What's the creepiest true story that happened to you or someone you know? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's the creepiest true story that happened to you or someone you know serious this happened about three years ago or so I was sitting in the kitchen and it was around 10 p.m. or so I heard a really loud thump in the basement I live alone with two dogs so any sound is somewhat frightening to me so as I'm walking down the stairs to the basement I hear the thumping again in an oddly rhythmic pattern I creak opened the door into the basement bedroom and I see my dog is just ramming his head and body into the wall over and over I can't explain to you how shockingly unnatural looking it was it looked like he was controlled or something I called him over and he stopped and came upstairs with me seee hours later I hear the thumping again I get out of bed again however when I went down to check it it was my other dog that was ramming his head into the wall it was like he was possessed scared the cheese out of me since then nothing like that has happened but what an unexplainable event somebody mailed my friend a bunch of pictures of his wife just going about a day some of them were taken through windows of their home police were called in to everything but nothing ever came of it they actually moved because of it I was stalked by a 40 plus year old man from the ages of 10 till 14 my parents told me about it when I was 13 I was unaware but they were he had been following me to school he had been mailing me things taking pictures of me and sending my parents threatening messages in all sorts of way I was at a party at my friend Brian's house I was really uncomfortable because I didn't really know anyone there and I knew that Brian's friends were really into drugs I wound up just watching movies and drinking mixed drinks until I fell asleep in a chair the next morning I was getting a glass of water and getting ready to leave when one of Brian's friends approached me he asked me if Brian and I hooked up because he had heard so much noise coming from his bedroom I said no when he continued to tease me about it he was being creepy and insulting so I just left later that morning I found out that Brian had overdosed and died during the night his friend had heard bran moaning and thrashing around and thought that he was having sex I was only four when this happened was playing outside with my siblings and neighbors and while they're busy playing a lady approached me and took me to her place a nearby neighborhood after a while everybody was freaking out and they started looking for me everywhere this lady was severely depressed her husband left her after their son died he couldn't handle her depression apparently she took me to her place fed me and gave me tons of candy for couple days she also made me wear her deceased son pajamas at some point she took me to buy some candy from the store the store owner knew her so he reported that to the police she didn't hurt me at all the doctor even said I was well fed I always think of her and pray she's in a better place now even tried to go visit her when I was a college student her house was sold and she moved away apparently context my mom's college boyfriend became her stalker after she left his awful abusive s back in the mid-80s several years ago just before the last Harry Potter movie came out my mom and I were marathoning the other seven movies and at about 1:00 a.m. the phone rings normally we don't answer we figure if it's important they'll leave a message but a call that late at night is probably urgent mom answers and almost immediately her face changes and she tells me l vhq go wake up your father it's I've never seen my mom this scared I run upstairs and get him back downstairs she's still on the phone and I have no idea what's going on dad has some words with the caller and we hug it out in the kitchen this is when I found out my mom had a stalker despite him being silent for years and their whole breakup happening halfway across the country he somehow found us said he'd driven by our house complemented the neighborhood freaks me out to this day wondering how much he knows about us and if I've ever talked to him unwittingly edit formatting I've posted this before staying in a motel with my wife one night she falls asleep really quickly but for me it takes a while to drift off to sleep so I'm lying there in the dark for a while and I distinctly hear a voice coming from somewhere in the room quietly though just above a whisper say I think they're asleep now immediate fright responds I bolt out of bed turn on all the lights and start frantically searching the room I look in the bathroom behind the shower curtain under the bed nothing it's a one-room motel room the door is bolted shut there's nobody else in the room my wife is now freaked because of my actions what I experienced is called a hypnagogic hallucination and not an uncommon experience during the initial stages of sleep but if I had not known what that was I would have thought the room was haunted friend was sleeping at home during summer when his housemates were away he slept with the bedroom door open which is horrifying enough but woke up when he heard burglars walking up the stairs he didn't do anything and just laid there terrified and one of them closed the bedroom door when they left he found a knife in the kitchen that didn't belong to anyone in the house mum walking through house with a realtor three-year-old me in tow Rilke mentioned that the house used to be an orphanage Bob loves old houses this one had plenty of rooms and old house wine s about 15 minutes in 3-year old me kept asking where that little boy go 2spooky for Mom edit removed an extra word more funny than creepy but definitely some creep in there and it's one of my favorite stories to tell so a few years ago I was an uber driver to help pay for a vacation and one night I pick up some people at a comedy club they were actually that night's entertainment two guys and a girl and they wanted to go to a strip club that was out of ways now driving these guys around was pretty great I felt like a cab driver in a sitcom because that's how these guys were talking so rapidly and a fair amount of Crips but eventually I realized well he would didn't seem right my GPS get as to the address and really the only way to describe this remote location we've arrived at around 2 a.m. is a murder warehouse now I honestly don't know who was more frightened there for a moment me having driven three people to this address they gave me in the middle of the night all them having been driven to the wrong place in the middle of nowhere thankfully some quick googling showed that the correct address was just a mile or two down the street everyone got there fine and they even tipped me with tickets to next week's show at the comedy club so about three years ago during summer I had a habit of staying up late playing games with my window open this usually wasn't a problem as my neighborhood was usually quiet however one night someone knocked on my window around midnight when I went over to investigate I heard someone calling out for help in Spanish my family was up and I assumed it was one of my neighbors so I went outside once I saw the person I immediately knew something was off cause one this wasn't one of my neighbors into this person's clothing was ripped and they didn't have shoes on turns out the person was ashy I thought it was a young boy at first and she only spoke Spanish I tried communicating with my basic Spanish skills to no avail eventually I went inside to ask my parents for help we ended up calling my uncle who was fluent in Spanish he helped translate and told us that she said she was being human trafficked from Honduras and needed help he wanted either $500 or a car to LA we couldn't give either and offered to call the police but he seemed adamant that the police didn't get involved after this bombshell my family went inside and decided to just call the police after making this decision we wanted to check up on her at least but as my mom and I were walking outside we saw a car with no headlights pull onto our street we immediately note back inside once we felt that the coast was clear we went back out and the lady was gone we called the cops and filed a report but we never heard anything more when I was 19 I was visiting my grandmother in Indiana unfortunately she ended up in the hospital so my mom and I turn stayin with her one morning I was sleeping at my grandmother's house when I woke up to her front storm door slamming I sat up and realized there was a chair next to me that wasn't there the night before I got up and went to the front door the main actual door was wide open and only the storm door was closed a man was walking across the lawn his back to me normal walking for some reason I wasn't afraid I also wasn't wearing my glasses so I kind of assumed this guy was a postal worker I didn't put the chair by the bed thing together until later when the toilet seat slammed down and scared he had out of me but why was the toilet seat up I'm a girl my mom's a girl TL DR some random dude peed in my grandmother's house and watched me sleep maybe this happened to my father I will tell the story the way he told me to better the story I was 22 years old I had just gotten a place closer to my new job that the neighborhood I lived in was secluded maybe four houses within a mile nothing for miles after that I was having a normal night maybe my first week there I watched some TV and fell asleep when I woke up around 1:00 a.m. I was about to go to my bedroom when I remember to turn off the bathroom light at the opposite end of the house as I was walking through the living room I could barely see through to the kitchen and even farther the dining room it was pitch-black because the bathroom door was closed in the dining room however I saw something tall standing up in the corner I froze and as my eyes adjusted I saw it was an old man or woman in a white gown with white hair Hey I yelled the old person sprinted towards me like a ducking jet I sprinted back to my room where the light was on I put my hands up ready to fight and the old person came lunging in and when they saw me they stopped and said why are you in my house I pretended I was leaving and apologized while I eased into the closer bathroom locked the door and called 911 with the house phone turns out a woman about a half-mile away in the neighborhood had a form of dementia and wandered into my house while I was sleeping edit shout-out to lazy Masquerade for doing this story story here this happened about nine years ago on the fifth of July we had some extra fireworks so we decided to grab a few beers and launch them off I was living on the North Shore of Long Island at the time and at the end of my road was a 100 foot cliff with stairs to the beach along the sides of the cliff there was a trail on the left side you have 100-foot drop to the beach on the right a large state park there's nothing for a good four miles into the park we finish up with the fireworks at around 3:00 a.m. and decide to head back home forgot to mention it's just me and my two good friends we're just bulletins cracking jokes as we walk when we hear some leaves ruffling on our left we weren't freaked out at first big State Park with a ton of beer about five minutes later we hear more ruffling but it's for a longer period and sounds distinctly like someone walking we stopped to listen but as soon as we stopped rustling stops we were too stupid to bring a flashlight and this was before flashlights on cellphone so all we had was the light from the screen we make it about 50 more feet and all the sudden we hear the ruffling again this time it's right on top of us and a man comes out of the woods it was extremely dark but we could see that this man was wearing a pinstripe suit matching top hat and thin rimmed circular glasses he just looked at us and said hello good evening gentlemen we hold us and never looked back ran for about three minutes before we reached the end of the trail to this day I have no idea why that man would deep in the woods alone in a full ducking suit at 3:00 a.m. still gives me chills just typing this story out well this girl I used to be in class with found out today that there's some random dude out there who tattooed a picture of her face on his leg she doesn't know who he is just that he tagged her on instagram with a picture of the tattoo i'd feel like it's pretty damn creepy to have someone somewhere in the world walk around with your face on his leg this happened to a friend of mine and was verified by her sister and girlfriend the three of them were camping in an area in southern Utah sorry I don't remember the exact location and it was during the fall early winter so it got dark very early around 5 o'clock when it started getting dark the three of them built a fire and sat around it just talking and eating normal stuff everything was fine for a while but they started to hear this weird chirping noise she described it to me as a kookaburra call slowed down they got kind of freaked out at this point because it didn't sound like any regular animal they also kept noticing rustling movement out of the corners of their eyes but could never see what was making it after a while they went to bed and everything was fine until my friend was woken up in the middle of the night to see what looked like hands pressed up against the outside of her tent and she heard a weird wet breathing sound like when someone has a stuffy throat and kind of wheezes while breathing she said she was so scared she couldn't talk but was able to wake up her sister they stayed quiet and eventually the handprints kind of just faded away in the morning they wanted to get the hell out of there so they started packing up their stuff at sunrise my friend looked around where the handprints had been and saw a trail of long skinny footprints leading up to their campsite but not away from it her and her sister aren't the kind to bullet around though I believe that this really happened to this day she's convinced it was a skinwalker when I was about 8 years old my neighbor filmed me in secret I was trying to be a good kid and was helping with the laundry our dryer was broken so we were using a clothes line outside I was busy hanging up the wet laundry when the neighbor boy yelled to me hey I would go inside if I were you what I was confused who should go inside my dad is recording you I was super confused because when he said recording you I thought he meant with a tape recorder and I wasn't saying anything before I could respond his dad started yelling at him get inside you little Ducker before I beat the it out of you that's when I saw him with his camcorder behind some trees I didn't know what to do one of our new kittens ran over to me and started biting my ankles trying to play so I used that as an excuse to pick it up and go inside edit a lot of people are saying - bro that kid was and I agree that really was pretty brave of him I wonder why he spoke up if he was being recorded or beat at home wouldn't he have been too afraid of the ramifications to warn me on a warm summer night my wife and I were in bed reading with the windows open after dark we heard someone nearby shouting loudly maybe a block away in our residential neighborhood the words were mostly hard to understand but at least once quite distinctly helped me I'm bleeding I'm bleeding after a minute or so it trailed off I couldn't see anything out any window my wife really didn't want me to go out to check it out both our hearts were pounding like crazy obviously someone was hurt but was there still danger so I called the local police and explained in a few minutes a cop car drove by in the direction of the shouting few minutes after that I saw a policeman with the flashlight chasing someone across a nearby yard I checked to make sure all the doors were locked after that nothing happened for what felt like a really long time finally we called the police back to see what was up turns out it was just a local teen drunk trying to talk to the neighborhood girl who recently dumped him at some point trying to get her attention he broke a window and cut his hand and the police showed up he ran because he was drunk and didn't want to get busted so much less scary than the stories we had been spinning in our heads finally we were able to sleep [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 38,121
Rating: 4.9250779 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, funny, r/
Id: 5aS3xnCHtOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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