What Are You Doing, Babe? (Advice/Rant Video)

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I just love a good suit guys I love a good soup oh my gosh hello guys hello to all my new subscribers Wow I have not uploaded in maybe about like five days like husband tactic it just has been but all good things um hello 22,000 of you hi my name is Asia very nice to meet you welcome to the a-team I cannot believe that I have this many subscribers I cannot believe it I can't articulate how I feel I feel like every time I upload a video I'm hitting some sort of major milestone and this channel so far has been beyond my expectations and I feel like God has really been showing me that he is really blessing me above all of my expectations he's exceeding all of my expectations and he's really doing things you know abundantly and I'm so grateful for that and I'm so thankful for that and for you guys I just want to say thank you for all of your messages and all of your continuous support it means so much to me that when I log on to my channel and I see that you guys have nothing but positive things to say it really does uplift my day so before we get into this video I want you to of course if you don't know now you know follow me on Instagram and that will be right here of course and also do not forget to subscribe to this channel if you have not already we are 22 thousand subscribers deep at this very current moment and also turn on your post notifications so that you're notified every time that I post without further ado let's just jump right into this video ok guys so today I'm bringing high energy and as you guys can see from the title this is called what are you doing babe this video topic actually has been on my heart and believe it or not when I do post the video and I'm drafting a video treatment for a video I really do you know ask God okay what should I post to help someone I want to post something that somebody needs to hear and that's what also helps me and encourages me and allows me to keep going with you know posting videos because I just really want to be able to be like a big sister to you guys or be the best friend whatever it may be and encourage you guys what are you doing babe as we know Valentine's Day had recently passed and it's just you know of course we're woman we want love you know we want that fairy tale but I noticed that in the whole culture of Valentine's Day sometimes a lot of us feel pressure to post certain things or put up with certain things until that date because we want to look good on Valentine's Day and on Valentine's Day specifically I felt like I felt so blessed abundantly because I have all of you guys on my channel and I am currently single at the moment and I am in love with being single and I'm in love with having my freedom to do whatever it is that I want to do and with all the knowledge that I have now it's so amazing to date from this perspective and to see how I enter into the dating world knowing all the things that I know and I just couldn't help but notice you know certain things that people would be posting you know and when you're posting something it's amazing that people that may not know you will look at a post and they'll see this grand gesture or not of you know flowers and the card and things of that nature but what did you sacrifice or did you have to sacrifice to get to that point per se and this is not for people that are and you know exclusive relationships and you guys have that commitment I'm talking about the girls that don't and you struggle with you know staying with this person because you just want it to look a certain way on social media what are you doing babe is it worth your youth is it worth keeping up this facade when you know that that's not the case big if he gave you wasn't even that great it wasn't you paid for dinner or he took you to a really cheap place whatever it is what are you doing first things first this is like this video is simply just a rant video because it's something that as I said in the beginning has been on my heart stop offering to pay for things for these men that are not doing anything for you why are you buying their affection and I think that some people this is tough for them to hear it's a hard pill to swallow and they tell themselves well I don't need anyone to pay for me because I'm an independent woman and I don't need a min okay fair enough I consider myself to be independent as well I wouldn't I wouldn't say that I need a man I do desire to be in a healthy relationship I desire to get married and have kids and the whole thing I think that that's important to recognize we abuse the saying of I don't need a man and it comes across as differently than we intended it to be we're not talking about being codependent on a men we're talking about the fact that if you're moving with all of this masculine energy you're leading with this masculine energy of you don't need this person you need that person but a lot of the times of course not all the time a lot of the times the same woman that declare these this independence they are behind the scenes of the building men you know they're buying men's affection because they feel like well I'm gonna do it because I don't really need anybody to do it for me and I want to show him that I'm a boss and that I'm very capable of showing that you're a boss showing that you have a lot going for yourself without buying someone's affection you know it's just really sad to me you know it really sucked out to me especially on Valentine's Day I would see certain posts and I know certain situations and I'm just thinking to myself this really isn't what it seems what are you doing another situation of what are you doing is he's ignoring your text but then you go on Instagram or you go on Facebook and you see that this person is active on social media let's not justify the blatant disrespect actions speak louder than words if he is literally ignoring your text message and you see him active on his social media and it bothers you cuz I know it does it should bother anyone that's a clear indication that he doesn't care any person any man that really does value you and like you as much as they say that they do would not make a move like that and I'm sure plenty of us have experienced situations where we've seen things like that you know why put up why tell ourselves that it's different in our head oh he was busy oh he just logged back on really quickly because he had to go tell his cousin something no it's inexcusable it's absolutely inexcusable if somebody's going to blatantly disrespect you like that you need to drop them off if he's taking extended periods of time to respond to your text message and you know because I'm always saying this lady's lean into that intuition what is your intuition telling you you know he is very much capable of answering his phone this is a very true statement babes we all make time for what we want we all make time for what we want if somebody that claims to like you is not doing that or let's say even you really do like someone and you just want them to like you back so bad but they're not really reciprocating that well a lot of the times I get questions saying Asia how do I make this guy like me more how do I make him you know want me more and in my perspective I feel like I don't like to push my way on to pizza I don't like to push my way on to men and force them to like me more or do or feel compelled to do things to make them like me more if I don't already have them do you understand what I'm saying it's a different energy of you know that they like you a lot and you you want to use that feminine charm it's a difference of they're not really caring for you at all they're not even really entertaining you and you're leading with desperation because you want this so bad you want this person so bad that you're willing to do anything to get them to see you to get them to acknowledge you and and and like you more you have to be able to know the difference between that and when to when you are capable of using your feminine charm and when you're leading with desperation what are you doing babe you cannot lead with desperation any valuable person any men any manipulating men can sniff that out she's desperate I can get her to do this I can get her do that I can make her stay and I know that she'll forgive me if I do this if I do that because she wants me so bad you don't want to lead without energy because you will get manipulated and a lot of the times yes we've all been through really sucky situations but there comes a point in life where we have to take responsibility for our part in certain relationships or in relationships period yes I myself have been in situations where you know things didn't turn out the way that I did it - or anticipated they were all lessons learned but now that I know better I do better I move better I move wiser I move smarter you know life will teach you the same lesson over and over and over again until you learn some individuals like to victimize themselves they do and say I don't understand why this keeps happening to me the same thing keeps happening to me over and over again it's clearly because you haven't learned that's it and accept your responsibility in that Oh oh my gosh I slept with this guy so soon and I mean now we're working backwards it's like how can I make him like me more now that I already ruined the chances is there a chance that maybe you could yeah oh stop sleeping with him and see how he reacts then you can do that but why can't we just avoid that step first in general so that we're not working backwards giving our prized possessions to someone not even knowing where where we stand and then asking where do we stand after we already give that up we have to stop doing that ladies there is no excuse for that behavior especially you know after the age of twenty-one especially there's just no excuse anymore you know another interesting thing is staying away from his home one of my subscribers I was laughing because she called it like something dodging use your imagination and I think that's such an interesting term it's it made me laugh it was very funny it's true staying away from his home especially prematurely I think it's wise to put yourself in the redzone of having to go over his house and having to risk things getting steamy in his territory and then you having to real yourself out of it you're still capable of using that feminine charm like in my last video with this given scenarios that I provided and making him want to be with you without being in his territory in his home and then having to wiggle your way out of it where you have no control you need to be in control of the situation and this is why with all of the things that I talk about it's so important to really genuinely understand the value of yourself and what you have to offer and whether or not you genuinely feel worthy and whether you feel like a quality Queen when you genuinely feel like that you do tend to move a lot smarter and you do tend to move wiser because you know how much discipline it took you to get to be the woman that you are and you know that you're not gonna accept any you know average Joe that just comes your way any dusty you know must discuss it and rusted that just you know crawls your way keep the creepy crawlers away it's really that cut and dry I think that that's a huge thing that I want to you know elaborate on that a lot of us are genuinely not taking responsibility for our part in certain relationships and we victimized ourselves and I'm not saying everyone guys okay I'm saying that some of us victimized ourselves and we and we make it seem like it's always that person's fault and to be honest give or take I'm sure there is a chance where you are being treated unfairly I don't doubt that but we have to understand that we have to have boundaries and we have to lay down the law and say I will not accept this behavior any longer I'm out or in the beginning stages I'm not accepting this period I'm not even gonna begin you know say what I'm saying keep that energy it is so empowering when you make a move like that I'm telling you what do you do in a situation where you're with this guy for months five months and you realize okay I did wait the three to four month period but he's still not bringing up any sort of commit he doesn't really exhibit any action of wanting to be exclusive what do I do this is the thing guys there is no giving of anything until there is monogamy okay and if he takes longer than that we have a problem and it's not in Houston if you've spent exclusively you know a couple of months getting to know somebody and they still haven't even wanted to tie you down yet not necessarily marriage you know cuz there are different girls on this channel of different ages but wanting to be your boyfriend and claim you we like to be claimed don't lie to yourself what are you doing babe what are you doing you're gonna stick around and waste your time let me tell you something time is something that you will never get back can always make money back you can always make money you cannot buy time do not waste your time and unfortunately a lot of the time you know only older women understand this and they know that time is precious or maybe even young business women that have successful careers and they know that they have to be very frugal per se with their time because they understand that time is precious and they don't want to waste it so I'm telling you guys be very very selective with your time you know you don't want to waste your time on people who aren't simply giving you what you want and I know a lot of the times we always say you can get whatever you want it's possible I'm telling you I'm gonna be just like those other youtubers and I'm gonna tell you that whatever you want you can get it if you genuinely put in the work for it you carry yourself to manifest these things around you and to you whether that is your business idea your friends a relationship whatever it is if you carry yourself in self-awareness in love in light you will manifest these things around you being intentional of other things that you say having that positive energy you will draw these things to yourself trust me we got to stop initiating plans with people that are clearly not thinking about us case in point I'm gonna give you a scenario you hung out with Jimmy on Thursday night and you guys he took you out to dinner and then Jimmy doesn't say a word to you until you messaged him it is now Wednesday morning he has not spoken to you in Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday six days it's almost been a week since he has last spoken to you or let's really be honest given you any sort of substance conversation he has not called you at all the conversation via text has been non-existent or it's been a high end by what you do in basis save me please that's not someone that is trying to show interest in you and you can gauge all of this right before you even you know you're intimate with somebody that's the beauty of this whole thing you know what I mean if a guy this guys are very simple ladies this is what I'm trying to teach you they're very simple it works like this if I'm not thinking about her I'm not gonna text her how do you know if a guy's not thinking about you he doesn't text you he doesn't hit you up he's not thinking about you that's the easiest way to tell so basically Jimmy has not thought about you for the last six days and you know what someone that is not moving like a quality queen would do but we did hang out on Thursday and we had such a good time like I honestly feel like maybe he just forgot because I know he works and he has his own business or he works a lot and he's in school so I know a you know we make time for what we want to make time for men love to hunt okay he just doesn't care his roster is so it's probably so extensive or he just simply doesn't really want to be with you really like that and read it exactly as such I so many times I see women that put up with situations for so long and to the point where the value is forced it's like well of course I'm going to you know stay with this person I've been with this person for five six seven eight years of course I love this person I've been with this person for so long don't force love like that what kind of nonsensical nonsense is that then you want to use the years to justify your sad situation because it's the farthest thing from a relationship and if you define that as a relationship then you need to reevaluate yourself why do you genuinely feel like you deserve less why do we not reflect and think about what I'm putting up with is a clear indication of how I feel about myself what I feel like I deserve we accept the love we think we deserve we feel we deserve that is what we accept I'm so passionate about this I'm practically spitting all over the screen you get my point though you know very important stuff another thing that I find interesting to mention because what are you doing being is accepting coffee dates as a first date accepting coffee dates as a first date to an eighteen year old may seem okay we're going for coffee yetee but to somebody that's 21 and you want a seriously level up and this is after you've already fell in love at least one time organically coffee dates is an indication of someone that's very cheap guys I want to give you an interesting story this is a true story I you know you guys know the show Millionaire Matchmaker so there was this one guy that was on a Millionaire Matchmaker and I was on this was one of the times when I had a tender a while back and I was wondering why this guy looked so familiar and I couldn't figure it out and then it just clicked in my head and I'm like oh my gosh this is the guy from Millionaire Matchmaker he's on tinder why anyways so we were talking and he basically I could tell and how he was speaking that I was already disinterested I mean the way that he spoke he came across as very entitled jockey douchebag like and it was very uninteresting to me but I was entertaining it because I was bored and he basically said let's go let's we should meet and I said meet four and he says a date just dry like that a date so I said where and he goes bowling I I don't even know you I'm meeting you for the first time and you want to go bowling I mean you could easily look at that and think oh well he wants to do something interactive for me I prefer something more formal where I'm actually talking to you getting to know you I also don't accept movie dates as a first date either because why would I choose to sit in silence in the dark with someone that I barely know for two hours where do we get to know each other at it doesn't make sense that's not something you should do in my opinion for a first date when you're getting to know someone so then I said to be honest bowling and dinner may sound like a plan but I really wasn't gonna go really to be honest what is that so he goes well we can go bowling and if everything goes well then dinner I don't know who he thought he was talking to but it wasn't me unmatched I don't have time for it you know Sarah I'm saying and that's another thing I want to touch on this is a rant of course just because someone has money and you know they have money legitimately I mean he was also an attorney attorneys love me clearly it doesn't mean that they're going to be generous there's a difference between just having money and being generous and I also knew clearly that he was very cheap because he told me that he was going on vacation to Vegas and I've been to Vegas a ton of times with my family so I said oh well you should check out the Wynn Hotel at the Encore Hotel they're basically the same hotel and it's my favorite out there it's the only place that I stay when I'm there and he said oh I usually stay in the middle of the strip or like around the strip and I'm like you're a millionaire and you're staying where so I said oh okay and he goes yeah I don't see why I would spend $300 a night on a hotel when I get tons of other like hotel rooms comped for me and I'm like okay Tchibo I literally said to him no offense you sound extremely cheap like on that she's like best of luck to you I just don't have the time he doesn't even want to spend money on himself he's definitely not gonna spend money with me also he's someone that clearly has investment issues he doesn't like to commit at all he's a commitment-phobe he wants to put a down payment on me which was aka the bowling and then if things go great if I'm so lucky he'll do me the honor of taking me out to dinner and God knows where that dinner might even be I mean for Christ's sake it could be red lobster or Castelli I don't know you know why even bother taking the risk so a lot of the times we see red flags and we just ignore them don't ignore the red flags coffee dates is a clear indication that somebody is cheap you should not be meaning someone for the first time over coffee we are not college students getting ready to do a group project what is that stop going for drinks it's like an audition it's like oh let's see how loose you know she can get maybe or maybe it's an indication that he's also you know very nervous but me being a non drinker I that kind of gets taken off the table for me if going for drinks because it's that I don't drink but drinks are also known base Lia's like an audition for a date but formally I just like to simply go to dinner I mean dating for men is expensive period if you can't commit to doing things the right way then you're not my type of person are you ladies picking up when I'm laying down if somebody you can clearly tell how somebody is by what they're ordering what they choose to recommend for you if you're reading a menu and you're like hmm I'm thinking of getting the you know I'm throwing this out there the lobster bisque and let's say the lobster bisque is $15 and or the filet mignon people a lot of people eat that I only had steak once in my life so I don't even really know and the filet mignon let's say the filet mignon is like $30 he says to you oh I think you should get the lobster all right well then you just got your answer you clearly know that he chose the cheaper item the right thing for him to have said was yeah whatever you want honestly whatever sounds good to you babe whatever you want to get hello ding-dong that's the right answer my case in point is guys as this video comes to a close what are you doing what are you doing to show that your equality Queen what are you doing to prevent your past mistakes from entering into your new relationships or your new dating experiences what are you doing stop putting up with nonsensical nonsense it's inappropriate this is 2019 there's too many resources and information out there for us to be falling for the same old tricks and games and I know it's coming across like I'm being so reprimanding but it's just my genuine passion and I genuinely don't want you ladies to fall for the same old you know bag of tricks over and over again I want you guys to be happy and be the best version of yourselves and to fall in love if that's something that you desire and get married if that's something that you desire I just all I want us all to be able to grow together and inspire one another and AB lift one another that's genuinely what I want from the bottom of my heart and a lot of the times I do see comments and people are like oh oh my gosh I just feel like I got spanked or something and I'm just like do I really come across does that mean I promise I'm really not it's just my passion and the points that I have and I just am like no I don't want you to I don't want you to fall for these same old type of you know misleading mistakes and I want you ladies to learn but just know that I genuinely am here for all of you I genuinely do care from the bottom of my heart and I genuinely do appreciate all of you lovely ladies support and guys cuz I know I do have a couple of guys subscribers and with that being said this is the end of the video guys thank you so much for all of your continuous support thank you so much for twenty two thousand subscribers guys my birthday is actually April 21st so for all the people that keep asking me I am an Aries and Taurus I believe and it would be amazing if I could hit even if I could hit anywhere from 50 to 75k by my birthday I would be again speechless like I am right now I would just be floored absolutely I just hope that you guys had an amazing day I hope that this video finds you well I know that it is a little bit different maybe and the style it's not a focused topic that much other than the actual title but I just really felt this on my heart and I really wanted to get this across to you ladies so hopefully you guys all receive this in love and I love you guys so so much god loves you of course I love you and I'll see you guys in my next video
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 63,723
Rating: 4.9496503 out of 5
Keywords: advice, rant, girl talk, ladies, listen up, valentines day, level up, tips and tricks, lesson learned, Goddess, Intuitive, Intuition, dating advice, must watch
Id: 04-4W5y_0PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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