Auction Fever! selling at a local auction, how will we do?!?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc hey everybody so on this week's episode we are headed down to an auction house I am going to do another clean house of some of the stuff I've had around the shop for a little while and really it's time to just get some fresh cash flow happening and I move some of that stock that's been sitting there a little too long so let's head over to the store see what I have that I can let loose so one thing I'm a little bit overloaded on right now our vintage matchbox and vintage dinky toys so I'm gonna go through and select the ones that maybe aren't in the best condition or ones that I think might be a quicker seller and auction than they are in store dinky toys of course very collectible same with Corgi a lot of guys remember these from their childhood or youth and even younger collectors now appreciate them because they're just a cool vintage toy so we're gonna go through and pick some of these guys out and get them ready for sales vintage toys we are definitely well stocked in fact we're a little bit over stocked i've got everything from tractors through cars but you can see they're kind of piling up and they're piling it on top of each other so i'm gonna go through and thin some of these guys out too and when it comes to toys in our shop the more high-end one sells so vintage press steel sometimes early tin toys things that are just really interesting and unique this big giant Meccano tanker so I'll be leaving some of that stuff alone but there are some things like this vintage Japanese tin plate tank that's been sitting a little while so I can set that aside to take to auction also as I sort through some of the vintage tin plate toys that have been sitting here a little bit the old alloyed moving van so there's a few things so I'm gonna go through and just kind of thin this out just a little bit and tidy it up a little bit so far this is my pile of stuff that I'm gonna be boxing up to take to auction a bunch of vintage press steel toys some old tin cars it should be a pretty good variety so hopefully we'll get some interest in some of these guys plus I've got some military items I'm gonna take down there too and here's the problem with winter driving you have to more or less guess where the lines in the road are and if you're one of the first people out in the traffic there are no ruts to follow so I'm pretty much as guessing as I'm sure everybody else is on this road where the lines in the road are as I make my way to the auction house this morning so I made it here safe and sound I'm starting to lay my stuff out on these racks so I can neatly organize them and get my stickers on so they know that it's my stuff going up for auction and not somebody else's but I've got a few racks put together so far and I've got a lot more to bring in and I've seen a lot of stuff sell at auction before but I can honestly say I've never seen a miniature castle done up like this this is one of the strange things that you might find coming into an auction house this was a photo studio prop I believe but you could use it if you had a paintball course or if you had a daycare or something along those lines I'm sure somebody will buy it it's an interesting thing there's lots other stuff too like this old golf cabinet old furniture and a ton of other cool small stuff too so I'll definitely coming back to preview this auction is it looks like there's tons of cool stuff so I just finished consigning 97 lots today I'll probably bring back another batch of it tomorrow and see how that stuff goes at auction on sale day so all along the way today there were accidents all over the place but I made it here safe and sound and I even had time this morning to shovel my sidewalks before my wife got up so hopefully that's a help to her but we made it here so let's get out and go check this auction out at our destination today is cast our auctions so we're gonna head inside and preview what they have for sale for the upcoming antique auction that's the biggest quarter I've ever seen [Music] [Music] and here's a really cool Flash Gordon pinball machine I am gonna put some bids on this and hopefully bring it home [Music] oh my kids would absolutely love this it's about it's not super big though but I bet if you put the top down you could probably sit right on the back there and work this thing that's a neat piece this is gonna be a big sale there's so much stuff packed everywhere I'm gonna keep having a look around there's an old stop light it's actually not that old cuz it's plastic but this is an old railway signal meanie here's kind of a cool piece this is a Pepsi bottle carry but you can see it's got the double dots so that's an early one I might have to check on that so an awful lot of stuff at the sale I've got a number of things in there myself so I'm really hoping that the sale does well for both myself and for the other vendors but you know it's kind of a catch-22 on the other hand I hope it doesn't do well for the things I don't want to buy because you always want to buy as cheap as possible but I'm gonna be keeping a close watch from home tomorrow when the sale goes live I can actually do that from the comforts of my own home and I believe these guys ship as well so if anybody's ever watching and want to buy something online like this you I believe that they ship so today's the big day of the auction it did snow quite a bit last night so hopefully that doesn't stop people from showing up and purchasing some cool stuff my goal today is they hit around $15,000 in sales now that might be a little tricky to do but I took some pretty good stuff in and with any luck I'll get very close to that goal so I'm gonna watch the auction today and see how things go and I'm really hoping to hit close to that goal today [Music] [Music] [Music] so with a few things I've sold already I'm already over a thousand dollars in sales Michael today was a hit over about 10 to 15 so I'm on my way so let's keep watching and see how [Music] [Music] okay now that was ridiculous I had that tin carousel in the store for the whopping sum of $35 and went for over one hundred and fifty bucks at auction you just that's crazy town but it all it takes is the right people in the crowd who really want that thing and it's not something it's easy to find but I certainly didn't value it that much in the store but that's one of those things today that's like a ring a bell kind of moment because I'm pretty happy about that but let's keep watching and see how things go and throughout the day my stuff kept finding buyer after buyer after buyer and I was more than happy with the sale prices in fact often times they were exceeding expectation there was only a couple times and things went a little bit less so when I had them in store but overall this has been a really great sale so far I think of it a couple bigger items coming up soon so let's see what they are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No do something or not do something no to last all these online [Music] [Applause] so these are the I found this piece in a barn and Red Deer over the last year should go for good money but the problem is it looks like a 70s what we'll definitely you know we can move on to be in 50 years of being when it's on the right 4550 well the lampshade was a little bit disappointing I figured it should have gone for at least a few hundred dollars it was actually in early 1920s era sort of piece with real stained glass and leaded same glass but the problem is they remanufactured a ton of that stuff in the 70s and everybody's pull room at their basement had one but they did that about a plastic or really cheap glass so they emulated this style and I kind of figured that people watching online would probably think that it's a reproduction and not the real thing so it is what it is it's gone I didn't have room for the shop anyway but with money I've made on some of the other stuff so far you gotta take the wins and the losses and just dust off your shoulder and keep going so my kids are going these are leftovers from the model a restoration okay so the next lot coming up there on 277 lot to 78 is mine is a vintage metal toy truck and trailer I had that at the store I think with the list price of 150 bucks on it so hopefully I get close to that so let's watch and see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a super big surprise to me I had this thing in the store for 40 bucks [Music] this is the one that I thought my kids would like we'll see if it's worth [Music] so that's a good machine I actually was into it for not terribly much the list price at the store was I think I had 575 on it so got $600 at the auction more than happy with that more than at so the auction is still going it is nearly 10 o'clock at night it was a big sale and they are still there right now my stuff has gone through and although I thought it was a lofty goal and that I wouldn't achieve it grand tally today was fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty four dollars now they have to take off their percentage as well but that's gonna be a nice chunk of change to put back into the business for some fresh stock so definitely felt like it was a good idea to do it good time of year to get some money flow coming back in and yeah it would be a lot of fun to get that to check on Friday and think of the things that I can go and purchase with it so thanks so much for tuning in again guys and make sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already you can also check us out on Instagram Facebook as well as our website at WWE asti Edmonton CA thanks so much for tuning in and we'll see you guys soon bye for now [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 139,096
Rating: 4.9617801 out of 5
Keywords: antique, auction sales, auction, storage wars, selling your stuff, how to make money, making money, how to get rich, selling at auction, american pickers, curiosity incorporated, curiosity inc, edmonton, yeg, history channel, discovery channel, cool stuff, making cash, fast cash, instant money
Id: uJiCDS4rTmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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