People That Work On Movie Sets, Who Are The Most Entitled Actors? (AskReddit)

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people that work on movie sets what are the most entitled actors you have ever met I have a friend who works on a lot of movies so she has worked with a ton of people from what I remember here are her thoughts on different people Jake Gyllenhaal's method acting style and requirements are annoying and strict so he can often be rude and hard to work with Laurence Fishburne initially comes off as a dick and absolutely hates when you call him Larry but he can swiftly turn that around and be a great guy and your best friend kinu Reeves is everything amazing you'd expect him to be but because he is so personable he doesn't have too many intimate one-on-ones with people Emma Watson is a bit self-involved Matt Danone is super cool funny and intelligent James McAvoy Stiller to work with apparently she also has a huge crush on him M night Shyamalan is apparently an amazing father and one of the best bosses to work for I've heard several stories about the work he puts in to being a great family man 50 cent his goddamned hilarious he was hanging out on set with my friend and a white girl in a kimono walked by and he yelled out oh [ __ ] they got the Asian jump off in here Russell Crowe is apparently super down-to-earth but he can get a bit isolated if you catch him while he's focusing Christian Bale acts kind of like keno but he also can be so focused on his work that he kind of forgets to interact with people Ryan Gosling is apparently hilarious and lovely Bryan Cranston is also what you'd expect he's a super nice guy who acts kind of like a father figure to most people so to answer your question Jake Gyllenhaal and Emma Watson are the worst I've heard about so far third hand here so who knows but a person I know has worked with Kevin Smith during the filming of live free or die hard Bay we are shooting Kevin seems I guess that all time was 7 a.m. everyone is ready lights on soundcheck yadda yadda know Bruce Willis turns out he was at a nearby bar having mimosas the aid that went to get him was told I'm John McClane what are they gonna do fire me or something to that effect - Kevin's estimation 90 dollars were wasted in pay rental fees and whatnot waiting on Bruce to be ready to go I was playing a background doctor on an ER type drama a couple years ago while rehearsing a scene one of the actresses said to the performer next to me tell him he can't stand there she was referring to me I adjusted my position and asks is here okay she said again to the actor next to me tell him I don't care just stay out of my way I asked is there some reason you're not addressing me directly and she turned around and walked away a few minutes late the scene was shot without further incident I have no idea who this actress is she wasn't one of the stars I used to work in a certain job for the movie industry my whole family still does there are a few groups of people on set who get to see the talent as they really are away from the spotlight who gets so good at not interacting with them that the stars forget someone is there and this one is one of them now in the B's you get treated a lot of different ways and most times you just shrug it off and act like a professional because you are being paid stupid good money to drive and everyone has bad days plus this demographic of people use drugs and alcohol more frequently than most so you never really know what's going on with them and you never want to burn a bridge for work because the industry can go up or down work is not always steady with that said the following experiences are about people who are consistently over weeks months or years insufferable [ __ ] to multiple people there is a documented set of data points to show a trend of indiscriminate ashy Larry over time one Kris [ __ ] O'Donnell hands down the worst this [ __ ] is literally the worst I have seen in the industry this extremely minor television actor and former model see his fattest neck thinks he is not only talented but divine and will wonder aloud Wallace's are doing something near him Chris once complained to production that a slightly overweight security guard was assigned to an area near catering [ __ ] Chris O'Donnell Chris if you're eating this you are a [ __ ] police mugger and your neck is fat everyone laughs at you when you are not around especially production to Helen Hunt more like Helen cuts three if Helen and Chris got together and got to knock in hooves the ground would open up and hell would regurgitate Katherine Eagle for I watched Marisa Tomei yell at a polyp tanned broken his leg in front of her to get out of her way v Jamie Foxx was such a racist and mean [ __ ] Andre that our driver took the meanest wax iasts Milius dump in history in his trailer extremely unprofessional but it immediately raced crewmember [ __ ] as everyone knew this [ __ ] baby came back to the trailer one day to find his toilet destroyed with remnants in and outside of it 6 Steven Seagal imagine forming your entire identity and life's work around being an action hero martial artist only to end up being a hairy lard ass it must be like starting out looking like Pierce Brosnan and pockemon evolving into Jess Ventura there are also some really cool people out there my favorites one lines Cool J too much in again Kelly even if he's just a big pothead 3 Lindsay Lohan I haven't seen her in a while I worked with her back when people didn't really know she had a drinking problem she pulled the old Grey Goose in a water bottle move I thought she was a great person just had problems I hope she found help for Howard Stern and the Stern Show in general Howard talks about how high-maintenance years but his staff is very good about preparing you and he never gave me [ __ ] as long as my ducks were in a row I don't particularly care for his wife Beth seems like she's only nice to you if you're someone 5 Mark Harmon is the [ __ ] man here are some people who I found to be not good or bad just strange one Jared Butler is about 18 years old in his head - Christopher Walken is literally just as insane as you might think 3 Joaquin Phoenix's like that guy who wants to be your friend but is impaired by several layers of mental illness for samuel l.jackson is very into porn no you don't get it very big fan of porn 5 Tom Cruise is a [ __ ] wacko no surprise here if Tom decided to talk to you he would get inappropriately interested in money sure about you I mentioned I like 3 creamers in my coffee and he thought it was just about the most interesting [ __ ] thing he had ever heard in his life not that it's any surprise to anyone but michael cera is a huge [ __ ] [ __ ] I watched so many young musicians come up to him during the sex bobomb to come up to him to talk about music or gush about how he inspired them only for him to either brush them off completely ask them why they are talking to him or just have security come take them away total dick faded away faded away and I cannot stress this enough fading away I've had dealings with her personally and can vouch for her and Tipler Dennis and nastiness but my friend who works on movie sets as horror stories extremely demanding and also picky she brings her scales with her everywhere and will make anyone catering wait up in front of her she has a no eye contact rule which must never be disobeyed and she also yells and screams when things do not go her way Bam Margera used to frequent a mall where I was managing a store he was always cool and never seemed pretentious one afternoon he came in with some friends and they were all obviously either high drunk or both they were in my store making a scene being obnoxious and started throwing around merchandise before I could say anything to them man turned around and yelled for them to stop acting like [ __ ] children and to put everything back where they got it like good little pins they did what they were told he just looked at me and with a long and tired look on his face told me he was sorry about them so yeah BAM seems to be a good guy I was a production assistant ha back in 2004 2:05 and I noticed mainly European actors were very humble and low maintenance and it was us talent that was the opposite with exceptions of course on the films I worked on Scala Johansson was very high maintenance it was her first tentpole film and I think it went to her head a little bit she kept demanding extra things left and right and it was a miserable experience for most of the paws on set cool and low-key actors on set who and McGregor Steve Buscemi scene B Michael Clarke Duncan ripp Ice Cube samuel l.jackson William Dafoe Danny DeVito Tim Roth Forest Whitaker Kelsey Grammer for the most part the actors were generally good if you want to know the most entitled person I had to deal with it was hands down Michael Bay he is an [ __ ] of the first order and anyone associated with him his bodyguard slash assistants his two huge ass dogs and some of his other staff are all straight entitled idiots I used to work in the film and TV industry Tara banks legitimately will fire some people if they look her in the eye when passing in the hallway mostly interns on the plus side Tom Hanks and David Tennant are genuinely amazing and Eric Dane good guy once an actress yelled at one of our new writers and Eric heard about it he later came by to apologize publicly in front of the whole cast and crew even though it wasn't his doing love that guy and someone on the crew later tried to poison that actress so I used to sit next to Billie English in choir up until like less than two years ago when she really blew up I saw her again when she came to one of our performances last year and she gave me a hug anyway what's so weird to wrap my head around when I see her online or in interviews is that she's the exact same person that I knew her to be all my life wit quirky always sticking out her tongue and lifting her lips up to make weird faces always making fun of herself and others in a playful way but really down-to-earth it's so weird seeing the person I sat next to for years literally copy and pasted on to such a high celebrity platform people who have actually worked on movie sets know better than to badmouth the stars in a public forum with that said I do have a story about Rob Lowe I was an employee in the art department for a film called knife fight task with researching element that would appear on the screen then creating the necessary content for a variety of props like newspapers and edited photographs if I'm completely honest I wasn't quite as good at my job as I should have been given that my previous experience with feature films had been limited to script doctoring and coordination work as such many of the things that I created had to go through several rounds of drafts and approvals before they were production ready in short I put in a lot of extra effort that probably should have been unnecessary anyway at one point I assembled a handful of posters that would be visible in the background of a scene featuring Rob Lowe these had already been reviewed revised and revamped a couple of times so I was feeling pretty certain that everyone would like them unfortunately I have it on good authority given that I wasn't actually present in the room at the time that when the actors first walked into the location he glanced at the posters in question smurfed and made some commentary on them Rob Lowe was reported to have said that's neat then he just went to work like some kind of professional performer what an entitled jerk right saw Kirsten Dunst at a restaurant a couple of times once it was with a group of like ten possibly a little party anyway someone came up wanted to take her picture and she very politely and kindly explained that she was there to spend time with her friends and didn't want to be taking pictures that night it was basically the opposite of entitled I also saw Andy Samberg at a restaurant once and his friend stuck him with the bill without so much as a glance of their own wallets whatever that might imply about their character or his or neither I couldn't hear their conversation maybe they had discussed it beforehand maybe he's their employer and it was a business dinner maybe he was a total ass and wanted to buy their respect mostly it's impossible to judge a person's character on one interactional perceived interaction have not worked on a movie set but worked for a cleaning company that was hired by production companies that came to the area to film Alberta Canada we would take care of the homes of some sellers Tom Hardy was lovely very down-to-earth and friendly would walk by us in the house and always greet us and often talk about the weather and other mundane things small talk his whole entourage was friendly it was actually quite an enjoyable job good pay easy work nice environment etc when we cleaned Leonardo DiCaprio's place we were specifically told not to talk or look at him by the contact person my boss had we wouldn't have spoken less spoken to first but the specific requests for it made us uncomfortable one time one of my co-workers had a close encounter with Leo in his bathroom she was cleaning while he was coming in she jumped apologized and said I'll get out of your way she quickly gathered up all her cleaning stuff and hurried out he was totally silent and turned his head away from her it was weird and just a quick side note we had a specific way we'd clean so to not encroach on anyone needing the bathroom Leo's bedroom and bathroom were done when we certain he was up and about or out of the house and we always went as fast as we could the previous cleaning company that was there before us was fired because one of the workers said how are you or something like that to Leo that prior knowledge also made it harder working there oddly enough though Leo's entourage had a strange curiosity with us that felt uncomfortable in the opposite sense almost like they'd never seen people before law Stephen Segal shows up and rejects his stunt double for being too fat acha a perfect double for him and selects a stunt double for himself who was much thinner in fact it was star-lords double for all those movies production had to put star-lord in a fat suit so he would look like Seagal and he ends up doing 90% of Seagal scenes which is a good thing because it turns out Seagal likes to literally punch stuntmen during choreographed fights and then taunt them if their wins edit also Seagal got in trouble for flirting with underaged girls and bringing prostitutes on set jeremy renner is on top of a frozen mountain at night and demands chili with no specifications the crafty then sends the chili with the cart of topping options edit it takes at least 20 minutes to get to the top of the mountain no matter what when it arrives Rena chews out the crafty assistant saying he expects a chili in five minutes the crafty assistant fires back at him telling him nobody's getting anything from vasa camp to the top of this mountain in five minutes without a helicopter the crafty assistant is banned from talking to or looking at rena for the rest of the shoes I went to school with a guy who wound up co-starring in a feature film I saw him in the bar one night he walked up to this table of women and said so who wants my autograph he even had a pen the women had no idea who he was because the movie he'd be in was some short-run b-movie nobody had even heard of insecure people who gained any sort of fame and recognition are the most cringy at all I try to remember that everyone has bad days and good and my interactions with people on a professional level can be just that a bad day or a good day but that being said working with Jonathan Frakes was so wonderful that at the end of our time together I nearly turned around and said I love you that everything this kid who grew up wanting to be commander riker could hope for
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,518,524
Rating: 4.8689327 out of 5
Keywords: work on movie sets, movie sets, entitled actors, entitled actors reddit, entitled celebrities, entitled, actors, celebrities, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 76inRJmb5mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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