down but she was calm and gracious keine made me sad Jennifer Lopez anyone who has had to arrange for her visits or done military protocol for her use o tours or whatever knows how off the walls batch T crazy shears she came to visit Ramstein a long time ago in the generals quarters the nicest place on a very nice base well good enough for her because everything has to be white every single thing though we frantically found her a hotel room in Frankfurt 90 mins away which was as all white as could be found and had the pleasure of driving her to from multiple times a day while she nagged about making other cars on the Autobahn slow down why her hotel was so far why she couldn't get her favourite American drinks at a rest stop etc she expected Pope and presidential-level treatment she is absolutely horrible I was fortunate enough to be involved in a number of films shot in South Africa I got to meet and greet some well-known celebs but a few standout I will list them in greatest cock-and-bull to mine a cock-and-bull order one Steven Seagal absolute bellend looking for hookers while married coked out of his head while on set just a general douche canoe - Kiefer Sutherland Mamma Mia this guy thought that every time the Sun came up it was because he had his pants down to take a sh t decent enough to the people who directed and mattered to him everyone else was treated like dirt three Bob Hoskins just generally a bit of a prick lost his teeth people for the littlest things Rhona Mitra was pretty nice though friendly and congenial and just so very pretty I role Leonardo DiCaprio was actually much nicer than I would have expected took his mom with him wherever he went very nice too cruel and extras and pretty much everyone great attitude - and x200 be anyway that's my to see ran into Pierce Brosnan while on vacation in Hawaii before Daniel Craig took the role of James Bond he was in a gift shop and we bumped into each other out of surprise I pulled out my finger gun and shot him in classic Bond fashion right in the gut he staggered back and held his stomach slowly dying in this gift store in front of me as a 12 year old it was the coolest thing ever I was sitting in the lounge in one of the big music studios in Hollywood and Bruno Mars woke up looks at me and says where the f ck is my cab I looked at him and said who the f ck are you I really had no idea who he was how but dude did act like an absolute dick nicest guy ever Billy Ray Cyrus the studio had a policy that you're never supposed to touch the food any of the artists order or bring in and you're especially not supposed to take any home as I was leaving he slipped me two huge meat and cheese trays out the door when no one was looking as an infant trying to make it as an audio engineer that sustained me for almost two weeks probably 10 or 11 years ago I was working BTS of a WWE house show my job was to find the contest winners and bring them to introduce them to a couple of the bigger stars my immediate report went to Ricky Steamboat who was incredible I had a question for him don't remember what it was anymore but he was standing there talking to Chris Jericho not wanting to be rude I stood to the side waiting for their conversation to end before I interrupted Jericho's stopped mid-sentence looked at me and said are you f king lost double quote when Ricky turned around to see who Jericho was talking to he recognized me and was super pleasant and answered my question but Jericho was pissed and thought I was a groupie or something used to work at a Hard Rock Hotel Mariah Carey was the absolute definition of our f king diva she used a bunch of employee passageways and we were instructed that if we looked her in the eyes we would get written up we were also told that we had to immediately vacate any room that she entered even if we were in the cafeteria on break or in the bathroom doing our business she's an [ __ ] on top of that too few of her backup dancers accused her of Esav assault during the two and nothing ever came of it met Naomi and Wynonna giant at a meet-and-greet session at Kmart corporate headquarters I had a Kmart store plan from their hometown for them to autograph wine honor was a complete uber [ __ ] she scribbled her name on it and then crunched up the paper and threw it at me with some sarcastic comment about rednecks and hillbillies then lawmen Naomi took the paper gently smooth it out and told me that it was the most thoughtful thing she had autographed all day very nice and genuine woman how are those two blood related I met Ric Flair when I was eight those rumors of him being a dick to kids is all true folks The Sandman at ECW in the late 90s he threw his beer can way before Stone Cold Steve Austin and I ended up catching one after the show he was signing autographs and I caught up with him I said I caught your can could you sign it double quote he looked at me dead in the eyes and said I'm not signing your f king car kitten walked away I saw Petros at the airport on Thursday he saw my Braves gear I was wearing and said Braves are getting beat muddy I asked for picture and he just replied the score 6-0 reversal story once worked for a large movie company I was pissed of and at the end of my workday so when I saw an open elevator not crowded with folk as I was leaving I quickly got a nun pressed my floor number when I heard a thick voice behind me sounding a bit far away saying hold the door I pretended not to hear given sh t mood and X 200 B doors are closing and I turn that's when Schwarzenegger pissed-off face appears behind the slick between the ever closing doors I asked you to hold the due than they shuts in his face and the elevator went down I'm so sorry t800 I'm in the wrong thread but I have a good guy Mick Jagger story my dad was a limo driver and often chauffeured celebrity clients one day he got make the limo got mobbed by screaming fans they were on all sides pounding on the glass climbing on the hood my dad had never dealt with anything like that and started to panic Mick reached over the seat from the back patted my dad on the shoulder unsaid it's all right mate just slooowly take your foot off the brake it'll clear off double-quote Mick Jagger soothed my dad through a panic attack a drunken Robbie knieval tried to start a fight with some friends and I at a gas station because he claimed we cut him off he was belligerent swearing up a storm and not entirely coherent he also punched the gas pump we were at because that's just how upset he was our reaction was 80% what the f-ck and 20% go home you're drunk and eventually he just went from screaming at us to us to screaming at us from his car this was a little after his dad had died I met woody harrelson of health food store I didn't realize it was him he we're talking in line at first I thought he was being an hour celibate it turns out he is actually a really cool guy he has a way of talking that sounds like he's being condescending and sarcastic I've noticed it in interviews but he isn't actually being a jerk my uncle works at a Vegas casino none of the Kardashians or Jenna's tip anyone ever he was with them for over three hours and didn't receive a diamond was treated like total garbage Scott Disick however is a great tipper and great guy all around I work at a casino and I see quite a few celebrities firstly Kevin James treated just about every employee like they were wasting his time just get IT done double quote J ello was banned from one of the casinos I worked in pariah and JL I were both banned from the other JL Oh famously told upper management she didn't want poor people looking her in the eyes and wanted any staff that went near her to look down she also demanded a new mattress in our villa custom-made bed bTW at 3:00 a.m. then tried to get the casino to essentially break into a mattress store she had an aide google for the mattress she wanted them to buy god I'm gonna be here all night long oh one more Charles Barkley as the worst gambler I've met in my life I met Chevy Chase many years ago everything you've heard is probably true Oprah didn't tip me on a $200 lunch instead she signed her napkin for me and acted like she was doing me a huge favor the kicker was when she walked in they gave away all of my other tables so she didn't have to wait for anything so I made four dollars off for two hours for the privilege of serving Oprah and she goes on and on about signing a napkin for me that I never asked for my sister was at an away wrestling match in suckle when a guy by himself sat next to her and hardly said a thing the whole time except cheer for his son after a while he asked her who she was there to see and she said without looking at him that she was there to watch her boyfriend and if she was going to ask who his son was she looked at him and saw that it was Nicolas Cage in a ball cap she was stunned and couldn't talk and he smiled and basically read her mind then pointed out his son with a proud dad smile she got very nervous so he asked her if she wanted to take a picture with him to which she said yes not sure if Nicolas Cage is a bad person or anything but this encounter made him seem so regular and grounded being at a public school to proudly watch his son wrestle I didn't understand how she didn't recognize his voice I used to be a driver and an assistant for Andres app Kowski the author of The Witcher series during a coma con at which he was the guest speaker the guy is exactly as dickish is described and complains constantly just about everything my favorite from him was when he rejected the coffee I brought to him because it was in a blue carp apparently coffee only tastes good in brown or white cups he also confused me at first four Nergal of behemoth who was a speaker at the same con bizarrely happened again in my life bTW I look nothing like Nergal more like Tom Hanks with a ponytail and x200 B mid-nineties worked at a golf course that was so exclusive not even Michael Jordan could be a member the day was very rainy in the court was closed to everyone except the foursome Jordan was in he ran late the other three started without him he arrived they loaded his clubs on the cart I was standing probably fifty feet away as he was getting ready to leave and meet his group no one else around there was nothing for me to do since no one else was on the course of the driving range I'm not gawking or anything just kind of marveling at how tall he is they don't look so tall on TV he calls me over how can I help you mr Jordan can I have that towel of course sir Thanks knew you were good for something double quote nice for those asking EGC in Skokie IL I wasn't implying he wanted to be a member just that he wouldn't be allowed because they were racist worked in a cinema that hosted premieres so always dealt with the celebrities during premieres and red-carpet events you really get to know who the dicks are based on how they interact with you Jennifer Lawrence was by far the worst celebrity I ever encountered she showed up an hour late because she decided to visit a friend beforehand so it delayed all of us then complained about people shouting at her while she was walking the carpet and then she snapped her high heel while walking down the stairs and for some reason that was also our fault nothing but hostility from that woman on the other hand Tom Hanks was the nicest Barbra Streisand wasn't a dick she was a total and complete cnt2 every stage and working her show f ck her William Shatner paid for a meet-and-greet i fumble for my tech had token to give to the security guy it literally took three seconds of fumbling he then yells hurry up will you he clearly did not want to be there took a photo and shoved me aside best celebrity was Ron Perlman was on the same day a girl in a wheelchair was in front of me he gets down onto her level and asks her if she is enjoying herself and really gave off the vibe like he gave a sh t he came up to me and firmly shook my hand with a big smile and gave me a one-armed hug and said thanks for coming by the dudes are st. unfortunately I only have accounts of celebrities who I'll someone I know was addicted them when I was about five years old my dad took my brother and I to the Seattle Science Center a fellow by the name of Kevin Bacon happened to be in line with his wife and kid my dad attempted to low-key point out to this lad it was Kevin Bacon but subtlety is not his strong suit so everyone else in the vicinity started to notice Kevin tried to stay incognito but too many people were aware of his presence at that point so he left thanks dad second time I was on a flight to San Francisco and art alexis was on the flight Twitter was kind of new at this point so I tweeted something along the lines of oh hey Alexa kiss is gonna be on my flight too bad I've never been a fan when we landed I checked my Twitter and noticed a new follower notification from art Alexa 'kiss not me but my dad he's a cameraman and he worked with Russell Crowe wanna shoot said he was the biggest jerk to crew and acted a bit like a diva mind you this was easily 15 ish years ago so don't know about him now fighting round the world Seth Rogen kicked my ass at counter-strike the other night and then made fun of me the juggler from Cirque du Soleil he's quite a go centric I met Jeffrey Rush when I was working reception at a small hotel when he was filming the daughter I lent him my umbrella and recommended a cafe in town rather than catch the bus right outside he decided to walk the 45 minutes into town he came back and blew me a kiss as a returned my umbrella and said he liked the cafe reminded me of my late grandfather he can rock a pink business shirt not my story but my brother told me this happened to his friend in high school she went to go see John Mayer live and she was super hyped because she'd opted for the VIP tickets at les yeux meet him after the concert after the concert and waiting for the time to meet him John Mayer came out of his room only to say if you're not gonna sleep with me you may as well just go double quote real classy fellow that John Mayer was an extra in a comedy sketch with David Walliams and Jack Whitehall Jack's great but David they were playing these stuck up tennis personalities and I age 19 was David's ball girl during one take he clicked his fingers and beckons me to bring his towel to him do so quickly as instructed he wipes his brow and pretty aggressively thrusts the towel back to me I was unprepared and dropped the thing he Tut's and we can't try to do the scene again same happens he clicks I run over but this time he wipes his sweaty ass in tight shorts as well as his Fareed and then throws the towel back to me higher this time so it's patted right over my head I got David Walliams butt sweat on my face he never came over to apologize never said a single word to any of us extras despite there being very few of us honestly the rudest experience I've had with a celebrity in five years of film TV work
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 361,048
Rating: 4.9310808 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, celebrity, rude celebrity, rude celebrities, celebrity meeting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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