What Are Some of the Weirdest Things a Roommate Has Done?

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redditors with roommates what are some of the weirdest things a roommate of yours has done in college my roommate pretended he had a girlfriend who lived in england we are in the us used to talk to her on the phone and everything while we would both be in the dorm my roommate was fb friends with her of course and a few of her friends who he had met while visiting her he used to talk about how much he missed her especially freaking her etc found out after i moved out she never existed fake profile fake name fake pics he was talking to no one except himself on the phone i have no idea why he'd go to such lengths for this lie but i felt really weird about the whole thing once i found out ah sad cringe ron maid used to come home late and drunk often he would raid the kitchen and eat all the food next day he would have no memory of eating it all presume it was me who had done it then get cross i would be awoken by the sounds of things hitting my bedroom door bumps bonks splats etc it was him throwing the mess at my door would often wake up to food leftovers splattered all over the place baked bean yogurts all sorts of random stuff before i moved in he had also covered up vomit with his sofa instead of cleaning it up which i later found out about lived with him a year before i escaped he was a nasty vile man unplugged our microwave because he didn't want the radiation leaking into the air tried to tell him that our microwave isn't nuclear and he just grinned and unplugged it again that night not really related but my family bought our microwave at a garage sale for three dollars it works great except every once in a while the beverage button will press itself so in the middle of the night the microwave will suddenly beep and start running we now unplug it after we use it to keep the spooks at bay uses a full roll of toilet paper there is always at least a one stroke four of the roll left when it gets tossed i can't figure out the reason my wife actually does this but she doesn't throw them away she just puts them on the shelf behind the toilet it used to drive me crazy so one day i confronted her about it she said it's because the hates the feeling of touching cardboard good enough for me now i just use the toilet paper leftovers had a roommate that was easily distracted by things anything he could have a thought about why stars are certain colors and then go on a mission to find out why or maybe it would be a curiosity of the air pressure in his tyres the problem was that when this happened he would just wander off from whatever task or activity he was doing at the time so many burned dinners and messes left throughout the house that sounds like a case of ad adhd i used to live with a guy who would watch a particularly disturbing serial killer movie on repeat in the dark while sitting about 12 inches from the tv screen he would never look up or say hi when i would get home just sit there and pitch black watching women get murdered on repeat woke up to sound of shouting on bull horns and found cops in backyard telling me to get back inside went to front of house to figure out what was going on as i opened the door cops rushed up and escorted me out to street turns out one roommate threatened another roommate with a gun and now that person was barricaded in his room with an army helmet on and bulletproof vest there were seven others living there some home some not had to draw a diagram of all the rooms because cops couldn't risk going in right away as we didn't know who was all home or not roommates started to taunt cops by throwing lit strings of firecrackers at them this all started at around 8 p.m at 4 00 am he started to throw large objects off of his balcony at cops so they threw flashbangs and gas canisters at him on balcony he managed to make it out of his bedroom rush out the front door with gun showing and two cops around blind corner from him rushed him and took him down suffice to say i moved out the next month not my current roommates but i had a roommate in college that used to play bittersweet symphony on repeat all day every day from the minute i moved in to even after i moved out i moved down the hall to another kid's room because this is just one of the super weird things he used to do and i still used to hear it constantly playing whenever i'd walk by i really used to like that song too but it's ruined for me now man you should have given him another shot he can change he can change he can change not so much weird as annoying one of my housemates in college was a heavy drinker which in itself wasn't really an issue to the rest of us because he wasn't really loud or belligerent about it the issue though was that he peed himself pretty frequently whenever he was really trashed which is usually the condition he drank himself too it got so bad that whenever he started drinking we would all start encouraging sometimes outright demanding that he go to his own room before he passed out and pee himself on one of the couches or someone else's bed he had a habit if we were all hanging out of just getting up and wandering into someone else's room and passing out in their bed yeah that would pee me off too my first college roommate hated doing laundry so he wore my underwear without asking when his was dirty it never felt like my underwear again after he'd been in it keep your boys in their own neighborhood college roommate we're taking a road trip to upstate ny approximately four hour drive and i noticed that he has a cdr title conversations with john on it so i asked john what that is he's hesitant but tells me it's a cd he listens to on long road trips i pop it in and the first track starts it's jon himself howdy cowboy how's the road ahead i turned it right off and we never spoke of it ever since i'm imagining deafening silence after you turned it off that's freaking hilarious current roommate he talks to himself i once asked what he was doing and he described it as never giving up playing with toys but the thing is there are no toys he just paces around the living room with his hands clasped behind his back and if you walk in on him doing it he just stops and stares at you until you leave probably our maladaptive daydreaming there's dozens of us he got in a fight with a homeless lady and lost drank his own pee got arrested after trying to use an invisible shield to move traffic out of the way he was on foot in the middle of the street and drank a smoothie which ingredients consisted of milk his own blood and his own semen dude lost his mind completely and i ended up having to get a restraining order against him 2018 was a heck of a year almost like a fricked up version of fight milk my roommate in freshman year of college was this really tall total bro of a hockey player when he went to bed one night i was surprised to see from across the room he took an old stuffed bunny toy in pajamas from under his pillow and kissed a good night before hugging it close to him i soon observed that this was part of his bedtime routine but i never mentioned it i have a stuffed shark i cuddle during the night i'm 30. using an empty plastic vodka bottle as a makeshift b day is by far the weirdest thing a roommate of mine has done i need you to explain the logistics of this to me a crappy paint drawing would help he washed his feet every night before bed and kinda did a little tap dance on a towel to dry them the walls were thin so i could hear it every night it's kinda cute my gay roommate's boyfriend had a creepy creepy clown mask that he left at our place one night i fell asleep early he came into my room wearing the mask and wiggled my toe until i woke up i went to school in a town where the water has kind of a funky taste we used one of those brita water pitchers that you put water in the top and it drops filtered water into the pitcher at the bottom well one of our roommates all semester had been removing the filter and pouring the tap water into the bottom of the pitcher before placing the filter back on top if you're unaware as my roommate was this defeats the entire purpose of the filter dorm room had two bedrooms with two people sharing each bedroom and a personal common area and bathroom college roommate in the other bedroom smelled like death he had some weight issues smoked cigarettes and never seemed to shower the roommate in my bedroom literally saw him with crap on the back of his pants one day as he sat all over the common area couches the smell was so bad that we were unable to use the common area and literally held our breaths from the bedroom to the hallway we always had to keep our bedroom door closed and douse it with febreeze every couple days or so it was heck this hits close to home same dorm setup same smelly caveman rumored except he actually made it to the toilet and wiped his butt with pages from a novel he kept on the back of the toilet and would leave the whole ensemble in the bowl to top it all off hygienic supplies like toilet paper were free at my college not me but my girlfriend's brother went through this he lived in a quad with three other dudes all met through facebook before moving in everyone was pretty normal until about a month in the one guy would never leave his bed and would only eat pizza he would leave the empty pizza boxes in his bed and either sleep with them on top of or under him he never threw them out the real nail in the coffin was when he apparently clogged the toilet the plunger wasn't getting the job done and after 15 minutes he panicked he walked out of the bathroom took a wire hanger out of his closet fashioned it into a stick and went back in the toilet flushed he came back out fashioned the hanger back into a hangar shape rinsed it off and put his shirt back on the hanger into the closet any sensible person would throw the hanger out don't defend this crap the new poop knife he had half of a pumpkin pie what made it weird was because it was february and the reason that's weird is because the pie was from thanksgiving the same roommate also used to get drunk and sneak into the iron skillet buffet and eat for free but they hand out utensils whenever they seat you so every time he went he would have to eat with his hands the day he finally got caught he had both hands covered in mashed potatoes lol when it was time to move out she insisted that things that were mine were hers even though i had various forms of proof for example the item's original box she would simply adamantly insist that the item was hers without offering any other evidence beyond its mine i fear that my current housemate is going to do this when i move out in eight months time she's already using my bed sheets and towels and seems genuinely surprised when i ask for them back asking me if they aren't hurt while my actual roommate was abroad for a semester his brother lived with me something that i noticed was that he bought a lot of butter a lot we always had around three four pieces in the fridge and it was not always the same few pieces but he always bought new ones one time i asked him what he did with so much butter he denied that it was his which is super strange because we are the only two people living there and none of my friends brought the butter and he never had friends over when he moved out the butter disappeared too to this day i don't know wtf he needed that for and i think i don't even wanna know well if he said teehee he when you poked his stomach that would explain everything college girlfriend's roommate's boyfriend look was a little odd but okay when we first met him then in the middle of a party when he was really drunk he very matter-of-factly stripped naked carefully moved everything from the kitchen sink cabinet and arranged it on the floor crawled in and pulled the door closed we mentioned this to his girlfriend she shrugged and said yeah he does that when he's wasted not long after we were at a party when it was getting late girlfriend is wandering around party asking where is boyfriend someone points out his clothes and shoes are stacked by the front door and that he said he was walking home naked in february in pennsylvania six inches of fresh snow outside it was maybe 20 fahrenheit and home was almost two miles away i lived with three of the worst girls i've ever met when i was in college i signed a year-long lease with them and lasted two months before i noped out and found some poor soul to take over my lease they ignored me 98 of the time except for when they ate my food in the fridge before going downtown which they did every week thursday sunday and when they locked themselves out which happened thursday sunday coming home from the bar also when they stood outside my door and loudly made fun of me or mocked my appearance so i'm a pretty chill person i would hang out with other friends and just come home to sleep then another friend accidentally let it slip to one of the girls that i'm allergic to avocado now it's just when i eat it i can be around avocado with no adverse effects the next day i open the fridge and they've cut all their avocados in half and piled them on and around my food in the fridge they didn't know that i only get sick when i eat avogadro so they just went and wasted time and money in the hopes of what poisoning me making me sick giving me an allergic reaction come on it's pretty mild in terms of terrible roommate stories but it was just the tip of the iceberg i detest the word btch but i would use it to describe every one of those stupid girls used to live with a very very large guy i forget his real name because everyone called him crum for always having crumbs all over his shirt anyways after losing a job and accepting a different job for less pay i needed a roommate so i moved in with the guy first day i moved and he tried raising the rent we agreed upon by 100 then when i was surprised and said that's not what we agreed on he muttered under his breath that this is a bad idea and he's going to regret it he didn't have a job but i was confused how he still has money and how he paid rent i was dumbfounded but for some reason didn't move out right there something i noticed while living there was that he never left the living room aside from answering the door for pizza otherwise he was there at all hours playing dnd with people online i introduced him to a girl hoping he'd move and hang out with her instead he just chatted with her online the place ended up getting cockroaches and it was disgusting then the kicker is he literally cracked the toilet by sitting on it not to mention how it was depressed into the ground i had a girl over with me and she couldn't stop laughing about the toilet i really need a visual representation to describe how bad it was when i moved in the kitchen was disgusting and he promised to clean it he never did so i did to be nice it didn't take long for it to get disgusting again and he never cleaned he just lived off pizza hut eventually i got sick of living in the crap hole literally i was deathly ill and couldn't leave my bed for a week so i told him i was moving out as i was moving out there was a note on the door that i owed four thousand dollars which in retrospect never made sense since i only lived there for maybe five months in unpaid rent i didn't think clearly and got p offered him demanding to know what he had been doing with my money later after i calmed down i saw the note was addressed to him but he whited out his name and put mine i called the apartment complex only to find out they've been out of business for months the entire time i lived there there was no one for him to pay rent he was basically squatting he was pocketing the money i was giving him jesus this happened when i was in college i roomed with a guy who was awkward af chinese guy polite but awkward he wanted me to help him learn english that's cool i thought i tried really tried to reach him the customs he never got it no problem he would get milk cartons and leave them on the heater okay whatever he would order a pizza eat one piece and squirrel the rest under the bed for a week gross record him standing over me while i slept we talked last straw was hearing him masturbate i mean he wasn't even trying to conceal it he was straight up abusing himself that was it he had to go and he did thought they could clean the shower by leaving it running super hot with the door closed all day maintenance had to come pry the door off its frame just to get it open the wood had swelled up so much from all the moisture anyone asking why my shower door was wooden i should have clarified that i meant the door to the bathroom the shower door was glass but since this got so popular i figured i might as well tell a bit more of the story my roommate had left the shower on and gone merrily off to work but that was my day off i didn't know anything was amiss until i realized i had been hearing the shower running for several hours i knocked but of course there was no answer i panicked and tried to open the door as far as i knew at that point it was locked it sure wouldn't open in any case and i didn't know it was swollen shut so naturally i thought one of my roommates had locked themselves in their end i dunno died or something i went completely hysterical i called the housing office they break down the door and after that i was just confused until the roommate in question got home to explain at that point though i was mostly just glad i hadn't found a body but then we got the bill for the door they had to replace and the roommate in question tried to weasel their way out of paying for it they fully intended to make all four of us split the cost and there was no way that was happening they did eventually pay up thank goodness the end i had a roommate that likely thought he was literally the second coming of christ he only ate foods described in the old testament so lots of dates and olives the week leading up to easter he took down all of the art in the house and put it in my room because he felt it was a form of following a false prophet he then burned a bonfire in the backyard where he threw indoors or whatever lots of melted plastic on my lawn he filled his bathtub with water and god knows what else but it stunk and looked disgusting i still don't know what he was doing with the tub finally on good friday i saw him walking around the neighborhood wearing all white robes with a crown of thorns around his head he also had long brown hair i kicked his butt out i thought by second coming of christ that you meant he was full of himself very surprised to learn he literally thought he was jesus to the point of cosplaying as him i had a roommate in college who ate only beef jerky and drank only cherry coke both of which he ordered from amazon and kept under his computer desk we had a fully furnished kitchen and lots of cupboard space because we were in college in the morning he'd put a cherry coke in the freezer before showering and then drink it after his shower he would use my toaster oven when nobody else was home which was fine w me and by the end of the year it was trashed even though he never used it in the company of others and nobody else used it at all i don't know what he put in it but it was one of beef jerky b cherry coke or c something that he kept a secret from three roommates for an entire year live with a 48 year old i think somewhat autistic manchild the type who would make food then keep the dishes in his bedroom take him out once every four or five days unless if i had to go in when he was out to get my dishes back so i could eat too one day i noticed one of my big plates was missing for a few weeks he went out for the weekend i went looking for my stuff found one of them buried in his dresser under a pile of dirty clothes and dvds with a used condom semi-fused to it this was not the last time he a disgusting crap like that but it was certainly one of the last times please say you threw the plate out my roommate last year would yell out the window hi daddy i wanna frick you to hot guys who were passing by she also put her number on the window my college roommate four years ago was a weird dude he thought that certain sound frequencies would benefit his sleep and somehow heal him i used to wake up in the middle of the night and hear a really high pitched constant sound i'd search the dorm and unplug all the electronics hoping the sound would go away after a few nights i realized it was my roommate playing the frequencies on his phone while he slept i couldn't stand it he tried to unclog the toilet one day by playing the frequencies into the bowl yeah that didn't do anything he also used to stand in front of the mirror and stare at himself in the dark with headphones on for long periods of time oh yeah one last thing he'd steal my food and let my other roommates food in the middle of the night he was the only one with a meal plan the rest of us bought our own food dining hall closed at nine i found the empty wrappers of my food behind the toilet freaking omayo if i play a 17 516 hz sine wave maybe they won't see me steal their food he once kicked in my door at 2am blind drunk and holding a hammer i nearly shot him we had a good long talk and i installed the biggest deadbolt you could buy on my door the next morning lived in a big house with lots of other guys in college one dude would open the second floor window every morning pour a decent amount of cheerios or other cereal out onto our first floor patio for the birds and then pee out the same window all over the food and then repeat most mornings he was a sleepwalker one time he went to go to the bathroom in his sleep saw the dog was in there apologized and then shut the door on the dog and peed on the door one day i saw two kentucky fried chicken breasts in the cupboard when i asked him about it he said you only had to refrigerate dark meat oh baby you i came home from drinking and my roommate had the tv covered in tin foil with holes poked in it all of his friends were just staring at it must have been some good drugs my first college roommate kept everything he brought with him packed in his army rucksack at all times in case he needed to bug out his side of the room was bare except for said bag and his camo sleeping bag he kept on his mattress all he listened to were ranger cadence chants weird enough the guy didn't own a stitch of camo clothing but dressed like a mennonite farmer in wrangler jeans and snap up wool shirts last i heard he was a major in the air force at least he was clean off if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: roommate, roommate horror story, roommates, roommate storytime, crazy roommate storytimes, crazy roommate, weirdest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: YEIkNxevLkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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