Scariest Encounters with "Real People" (r/AskReddit)

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whenever I see a scary thread it ends up being about ghosts and whatnot that's not scary I find real people more strange and eerie than the paranormal what are you scariest encounters with real people one night around 3:00 a.m. I was dead but sleepeth my ex-boyfriend next to me all of the sudden I hear someone in my house asking if anyone was home I woke up my ex and told him to go see what the heck was going on he was a total chicken crap and made me go I get out of bed can't find my glasses but the guy is still shouting I come out of my bedroom in my pajamas and see there is a big bald dude than what looks to be a police uniform standing in my entryway I'm squinting trying to get a good look at him and he looks at me and says I just wanted to tell you that your door was left unlocked and you should lock it i mumble something to the effects of our thanks and he leaves my apartment I'm still as blind as a bat but I see that he walks away instead of getting into a car no policeman would be policing the woods the area I live in on foot the next day I called the local police station and asked if any officers had reported this incident and they said they would check with the on-duty officers and get back to me they called me the next day and said no one had done this I still get freaked out when I think about this happening and I wish I knew what that guy was up to when I was 18 I worked the evening shift at a convenience store over the previous three nights three stores from the same chain had been held up at gunpoint in my small city so my manager had basically been prepping me all week to get robbed I was understandably on edge all night I was down to the last few hours of my shift and I was finally starting to calm down a little bit when a guy with his hat pulled down low walked in came right up to the counter and started reaching into the inside of his jacket and said you know those days when you should have just stayed home I think this is one of them time was moving in slow motion at this point and my heart was beating out of my chest after what felt like 10 minutes the guy pulled his wallet out of his jacket and asked for a pack of cigarettes anticlimactic but scary nonetheless my brother came into town on business and invited me to bar hop on his expense account I let my wife know not to wait up and met up with him once I got off work we spent the night going from bar to bar catching up on what had been going on in our lives until the last bar closed around 2:00 3:00 a.m. then we stumbled back to his hotel room and passed out I woke up the next morning around 7:00 a.m. and went home my wife had already left so I didn't see her an hour or so later she called me and asked where I had gone so early that morning I was confused cause I didn't get home until after she had left for work I explained this to her and she got really scared she explained that around 12:30 1:00 a.m. she heard a key in the front door and the door opening she sat up in bed and saw a male figure coming who she assumed was me and go into the living room she assumed that I had just decided to sleep on the couch rather than come into the room and risk waking her up so she just rolled over and went to sleep a few hours later around 5 6 a.m. she heard someone moving around downstairs again and then the front door opened and she watched the person leave and heard the door lock she thought I was heading out and just rolled back over to sleep again we lived in a neighborhood of townhomes where every house looked the same so we guess someone just got the wrong house and had a key that was close enough to house to work then woke up and realized they were in the wrong house and got the heck out we called a locksmith and had the locks changed that day this story is 100% true I experienced it myself in the summer of 1991 when I was about 10 years old I lived on Wood way Drive in the Fox Harbor apartments in Paducah KY if you look up the address you will see some woods just to the north of the apartment complex my friends and I played in those woods every day after school and all day on the weekends through the few years I lived there we cleared a small area in the woods and created a fort from various things we got out of dumpsters it was our own place that no one else knew about and it was awesome one day as we were walking to our fort off in the distance we saw a man walking through the woods he was walking parallel to us it's in the opposite direction like cars on a road but with about 70 80 yards separating our paths we stopped talking and stopped dead in our tracks when we saw him we never saw anyone in the woods especially not adults when we stopped moving he did too he turned towards us and looked right at us as I stared at him and was able to make out the details of what he looked like I noticed that he was wearing what looked like a Halloween mask a generic mask not Michael Myers and carrying an axe in his hands we stood there in silence and motionless for what was probably about 10 seconds he looking at us and is looking at him that he started sprinting straight at us we did the only thing we apparently thought to do run straight to our fort we were probably about 50 yards from the entrance to the fort and in those 50 yards he gained a lot of ground on us when we finally made it he was upon us all of my friends scurried up a tree and was screaming but I was the last in line by the time I could try and climb the tree he was standing right there by us he was screaming like a lunatic and waving the axe in the air I was scared had no idea what was going on and my mind was blank on what I should do I grabbed a large stick and took a nice big baseball bat swing and cracked him on the face with it he stumbled back a bit moaned and took the mask off I recognized the face it was the landlord and manager of the apartment complex a man who was probably about 50 years old he wanted to play a joke on us and thought this was the most appropriate thing to do he was a freaking psycho and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids when I was quite young I was out at the park walking my dog German Shepherd when I realized it was getting quite late and I was the only one left in the park a man dressed in a dark hooded top and a black scarf covering his face jumped the fence that leads into the alleyway behind the park and started marching towards me but he hadn't spotted my dog who was off sniffing around or doing whatever dogs do my dog got between us though and there was the kind of standoff for a while my dog was really tense and growling with his hackles raised and I didn't know what to do I didn't know if my dog was going to attack the man so I just kind Froese after a while the man backed away jumped back over the fence and ran away down the alley I put my dog back on his led and went home but he was still tense the whole way back I was a little freaked out but perhaps not as afraid as I should have been looking back on it now I didn't know what that man wanted or what he was doing there or what would have happened if my dog wasn't there with me there would have been no reason for him to go into that part by himself and come towards me like that I shudder to think about it I think if the man had made a move towards me my dog would have attacked him well I hope the bee was real in Toronto there is a subway system run by the TTC or Toronto Transit Commission they often square off certain parts of the subway route which is pretty freaking basic in order to do some upgrades or fix bits lately they've been shutting down the subway rise into downtown on the weekends anyway they were doing some upgrades on the track and we were going by pretty slow making sure not to run over anyone while they scampered out of the way out of nowhere the power cut out now I should say that I wasn't the only one in the train car the cars are decently long and I was at one end and some woman was at the other end when I walked onto the train it was up at her end where there was a giant bubble of seats empty around her she was displaying the typical signs of batshit crazy and people sort of avoided her everyone else was off getting off at Yonge but I still had another couple stops east to go she was laughing audibly and I tried to tune it out by listening to some music but it never really worked it was so chilling that my brain sort of just kept ignoring the music and focusing on her so eventually I just unplugged the music and sat back trying not to crap my pants so anyway the power cuts out and Here I am sitting at one end as far away from her as I could possibly be and the lights turned off for some reason she stopped laughing in fact she stopped making any noise at all when the lights came back on about five seconds later when I had sufficiently crapped my pants she wasn't at the far end she was about three seats away from me tearing at me ii the train stops i bolted for the frickin door after she relocated she didn't make another sound she just kept staring freaking creepiest moment of my goddamn life my sister's bedroom was on the second floor all of a sudden she screamed and said she saw hand on her window we thought she was having a nightmare tailed her to go back to bed next morning we found a ladder up against her house by her window I once lived in a sort of bad neighborhood in a very tiny house with my brother who was rarely there old house so it was a little creepy and also felt like anyone who wanted to could have broken in one night I was getting ready for bed it was pretty late and during a hot summer we didn't have a/c so I had one of those two found window deals the blinds were pulled down to the top of the fan I was changing for bed I sleep and underwear and a t-shirt I slipped out of my pants and changed my shirt I don't wear a bra to bed because freak that I am about to hop into bed when I hear a low masculine voice say let's see those titties again I think my whole body stopped working for five seconds while I absorbed the fact that there was the creepy peeping tom right outside my window and I was alone in a house that he could get into if he wanted it was the first and only time I called the 911 attack waiting for the police and the very nice 9-1-1 lady had to calm me down a bright note apparently it was a slow night because they sent three cars I was so happy when I moved I work in a Middle Eastern grocery store in one of the reddest states when my son was an infant I would take him with me to work most days we get a lot of soldiers that have spent time overseas looking for some of the good food they had there one day this soldier comes in and he's just nice as can be then he sees my son and he starts talking to him in a cute Ishii baby voice saying how cute he is and then out of nowhere and in the same cutie she voice he says to my son oh you're so cute I just wonder God your little eyes out it caught me way off guard I just laughed nervously and picked my son up and walked in the back when I was a young girl in my brother and I went for a walk in the woods behind our new house we came upon an unfamiliar area and noticed plaster body parts thrown willy-nilly we kept walking and discovered a mannequin massacre dozens of lifelike class two mannequins in various positions of death and torture some with burn marks some tied to trees with forks and knife stuck into them and others hung by their necks from branches three stories up to the mannequins we're dressed in human clothes and featured detailed facial expressions of pain and terror in the middle of this WTF cast effort where childlike mannequins that had been tied up and blindfolded used condoms were everywhere but we left terrified and wondering who the frick would do this the time my high school sweethearts father found out I took his daughter's virginity he took me for a drive to an empty field to have a chat he's a good father and she is an only child I thought I was dead my older brother and I were playing in a cemetery in a small Texas town the cemetery sat next to some railroad tracks which led into the black section of town for those not in the know tons of small southern towns are still de facto segregated it's a huge cemetery and there was no one around then we heard little corpse pop-pop-pop and pieces of the headstones began flying off around us we look toward the railroad tracks and there was an old black man shooting at us with a rifle not quite an encounter but this is a scary story nonetheless I think I first got a I am when I was about 13 I wasn't very smart about using it so I was always talking to these random people that I didn't know one day some guy who claimed to be from my school and just a couple years older than me I met me and we started talking being 13 and my of I talked to him for days and developed a crush on him he asked me if I wanted to meet up to hang out and we even planned a specific time and place to do so but I was a little skeptical I made the smart choice to ask my elder sister who was his age if she knew this guy but she didn't which was a red flag to me since the school is small and it's impossible to not know someone there I decided not to meet the guy and blocked him on a I am because I was creeped out that he obviously had been lying to me the scariest part about three years later I saw a news article with that guy's name he didn't lie about that or the fact that he was from my town but he was really 25 but why was he in the news he was convicted of our ping three young girls who had lured from a I am he planned to murder one of them but she managed to get away during my first year of college my brother eight years older live about two blocks up the street from where my dorm was this made it super easy to go over and hang out since we've always been close well this particular night a Thursday I think I decide to head home a little early and leave his place at about 11:00 I step outside onto the street and it is only empty I can only see one other person in sight and he's directly across the street he was making all sorts of weird guttural noises and wigging out but this being in the city I see that all the time so I just had left and think about putting in my headphones to listen to some music God dang glad I didn't because the noise from the guy suddenly stops after I walked about ten feet the abrupt silence was unnerving and I looked back over at him he had stopped moving and was staring directly at me then he made a fricking beeline across the street wide quad lane no cars though for me I picked up my pace and looked back once I reached the end of the block he was about 70 feet away now and hobble running like some kind of zombie so I freaked out and start running back to the dorms with him in hot pursuit and now he's making these slurping noises with his tongue and groaning as I near the door to the dorm I hope to god that my security card works on the first swipe it never did I jumped the short four stairs and zipped my card as the guy is now about 25 30 feet away and still running card reader flashes green and I grab the door rush inside and slam it back closed behind me a group of students are just about to go out the door but I stop them and tell them to wait the guy comes all the way up to the door and paces for a little bit outside before slinking back off into the darkness the thing about him that scared me the most was whenever I looked back or when he was at the door he had constant eye contact I never want to see that hungry look in someone's eyes again maybe he just wanted my gum when I was younger and we had just moved to this town the lady who lived down the block attempted to break into our house she banged on the windows and couldn't get in though fast forward six years there she is outside of our new house on the other side of town asking us for gas money with our gas can several years ago I had to spend the night in a psych ward I couldn't sleep because of this woman that was banging her head against the wall while screaming thinking back about this it still seems like something out of a horror movie and still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up so me and a girl drive her VW jetted up to a Nature Center at about 11:00 p.m. the gate was never closed after business hours so we stopped the car in a parking lot overlooking a marsh a boardwalk which runs through it and heavy bush Fleetwood Mac is playing over the stereo and we are just shooting the crap 10 15 minutes after we park the car I swear I see a flickering light far off in the bush but we both shrug it off as we are in the middle of nowhere and who the heck is going to be roaming around the woods over closed down Nature Center as you would imagine it's pretty dang dark in a Martian nighttime once your eyes adjust you can make out silhouettes and see things directly in front of you but that's it fast-forward to 15 minutes later and we are making out I'm in the driver's seat and she is in shotgun both our seats are sort of reclined back and I am leaning over half on top of her after a few minutes of making out I lean up to say something to her and notice a big dark object pressed up against the passenger side window at first it doesn't register and then like a creepy frickin ton of bricks it hits me and I realized that there is a man with his face pressed up against the window watching us I shoot back like a bowl still staring at the window and the man who has not yet moved the girl looks at me and then traces me line-of-sight to the window and lets out a scream with this the guy takes off and runs I turned the car on and put that nature center in my rearview as fast as I could the Wicked Witch of the West is coming to to steal all of your Halloween candy like this video in 2.1 seconds or she'll take all of it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 56,490
Rating: 4.893229 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, scary stories, creepy stories, true horror stories, people share, true stories, horror stories, true horror
Id: hlEIv_9ALB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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