People Working in Isolation What Are Your Creepiest Experiences?

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serious redditors who spend a lot of time working in isolation research stations etc what are your creepiest experiences i work in a building that is high security because we have a lot of expensive equipment if you want to get to my office you have to walk through four doors that require key card access it's very quiet and sterile white walls nobody around very little furniture grey floors open ceiling so you can see the ducts sounds echo i was working alone and noticed that there was a guy in the building he was wearing the same shirt that maintenance wears but it was weird because it was really late at night on a saturday he was also wearing jeans and the maintenance people always wear black pants he kind of gave me the creep so i closed my office door and stayed there i could hear the echo of him walking back and forth for a while he tried the handle on my office door twice i heard the beep of him try to open my office door with a key card twice it turns out that he didn't work there he is the grown son of one of the workers and was walking around the building trying to steal stuff but his dad's keycard won't open any offices because it's a handyman card with limited access handymen have to make appointments and you have to let them in unlike cleaning people or the techs maintaining the servers who can open any door he got caught on camera and security check to see whose card had tried to open the doors the guy fine for trespassing and his dad got fired oh crap dad's pee so my major has a computer lab that is two stories underground i have spent countless hours using these computers and i have spent nights down in what us students call the dungeon one night around 2 a.m i went down the hall to go get some water the lights use motion sensors as i was filling my water bottle at the end of the hall the last light turned on so there was this dark gap between me and this last light way down the hall i was mildly creeped out but then i saw something move in the darkness between me and the light i proceeded to note my way home promptly no no no no no that's the part in the horror movie where i squeeze the pillow against my chest and use the edge of my pillow to partially obscure my vision i couldn't imagine experiencing this irol i feel the need to grab a pillow just reading this story i work at the discovery channel telescope in the middle of the cockanino national forest a typical night is usually myself the telescope operator and an astronomer one night during hunting season we had a curious elk that was wandering around the security fence perimeter we could hear it bugle over the audio feed from the observation deck and hear it crunching around when we went outside this lasted for about 30 minutes before it finally wandered off about an hour later we heard several gunshots nearby bad because there is no hunting for 1.5 miles around the facility cynar posted everywhere given that the astronomer that night was taking long exposure two hours each image i decided to go walk around the inside perimeter of the security fence i had my red led headlamp on and kept seeing the glistening eyes of elk all around the facility seemed to me like they were wanting to come into hide from the hunter s creepy but not the worst part did the same thing about an hour later walk the inner perimeter and look for the eyes they were all gone right as i'm about to head back and i hear someone clear their throat standing at the entrance to the facility other side of fence this dude simply asked you seen dem elk round here i've been watching him come up the hill really need some elk i informed him that i haven't seen them but he called me a liar and said i was protecting them he sat there at the gate till twilight then wandered off into the woods told the forest service about it the next day and they said they've had reports of a man going on to people's property and stalking prey even going as far as hanging out on their porches we now have ir cameras outside the observatory and heavy duty security features on the entrances because of the weirdo oh heck no that hits too close to home i regularly camp alone in coconino and it's creepy enough already i have a workspace is an old former madhouse built by monks which had been turned into a hospital for ss personnel in world war ii lots of spooky history a huge building with long hallways and a stern 1920s architecture brick archways ugly sculptures of dead monks i usually work late until three in the morning and i am usually the last person to leave the building one night in winter i locked my room and went to the exit all the lights were off the wind was howling suddenly i heard the sound of running footsteps in the distance lots of running footsteps and then it was quiet again i went down some stairs and there i saw little red lights blinking on the other side of a long dark hallway just for a moment then they were gone i was pretty freaked out at this point i walked faster in the direction of the exit then i heard those running footsteps again i turned a corner and suddenly a bunch of kids were screaming in my face almost had a heart attack turned out the kids were playing lucia tag they borrowed the keys to the building from one of their parents they had these lesurgans with red lights to shoot each other with and were chasing each other through the dark building they thought the building was deserted and almost crap themselves when this big guy in a trench coat suddenly appeared in front of them somewhere some kids are telling this story from the opposite point of view worked overnights as a master control operator in my youth one night around 3 a.m i catch sight of the camera we have aimed at the back door and there's someone standing there wearing a scream mask staring at the camera and not moving i go to the back door magnetic sealed and a deadbolt for overnight door is next to impossible to force open and look out the people and there's no one there head back to control and see them walk back into frame wave at the camera and then walk away called the cops they found nothing and the camera doesn't record live feed only dang it that's the job i have now i keep an eye on the security cameras all night sometimes i see a guy appear out of the bushes then walk off camera into the darkness last week a disheveled guy came running into our parking lot ran in a confused circle then went back the way he came in all my years as a locksmith i've been in plenty of uncomfortable situations domestic disputes business breakups i still hate fridays even though i've been retired from locksmithing for five years because of all the jobs i had to do locking fired employees out i've been in plenty of places someone would tell me was haunted i would just think they were nuts and go about doing my job as fast as i could to get away from them if only one time in 20 years did i ever feel like i was in a haunted place i spent the first 15 years on the job in metro atlanta i moved to a more rural area in the state for the last five this house was probably built in the 1930s all brick directly next to a main road still a two-lane road mind you just pretty heavily traveled lots of traffic it looked like a plane place nothing uncanny about it from the exterior although the overgrown shrubs and trees gave it weird shadowy places that i took no notice of at first inside the house was completely different it seemed to be refashioned at multiple times but nothing ever tied together it had an odd angular feel to it walking into that place you could feel the air change with every door open it felt like air didn't move our all usually in my work slamming doors were a constant i'm standing at one door someone else opens a door in the house and interior door slam because of the pressure change unblocked interior doors did not do that in this place i walked into the kitchen and nearly scared a carpenter to death frick i can't wait to get out of this house he says you'll see what i mean he gathered his crap and left before i got back to my van with all the lock cylinders but from the moment i walked back into that house i felt like i was being watched it was silent and several times i felt like something was reaching for me that electric tingle you get watching someone slowly move their hand to your body i went into overdrive and hauled butt as fast as i could job done the funny thing was i had probably passed that place a thousand times like i said it was a heavily traveled main road it was in an isolated stretch and not only had i never noticed it i realized passing it a few weeks later that even though it was obviously there and easy to see i still managed to overlook it when i was watching for it it's like the place didn't want to be seen a couple of months later i get back to the shop and noticed a co-worker had been there that day this guy was a former marine gym rat and as tough as they come he comes in later and we are bullshitting around and then i ask him what he thought of that house he made a face like i asked him about his worst memory and said that was the creepiest house he'd ever been in i just let it go but i also never went back there this might be the creepiest of them all there's a stephen king novel black house which is sequel to another novel the talisman that features a house that doesn't want to be seen creep or rumor i was working in an article at a station with an elephant seal molting ground i thought i had left something in a shipping container by the docks next to the elephant seals mindful of my safety and being a bit lazy i grabbed a ute and drove down there at midnight i parked and left the vehicle running with the lights on as soon as i got out i realized it was seriously dark no moon no building lights can't see your hand in front of your face dark i hear heavy breathing coming from all around me and i can hear the two ton bastards starting to move whatever i forgot waited until the next day oh the moon was out all right there were just that many seals this happened a few years ago when i was working at a car dealership our business had just moved into a new lot down the road and the cars were parked in an open-air parking garage one way in and one way out with one set of stairs which was right by the entrance so i'm hanging out at the entrance and i hear a car door slam i found it strange since no cars had driven in and no one had gone up the stairs so i start walking up the stairs and i hear another door slam shut i'm thinking wtf is happening next day i tell my co-workers what happened and they all think i'm just delusional fast forward a week later i had to travel down the road to another dealership to pick up some parts dealership i went to had just moved out from where my company had moved in i walked down to the parts department and grabbed my part as i'm walking away the guy behind the counter asks if i've worked the night shift yet at our new place i told him i had and he quickly responded with be safe that place is haunted i immediately got goosebumps and proceeded to tell him what i had experienced just a week prior he said it was normal and you get used to it freaked me the freak out i work as a one-to-one in a hospital pretty much just watch to make sure the pt doesn't rip out their tubes and i was working nights so it's basically a patient and myself in a dark room one night i was with a patient in a double room but the other bed was empty though i couldn't see the other bed because the curtain divided to the beds for privacy middle of the night a nurse came in and asked if i needed anything cause my call bell light was on i then told her that i never pressed the button and it turned out it was the bell from the empty bed the nurse just said oh that's creepy and just left i was freaked out the rest of the night lol loli welder bean like bu ain't leaving me in here with some creepy crap going on i used to work as a night janitor at a student union skirting tables for events was part of the gig i was scanning my floor for what needed to be done that night and went into a rumor next long thin room with one wall entirely made of glass facing the river i approach a skirted table that's against the glad wall and hear snoring sounds funny though i think it's on my radio assume someone feel asleep at work and rolled on the talk button standing there for a few seconds trying to figure it out i realize there's a homeless man sleeping under the table his snoring was climbing the glass window and bouncing off the ceiling that's why i couldn't figure out when the sound was coming from if you've ever thought you were completely alone only to find out you're within arm's distance from another person your body becomes one big goosebump and your butthole puckers tighter than a dolphins it was freaky how do you like how do you know how tight that is isolation in dark room for one day and one night woke up at night with an illuminated shadowy figure at the foot of my bed and then it disappeared i know it's a hallucination though cause there was no light for it to happen i work nights in a large warehouse-like store it's just me and two others in the store at any given time we used to have buttons all over the store that would page for help for our customers i've been working at this location for five years and the supervisor for three of those years once a year we will have one go off these things are not plugged in at all removed from the system in my first three weeks they still go off sometimes that one is more than likely a crossed wire somewhere in the building the disconnected one has an exposed wire that is touching another live exposed wire and is sending the signal as though the disconnected one is active it goes off because it thinks the circuit is completed like it would when the button on the other end is pressed i was photographing a waterfall in a deep basin i was the only one in the basin i was alone from 6 p.m to 10 30 p.m the trail that comes in was right up against a rock face that was straight up and over 400 feet high but when i was heading back up there was bare wet human footprints up the stones of the trail i got to a spot where i seen muddy footprints leading into the brush a few moments later i heard a blood curdling scream from the same bushes the sound to me sounded like a mountain lion they are common in the area i ran faster than i've ever ran before i called rangers to my mile marker and i've checked back since then no missing persons reports have been filed nor was anyone's car in that area that night easily one of the scariest experiences i've had that's a pretty common sasquatch encounter i was working in a sif a secure electromagnetically shielded and soundproof room for doing high security work such facilities have extremely strict and onerous rules for entry and exit so basically you only go in if you have to and there are two-person rules that make it desirable for you to stay in if there are few people inside one day after being cooped up inside for hours we exited the sith the halls of the building were completely empty other labs were completely empty the break room was completely empty it was zombie movie twilight zone creepy freaking out we went to another order of the building which had windows outside we saw a blizzard with over a foot of snow on the ground and a massive amount still coming down and my roommate having his car pushed through the snow to exit the yorking lot the same room that i had couple to work with this was before cell phones so i bolted down the steps and out to the parking lot in dress shoes and barely caught him before he drove away i spend some time in a monetized room with nothing but a mattress and a toilet in there officially in a psych ward for troubled teens but that was more like prison after two days already of just laying there on the mattress you just feel how you lose your mind you feel that paranoia cause everything you do is on camera pointing straight down at you while sleeping while taking a crap that's was when you realize that you can actually lose your mind is when you will appreciate sanity worked overnights at two different 24 hr residential treatment centers for teens aka poltergeist soup we staff and clients would see and hear things people during the middle of the night almost every night i remember when i worked at a drug and alcohol rehab facility it used to be a nunnery attached to a church i used to hear women singing through our speaker that communicated with our doorbell for visiting hours i could see through the window of the door from where i would be sitting and there was never anything there i have a bunch more those places were full of weird crap my current job is not exactly physically isolating but more of socially isolating i'm working as a caretaker for a home full of disabled adults i'm the night shift and my job is to do some cleaning and make sure things go smoothly while the clients are sleeping my job is about eight hours of nothing all night followed by a few hours of cleaning in the morning and helping clients get ready for their day program work in the last few months we've had some strange stuff happen one one night i heard what sounded like a person crying in one of the clients rooms only to find out they were asleep they don't have a tv in their room either so i'm not sure what the noise could have come from the next shift while talking to one of the day staff before they left for the night they told me about how the day before after his clients had gone to bed and just before i had arrived he had heard someone walk from the garage through the house and into the room he was in he turned around from what he was doing to talk to who he had assumed was a manager showing up to grab something but no one was there he said he searched the house but never found anyone cool two we have a non-verbal client who has a lot of dolls and toys in her room the other day when i came into her room to wake her up she had a new doll lying in bed with her and she kept rolling on it or pressing on it while getting out of bed and it would make that awful baby doll laughter noise i knew right away i was not a fan of this doll later at the very end of my shift the day staff arrived and drove all the clients to their day program i was alone in the house again and went to clean up any mess left in the client's rooms i start cleaning the non-verbal clients room and see the baby doll sitting on a chair in the other corner i start to clean from across the room it begins laughing i say out loud nope stop that it stops and starts laughing a few seconds later i say in as firm a voice as i can manage i'm not gonna put up with this crap and walk over open it up and switch off the battery pack three just this week i'm in the kitchen at the start of my shift and keep seeing from my peripherals what appears to be a small dog in the hallway but i see it maybe four times usually i figure things like that are my imagination and this is no exception but four times is a lot so i go and check it out no dog about an hour later i'm in the garage and talking on the phone with someone it's about midnight and they haven't gone to sleep yet there's a pause while talking when they say what was that eye as calmly as i can say yeah what they respond it sounded like a dog panting into the phone now i am spooked but trying not to seem like a total weirdo i just say ha no i didn't hear fat we get off the phone very soon after and i go sit in the house with the lights on you should look more into the meaning of the dog i don't know why that gives me such a bad feeling but it does i've been working in my trade for about 20 years it can be difficult to focus when all the young bucks are asking you questions and blaring terrible music so i tend to start work when everyone else leaves for the night i started hearing sounds upstairs like people talking walking opening doors i dismissed it as my imagination for a few days but it got to be too much to ignore so i started investigating when i would hear things never found anything thought i was going crazy turns out one of the guys that lived near the shop made a heidi hole nest up in the attic to hide from his girlfriend like some kind of dumb butt phantom of the opera dumbo phantom of the opera got a big laugh to me perfect thanks i was working two jobs on black friday and after my first job at the mall was over 12 a.m to 6 a.m i headed to my other job it was at a local beach shop in an old house it was still dark when i got there and we didn't open until 10 so i went inside to go sleep on the futon upstairs for a couple hours when i opened the back door i could see the silhouette of a person standing in the back room they were about 20 feet away from me but the street light was shining in through the window behind them and i could see it perfectly i froze for a couple seconds thinking someone had broken and then flipped on the light by the door the silhouette vanished as soon as the light came on and i said oh frick that and went to sleep in my car instead shadow people are freaky i used to work overnight as a dispatcher system monitoring most days we had two people per shift pretty much the only reason we wouldn't would be if someone was sick or something most nights were completely uneventful basically did nothing for eight hours one night around 1am i hear screaming like some girl is getting murdered my co-worker and i both start checking cameras nothing i grabbed my radio and start running though the building to find this girl ran down to the first floor before i realized it was coming for the back parking lot i exit the building expecting to have to fight someone with a knife or see a debauchery or some crap what i actually find is a girl alone in her car just screaming and crying i find out she just wanted to vent and was seriously okay she thought no one would be in the office park at 1am i promptly told her to knock it off as it is was absolutely terrifyingly and to please leave so not really that scary creepy strange at the end of it all but it was absolutely the worst two minutes of my life as i was trying to find the screaming or i feel kinda bad for the girl poor thing needed a place to vent to start off i love listening to true crime podcasts this summer i worked by myself in a greenhouse at my university that was on the top 9th floor of this building to even get into the building you need card access but to use the elevator you need card access and a key over the summer almost zero people were ever on campus and especially not up on this floor or even in the building for that matter after probably six hours of working alone on the top floor of this building and listening to creepy murder stories i was pushing my cart to the elevator a massive industrial freight elevator that no one else uses and i scan my card and wait for the elevator to reach my floor i can hear it coming and it's taking a while so i'm still listening to this podcast about some serial killer once it's finally at the ninth floor i get ready to open the outer door and happen to peer into the little window and see something inside staring at me through the window i screamed and jumped back probably two feet before i realized it was just another research student coming up to use the greenhouse being alone for six hours and only hearing scary stories of people getting killed really messes with your nerves lol if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 72,235
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Keywords: working in isolation, isolation, isolated, creepypasta, creepy stories, creepy story time, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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