Worst Things That happened at Chuck E. Cheese

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former and current chuck e cheese workers what are some of the worst things to happen to you while working i have a good friend who used to work at chucky cheese him and his fellow co-workers conspired over the span of a few months to steal the various pieces of the suit that they would claim that this part got ripped or some kid messed up this part and we had to throw it out until they had a full suit for what reason you ask literally just to take turns showing up to parties in the full suit to make a bunch of drunk people super stoked one piece at a time had a complaint that a kid was dipping toilet paper into a women's toilet then eating it he was same kid beat me macrolessly while i was wearing the rat in hat suit while screaming man in suit the best was a complaint about the same kid eating from other families tables he was and he looked them dead in the eyes while doing it these were all different days had a little girl walk up to our table with the dead eyes and without a word took a slice of pizza and walked off i did not know that zombie pizza snatching children was a thing i worked at sec as my first job on more than one occasion kids went up to the sky netting basically a bird nest made out of rope suspended in the air and would take a crap naturally since it was netting the crap would fall through and onto anyone who happened to be below after this happened a few times we decided to move the carousel ride which had a roof under the birdness so at least it would land on the roof and not someone's head thank you and named chucky cheese employee who saved naive desperate for employment me by answering my question about employment with you don't want to work here you are a hero former anytime a kid threw up in the ball pit was an especially horrible day there were several instances during the six years i had worked there but these times were quite memorable there were two ways you could do this one a large both sides opened cardboard box to cordon off the affected area saying it was a slow day and other kids weren't splashing all the balls around we had very large netting bags so that you could gather all the balls and take them outside and they would be sprayed off or two if the spew was all up in the ball pits then all the freaking balls had to be gathered sprayed off and the inside liner that held the balls had to be wiped down and cleaned only good thing about having to take out all the balls was that you could find some pretty good stuff that happened to be in people's pockets and fill out money pocket knives and even rings former employee six months in high school one a family racked up a dollar signed 300 bill and tried to pay for it with food stamps two two families got into a fight during their kids birthday party and had to be escorted by the police out i later found one of their weaves on the table three i got kicked in the crotch while in the chucky suit i'm a girl and it still hurt four a little girl asked me when the real chucky was gonna come out because i was too short to be the real chucky five a mom wanted to show her kid that under the costume it was just a real person and asked if i would take off chucky's head to show her daughter i did and the kid got even more freaked out thinking that the mouse had engulfed me i've repressed a lot of the memories but this is what i can remember worked at sec for nearly two years during high school and then again later for another year the worst parts almost always had to do with the parents of course the one that sticks out in my head the most is the super drunk very unattractive older woman who stuck her hands down the front of my pants it was just after i started i was 15 and spent the first few months there working the game room floor this lady came up to me saying one of the machines was not giving out tickets and i needed to check it out for her i sat down on the stool to open up the panel and check things out during this time she began rubbing my back saying how cute i was and how much of a help i was being it was about this time i realized she reeked of booze and was drunk next thing i knew one of her hands was down the front of my shorts and she had found the prize she was after i quickly sprang up from my seat saying i had to get some tools from the back i went and told the game's manager what happened i'm not really sure what happened after that as i stayed in the back for a while next time i came back out she was gone thankfully as a whole i look back at my time working there with fond memories our place was almost entirely staffed with high school or young college kids had a ton of great times there and the pizza kicked butt but yes cleaning crap out of the sky tub sucks just remembered the craziest thing that ever happened while i worked there next door to us was the dmv and one day a lady parked in the fire lane in front it to help her elderly passenger inside to find a seat well in the time it took her to do that a tow truck swooped into tow her this happened fairly frequently in our parking lot so my co-worker buddy and i got closer to the glass at the front of the store to watch the shenanigans the tow truck backed right up to the car lifted the front end and started pulling away with it as the towed car passed our windows we realized there were kids in the back seat my buddy and i ran out the front doors of the store and started chasing after the guy screaming about the kids we finally caught up to him in the back of the parking lot where he would usually secure the car to the truck before taking it back to the lot and told him what he did he just said oh crap dropped the car and took off at this point the mom of the kids had ran to where we were at understandably screaming about her babies the cops were called and since we knew which company the truck belonged the tow truck driver eventually showed back up not sure how much trouble the driver actually got in but the cops were telling us that the law states that tow truck drivers must verify there are no passengers in the car before doing a snatch and grab adrenaline was definitely pumping with me and my co-worker for a while after that one hum how very interesting that both of your most outrageous cc memories involve a snatch and grab ah i remember when i worked at that crap hole i had to take out the coins out of the machines and refill the tickets and clean worst thing that happened was not the crap or vomit in the tubes above that the kid's crawling but the timer kid apparently had to take a crap but didn't want to go to the bathroom cause he would lose all his progress so he takes a crap right where he is standing guess he was three tokens deep so he committed to the game well at one point he loses and runs out of tokens guess what he does next if you guessed walk away with the crap on the floor like it wasn't his you are wrong he freaking grabs his crap and just smears it all over the machine like he is frosting a cake full on tantrums while trying to talk crap then just wipes their hands on the carpet glad i heard this from a co-worker maybe he was trying to write his initials on the machine itself i worked there for only four months in high school before i quit everyone was required to wear the mouse costume kids would literally beat you up to get your attention it sucked because i went to a catholic high school where we wore uniform skirts every monday morning i would go to school covered in bruises that must have raised a lot of questions about home life and one too many trips to the counselor's office the worst part was wearing that rat suit after this this one dude was in it he took it serious and would get up on the prize tables and get the kids to chant chucky chucky i could freaking hear it back in the kitchen over the noise and music dude was but butt naked in the suit and he sweat a lot i probably have hepatitis best part was though was taking the leftover pizza dough into the back lot after closing and having a 1v1 death match throwing softball-sized dough balls at each other's heads didn't happen to me but somebody got stabbed we actually hired a bouncer on our busiest days because we attracted the trashiest people there was also a ton of freaking in the chucky closet i worked at a chucky cheese in high school in a wealthy area so i got the bright idea to neatly fold and rip off the part of the bill that stated tips are included in the cost they weren't i got my co-workers in on it and eventually we started presenting the bills to each other's parties and saying if you'd like to tip your host they can only accept cash to plant the idea in the parent's head one day we got caught i got blamed i wasn't allowed to host parties anymore instead the gm hired his family and friends and allowed them to abuse my system it was a gold mine because sometimes i would take home two hundred dollars in cash as a 16 year old i didn't even make that in two weekends of hourly pay this happened in the state of california where servers still make minimum wage not some 2.13 bulls i was originally offered around eight dollars and fifty cents but that was retracted and i was paid eight dollars because i would receive tips supposedly which is what motivated me to beat the system not my story but my dad's this was decades ago he worked as the man in the suit and all his friends knew it he had this one friend we can call him gene who liked to take things over the top he was working and suddenly my dad hears a roar he turns to see his buddy jean sprinting at him full speed no stop in sight boom my dad is on the ground head off and the only thing heard was the screams of young children my dad got fired that day my dad told me that his boss thought it was a planned prank on the company as much as my dad denied it he couldn't keep himself from laughing my dad was a known prankster anyways so he just accepted it [Music] former manager checking in from like 10-15 years ago with a throwaway i have a few worsts i have divided them up below actual worst the timer custody dispute carried into a birthday party for a three-year-old multiple people had guns and knives someone actually fired at the mother and someone else tried to cut the father this caused a full-on riot resulting in a lockdown luckily we were very close to a police station and no one was seriously injured hilarious worst two employees fricking in the chucky closet where employees could go change without being in the way of the kitchen or in a sight of the kids while one was wearing the chucky head this was bad because once a closet was unlocked open you were in sight and we had lots of horrified parents and terrified children and it was really hard to not laugh creepy worst one of the animatronics failed and became possessed we were about two weeks away from becoming a stage two store next level of upgrades improvements including removing the animatronics so they told us just to let it go and try to keep it in check it sounded demonic and would turn on at random like in the middle of the happy birthday song its head hit a point that it couldn't turn anymore and got stuck moving a few inches back and forth and then caught on fire while trying to demonically still sing sad worst we all had to get background checks if we had not been employed for 30 days because a manager in our district but not our store turned out to not be taking care of his dying mother for a month he was actually in jail for a dui the area manager was concerned about what else they didn't know because he had been with the company for like 25 years and worked up from a cashier they ran a background check and he had multiple issues with the law his family vacations were all timed with when he was in jail and was a registered diddler i worked at a store where it was discovered that one of the managers was a registered redaddler he was arrested years before for diddling an underage girl he was legally not allowed to be near kids he was quickly fired not the worst actually pretty good depending on your perspective my dad used to manage one back in the mid 80s and would always go through the cash registers at the end of every night and trade in his own pocket change for all of the rare vintage coinage that teenagers would steal from their parent stashes he amassed a great collection of silver coins and other discontinued currency mercury dimes buffalo nickels etc he still has all of it to this day my dad had a collection like that and about 12 years ago or so my mom and i took it to the bank so we could get quarters for the arcade the box was maybe worth a couple hundred maybe a thousand and my dad was p former employee of nine months one very old woman peeing on the carpet in the entrance while standing up two cleaning p out of the sky tubes after a complaint that it got in a kid's eyes and he couldn't see three walking into the bathroom to find an abandoned pair of underwear with poop in it took everything i had to not throw up when throwing it away four while in the chucky suit being asked by a large black man wearing all blue why you got all that red on cut five asking a mute girl if she wanted to put her candles on her cake and being told she can't talk by her parents there were definitely many more less than enjoyable experiences but these are the ones that stand out to me till gangs use giant mice to mark their territories i was the technician at a chucky cheese in high school one day i was covering someone and i had to wear the suit and do the show on my way back to the room a little kid runs up to see chucky and stabbed me in the ankle with a pencil as hard as he could i rushed into the back room and took off the pants portion of the suit pulled down my sock and a bunch of blood poured out didn't even go home early boss just had me stand at the door not an employee but one time as a very young kid my older brother almost got lured out of the building by a stranger with the promise of a bunch of free tickets i intervened and everything was fine employees were notified another time he almost got into a truck to help find a missing puppy he was a very kidnappable kid i guess but i can't seem to get rid of his dumb butt walked in on this 40 year man jerking off our eyes met and we kind of just stared at one another most awkward 10 seconds of my life the dang suit i was a game room tech that part was awesome i got to play games all day fix coin jams etc however one day before i was allowed to leave they decided i had to wear the suit this was ten years ago so it was before the redesign of chucky cheese i'm six feet and with the suit on ears included i was a giant you can't really see in the dang thing anyway they led me out into the main area and i'm basically lumbering around it's this horrible experience because i couldn't see i kept bumping into things you'd think this would be the worst part nope it was the kids i scared they counted i made seven children break down scream and ball their eyes out i felt like crap for it wasn't much i could do though it got better i finally get to take the suit off and leave i'm walking to my car and this family is leaving the little boy is crying i figured it was due to having to leave nah he's upset because chucky she's terrified him the mom goes i've had it you need to straighten up already if you don't i'll take you back in and feed you to that giant mouse worst experience another time we had these sketchy fellows come in and try and rob us right before close our manager let's call him oh decided he wasn't going to call the cops and would handle it himself so he runs back to the kitchen and grabs the pizza cutter basically it's a giant curved machete he's trying to be all sneaky kind of hide it by keeping it close to his leg we all thought we were about to get shot because he wanted to play a hero the guys ended up fleeing you know after seeing him with a giant blade but it was a pretty terrifying experience for a young high school kid coma i've had it you need to straighten up already if you don't i'll take you back in and feed you to that giant mouse [Music] having to wear that costume it's probably one of the most degrading things i've ever had to do having to clean the bathrooms watching children open up the containers with cheese and lick them and wonder how many times i've used condiments after children have licked them catching strep throat several times have a group of bored parents test the system of making sure the correct kid leaves with the correct parent we don't usually check this because it would be obvious if you're taking a kid cause the kid would be crying that's usually when i would check or if the kid didn't look like the parent have some lady accuse us of spraying windex in the salad manager told us we couldn't take sick days unless we had a doctor's note which is against the law manager would scream and degrade us teenagers in front of whoever having to close at the end of the night because we will basically be cleaning up after children having to deal with crappy parents having parents complain about our attitude because we don't want to be around their crappy kids having kids constantly running while you're trying to deliver a pizza wheelies having to clean the sky tubes after a kid crap in them having to work with teenagers who are not the nicest group of people mothers dropping their children's diapers on the floor instead of the trash can i've blocked the rest out why is there so much crap in these stories i've been at sec for four years i'm a cashier and i remember i had a closing shift one night cashiers closed down the cash area salad bar beverage bar and restrooms at least at my location i usually leave the restrooms last so on that night i had finished up everything else and went to clean restrooms my location is typically very clean so i had never had an issue with restrooms until that day when i walked into the women's room i saw what no employee wants to see in the restrooms it was in the biggest stall just just imagine poop but everywhere on the walls on the seat on the floor it was like semi-solid almost liquid-like on the floor near the drain was more poop imagine the poop emoji but in real life that's what was there i remember a co-worker came in and snapchatted it for some reason i have no idea how a human could have accomplished this i called my manager for backup he came in and screamed i screamed we then cleaned it up begrudgingly i wore like five pairs of gloves at the same time took us far longer than usual i wasn't happy to say the least luckily it has never happened since nothing has ever been worse than that tl dr big stall of women's restroom explosion of liquid like poop everywhere the real life equivalent of the poop emoji also makes an appearance my manager and i scream in horror can relate happened about 10 years ago there was crap straight up the wall we ran the hose from outback also after that one of my staff pranked me with a fake turd made out of tootsie rolls i wasn't even mad not a former employee but one time i saw two families going at it throwing punches cursing and spitting because one of the kids took some tickets from one of the arcade games that didn't belong to him cops had to be called and both dads got arrested it's a pretty classic viral video jiff one timer chucky cheese when i was working there some food fight broke out and one kid chucked his entire cake straight at chucky and he cried about how he didn't get a cake but the kid's mom went into the bathroom and she was in there for a good 15 minutes i went in there to ask what was up and i saw her having a mental breakdown turns out she spent hours making that cake special for him and it was all ruined in about 30 seconds dang poor woman kids have no idea the damage they do sometimes ah this happened 15 years ago or so i was designated to be the big cheese himself a glorious honor haha and the fact that i was one of the only guys that worked there which meant i was almost always the chosen one for that hot butt suit this day a football team was having a party there 10 or 12 year olds or something my manager knew what was going to happen me though my young night of brain only had innocent thoughts about making the children happy then the coach playfully tosses me a football in my vision at least so i actually caught it it happened a horde of 10 year olds descended upon me in the cramped area between two long tables valiantly as i tried these little demons proceeded to tackle me onto the ground i thankfully didn't break anything and i kept my head from falling off while being knocked around but i was pee as soon as they got off me i got up and left to go to the back and take off the sec outfit another time the same manager as the last story made me work off the clock but i was too young and dumb to document and report it one of my friends used to work there and for whatever reason as a one-off she ended up having to go to some event at a school in the mouse suit the kids were totally freaky and there was a huge crowd of them they were all like flipping out screaming and trying to grab her she said she felt like the poop i worked at chucky cheese for a year in high school it was the worst job i ever had the absolute worst day was having to clean crap and vomit out of the sky tubs two separate occasions several hours apart i've never been the same since the funniest thing though was the co-workers who had a threesome in the closet where we kept the chucky costume guy asked me cover for him during closing and took two other co-workers into the closet and banged them the thing is there was a camera in that closet that was the last time i ever saw all three of them i can actually answer this one the amount of kids that put jello in their mouths and spit it back out at the salad bar is incredible it's also not uncommon for a kid to throw up in the sky tubes or pee down a slide but the best one i saw during my time there was a girl maybe four years old eat her body weight in pizza and soda then run around for an hour at one point she got very pale and puked more than i've seen any grown man puke in my life her mom picked her up and started sprinting to the bathroom like an alabama running back the girl just kept puking and left a decent trail the entire route to the bathroom 10 stroke 10 would watch again at that point it would be best to just shrug and let the girl puke in in one spot no need to spread that crap around if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 20,577
Rating: 4.9248824 out of 5
Keywords: Chuck E. Cheese, chuck cheese, crazy things happening, worst things, kids restaurant, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school
Id: SWmy0-zoVhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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