The Dark Side of Dating Affluent Men

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hi oh my gosh guys first and foremost let's address the elephant in the room the fact that my voice sounds very very very very deep um it was my one of my really close friends birthdays angie and that was on Friday and I'm assuming I yelled a lot so my voice just left and this is who are working with right now nonetheless that's not gonna stop me from making some bomb content for you guys because I have a lot when I say a lot I have a lot of videos to film for you guys got a lot of requests a lot of different content coming for you guys including a how I style my hair video which I know you guys are super excited about and I really just want to offer you know different types of content for you guys because that's all part of me and also leveling up and being a quality Queen so as you can see from this title this video is the dark side of dating after women and right before you skip over okay do not forget of course to follow me on Instagram and that will be right here of course and also do not forget to subscribe to this channel if you have not already yes I do want to acknowledge another elephant in the room that my uploading schedule has been very scarce and I want you guys to know that I do through the DMS and I do see that I have been uploading very scarcely I think once in the last once a week in the past two weeks or so which is absolutely horrible considering I used to upload every other day I definitely am working on getting back to that schedule of uploading every other day because this is what I love to do it's just that I still am new in it and I haven't mastered you know the pre filming technique and in the previous times when I tried to pre upload it just was a disaster something was wrong or something was wrong with my hair yadda yadda yadda you don't care well let's get right into this video okay guys so I know that I always talk bouts dating affluent men dating a man of means and why it's important it it goes way deeper than oh she's a gold digger she just wants to use someone for money that's not what I am specifically promoting on my channel if you are someone that does classify yourself as a gold digger whatever the case is so what yes there's a very thin line a lot of people have multiple misconceptions or their own ideologies of what they feel I'm promoting or maybe another channel is promoting I welcome all women from all walks of life what I'm specifically promoting is dating men that can provide for you financially physically emotionally and not promoting struggle of wits which seems to be very prevalent especially within certain communities or ethnic groups I should say to be real and some people our problem with that some people have a problem with men providing for them whatever the case is but on this channel it's very important to have that because that just goes back to the days of science the caveman days where women were practicing you know hypergamy or they were practicing you know will in the caveman days they weren't practicing hypergamy per se in the caveman days they were doing natural selection right where it's a matter of this guy's strong he's big I feel protected by him I know if I have children with him he will be able to protect our children you know I'm going to nurture he's going to protect and he's going to provide what are you bringing to this table and I'm gonna set the table with what you brought makes sense so yes and for anyone also curious hypergamy basically means dating someone that's in upper level society I really should look up the actual definition to define it for you guys I understand what the definition is but it's dating you know above your class normally um that's basically what I per give me is so it's nothing bad or anything like that one in the dark side of dating affluent men is they can be very manipulative because men with money have power and if you're someone that doesn't have anything of her own you literally go from point A to B we're all of a sudden you went from having nothing you're very new you're very naive to this whole thing and you happen to get it very lucky and you stumble across a man of means and you're da manha means one or two things can happen you can either be someone that it just doesn't really impress you it doesn't really come to your mind because you don't really care because you didn't have it before it doesn't really matter if you have it now and then you could be someone that doesn't have it and you really want to have it but you don't understand all that it comes with it's very easy to be manipulated especially by someone who you feel is providing everything for you so you need to look out for manipulating men or situations where you can be manipulated because you don't have much of anything to offer other than just being around and being there for him or being his arm candy do you to say what I'm saying another thing is infidelity now infidelity can happen whether you are dusty Dan or affluent Adam infidelity is all across the board something that many guys practice you know not all but many and of course the more money you have the more power you have the more success you have more woman a lot of women are naturally drawn to something like that because who doesn't like or desire nice things who doesn't desire too an amazing lifestyle that seems virtually effortless who doesn't want that men of means of course tend to have more options than men that don't even if because like I said in previous videos women are defined in society by and they're valued by their beauty men are defined and valued by their success money which comes a power etc etc when you only have literally beauty to offer and I mean really only there's nothing there's nothing of substance going on in that little brain of yours right that's a problem that will be a problem that will be your downfall you have to have more you have to be someone of substance because really at the end of the day because I'm going to discuss this in another video at the end of the day it really is about being smart and being cunning in a good way to the point where you are making this man think he's in charge he's getting his way all these things were really you're in charge the art is letting him think that he's in charge but really it's you in the words of keke palmer what does she say and the gag is that's the gag so women will of course be throwing themselves at men that have a lot of money and success especially if it's someone that is well-known you know in the entertainment industry all of these things be careful of things like that another thing to look out for that's very important is losing your identity in these types of relationships you know you get so caught up in their world their life what they can bring to you what they've shown you what they've helped you discover that sometimes depending on where you are in your life you can lose your identity and start to question well what do I want what do I desire do I really like this do I like to go to those polo games that he brings me to with the giant hats and do I like sitting next to you you know those judgmental women over there I don't know whatever it is do I really like that am i comfortable being a yes woman all the time am i comfortable just being arm candy and I know it it's so unfulfilled and you're feeling the way you feel because that's a reality that's your intuition telling you hey I don't like this this isn't my thing I don't really feel good doing this I don't feel fulfilled I need to figure out who I am Who am I and and normally this can happen you know with any age range because age doesn't necessarily mean maturity because we all go through so many different things in our lives that can be traumatizing and when you have experienced some sort of significant trauma I was just telling one of my friends this that I believe you stopped aging at that moment like you're you don't age past that traumatic event so whether that traumatic event happened at 13 or whether that traumatic event happened at 22 every time something traumatic happens to you you sink back into the 22 year old mentality you sink back into the 13 year old mentality because you never healed from that from those childhood traumas or those young adult traumas in your life so it's manifesting in your adulthood so we're now all of a sudden let's say something significant happened to you when you were 13 or like I said 22 and it was issues with men and now you're 30 and you only date 22 year olds or you only date men that are 25 because you just refused today old around because you don't trust what they can bring from your childhood trauma you had a bad experience with someone that was older and they may have taken advantage whatever the case is or maybe you had a experience you know with your father you had an experience with your mother and these unhealed traumas bleed onto your life they will bleed into your relationship and when you are dating someone with means someone that has money and power and access it is so important to be your own woman because I'm telling you in all honesty babe you will get lost all in the sauce you will it's inevitable be careful of losing your identity and and and aside from even dating affluent men successful men any man be careful of that young girls that are on this channel 18 years old younger than that don't lose your identity in your relationship you have to learn yourself you have to know yourself know your Worth know what you're bringing to the table or like I've mentioned in another video anything anyone ever tells you you're gonna believe it because you don't know you so it's like if someone says something to you it's like okay well well maybe that might be true cuz I don't really know myself all that well anyway watch it another thing you should look out for and this is particularly for girls like myself who like to take guys that are older be careful of guys dating you calling you immature it's like row row your boat what know if someone is older than you they should be more mature than you stereotypically they should be more mature than you sometimes guys like to pull that card of your you're immature sweetie you know you have a lot to learn you have a long way to go and it's like okay you must be immature than yourself because you chose to date me and you know I'm younger than you whether that's five years younger whatever the case is and you're calling me immature so I'm mature enough to be with but I'm immature now because we're in an argument how does that work I don't know you know it's that and I'm saying this from experience I I was seeing this guy it was the narcissist guy and he had the nerve to say that I am immature but it's so funny though because I know he was just talking you know out of his butt because in the same breath in a different instance he's told me how mature that I am and I'm gonna be great all this stuff yada yada yada but because I decided to leave and I'm telling him about himself and it hurts his little ego I'm immature now and it's like okay alright I'm immature now and you're so mature that's why you chose to be with me because you're just so mature if I'm immature then why don't you go find someone more suitable right maybe a little closer to your age how does that sound good alright you know a lot of the times men can be controlling men in general but especially men that have success and wealth they can almost keep you walking on eggshells you feel like at any moment they could possibly rip the rug from right under you and because of that because they instill that fear in you it's like I gotta say yes to this and I got to make sure I do everything he says or if he doesn't get his way he's gonna do this so he's gonna take this from me he's gonna take back the car he bought me the bag he bought me all of these things he'll take it away and you know when you're dating someone that will do something that petty and immature that is not a normal circumstance I'm sorry that's you're not a five-year-old that needs to be reprimanded and put in timeout and have toys taken away from you at recess that's what are we doing here if this is supposed to be a relationship everyone plays their part as they should you do not all of a sudden one time one day you're my dad one day you're my boyfriend one day you're this whatever no it doesn't work like that be careful when you're in these relationships all across the board of guys that are controlling and the reason why it's significant in this video is because it's more prominent when a man has all this money and this success and they're just dangling this great lifestyle in front of you and you're just like oh my god yeah yeah yeah you know it's like no you have to really and they know when you're impressed by those things that's why all a part of even seduction to unbothered by that you carry yourself with class they already know what they had to bring to the table to even get you and now they're just trying to dangle a great lifestyle it's like of course you know it sounds great we want it but you can't be so openly eager for that remain neutral if you remain at a neutral standpoint they can't attack you from any side remain neutral and it's hard especially when you really really like someone it's very difficult to remain neutral but a key in seduction is remaining neutral so that you can familiarize yourself with that man's shadow self meaning what are parts of him that he doesn't show that I know the world sees the world feeds one side of him what is on the other side of him that I can cater to and tend to as kind of like a weak spot and this is not coming from a negative standpoint of evilness trying to like hurt someone this is just all about the game in a way of catering to that soft side of him so that he feels like you see him you see him and you're seeing a side to him that no one really sees and you're catering to that and that's gonna make him draw to you and want to be with you even more so on the contrary if a man sees that you're so eager for this whatever he's you know dangling in front of you it's like ah okay here ah be a good girl what get out here what is that if you want to play games go join Tristan Thompson's basketball team another thing I find so interesting guys be careful of condescending tones it's not always as obvious as you may think when sometimes a guy will say the words sweetheart or honey sometimes it's just code names for the B word like sweetheart you're calling me too much honey really honey I can't believe you would do something like that you'll be surprised sometimes the way that some of these men speak to you they're just using code words that make them feel better and how they're addressing you I don't really like being called sweetheart you can tell in the back of your mind you can tell intuitively when someone is calling you sweetheart or honey out of affection and adoration and when they're calling you sweetheart and honey as a word filler substitute for something else that's another thing to be careful of this is why this all ties into you knowing you so that even the dark side of dating these men of means it won't really affect you because at the end of the day it all boils down to you knowing you you valuing yourself genuinely so you can't fall for these tricks because when you do know yourself it's not really that easy to penetrate your head and infiltrate your head and you know camp out in your head with all of these garbage tactics once you know you know you can't undo it you can't undo it so all in all ladies never let a man whether that's dusty Dan or affluent Adam make you feel inadequate that's how you get manipulated they see a weak spot they prey on it they see sides of you that you feel like you don't show the world and they cater to those sides even though the situation made me completely flawed and this person made me horrible for you but you feel like they see you let me tell you something we're not blind if you're a book there are a lot of people that can read it's easy to be read to be quite honest and and when you show someone different sides of you it's only because you opened up the book you let them see that which means on a positive note there's another person in the world that you can open that book for and they can read you as well and they have the option of seeing you the way that you feel that this person sees you but it's never worth your peace of mind your sanity or even your youth at that you always need to be in control like I said so skilfully that he thinks that he's in control ah okay guys so that is the end of this quick little video I have a lot of really good content coming for you guys this week okay I am so excited especially filming my first hair video I am so excited I'm definitely going to be doing a how to straighten my hair video with this hair with this hair and I absolutely love this hair so much it's my first time even getting hair this long before all that stuff all those details would be in another video coming up this week also I want to give a shout out to Stephanie who is such a sweetheart she gave me these beautiful lashes these lashes are definitely like Vavoom lashes but some times I mean I have really big eyes so I really like long lashes I know some can argue oh that doesn't look classy that doesn't look like this it doesn't like that it's all about your preference and how you wear it I feel personally that I like the way I look when I wear at these types of lashes these are mink lashes they are so gorgeous these are my favorite pair she sent me about three of them and these are my favorite out of the bunch and I just really feel like they open up my eyes and they're just very pretty and make me feel like a princess okay guys so thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your patience guys we are still on the road to 30k don't forget that mm-hmm all right guys do not forget to check the description box because I put a lot of effort into my description box if you have any questions a lot of the times I will put like the hair that I'm wearing in the description box I'm gonna put the lashes that I'm wearing in the description box my lip color all of that stuff will be there so do not forget to check that out and of course do not forget this I love you and God loves you and I'll see you guys [Music]
Channel: Asha Christina
Views: 50,137
Rating: 4.7733655 out of 5
Keywords: advice, help, dating, dating affluent men, men, relationships, dating wealthy, the art of seduction, seduction, men of means, dating guru, relationship expert, male psychology, dating psychology, relationship coach
Id: QyRsiH4NBJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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