First few days at the shop and we say Farewell to Patrick

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity you guys and welcome back well on today's episode we are doing one last little bit of rain oh I think before the winter hits us I have this front door it's a new front door it's not the door that would have been on here and it's fine does the trick but it kind of looks a little bit boring because it's why eat it's a vinyl door I'm sure it probably does a great job of keeping the weather out but it's not fun or exciting but a week ago or so lady who actually just lives a few doors down told me that she had an original style door that was off of either large manor home or a larger building and I'll be darned if the thing doesn't look like it's gonna fit pretty well perfect so I've called in the guys Josh and Dakota to see if they can put an antique style door back on the front of this building in the garage here past the old-school indianapolis style dirt track racer is the door now I've got it sitting on the side because it's actually too tall to stand up in here but it's okay it's got a mail slot which is perfect to keep the mail nice and safe as it comes through my main concern with this door actually not the condition it's in perfect shape it's in really good condition is that this old-style hardware is not really similar or like the the new stuff that we get nowadays and it's missing the door handle off of one side so there's a few challenges that this thing is going to have to make it function and work one is the guys are gonna have to probably cut completely different holes or make this door line up I don't know what they're gonna do about filling this in but this will probably unlikely have to go with this lock new hardware put on so it mates and matches with the door frame that's why I'm calling guys in who have some carpentry skill that's a little bit beyond me the other issue that we have is that the hinges that are on it once the door is cut to size may end up being in a different location so what they'd have to do would be to actually chisel the wood out for new hinges to go in so that their countersunk can sit flat but Jacobo was looking for some work I figured well hey this door needs to go on why not call the guys in thankfully the old antique door I'm putting on swings the same way as this one it's an inswinger on the right hand side so it'll be fine there I'm gonna have to take my door push off which is kind of just there for decoration because it's not actually a push at this point and I did buy some nice new hardware and that's what we're gonna put on there so it's gonna look antique and old and period to that door hopefully giving the front of the store a nice cool antique style look look who's here it's the famous brothers are you toying which is the older twin oh he's that all see and you never tell people how old you are you're ready to tear into this door yellow yeah yeah so my worry is getting the hinges done getting the door handle in but you guys are totally prepared you brought chisels and stuff right yeah yeah we should be okay well the garage door is open back there help yourself and if you need anything just let me know I'll be running the shop here today so while they're off doing that I am actually just working on my store which means there's gonna be a period of time today when they have that door off behind me and we're gonna have nothing but cold air blowing through see how things are going outside what's going on guys well this mechanism is held on by I don't know if this is correct but by this thing yeah so we thought we would take this off to be able to pull this out there's one screw left it's true what it doesn't I hope it doesn't do anything so it's either not holding anything or it does something that we don't know right now the toilets are flushing the opposite direction on Australia you gotta go the other way it has secret powers oh there we go there you go okay so it's probably a doorknob doesn't your just the way the mechanism is nothing lines up like a like a modern doorknob where you can just pull it up off maybe that's part of the reason why nobody's using this door anywhere okay I have faith I have faith I'm gonna go inside and check on the shop see how it's going in there and it's not that cold I mean we're end of October and it's still pretty nice outside no I have to tend the store here and make sure that we've looked after okay so how's it going outside okay so we got the doorknob off the knob yeah but the post that goes into the door I don't know how these mechanisms were made this is insane it's like the door was built around the knob and handle thing so that part that's holding it is like making it so it can't come out right we managed to get a bunch of like the other mechanism pieces out like there's a whole bunch of like different leavers and stuff all that is out but I can't get the doorknob off and I can't get the lock off and brute force isn't doing it we did a little light persuasion we'll say with anyway yeah then it started cuz like that thing that mechanism slides in right so we chiseled out like a place for it to sit in and so it's obviously bloody you talk and describe things in technical so yeah we're having difficulty getting that part out so I'm hoping I was hoping that you would have a hacksaw I don't want you kind of Ives down a door I've never needed a hacksaw I brought everything I need I would normally need I just didn't I underestimated the difficulty with this door but I need a hacksaw so I can just cut that off and then it won't matter then I could just pull that out of the other sometimes they have like a is there a set screw like a small flathead set screw in there and that was what we what we were worried that we were trying to get out before and then we that's fine now and it's the the padlock the thing the square thing where you would yeah that's preventing like this part I'm coming out and the doorknob is preventing this part from coming out it's like have a hard time with mm-hmm so what's the solution now well I was hoping you had a hacksaw I do not what you do not but there's a Home Depot nearby yeah if it's all probably pick up a grinder and all there's any another grinder anyways okay well that's a kind of a bummer but at least I got you guys on the job and while Josh in Dakota were working outdoors on the door which they haven't come back yet I had a fella drop a couple boxes off to me and I thought hey take a couple minutes here and kind of go through and see what there was they were moving and I guess they're heading out of town today so they really just drop this stuff off but some little wooden marionettes and from the looks of one of these let's see there is a fairy godmother and it looks like Cinderella now if it's Disney Disney stuff is always a little bit more on the collectible side I haven't had a chance to look through see nicely put together we'll check that on the box to have a better look at it but um nice old oil lamp in here with its shade often missing but this is what was kind of unique and something you don't see every day and you might not think this is a collectible but there are people who collect these things this is one of the very first Macintosh computers it's actually quite portable it's like a little tube floppy drive in the front and there's your tower it has been a lot of years since this computer has probably been put back in service they've got it all hooked up but the monitor hooked up I'm gonna actually try turning this thing on and see if it comes to life hopefully it doesn't blow up well it's got this little question mark hopefully it doesn't have 1980s virus and there's like a skull laughing Oh on the screen maybe we could decode like some 1980s Russian things oh look it's a happy little mattock on there I'm surprised this thing's even working uh well good McIntosh okay well so far so good and you're seeing strobing on the screen but it's not actually having any issues that's just the rate let me see if I can get this thing to turn on and work and do what it needs to do and yeah the mouse still look at this mouse the mouse still works it's and what Macintosh is famous for is one of the first computers to actually use little windows like this prior to that you didn't have that you had to type in code and stuff so the modern computer really has a lot to to thank to this early one and look it's still I mean they're similar enough it's still easy to to operate we were like I'm gonna go get a grinder I hope it's not until he comes back from Aikido which is a good brand was it on sale at least like you're buying 9 Makita grinder Senor 10-point is free it's like a sub job you're filling up on hoagies look what came in while you guys were gone so he brought me like this is the third generation Macintosh computer but look it still works I totally hooked it all up and it works there's a drawing program on here Josh you could do your next installment on a Macintosh using a little turtle that crawls around on your screen cool it's kind of cool actually yeah I'm impressed look at this Mouse I know but it still works just like a new computer so I've been having fun playing out this one well the the mouse isn't the worst thing the worst thing is that it only has a memory of 9,000 K it's yeah you could basically write your name on it and you'd be done for the week but still neat though going on are you getting ready to take this door off well since these changes since the hinges are like rounded yeah I want to be able to trace them onto the new go so that I can I can route him out nicely oh I see you're taking the middle one out so the door will still work yeah smart cookie keeping it classy you know he's not just all looks you said it's cold you guys end of October in Canada well it probably doesn't help that you guys are wearing like sweaters but yeah you won't warm up you broke it Josh and J Kota are gonna come back tomorrow to finish up the door I guess they needed a few more tools that they didn't have but that's fine because it was absolutely packed in here all day mainly because we're right across the street from his school and every day at 3 o'clock 3:30 there is a pile of kids come in looking for candy now I know why this was a successful general store for like a hundred years neighborhood kids and neighborhood families I'm gonna have to get creative over what we carry at the front of the shop because we're getting cleaned out of these suckers and lollipops pretty much every day I also had a lady drop in and she had this it's called a playschool Poland it's ten but what it is if you look at it it's a train car for dolls when you flip it around as I'm going to do like so and you open it up you can see there's a little train compartment which turns into bed the table can fold up there's a doll in there there's a little water closet like a little bathroom here it's just the cutest thing made out of tin never really had one come through before but it's transportation related to this Dahlia that crosses over it's just neat I was happy to find one it's Patrick it's Patrick it's rock-and-roll bearded Patrick the morning Patrick welcome to the Cadillac of fun we've got some errands to run before we go into the store today the second day here have working on the store I had the fire inspector come by he said I had to pick up these extinguishers put them by the doors I'm gonna take care of that Josh and Dakota should be here at some point Patrick is here hanging around there he is he's checking out the guitars probably hopefully later on and I'm gonna get some fire extinguishers on and I had to figure out what all these little letters mean 40 is how many square feet this thing can cover a is like all-purpose for fire and paper and some chemical so they all have sort of a different meaning and I had to get one that was right for my shop I'm gonna make sure they're mounted and over by the door so in case there ever is an issue we can grab one of these and [Music] well I was wondering who was out there poking around looking at the Cadillac mr. Bailey how you doing how you doing good to see you so mr. Bailey walks through my door looking like a million bucks with a bowler hat on that does not fly around and take over the world Dorothy Meet the Robinsons and he offered something special for me yes I would like to gift you Alex with a pencil sketch of yourself wearing your bowtie and standing outside the front of this store and have that ready for you in about ten days or so that's crazy and very kind of you thank you so much viewer here last week I would've been just wearing a bow tie naturally it's a pleasure being here I think it's a wonderful place that you have and what I admire most about you alex is that you have a dream and then you go for it no matter what and that is something that I think is so important to everyone so Roberts gonna do a picture of me which I was not expecting at all in that super kind but he also came in and bought a bag of goodies so customer and I get some art out of this it's a great deal for me I'm not sure how this works out for you but I appreciate you doing it so yeah no I mean I didn't do anything other than take your money for this stuff and give me a picture it's it's a raw deal for you we're taking a lunch break of the shop and Patrick is trying butter chicken for the first time this is from one of our favorite restaurants new Asian village you got the butter chicken we got the man for take you out so what do you think so far it's good right those people that are wondering it's time to like a tomato soupy gravy with chicken okay yeah good I glad you like it CEO this guy looks like trouble I should go give him customer services he looks like you might be giving me a hard time oh wait look it's Dakota and Josh you guys are here and you brought a saw this is either gonna be something to repair the door or you're gonna do a really weird magic trick with your brother yeah you to be a magician get wet and then the job disappeared but um foam using it down yeah I keep stuff a dowel that's like the lesser-known singer in the UK she's got all the pop hits that Adele oh we gotta round out a little little pack here we start to choose a little bit of but that's just for this hmm patch it up so we got this sheet here that fits in here right and you were saying somebody else had done this on this door once before Yeah right here yeah same kind of things that this door has been around the block literally I got it from around the block I did yeah okay so the grain runs this way I mean there's a lot of horizontally until we set up the miracles yeah so the green pattern on on this dial this is a different kind of wood but this is only dowel I had that would that would fit this hole yeah yeah it's like it worked we're making it run the same way since this hole isn't perfectly round it's it's not gonna fit exactly good but but it'll work good enough there are other inconsistencies anyway then this piece here we have it running the same way as well so we'll glue that into there okay and it'll fit nice and it should be basically good and then Oh what do you use just a saw to the Apple II just saw that off and then and then well we don't need more of this but for these ones we'll glue it in sawed it off and then the other side has a couple holes that need to fill too and we'll just sew one at a time and then this will just stand down and then we'll restain it all this needs to be refinished anyway so we shouldn't we shouldn't run into too many issues of it not matching nicely and not looking good and not matching we'll just probably add to the character because there's a lot of things that already don't match because of its age right multiple time yeah I see like the stain is lighter here and darker down there you have different types of wood and green yeah so you know it should all still go together nicely and his doors turning out to be a pain in the butt but it I hope it'll be worth it oh yeah it'll look cool it's awesome you got it off now is to sending it smooth yeah well we're gonna do a better job this is just literally I mean we need a little bit of sawdust that we'd fill in these cracks so right you know do it a little bit by hand and get this auto spell in the cracks and move the registers with sander for those of you at home watching you can't tell but my face does not look worried door handle is going on that patch that stain turned out really good you can't even tell where you guys stayed it matched up like perfect yeah it blends the only thing that make you makes it obvious that there's a patch there is that it's a different grain well in this light you can definitely tell but it's underneath the handle it's not the worst but in a door like this you kind of expect it to have some character there's one here plus there's three on this side well that's part of the deal with recycling an old door like this you're gonna have to make some compromises but I think it'll look amazing once it's up yeah I'm hoping Patrick you're so strong it's a strapping young man that Patrick off he goes and he's done [Music] is after-hours at the shop Josh and Dakota are working mightily and busily and filling their pockets with screws as they try and get ready to mount this door back on the hinges and that's not a light door either No yeah here we go one classic door in place that looks way better than the white vinyl and it was on there it's like if we met to be there I even have a fancy-pants mail slot there that's pretty cool so thank you guys very much for your help get this all put together today I know it wasn't easy much appreciated and we had Patrick jamming out with us for most of the night today that's over on that side and yeah kind of sad because Patrick is moving away moving across North America to the other side of Canada but the plus side is you'll be near to your family that's a big bonus so we're gonna miss you Pat it's not gonna be the same without you well we'll be sad to see you go but I'm happy for you you get to be near family we'll have to go and visit you but yeah so that's it for Patrick the ghost Patrick the singer Patrick the guitar player the grand Patrick finale for now until maybe we go down to Ontario to visit them but thank you again so much Patrick for everything you've been a big help with all these projects we've had that's it as we close down for one more day and close a chapter on this series it you know there's gotta be more stuff to do and next year we're gonna have more projects and I really hope that Patrick does have a chance to come back and visit but thank you so much for watching this episode you can check us out on instagram at curiosity inc yeg on facebook under curiosity incorporated or live in person here at the shop in Edmonton Alberta Canada you guys have a wonderful day we'll see you soon all right for now [Music] and many of you watching at home have said oh look at all the orbs there's stuff going on in the house there's been no sign of any haunting whatsoever in the house no signs of ghosts it's been completely normal here we've had no issues so not sure what the concern is but the place has been fantastic we're gonna continue on in the kitchen and go from there
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 130,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, alex archbold, alexander archbold, antiques, vintage, installing a door, renovation, hone reno, home makeover, history channel, discovery, tlc, antiques roadshow, fun, family friendly, full episode, tv show, television, potters house, goarders
Id: HN37_r0P3GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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