WGL:W Grand Finals 2018 - Semifinal: [N] Moon vs. Lyn [O]

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[Music] some German [Music] ready to work ladies and gentlemen welcome to the second last day of the Warcraft gold league we're down to the top four we will crown a new world champion here in Shanghai it's down to moon Lin in fee and foggy and the semifinals are about to start yeah this is I'm starting to feel giddy again man this happens twice a year we are Hmong we are among the best players left and as you said 24 entered this tournament now we have separated the weak from the strong and were left with the four best two from Korea one from China and one man from the Ukraine foggy is back among atop the dominance of the night of the North can have been broken in the quarter-finals here two nights remaining one human and one work of course here is no kiss welcoming the Chinese audience here life in Shanghai we of course you know studio back to Warcraft neo and Remo reporting from the World Championships there is $16,000 on the line but I guess the title is worth more the king is dead th was eliminated in the group stage the same as won 2-0 the two strongest players in the history of the gold League out and man history is about to happen China has won every single instance of the gold League and now it's one versus three yeah the entire Chinese nation is backing in fee right now a lot of pressure on his shoulders but he's used to that I don't think it's gonna crumble under that he has so much experience and he's proving that human is still playable with an amazing performance yesterday against colorful where many other people might say well this is an almost unwinnable matchup nowadays he said no he defies as always these four players gather 44 premier solo titles that is above 25% of all tournaments in Warcraft 3 history the first semifinal we don't have to introduce these players because if you are a fan of Warcraft you know them the best orc that this game has ever seen the second highest earning player in Warcraft 3 history the newest addition to the newbie team as well this is Lin walking onto the stage with confidence as and swagger is how I would describe that entrance he has been in the gold final before he was killed by one to zero there of course he wants to go again he's not doing that well in gold leagues but that goes for this man as well he has dominated the scene since 2003 he is the most successful Warcraft player of all time the Chinese call him Andromeda because he is out of this world close to break the 500,000 prize pool mark this is the legend the icon this is moon but as you said for whatever reason the last couple of gold leagues never ready to good for him he never even got into the top four this is now where finally he has made it but he wants to go further and asking around the audience here and the players as well I feel like moon is being have regarded as the biggest favorite here for the title I agree everybody seems to be on the side of moon we asked CooCoo though the main organizer for the Chinese scene she said it's gonna be Lin I have I mean I respect her opinion and all but III have a tough time I feel like moon's got the momentum moon's got the pad but let's not worried these things moon is playing finally so strong offline it took him a while well I guess you could have make a case for China versus Korea clan war but here in the solo tournaments in the gold leagues and before that even in WCA whatever reason it was he was struggling he came back 2015 and yes exactly it's took a while for him to get to this stage and it's so interesting that these two players are meeting because when Lin came back he smashed onto the scene destroying everybody the fifth race it took a little bit longer it was a step by step process but in my opinion he is looking like the horse number one two back we got to admit that moon became a father in the meantime so maybe that was a little distracting and married now but you know and this is the second last day this is the semifinals tomorrow we have the game for 3rd and the grand final where we will crown the first and most likely only world champion on patch 1.30 Lin vs. moon and afterwards in fee versus foggy our turn hope against the Chinese hope this is the schedule here but man it doesn't get much better it doesn't get better then Lin vs. moon decide yeah these are just insane matchups as you pointed out Lin and moon the two most successful players in the history of this game prize money wise I had a chance to talk with Lin here an interview that we did up on our YouTube as well and he's not even thinking only about this tournament he's got ambitions for next year he says I got a goal and that is become number one overtake moon and today he can make the first step in that direction absolutely moon on the first all the way to his first goal League grand final though and we see the map statistics learned pretty good on Northern Isles and CH the two new maps undefeated on TSN TM moon on the other side pretty strong on Amazonia on CH as well the only map loss on Northern Isles and that was yesterday in the quarter-final against flymoon in general only losing a single map this entire tournament that is insane that is absolutely insane I cannot believe though that he will be moving on here without dropping a map Lin is gonna bring him to the edge and if we can believe the rumors we've heard in the halls let's get some special strats prepared he was holding on to those until when he needed the most which is now he is a little bit frustrated with his matchup but he's got some special things planned in the group stage he defeated Neutron shamekh oth foggy and wfz in the quarter-finals it was focused Lin dropped the first map needed some time to get into this but this went for moon as well both of these Koreans have defeated their opponents three two one for moon it was fly so both have defeated and walk here his group said was a little easier with infi cash sonic Joshi she and PCG but yeah not dropping a single map in the group stage was a sign of strength for him yeah absolutely that was he looked like a demigod right there absolutely unbeatable in a group stage fly showed that it is possible to take maps of him at least but still such a strong performance here we have the vetos AZ on left side and twisted from moon pretty much standard right Moon's keeper play on Amazonia it's a host legendary already and twisted is maybe the strongest orc map in the pool with all the great items to be found here we start on our favorite map in the map pull out of those seven it's gonna be last refuge alright boys said Lim is gonna be an epic best-of-five hopefully going the distance as well yesterday the day before we have to say we didn't get a single of five mapper best-of-five it turned out to be some one-sided affairs there was some back-and-forth if you disregard colorful game but yeah in the end it seemed like the top for you that we have deservedly one-sidedly yeah in the top four as well the two oldest players remaining in the tournament both 31 years old turning 32 in just a week moon one week older than Lynn so these guys go to the till they've been in the Warcraft scene since 2003 then it's a combined 30 years of competitive Warcraft experience and in this tournament experience prevailed thus far it's this is the pinnacle of Warcraft and this is map number one so far in gold leagues moon participated six times made it to the playoffs four times but never to the finals he was eliminated in the top four three two times for Allen on the other side fifth gold leak for him three times playoffs to tour second time top four last time he wasn't the top four he made it to the finals was then defeated by one to zero as I said the stats are so close man in the past four years in the six to eight or in from the side of Moon Lynn slightly ahead but historically they shared 110 maps against each other it's basically 50/50 the last two encounters though went Toulon that was offline here at GCSE summer in Shanghai in the group stage in the winner's bracket final was a two to one and the w-league same result Linda feeding moon but both of these games were on patch 1.2 9 and this is their first encounter on one two three oh and if what list has told me in the interview is any indicator he is not feeling too happy about this matchup at the moment I quote him right here he said if night off doesn't make mistakes it's almost impossible to beat them so moon how many mistakes is he gonna make so far this tournament it doesn't seem like he makes many at all as we said ridiculously getting to the semi-final only dropping one single indeed this last refuge is like in this year a little favor towards lilius won both maps that they played each other this year in general seems to be a little favored to Lin there were six games between the two Lin is 11 and 6 but when you count like when you look back to like the all-time games they've met each other in top 4 duels say semifinal final winner bracket final new bracket final 21 times it's 11 to 10 in premier offline tournaments 9 to 7 absolutely two of the greatest if not the greatest of the respective races let's take a look at the openings here or do you want to go with some history all right blademaster being very aggressive here going for the circuit immediately no creeping to start with for him it seemed like to keep her held on to a skill point for now wants to be able to deal with the blade master with his entangle if one should show up but that's not the case he's going into the main right away wanting to go for a wisp um perhaps exactly that is the case wants to get a few knocks into the economy here there was the first blood first wisp down not detonated by mone saves the second one really nice building placement here can walk with the wisps around the moon well hard to find more kill than just the one keeper chasing across the entirety of the map we said haven't seen a single skill you is perhaps still considering treants would be so good to cancel this shot because the blade master will need the hill saves on the clarity once he's back to his base at the moment kind of naked selling the town portal of course in exchange for the circlet will this be enough it looks like yeah the right types of mood are enough and so there's no sharp falling at the moment okay lose quite a few resources there if he should drop low HP on the blade then this is really problematic because of course you need to be able to heal him up for now though he's not too low HP at all you got the first bit of experience from the wisp now gonna get another little bit from the high priest and gets the replenishment that's not too bad considering he has no healing at the moment here we see the treants first no entangle that opens up the early game a little : of course he sees that now as well he's okay keeper your level one what can you do against me if you can't deny my right clicks so with the tree and then the archers here he wants to continue to creep and to get to level two how many creeps can Lin steal if he gets like all of them he keeps the keeper on the other one which would be amazing also pretty hard to do especially considering that there is a dust on this keeper to note as well this is a lot of archers ravit yeah five already revealed being used no hunters means no owls on the trees so at the moment Lin is dusted but this will wear off in a bit the night crawler goes down goes to moon and so one more creep until level two and then he has entangle makes his early game a lot there is level up and Lin immediately walking away just both these players playing a near-flawless early game I think this is six archers already yep is this or is going back to some talons the shop at the laboratory something we've never seen before him this is something we have to point out as well these players know each other inside out they know each other for 10 plus years they're friends and they know what the other is playing they had one day to prepare what kind of strategies do they come up with yeah and especially the nidal should be the favorite race there has a lot of viable bills that they can go for think back on Lin versus cash in the group stage he played a for Archer Chimaira game in the one and in the other he went for beast Massa first - Helen rush so moon can really play anything on the other side we have seen Lin with openings in this matchup like TC hat hunters and it worked flawlessly against foggy who is very very greedy in this matchup moon usually the same but as far as I know we haven't seen an expansion here yet so this doesn't work that well he's the first time tangle getting the grunt as well and he's pulling for wisps it was only an illusion so losing that grunt you lose you're not too bad and it's a talent timing we have a proxy ancient of wind whoa he's going for the - Armas tread boys this is something that foggy has shown us yesterday a knight of mirror or I love this moon well positioning is key he's going to push Lin's base and then he has a fallback position where he can get some healing and mana if he needs it if this goes through and scouting that greater healing by the way also so so good but speaking of so good Lin is taking one of the most valuable creep camps on the map big item big experience and access to the mercenaries where he must be getting that Shadow Priests all but the wisp card coming in this is a little bit dangerous perhaps then we'll have to evacuate here after having been scouted doesn't get the greatest item here with a float but wait a minute he really not go for that Shadow Priests I haven't seen him yet me neither that would be dispel of course it's only the Berserker for damage going radar Walker that's the normal timing Lin was great in defending those bushes early on especially against human but this might catch him off guard as I join another one blade only level 2 can they really carry this for me I'm not so sure we have a walker coming out with spirit link it's gonna help them out a ton repair coming in for the shop he needs to keep that alive otherwise there's no more regeneration coming from anywhere here come the West though for the detonate and make a big difference how many can connect even going for the hex on the wisp blade master dropping low heal potion on him already though with that he will survive second spirit link wasn't ready yet not the man are quite there and with that these heroes are still fairly squishy he holds on to the shop though has potion access for the Shadowhunter and for the blade master of course nothing on the mercenary camp though more talents coming in that is as Remo mentioned there - almost strategy asset come from the alchemist + fury fire from the talons is minus 7 almost immediately here comes the shop for moon in a very unusual position but hero focus once again can't learn prevail there is a potion no involved or just the healing can't break the entangle with this with a spear line coming in again the blade master once more was pretty tanky nothing has died yet I think good archer micro is almost gonna say that on the alchemist though where's the healing potion transfers it now last second usage even a scroll of speed here coming in level 2 for this shadow now he has Hugh ever as well only level 1 he wave of course but still may save a hero or two runs though falling low and dying the first one easy and with faerie fire focus fire they die so quick ocular just melting buddies going for the hero focus again critical strike after the back step yields himself a little but healing on the other side as well splits is set up with another critical strike second hero for moon is down and the healing is gone as well entangle again focus fire coming in but here is the spirit one more time and the whisper HAP's a little bit too late for the detonate doesn't get the dispel off so now this blade master Kenney run rampant here there is no acid bomb to worry about an only piercing damage not too scary honestly and Moon has to pull the TP or this push did not work out Flynn holds against this very special strategy by moon I can only imagine he stayed on tier two because all the mass of stuff that he has lots of arches lots of talents I doubt that he had the resources to invest into the tier 3 tech and that means no cyclone to worry about the strategy that all the orcs feared that moon picked up by magic yank from China and perfected it and held a reign over the Horde for more than two years undefeated exactly and look at the lumber for moon he's so low lumber there is no tier 3 transition coming in this game at all understandable of course with how many whisks he brought to the battle to have that dispel available it's not over yet Dolan if he holds one more time this should be his game but at the moment it's still a little bit scary lady's level 3 in go potion is super important now absolutely he has the gold he wants a huge fall instead as it seems okay what that involve if you're entangled and use that involve the entangle wears off so you can move again and can't attack again and of course the acid bomb is gone as well this moon will by the way is so cool usually Alan wants to creep this now but moon knows so he has the time for the shop has the time to go for the consumable and more levels this will be very close to four if not four I should before was the item here if this is one of the beasts oh my god it is holy oh Jesus yeah you have a depth training yes he does okay he can dispel against it but he needs dispel against entangle as well and against the fury fire so there's so much stuff on moon side you can dispel everything uncle reincarnation in this situation I guess now fruity damn good as well especially if the blade comes out of the shadows moon doesn't have a time to check maybe he's gonna waste focus fire with acid bomb and entangle onto just that hero who's just gonna respawn no real force defences by the way no one will fall in so these burrows might be approachable he's going for the production building for the barracks that sucks up a lot of damage and Lin is waiting for the best position possible alchemist about two point seven six seven shields grow in this inventory I like the patients here from Len waited until the blade master was healed decently well enough again and here comes the focus fire he didn't check the inventory I don't think but he retreats walking away disenchant was there against the entangle so he doesn't even need to use the ankh or the involve the alchemist has to be careful man can position himself too much too far forward because then there's gonna be an end snare that's gonna be a blade master focus and with his slow arm war he is very very approachable with that engines of war are coming moon is buying a lot of time for the buildings in the back also killing the production here no more grunts after this grunts though perhaps on the units you want anyways I guess good against archers but in the focus fire they will still die quickly also no chance for Lin now to go into headhunters or catapults I mean there is still no war Mel also no space in the back to build a warm up but this plan B the helpful units to defend tower rushes so an option anymore then wants to go in before the ancient of wars come up because then his problems increased tenfold it seems like Maya's fair yet fire everywhere the dispels starting to come out but now the ancient of wars are up was this the worst time to engage I'm not so sure black man so dropping low how he's going for the kill but he's got two items still score the beast coming in does he have the dispels against it doesn't seem like it and it's their mana on the blade as well that's another question he's going for the end snare but no black master damage at the moment rate of Falls or he closes this around again acid bomb who's gonna die first pretty cool strike on the blade massive The Alchemist Falls for the second time and the Invo saves Lin these guys had toe to toe 37 to play against the leading or with 45 but the hero levels Oh actually level three no answer what a big deal exactly that makes a massive difference also this one of the B skips on Tekkit taken away it doesn't last forever only so many seconds with the moon pulls the entrance of wind to the front line as a blocker he does not go for more talents at the moment and Lin leaving his base interesting things he has the time for the myrrh Campea The Shadow Priests Mosley and more experienced will not give him the level up as the blade master and the shadow hunter share the experience even another Berserker he has the supply available for that Shadow Priests 195 gold he has it right now he owns in the borough's a little more piercing damage late master close to four there were a lot of critical strikes but Lin will be supply stuck in a bit this is exactly what I meant before the Burroughs so easy to kill fighting the treants first level two on them now but this fell against it almost ever fall on the blade as well it's gonna help him out ah the one engine of war is not in the range of the shop that would help moon a lot he's got these and damage against buildings here to be honest got the grunts he's got the Raiders but also whisked in the bag ready to repair so many wisps falling once again he has to chew through these trees man what a block like everything in the back is protected the archers don't take damage too much I guess Lin's super supply stuck yeah he has to remake burrows right now alchemist is about to hit level 3 as well in level 2 acid bomb have fun with that the war mill is ready and he's going for reinforced defenses it's gonna take a while though but if these engines of war and wind come further for they're a little bit exposed one more kill for level 4 by the way on the blade okay this is it as a wisp turns into a tree you get experience from this entangle on the radar mass retreat you're eating a lot of trees little cannibalism by the engine of wind he cannot kill it yes oh that was over commitment he waited the scroll of speed and lost the Raider and didn't get the kill perhaps at least at bottom time for reinforce defenses but he doesn't even have burrows in a good position and losing on sharp yesiree make one right now you need to repair as well but I think it's too late again the second time the repair comes in too late the trees for moon oh this is level 4 now but only a potion of healing isn't Windwalker already is 2 damage still enough so much - ah what we see at mile 7.4 this was the last item for him no goblin merchant no voodoo lounge nearby fallen that just seems like this reinforced defense was too late imagine if he had that earlier there were two boroughs in an exceptional position in the front by the way nice just blessing upgrade for moon more are more and more movement speed on the trees that goes for treants also and now if he loses the torrent totem there's no Walker's anymore it feels like Glynnis being slowly choked out here by moon he needs a hero focus right but how against entangle asset bomb purifier he's got one more wind walk he's got a wind walk and snare hex pulling a teepee would be good enough strategy by moon is not designed for the lair for the late game he'll spray takes out one ancient of war at least but almost losing the Raider for it Dokka missed far forward will get away with his life though let's get a lot of lumber so we can put a lot of pee on into the burrows that's good for him to try to deal with these ancients of war do have critical strike level to now as well so damage intensifies with the shadow Hansa little bit out of position no man and no potion on him only the mana one and two he'll wave of course towers coming now Lyn does not want to give this game out fighting like a lion the second building is down so only one engine of wind remains let's go speed he has to get out of here the shadow he had used the potion already and this Watchtower will not come through the archers and tells a little bit exposed right now but the army cannot really engage it seems with the shadow hunter solo once again shop gone don't really know if the blade master got another item on him he needs goes to the shop now for the invitation there's one he's he going for the counter attack engagement remaining but he only has two Raiders so they just go for the tree takes two Raiders it's not enough got a bunch of grunts as well they're coming in from the other side I mean even if he goes for it moon has so many buildings close to linspace he would need to evacuate the peon to build a building on moon side of the map how do you want to do that we have rarely had these base contain situations so far this tournaments so hard to know what to do in this situation because you're so rarely find yourself in it now Elena's committing how many killed is he gonna find once again a good position once F for once I should say good position for him is that the case I don't know so many archers in the back man some are dying but so many are still firing away so much damage to watch this orc army only one Raider left now the Blake master critic not too highly with only 120 and now taking quite a bit of damage as well in what popped will keep him safe for now this is not the situation you want to use the enroll in men you want to go for the hero focus and do damage with it but as just preventing damn it's a Shadowhunter in trouble has nothing to heal himself except the heal wave but is also this mana potion he wants to save it for later everything is bruised another entangle kills one of the biggest damage dealers in Lynn's army the Spurs are is down and Lynn at 37 supply only one production building remaining yeah this is looking to be moons game isn't it or Ken Lynn somehow bust this but it it seems like he's been in better positions before to get out of this chokehold but what would be amazing man blade storm it's a long ways away yep should he get there would be absolutely crushing against these archers but I love what moon is doing here by the way this early push preventing the orc from leveling and yeah creeping up on this map so many good items for the blade master never really a big threat to the Night Elf army has to evacuate once again deescalate in this fight there's no Raider anymore usually the the orcs so good for hero focus with ensnare and hacks but ah the nets are sold out and the one way we got there was taken out at least the bait master can buy some more items OPO to lounge he's super hurt it has no potion next entangle where's it gonna go perhaps out of mana right now the keeper has been spamming spells of course consistently as he does very nice army mixed moon I think as well so serpent wards were never really an option with a level 4 shadow hunter soon this level 2 serpent box would have done so much damage to especially talents but he never over committed to talents he just uses them for the fairy fire for the - armoire and a little bit of damage against grunts I guess but the main army is archers and there's not too much that Lynn has against this I mean grunts melting late master constantly in trouble really smart play by moon that one Raider here getting found as well the one ancient of wind down here was taken out so he doesn't have that would shield as we call it anymore all but fighting so many kills with those in tangos one after the next he would have been better to pool them in at the base and then wait for the engagement lunette 700 gold eye shadow priest would have been really really good but of course also is super easy to snipe he gives up the base yeah it seems like going for the shop again and then one last hurrah he's meeting or any is consolidating his forces in the middle once again again the Raider Lin with the rally point setting was was a little off here for Raiders for free oh and here we go with another entangle no acid pump just yet but I can only imagine it's coming soon hue wave the alchemist is in to block but not working there wasn't no wind walk available and with that army nedelin has left now hero kill is no longer an option you don't have been sneer you don't have grunts for damage the big master by himself plus the shadow hunter are not strong enough to do this by themselves for for heroes now but the level for shadow hunts and hook the biggest upgrade at all only a little bit on the hex duration more Raiders are coming we finally fix this mistake of the rally point one more kill by the way in this keepers level five and then there's no more income soon because the archers are killing the stronghold okay he sees it now all right one more time sapper school was a big waste of money a massive waste of money didn't do too much at all only a bit of splash to watch the walkers but now the shadow in a bad position and we're not seeing it right now that seems like he gets away with the disenchant he's saving most of his units well that was 500 gold completely down the drain moon too confident now late master escapes to keep oh mein gott - empty Jesus Christ how long is the siege been going on forever man but of course free expansion the upper left is crap lune had the back-up plan level 5 on the keeper of the Grove now even more duration on the end tangle and an invitation for him as well so nice heel portion on the alchemist really hero kill is not an option but the Raiders are coming in can he force these potions at least in blue post on the oculus he saved the archers nice use of shadow meld by the way he can find these kills doesn't have the money for the dust can you get some hero kills he needs them badly great user of the archers oh my god they're playing whack-a-mole here it's like borrow on fiends but into the shadows instead the engine of war is killing this Berserker most likely Lyn once again not watching this all the alchemists now in trouble only the yield scroll to use he's moving into the direction of the archers to get full value on oh oh can he out heal him here late master is going a little crazy they ask the heal scroll and tangle though breaks it immediately with the end of a potion continues to focus here comes bags and the alchemist died for the third time acid pump is gone and there's not a single telling anymore Lyn can he really hope this no gold anymore though 26 supply against 38 but only the entangle is here moon-eyed not sure if he had the gold to revive this alchemist certainly not from the tavern now 170 is not enough he needs to sell something that was his last entangle by the way he's out of mana for now but there's no detection he can't find the archers he changes out what maybe he knew about the expansion for moon in the upper left that knew that there was new income coming or maybe he didn't see the situation clear but man what a whole pile is for like 17 minutes straight super unusual timing by moon I think Lynn was caught off guard there was no preparation coming for this the war mill was insanely late imagine a faster reinforced defender how much this helps in this defense but Lynne didn't see it coming and it hit him full force of course not that simple to just say well earlier reinforce offense of course I would have helped him but how much further would he have fallen behind until he gets there because wor Mel is around 200 gold the upgrade is another what is it 100 so that means you're gonna have maybe a Raider and he'll selves less or a clarity or whatever you have to really really be careful with how you spend your resources yes a war mill earlier could have been better but maybe then by that point he would have already been broken hard to tell that last situation it was like blade master fighting mano y mano against the keeper yeah he could've perhaps forced the TP there was no man there was no mater keeper was on 30 mana there was no man I mean did he have the goal to reveal the archers or go for dust I didn't check the resource at the very end I feel like that game was not over that Blademaster should have survived their perhaps forced the TP I mean of course the big trump card was the tree of Ages walking over yes that would have changed everything again maybe that was his thinking alright anyways yeah awesome game between these two what an opening to the semi-final we were hyping this for the past two days that I mean the this is so crazy how these guys have it all they have insane micro moon showed this in the game against in fee with the dryads they have insane macro everyone knows this like Moon Meadows with seven expansions or so it's legendary also the Zeppelin micro of Moon legendary Lin there's the reason why he's that good an orc Murrah because his control goes down to the very very very details he just does everything right as it seems if there was one flaw to point out in the in the first game I think he didn't prioritize creeping up the Blademaster enough it almost feels to me like no matter what the nile plays fast expo push one base play whatever in the end it comes down to the orc heroes if they're super strong you stand a good chance if they're not you're gonna have a really tough game and this Blademaster was stuck on level two and later on level three for a very long time only a single circuit in his inventory maybe that should be a higher priority moving forward into the next Maps stack up that blade much as you can so do you know the map pick for Lin twist it is out Amazonia is out last refuge is out could see CH concealed Hills has been a pretty good map for the orcs in this tournament I also don't mind tyrannous Irie like tearing us for the early Shadow Priests availability if he's comfortable with a shadow hunter he can go for that shadow hunter Circle Award strat as well otherwise just play blade master normally I don't think that's unplayable either a very good map by the way for stacking the blade is TS but we go on to Northern Isles where head where he had this beautiful opening against Neutron another big fan of the keeper of the Grove of course let us see if he does that again oh wait which night oh all right let us down one map for this it was super close these guys are walking to the two on one way into the grand final moon with the chance for match points if he wins this this is our map its Northern Isles yesterday we had a lot of three ones with the loser winning the first map and then the opponent coming back strong could this be once again when we see here of course we're hoping for five Maps I certainly am if the first game was any indication this should be one hell of a semifinal seems like in this tournament Northern Ireland's pretty good for the orcs as the production shows us here four to one for the Horde moon has shown one pocket strategy already this was completely out of meta we have seen talons in this tournament like twice three times once by moon in the group stages against cache which was like okay he's fooling around a little e this has a lot of confidence in himself foggy yesterday in the mirror but this was the first time on this patch I think that I've seen this strategy yes um yeah I think you're mostly right yeah all right I was talking about the opening against Neutron which was so strong where Lin was abusing the fact that Night Elves love their instant level to creep on this map against the TAS cars and he's going for that same opening again wants to go for the blade with an instant scroll of speed going over to harass as much as he can but moon is winning the mind game because he's not going for that strong creep camp he is expecting early aggression he's adapting and with that the opening build is already going his way you see it here a smaller creep spot won't give you level two but it's faster and it's definitely safer and it's Remo pointed out before yeah exactly if you go for the bigger camp you see it on the mini-map the orange yellow dot and under the south side towards the south side of the night of base that is technically better a lot better if you don't get harassed you get level two there right away you get big items there right away but if a blade master should show up you could be in trouble that is not the case with this small camp here as we can see also on the mini-map the blade is moving across but it's gonna have a tough time finding anything useful to do so he's going to the upper right or below right of the main man main base of Moon and he won't find anything there except healthy creeps and this is certainly wasted time oh no he's going for the murlocs and that's pretty cool because the keeper kind of relies on this creep spot to get close to level three so did you see that okay L didn't walk into range to see that the creeps were not agroed and knows okay you didn't take this camp now instead at least trying to get something then looking for the slippers which helped out the blader than a lot not quite fortunate enough to find those a little mistake here a little unlucky the second tree and got ensnared and the one was stuck behind there so wasting a little time moon by the way going in for a huntress transition we haven't seen them too much this tournament I feel boy +5 intelligence already with the man so these are dream drops for moon but they gonna be lucky enough with his own slippers now or that's a lightning shield right okay this camp Wow can you really creep this with only tree ants and entangle I can snipe the mage I I guess get the item and leave Oh Expo canceled oh nice that must have been the expansion this is the normal expansion position and now Lin is like where is your peeper what are you building in the bottom right the foggy Expo position looks like moon has a back-up plan yeah puts it down right away after the first cancellation wisp was ready down there it was kind of close to scouting it but not close enough okay keep her two-and-a-half vs. blade one and a half one of man are stealing everything that gives the keeper mana is not bad at all and now he finds the first grunt as well when you go for late grunts like this and then the first one gets taken out right away that is not good for you and yeah it's a good creeping force as well the hunters can take the damage the archers do the damage second and tango doesn't seem to be enough to save this one right clicks are coming in but there's no threat to this keeper of the growth before he gets the damage when the men are sitting being used to no wind walk but Linda nice and same as infinite over and over and over again again it's colorful to just keep the KO TG away from three gets denied that's a big deal exactly as you say for that reason this little murlocs now will not be good enough like mass using his last wind walk and then backing off it feels a little like linen is not exactly sure what to do right now in the map yeah feel the same way I mean he lost the lightning shield on this grunts to help up creeping of course since you summoned it yourself you can kill the creeps with it and don't lose experience not as if a creep would summon the lightning shield so this is SuperDuper fast and finally level two yeah what's Awards as well very helpful but if only he knew about this expansion and this is what one of the things that makes his matchup hard for orcs you can really crop their Scout too easily when your night off you have wisp when your honor you have rods of necromancy when you're human maybe you have a fully owned militia or whatever potion of great Samana in combination with the man's love and the circlet this is so much spells for him so many spells TC second yeah very unusual to finish my point when York in the early game usually want to scout with grunts to cover different points on the map but when you do it against keeper that's very dangerous as we saw earlier losing one and this is a very very unusual strength at Loomis playing here is this the pocket strat that the Chinese Orgel ad mentioned shaman wyvern he sees the expo now and tangle to prevent the damage history of life heals up it has to pressure this of course this is for being a red camp it's an easy camp but it's still not easy all things considered he puts out an owl so he can't see the blade mess when he comes in the tea see it's not in fighting shape only the aura just yet no stomp single wind rider here will be joining in but Lina is not in position in time to challenge this creep camp and it's gonna die pretty quick with the archer and the Huntress damage along with the treants of course so this camp is just going moons way without a response big big item coming to him as well can the wyvern maybe if he masses them take out the entangle of the goldmine he's taking out his own one so this gonna be big experience for him and finally the storm for the tauren chieftain but this takes time as well this is all time that moon gets forest expansion and he already has the perfect counter for shaman why burn and that is archers Legion do mourn here alright the pan of energy not too bad either it's gonna help out the TC who is most likely going for stomp shaman by the way pretty good against the treants as they have perch to get rid of them deals damage to summoned units also is slow but you don't have too much purge you don't have the mana for it the mana regeneration was increased on the shaman but still it's not like you have a brilliance aura and can just spam those spells moon is at tier 2 going entrance of lore and of course shamans are gonna be pretty much useless against dryads also the purge is going to be very effective against the tango but again I think linens gonna have to rely on his heroes are they strong enough right now that level two two doesn't really look like a very powerful hero force but he has to pressure right now there's no other choice keeper his level four as well so it's three tree and she only has how many shaman two and dude he's got a greater mana and a one of my ceiling Lynn's gonna need so much to spell ok the damage is not really there to only to wyvern do you have to protect them far in the back for Huntress lots of archers but do there's no Alchemist this time he loses the first shaman for free oh that's close but he just doesn't feel like he can't go in there and he does deny him so much time for moon breaking upkeep now as well tier to upkeep broken hero looks good no level 3 heroes for Lin it's already looking so rough for for the orc here the trees are stuck behind the stone he gets the creep Jack nevertheless quite a big creep squad here with the scorpions quick with a purge this time whereas a storm it's gonna be a big one and so you have shockwave makes no sense against mass riots I feel in the early stages yeah but level 1 shockwave not really what you want killed some Huntress perch again to slow down these super fast ground units but it's the damage enough the wyvern have to reach I want to see the 1 wind rider he had to earlier and so many tree and summoned over and over this keeper seems to have infinite mana and now the drives come in and now he has the control then has to back off with a slow speed 700 gold for the Orcas well craving for experience craving for these levels now getting up to 50 but the owl scout is there revealing and tangle it is level 2 and takes a long time normal damage coming in but the blade master should be safe here you have a sentinel range isn't that massive no dust on the night of sight either but there's only one shop on this map and getting the involutions here is very hard he absolutely needs that against entangle but as I said before this the hero focus is not really possible keeper has been played solo as moon loves to do not only key but also demon hunter solo is kind of his specialties and then tranquility on these mass units gonna have such a big impact but now he goes to the shop gets the item the TC still has the pendant of energy we haven't seen a shock wave for Stumpf yet right nope and the longer this game goes the less valuable the spell is gonna be regardless of which one he has oh that's a good item though yep they are actually not that good usually for Raiders and grunts would be great but he has so much range in this army for the Blake masters or some for the TC it's awesome for the grunt it's really good but it would benefit a normal orc army more let's say yeah but I mean the frontline is what's gonna be tanking for him and now with that it's gonna heal a little and now the scholar speed is gone by the way he's forced into this fight here as it seems there's so much range piercing once again there's Lightning shield on top of the storm looking cute but dryads are here they have the dispel it's looking cute but not too effective now the TC and focused fire has to pop the interval and the stump to follow lots of damage coming from the blade master mostly I guess love healing helping out his air units but only wind right one wind rider is left right now the shamans what are they really contributing here let's hear what units are falling for moon though he's dropping from 75 down to 65 supply 45 silk for linen there's more stuff to kill the shaman of course useless now being taken out by the dryest but then exposed them to the TC wyvern are coming in for more damage he has to check out the wyvern count and Lyn calls for the GJ three match points for moon one map away from his first gold League final and moon just outsmarted him there again he knew what was going to come from the orc side he knew the opening he counter played against it and from like minute three on in complete control to that no one smartest player in the game and what's that his pocket strategy TC second looks like this one completely different from basically everything else really weird I guess he practiced it before and sometimes the timing works out but there it really did it I think you need a little advantage at least if you want to play it and this expansion was uncontested the entire game yeah he didn't scout it while it wasn't in progress then he wanted to creep jack while moon was creeping there but couldn't because he was lacking the forces and then it was just moon massing everything and it was once again too much and again I feel like you know this is a pretty low tech army dryads archers hunter says if you get high-level strong heroes they can obliterate an army like that with a decent tier 2 force with maybe scrolls and stuff but once again late master neglected his brought progress neglected for such a long time so different from how he played against foggy when you just destroyed foggy on those two maps he had those super strong heroes with a backup of a strong tier 2 army a standard army Raiders walkers grunts but backed up by strong shadow and blade both and could even overcome big supply disadvantages but it's all looking different here moon at the moment looking damn dominant to that something that Lynn is not used to not recently being in that position being yeah not having his game second map choice for lindo he needs to start this comeback he needs to reverse sweep him otherwise moon is the second Night Elf finalist in the history of the gold League the only and first one of course being foggy and of course for he didn't win that so that means no night off has won the gold League yet all other three races have can the Sentinel do it this time around lil needs an opening that moon is not expecting then need something special maybe a special scouting maybe a special creep round but on the other side he has to be aggressive to keep the keeper at 3 it's really really hard for orcs to do that it seems like moon I mean moon to show you how strong moon is on this patch since 1.30 hitting Ares that was in September he has lost 3 seriousness in competitive warcraft that's just sick yep pretty damn impressive all right map number three if moon should win this one there will be impressive indeed taking out Lin three zero who can really do that well he can perhaps if one more victory should fall into his lap that's unfair to say he didn't fall into his lap he worked hard for it and he came in with a plan and executed so marvelously so far the Night Elf until now looking like the stronger player but leanest oh can you turn it around now on tyrannous tan is this the newbie curse already won 2-0 was the big big favorite in this tournament eliminated in the group stage slow light for many the favorite in the match against foggy yesterday also eliminated and now Lin about to fall as well it would be a disaster for the dream team of newbie to not go to the grand finals moon his last big success in 2011 it was back then the IeSF a 200 victory over lin but this is seven years ago for the greatest of all time and looking at the openings I don't believe it's looking too good for Lin once once more he's going for that instant shop for the speed stroll running across the map potentially one more time because here on TS as it was the case on ni Northern Isles then I of can go for a greedy big creep camp that can be really hard to pull off with harassment coming in but once again moon is reading this game like a book and it's going for the safer camp instead I like though the addition or the adjustment rather of the peon scouting he's gonna see okay you're not creepin the greedy camp you are playing it safe so now with that the Blake master can go for a more self-centered opening looking to stack up on the items instead which Terran s is a very good map for absolutely there's a lot of experience as well a good consumables and also a lot of claws in the middle two of them this in this tournament a pretty good night of never that seems four cloths at least in the middle of the map but this one's still going for okay could just possibly go for the middle yep probably gonna go for the Wizards they're the level three wizards who can draw the drop the claws of attack of course which is very good for the blade master come to the downside it gives you very little experience considering the time you're investing but if you can pimp up that blade with those items you don't even necessarily need the levels too much I like the adjustment here that Lin makes he's still ready to go aggressive but he's scouting for it if it's even a possibility which it was not it cost him the lumber from a peon scout though so this is gonna delay his tech by quite a bit a little unlucky fallen to only get the ringer protection also this creep not perfectly done attacked one of those creeps who were frost armored so he lost a little bit of DPS and the scout peon is dead keep removing across obviously treants first could however get the entangle pretty quickly if he just summoned some trees and steal some camps away from his opponent that is the dream no tech still from moon he has the money for an expo not building it though it's not the blue dot and on the mini-map that's the ancient of war in the bottom left I know I mean the top on the bottom left there is an expansion now first rows of attack for Lin it was an unusual position for the expansion on map number two Wilin scout for it this time he is on his way is he actually gonna Scout this even on the old patch 1.29 night off counter expansion against human we would oftentimes see in this spot but against org very rare yeah usually the natural expansion especially with the latest patch got nerve a lot or a lot easier to creep this is when TS got a little better for human as well good daughter's have the entangle but this one you can't prevent pure would survive though takes a couple more right clicks from the keeper but this is a suspicious play already you're walking across the entirety of the map to entangle my peon once and then walk away that's weird and your moon as well so you're gonna think okay you got an expo but finding it here and turn us isn't too easy and here again my point from earlier comes in usually you want to scout with grunts as the orc but it's so dangerous against the keepers because you can lose him so easily okay with 830 gold getting a circlet pop the scroll of speed there as well for scouting purposes maybe this time no shaman this time no TC it is the normal army composition with shadow hunter walkers and most like new Raiders C's okay moon is still ticking there must be an expansion somewhere he should have realized it's early in the tech as well because this tree starts by having the arms down at the bottom then raised them to the top and then puts them down towards the bottom again I think she had creepier being attempted by moon and the blade master once again dude his progress is so underwhelming still only level one and a half not even close to that good ol usage as well and the grunts they have to be parked at home it's too dangerous to go out to go alone and it isn't Elda the keeper just too threatening of a force here comes the shadow okay now it's time to creep you need to get this boy up to level three ASAP if you can't prevent this expansion nice reveal as well that's the again the big mana potion someone really wants moon in this grand final messes up the lightning shield what's happening to Lin here quite a few mistakes also like in Game one these rate of miss rallies super unusual for him just not this day this is a big creep camp down there by the way the deep Tree of Life is gonna take if you creep jack this even if it's just grunts and heroes this is super dangerous it's not a big night of army it's only 302 archers at the moment the keeper isn't level three yet but he will be and the Murdochs should give it to him I guess certainly if they drop a ton of experience but again the expose coming through there's no preventing this anymore Lin is way out of position to do anything about this McMahon afore him as well this will give him level two is he preparing one big push strategy maybe even with serpent wards they are so great against the hunters and I think a drier transition is still quite far away from okay this tree or tree to have experienced by the untangle nice and now is level three and a half there's a dust here right now he used the dust earlier they could have been dangerous another owl maybe don't know if it's ready for one of these hunts he's safe okay but that tree dropped down to 300 that could have been a kill it's dangerous though as well 500 is now in the field and he gets entangled again this could be it off the dad to increase the damage is there another reveal no no trees around so couldn't use a sentinel right there okay a big consumable gone here there is no dispel yet so the duration will be over shadow hunter must creep up to three uses the hew a for your lightning shield once more and notice fell yet but easy creep from who now is at least we can't get the kill if you can't use the Book of the Dead for fighting then use it for creeping to play masters absolutely critical yeah again I say it's gonna be be a big night off army you can overcome that with strong heroes but it's 1 & 2 right now once again Linh not getting the levels he needs upgrades coming in for the hunt as well it's gonna be mass / class one more time and jamun was yeah got good results from that so far Lin is taking his time and let's the X book come up again giving him the time for the dryads once more but last time we saw dryads they were against wyvern and three or four of them were really scary against raiders not so much of course it helps with the entangle because you have more crowd control with the slow and entangle but the damage might be lacking a robe of the major right I love the wisps field by the way again another thing that Munna has been exceptional at this tournament always knowing what's going on and now all right looks like litters coming in it's does he have level three shadow he needs it yeah he is he checked for it as well shadow is double three should be level two serpent watch right now and they are pretty damn strong and at the moment this night of force is still only in no upkeep not yet up at 67 he made really gets scary maybe this is the one time that Lin has here to win this game he's going for the Shadowhunter but once again lack of alchemist lack of acid pump the focus fire against heroes is not that great land takes out the first Huntress and is crawling forward with those serpent wards upgrades are coming in the main and the shop is there moon is prepared for this seed she has to hold on fighting his time here wants to get more units out of course Lane wants to pressure right now this is a pretty damn big and scary orc force the blade master is a little underwhelming good inventory though even but these serpent words man they're really good even peons he can't fall back into this has to be careful with the shadow hunter clarity got canceled so not too much mana dispel coming in to get rid of the tree ends and another Huntress taking out thanks to the mask piercing damage these snakes are really working out for Linda's for candles of clarity as well with an entangle not too bad not too bad I love the shop in the back for Lin which will be available loses one Walker out of position that was not really necessary but still serpent words here okay he doesn't do the damage against the tree but I think the wisps are hogging it so he's not mining another focus fire on the Raider that's level 5 for the keeper of the Grove very very scary level 3 treants now four of them and every single summon greater man are still for the shadow by the way he co held on to that so far big scholar feeling coming in level three for the blade as well has to be quit now Cora Beast adding a lot of damage into this as well at the moment the orc army doesn't seem to be too strong but don't underestimate those serpent wards guys they're pretty good now we got the shop as well critical strike level to no windwalk level to the berserkers stays alive the piercing damage was great against the hunters but there's barely any Huntress left and then he has to chew through the archers before going to the dryads I guess that moon well would supply block him oh yeah he is at fifty seven losing a lot of gold at the moment but he has the expansion to pack it out more treants coming in three serpent what is gonna be more they are expiring but here's the new one another hunter is dead they are just melting against this chanter super low mana now though can he hunt down these archers they're not too tanky but they're protected by these trees over and over now even mercenaries coming in is noone breaking this seed it's kind of looking like it late massive dropping really low litter has to retreat he's gonna lose the coat oh that's gonna be a big deal good micro from moon saving those low HP targets well to blake master doing he Wayne ball he doesn't use it oh no massive mistake Pilon and that eliminates him moon is in the grand final of wgl about to take his first title still only one map dropped he eliminated fly and he eliminates Lynn as well the battle of the Korean Guards goes to moon unbelievable taking out Lynn with a 3-0 as you said into the final dropping a sinker map only that is absurd just like in their first grand final against each other NBC game 2015 moon is the Dominator on all three maps he had a game plan and Lynn was not once able to destroy that plan or to threaten him somehow or to throw him all but to throw her for it just nothing worked for June Park today yeah absolutely I 100 said agree moon took the lead early the opening always in his favor and not really any mistakes that's that's a championship level player right there absolutely a little bit of an advantage early and never give it up never give it seriously there was never a plan B fallin I mean there was this one strategy on map to that absolutely didn't work because moon outsmarted him there as well that looked really weird but to me this wasn't the best Lin we've seen and again he can't crown his year because he has want so many major tournaments but not the premier ones not the big ones not the World Championships he can't get the deal done and once again dropping into the top four he will play tomorrow again in the game for third but moon is in the grand final we have one foreigner in the final it could be a second one in feed versus foggy for the first time and non-chinese final we'll see about that see you soon when foggy steps into the ring
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 34,777
Rating: 4.8219895 out of 5
Keywords: lyn vs moon, moon vs lyn, lyn moon, moon lyn, lyn, moon, lyn vs, moon vs, grand final, grand finals, grand, final, finals, wgl, night elf, nightelf, ne, orc, oc, 2018, wgl 2018, 1on1, 1v1, semi, semifinal, semifinals, semi final, semi finals, sf, neo, remo, remodemo, warcraft gold league, gold league, gold series, league, series, gcs, :w, winter, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, warcraft III, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts
Id: mFDt8Gcgdf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 13sec (3733 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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